U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Marketing Service Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market News
USDA AMS Livestock, Poultry & Grain Market News 1 GA (404)562-5850 IA (515)284-4460 | desm.l[email protected]v |
The National Egg Market-at-a-Glance report is a daily summary of the current market conditions in the national egg market. The latest edition of this report can be
found as well as previously released editions can be found at the link below.
National Egg Market At A Glance
The Regional reports are a summary of market conditions and prices within the region. The latest edition of these reports for each region as well as previously
released editions can be found at the links below.
Midwest Regional
Northeast Regional
Southeast Regional
South Central
The Combined Regional report is a summary of all the regional prices and the simple average of prices for the week in all the regions. The latest edition of this
report as well as previously released editions can be found at the link below.
Weekly Combined Regional
The Daily California Eggs report is summary of market conditions and prices. The latest edition of this report as well as previously released editions can be found
at the link below.
Daily California Eggs
The Daily New York Eggs report is summary of market conditions and prices. The latest edition of this report as well as previously released editions can be found
at the link below.
Daily New York Eggs
The Daily North Carolina Eggs report is summary of market conditions and prices. The latest edition of this report as well as previously released editions can be
found at the link below.
Daily North Carolina Eggs
The Weekly USDA Certified Organic Poultry and Eggs report is a weekly summary of organic production and retail features for poultry and eggs. The latest edition
of this report as well as previously released editions can be found at the link below.
Weekly USDA Certified Organic Poultry and Eggs
The National Weekly Shell Egg Inventory report provides a weekly representative measure of the current supply of shell eggs available for marketing. The report
contains data on weekly shell egg inventories grouped by size and type on both a national and regional level. The latest edition of this report as well as previously
released editions can be found at the link below.
National Weekly Shell Egg Inventory
The Weekly Shell Eggs Processed Under Federal Inspection report shows summarized weekly data on the production of shell eggs into egg products. It also
shows the total amount of eggs broken as breaking stock and the total production of liquid whole egg, liquid whites, liquid yolk, dried product, and inedible product.
The latest edition of this report as well as previously released editions can be found at the link below.
Weekly Shell Eggs Processed Under Federal Inspection
The Weekly National Egg Products report shows summarized weekly data for liquid eggs, frozen eggs, and dried eggs. The latest edition of this report as well as
previously released editions can be found at the link below.
Weekly National Egg Products
The Regional Breaking Stock reports are a summary of market conditions and prices. The latest edition of these reports as well as previously released editions can
be found at the links below.
Central Region Breaking Stock (Daily)
Eastern Region (Tuesday & Friday)
The Daily 5-Day Weighted Average Trailer Load Egg Sales report is compilation of loads, as well as origin and destination prices for the 6 regions. The latest
edition of this report as well as previously released editions can be found at the link below.
Daily 5-Day Weighted Average Trailer Load Egg Sales
The Weekly National Fowl report is a compilation of data of market conditions, prices, slaughter, and retail features for live fowl. The latest edition of this report as
well as previously released editions can be found at the link below.
Weekly National Fowl
The Weekly Cold Storage Holdings report provides cold storage holdings of frozen eggs, processed turkeys and processed other poultry products from selected
storage centers and the percentage change in holdings from the first of the month. The latest edition of this report as well as previously released editions can be
found at the link below.
Weekly Cold Storage Holdings
The Weekly National Retail Egg Purchases report is a summary of retail 30 dozen cases of eggs purchased weekly. The latest edition of this report as well as
previously released editions can be found at the link below.
National Retail Egg Purchases