International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 9, Issue řǰȱȬŘŖŗŞ
ISSN 2229-5518
Sumit Yadav, Aditya Varvatkar
Abstract- In this project we are implementing RAT (Remote Administration tool) for Android , which can obtain
various types/format of data from children device and send to parent. To do this we need to install an application in
child device, and all would be sent to Parent side, which would receive all key log. It will capture all the data from
WhatsApp sent-received files and then child activities like files child downloaded,the photos he/she captured with
camera , all the SMS the child receives would be sent to parent email id. The data received by the parent is within
seconds also depends upon the Child internet connection speed.
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In this Project we will be developing a RAT(Remote
Administrator tool), spyware for Android OS which will be
used to monitor the usage of the Children. A RAT or remote
administration tool, is software that gives a person full control
on device, remotely. The RAT gives the child access to your
system, just as if they had physical access to your device. With
this access, the person can access your files . Spyware is
installed on a device unknowingly of the child device in order
to collect the children device’s private information. Spyware is
hidden from the child to gather information about internet
interaction, keystrokes, passwords, and other sensitive details.
Key logger is a program that records every keystroke made by
a child, especially in order to gain fraudulent access to
sensitive information. Keyloggers, are a type of spyware that
maliciously track child input from the keyboard in an attempt
to retrieve personal and private information .The keyboard is
the primary aim for key loggers to retrieve child input from
because it is the most common child interface with a
computer. Although both hardware and software key loggers
exist, software key loggers are the dominant form. Software
keyloggers on the other hand collect keystroke data within the
target machine, store them temporary on local storage before
sending them to the parent who installed the keylogger. A key
logger recorder can record everything typed in internet
browsers, SMS texting, all chat conversations, you type at any
time using your phone’s keyboard. The log file created by the
key logger can then be sent to a specified receiver.
If Parents wants to monitor their Children activities
unkonowingly on phone. Mobile Keylogger is installed onto a
mobile phone to monitor the activities of the child. Parent may
use them to monitor their children malicious activities like
engaging in harmful games and any fraud and bad influences
which can harm the child in future. We will create a useful
and free app to help you get to know, what your children are
doing at smartphone. KeyLogger is a parental control
compatible with the most used OS in the world. Install this
app for Android and get all information about activity of
mobile or tablet of your kids.
Above figure shows working of Android-Rat in
following sequence:
1. Parent install key-logger to children who haven’t any idea
about Android-Rat.
2. Children unaware of application which installed by Parent
because he/she are laymen person so they haven’t any idea
about key-logger or any malicious application.
3. Parent will install child key-logger on the children device
and also give permission.
4. On child device all accessed data store on data retrieval
server or …../log file.
5. In last step Parent provide mechanism of “ sending E-
mail” . After interval of time Child device transmit log file
IJSER © 2018
Fig: Working of Android RAT
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 9, Issue řǰȱȬŘŖŗŞ
ISSN 2229-5518
data to Parents by email.
Android mobiles are used by everyone now a days. This is
used for the various purpose such as bank transaction,
paytm use etc so that they can enter its important details
through keyboard which is personal information through
android device.
Keystroke Capturing by IME keyboard: An input method editor
(IME) is a user control that enables users to enter text. Android
provides an extensible input-method framework that allows
applications to provide users alternative input methods, such as on-
screen keyboards or even speech input. After installing the desired
IMEs, a user can select which one to use from the system settings,
and use it across the entire system; only one IME may be enabled at
a time. While using android phone , child interact with keyboard ,
when child keyboard system generates keystroke of it , so we will
implement module namely key logger which capture each
keystroke , key logger save each keystroke in .../log file and E-mail
sender send it from child’s device to parent e-mail.
1) when child use keyboard , system generates keystroke of it.
2) Key logger captures keystroke and save it into ../log file.
3) Key logger send ../log file ...txt file to parents e-mail.
Message Capturing and Forwarding: While using android phone ,
child mostly use keyboard or touch. When child uses some online
banking, also accessing personal data like username, password and
text messages etc. And also text messages received on child phones
all the information will captured and stored in app. For sending to
the respective Email.
Email Sender: E-mail sender is the one of the most important module
in this RAT project. This module will send All the captured
informations thorugh the email, from children device to the parent’s
e-mail. So, the whole process will be happening in background ,and
beacause of that child will never aware with this process.
Media Sender: Media sender work is same as E-mail sender ,it will
send media content (jpg,gif,png,pdf,mp3 etc) to parent device .
Media sender work in background , so child never aware with this
We would like to thank Fr.Francis D’mello(Director of XIE) for
providing us with such an environment so as to achieve goals of
our project and supporting us constantly.We express our sincere
gratitude to our Honorable Principal Mr. Y.D.Venkatesh for
encouragement and facilities provided to us.We would like to
place on record our deep sense of gratitude to Asst. Prof. Prachi
tawde, Head of Dept Of Information Technology, Xavier Institute
of Engineering, Mahim, Mumbai, for her generous guidance help
and useful suggestions.With deep sense of gratitude we
acknowledge the guidance of our project guide Prof. Fr Dr. John
Rose S.J. The time-to-time assistance and encouragement by her
has played an important role in the development of our
project.We would also like to thank our entire Information
Technology staff who have willingly co-operated with us in
resolving our queries and providing us all the required facilities
on time.
Android RAT is an free app for monitoring children Android
device .It helps to keep track of your children activities and get
to know with whom he or she communicates in Internet, how
long do the play computer games and how much time spend in
webspace. Using KeyLogger will allows parent to read SMS
and many more data. It is very useful app to ensure safety of
[1] Preeti Tuli, Priyanka Sahu , “System Monitoring and Security Using
Keylogger”,International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing -
IJCSMC (Vol.2, No. 3)2013-03-15
[2] Fadi Mohsen, Mohammed Shehab , “Android Keylogging Threat”,
Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing
(Collaboratecom), 2013 9th International Conference Conference Oct. 2013
[3] Introduction to IME available at:
[4] Introduction to UML diagram and creator at:
[5] Introduction to android application activity at:
[6] Introduction to application development abbreviation at:
[7] Introduction to android keylogger at:
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