CAPP 60-31 December 2022
CAPP 60-31 December 2022
This handbook is a resource for cadets and the senior members who
supervise and guide them.
What is the role of the cadet staff? How do senior members manage
the staff program? This handbook answers those questions and more.
It discusses how to design a cadet staff, select cadets for staff service,
and make staff service a learning experience.
It also includes practical tools for cadets. There are detailed descrip-
tions for the major cadet staff positions, resources for conducting
uniform inspections, tips for planning squadron meetings, and more.
Document formatted per latest CAP branding standards.
No substantive changes made.
Previous editions going back to November 2016 may still be used.
Part 1 Introduction for Commanders 1
Part 2 Tools for Cadet Staff
Introduction 8
Goal Setting & Planning 10
Leadership & Mentoring 18
Air Force Traditions 31
Appendix 1 Cadet Position Descriptions 38
Appendix 2 Organizational Charts 54
Part 1
Cadets learn by leading. Service on a cadet staff gives cadets an oppor-
tunity to apply their leadership skills and develop their potential.
Their learning is especially effective because the cadets are actively en-
gaged in their development as leaders. Cadets learn to lead by actually
leading, instead of passively receiving knowledge from a lecturer. Cadets
will have a higher motivation to learn and develop their potential if they
see that as cadet staff they have a degree of autonomy that gives them
a real stake in the success of the squadron.
Therefore, instead of senior members assuming the role of a classroom
teacher and being the sole, infallible source of information, the senior
leadership should share control of the squadron and allow cadets to ex-
plore the art of leadership by leading junior cadets. In the Cadet Pro-
gram, senior members coach and mentor the cadet staff.
When selecting cadets to serve on the cadet staff, senior members
should try to tie-together three things: the cadet’s leadership skill, their
rank, and their job.
For example, new cadets are learning how to follow and contribute to
the team. They wear an airman’s insignia, and therefore should be as-
signed a position appropriate for a novice, low-ranking leader, such as
element leader. Cadet master sergeants, on the other hand, know how
to follow and have moved on to learn how to take charge of small
groups and execute plans their superiors have developed. Therefore,
these cadet NCOs should be assigned positions that match their rank
and skill, such as flight sergeant or first sergeant. The “Leadership Ex-
pectations” chart on pages 20-21 illustrates these concepts.
Tailoring the Challenge
This principle of tying leadership skill, rank, and position together is all
about providing a tailor-made leadership challenge for each cadet. Ho-
wever, this may result in the squadron needing to keep some staff posi-
tions vacant. For example, if the ranking cadet is an airman, their
position still should be limited to element leader because we want to
match them with a job that is appropriate for their leadership skill and
rank – it would be premature to appoint that cadet as cadet com-
mander. If the ranking cadet is a master sergeant, that cadet could
serve as flight sergeant or first sergeant, but higher positions like flight
commander and cadet commander should remain vacant.
By assigning cadets to positions that match their rank and skill, we en-
sure each cadet has a leadership challenge that is appropriate. Further,
by keeping high positions vacant until cadets achieve rank commensu-
rate with the positions, we give the ranking cadet(s) additional chal-
lenges to strive towards and a reason to pursue promotions. As the
cadets advance in CAP and mature as leaders, they can gradually be
promoted into higher positions on the cadet staff.
If units provide tailor–made challenges for ranking cadets, each unit is
apt to have a unique organizational structure. There is no “one size fits
all” solution or standard organizational chart for a cadet unit. Each
squadron should choose an organizational structure that is appropriate
for its mix of cadets, be the squadron big or small, top-heavy or
This handbook includes organizational charts designed for a variety of
circumstances. Unit commanders should select the organizational
structure best suited for their unit, or even customize one of the organ-
izational charts suggested in this handbook.
A squadron’s cadet staff is a dynamic system – as junior cadets ad-
vance and experienced cadets outgrow the Cadet Program, the staff
structure will need to change. What does this mean for the cadets’
mentors, the senior member staff?
The level of adult involvement – the degree to which the senior staff
takes a hands-on or hands-off approach – should depend on the matur-
ity of the cadet staff.
Well-Established Units
For example, in well-established units that have a number of mature
cadet officers, the cadet staff should be afforded considerable auton-
omy. It is the cadet officers who should be setting goals, planning activ-
ities, and making decisions for the unit, under senior supervision. In
situations like this, senior leaders can delegate many leadership func-
tions to the cadet staff, while still supervising and mentoring the cadets.
New or Rebuilding Units
In contrast, if the unit is bottom-heavy – perhaps it is brand new or re-
building – the senior staff will need to take a more hands-on approach.
In the absence of mature cadet officers, the senior staff must fulfill the
goal-setting, planning, and decision-making functions until junior ca-
dets acquire some rank, maturity, and leadership skills. The senior staff
may even need to instruct cadets in fundamental subjects like drill and
the wear of the uniform, performing duties normally assigned to cadet
NCOs. Hopefully, cadets will progress quickly and earn entry-level
leadership positions. When that happens, the senior staff should grad-
ually delegate more authority to the cadets and enlarge the cadet
staffs sense of autonomy. In other words, every time the cadet staff
takes one step forward in the Cadet Program, the senior staff should
take one step back.
The Importance of Cadet Position Descriptions
How much authority should be granted to cadets? What is the ideal
scope of their responsibilities? The answers to these questions are
found in the cadet staff position descriptions. After finding an appropriate
staff assignment for a cadet, the senior leadership should grant the
cadet enough space or autonomy to perform that job, as it is laid out in
the position description. Likewise, the scope of the cadet’s responsibil-
ities should be limited by their position description. In other words,
flight sergeants should have freedom to perform flight sergeant duties,
but only flight sergeant duties.
Commanders have flexibility in determining how long cadets serve in
their staff positions. There is no standard term of office. However, unit
commanders are encouraged to set term limits for three reasons:
(1) Term limits make it clear cadets must work hard if they are
to continue enjoying the opportunity of serving on the cadet staff.
Staff service is a privilege, not a right.
(2) Term limits allow other qualified cadets opportunities to lead.
CAP wants to develop the leadership potential of all cadets by
assigning them jobs befitting their rank and skill. Term limits
can help ensure every deserving cadet has a chance to lead.
(3) Term limits create a face-saving measure if cadets are
unable to perform their duties, for whatever reason. It is better for
a cadet to be assigned to a different position at the end of the
term, rather than be fired because of poor performance. Staff
service is supposed to be a positive learning experience.
The duration of the term should depend on the situation. If the unit is
new, with no cadets holding significant rank, cadets could be rotated
through element leader positions on a monthly basis. If the squadron
has a well-defined corps of cadet officers and NCOs, terms could be 6
to 12 months long. However, it is not recommended that a cadet be ap-
pointed to a term longer than one year because the unit commander
should be reevaluating the cadet staff structure regularly. At the end of
a term, however, the commander may find the staff structure does not
need to be adjusted, and may elect to renew the cadets’ terms of office.
