British Association of Dermatologists
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
This publication is supported by the British Association of Dermatologists.
First edition 2009
Revised first edition 2009
Second edition 2014
Third edition 2020
For comments and feedback, please contact the author at drnicoledermatol[email protected]m
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Dr Nicole Yi Zhen Chiang MBChB (Hons), MRCP (UK), MRCP(UK)(Derm)
Consultant Dermatologist
Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust
Withington Hospital M20 2LR
Professor Julian Verbov JP MD FRCP FRCPCH CBiol FRSB FLS MCSFS
Professor of Dermatology
Consultant Paediatric Dermatologist
Alder Hey Children’s Hospital
East Prescot Road
Liverpool L14 5AB
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Preface 5
What is dermatology? 6
Essential Clinical Skills 7
Taking a dermatological history 7
Examining the skin 8
Communicating examination findings 9
Emergency Dermatology 28
Urticaria, Angioedema and Anaphylaxis 29
Erythema nodosum 30
Erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Toxic epidermal necrolysis 31
Acute meningococcaemia 32
Erythroderma 33
Eczema herpeticum 34
Necrotizing fasciitis 35
Skin Infections / Infestations 36
Erysipelas and cellulitis 37
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome 38
Superficial fungal skin infections 39
Skin Cancer 41
Basal cell carcinoma 42
Squamous cell carcinoma 43
Malignant melanoma 44
Inflammatory Skin Conditions 46
Atopic eczema 47
Acne vulgaris 49
Psoriasis 50
Foreword 5
Blistering Disorders 52
Bullous pemphigoid 53
Pemphigus vulgaris 54
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Common Important Problems 57
Chronic leg ulcers 58
Itchy eruption 60
A changing pigmented lesion 62
Purpuric eruption 64
A red swollen leg 66
Keloid Scars 67
Practical Skills 72
Patient education 73
Written communication 74
Prescribing skills 74
Clinical examination and investigations 75
General Reference & Acknowledgements 76
Management 68
Emollients 69
Topical/Oral steroids 69
Oral aciclovir 69
Oral antihistamines 70
Topical/Oral antibiotics 70
Topical antiseptics 70
Oral retinoids 70
Biological therapy 71
Pigmentary Disorders 55
Vitiligo 55
Melasma 56
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
11 years have passed since this Handbook first appeared. It has proved immensely popular
and it has been further updated. We hope that it will continue to be a valuable source book
for those interested in learning about this exciting specialty. The Handbook was designed to
be an overview, both succinct and reader-friendly which continues to be our aim.
Once again, many thanks to the BAD for its essential and continuing support.
Julian Verbov
Professor of Dermatology Liverpool 2020
Past BAD President Dr Mark Goodfield wrote in the first edition:
‘There is a real need for appropriate information about dermatological diseases to meet the
educational needs of doctors at all levels.’
This holds true even more today than in 2009 with the exponential use of social media as an
information sourced by patients and clinicians alike. Since its first publication, this book has
been the go to resource for accurate knowledge in common and urgent dermatological
problems. Its essential role in supporting their workplace learning is highlighted by the 8,843
downloads and 50,000 requests for hard copies from individual students and medical
schools throughout the UK. Starting with scientific and epidemiological facts, moving
through clinical features and management, medical students are given a structure that
enables them to organise learning effectively. The content remains focused on learning at
the undergraduate stage of the medical education spectrum: a vital foundation for
postgraduate training in dermatology.
The UK population has become increasingly diverse over the last few decades, it is therefore
necessary to update the handbook to highlight tips for assessment, variation in presentation
in common and important skin conditions (e.g. common pigmentary disorders) that reflect
the spectrum of cutaneous diversity junior clinicians will encounter in their practice. This, in
combination, with other BAD resources under current development will ensure that medical
students continue to learn from the highest quality education in dermatology to the benefit
of our patients.
Dr Tanya Bleiker
President of the British Association of Dermatologists
Prof Mini Singh
Undergraduate Work Stream Chair, British Association of Dermatologists
Foreword to Third edition
Preface to the 3rd edition
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Dermatology is the study of both normal and abnormal skin and associated
structures such as hair, nails, and oral and genital mucous membranes.
Skin diseases are very common, affecting up to a third of the population at any one
Skin diseases have serious impacts on life. They can cause physical damage,
embarrassment, and social and occupational restrictions. Chronic skin diseases may
cause financial constraints with repeated sick leave. Some skin conditions can be
In 2006-07, the total NHS health expenditure for skin diseases was estimated to be
around 97 million (approximately 2% of the total NHS health expenditure).
The British Association of Dermatologists outlined the essential and important
learning outcomes that should be achieved by all medical undergraduates for the
competent assessment of patients presenting with skin disorders
(available on:
This handbook addresses these learning outcomes and aims to equip you with the
knowledge and skills to practise competently and safely as a junior doctor.
What is dermatology?
Why is dermatology important?
What is this handbook about?
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Detailed history taking and examination provide important diagnostic clues in the
assessment of skin problems.
Taking a dermatological history
Using the standard structure of history taking, below are the important points to
consider when taking a history from a patient with a skin problem (Table 1).
For dark lesions or moles, pay attention to questions marked with an asterisk (*).
Table 1. Taking a dermatological history
Main headings Key questions
Presenting complaint Nature, site and duration of problem
History of presenting complaint Initial appearance and evolution of lesion*
Symptoms (particularly itch and pain)*
Aggravating and relieving factors
Previous and current treatments (effective or not)
Recent contact, stressful events, illness and travel
History of sunburn and use of tanning machines*
Skin type (see page 70)*
Past medical history History of atopy i.e. asthma, allergic rhinitis, eczema
History of skin cancer and suspicious skin lesions
Family history Family history of skin disease*
Social history Occupation (including skin contacts at work)
Improvement of lesions when away from work
Essential Clinical Skills
Learning outcomes:
1. Ability to take a dermatological history
2. Ability to explore a patient’s concerns and expectations
3. Ability to interact sensitively with people with skin disease
4. Ability to examine skin, hair, nails and mucous membranes systematically
showing respect for the patient
5. Ability to describe physical signs in skin, hair, nails and mucosa
6. Ability to record findings accurately in patient’s records
Essential Clinical Skills
Taking a dermatological history
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Medication and allergies Regular, recent and over-the-counter medications
Impact on quality of life Impact of skin condition and concerns
Examining the skin
There are four important principles in performing a good examination of the skin:
Table 2. Examining the skin
Main principles Key features
INSPECT in general General observation
Note if richly pigmented skin therefore signs of skin
changes may be different ( e.g. erythema not as
Site and number of lesion(s)
If multiple, pattern of distribution and configuration
DESCRIBE the individual lesion SCAM
Size (the widest diameter), Shape
Associated secondary change
Morphology, Margin (border)
*If the lesion is pigmented, remember ABCDE
(the presence of any of these features increase the likelihood of melanoma):
Asymmetry (lack of mirror image in any of the
four quadrants)
Irregular Border
Two or more Colours within the lesion
Diameter > 6mm
Evolution ( history of change in size, shape or
PALPATE* the individual lesion Surface
Essential Clinical Skills
Examining the skin
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
* Essential in richly pigmented skin to accurately
classify lesions
SYSTEMATIC CHECK Examine the nails, scalp, hair & mucous membranes
General examination of all systems relevant to
presenting symptoms
Communicating examination findings
In order to describe, record and communicate examination findings accurately, it is
important to learn the appropriate terminology (Tables 3-10).
Table 3. General terms
Terms Meaning
Pruritus Itching
Lesion An area of altered skin
Rash An eruption
Naevus A localised malformation of tissue structures
Example: (Picture Source: D@nderm)
Comedone A plug in a sebaceous follicle containing altered sebum, bacteria and
cellular debris; can present as either open (blackheads) or closed
Pigmented melanocytic naevus (mole)
Essential Clinical
Skills Communicating examination findings
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Table 4. Distribution (the pattern of spread of lesions)
Terms Meaning
Generalised All over the body
Widespread Extensive
Localised Restricted to one area of skin only
Flexural Body folds i.e. groin, neck, behind ears, popliteal and antecubital fossa
Extensor Knees, elbows, shins
Pressure areas Sacrum, buttocks, ankles, heels
Dermatome An area of skin supplied by a single spinal nerve
Photosensitive Affects sun-exposed areas such as face, neck and back of hands
Köebner A linear eruption arising at site of trauma
phenomenon Example:
Open comedones (left) and closed comedones (right) in acne
Essential Clinical Skills
Communicating examination findings
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Table 5. Configuration (the pattern or shape of grouped lesions)
Terms Meaning
Discrete Individual lesions separated from each other
Confluent Lesions merging together
Linear In a line
Target Concentric rings (like a dartboard)
Annular Like a circle or ring
Erythema multiforme
Tinea corporis
Essential Clinical Skills
Communicating examination findings
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Discoid / A coin-shaped/round lesion
Nummular Example: Discoid eczema
Table 6. Colour
Terms Meaning
Erythema Redness (due to inflammation and vasodilatation) which blanches on
Purpura Red or purple colour (due to bleeding into the skin or mucous membrane)
which does not blanch on pressure petechiae (small pinpoint macules) and
ecchymoses (larger bruise-like patches)
Hypopigmentation of discoid
Palmar erythema
Essential Clinical Skills
Communicating examination findings
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Hypo- Area(s) of paler skin
pigmentation Examples:
R © Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
De-pigmentation: White skin due to absence of melanin
M and R © Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Note the three colours ‘tricolor’ pattern typical of vitiligo.
