Arizona State University - Tempe
School of Art- Art Education
ARE 486 Art Ed: Strategies/Applications SLN 70333
Fall, 2022
Bernard Young
Office: 256 Art Building
Office Hours: Dr. Young: Tuesday 1:00-3:00 Please email me to make an
appointment. ([email protected]
Meetings: Wednesday and Friday, 10:30 am-12:20 pm
Saturday, 8:00 am-12: 30 pm Sept. 4 through Nov. 11 No classes during
Fall Break (Saturday Oct. 8)
Class meets in Room Art 226 Wed. and Fri:
Saturday classrooms to be assigned before the start of the Eleanor A. Robb Children’s
Art Workshop.
School of Art /Office: Art 102. Phone: 480-965-3468
Dr. Young's Office Phone: 480-965-3341 Email: [email protected]
Recommended Texts:
Hurwitz, A. and Day, M. (2012) Children and Their Art (Methods for The Elementary
and Middle School), 9th Edition, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, Boston, MA (Note the
and 8
editions can be purchased for a reasonable price or look for a copy in the
library. ISBN-13:978-0495-91357-3
Erickson, M. & Young, B. (2002). Multicultural Artworlds: Enduring, Evolving, and
Overlapping Traditions. Reston, VA: National Art Education Association, Publisher.
ISBN 1-890160-20-2
Lowenfeld, V. and Brittain, W. L. (1987) Creative and Mental Growth, 8th, Edition,
Macmillan, New York. ISBN-0-02-372110-3
(Note: you are not expected to purchase the Hurwitz-Day textbook but you should read
the material assigned from the three texts and/ or take notes in class. These textbooks are
available on reserve in the Hayden library).
If you need to use digital resources for teaching a lesson you may have to collaborate
with the professor or his graduate assistant to make sure the appropriate devices are
available in the room where you are teaching or presenting.
Course Description: The implementation, discussion, and evaluation of art instruction
for K-12 populations. The emphasis in this course will be on the art instruction of
children ages 5-15 yrs. Each student will be required to develop definite lesson plans or a
set of procedures to teach a series of lessons to children on-line. The specific ten Saturday
mornings that we will teach and work with children should be free from other
responsibilities in order to meet these requirements. ARE 486 meets the state certification
requirement for the elementary methods class. Prerequisite: ARE 482.
Course Goals/Objectives and Arizona Professional Teaching Standards:
Students will:
1. Become knowledgeable about how students learn (1.4, 1.5, 1.8, 2.6).
2. Become familiar with experiences that are developmentally appropriate for learners
3. Learn a variety of methods, materials & resources used to teach art (1.1).
4. How to address physical, mental, social, cultural and community differences among
learners (1.5). 5. Learn a variety of cognitive levels in children’s perception in creating
(1.3). 6. Learn about implementing and evaluating classroom management plans (2.1,
3.5). 7. Create assessments to match curriculum activities and art standards (4). 8.
Collaborate with mentor teacher to work with parents to enhance student learning in
school on Saturday mornings and at home. 9. Become knowledgeable about teaching art
studio, art history, and aesthetics (1.1,1.4, 3). 10. Become knowledgeable about state and
national art standards. 11. This year you will also become knowledgeable about teaching
on-line. We will be using Canvas to teach on-line.
Course Requirements and Evaluations:
1. Regular attendance and class participation is expected. You will be responsible for
teaching in the Children’s Art Workshop (CAW) program for ten weeks. You will be
graded on how well you handle this responsibility. Keep your Saturdays open during the
ten weeks of the CAW program during the time of the CAW program. 25% of total
2. Curriculum Design- Each individual is required to develop a 10-week art curriculum.
Usually you will teach ten separate lessons. On Wednesdays you must have a written
review of your previous Saturday Teaching. Fridays you must turn in a lesson written
plan you will teach on Saturday and be ready to present this in class. A written copy of
this lesson must be turned in to the professor each week (no hard copies please send
lessons via the Canvas or email). You will create a lesson in collaboration with your
teaching partner. We will decide in class whom your teaching partner(s) will be this
semester. 20% of total grade
3. Implementation of your art educational curriculum and an evaluation of your teaching
effectiveness will be observed and evaluated. Your use of time, planning, clear
communication of goals and purposes of your lessons, and your general organization will
be evaluated. Each student will turn in a written evaluation of the CAW class they taught
each week; usually on Friday. If you are teaching with a partner you will each still need
to write a separate evaluation of your Saturday CAW experience. 25% of total grade
4. Final Project (This is basically a refined and completed version of the curriculum you
used to teach from in the Children's Art Workshop for the ten weeks including photos of
students, teacher samples and resources). We will discuss in class creating a virtual final
exhibition so it is important to take photos of your projects and classes as you teach
during CAW. 30% of total grade
Students who successfully complete this class will receive credit for one of their required
observation blocks in the ASU Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, iTeachAZ program.