Of course, unit commanders always retain the prerogative of changing
the cadet staff plan at any time to meet the squadron’s needs.
The unit commander has final authority over cadet staff assignments.
That said, seniors who work directly with cadets should have a say in
the process. And of course, cadet staff should have a great deal of input
in selecting their assistants.
An Open & Honest Process
Whatever your selection process, follow it consistently. Ensure the pro-
cess is fair and transparent. Avoid the appearance of favoritism, espe-
cially in parent / child situations.
Commanders are encouraged to interview cadets before assigning
them to a staff position. From a managerial perspective, an interview
may seem unnecessary – in most units, cadets and seniors know one
another well, and the cadets’ rank structure may make it obvious which
cadet will be assigned to which position. But interviews are good lead-
ership experiences for cadets. They prompt cadets to take stock in their
own leadership performance. Plus, learning how to behave in an inter-
view is a good life skill. Moreover, by conducting interviews you under-
line the fact that staff service is something that must be earned. Some
suggested questions to ask during a plaement interview include:
q Do you want the job? Why?
q What talents, qualities, and strengths would you bring to the job?
q How do you describe your leadership style?
q What leadership skills are you weak in? What are you doing to
develop yourself?
q How long would you like to hold this job?
q Do you have any initial goals or ideas regarding this position?
q Why do you think you’re the best candidate for the job?
Interviews should be two-way conversations. To promote open discus-
sion, after the cadet reports, offer them a seat and help them relax.
Appointing the Cadet
Your cadet staff has been selected. Now it’s time to ensure each cadet
understands their role and responsibilities. A staff member should
meet with the cadet to review the following:
q Congratulate the cadet for being selected.
q Review the position description.
q Discuss the main duties of the position.
q Discuss who the cadet will report to.
q Allow the cadet to ask questions.
q Define the term of office.
q Emphasize that staff service is a learning experience. It should be
challenging, yet fun.
q Announce the appointment to the squadron.
Of course, if one cadet is replacing another in a staff position, the out-
going cadet deserves to be told personally that their term is coming to
a close, before you start looking for their successor.
Concluding the Staff Service
At the end of a staff term, it is important to provide the cadet with
feedback. When meeting with the cadet, some good discussion points
to consider include:
q Thank the cadet for serving.
q Ask them what they learned from the experience.
q Name a few of the cadet’s accomplishments, and congratulate
them for their performance.
q Explain what their next role is, or if that is not yet determined, ask
what they hope to do next.
q Explain what they can do to develop their leadership potential.
q End on a positive note. Consider presenting them with a certificate
of appreciation.
School-based squadrons find themselves in a special situation. Unlike
traditional cadet units, theirs is a closed system — students typically
become cadets during their “freshman” year at the school (ie: 6th
grade), and leave the squadron after their “senior” year (ie: 8th grade).
When designing a cadet staff for a school squadron, consider the ca-
dets’ grade level and academic record in addition to their CAP accom-
plishments. Most school squadrons find it productive to have their 8th
graders lead, mentor, and tutor their 7th and 6th graders, for example.
School squadrons might never have a cadet advance beyond the Mit-
chell Award, which is fine because most middle school students lack
the maturity required of cadet officers. But if the squadron strictly fol-
lowed this handbook’s guidelines, they would never have a cadet qual-
ify for cadet commander. Therefore, the unit commander might appoint
several flight commanders, or a “cadet commander,” but assign that top
cadet flight commander-level responsibilities commensurate with their
CAP grade and leadership abilities.
Cadets learn to lead by leading. They need opportunities to make deci-
sions independently and “sink or swim” under their own power. Senior
members play a vital role in developing cadets’ potential through men-
toring and by helping cadets learn from their mistakes and successes.
For additional perspectives on the senior/cadet staff relationship and
principles of indirect leadership, please see the Training Leaders of
Cadets course materials at
Part 2
“Leaders aren’t born, they are made. And they are made just like any-
thing else, through hard work. -
Serving on a cadet staff is your opportunity to transform yourself into a
leader. You’ve studied leadership by reading your text and observing
other leaders in action. Through staff service, you test your ability to
apply those leadership principles to the real-world challenges of lead-
ing a cadet corps.
This handbook includes a diverse mix of resources — position descrip-
tions, organizational charts, formation diagrams, and more — to help
you get started in your staff position.
Lead well!
A position description outlines the major duties of a job. Your PD
should be one of the first resources you consult when you’re taking on
a new assignment.
Position descriptions are important because they help ensure you and
your boss are on the same page. The PD spells out the scope of your
authority, defines what you are responsible for, and by implication,
what others are responsible for. When this critical information is cap-
tured in writing, both subordinate and superior alike should know what
a given job entails.
What should you do with your PD? Read it! Ask yourself if you under-
stand what your main responsibilities are. Do you have a good idea as
to what you’re being requested to do? If not, ask. Here are some ques-
tions to keep in mind as you review your PD:
q What is the main role of the position?
q Who reports directly to you?
q Who do you report to?
q What is your superior’s leadership style?
q How will your superior communicate with you?
q What do they expect of you?
q What are the main projects that you’ll be involved with in the next
couple months?
Also, after reading your new PD, you might check with your predeces-
sor to see if they have a continuity file – a set of documents you can use
as you take over cadet activities and programs. And, it might be helpful
to ask your predecessor to share his or her insights about your new job.
Just keep in mind that your predecessor’s way of doing things might
not be the best or only way. Make the job your own.
If you do a job well, you’ll show your boss that you’re ready for bigger
responsibilities and a more prestigious assignment.
Sample position descriptions are found in Attachment 1.
2.3 S.M.A.R.T. GOALS
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you might not get there.
Goals are dreams with deadlines. How do you set goals? What process
should you follow? One approach is called “S.M.A.R.T. Goals.
A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than
a general goal. To set a specific goal you must answer the six "W" ques-
Who: Who is involved?
What: What do I want to accomplish?
Where: Identify a location.
When: Establish a time frame.
Which: Identify requirements and constraints.
Why: Specific reasons or benefits of accomplishing the goal.
Example: A general goal would be, "Get in shape." But a specific goal
would say, "Join a health club and workout 3 days a week."
Establish concrete criteria for measuring progress toward the attain-
ment of each goal you set. When you measure your progress, you stay
on track, reach your target dates, and experience the exhilaration of
achievement that spurs you on to continued effort required to reach
your goal. To determine if your goal is measurable, ask questions such
as How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished?