Hyper-pigmentation Darker skin which may be due to various causes (e.g. post-
inflammatory, melasma, naevi)
Henoch-Schönlein purpura
(palpable small vessel vasculitis)
Pityriasis versicolor
(a superficial fungus infection)
(loss of skin
Melasma (increased melanin pigmentation)
Essential Clinical Skills
Communicating examination findings
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Table 7. Morphology (the structure of a lesion) Primary lesions
Terms Meaning
Macule A flat area of altered colour
Patch Larger flat area of altered colour or texture
Vascular malformation
(naevus flammeus / ‘port wine stain’)
Essential Clinical Skills
Communicating examination findings
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Papule Solid raised lesion < 0.5cm in diameter
Nodule Solid raised lesion >0.5cm in diameter with a deeper component
Example: (Picture source: D@nderm)
Plaque Palpable scaling raised lesion >0.5cm in diameter
Vesicle Raised, clear fluid-filled lesion <0.5cm in diameter
(small blister) Example:
Pyogenic granuloma
(granuloma telangiectaticum)
Essential Clinical Skills
Communicating examination findings
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Bulla Raised, clear fluid-filled lesion >0.5cm in diameter
(large blister) Example:
Pustule Pus-containing lesion <0.5cm in diameter
Abscess Localised accumulation of pus in the dermis or subcutaneous tissues
W(h)eal Transient raised lesion due to dermal oedema
Reaction to insect bites
Acute hand eczema
Periungual abscess
(acute paronychia)
Essential Clinical Skills
Communicating examination
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Examples: Urticaria
Boil/Furuncle Staphylococcal infection around or within a hair follicle
Carbuncle Staphylococcal infection of adjacent hair follicles (multiple boils/furuncles)
Table 8. Morphology - Secondary lesions (lesions that evolve from primary lesions)
Terms Meaning
Excoriation Loss of epidermis following trauma
Note how subtle the erythema is in this wheal in patient with skin type V.
Excoriations in eczema
Essential Clinical Skills
Communicating examination findings
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Lichenification Well-defined roughening of skin with accentuation of skin markings
Lichenification due to chronic
rubbing in eczema
© Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Lichenification in
darker skin types:
the clue is the
appearance of skin
lines at the bottom
of this photograph.
Essential Clinical Skills
Communicating examination findings
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Scales Flakes of stratum corneum
Crust Rough surface consisting of dried serum, blood, bacteria and cellular debris
that has exuded through an eroded epidermis (e.g. from a burst blister)
Scar New fibrous tissue which occurs post-wound healing, and may be atrophic
(thinning), hypertrophic (hyperproliferation within wound boundary), or
keloidal (hyperproliferation beyond wound boundary)
Examples: Keloid scars
R © Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
Psoriasis (showing silvery scales)
Essential Clinical Skills
Communicating examination findings
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Ulcer Loss of epidermis and dermis (heals with scarring)
Fissure An epidermal crack often due to excess dryness
Striae Linear areas which progress from purple to pink to white, with the
histopathological appearance of a scar (associated with excessive steroid
usage and glucocorticoid production, growth spurts and pregnancy)
Leg ulcers
Essential Clinical Skills
Communicating examination findings
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Table 9. Hair
Terms Meaning
Alopecia Loss of hair
Alopecia areata (well-defined patch of complete hair loss) Scarring alopecia of the scalp © Cardiff
and Vale University Health Board
Hirsutism Androgen-dependent hair growth in a female
Hypertrichosis Non-androgen dependent pattern of excessive hair growth
(e.g. in pigmented naevi)
Essential Clinical Skills
Communicating examination findings
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Table 10. Nails
Terms Meaning
Clubbing Loss of angle between the posterior nail fold and nail plate
(associations include suppurative lung disease, cyanotic heart disease,
inflammatory bowel disease and idiopathic)
Example: (Picture source: D@nderm)
Koilonychia Spoon-shaped depression of the nail plate
(associations include iron-deficiency anaemia, congenital and idiopathic)
Example: (Picture source: D@nderm)
Onycholysis Separation of the distal end of the nail plate from nail bed
(associations include trauma, psoriasis, fungal nail infection and
Example: (Picture source: D@nderm)
Pitting Punctate depressions of the nail plate
(associations include psoriasis, eczema and alopecia areata)
Example: (Picture source: D@nderm)
Essential Clinical Skills
Communicating examination findings
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
This section covers the basic knowledge of normal skin structure and function
required to help understand how skin diseases occur.
Functions of normal skin
These include:
i) Protective barrier against environmental insults
ii) Temperature regulation
iii) Sensation
iv) Vitamin D synthesis
v) Immunosurveillance
vi) Appearance/cosmesis
Structure of normal skin and the skin appendages
The skin is the largest organ in the human body. It is composed of the epidermis and
dermis overlying subcutaneous tissue. The skin appendages (structures formed by
skin-derived cells) are hair, nails, sebaceous glands and sweat glands.
The epidermis is composed of 4 major cell types, each with specific functions (Table
Background Knowledge
Learning outcomes:
1. Ability to describe the functions of normal skin
2. Ability to describe the structure of normal skin
3. Ability to describe the principles of wound healing
4. Ability to describe the difficulties, physical and psychological, that may be
experienced by people with chronic skin disease
Background Knowledge
Functions of normal skin
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Table 11. Main functions of each cell type in the epidermis
Cell types Main functions
Keratinocytes Produce keratin as a protective barrier
Langerhans cells Present antigens and activate T-lymphocytes for immune protection
Melanocytes Produce melanin, which gives pigment to the skin and protects the
cell nuclei from ultraviolet (UV) radiation-induced DNA damage
Merkel cells Contain specialised nerve endings for sensation
There are 4 layers in the epidermis (Table 12), each representing a different stage of
maturation of the keratinocytes. The average epidermal turnover time (migration of
cells from the basal cell layer to the horny layer) is about 30 days.
Table 12. Composition of each epidermal layer
Epidermal layers Composition
Stratum basale Actively dividing cells, deepest layer
(Basal cell layer)
Stratum spinosum Differentiating cells
(Prickle cell layer)
Stratum granulosum So-called because cells lose their nuclei and contain
(Granular cell layer) granules of keratohyaline. They secrete lipid into the
intercellular spaces.
Stratum corneum Layer of keratin, most superficial layer
(Horny layer)
In areas of thick skin such as the sole, there is a fifth layer, stratum lucidum, beneath
the stratum corneum. This consists of paler, compact keratin.
Pathology of the epidermis may involve:
a) changes in epidermal turnover time - e.g. psoriasis (reduced epidermal
turnover time)
b) changes in the surface of the skin or loss of epidermis - e.g. scales,
crusting, exudate, ulcer
c) changes in pigmentation of the skin - e.g. hypo- or hyper-pigmented skin
Background Knowledge
Structure of normal skin and the skin appendages
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
The dermis is made up of collagen (mainly), elastin and glycosaminoglycans, which
are synthesised by fibroblasts. Collectively, they provide the dermis with strength
and elasticity.
The dermis also contains immune cells, nerves, skin appendages as well as lymphatic
and blood vessels.
Pathology of the dermis may involve:
a) changes in the contour of the skin or loss of dermis e.g. formation of
papules, nodules, skin atrophy and ulcers
b) disorders of skin appendages e.g. disorders of hair, acne (disorder of
sebaceous glands)
c) changes related to lymphatic and blood vessels e.g. erythema
(vasodilatation), urticaria (increased permeability of capillaries and small
venules), purpura (capillary leakage)
There are 3 main types of hair:
a) lanugo hair (fine long hair in fetus)
b) vellus hair (fine short hair on all body surfaces)
c) terminal hair (coarse long hair on the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes and
pubic areas)
Each hair consists of modified keratin and is divided into the hair shaft (a keratinized
tube) and hair bulb (actively dividing cells, and melanocytes which give pigment to
the hair).
Each hair follicle enters its own growth cycle. This occurs in 3 main phases:
a) anagen (long growing phase)
b) catagen (short regressing phase)
c) telogen (resting/shedding phase)
Pathology of the hair may involve:
a) reduced or absent melanin pigment production e.g. grey or white hair
b) changes in duration of the growth cycle e.g. hair loss (premature entry of
hair follicles into the telogen phase)
c) shaft abnormalities
Background Knowledge
Structure of normal skin and
the skin appendages
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
The nail is made up of a nail plate (hard keratin) which arises from the nail matrix at
the posterior nail fold, and rests on the nail bed.
