Performance of Lambda Expressions in Java 8
A. Ward
, and D. Deugo
School of Computer Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Abstract – A major feature introduced to developers in Java
8 is language-level support for lambda expressions. Oracle
claims that the use of lambda expressions will allow for the
writing of more concise and efficient code for processing
elements that are stored in collections. We consider the
problem of determining if the runtime of lambda expressions
in Java 8 are faster than non-lambda expressions. By
comparing the speed of a lambda expression with a
corresponding non-lambda expression, that renders the same
result, we describe where lambda expressions have
performance advantages or disadvantages.
Keywords: lambda expression, stream, Java 8
1. Introduction
Lambda expressions in computer programming are
byproducts of the mathematical logic system, lambda calculus.
It was Alonzo Church who came up with lambda calculus [16]
to give structure to the concept of effective computability.
Lambda expressions are also known anonymous functions
because in lambda calculus all functions are anonymous (not
bound to an identifier). Lambda expressions have now been
used in computer programming since their introduction in Lisp
in 1958. Forty-six years later lambda expressions are getting
introduced to Java programmers.
1.1 Problem
The question we are trying to answer is the following:
are lambda expressions in Java 8 faster than non-lambda
expressions at accomplishing the same tasks.
1.2 Motivation
Our motivation for this work came from Oracle’s claim
that the use of lambda expressions would result in more
efficient code [1]. We were interested in determining if there
were advantages to using lambda expressions beyond their
obvious conciseness. Considering Oracle claimed lambda
expressions were more efficient, we decided to validate by
getting a quantitative speed difference in milliseconds and as a
1.3 Goals
Our main goal is to determine if the newly introduced
lambda expressions have a speed advantage over non-lambda
expressions for an identical task. We also wanted to make a
website that ran our comparisons. The website is also intended
to allow users to educate themselves on the performance and
uses of lambda expressions.
1.4 Objectives
To meet our goals, we have the following objectives:
Find example lambda expressions to use for
comparisons. These will be found through Java 8
books and Oracle documentation.
In addition to finding lambda expressions, create
our own lambda expressions. The created lambda
expressions are to show additional uses for lambda
expressions that are not covered in the Java 8 books
or in Oracle’s documentation.
Using Eclipse, calculate how long a lambda
expression takes to finish its task. Then test the
speed of a non-lambda expression completing the
same task. These results are used to determine the
difference, between the lambda and non-lambda
expression, in milliseconds and as a percentage.
Complete a website that runs and outputs the
comparison results. This would allow speed
comparisons to be tested across multiple operating
systems and processor speeds.
Make the website user friendly and provide
thorough instructions on how to allow the website to
run. The purpose of this is to allow users of the site
to run their own performance comparisons and see
the speed difference for themselves.
Display the code used for comparisons on the
website. This is meant to allow users to learn some
ways that lambda expressions can be used.
Additionally, giving users the ability to see the code
used will allow further discussion about if there is a
better, faster way to code the lambda or non-lambda
1.5 Outline
In section 2 we give a brief background on lambda
expressions. In section 3 we give some examples of lambda
expressions and compare them against their equivalent non-
lambda expression. In section 4, report on performance
comparison of the examples discussed in section 3. Finally, in
section 5, we give our conclusions.
2. Background
The use of lambda expressions has long been ubiquitous
in various functional programming languages such as Lisp,
Int'l Conf. Software Eng. Research and Practice | SERP'15 |
Scala, Haskell, and F# [2], among others. Before Java 8, Java
programmers have been forced into writing more verbose code
than needed and lacked key functionality such as the ability to
pass in a function as a parameter.
The following subsections give an overview of lambda
expressions. This discussion includes what a lambda
expression is, why they are useful, and finally their
performance in other languages.
2.1 What is a Lambda Expression?
Lambda expressions are also known as anonymous
functions because they are functions without an identifier.
These expressions can make use of already programmed
functional interfaces, such as a Predicate or Function. With no
identifier, a lambda expression isn’t intended to be called
many times like a method. They are actually commonly used
to avoid coding unnecessary methods. Thus, if the
functionality is only needed once or for a short amount of
time, lambda expressions help make code clearer and concise
/*to get the total + tax of a list of prices */
ArrayList<Integer> prices = new
// using lambda expression
double total =
.mapToDouble(x -> x*1.14)
//using non-lambda expression
double total2 = 0.0;
for (Integer i : prices) {
total2 += i*1.14;
For example, the above lambda expression can be written
using one line of code. The non-lambda expression involves
first initializing a variable and then creating a for-loop to add
each item price, with tax, to the total.