When you identify goals that are most important to you, you begin to
figure out ways you can make them come true. You develop the
attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial capacity to reach them. You
begin seeing previously overlooked opportunities to bring yourself
closer to the achievement of your goals. You can attain most any goal
you set when you plan your steps wisely and establish a time frame
that allows you to carry out those steps. Goals that may have seemed
far away and out of reach eventually move closer and become attain-
able, not because your goals shrink, but because you grow and expand
to match them. When you list your goals you build your self-image, you
see yourself as worthy of these goals, and develop the traits and per-
sonality that allow you to possess them.
To be realistic, a goal must represent an objective toward which you are
both willing and able to work. A goal can be both high and realistic; you
are the only one who can decide just how high your goal should be. But
be sure that every goal represents substantial progress. A high goal is
frequently easier to reach than a low one because a low goal exerts low
motivational force. Some of the hardest jobs you ever accomplished
seemed easy simply because they were a labor of love.
Your goal is probably realistic if you truly believe that it can be accom-
plished. Additional ways to know if your goal is realistic is to determine
if you have accomplished anything similar in the past, or ask yourself
what conditions would have to exist to accomplish this goal.
A goal is tangible when you can experience it with one of the senses:
taste, touch, smell, sight or hearing. When your goal is tangible, or
when you tie a tangible goal to an intangible goal, you have a better
chance of making it specific and measurable, and thus attainable. In-
tangible goals are your goals for the internal changes required to reach
more tangible goals. They are the personality characteristics and the
behavior patterns you must develop to pave the way to success in your
career or for reaching some other long-term goal. Since intangible goals
are vital for improving your effectiveness, give close attention to tan-
gible ways for measuring them.
From Paul J. Meyer’s Attitude is Everything
Nobody will hang around for a whole year just to attend a cool activity
next summer; the weekly meetings have to hold their attention. What
goes into a good meeting? How does the staff make them happen?
Duration. A weekly squadron meeting should be 2 or 2
2 hours’ dura-
tion. The cadet regulation allows some flexibility here, but generally
meeting from 6:30 to 9pm one night a week is the norm.
Basic Elements. It will be helpful if every weekly meeting is organized
around the same five basic elements:
I. Opening Formation 10 - 15 min
II. Emphasis Item 10 - 20 min
III. Training Block #1 45 – 60 min
IV. Training Block #2 45 – 60 min
V. Closing Formation 5 - 10 min
The content within each of those five blocks changes every week, but
the presence of the blocks themselves ought to remain constant.
Sequencing & Monthly Requirements. Squadrons are required to
provide a certain number of contact hours in leadership, aerospace, fit-
ness, and character each month (see CAPR 60-1). Use the two training
blocks for this programming, and consider adopting a standard
sequence for that programming, similar to the one shown below.
Week Emphasis Item Training Block 1 Training Block 2
1 Safety Leadership Fitness
2 Drill Aerospace Open / Elective
3 Drill Leadership Character
4 Drill Aerospace Open / Elective
Planning System. Because the weekly squadron meeting is so im-
portant, the cadet and senior staff need to carefully plan the meeting in
advance and coordinate that plan among all stakeholders. The sug-
gested best practice is to have a cadet officer develop the first draft
using the Squadron Weekly Meeting Planner
, and then for the senior staff
to review that plan, make edits if needed, and approve it. The staff co-
ordination process can be web-based using Dropbox or Google Docs or
some other service. What you want is for every stakeholder – everyone
who is helping with a class or taking care of an administrative task – to
review the plan and make sure it’ll work. Another suggested best practice
is to draft the weekly plan two weeks in advance, allow a few days for
staff coordination online, and publish the final schedule 48 hours before
the meeting.
Specificity. The Squadron Weekly Meeting Planner has room to include
a lot of specificity. If the plan is vague, “Training Block #1 this week is
for aerospace,” the given activity is apt to be under-prepared, ineffec-
tive, and boring. Instead, add specifics. In the “topic” field, identify the
actual lesson title, such as “AEX II, Volume I, Activity 11 – Aeronautical
Charts.” Likewise, be specific about the people involved, the resources
needed, the location in your facility, etc. Sometimes only the lead in-
structor (not the person drafting the meeting plan) will have the spe-
cifics for a given activity; that’s okay, and it’s why the plan will be
coordinated among the staff before the commander approves it.
Concurrent Tasks. While the main events of the meeting are the
formations, emphasis item, and training blocks, a variety of admin-
istrative tasks are apt to arise, such as promotion boards, budget meet-
ings, drill tests, etc. The planner includes space for scheduling those
tasks. Sometimes it may be necessary to pull an individual cadet out of
a training block for a promotion board or whatnot, and so the weekly
planner gives you a way to schedule those tasks.
Excitement Test. Perhaps the final check on a meeting plan should
be called the excitement test. Look at the plan and try to picture it as a
fourteen-year-old C/A1C will experience the meeting. Are there at least
a couple events that are hands-on, where cadets are sure to be chal-
lenged and have fun? If not, you’ve just planned a boring meeting.
The bottom line is that the typical squadron only has about 2
2 hours
per week to accomplish its cadet mission. Therefore, careful planning
and thorough coordination with all stakeholders is imperative. If you
don’t begin planning the meeting until you pull into the parking lot, that
plan will fail and members will eventually stop participating.
Plans & Approvals: The solution for cadet staff who want more freedom
Cadets sometimes complain that seniors don’t really allow them to run
their program. One reason for this tension may be that the cadet staff
has not proposed a clear plan of action. Never surprise your boss. Be
clear about what you want to do, present the boss with a specific plan,
ask him or her to officially approve it, and you’ll develop their trust and
steadily earn more autonomy. The CAPF 60-83 Squadron Weekly Meet-
ing Planner and the training plans discussed in the next section are solu-
tions for cadet officers who desire more freedom to “run” their program.
1 December 2023
Class B Blues
C/Capt Earhart
Welcome to Maj Jack Sorensen, Wing DCP
C/CMSgt Armstrong
Facings & Flanks
Feik Alpha
Goddard Bravo
VIP: Maj Jack Sorensen,
Wing DCP
Budget Meeting
1st Lt Wilson
Maj Spaatz,
Capt Arnold
Leadership Feedback
C/2d Lt Mitchell
Maj Spaatz, advisor
C/Amn Curry, 10 min
C/CMSgt Eaker, 20 min
Aeronautical charts
C/2d Lt Mitchell Capt Crossfield
Classroom All cadets
AEX II, Vol. 1, Act #11. Use sectionals that are stored in
closet. Capt Crossfield already verified we have enough
What is courage?
C/MSgt Goddard Capt Loeing
Classroom All available cadets
Medal of Honor program,
lesson B5
Color Guard training Saturday,
meet McDonald’s 0730hrs
Remarks by Wing DCP,
Maj Sorensen
O-Flights on 1 Feb.