To be discussed.
Fingerprint Clearance. The University has mandated in the past that all of our
instructors that work with minors get a fingerprint clearance. I will give you more up to
date information on this if this is still a requirement for the Children’s Art Workshop.
At a minimum the Final paper should have:
a. Titles of each lesson
b. General Purpose(s) and age group for which it is intended
c. Objectives
d. Motivation
e. Materials
f. Description of Activities
g. Clean - Up Procedures
h. Closure
i. Evaluation
Eleanor A. Robb Children’s Art Workshop Dates.
September 3, 10, 17, 24. October 1, 15, 22, 29, November 5, 12
NOTE October 8
no class, it is Fall Break.
CAW Class times: 9:00-10:30 A. M. and 11:00 A. M. - 12:30 P. M. Teachers are
expected to arrive at ASU at 8: 00 am
Statement from Associate Dean Woodson:
Course Access Your ASU courses can be accessed by both my.asu.edu and
myasucourses.asu.edu; bookmark both in the event that one site is down.
Technology Requirements (in the event of online instruction)
ASU Sync classes can be live streamed anywhere with the proper technology. We
encourage you to use a PC or Apple laptop or desktop equipped with a built-in or
standalone webcam. You will need an internet connection that can effectively stream live
broadcasts. It is recommended that your internet download speed is at least 5.0 mbps.
You can use this tool to test your current connection.
We do not recommend the use of iPads or Chromebooks for ASU Sync as these devices
do not work for class exams that may be proctored remotely.
If you are not able to personally finance the equipment you need to attend class via ASU
Sync, ASU has a laptop and WiFi hotspot checkout program available through ASU
Who is eligible?
● Any currently enrolled ASU student is eligible to checkout a laptop. The current
availability of laptops can be found here.
● Borrowing and returning laptop rules
● Laptops are lent on a first-come, first-serve basis, and cannot be reserved in advance.
They can be returned at any time, but will be due at the conclusion of the fall 2020
● Rentals are limited to one laptop per student.
● Laptops are available for checkout at the following libraries on all four campuses.
(Please check online for current library hours)
Downtown Phoenix campus Library
Polytechnic campus Library
Tempe: Hayden and Noble Libraries
West campus: Fletcher Library
● Return laptops to any ASU Library Information Desk (not at the drop box or other
● Refer to ASU Library Computer Use Policy and ASU Computer, Internet, and
Electronic Communications Policy.
● Borrowers are responsible for loss, damage, and theft of the laptop while in their
possession. Borrowers should verify the condition of the laptop at the time of check-out
and upon check-in.
Date Activity/Reading
Friday August 19
Introduction – Review the semester and general goals. Students should view the website
for the CAW at: https://art.asu.edu/events/childrens-art-workshop
(Discussion and Review of earlier CAW programs)
Introduce the late Eleanor A. Robb.
Discuss teaching assignments and potential teaching partners.
If you took ARE 482 last Spring your papers should be valuable this semester.
GRADUATE ASSISTANT: Jennica Jackson [email protected]
Check the storage room for supplies for tomorrow or make plans to purchase supplies.
Let’s review our newly organize room and plan on our new supplies.
* We will also discuss how you will purchase supplies.
a. Blick, 930 E. University, Arizona Art Supply, are vendors close to ASU that you
may consider purchasing supplies from. We are not limited to the listed stores.
We will purchase some supplies on-line as a class.
b. The photography teachers can purchase supplies and be reimbursed but the class
may be digital only this semester. We may also purchase supplies on-line.
c. Ordering from outside vendors such as Nasco and Blick.
d. You do have the option of purchasing supplies and be reimbursed. You must have
original receipts and fill out the proper forms in order to be reimbursed. Be sure to
give your receipts to Dr. Young or our Graduate Assistant Jennica Jackson.
e. The Art Resource Center located at 910 S. Hohokam Dr #105
Tempe, Arizona 85281 and open Wednesdays and Saturdays 10-2. This is a non-
profit that supplies tools and materials free to teachers and for a small donation to
teachers and other community members. Please see their Facebook site for
updated information on hours.