The nail bed contains blood capillaries which gives the pink colour of the nails.
Pathology of the nail may involve:
a) abnormalities of the nail matrix e.g. pits and ridges
b) abnormalities of the nail bed e.g. splinter haemorrhage
c) abnormalities of the nail plate e.g. discoloured nails, thickening of nails
Sebaceous glands
Sebaceous glands produce sebum via hair follicles (collectively called a
pilosebaceous unit). They secrete sebum onto the skin surface which lubricates and
waterproofs the skin.
Sebaceous glands are stimulated by the conversion of androgens to
dihydrotestosterone and therefore become active at puberty.
Pathology of sebaceous glands may involve:
a) increased sebum production and bacterial colonisation e.g. acne
b) sebaceous gland hyperplasia
Sweat glands
Sweat glands regulate body temperature and are innervated by the sympathetic
nervous system.
They are divided into two types: eccrine and apocrine sweat glands.
Eccrine sweat glands are universally distributed in the skin.
Apocrine sweat glands are found in the axillae, areolae, genitalia and anus, and
modified glands are found in the external auditory canal. They only function from
puberty onwards and action of bacteria on the sweat produces body odour.
Pathology of sweat glands may involve:
a) inflammation/infection of apocrine glands e.g. hidradenitis suppurativa
b) overactivity of eccrine glands e.g. hyperhidrosis
Background Knowledge
Structure of normal skin and
the skin appendages
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Principles of wound healing
Wound healing occurs in 4 phases: haemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and
remodelling (Table 13).
Table 13. Stages of wound healing
Stages of wound healing Mechanisms
Haemostasis Vasoconstriction and platelet aggregation
Clot formation
Inflammation Vasodilatation
Migration of neutrophils and macrophages
Phagocytosis of cellular debris and invading
Proliferation Granulation tissue formation (synthesised by
fibroblasts) and angiogenesis
Re-epithelialisation (epidermal cell proliferation
and migration)
Remodelling Collagen fibre re-organisation
Scar maturation
Background Knowledge
Principles of wound healing
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
These are rapidly progressive skin conditions and some are potentially life-
threatening. Early recognition is important to implement prompt supportive care
and therapy.
Some are drug reactions and the offending drug should be withdrawn.
The essential management for all dermatological emergencies, like any emergency,
consists of:
i) full supportive care - ABC of resuscitation
ii) withdrawal of precipitating agents
iii) management of associated complications
iv) specific treatment (highlighted below under each condition)
Emergency Dermatology
Learning outcomes:
1. Ability to recognise and describe these skin reactions:
- urticaria
- erythema nodosum
- erythema multiforme
2. Ability to recognise these emergency presentations, discuss the causes,
potential complications and provide first contact care in these emergencies:
- anaphylaxis and angioedema
- toxic epidermal necrolysis
- Stevens-Johnson syndrome
- acute meningococcaemia
- erythroderma
- eczema herpeticum
- necrotising fasciitis
Emergency Dermatology
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Urticaria, Angioedema and Anaphylaxis
Causes Idiopathic, food (e.g. nuts, sesame seeds, shellfish, dairy
products), drugs (e.g. penicillin, contrast media, non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), morphine, angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitors (ACE-i)), insect bites, contact (e.g. latex), viral or
parasitic infections, autoimmune, and hereditary (in some cases of
Description Urticaria is due to a local increase in permeability of capillaries
and small venules. A large number of inflammatory mediators
(including prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and chemotactic factors)
play a role but histamine derived from skin mast cells appears to
be the major mediator. Local mediator release from mast cells can
be induced by immunological or non-immunological mechanisms.
Presentation Urticaria (swelling involving the superficial dermis, raising the
epidermis): itchy wheals
Angioedema (deeper swelling involving the dermis and
subcutaneous tissues): swelling of tongue and lips
Anaphylaxis (also known as anaphylactic shock): bronchospasm,
facial and laryngeal oedema, hypotension; can present initially
with urticaria and angioedema
Management Antihistamines for urticaria
Corticosteroids for severe acute urticaria and angioedema
Adrenaline, corticosteroids and antihistamines for anaphylaxis
Complications Urticaria is normally uncomplicated
Angioedema and anaphylaxis can lead to asphyxia, cardiac arrest
and death
Urticaria Angioedema
Emergency Dermatology
Urticaria, Angioedema and
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Erythema nodosum
Description A hypersensitivity response to a variety of stimuli
Causes Group A beta-haemolytic streptococcus, primary tuberculosis,
pregnancy, malignancy, sarcoidosis, inflammatory bowel disease
(IBD), chlamydia and leprosy
Presentation Discrete tender nodules which may become confluent
Lesions continue to appear for 1-2 weeks and leave bruise-like
discolouration as they resolve
Lesions do not ulcerate and resolve without atrophy or scarring
The shins are the most common site
Erythema nodosum
Emergency Dermatology
Erythema nodosum
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome and Toxic epidermal necrolysis
Description Erythema multiforme, often of unknown cause, is an acute self-
limiting inflammatory condition with herpes simplex virus being
the main precipitating factor. Other infections and drugs are also
causes. Mucosal involvement is absent or limited to only one
mucosal surface.
Stevens-Johnson syndrome is characterised by
mucocutaneous necrosis with at least two mucosal sites involved.
Skin involvement may be limited or extensive. Drugs or
combinations of infections or drugs are the main associations.
Epithelial necrosis with few inflammatory cells is seen on
histopathology. The extensive necrosis distinguishes Stevens-
Johnson syndrome from erythema multiforme. Stevens-Johnson
syndrome may have features overlapping with toxic epidermal
necrolysis including a prodromal illness.
Toxic epidermal necrosis which is usually drug-induced, is
an acute severe similar disease characterised by extensive skin and
mucosal necrosis accompanied by systemic toxicity. On
histopathology there is full thickness epidermal necrosis with
subepidermal detachment.
Management Early recognition and call for help
Full supportive care to maintain haemodynamic equilibrium
Complications Mortality rates are 5-12% with SJS and >30% with TEN with
death often due to sepsis, electrolyte imbalance or multi-system
organ failure
Erythema multiforme Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Emergency Dermatology
Erythema multiforme, Stevens
-Johnson syndrome and Toxic epidermal necrolysis
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Acute meningococcaemia
Description A serious communicable infection transmitted via respiratory
secretions; bacteria get into the circulating blood
Cause Gram negative diplococcus Neisseria meningitides
Presentation Features of meningitis (e.g. headache, fever, neck stiffness),
septicaemia (e.g. hypotension, fever, myalgia) and a typical rash
Non-blanching purpuric rash on the trunk and extremities, which
may be preceded by a blanching maculopapular rash, and can
rapidly progress to ecchymoses, haemorrhagic bullae and tissue
Management Antibiotics (e.g. benzylpenicillin)
Prophylactic antibiotics (e.g. rifampicin) for close contacts (ideally
within 14 days of exposure)
Complications Septicaemic shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation, multi-
organ failure and death
Emergency Dermatology
Acute meningococcaemia
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Erythroderma (‘red skin’)
Description Exfoliative dermatitis involving at least 90% of the skin surface
Causes Previous skin disease (e.g. eczema, psoriasis), lymphoma, drugs
(e.g.sulphonamides, gold, sulphonylureas, penicillin, allopurinol,
captopril) and idiopathic
Presentation Skin appears inflamed, oedematous and scaly
Systemically unwell with lymphadenopathy and malaise
Management Treat the underlying cause, where known
Emollients and wet-wraps to maintain skin moisture
Topical steroids may help to relieve inflammation
Complications Secondary infection, fluid loss and electrolyte imbalance,
hypothermia, high-output cardiac failure and capillary leak
syndrome (most severe)
Prognosis Largely depends on the underlying cause
Overall mortality rate ranges from 20 to 40%
In richly pigmented skin the erythema doesn’t look as bright, but on close inspection the inflamed
skin might appear a darker shade of brown or black, with a hint of erythema visible. Palpating the skin
for increased temperature is a vital clue.