Sign-up by 15 Jan.
C/SrA Feik to C/SSgt
Maj Spaatz
Plan drafted by C/CC
Everyone who has a stake in the
meeting has seen it and signed-off
Squadron CC has approved the plan
Everyone note, we have
a guest this week
Be specific with everything,
even what you’ll do during drill
Nice. We know we have enough
maps. Important detail.
Good time for the seniors
to talk budget
Pull the individual
cadets out of Block
#2, as needed
Cadet & senior are team teaching
and using pre-built lesson plans
CAP has training materials already prepared for your use. But you may
have an occasion where you’ll want to prepare a class or activity from
scratch. If you go this route, prior planning is key. Shown below are
some important ingredients to include in your lesson plan.
Learning Objectives
Your learning objective(s) describe the overall purpose of the class or
activity. They identify what students should know, feel, or be able to do
at the end of the class. Good learning objectives begin with action
verbs and are specific and measurable.
q Identify how cadet insignia is worn on the BDU uniform.
q Describe the three missions of CAP.
q Defend the idea that CAP should have Core Values.
q Demonstrate how to use a magnetic compass.
If students fulfill the objectives, your class or activity will be successful.
Use your lesson objectives to guide you in developing a lesson plan.
Elements of a Lesson Plan
Part I: Introduction
Attention. The attention step signals that the activity or class is begin-
ning, and therefore students should stop what they are doing and be
ready participate. Your unit could adopt the practice of having cadets
stand at attention at their seats until the instructor commands, “Seats.
Moreover, the attention step should pique the students’ interest and build
enthusiasm for the activity. Some good attention steps include:
q A Fascinating Quote. “To affirm that the aeroplane is going to
'revolutionize' war is to be guilty of the wildest exaggeration.
- Scientific American, 1910
q A Surprising Fact: “The sentinels who guard the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier are an elite group. In fact, the only military
insignia more rare than the Tomb Guard badge are the wings
awarded to astronauts.
q A Rhetorical Question: “Would you like to fly the F-22 Raptor,
the Air Force’s newest and coolest fighter?”
q A Film Clip. Be sure the clip is relevant. Keep it brief, no longer
than 1 minute.
Motivation. You have won the students attention, for the moment. But
to keep it, you need to convince them that what you have to say is im-
portant. Why should the students pay attention? Give the students a
specific reason for learning. Will it directly relate to a task or activity
they’ll be performing later? Is it a foundation for something else? Does
it relate to their job responsibilities? Will they have fun?
q If you want to serve on a ground team, you’ll need to become an
expert with a compass, which is what we’ll be learning today.
q We’ll be learning how to perform columns. At the end of this
class, we’ll have a drill-down, and the winning cadet will earn 10
points in the Honor Cadet competition.
Overview. The overview sets the stage for the activity or lesson. What
will the students be doing? What are the goals of this activity? How
long will it last? What topics will be covered? The idea here is that if
you know what you’ll be studying, you will be a more successful learner.
Part II: Body
The body is the meat of the lesson or activity. It contains a few main
points, usually no more than three, with each main point supported by
a few subpoints. For example, if the lesson is on CAP’s three missions,
the points and subpoints could be arranged as follows:
q Main Point 1: The cadet program mission emphasizes character.
Subpoint 1: CAP challenges cadets to live by their Core Values.
Subpoint 2: The uniform motivates cadets to emulate the profes-
sionalism of Air Force leaders.
Subpoint 3: Ranking cadets solidify their character by serving as
role models for junior cadets.
q Main Point 2: The aerospace education program shows young
people that aviation and space are exciting.
q Main Point 3: CAP saves lives and provides valuable community
services through its Emergency Services missions.
Part III: Conclusion
The conclusion of a lesson may stick with the student longer than any-
thing else said, so prepare your conclusion carefully.
Summary. One of the best ways to help students retain information is
to restate your main points in a concise manner. Emphasize the most
important aspects of the activity or a couple key facts of the lesson.
q In summary, the chain of command is the order of authority. It
connects you to your flight commander, squadron commander,
wing commander, region commander, and the national commander.
q To recap, there are four strokes in an internal combustion engine:
intake, compression, power, and exhaust.
Remotivation. Before ending, take a moment to instill in students a de-
sire to retain and use what they’ve learned. During the remotivation
step, you answer the question, “Why is this learning important?”
q Next time you’re hiking, bring a compass. Your knowledge of land
navigation may rescue you if you become lost.
q During your next orientation flight, watch the attitude indicator.
It’s your best tool for knowing whether the aircraft is rolling or pitching.
Closing. Just as your attention step signaled the beginning of the activ-
ity, your closing signals its end. The closing stops you from rambling on
and watering-down your message. Consider ending with a brief quote,
a brief anecdote, or film clip..
q Having a plan is important. Yogi Berra said, “If you don’t know
where you’re going, you might not get there.
q Hellen Keller summarized the importance of teamwork when she
said, “Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
Feedback: It is the breakfast of champions. Simply put, feedback is
when an experienced leader helps you see how you’re doing as a
leader. Feedback is like good nutrition for leaders. Leaders who take
feedback seriously and listen to their mentors are successful. Leaders
who skip feedback lose out. The “Leadership Expectations” chart is a
feedback tool. It shows what leadership skills we expect to see from ca-
dets during each phase.
The “Leadership Expectations” chart (see page 20) sets some goals for
cadets during each phase. The goals are progressive. In other words,
they get more challenging as cadets advance. Look at the goals in the
“Sense of Responsibility” row. New cadets can claim success if they
simply follow directions. From our cadet NCOs, we expect more, we ex-
pect them to follow directions and ensure airmen do, too. Cadet of-
ficers have an even greater challenge; we expect them to take full
responsibility for the projects or activities they run. As cadets advance,
they are expected to perform at a higher level of leadership.
CAP leaders use the goals listed in the chart to help cadets improve
their leadership skills. Moreover, the chart is a tool for gauging whether
a cadet is ready for new challenges or if they need more time to grow.
When cadets become eligible for promotion, the cadet staff uses the
Leadership Expectations chart (and the CAPF 60-90 that works hand-
in-hand with it) to help them decide if they will recommend the squad-
ron commander promote the cadet.
How can cadets use the Leadership Expectations chart?
q Find out what leadership skills you should be working on.
q Once a month, review the goals for your phase and ask yourself
how you’re doing in those areas.
q Use the chart as a tool to help you take charge of your own
development as a leader.
How should you prepare for feedback?
q Look at the “Leadership Expectations” chart and think about how
you’ve been doing in each of those areas.
q Be prepared to explain what you think you’re doing well, and
what areas you think you should be focusing on.
q If you’re confused about any of CAP’s expectations or uncertain
about your duties, ask for help or clarification during the feedback
Remember, as cadet staff you’ll be asked to help junior cadets under-
stand the Leadership Expectations chart, but you should use the chart
to guide your own development as a leader as well.