Class Title Rooms (subject to change) Age Groups
Creative Expression I 232 5-6
Creative Expression II 202 5-6
Creative Expression III 420 7-8
Creative Expression IV 401 8-9
Creative Expression V 246 8-9
Drawing/Painting I 320 10-11
Drawing/Painting II 326 11-13
Drawing/Painting III 346 13-15
Ceramics/Sculpture 26D 10-15
Printmaking 226 10-15
Crafts /3D 226 10-15
Photography 20 10-15
Wednesday August 24
Developing Lesson Plans
In this class, we will confirm assignments for teachers, subjects and classrooms. Team
teaching assignments will also be made today. Note the age levels and specific media you
will be working with so you can plan for supplies.
Meet with your teaching partner today to discuss teaching organization.
Introduce Stages of Development of Children’s Art.
Friday August 26
Double check Assignments for all teachers and classes TODAY…
Read Chap. 1 in Day/Hurwitz - Foundations and Goals for Art Education: Children, Art,
and Society. Chap. 1 in Lowenfeld, Importance of Art Education.
Work on outlines of what you will teach on the first day.
See pp. 43-47 In Multicultural Artworlds: Read about sample lessons and formats you
may use in your lessons.
Fill out a form for each class - Include the Teacher(s), Class, title, and room. Have an
outline for the first class with materials needed. Students should order supplies or know
exactly where to purchase them today or even get them from the storage room. Continue
to discuss your class plans.
Check the storage room for supplies or make plans to purchase supplies.
Wednesday August 31
Bring a sequenced overview of what you will teach for ten weeks and a separate lesson
plan for what you will teach on September 3
. Meet with your teaching partner today to
plan for the first week.
Read Chap. 2- Understanding Growth and Development, in Lowenfeld.
How can an Artworld –Centered Online Curriculum be used? Pp. 27-31. In Multicultural
Artworlds: Enduring, Evolving, and Overlapping Traditions.
Discuss plans for the first day of classes Look at artworlds and lesson plan ideas
Check the storage room for supplies for tomorrow or make plans to purchase supplies.
Friday September 2
P. Spruill-FLEMING, Linking the Legacy: Approaches to the teaching of African and
American Art. Pp.55-71. In Art, Culture and Ethnicity.
Due: Lesson plan CAW week 1.
*Each week following on Wednesdays bring examples of art from your CAW class to
discuss in class. Present and turn in your lesson for the upcoming Saturday. On some
days, you may bring slides or reproductions of what was produced in your class.
Continue to discuss your class plans.
Discuss ten-week overview of classes.
Show slides of stages of development
Saturday September 3: Week 1 Children’s Art Workshop. All students to arrive by
8:00 Classes are 9:00 – 10:30 (session one) and 11:00 – 12:30 (session 2)
Wednesday September 7
Due: Lesson plan CAW week 2. Each week on Wednesdays bring examples of art from
your CAW class to discuss in class. Present and turn in your lesson for the upcoming
Saturday. On some days, you may bring slides or reproductions of what was produced in
your class.
Read -The Development of Creativity, Chap. 3.
Friday September 9
Due: Evaluation of your teaching and lesson for week 1 CAW
Reading: Reflecting on ways to Help the reluctant artist communicate
Bentley, D.F (Canvas)
Saturday September 10: Week 2 Children’s Art Workshop. All students to arrive by
8:00. Classes are 9:00–10:30 (session one) and 11:00–12:30 (session 2)
Wednesday September 14
Due: Lesson plan CAW week 3. Each week on Wednesdays bring examples of art from
your CAW class to discuss in class. Present and turn in your lesson for the upcoming
Saturday. On some days, you may bring slides or reproductions of what was produced in
your class.
Reading: In Hurwitz Chap. 3 - Children's Artistic Development: How children grow and
learn. Prepare and discuss outlines for the next class.
Friday September 16
Due: Evaluation of your teaching and lesson for week 2 CAW
Present and Discuss your evaluation of your performance of last week’s Saturday class
objectives and outcomes.
Read In Hurwitz, Chapter 19, Curriculum: Background, Planning, and Organization.
Order supplies for classes.