Emergency Dermatology
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Eczema herpeticum (Kaposi’s varicelliform eruption)
Description Widespread eruption - serious complication of atopic eczema or
less commonly other skin conditions
Cause Herpes simplex virus
Presentation Extensive crusted papules, blisters and erosions
Systemically unwell with fever and malaise
Management Antivirals (e.g. aciclovir)
Antibiotics for bacterial secondary infection
Complications Herpes hepatitis, encephalitis, disseminated intravascular
coagulation (DIC) and rarely, death
Eczema herpeticum
Emergency Dermatology
Eczema herpeticum
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Necrotising fasciitis
Description A rapidly spreading infection of the deep fascia with secondary
tissue necrosis
Causes Group A haemolytic streptococcus, or a mixture of anaerobic and
aerobic bacteria
Risk factors include abdominal surgery and medical co-morbidities
(e.g. diabetes, malignancy)
50% of cases occur in previously healthy individuals
Presentation Severe pain
Erythematous, blistering, and necrotic skin
Systemically unwell with fever and tachycardia
Presence of crepitus (subcutaneous emphysema)
X-ray may show soft tissue gas (absence should not exclude the
Management Urgent referral for extensive surgical debridement
Intravenous antibiotics
Prognosis Mortality up to 76%
Emergency Dermatology
Necrotising fasciitis
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British Association of Dermatologists
The normal skin microflora and antimicrobial peptides protect the skin against
infection. However, when there is skin damage, microorganisms can penetrate
resulting in infection.
There are 3 main types of skin infections according to their sources: bacterial (e.g.
staphylococcal and streptococcal), viral (e.g. human papilloma virus, herpes simplex
(see page 34) and herpes zoster (see below)), and fungal (e.g. tinea (see page 39 &
40), candida (see page 39 & 40) and yeasts). Infestations (e.g. scabies (see page 60 &
61), lice, cutaneous leishmaniasis) can also occur.
Skin Infections / Infestations
Herpes zoster (shingles) infection due to varicella-zoster virus affecting the
distribution of the ophthalmic division of the fifth cranial (trigeminal) nerve
Note: Examination for eye involvement is important
Learning outcomes:
Ability to describe the presentation, investigation and management of:
- cellulitis and erysipelas
- staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
- superficial fungal infections
Skin Infections / Infestations
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British Association of Dermatologists
Erysipelas and Cellulitis
Description Spreading bacterial infection of the skin
Cellulitis involves the deep subcutaneous tissue
Erysipelas is an acute superficial form of cellulitis and involves
the dermis and upper subcutaneous tissue
Causes Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus
Risk factors include immunosuppression, wounds, leg ulcers,
toeweb intertrigo, and minor skin injury
Presentation Most common in the lower limbs
Local signs of inflammation swelling (tumor), erythema (rubor),
warmth (calor), pain (dolor); may be associated with lymphangitis
Systemically unwell with fever, malaise or rigors, particularly with
Erysipelas is distinguished from cellulitis by a well-defined, red
raised border
Management Antibiotics (e.g. flucloxacillin or benzylpenicillin)
Supportive care including rest, leg elevation, sterile dressings and
Complications Local necrosis, abscess and septicaemia
Cellulitis with elephantiasis of the penis
Even though this is in richly
pigmented skin the
unilateral oedema and
erythema is clearly present
suggesting cellulitis.
Skin Infections and Infestations
Erysipelas and Cellulitis
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Description Commonly seen in infancy and early childhood
Cause Production of a circulating epidermolytic toxin from phage group
II, benzylpenicillin-resistant (coagulase positive) staphylococci
Presentation Develops within a few hours to a few days, and may be worse over
the face, neck, axillae or groins
A scald-like skin appearance is followed by large flaccid bulla
Perioral crusting is typical
There is intraepidermal blistering in this condition
Lesions are very painful
Sometimes the eruption is more localised
Recovery is usually within 5-7 days
Management Antibiotics (e.g. a systemic penicillinase-resistant penicillin,
erythromycin or appropriate cephalosporin)
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
Skin Infections and Infestations
Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
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British Association of Dermatologists
Superficial fungal infections
Description A common and mild infection of the superficial layers of the skin,
nails and hair, but can be severe in immunocompromised
Cause Three main groups: dermatophytes (tinea/ringworm), yeasts (e.g.
candidiasis, malassezia), moulds (e.g. aspergillus)
Presentation Varies with the site of infection; usually unilateral and itchy
Tinea corporis (tinea infection of the trunk and limbs) - Itchy,
circular or annular lesions with a clearly defined, raised and scaly
edge is typical
Tinea cruris (tinea infection of the groin and natal cleft) very
itchy, similar to tinea corporis
Tinea pedis (athlete’s foot) – moist scaling and fissuring in
toewebs, spreading to the sole and dorsal aspect of the foot
Tinea manuum (tinea infection of the hand) scaling and dryness
in the palmar creases
Tinea capitis (scalp ringworm) patches of broken hair, scaling
and inflammation
Tinea unguium (tinea infection of the nail) yellow discolouration,
thickened and crumbly nail
Tinea incognito (inappropriate treatment of tinea infection with
topical or systemic corticosteroids) Ill-defined and less scaly
Candidiasis (candidal skin infection) white plaques on mucosal
areas, erythema with satellite lesions in flexures
Pityriasis/Tinea versicolor (infection with Malassezia furfur) scaly
pale brown patches on upper trunk that fail to tan on sun
exposure, usually asymptomatic
Management Establish the correct diagnosis by skin scrapings, hair or nail
clippings (for dermatophytes); skin swabs (for yeasts)
General measures: treat known precipitating factors (e.g.
underlying immunosuppressive condition, moist environment)
Skin Infections and Infestations
Superfical fungal infections
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British Association of Dermatologists
Topical antifungal agents (e.g. terbinafine cream)
Oral antifungal agents (e.g. itraconazole) for severe, widespread,
or nail infections
Avoid the use of topical steroids can lead to tinea incognito
Correct predisposing factors where possible (e.g. moist
environment, underlying immunosuppression)
Tinea corporis
Diffuse Tinea capitis
Tinea capitis
Tinea manuum (right hand)
Tinea pedis with associated tinea unguium
Candidiasis (right axilla)
Pityriasis versicolor
Skin Infections and Infestations
Superfical fungal infections
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British Association of Dermatologists
Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers.
In general, skin cancer can be divided into: non-melanoma (basal cell carcinoma and
squamous cell carcinoma) and melanoma (malignant melanoma).
Malignant melanoma is the most life-threatening type of skin cancer and is one of
the few cancers affecting the younger population.
Sun exposure is the single most preventable risk factor for skin cancer.
Skin Cancer
Learning outcomes:
Ability to recognise:
- basal cell carcinoma
- squamous cell carcinoma
- malignant melanoma
Skin Cancer
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British Association of Dermatologists
Basal cell carcinoma
Description A slow-growing, locally invasive malignant tumour of the
epidermal keratinocytes normally in older individuals, only rarely
Most common malignant skin tumour
Causes Risk factors include UV exposure, history of frequent or severe
sunburn in childhood, skin type I (always burns, never tans),
increasing age, male sex, immunosuppression, previous history of
skin cancer, and genetic predisposition
Presentation Various morphological types including nodular (most common),
superficial (plaque-like), cystic, morphoeic (sclerosing), keratotic
and pigmented
Nodular basal cell carcinoma is a small, skin-coloured papule or
nodule with surface telangiectasia, and a pearly rolled edge; the
lesion may have a necrotic or ulcerated centre (rodent ulcer)
Most common over the head and neck
Management Surgical excision - treatment of choice as it allows histological
examination of the tumour and margins
Mohs micrographic surgery (i.e. excision of the lesion and tissue
borders are progressively excised until specimens are
microscopically free of tumour) - for high risk, recurrent tumours
Radiotherapy - when surgery is not appropriate
Other e.g. cryotherapy, curettage and cautery, topical
photodynamic therapy, and topical treatment (e.g. imiquimod
cream) - for small and low-risk lesions
Complications Local tissue invasion and destruction
Prognosis Depends on tumour size, site, type, growth pattern/histological
subtype, failure of previous treatment/recurrence, and
Basal cell carcinoma nodular type
Skin Cancer Basal cell carcinoma
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Squamous cell carcinoma
Description A locally invasive malignant tumour of the epidermal
keratinocytes or its appendages, which has the potential to
Causes Risk factors include excessive UV exposure, pre-malignant skin
conditions (e.g. actinic keratoses), chronic inflammation (e.g. leg
ulcers, wound scars), immunosuppression and genetic
Presentation Keratotic (e.g. scaly, crusty), ill-defined nodule which may ulcerate
Management Surgical excision - treatment of choice
Mohs micrographic surgery may be necessary for ill-defined,
large, recurrent tumours
Radiotherapy - for large, non-resectable tumours
Prognosis Depends on tumour size, site, histological pattern, depth
of invasion, perineural involvement, and immunosuppression
Squamous cell carcinoma adjacent to ear (left) and glans penis (right)
Skin Cancer Squamous cell carcinoma
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British Association of Dermatologists
Malignant melanoma
Description An invasive malignant tumour of the epidermal melanocytes,
which has the potential to metastasise
Causes Risk factors include excessive UV exposure, skin type I (always
burns, never tans), history of > 100 moles or atypical neavus
syndrome moles, family history in first degree relative or previous
history of melanoma
Presentation The ‘ABCDE Symptoms’ rule (*major suspicious features):
Asymmetrical shape*
Border irregularity
Colour irregularity*
Diameter > 6mm
Evolution of lesion (e.g. change in size and/or shape)*
Symptoms (e.g. bleeding, itching)
More common on the legs in women and trunk in men
Types Superficial spreading melanoma common on the lower limbs,
in young and middle-aged adults; related to intermittent high-
intensity UV exposure; around 70% of all melanomas are superficial
spreading melanomas
Nodular melanoma - common on the trunk, in young and middle-
aged adults; related to intermittent high-intensity UV exposure
Lentigo maligna melanoma - common on the face, in elderly
population; related to long-term cumulative UV exposure
Acral lentiginous melanoma - common on the palms, soles and nail
beds, in elderly population; no clear relation with UV exposure
Management Depends on the staging of melanoma (currently used system in
the UK - 2009 American Joint Committee of Cancer Staging System
(AJCC)). Stages I-IV are based on primary tumour Breslow thickness,
lymph node involvement and evidence of metastases. Stage I is the
earliest and stage IV is the most advanced)
In general, surgical excision is the definitive treatment (often a
second surgery, wide local excision is needed after the initial
Skin Cancer Malignant melanoma
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
excision biopsy). Radiotherapy may sometimes be useful.