If you are a cadet officer, you’ll be asked to evaluate cadets’ leadership
performance. This is an opportunity for you to help a junior cadet de-
velop their leadership skills. At the same time, preparing the CAPF 60-
90 Leadership Feedback tool and meeting with the cadet will test your
own skills as a leader. Here are some things to keep in mind when eval-
uating cadets:
Introductory Guidelines
q Evaluate cadets at least once per phase using the CAPF 60-90
that corresponds with their phase. See the back side of the form
for further instructions
q Many squadrons find it useful to evaluate cadets as they become
eligible for promotion.
q The categories and performance goals listed on the CAPF 60-90
are derived from the “Leadership Expectations” outlined on pages
20 and 21. The form and the chart work hand-in-hand.
q If desired, file the completed form in the cadet’s personnel record
after providing them with a copy.
Leadership Expectations in the
Displays a positive attitude;
optimistic; enthusiastic; is
team oriented
Maintains a positive attitude and
encourages good attitudes in
others; does not flaunt rank or au-
Aware of the Core Values;
honest; wears uniform properly;
practices customs & courtesies
Displays a commitment to the
Core Values; promotes team spirit,
professionalism, and good sports-
manship as a team leader
Listens actively; attentive; asks
good questions
Proficient in informal public
speaking (ie: in giving directions
to and training junior cadets)
Follows directions; dependable;
arrives ready to learn and serve;
effective in managing own time
Enforces standards; trustworthy
in supervising a small team and
leading them in fulfillment of a
series of simple tasks; given a plan,
is able to carry it out
Guides and coaches junior cadets;
recognizes when junior cadets
need help; leads by example; is not
a “boss”
C/Amn C/A1C C/SrA
C/SSgt C/TSgt C/MSgt C/SMSgt
Conscious of own performance; takes
initiative to develop new skills; self-
motivated and able to motivate others
Resilient; shows mental discipline in
working to achieve long-term goals;
welcoming of change; has habit of continual
Fair, just, and consistent in dealing with
subordinates; exercises good judgment
in knowing which matters should be re-
ferred up the chain
Uses empathy; recognizes how Core Values
relate to new and unfamiliar situations; makes
sound and timely decisions independently
Writes and speaks clearly; presents
ideas logically; wins through persuasion
Articulate; succinct; persuasive; varies
message to fit audience; proficient in ex-
plaining complex issues
Given an assignment, takes project from
beginning to end; develops appropriate
goals, plans, standards, and follows
through in execution; demonstrates
sense of ownership in all assignments
Completes large projects with little
supervision; follows and sets a command in-
tent; self-starter
Actively mentors NCOs; resolves
conflicts fairly; criticizes constructively;
dissents respectively when disagreeing
with superiors
Actively develops and mentors cadet officers;
adapts leadership style to fit situation; calm
under pressure
Thinks in advance and plans ahead to
meet the unit’s short-term needs;
imaginative and not tied to old ideas
Sets long-term goals for the unit; imaginative
and visionary; recognizes unit’s long-term
needs; mentally agile when faced with
unfamiliar problems
Delegates routine tasks effectively and
works through NCOs; keeps people in-
formed; makes expectations clear; super-
vises work of other leaders
Directs multiple teams and manages
multiple tasks; assigns people to right jobs;
delegates well and enables others to take
C/2d Lt C/1st Lt C/Capt C/Maj C/Lt Col C/Col
Suggested Procedure for Feedback Meetings
(Promotion Boards)
1. Meet in a location that offers some privacy, but avoid situations
that place a senior and cadet alone together.
2. Have the cadet formally report to the officer(s) who will be pro-
viding the feedback.
3. Put the cadet at ease so they may focus on the officers’ guidance.
If using the CAPF 60-90 series form in conjunction with a promo
tion board, state whether the cadet will be promoted or not. Getting
that question out of the way allows the cadet to focus on the
4. Ask the cadet to describe some recent successes they have had
in the Cadet Program. Why do they exemplify good leadership?
Challenge the cadet to think about their leadership performance.
5. Ask the cadet to describe some leadership skills they are trying to
improve. What steps are they taking to improve in these areas?
Again, challenge the cadet to think critically and be specific.
6. Review the ratings in the top portion of the CAPF 60-90 series
form. For each item, provide positive, constructive, and specific
7. Identify some of the cadet’s recent successes. Let the cadet know
what they are doing well.
8. Identify 2 or 3 leadership skills that the cadet should focus on.
Give specific suggestions on what they should do to improve in
those areas, but do not overwhelm them with feedback.
9. Congratulate the cadet for their efforts and encourage them to
remain active in CAP. If retaining the cadet in grade, set a date for
a subsequent review. Be sure to re-enforce the positive.
10. Dismiss the cadet and return their salute.
Remember, the CAPF 60-90 series forms are tools for helping cadets
improve their leadership skills. Have a positive and optimistic attitude
not an adversarial one – when offering cadets feedback.
Who Conducts Leadership Feedback?
A senior member, or a cadet officer working under senior supervision,
acts as the evaluator / mentor and completes the CAPF 60-90 series
form. However, it is the unit commander who is ultimately responsible
for ensuring all cadets receive positive, constructive, and specific feed-
back in a timely manner.
Core Principles for Leadership Mentors
q Be Positive. Ensure your attitude and actions show that you
believe in the cadet and are sincerely interested in helping them
reach their potential. Do not approach the meeting as a chance to
“get” the cadet.
q Be Constructive. Offer feedback that serves a meaningful purpose.
Do not heap onto the cadet a string of criticisms or dwell on
minor details. Look for teachable moments and make the feed-
back meeting a learning experience.
q Be Specific. Avoid generalities. Whenever possible, give concrete
examples of why the cadet is or is not doing well. Show them
how to improve. Explain what steps they can take to further their
skills. If necessary, match the cadet with a mentor who can pro-
vide individualized training.
Feedback meetings are NOT meant to be oral exams. After all, promo-
tion eligible cadets have already passed written tests. Rather, feedback
meetings are a time to help cadets look at their leadership performance.
For detailed instructions, see the reverse side of the CAPF 60-90 series
forms and the “Leadership Feedback” page at
Praise in Public
Psychologists call it positive reinforcement. Telling someone they are
doing a good job boosts their self-esteem and encourages them to keep
doing the right things. Moreover, when a leader praises someone, it
shows that the leader values that person’s contributions to the team.
