February 2015 www.paintandpowderclub.org
The Paint & Powder Club Incorporated 1893
Executive Officers
Judy Kahl
President Elect
T. Franklin Fiske
Edward Warren
Betsie Ruth Johnson
Past Presidents
(ex officio)
William A. Moss
Frank S. (Bud) Piff
Harry E. Silverwood, Jr.
T. Franklin Fiske
Resident Agent
William Single
Board of Governors
Honor Branch
William Moss
Marge Pearce
Bonnie Rose-King
Carl Zambon
Judy Kahl
Carolyn Manning
Geri Schlenoff
Jane Sewell
Kandi Slade
Eileen Chiat
T. Franklin Fiske
William Rose
Dr. Duke Thompson
Edward Warren
Paint & Powder Club
Mission Statement
To cultivate camaraderie among
members who share the love of
the performing arts, by partici-
pating in social events through-
out the year, culminating in an
annual theatrical production.
Club proceeds are donated to
local charities.
A M e s s a g e f rom t he P resident
Judy Kahl
h, what a night we had on December 6, 2014! Our annual
Christmas Dinner Dance was held at the Towson Golf and
Country Club which was beautifully decorated for the holidays.
And speaking of beautiful, the ladies (and gentlemen) were glam-
orous in their festive attire from sparkling reds to dramatic blacks. (Did I see
the godfather in attendance?) Carolyn Manning, the chair of the event and her
helper, Sandy Stellman did an excellent job with greeting everyone and making
sure our members and guests were having a good time. Thanks to Ellen Hillis,
the members received their new rosters and raffle tickets (thanks, Frank Fiske,
for getting these printed in a timely manner). Oh, yes, and the obligatory 12 Days of Christmas
was sung. Reminder to Table 5, there will be a surcharge of $5 per person to sit at your special
location next year!
On Monday night, December 8, 2014, some members of the Men’s Chorus, along with six female
vocalists, sang at Roland View Towers. A most appreciative audience joined in singing with us and
even Santa made an appearance. The true meaning of Christmas was apparent when everyone
joined hands and sang “Silent Night.”
Our mid-winter meeting was held on January 14, 2015 at the L’Hirondelle Country Club in Rux-
ton. Thank you, Honor Branch, for sponsoring us, and thanks to Chris and John Hergenroeder
for selecting the menu, which was appealing and delicious. We had a record number of Past-
Presidents in attendance who were among the most rowdy, especially during the meeting. We
sang Happy Birthday to two of our favorite members who celebrated 90+ years of birthdays, Dan
Brooks and Al Long.
Our Charity Fundraiser, A Concert Cabaret, was a huge success. We had many members attend-
ing as well as guests from outside the Paint and Powder Community. Representatives from our
two charities, Maryland Conservatory of Music and The Children’s Playhouse of Maryland, were in
attendance as well. Many thanks to Duke, Bernie, and Dale for giving us a beautiful musical evening.
Thanks, also, to Bernie for transforming her home into a Cabaret setting with seating for 40+. It
was a magical night!
We wish all our traveling snowbirds a safe trip South, and we’ll
look forward to seeing you in March, suntanned, rested and
ready for the President’s Ball and “Judge Judy, the Musical” au-
Save the Date
The Paint & Powder
Presidents Ball
Saturday, March 28, 2015
7:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.
Hayeld's Country Club
February 2015 Page 2
The Paint & Powder Club
From the Desk of John Hergenroeder...
he Paint & Powder Club held its annual Mid-
winter meeting on January 14, 2015 at the
L'Hirondelle Club in Ruxton MD. The affair
was attended by 47 club members. The cock-
tail hour, held in the Lake Roland Room, was followed by
a buffet in the Great Room. The food was tasty and plen-
tiful and the staff was very attentive. This is the first offi-
cial Club meeting held at L'Hirondelle in the last seven-
teen or eighteen years.
A meeting was held with reports submitted on the club's
financial status, membership, fundraising efforts, show
book ad blanks were given out by Frank (Frank has done
the show book for the last 40 years and he has been in 39
shows) and Bernie gave a brief description of the show
planned for next May.
Chris Hergenroeder gave an update on the Paint and
Powder Performing Arts Award. We have two very tal-
ented young people that we interviewed several weeks
ago who have been invited to be in the show this
year. Emma is a singer and Brady
sings and dances. To be eligible for
the award the contestants must
perform in the show. There will be
two awards given out on the final
night of the show. Each contestant will receive up to
$1,000 each depending on their level of perfor-
mance. Money for the awards will not come from the
club's funds or from the Charity Fund. We have received
pledges of $1,500 towards the $2,000 as of this writ-
ing. The awards program was approved at the September
Board meeting. It is hoped that the awards will attract
young talented people to the club along with increased
ticket sales and publicity. We need an additional $500 for
the awards fund. If you are interested contact Chris Her-
genroeder at 410-823-7355.
The evening ended with a number of jokes recited by Jer-
ry Chiat. Mickey Webster started the tradition of ending
all meetings with jokes many years ago and Mickey is a
hard act to follow!
Calendar of Events
Date Event Location
February 9, 2015 Board of Governors Meeting Joey Chiu’s
March 9, 2015 Board of Governors Meeting Joey Chiu’s
March 28, 2015 The President’s Ball Hayfield’s Country Club
April 13, 2015 Board of Governors Meeting Pickersgill
May 25, 2015 Move in to Brown Memorial Brown Memorial
May 28, 29 and 30, 2015 The Annual Show
Judge Judy, The Musical
Brown Memorial
May 2015 (Date TBD) Board of Governors Meeting TBD
June 24, 2015 General Membership (Annual) Meeting Country Club of Maryland
February 2015 Page 3
The Paint & Powder Club
February 2015 Page 4
The Paint & Powder Club
The 2014 Christmas Dinner and Dance
Carolyn Manning and President Judy Kahl
February 2015 Page 5
The Paint & Powder Club
The January 14, 2015 Mid Winter Meeting
at L'Hirondelle Country Club
February 2015 Page 6
The Paint & Powder Club
January 15, 2015
February 2015 Page 7
The Paint & Powder Club
Than ks f or t he
La ug hs
J e rr y Ch ia t
J a nua ry H um ori st
The C h ia ts a re
Wa l kin g For Th e
Ki d ney Foun dati o n
he Kidney Walk is on
Sunday, April 19,
2015 at Camden
Yards. The time is 9:00
A.M. Put on comfortable
walking shoes and join Team
Jerry. A small donation of
$30.00 gets you a custom T-
shirt. Last year with your
kindness we raised over $1,700
for research and funding. If you
would rather sleep in that day,
please do and make
your donation by credit card by
going online to
Baltimore Walk C/O Team
Jerry. Please join us Sunday,
April 12 @ Basta Pasta for
good food and friendship to
support Team Jerry.
Please contact Eileen and Jerry
Chiat 410 654 0481.
7 Quern Court
Owings Mills, Maryland 21117
for reservations.
Eileen and Jerry Chiat
The Pa in t & Powde r
Si ngers Sp read the
Joy o f C hri s tmas to
th e Ro l a nd Towers
Re s id e nt s
February 2015 Page 8
The Paint & Powder Club
More Potpourri
Judy Brewster’s correct email address
Dan Brooke...
Sent a hand wr it-
ten Holid ay Card
to Paint and Pow-
der thanking them for all
they do.
Bonnie King-Rose…
got her dancing shoes
back on!!
T r is h a W ebs te r
Judy Brew s ter "snug as a bug" i n
Florida got really sick.
Liz C h uday ' s mo t her passed away in
Harr y Dav en port was in route to pick Ethel up for a
get to geth er at Bernie's when his back tire struck a
heavy piece of metal disabling his car. He got a rental,
continued on to pick Ethel up, cal led Bernie who said
don't you even think about it. Stay home.
Ted Grego ry attend ed the Christmas Ball with a soft
col lar rather than a bow tie and used a crutch rather
than a dapper cane.
Lucy Kahl , Chris Kahl's stepmoth er, died at age 90.
Lucy had a life filled with laughter and love.
Bil l Moss wa s admitted to the hospital on New Years
Day and remained there for a week with herniated discs
in his back that are compressing the nerves to his r ight
leg. He is home now and scheduled for surgery on
February 2nd.
Charl ie Ro ebuck had surgery on December 15 at
University of Maryl and Hospital to remove a tumor from
the inside of his spine. Charlie has been experiencing a
great deal of pain. Elsie said he will have a lengthy
recovery and will move to Kernan for rehab. Cards may
be sent to his ho me - 5704 Stony Run Rd., Bal timore,
MD 21210 .
Glori a Sin g le was admitted to the hospi tal wi th a
severe intestinal problem.
June Thom ps o n's mo ther p assed away recently a fter
a stay in Hospice.
Alex Whit e s son passed away just before the holidays.
Finally yours truly got the flu or somethi ng before
Thanksgiving and again f or New Years Eve.
Prayers please for all who had less than a perfect
Trish Webster
Please continue to keep Trisha notified
If you are
thinking of taking a
cruise, get an esti-
mate from thi s young
lady who help ed us
with our Alask a
cruise trip.
Judy has 7 copies of King
Willie's Court for sale.
February 2015 Page 9
Members are encouraged to contribute to this bi-monthly newsleer.
Please email news, photos, dbits, odds & ends, bits & pieceswhat-
ever you would like to share with the membership. Well call it
Email Judy at [email protected]
The Paint & Powder Club
Advertising and Annual Show Program ........... T. Franklin Fiske, Sr.
Annual Show Venue Contract ........................... Carolyn Manning, Edward Warren, Judy Kahl
June Meeting ........................................................... John Hergenroeder
Assimilation ........................................................... John Hergenroeder
Bill Rose
Charity Selection ................................................... T. Franklin Fiske, Sr.
Future Planning ...................................................... John Hergenroeder
Fundraising .............................................................. Marge Pearce, Ellen Hillis
Graphics Consultant ............................................. T. Franklin Fiske, Sr.
Historian .................................................................. T. Franklin Fiske, Sr.
Mailing Lists............................................................. Geri Schlenoff, Lelia Hopkins,
Jody Duke, Eileen Chiat
Membership ............................................................ Chris Hergenroeder
Mid-Winter Meeting ............................................. John Hergenroeder
Newsletter .............................................................. Bill Moss
Photography ........................................................... Jerry Chiat, Bonnie King-Rose
Promotion & Publicity .......................................... Leila Hopkins, Geri Schlenoff
Video ........................................................................ Don Crouch
Website ................................................................... Bill Moss
Men’s Chorus ......................................................... Ted Gregory
Storage Locker/Costumes .................................. Toni Rosenblatt,
Betsie Ruth Johnson, Deb Wilson
Music and Show Director Extraordinaire ....... Bernie Cook
Cabaret/Show Tickets .......................................... Carolyn Manning
Cast Rehearsal Party ............................................ Tina Webb
Christmas Party ..................................................... Carolyn Manning,
Sandy Stellman
Fall Outing ............................................................... Eileen Chiat, Geri Schlenoff
President’s Ball ....................................................... Carolyn Manning,
Jane Sewell, Kandi Slade, Cheryl Moss, Bill Moss
Thank You Party .................................................... Trish Bitzel, Alice Jacobs, Judy Kahl