2.2 Why Use Lambda Expressions?
As stated in [3], the use of functional interfaces paired
with anonymous inner classes is a common theme in Java. To
simplify the coding, functional interfaces are taken advantage
of for use with lambda expressions, eliminating the need to
program inner classes.
// Using inner class
btn.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
// Using lambda expression
System.out.println("Hello World!"));
The “horizontal solution” of using lambda expressions,
solves the “vertical problem” presented by using inner classes
[3]. A lambda expression addresses the bulkiness of an inner
class by converting 5, 6, or even more lines of code into a
single statement.
2.3 Performance in Other Programming
Performance of lambda expressions differs from one
programming language to another. In some languages, the use
of a lambda expression not only gives the code a more clear
and concise look, but also has a faster execution time.
However, in other programming languages, code runs faster
using the more verbose approach [6]. As stated in [6], the
“lazy” approach can have its costs when it comes to
efficiency; using lambda expressions when needed is slower
than calling a function by name. The following subsections
review the use of lambda expressions in other popular
programming languages.
2.3.1 In Haskell
Haskell is a purely functional programming language,
based on lambda calculus. In the release of Haskell version
1.0, in 1990, it was well known that the use of lambda
expressions caused a significant and constant performance loss
[6]. Haskell 1.0 was also inefficient when it came to defining
streams [6], making it more inefficient to use lambda
expressions on streams of data.
Haskell Prime was released in 2006, where much of the
development focus was on performance [6]. Now competitive
performance is available with Haskell [6]. Haskell
programmers can now use the functionality of lambda
expressions without the inferiority of performance.
2.3.2 In Python
According to Python’s official documentation, lambda
expressions are equivalent to regular function objects [8]. In
Python, lambda expressions are just a better syntactic way to
write a normal function [9]. Thus, the implication is that
lambda expressions have equivalent performance as non-
lambda expressions in Python. However, as stated in [10],
lambda expressions in Python can be more efficient to use for
common programming idioms such as mapping, filtering, and
list comprehension.
2.3.3 In C++
C++11 was released in 2011 and saw major revisions
including the use of lambda expressions [11]. According to the
ISO (International Organization for Standardization), the
addition of lambda expressions to C++ has added much
strength flexibility and efficiency [11]. C++ programmers are
Int'l Conf. Software Eng. Research and Practice | SERP'15 |
now enabled to use powerful expressiveness, and write
efficient, high performance code [11].
3. Lambda Comparisons
Lambda expressions allow for a much more concise way
of iterating over a collection of data such as a list. Lambda
expressions can use multiple functions and interfaces to
accomplish a task. The following subsections go over some of
the varying ways that lambda expressions can be used.
3.1 Reduction
The stream.reduce() method is a general reduction
operation. It is comprised of an identity element that is the
starting value of the reduction and default value if there are no
elements in the stream. The method also consists of an
accumulator that takes as parameters, the partial result so far
of the reduction, and the next element in the stream. A new
partial result gets returned.
Example: int total =
.reduce(0, (a, b) -> a+b);
The non-lambda way of accomplishing the same thing as
in the above example would be creating a variable to store the
sum, and then running a for-each loop where each number in
the list was added to the total.
Example: int total = 0;
for (int i : nums) {
total += i;
What would have taken 3 lines of code in previous Java
versions, can now be done in 1 line using lambda expressions.
3.2 Filtering
The stream.filter() method takes a predicate as an
argument and returns a new stream containing the elements
that matched the conditions of predicate. Each predicate can
have multiple conditions that need to be satisfied. A lambda
expression can be passed into the stream.filter() method
Example: List<String> filtered =
.filter(x -> x.length()> 3)
The above example filters out all strings with a length
less than 3. This creates a new stream with only the remaining
strings. The non-lambda expression once again uses a for-each
loop. Instead of filtering, the non-lambda expression uses an
Example: List<String> filtered = new
for (String str : strList) {
if (str.length() > 3)
Once again the lambda expression can be written using
less lines of code.
3.3 Collecting
The stream.Collectors class has a variety of methods that
are of great use to streams and lambda expressions. These
methods from the Collectors class can be used inside the
stream.collect method of the lambda expression.