Here are some guidelines to follow when praising cadets:
q Praise in public. Most people like to be recognized in front of
their peers.
q Praise people often. Catch people doing things right.
q Praise people immediately. Saying, “nice job” loses its power if
you wait too long.
q Tell them what they have done right. Be specific.
q Hold them up as a role model for other cadets.
q Shake hands, or if the setting is right, call for a round of applause.
q Know that even a little praise goes a long way. People want to
know they are valued.
Reprimand in Private
Before reprimanding someone to correct their behavior, first ensure you
have all the facts! Assuming your facts are right and the cadet’s mis-
conduct needs correcting, here are some guidelines to follow:
q Meet in private. Criticizing someone in front of the squadron is
humiliating and therefore counter-productive. Meet in a private
setting but have a third person present.
q Tell the cadet what they have done wrong and be specific. Do this
in a positive way that shows you want to help the cadet meet
CAP standards.
q Ask them if they understand what the standard is. Are they
under-performing because they lack training? Are they simply
confused? If the cadet needs more training, pair them with a
more experienced cadet for one-on-one mentoring.
q If the problem is not one of training and is misconduct, ask them
what they plan to do to correct the situation. Make them be
specific about their solution. These questions underline the fact
that each cadet is responsible for his or her own conduct.
q If their response is incomplete, explain why their performance /
conduct is unacceptable. Focus on the behavior, not the person.
(ie: “Your use of profanity is unacceptable,” not, “I don’t like you
because you swear.”)
q End on a positive note. Make it clear you still believe in the cadet
and will support them. Shake hands.
Spaatz kept one. So did Lewis and Clark. Presidents build libraries to
house them after they leave office. Probably every famous leader has
used a journal at one time or another to capture their thoughts and
fully examine, recall, and learn from their experiences.
Why Good Leaders Keep Journals
If you write about your leadership experiences, you’ll be thinking about
them in some depth. Journals help you focus on your goals. They give
you an edge over leaders who allow their minds to become sleepy
and dull.
Many writers say that writing opens their minds. It uncovers ideas. Do
you feel there is a vague patchwork of thoughts, impressions, and
daydreams floating around in your mind? By keeping a journal, you can
bring order to that hodgepodge. Writing
helps you uncover what you really think
about a subject. You can solve problems,
or at least find some potential solutions as
you write about what challenges you’re
facing in your life. Familiar situations are
seen in new ways. Even your most opin-
ionated views may begin to change as you
talk to yourself in your journal. Journaling
is especially important for leaders be-
cause leaders who pay attention to their
own performance grow into better
What to Write About
What should you write about in your lead-
ership or personal journal? Anything you
want. Think of journaling as writing a note
to yourself. No one is grading your journal.
You might try to record some of the
thoughts you considered when making a
Tips for Journaling
Keep your journal visible.
Establish a routine for writing
in your journal.
Record the date of each entry.
Keep your journal simple and
easy to maintain.
Periodically review what
you’ve written.
Topics for Your Journal
Cadet activities and what you
have done as a cadet
Personal habits and attitudes
Your performance as a leader
What skills are you good at?
What needs work?
Your goals: what you want to
achieve and why
Readings, movies, & quotes
that inspire you
decision. You could reflect on what went well at a recent cadet event, or
what did not go so well and what you learned from that experience.
Use words to paint a picture or scene. If you want to be creative, you
could imagine how another person perceived a recent event. Anytime
you notice something interesting about leadership – perhaps while
reading a biography, listening to the news, or watching a good movie –
you could comment on those views in your journal. Make a list of quo-
tations you find interesting. What you write about is up to you.
Your journal doesn’t need to be formal or fancy. The writing can appear
disjointed and rambling. In fact, good journalists encourage rambling.
One thought triggers the next. Many journalists find the subject they
really want to write about emerges during a ramble.
Again, what’s important is that you’re using your mind and reflecting on
your experiences so you can get more out of them.
Review Your Journal
Go back and re-read what you’ve written. Your journal is like a time ma-
chine that lets you see how you’ve progressed as a leader, or see how
your life has changed even in small ways. Are the big “problems” that
concerned you three years ago still bothering you? Probably not. Can
you see evidence of your becoming a smarter, more mature leader?
Let’s hope so. Reviewing a journal is done from a distance. You’re look-
ing back in time and have a bird’s eye view. In short, journaling works
because it helps you learn about yourself and grow in wisdom
Personal Leadership Journal of Cadet John Curry
10 January 2023 – C/2d Lt
Squadron Meeting. We had 5 prospective cadets tonight. I overheard one
kid who is maybe twelve tell his mother something that really made me
think. “I wasn’t sure about joining CAP,” he said, “but I want to be like
Lieutenant Curry. He’s awesome.” I don’t remember doing anything
special or even having much contact with him, except when I said hello,
welcome to CAP, where do you go to school, etc. It sure is nice to hear
you’ve made a good impression on someone. I guess it’s easy to forget
how much power cadet officers have as role models.
2 July 2023– C/Capt
Field trip to the Air & Space Museum. In my van, there was me and the
usual guys (the whole cadet staff) having a great time during the long
ride. Traveling in the other van were a bunch of thirteen year old
airmen. The two vans were to travel in convoy, but somehow we got sep-
arated. Well, when the second van stopped for lunch, Capt Arnold was
upset when he realized no cadet staff were on hand to shepherd the ca-
dets and keep them in line, especially since this was the first time many
of them were wearing their uniform in public. In retrospect, this was a
“duh” moment for me. There were 2 cadet officers and 4 NCOs on this
trip. I should have divvied-up the staff between the two vans. I know I’m
responsible for all the cadets, but I hadn’t thought, “What if the vans get
separated?” Next time, I’ll try to think about the “what if’s” more.
9 September 2023 – C/Capt
Wing Conference. I gave a speech about my experience at the Civic Lead-
ership Academy. I’m a pretty good speaker, but with 100 people in the
audience, I was more nervous than usual. About half-way through my
talk, I started feeling more comfortable. When the speech ended and I
returned to my seat, I felt like I wanted to turn back the clock and get
up there and try delivering my speech again. I think the lesson here is
“practice makes perfect.” If I had practiced the speech more, I would
have been more comfortable with my delivery. Next time, I’d like to try
practicing my speech in front of the squadron, and get Maj Wright to
critique it for me, before I deliver it for real at a big event.
Good leaders take stock in their leadership skills and habits. The follow-
ing questions can guide you in conducting a personal leadership audit.
How do you see yourself as a leader?
q Do you see yourself as always being a leader?
q What aspects of leadership most interest you?
q How do you approach new leadership situations?
q What is your leadership style (authoritarian, democratic, laissez
q How do you assess your leadership performance?
Where and how did you gain your knowledge of leadership?
q What are your methods and strategies for learning about leadership?
q Who has had the most influence on your leadership?
q What leaders do you most admire?
What skills do you have?
q What are your leadership strengths and weaknesses?
q How do you make leadership decisions?
q What leadership strategies do you use?
q What do your bosses or peers say about you as a leader?
Are there certain principles that guide you as a leader?
q What are your core values and beliefs?
q What are your leadership qualities and characteristics?
In their book, The Leadership Challenge, Kouzes and Posner suggest a
way to review your past leadership experiences by choosing one
experience that you consider to be a “personal best”– a time when you
believe you performed at your peak as a leader. Next, ask yourself these
questions about that experience:
q What characterized the situation? Who was involved? Where
and when did it take place? Who initiated it?
q What motivated you to engage in the project? How did you
challenge yourself and others?
q What did you aspire to achieve? How did you build enthusiasm
and excitement?
q How did you involve others? How did you foster collaboration?
How did you build trust and respect? How did you build the
capacity to excel?
q What principles and values guided you? How did you set an
example? What structures and systems did you apply? How did
you progress from one milestone to another?
q How did you recognize people? How did you celebrate successes?
q What lessons did you learn about leadership from this experience?
What are your leadership experiences, both positive
and negative?
q Write down five significant leadership experiences in your life;
large or small, it doesn’t matter. How would you evaluate your
leadership performance? Challenge yourself on each item. Was
it your own genuine achievement? Did you make a significant
contribution? By looking at all your experiences, what strengths
form a pattern underlying all the achievements?
q Think for a moment about a time when you failed or made a mis-
take in a leadership situation. What caused you to fail? What was
your original intention? What resulted from the failure/mistake
you didn’t like? How did you feel afterwards? Did you take re-
sponsibility for it or did you blame someone else?
When reciting the Cadet Oath, a cadet pledges to “wear my uniform
properly.” Through regular uniform inspections, leaders motivate ca-
dets to set high standards for themselves. Moreover, inspections are
opportunities for leaders to identify which cadets are qualified to serve
as role models or instructors, and which cadets need additional instruc-
tion or mentoring to help them meet CAP standards. Leaders will find
the inspection program’s scoring system helpful should they implement
the Cadet of the Month Award program in their unit.
Inspection Team
Cadet officers and NCOs should take the lead in conducting cadet uni-
form inspections.
Inspections should be conducted during each weekly squadron meeting.
Guidelines for the Inspection Team
q Begin by leading by example. Cadet staff should informally spot-
check one another’s uniform before setting out to inspect others.
q Review the CAP Uniform Manual. Inspectors must be experts in
the wear of the uniform.
q Conduct the inspection as described in CAPP 60-33, CAP Drill
& Ceremonies, 5.5, available at
q Spend about 15 seconds inspecting each cadet.
q Visually evaluate whether the cadet’s appearance meets CAP
standards (it is not necessary to use a ruler to check the place-
ment of insignia).
q Proceed through each of the five evaluation items listed below,
one at a time. Tell the cadet what aspects of their uniform look
good and what aspects need improvement.
q Squadrons should use the scorecards below to record the inspec-
tion results. Leaders may want to compare inspection results to
look for trends in each cadet’s performance.
q Element leaders should spot check cadets prior to inspection and
help them correct any errors noted during the inspection. The
inspection should be a learning experience.
Evaluation Items
The inspecting officer grades each cadet’s performance in 5 categories:
Personal Appearance
Haircut, general cleanliness, cosmetics or shave
Cleanliness, sizing, press, lint, strings, shirt tuck
Shine, boot blousing
Placement of patches and insignia, order of ribbons, alignment of gig
line, etc.
Military Bearing
Posture, military courtesy, focus and attitude
The inspecting officer uses the three ratings described below in making
their evaluations. Ratings are a shorthand for describing each cadet’s
performance. Moreover, they provide cadets with a goal to aim for and
can generate a healthy spirit of competition.
Needs Improvement: 0 points
Multiple and obvious deficiencies
Appearance suggests cadet may not understand CAP standards
Appearance requires the cadet’s and the leader’s attention
Satisfactory: 1 point
Appearance generally meets basic CAP requirements
Minor deficiencies may exist, but are not glaring
Appearance indicates the cadet understands CAP standards
Overall appearance brings credit to self and CAP
Excellent: 2 points
Deficiencies, if any, are few and very minor
Appearance clearly demonstrates the cadet pays attention to detail
Appearance signals personal pride and confidence
Overall appearance sets a great example for fellow cadets
Overall Rating
In additional to being rated in the five categories described above, ca-
dets also receive an overall rating, which is determined mathematically.
Recognizing that Phase I cadets are still learning how to wear the uni-
form properly, while Phase II, III, and IV cadets should be held to a
higher standard, there are two sets of scoring guidelines: one for cadet
airmen and one for NCOs and officers.
Overall Rating Phase I Cadets Phase II, III & IV Cadets
Excellent 6-10 points 8-10 points
Satisfactory 4-5 5-7
Needs Improvement 0-3 0-4
0 pts 1 pt 2 pts
Haircut, general cleanliness, cosmetics or shave
Cleanliness, sizing, press, lint, strings, shirt tuck
Patches, insignia, ribbon order, gig line
Shine, boot blousing
Posture, military courtesy, focus and attitude
Phase I 0-3 pts Phase I 4-5 pts Phase I 6-10 pts
Phase II-IV 0-4 pts Phase II-IV 5-7 pts Phase II-IV 8-10 pts
CAPF 60-98 Uniform Inspection Scorecard.
This tool, formatted for letter-size paper, is available at
When teaching someone how to perform a task – how to drill, how to
use a compass, how to preflight an airplane – the demonstration-
performance method can be your best training tool. One of the
strengths of this training method is that you and the cadet / student
get immediate feedback. You can see if the cadet knows how to
perform the task, and the cadet builds confidence if you’re there to tell
them whether they are doing it right or not.
Here’s how the “demo-perf” works, as applied to drill.
(1) State the movement and explain its purpose.
(2) Perfectly demonstrate how the movement is performed at a
normal cadence, twice.
(3) Break the movement into segments. Show the starting position
and the finishing position and identify any special rules or stan-
dards. Slowly demonstrate the movement one step at a time, by
the numbers. Allow cadets to ask questions.
(4) Have cadets try executing the movement on their own, and then
as a group, by the numbers. Watch them closely and give them
feedback. Ensure everyone understands how to perform the
movement properly.