Saturday September 17: Week 3 Children’s Art Workshop. All students to arrive by
8:00. Classes are 9:00–10:30 (session one) and 11:00–12:30 (session 2)
Wednesday September 21
Due: Lesson plan CAW week 4. Each week on Wednesdays bring examples of art from
your CAW class to discuss in class. Present and turn in your lesson for the upcoming
Saturday. On some days, you may bring slides or reproductions of what was produced in
your class.
Lesson plan ppt
Read examples in Day and Hurwitz, Who designs the Art Curriculum? Discuss state of
Arizona Arts Standards.
Friday September 23
Due: Evaluation of your teaching and lesson for week 3 CAW
Continue/In Lowenfeld and Brittain, Read The Development of Aesthetic Awareness Ch.
Saturday September 24: Week 4 Children’s Art Workshop. All students to arrive by
8:00. Classes are 9:00–10:30 (session one) and 11:00–12:30 (session 2)
Wednesday September 28
Due: Lesson plan CAW week 5. Each week on Wednesdays bring examples of art from
your CAW class to discuss in class. Present and turn in your lesson for the upcoming
Saturday. On some days, you may bring slides or reproductions of what was produced in
your class.
Class discussion of your next lesson
In Hurwitz & Day, Read Chapter 17, The social dimension: Collaborative art activities
and instructional games. Murals, etc.
Show ppt of Murals & discussion.
Friday September 30
Due: Evaluation of your teaching and lesson for week 4 CAW
Read Chap. 6, The Beginnings of Self Expression.
Discuss arrangements for the next class & Saturday’s classes.
Saturday October 1: Week 5 Children’s Art Workshop. All students to arrive by 8:00.
Classes are 9:00–10:30 (session one) and 11:00–12:30 (session 2)
Wednesday October 5
Due: Lesson plan CAW week 6 &7 (Yes! Two weeks because we do not meet next
week). Each week on Wednesdays bring examples of art from your CAW class to discuss
in class. Present and turn in your lesson for the upcoming Saturday. On some days, you
may bring slides or reproductions of what was produced in your class.
Class discussion of your next lessons.
In Lowenfeld & Brittain, Read Chap. 7, First Representational Attempts.
Friday October 7
Due: Evaluation of your teaching and lesson for week 5 CAW
NO CAW THIS WEEK. Saturday October 8: Fall break.
Fall break October 8-11
Classes excused/University open
Wednesday October 12
Welcome back we will have class today.
October 13-15 Dr. Young will be out of town receiving a Life time
Achievement Award in Philadelphia at the Pennsylvania Academy of
Fine Arts. We will discuss this in class.
Friday October 14
Saturday October 15: Week 6 Children’s Art Workshop. All students to arrive by
8:00. Classes are 9:00–10:30 (session one) and 11:00–12:30 (session 2)
Continue/ discuss progress, designing lessons on-line and previous lessons.
Wednesday October 19
Due: Lesson plan CAW week 8. Each week on Wednesdays bring examples of art from
your CAW class to discuss in class. Present and turn in your lesson for the upcoming
Saturday. On some days, you may bring slides or reproductions of what was produced in
your class.
Discuss last week & lessons.
Continue – Read Chap. 8 The Schematic Stage. In Hurwitz and Day,
Class discussion/next lesson. In Lowenfeld & Brittain, Read The Dawning Realism,
Chap. 9.
Friday October 21
Due: Evaluation of your teaching and lesson for week 6 & 7 CAW
Order the art certificates for CAW.
Pass out and discuss in class the outline of the final project.
Continue - In Hurwitz & Day, Chap. 19 - Methods for Teaching Art: Classroom Practice
Who designs the art curriculum?
Class discussion/next lesson. In Lowenfeld & Brittain, Read Art in the Secondary School,
Chap. 10.
Saturday October 22: Week 7 Children’s Art Workshop. All students to arrive by
8:00. Classes are 9:00–10:30 (session one) and 11:00–12:30 (session 2)
Wednesday October 26
Due: Lesson plan CAW week 9. Each week on Wednesdays bring examples of art from
your CAW class to discuss in class. Present and turn in your lesson for the upcoming
Saturday. On some days, you may bring slides or reproductions of what was produced in
your class.
Discuss Artura.org
Artura.org is a new platform dedicated to making diverse contemporary art freely
accessible online, especially to the academic, curatorial, and education communities.