3.3.1 To List
One method of the Collectors class is the
Collector.toList() method. The method takes all the elements
that are left in a stream, and stores them in a list. This makes it
quick and easy to create a new list, filtering out unwanted
elements from the old list. For example, extracting all the
numbers in a list that are greater than 5.
Example: List<Integer> above5 = numberList
.filter(x -> x > 5)
In the above example, with 1 line of code a new list is
created, containing only the desired numbers. A non-Lambda
expression to accomplish the same feet requires creating a new
list, using an if-statement to check the value of each number,
and then adding the wanted numbers to the List.
Example: List<Integer> above5 = new
for (Integer i : numberList) {
if (i > 5)
3.3.2 Joining
Another method in the Collectors class is the joining()
method. The method is a terminal operation that creates a non-
stream result. Inside the stream.collect method, the joining()
method returns a Collector that concatenates all the elements
in the stream. The joining() method can take a CharSequence
as a parameter. In that case a Collector is returned that
concatenates the stream elements with the CharSequence
separating each element.
Example: String con =
Collectors.joining(", "));
In the above example, in 1 line of code, the joining()
method creates a concatenated string with a comma separating
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each element. Using a non-lambda expressions involves first
creating a blank string and then using a for-loop to add each
list element to the string.
Example: String con = "";
for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i ++) {
con += names.get(i) + ", ";
3.4 Mapping
Mapping involves taking an object and assigning it to a
new value. If for example there was a stream filled with
Person objects, mapping could create a stream filled with
numbers, such as the Person object’s age. Mapping can be
accomplished with the method. The method can
take a lambda expression as a parameter.
Example: List<String> upperNames = names
.map(name -> name.toUpperCase())
The above example streams a list of strings and maps each
string to a string with all uppercase letters. The equivalent
non-lambda expression creates a new list, and then iterates
through a for-loop of the original list. Each string from the
original list is converted to all upper case letters before being
added to the new list.
Example: ArrayList<String> upperNames = new
for (String name : names) {
3.5 Passing In Functions and Predicates
As previously mentioned, a feature lacking in previous
Java versions was the ability to pass in functions. The
java.util.function package can be used to pass in a Function or
Predicate into a stream’s intermediate operation(s) to replace a
lambda expression. Both a Function and Predicate can return
true or false, allowing them to passed in to methods that need
to evaluate a condition (i.e. the stream.filter() method).
3.5.1 Predicates
A predicate is a functional interface that can be used as a
target for a lambda expression or method reference. The
syntax for defining a predicate is Predicate<T> where T is the
type of argument being tested (i.e String, int, etc). The
Predicate<T> then determines if the input object meets some
Example: Predicate<String> startWithA = (p) ->
List<String> startingWithA =
In the above example a predicate named ‘startWithA’ is
created. The predicate is then passed in to filter the stream. As
mentioned in section 3.2 on filtering, the non-lambda
expression equivalent involves an if-statement and a for loop.
Example: List<String> startingWithA = new
for (String name : names) {
if (name.startsWith(“A”)) {
3.5.2 Functions
A function is also a functional interface that can be used
as a target for a lambda expression or method reference. The
syntax for defining a function is Function<T, R> where T is
the type of argument being passed in and R is the type of
result for the function. The Function<T, R> takes in a single
argument and returns some result. Unlike the predicate the
result isn’t necessarily a Boolean.
Example: Function<String, Predicate<String>>
startsWithLetter = letter -> name ->
List<String> namesStartingWithA =
In the above example, a predicate is returned by the
function. What makes the function different from the predicate
example in section 3.4.1 is the ability to check if the string
started with any letter. Whereas the predicate in section 3.4.1
was hard coded to only check if the string started with the
letter “A”. An equivalent non-lambda expression involves
creating a separate method inside the class file.
Example: List<String> namesStartingWithA = new
for (String name : names) {
if (startsWith("A", name))
public boolean startsWith(String a, String b) {
return b.startsWith(a);
3.6 Calling Class Methods
Lambda expressions can be used to call methods written
elsewhere in the class or superclass. The method could return
Int'l Conf. Software Eng. Research and Practice | SERP'15 |
a boolean for filtering, be used for mapping, or be part of the
terminal operation. For the comparison on the website we used
the following method:
static boolean isPrime(int n) {
for(int i=2;i<n;i++) {
return false;
return true;
Since a Boolean is returned, the isPrime() method is used
in the body of a lambda expression. The lambda expression is
inside the stream.filter() method to filter the stream of
numbers. The stream.count() method is then used to add up
how many elements are left in the stream.
Example: int counter = (int)
.filter(p -> isPrime(p)).count();
Yet again the non-lambda expression involves the use of
a for-loop. An integer is created that keeps track of the total
number of prime numbers. The for-loop iterates through each
number in a list. The isPrime() method is used inside an if-
statement. If the number is prime, 1 is added to the total.
Example: for (int n : nums) {
if (isPrime(n)) {
4. Results
In this section we provide comparisons of the execution
times of the examples noted in the previous section.
4.1 Comparison Results
The data presented in the Tables 1 and 2 are the result of
executing each lambda expression and non-lambda expression
for problems of size 10,000, repeating each experiment 1000
times and then averaging the results using a Mac Pro laptop,
2.9 GHz Intel Core i7, 8 GB 1600 MHz, DDR3 memory, with
Java 8. The average execution time in milliseconds and the
ratio of improvement between the lambda and non-lambda
expressions are noted in Table 1 and 2. The Lambda
improvement is calculated as follows: (Lambda - Non-
Lambda) / (Non-Lambda) * -100.00. To remove any startup
or Just In Time (JIT) effects [17], the results report in Table 1
where from the fifth iteration of running the above
experiments. We found that by the third iteration the results
were consistent with iterations four and five. Table 2 shows
the results of the first iteration, which are considerably
different from the results reported in Table 1. Table 3 shows
how drastically a small problem size and only one iteration
can affect the results. The results in this table show how using
a problem size of 1000, only running each experiment 100
times, and then looking at the first iteration of this impacts the
performance of Lambdas. To run your own comparisons, visit
Table 1: Lambda Performance Comparisons (5’th Iteration)
Experiment Lambda
16.81 16.42 -2.40
Adding Up
16.81 16.42 -2.40
32.78 73.31 55.29
Mapping 70.58 105.80 33.29
Filter List 72.91 106.18 31.23
Filter List
with Predicate
79.47 107.25 25.90
Filter In List
87.13 108.32 19.57
Table 2: Lambda Performance Comparisons (1’st Iteration)
Experiment Lambda
15.96 15.32 2.25
Adding Up
15.96 16.33 2.25
30.44 72.82 58.20
Mapping 66.9 105.19 36.40
Filter List 69.21 105.54 34.42
Filter List
with Predicate
74.71 106.63 29.93
Filter In List
81.15 107.71 24.66
Table 3: Lambda Performance Comparisons (small problem
size and repetitions)
Experiment Lambda
0.72 0.01 -7100
Adding Up
0.74 0.01 -7300
2.51 9.34 73.13
Mapping 6.28 12.24 48.70
Filter List 6.47 12.37 47.70
Filter List
with Predicate
6.51 12.5 47.92
Filter In List
6.69 12.63 47.03
Int'l Conf. Software Eng. Research and Practice | SERP'15 |
5. Conclusions
The addition of lambda expressions to Java 8 provide for
more functional, concise, and readable coding. In addition,
given enough execution time, the new lambda expressions can
provide a performance advantage. The report entitled ‘Clash
of the Lambdas’ also shows that Java’s lambda expressions
not only held their own, but in many cases outperformed the
lambda expressions in Scala, C#, and F# [15]. These results
held true for Windows and Linux, and varying processor
speeds. This is impressive on many levels considering lambda
expressions have been present in Scala and F# since their
introductions, and in C# since C# 3.0. With this being Java’s
first attempt at lambda expressions, the results are impressive.
5.1 The Future
With Java 8 being the first version of Java with support
for lambda expressions, the future looks promising. Looking
at the performance of lambdas in other programming
languages, Java’s performance not only competes, but also
leads over other languages. More impressively, some of those
languages have supported lambda expressions for years. Java
9 was announced for release in 2016. This provides another
opportunity for Oracle to continue to increase the performance
advantages of lambda.
6. References
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[14] Parallelism. The Java Tutorials. Web 9 May 2015.
[15] Biboudis, A., Palladinos, N., & Smaragdakis, Y. Clash
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[16] A. Church, A set of postulates for the foundation of logic,
Annals of Mathematics, Series 2, 33:346–366
[17] The JIT Compiler, Web 9 May 2015. <http://www->.
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