Chemotherapy is used for metastatic disease.
Prognosis Prognosis depends on the stage of melanoma and Breslow
In general, 90% of people diagnosed with melanoma in England and
Wales survived 10 years or more (Cancer Research UK, 2010-2011).
Superficial spreading melanoma Nodular melanoma
Lentigo maligna melanoma Acral lentiginous melanoma
Further reading: British Association of Dermatologists. Revised UK guidelines for the management of cutaneous
melanoma 2010.
Skin Cancer Malignant melanoma
Acral lentiginous melanoma (in situ)
©by Matthew Scorer, licensed under CC BY-
NC-ND 4.0.
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Eczema, acne and psoriasis are chronic inflammatory skin disorders that follow a
relapsing and remitting course. There are many types of eczema but we shall just
consider atopic eczema here.
These skin disorders are not infectious.
Management is aimed at achieving control and not providing a cure.
Complications are mainly due to the psychological and social effects.
Patient education is important in these chronic skin conditions and should
concentrate on providing information about the nature of condition, aims of
treatment and the available treatment options.
Inflammatory Skin Conditions
Learning outcomes:
Ability to describe the presentation, demonstrate assessment, formulate a
differential diagnosis, instigate investigation and discuss how to provide
continuing care of:
- atopic eczema
- acne
- psoriasis
Inflammatory Skin Conditions
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Atopic eczema
Description Eczema (or dermatitis) is a chronic skin condition common in
children but also prevalent in adults.
Epidemiology 20% prevalence in <12 years old in the UK
Causes Not fully understood, but a positive family history of atopy (i.e.
eczema, asthma, allergic rhinitis) is often present
A primary genetic defect in skin barrier function (loss of function
variants of the protein filaggrin) appears to underlie atopic eczema
Exacerbating factors such as infections, allergens (e.g. chemicals,
food, dust, pet fur), sweating, heat, occupation and severe stress
Presentation Acute presentation consists of itchy papules and vesicle often
weepy (exudative)
Chronic lesions : dry scaly itchy patches can be erythematous in
paler skin or grey/ brown in richly pigmented skin
More common on the face and extensor aspects of limbs in infants,
and the flexor aspects in children and adults
In richly pigmented skin eczema may present as
brown, grey or purple bumps (papular eczema or follicular
Chronic scratching/rubbing leads to lichenification
Across of skin types eczema can lead to
pigmentary changes such as hypopigmentation (reduced
pigmentation) and hyperpigmentation (increased pigmentation)
Nail may show pitting and ridging of the nails
Management General measures - avoid known exacerbating agents, frequent
emollients +/- bandages and bath oil/soap substitute
Topical therapies topical steroids for active areas; topical
immunomodulators (e.g. tacrolimus, pimecrolimus) for
maintenance therapy as steroid-sparing agents
Oral therapies - antihistamines for symptomatic relief, antibiotics
(e.g. flucloxacillin) for secondary bacterial infections, and
antivirals (e.g. aciclovir) for secondary herpes infection
Inflammatory Skin Conditions
Atopic eczema
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Phototherapy and immunosuppressants (e.g. azathioprine,
ciclosporin, methotrexate) for severe non- responsive cases, biologic
Complications Secondary bacterial infection (crusted weepy lesions)
Secondary viral infection - molluscum contagiosum (pearly
papules with central umbilication), viral warts and eczema
herpeticum (see page 34)
© Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.
Atopic eczema
Further reading: NICE. Eczema Atopic, last updated Jan 2018.
Inflammatory Skin Conditions
Atopic eczema
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Acne vulgaris
Description An inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous follicle
Epidemiology Over 80% of teenagers aged 13- 18 years
Causes Hormonal (androgen)
Contributing factors include increased sebum production,
abnormal follicular keratinization, bacterial colonization
(Propionibacterium acnes) and inflammation
Presentation Non-inflammatory lesions (mild acne) - open and closed
comedones (blackheads and whiteheads)
Inflammatory lesions (moderate and severe acne) - papules,
pustules, nodules, and cysts
In richly pigmented skin:
1. Inflammatory lesions’ may not be so apparent, instead
hyperpigmented lesions (‘acne hyperpigmented
macules’) are seen.
Hyperpigmented lesions may also signify ongoing
2. Non erythematous nodules may be present and detected by
Commonly affects the face, chest and upper back
Comedones (Left and Middle) Papules and nodules (Right)
Management General measures - no specific food has been identified to cause
acne, treatment needs to be continued for at least 6 weeks to
produce effect
Topical therapies (for mild acne) - benzoyl peroxide and topical
antibiotics (antimicrobial properties), and topical retinoids
Inflammatory Skin Conditions
Acne vulgaris
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
(comedolytic and anti-inflammatory properties)
Oral therapies (for moderate to severe acne) - oral antibiotics, and
anti-androgens (in females)
Oral retinoids (for severe acne)
Complications Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, scarring, deformity,
psychological and social effects
Description A chronic inflammatory skin disease due to hyperproliferation of
keratinocytes and inflammatory cell infiltration
Types Chronic plaque psoriasis is the most common type
Other types include guttate (raindrop lesions), seborrhoeic
(naso-labial and retro-auricular), flexural (body folds), pustular
(palmar-plantar), and erythrodermic (total body redness)
Epidemiology Affects about 2% of the population in the UK
Causes Complex interaction between genetic, immunological and
environmental factors
Precipitating factors include trauma (which may produce a
Köebner phenomenon), infection (e.g. tonsillitis), drugs, stress,
and alcohol
Presentation Well-demarcated erythematous scaly plaques
in richly pigmented skin psoriasis can
present as dark brown, grey or purple patches or plaques
Lesions can sometimes be itchy, burning or painful
Common on the extensor surfaces of the body and over scalp
Auspitz sign (scratch and gentle removal of scales cause capillary
50% have associated nail changes (e.g. pitting, onycholysis)
5-8% suffer from associated psoriatic arthropathy - symmetrical
polyarthritis, asymmetrical oligomonoarthritis, lone distal
interphalangeal disease, psoriatic spondylosis, and arthritis
mutilans (flexion deformity of distal interphalangeal joints)
Inflammatory Skin Conditions
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Management General measures - avoid known precipitating factors, emollients
to reduce scales
Topical therapies (for localised and mild psoriasis) - vitamin D
analogues, topical corticosteroids, coal tar preparations,
dithranol, topical retinoids, keratolytics and scalp preparations
Phototherapy (for extensive disease) - phototherapy i.e. UVB and
photochemotherapy i.e. psoralen+UVA
Oral therapies (for extensive and severe psoriasis, or psoriasis
with systemic involvement) - methotrexate, retinoids,
ciclosporin, mycophenolate mofetil, fumaric acid esters,
and biological agents (e.g. etanercept, adalimumab, ustekinumab)
(see page 71)
Complications Erythroderma (see page 33), psychological and social effects
Köebner phenomenon
Plaque Psoriasis
Plaque psoriasis
Nail changes and arthropathy
Scalp Psoriasis
Inflammatory Skin Conditions
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
In general, blistering skin disorders can be divided into: immunobullous diseases
(e.g. bullous pemphigoid, pemphigus vulgaris), blistering skin infections (e.g. herpes
simplex) and other (e.g. porphyria cutanea tarda).
The fragility of blisters depends on the level of split within the skin an intra-
epidermal split (a split within the epidermis) causes blisters to rupture easily;
whereas a sub-epidermal split (a split between the epidermis and dermis) causes
blisters to be less fragile.
The common causes of blisters are impetigo (see below), insect bites, herpes simplex
infection (see page 34), herpes zoster infection (see page 36), acute contact
dermatitis, pompholyx (vesicular eczema of the hands and feet, see below) and
Bullous pemphigoid (see page 53) and pemphigus vulgaris (see page 54) are
uncommon conditions due to immune reaction within the skin.
Bullous impetigo in a new tattoo Pompholyx
Blistering Disorders
Learning outcomes:
1. Ability to recognise common causes of blisters
2. Ability to recognise:
- Bullous pemphigoid
- Pemphigus vulgaris
Blistering Disorders
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Bullous pemphigoid
Description A blistering skin disorder which usually affects the elderly
Cause Autoantibodies against antigens between the epidermis and
dermis causing a sub-epidermal split in the skin
Presentation Tense, fluid-filled blisters on an erythematous base
Lesions are often itchy
May be preceded by a non-specific itchy rash
Usually affects the trunk and limbs (mucosal involvement less
Management General measures wound dressings where required, monitor
for signs of infection
Topical therapies for localised disease - topical steroids
Oral therapies for widespread disease oral steroids, combination
of oral tetracycline and nicotinamide, immunosuppressive agents
(e.g. azathioprine, mycophenolate mofetil, methotrexate, and
Bullous pemphigoid
Blistering Disorders
Bullous pemphigoid
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Pemphigus vulgaris
Description A blistering skin disorder which usually affects the middle-aged
Cause Autoantibodies against antigens within the epidermis causing an
intra-epidermal split in the skin
Presentation Flaccid, easily ruptured blisters forming erosions and crusts
Lesions are often painful
Usually affects the mucosal areas (can precede skin involvement)
Management General measures wound dressings where required, monitor for
signs of infection, good oral care (if oral mucosa is involved)
Oral therapies high-dose oral steroids, immunosuppressive
agents (e.g. methotrexate, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide,
mycophenolate mofetil, and other)
Pemphigus vulgaris
Pemphigus vulgaris affecting the oral mucosa
Blistering Disorders
Pemphigus vulgaris
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
Pigmentary Disorders
Pigmentary issues are a significant problem in all patients, how it differs in different
skin colour - population in the UK and it is important that medical students and
junior doctors appreciate the dermatoses pertinent to these groups.
In general, a pigment change can present as hypopigmentation (reduced
pigmentation), depigmentation (complete loss of pigment), or hyperpigmentation
(increased pigmentation).
Below are some of the common pigmentary disorders which can cause significant
embarrassment and distress especially in the darker skin types.
Description ● An acquired depigmenting disorder, where there is complete loss
of pigment cells (melanocytes)
Cause ● Thought to be an autoimmune disorder, where the innate
immune system causes destruction or loss of melanocytes, leading
to loss of pigment formation in the skin
Presentation Presentation at any age
A single patch or multiple patches of depigmentation (complete loss
of pigment), often symmetrical
● Common sites are exposed areas such as face, hands, feet, as well
as body folds and genitalia
● Favours sites of injury and this phenomenon is called the Koebner
Management ● Minimise skin injury as a cut, graze, or sunburn can potentially
trigger a new patch of vitiligo
● Topical treatments such as topical steroids and calcineurin
inhibitors (such as topical tacrolimus and pimecrolimus)
Learning objectives:
1. Ability to formulate a differential diagnosis, describe the investigation and
discuss the management in patients with:
- vitiligo
- melasma
Pigmentary Disorders
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists
● Phototherapy such as UVB therapy, excimer laser
● Oral immunosuppressants such as methotrexate, ciclosporin and
mycophenolate mofetil
Description ● An acquired chronic skin disorder, where there is increased
pigmentation in the skin
Cause Thought to be due to genetic predisposition, and triggered by
factors such as sun exposure, hormonal changes such as pregnancy
and contraceptive pills
The pigmentation is caused by an overproduction of pigment
(melanin) by pigment cells (melanocytes)
Presentation Brown macules (freckle-like spots) or larger patches with an
irregular border
Symmetrical distribution
Common sites are forehead, cutaneous upper lips and cheeks,
rarely can occur on neck, shoulders and upper arms
Management Lifelong sun protection
Discontinuation of hormonal contraceptive pills
Cosmetic camouflage
Topical treatments that aim at inhibiting the formation of new
melanin such as hydroquinone, azelaic acid, kojic acid (a chelating
agent) and vitamin C
Laser treatments need to be used with caution as the heat
generated by lasers can potentially cause post-inflammatory
Pigmentary Disorders
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
57 British Association of Dermatologists
There are several commonly-encountered skin problems in clinical practice. Below
are some of the important differential diagnoses for each of these presentations.
Clinical exposure is the key to achieve competence in diagnosing, investigating and
managing these skin problems.
Learning objectives:
Ability to formulate a differential diagnosis, describe the investigation and
discuss the management in patients with:
- chronic leg ulcers
- itchy eruption
- a changing pigmented lesion
- purpuric eruption
- a red swollen leg
- keloid scars
Common Important Problems
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
58 British Association of Dermatologists
Chronic leg ulcers
Leg ulcers are classified according to aetiology. In general, there are three main types: venous, arterial and neuropathic ulcers. Other causes include
vasculitic ulcers (purpuric, punched out lesions), infected ulcers (purulent discharge, may have systemic signs) and malignancy (e.g. squamous cell
carcinoma in long-standing non-healing ulcers).
In clinical practice, there can be mixture of arterial, venous and/or neuropathic components in an ulcer.
Venous ulcer
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Venous ulcer
Arterial ulcer
Neuropathic ulcer
Common Important Problems
Chronic leg ulcers
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59 British Association of Dermatologists
Chronic leg ulcers
Venous ulcer
Arterial ulcer
Neuropathic ulcer
- Often painful, worse on standing
- History of venous disease e.g. varicose
veins, deep vein thrombosis
- Painful especially at night, worse when
legs are elevated
- History of arterial disease e.g.
- Often painless
- Abnormal sensation
- History of diabetes or neurological
Common sites
- Malleolar area (more common over
medial than lateral malleolus)
- Pressure and trauma sites e.g. pretibial,
supramalleolar (usually lateral), and at
distal points e.g. toes
- Pressure sites e.g. soles, heel, toes,
metatarsal heads
- Large, shallow irregular ulcer
- Exudative and granulating base
- Small, sharply defined deep ulcer
- Necrotic base
- Variable size and depth
- Granulating base
- May be surrounded by or underneath a
hyperkeratotic lesion (e.g. callus)
- Warm skin
- Normal peripheral pulses
- Leg oedema, haemosiderin and melanin
deposition (brown pigment),
lipodermatosclerosis, and atrophie
blanche (white scarring with dilated
- Cold skin
- Weak or absent peripheral pulses
- Shiny pale skin
- Loss of hair
- Warm skin
- Normal peripheral pulses*
*cold, weak or absent pulses if it is a
neuroischaemic ulcer
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Normal ankle/brachial pressure index
(i.e. ABPI 0.8-1)
- ABPI < 0.8 - presence of arterial
- Doppler studies and angiography
- ABPI < 0.8 implies a neuroischaemic
- X-ray to exclude osteomyelitis
- Compression bandaging
(after excluding arterial insufficiency)
- Vascular reconstruction
- Compression bandaging is
- Wound debridement
- Regular repositioning, appropriate
footwear and good nutrition
Common Important Problems
Chronic leg ulcers
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60 British Association of Dermatologists
Itchy eruption
An itchy (pruritic) eruption can be caused by an inflammatory condition (e.g. eczema), infection (e.g. varicella), infestation (e.g. scabies), allergic
reaction (e.g. some cases of urticaria) or an unknown cause, possibly autoimmune (e.g. lichen planus).
Chronic fissured hand eczema
R © Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.
© Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.
Lichen planus
Lichen planus
Wickham’s striae
Note that lichen planus in darker skin types has a typical purplish tinge.
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior d
Common Important Problems
Itchy eruption
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61 British Association of Dermatologists
Itchy eruption
Lichen planus
- Personal or family history of
- Exacerbating factors (e.g.
allergens, irritants)
- May have history of contact
with symptomatic individuals
- Pruritus worse at night
- Precipitating factors (e.g.
contact, drugs)
- Family history in 10% of cases
- May be drug-induced
Common sites
- Variable (e.g. flexor aspects in
children and adults with
atopic eczema)
Lichen nitidus pattern in darker
- Sides of fingers, finger webs,
wrists, elbows, ankles, feet,
nipples and genitals
- No specific tendency
- Forearms, wrists, and legs
- Always examine the oral
- Dry, erythematous patches
- Acute eczema is
erythematous, vesicular and
- Linear burrows (may be
tortuous) or rubbery nodules
- Pink wheals (transient)
- May be round, annular, or
- Violaceous (lilac) flat-topped
Papules or hyperpigmented
papules (in darker skin)
- Symmetrical distribution
- Secondary bacterial or viral
- Secondary eczema and
- May be associated with
angioedema or anaphylaxis
- Nail changes and hair loss
- Lacy white streaks on the oral
mucosa and skin lesions
(Wickham’s striae)
- Patch testing
- Serum IgE levels
- Skin swab
- Skin scrape, extraction of
mite and view under
- Bloods and urinalysis to
exclude a systemic cause
- Skin biopsy
- Emollients
- Corticosteroids
- Immunomodulators
- Antihistamines
- Scabicide (e.g. permethrin
or malathion)
- Antihistamines
- Antihistamines
- Corticosteroids
- Corticosteroids
- Antihistamines
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior d
Common Important Problems
Itchy eruption
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62 British Association of Dermatologists
A changing pigmented lesion
A changing pigmented lesion can be benign (e.g. melanocytic naevi, seborrhoeic wart) or malignant (e.g. malignant melanoma).