Conduct a review of literature in the library and gather resources that would be useful for
parents once our Saturday classes are over. This material should be specifically related to
the classes you are currently teaching. It should be a page summary of resources,
readings, etc. that you can hand out to parents.
Prepare for tomorrow’s CAW class
Friday October 28
Due: Evaluation of your teaching and lesson for week 8 CAW
Give out the certificates today and have teachers insert names and information. These
should be given to CAW students at the exhibition.
Continue/Order all mat board and materials and discuss displaying children's art.
Class discussion/next lesson. In Lowenfeld & Brittain, Read Chap. 11, The Age of
Saturday October 29: Week 8 Children’s Art Workshop. All students to arrive by
8:00. Classes are 9:00–10:30 (session one) and 11:00–12:30 (session 2)
Wednesday November 2
Due: Lesson plan CAW week 10 (final week). Present and turn in your lesson for the
upcoming Saturday. On some days, you may bring slides or reproductions of what was
produced in your class.
Discuss last week’s class and preparation for the virtual exhibition.
Friday November 4
Due: Evaluation of your teaching and lesson for week 9 CAW
See the multicultural assignment for Nov. 13th
Prepare all work for class and begin to document your virtual exhibition
Saturday November 5
: Week 9 Children’s Art Workshop. All students to arrive by
8:00. Classes are 9:00–10:30 (session one) and 11:00–12:30 (session 2)
Document student work. Give students a CAW certificate and return all artwork to
Wednesday November 9
Due: Evaluation of your teaching and lesson for week 10 CAW
Discuss children exhibitions. Present your virtual exhibit for your 10-week classes
In Multicultural Artworlds: Enduring, Evolving, and Overlapping,
Select an artist that you will discuss in class today, see the resource section.
Friday November 11
Veterans Day University closed
Final Session for the Children’s Art Workshop. Saturday November 12
: Week 10
Children’s Art Workshop. All students to arrive by 8:00. Classes are 9:00–10:30
(session one) and 11:00–12:30 (session 2)
Wednesday November 16
Discuss exhibitions and finish presenting any class not discussed last week.
Discuss exhibitions;
Clean the storage room (all students) and the class.
Update information on the Student Art Education Club and t-shirts.
In Multicultural Artworlds: Enduring, Evolving, and Overlapping Traditions. Discuss the
Resource section part three of the book.
Clean the storage rooms (all students)
Friday November 18
In Lowenfeld and Brittain, Read Chap. 8 The Achievement of a Form Concept
Wednesday November 23
Divide the class up into groups A, B, C, D and discuss the entire book Creative and
Mental Growth. Each group will lead the discussion of their reading assignments
A reads pages 1-156
B reads- 157-217
C reads- 218-343
D reads- 344-479
November 25
November 25-26 Thanksgiving holiday.
Wednesday November 30
In Hurwitz, Chapter 4 Children with Disabilities and Chapter 5, Talented Children: The
nature of artistic giftedness. Continue class discussion of our exhibition. Gifted children
and art. Art for the underserved.
Friday December 2
Summary of the Lowenfeld text and the final chapter. In Hurwitz & Day, Chapter 20,
Read - Assessing student learning and achievement. PPT and class discussion
Clean-up Day for 226
Complete summaries of all readings we did not complete during the semester.
FINAL PAPERS ARE DUE TODAY. Classes end today.
All classes end on December 3, 2021
Important Dates and Notes
1. September 5
, Labor Day- University Closed.
2. August 19
First Day of Classes.
3. October 8-11. Fall Break -Classes closed/University open
4. November 11
Veterans Day. University Closed.
5. November 12
Final day of CAW
4. November 24-25 Thanksgiving holiday No classes.
5. Final Papers are due December 2
. We will not have a final exam.
6. All classes end on December 2
at ASU
7. Commencement Ceremony December 12
Academic Calendar and Important Dates:
The academic calendar can be found here: https://students.asu.edu/academic-calendar
Subject to change:
The Instructor reserves the right to change portions of this syllabus at his or her discretion to
accommodate the needs of the class. This will be done by verbal instructions during scheduled
class time. The student is responsible for noting changes and acting accordingly.
SSM 201–18: Accommodating Active Duty Military
Computer, Internet, and Electronic Communications Policy:
Missed Classes Due to University Sanctioned Activities:
Accommodations for Religious Practices:
Handling Disruptive, Threatening, or Violent Individuals on Campus:
For more information, refer to: www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd304-10.html.
University Course Guidelines can be found here: