1. Determine if you have unclaimed property to report. To qualify as unclaimed property, an asset (generally
money in an account or owed to an individual or business, stock, or safe deposit box contents) must have been
unclaimed or uncashed for a certain number of years. For most types of property (including those for which no
time frame is specified in the law) the time frame is 5 years using an "as of" date of June 30 of the current year,
with some exceptions listed here. You also must have lost contact with the owner for an asset to be considered
unclaimed. For example, if you have returned mail (this is a requirement before bank accounts can be
considered unclaimed property) or no contact or interest in the property by the owner, it can be considered
unclaimed. The basis for an indication of interest in the property by the owner is detailed starting in KSA 58-
3935, paragraph d.
2. Determine if you have property to report with last known addresses other than Kansas. If your
organization is not located in Kansas, you should file a separate report with each state in which you have
properties with last known addresses. As a convenience, if you are a holder located in the state of Kansas, you
may file one Unclaimed Property Report with Kansas Unclaimed Property even if you are holding property of
owners who live in other states. Our Department will forward the names of out-of-state owners to the
appropriate states.
Important: You still need to follow each state's laws on dormancy periods even if you report via Kansas. For
example, California requires that most property be reported after 3 years. Some states may require you to
report to them directly and we suggest you notify each state that you are filing your report with Kansas. The
State of Kansas will not be responsible for any penalties or fees assessed by other states for non-compliance
with their Unclaimed Property Laws.
3. Send due diligence mailing(s) if needed. For amounts of $100 or more, a due diligence mailing to the owner
should be sent at least 60 days and no more than 120 days before the report and remittance are delivered to
the state. The letter should describe the property, state the amount due, give an address, phone number, and a
contact person for your company and give the owner a date by which they must reply. Since the report is due
on November 1, this mailing should typically be done between July 1 and September 1, allowing the claimants
a 60 day response. Mailings are not required for amounts under $100; these amounts may simply be reported
and remitted on November 1. If you feel you cannot make the November 1
reporting date please file an
4. Send the report & remittance to the state. You should send one check for the total dollar amount of the
report and make it payable to Kansas State Treasurer or Kansas Unclaimed Property Division and mail it to:
Kansas Unclaimed Property
Attn:Holder Services
900 SW Jackson Ste 201
Topeka Ks 66612
You may also send an ACH or Wire.