Congenital naevus Seborrhoeic keratoses Malignant melanoma
Common Important Problems
A changing pigmented lesion
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63 British Association of Dermatologists
A changing pigmented lesion
Melanocytic naevi
Seborrhoeic wart
Malignant melanoma
- Not usually present at birth but develop
during infancy, childhood or adolescence
- Asymptomatic
- Tend to arise in the middle-aged or elderly
- Often multiple and asymptomatic
- Tend to occur in adults or the middle-aged
- History of evolution of lesion
- May be symptomatic (e.g. itchy, bleeding)
- Presence of risk factors
Common sites
- Variable
- Face and trunk
- More common on the legs in women and
trunk in men
- Darker skin tomes acral sites
- Congenital naevi may be large,
pigmented, protuberant and hairy
- Junctional naevi are small, flat and dark
- Intradermal naevi are usually dome-shape
papules or nodules
- Compound naevi are usually raised, warty,
hyperkeratotic, and/or hairy
- Warty greasy papules or nodules
- ‘Stuck on’ appearance, with well-defined
- Features of ABCDE:
Asymmetrical shape
Border irregularity
Colour irregularity
Diameter > 6mm
Evolution of lesion
- Only if symptomatic
Shave or complete excision
- Only if symptomatic
Curette and cautery
- Local Excision
Treatment based on Breslow Thickness
Common Important Problems
A changing pigmented lesion
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64 British Association of Dermatologists
Purpuric eruption
A purpuric eruption can be thrombocytopenic (e.g. meningococcal septicaemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, idiopathic
thrombocytopenic purpura) or non-thrombocytopenic e.g. trauma, drugs (e.g. steroids), aged skin, vasculitis (e.g. Henoch-Schönlein
Henoch-Schönlein purpura Actinic purpura
Common Important Problems
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65 British Association of Dermatologists
Purpuric eruption
Meningococcal septicaemia
Disseminated intravascular
Actinic purpura
- Acute onset
- Symptoms of meningitis and
- History of trauma,
sepsis, obstetric
transfusions, or liver failure
- Painful lesions
- Arise in the elderly population
with sun-damaged skin
Common sites
- Extremities
- Spontaneous bleeding from
ear, nose and throat,
gastrointestinal tract,
respiratory tract or wound
- Dependent areas (e.g. legs,
buttocks, flanks)
- Extensor surfaces of hands
and forearms
- Such skin is easily traumatised
- Petechiae, ecchymoses,
haemorrhagic bullae and/or
tissue necrosis
- Petechiae, ecchymoses,
haemorragic bullae and/or
tissue necrosis
- Palpable purpura (often
- Non-palpable purpura
- Surrounding skin is atrophic
and thin
- Systemically unwell
- Systemically unwell
- Systemically unwell
- Systemically well
- Bloods
- Lumbar puncture
- Bloods (a clotting screen is
- Bloods and urinalysis
- Skin biopsy
- No investigation is needed
- Antibiotics
- Treat the underlying cause
- Transfuse for coagulation
- Anticoagulants for thrombosis
- Treat the underlying cause
- Steroids and
immunosuppressants if there
is systemic involvement
- No treatment is needed
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior d
Dermatology: Handbook for medical stud Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior d
octors ent s & junior doctors
Common Important Problems
A red swollen leg
Common Important Problems
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66 British Association of Dermatologists
A red swollen leg
The main differential diagnoses for a red swollen leg are cellulitis, erysipelas, venous thrombosis and chronic venous insufficiency.
Venous thrombosis
Chronic venous insufficiency
- Painful spreading rash
- History of abrasion or ulcer
- Pain with swelling and redness
- History of prolonged bed rest, long haul
flights or clotting tendency
- Heaviness or aching of leg, which is
worse on standing and relieved by
- History of venous thrombosis
- Erysipelas (well-defined edge)
- Cellulitis (diffuse edge)
- Complete venous occlusion may lead to
cyanotic discolouration
- Discoloured (blue-purple)
- Oedema (improved in the morning)
- Venous congestion and varicose veins
- Systemically unwell with fever and
- May have lymphangitis
- Usually systemically well
- May present with pulmonary embolism
- Lipodermatosclerosis (erythematous
induration, creating ‘champagne
bottle’ appearance)
- Stasis dermatitis (eczema with
inflammatory papules, scaly and
crusted erosions)
- Haemosiderin deposition
- Venous ulcer
- Anti-streptococcal O titre (ASOT)
- Skin swab
- D-dimer
- Doppler ultrasound and/or venography
- Doppler ultrasound and/or venography
- Antibiotics
- Anticoagulants
- Leg elevation and compression
- Sclerotherapy or surgery for varicose
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior d
Dermatology: Handbook for medical stud Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior d
octors ent s & junior doctors
Common Important Problems
A red swollen leg
Common Important Problems
A red swollen leg
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
67 British Association of Dermatologists
Keloid Scars
Description ● An overgrowth of scar tissue, which tends to be larger than the original wound itself
Cause Thought to be due to overproduction of collagen during wound healing after minor injuries, skin surgery, insect bites and acne
spots in genetically predisposed individuals
More commonly seen in darker skin types
Presentation Firm, smooth, hard nodule which can be itchy or painful
Common sites are chest and shoulders
Management Avoidance of further trauma to the skin such as scratching
Topical treatments such as topical steroids and silicone gel can potentially flatten the scar, and improve the symptoms
Intralesional steroid injection if topical treatments are not effective
Surgery such as excision needs to be carried out only as the last resort and with caution as the new wound may cause a larger
keloid scar
Common Important Problems Keloid Scars
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68 British Association of Dermatologists
Management and therapeutics
Treatment modalities for skin disease can be broadly categorised into medical
therapy (topical and systemic treatments) and physical therapy (e.g. cryotherapy,
phototherapy, photodynamic therapy, lasers and surgery).
Topical treatments directly deliver treatment to the affected areas and this reduces
systemic side effects. It is suitable for localised and less severe skin conditions. They
consist of active constituents which are transported into the skin by a base (also
known as a ‘vehicle’). Examples of active ingredients are steroids, tar,
immunomodulators, retinoids, and antibiotics. The common forms of base are lotion
(liquid), cream (oil in water), gel (organic polymers in liquid, transparent), ointment
(oil with little or no water) and paste (powder in ointment).
Systemic therapy is used for extensive and more serious skin conditions, if the
treatment is ineffective topically or if there is systemic involvement. However, they
have the disadvantage of causing systemic side effects.
Learning objectives:
Ability to describe the principles of use of the following drugs:
- emollients
- topical/oral corticosteroids
- oral aciclovir
- oral antihistamines
- topical/oral antibiotics
- topical antiseptics
- biological therapy
- Oral retinoids
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
69 British Association of Dermatologists
Examples Aqueous cream, emulsifying ointment, liquid paraffin and white soft
paraffin in equal parts (50:50)
Quantity 500 grams per tub
Indications To rehydrate skin and re-establish the surface lipid layer
Useful for dry, scaling conditions and as soap substitutes
Side effects Reactions may be irritant or allergic (e.g. due to preservatives or perfumes
in creams)
Topical/Oral corticosteroids
Examples Topical steroids: classified as mildly potent (e.g, hydrocortisone),
moderately potent (e.g. clobetasone butyrate (Eumovate)), potent
(e.g.betamethasone valerate (Betnovate)), and very potent (e.g. clobetasol
propionate (Dermovate))
Oral steroids: prednisolone
Quantity Usually 30 grams per tube (enough to cover the whole body once)
Indications Anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative effects
Useful for allergic and immune reactions, inflammatory skin conditions,
blistering disorders, connective tissue diseases, and vasculitis
Side effects Local side effects (from topical corticosteroids): skin atrophy (thinning),
telangiectasia, striae, may mask, cause or exacerbate skin infections,
acne, or perioral dermatitis, and allergic contact dermatitis.
Systemic side effects (from oral corticosteroids): Cushing’s syndrome,
immunosuppression, hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis, cataract, and
steroid-induced psychosis
Oral aciclovir
Examples Aciclovir
Indications Viral infections due to herpes simplex and herpes zoster virus
Side effects Gastrointestinal upsets, raised liver enzymes, reversible neurological
reactions, and haematological disorders
Management Emollients, Topical/Oral corticosteroids, Oral acyclovir, Oral antihistamines
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
70 British Association of Dermatologists
Oral antihistamines
Examples Classified into nonsedative (e.g. cetirizine, loratadine) and sedative
antihistamines (e.g. chlorpheniramine, hydroxyzine)
Indications Block histamine receptors producing an anti-pruritic effect
Useful for type-1 hypersensitivity reactions and eczema (especially
sedative antihistamines for children)
Side effects Sedative antihistamines can cause sedation and anticholinergic effects
(e.g. dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention, and constipation)
Topical/Oral antibiotics
Examples Topical antibiotics: fusidic acid, mupirocin (Bactroban), neomycin
Oral antibiotics: penicillins, cephalosporins, gentamicin, macrolides,
nitrofurantoin, quinolones, tetracyclines, vancomycin, metronidazole,
Indications Useful for bacterial skin infections, and some are used for acne
Side effects Local side effects (from topical antibiotics): local skin irritation/allergy
Systemic side effects (from oral antibiotics): gastrointestinal upset, rashes,
anaphylaxis, vaginal candidiasis, antibiotic-associated infection such as
Clostridium difficile, and antibiotic resistance (rapidly appears to fusidic
Topical antiseptics
Examples Chlorhexidine, cetrimide, povidone-iodine
Indications Treatment and prevention of skin infection
Side effects Local side effects: local skin irritation/allergy
Oral retinoids
Examples Isotretinoin, Acitretin
Indications Acne, psoriasis, and disorders of keratinisation
Side effects Mucocutaneous reactions such as dry skin, dry lips and dry eyes,
disordered liver function, hypercholesterolaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia,
myalgia, arthralgia and depression
Teratogenicity: effective contraception must be practised one month
Management Oral antihistamines, Topical/Oral antibiotics, Topical antiseptics, Oral retinoids
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
71 British Association of Dermatologists
before, during and at least one month after isotretinoin, but for two years
after Acitretin (consult current BNF for further details)
Biological Therapy Management
Examples Monoclonal antibodies (eg. Infliximab, Adalimumab, Ustekinumab,
Certolizumab, Gorlilumab), Fusion antibody proteins (eg. Etanercept),
Recombinant human cytokines and growth factors (eg. Interleukins)
Indications Mainly for psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and hidradenitis suppurativa
Side effects Local side effects: redness, swelling, bruising at the site of injection
Systemic side effects: allergic reactions, antibody formation, flu-like
symptoms, infections, hepatitis, demyelinating disease, heart failure, blood
problems, rare reports of cancers (eg. non-melanoma skin cancers,
Management Biological Therapy
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72 British Association of Dermatologists
There are four main aspects to focus on in clinical practice:
i) Patient education, particularly on the nature of disease, treatment and
ways to achieve full compliance and effectiveness, and prevention strategies
ii) Effective written communication to general practitioner so that patient care
can be continued appropriately
iii) Good prescribing skills
iv) Good clinical examination and appropriate investigations to facilitate
accurate diagnosis
Practical Skills
Learning objectives:
1. Ability to perform the following tasks:
- explain how to use an emollient or a topical corticosteroid
- make a referral
- write a discharge letter
- write a prescription for emollient
- take a skin swab
- take a skin scrape
2. Describe the principles of prevention in:
- pressure sores
- sun damage and skin cancer
Practical Skills
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73 British Association of Dermatologists
Patient education
How to use emollients
Apply liberally and regularly
How to use topical corticosteroids
Apply thinly and only for short-term use (often 1 or 2 weeks only)
In general, use 1% hydrocortisone or mild-moderate potent topical
steroids on the face and thin skin areas eg. neck and flexures.
Fingertip unit (advised on packaging) strip of cream the length of a
Preventing pressure sores
Pressure sores are due to ischaemia resulting from localised damage to
the skin caused by sustained pressure, friction and moisture, particularly
over bony prominences.
Preventative measures involve frequent repositioning, nutritional support,
and use of pressure relieving devices e.g. special beds
Preventing sun damage and skin cancer
Excessive exposure to UV radiation is the most significant
and preventable risk factor for the development of skin cancer (Table 14)
Skin types I and II are at higher risk of developing skin cancer with
excessive sun exposure than other skin types (Table 15)
Table 14. SMART ways to avoid excessive sun exposure
Spend time in the shade between 11am-3pm
Make sure you never burn
Aim to cover up with a t-shirt, wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses
Remember to take extra care with children
Then use Sun Protection Factor (SPF) 30+ sunscreen
Practical Skills
Patient education
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
74 British Association of Dermatologists
Table 15. Fitzpatrick Skin phototype
Skin types Description
I Always burns, never tans
II Always burns, sometimes tans
III Sometimes burns, always tans
IV Never burns, always tans
V Tans very easily, very rarely burns
VI tans very easily, never burns
Written communication
Writing a referral letter
Important points to include:
Reason(s) for referral, current presentation, and impact of disease
Patient’s medical and social background
Current and previous treatment, length of treatment, and response to
Writing a discharge letter
Important points to include:
Reason(s) for admission and current presentation
Hospital course
Investigation results
Diagnostic impression
Management plan (including treatment and follow-up appointment)
Content of patient education given
Prescribing skills
Writing a prescription
General tips:
Include drug name, dose, frequency and an intended duration/review date
30 grams of cream/ointment covers the whole adult body area
1 fingertip unit covers the area of two palms and equals ½ gram
Practical Skills
Written communication and prescribing skills
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
75 British Association of Dermatologists
Prescribing emollients
General tips
Emollients come in 500 gram tubs
In general, ointment-based emollients are useful for dry, scaling skin
whereas creams and lotions are for red, inflamed and weeping lesions
Prescribing topical corticosteroids
General tips
Prescribe the weakest potency corticosteroid that is effective
Use only for short term
Need to specify the base i.e. cream, lotion or ointment
Clinical examination and investigations
Taking a skin swab
Skin swabs can be taken from vesicles, pustules, erosions, ulcers and mucosal
surfaces for microbial culture.
Surface swabs are generally not encouraged.
Taking a skin scrape
Skin scrapes are taken from scaly lesions by gentle use of a scalpel in suspected
fungal infection (to show evidence of fungal hyphae and/or spores) and from
burrows in scabies (see page 60).
Measuring ankle-brachial pressure index (ABPI)
ABPI is used to identify the presence and severity of peripheral arterial insufficiency,
which is important in the management of leg ulcers.
Measure the cuff pressure of dorsalis pedis or posterior tibial artery using a Doppler
and compare it to the pressure of brachial artery.
The ABPI is measured by calculating the ratio of highest pressure obtained from the
ankle to highest brachial pressure of the two arms and is normally >0.8.
Inappropriately high reading will be obtained in calcified vessels (often in diabetics).
Practical Skills
Clinical examination and investigations
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
76 British Association of Dermatologists
1. Verbov J Dermatological disorders. In: Lissauer T, Carroll W eds. Illustrated Textbook
of Paediatrics. 5th Edition: 2018: Chap25: 442-52. Elsevier.
2. British Association of Dermatologists guidelines and patient information leaflets.
We wish to acknowledge the following contributors:
Dr Tanya Bleiker, President (2020-2022) and Prof Mini Singh, Undergraduate
workstream Chair of the British Association of Dermatologists, for writing the
Foreword to the 3
Mark Goodfield, former President (2008-2010) of the British Association of
Dermatologists, for writing the Foreword to the 1
Dr Niels K. Veien for allowing us to use his photographs. All illustrations in this
handbook were obtained from "D@nderm" with his permission.
Dr Susan Burge OBE, retired Consultant Dermatologist, Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals
NHS Trust, Professor Peter Friedmann, Emeritus Professor of Dermatology,
Southampton General Hospital, and Professor Lesley Rhodes, Professor of
Experimental Dermatology, University of Manchester for reviewing and contributing
valuable suggestions.
Mr Kian Tjon Tan, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS
Foundation Trust for contributing the chapter Background Knowledge.
Dr Yi Ning Chiang, Specialist Trainee in Dermatology, Salford Royal NHS Foundation
Trust for contributing the chapter Common Important Problems.
Dr Matthew Scorer, Locum Consultant Dermatologist, University Hospitals of
Leicester for allowing us to use his photographs in this handbook. All illustrations
used are with his permission.
The Cardiff and Vale University Health Board for allowing us to use their photographs
in this handbook. All illustrations used are with their permission.
DermNet NZ for allowing us to use their photographs in this handbook. All
illustrations used are with their permission.
General References
Dermatology: Handbook for medical students & junior doctors
British Association of Dermatologists