Shown below is a recommended sequence for teaching drill. It begins
with in-place movements and moves on to more challenging ma-
neuvers. Each grouping includes a handful of movements that can be
taught in 10-15 minutes. For access to a full library of drill resources,
Attention Open Ranks, MARCH
Parade, REST Ready, FRONT
AT EASE Close Ranks, MARCH
(Dress, cover, interval, Right Flank, MARCH
& alignment) To the Rear, MARCH
Right Step, MARCH
Eyes, RIGHT Flight, HALT
Ready, FRONT
Dress Right, DRESS Column Left, MARCH
Ready, FRONT Column Right, MARCH
Present, ARMS Count Cadence, COUNT
Order, ARMS Change Step, MARCH
Right, FACE
About, FACE
Mark Time, MARCH
Flight, HALT
Forward, MARCH
Squadron in line
In-ranks inspection
Forming the
squadron in line
Appendix 1
Position descriptions outline the main duties of a command or staff po-
sition. They are a starting point for discussing what responsibilities are
most essential in a given job — they are not written in stone and do not
pretend to be absolutely comprehensive. Commanders may adjust
cadet position descriptions using common sense and good judgment.
What is most important is that each cadet knows what is expected of
him or her and receives some guidance as they begin their leadership
Element leader is the entry-level leadership position on the cadet staff.
Their key responsibility is to assist the flight commander and flight ser-
geant by taking charge of the members of an element (4 or 5 cadets, on
average). Although the element leader occupies the lowest rung in the
cadet chain of command, their job is incredibly important because they
are the first person basic cadets should turn to for guidance.
Immediate Supervisor Typical Grades
Flight Sergeant C/A1C through C/TSgt
Key Duties
Prepare the Element for Inspection. One of your basic jobs is to make
sure your cadets are ready to participate in cadet events. How does
that duty relate to inspections? You want your cadets to perform well,
so you should spot-check their appearance and help them make any
last minute adjustments to their uniform.
Debrief the Element After Inspection. Following the inspection, check
to see if any cadets need help improving their uniform. Work with each
cadet and make sure they understand what they need to do to meet the
uniform standards. And of course, take a positive approach by praising
cadets who perform well.
Drill Symbol
Pass on Information. Take note of your squadron’s training schedule.
Make sure your cadets know what events are coming up and tell them
how to prepare. For example, if you’re told that next week will be physi-
cal fitness training, remind cadets to bring their PT uniforms. In short,
as an element leader, always keep your people informed. Talk with
them between meetings through emails and IMs.
Motivate the Element. Attitudes are contagious. Keep a positive atti-
tude and lead by example. Encourage cadets to study before tests.
Cheer them on during PT. Congratulate them when they earn promo-
tions. Get to know your cadets well enough so that you can read their
moods. If you notice a cadet is becoming frustrated or discouraged,
motivate them and help them get back on track.
Lead in Drill. You’ll be called on to fulfill two key responsibilities in drill.
First, because you fall-in on the right side of the formation, your cadets
will base their alignment off of you. If your alignment is off, you will
cause the whole element to be off, too. Second, the flight sergeant may
call on you to coach your cadets as they learn new drill movements.
This aspect of your job requires you to become an expert in drill and
also a patient leader who can help cadets learn drill commands one
step at a time.
Answer Questions. Let your cadets know that if they have a question,
you are the first person they should turn to for answers.
Keep Your Superiors Informed. Tell your flight sergeant how your ca-
dets are doing. If they need extra time for training, or if they have ques-
tions you do not know how to answer, ask your flight sergeant for help.
If you notice a major safety issue, or you think one of your cadets is fac-
ing a serious problem, let a senior member know right away.
Prepare for the Future: Flight Sergeant
q Ask your flight sergeant or first sergeant to help you develop a
command voice.
q Study the drill manual to learn what foot each command is called on.
q Perfect your uniform and military bearing.
The flight sergeant is the direct, hands-on leader who helps the flight
commander motivate and train the cadets in a flight. On average, flight
sergeants will lead 8 to 15 cadets, including 2 to 4 element leaders.
Their main area of concern is the leadership laboratory. Flight sergeants
teach in-ranks cadets the basics of cadet life: drill, wear of the uniform,
customs and courtesies, and physical fitness. Although flight sergeant
is an entry-level leadership position, this cadet needs to be responsible
and resourceful enough to take complete charge of the flight in the
flight commander’s absence.
Immediate Supervisor Typical Grades
Flight Commander C/SSgt through C/CMSgt
Key Duties
Instruct Cadets in Basic Subjects. Not only do you need to know how
to drill, wear the uniform properly, render customs and courtesies, and
more, as flight sergeant you need to be able to teach junior cadets how
to perform those tasks as well. As an instructor, it’s essential that you
know what you’re talking about, so be sure to review your CAP manuals
so you can be certain that what you teach is correct.
Motivate & Discipline the Flight. Your attitude is always on display.
Cadets will be influenced by your actions much more than your words,
so lead by example. Encourage cadets. Ensure they know what they are
doing well, and congratulate them for their accomplishments. Likewise,
always be watching for cadets who need extra support in drill, prepar-
ing their uniform, etc., and see to it that they receive help. Uphold CAP
standards by ensuring your cadets wear their uniform properly, render
customs and courtesies, etc. When enforcing standards, be positive but
Serve the Team. A flight is a team. But groups of individuals do not
magically become a team; it takes a leader. Cheer on your people.
Drill Symbol
Teach them how to be good cadets. Encourage them to help one
another as you help them. Resist the urge to think too highly of yourself
because you are a flight sergeant. Rather, see yourself as the flight’s
servant, not their boss.
Lead the Flight in Drill & Ceremonies. As flight sergeant, you will be
the flight’s primary leader in drill and ceremonies. You are responsible
for forming the flight, checking their alignment, receiving the report
from the element leaders and passing on the report to the first ser-
geant, and preparing the flight for inspection. Likewise, you will need to
develop a good command voice and know what foot to call commands
on. Flight sergeants also lead the flight in calling jodies or cadences.
Pass on Information. Keep your flight informed about your squadron’s
training schedule. Likewise, keep your flight commander informed
about the cadets’ progress in basic cadet subjects. You’ll need to learn
discretion – the art of knowing what matters should be brought to your
flight commander’s attention, and what matters are routine and can be
resolved on your own authority.
Take Responsibility for Your Cadets. Know where each of your cadets
is at any given time. Talk with your flight commander to obtain a de-
tailed schedule for each squadron meeting or cadet activity. Follow this
schedule. Ensure your cadets are at the right place at the right time,
with the right equipment in hand, ready to participate.
Also see the cadet element leader position description for other
fundamental duties.
Prepare for the Future: First Sergeant
q Move from basic proficiency in calling commands to mastery in
drill; ask an experienced cadet to critique your leadership in drill.
q Become a better instructor; work on organizing your teaching
points into a logical order, and ask a more experienced cadet to
critique your presentation style.
q Hone your mentoring skills. Practice your ability to listen actively.
Develop a habit of recognizing cadets for their accomplishments.
Holding the most prestigious and challenging position available to a
cadet NCO, the cadet first sergeant’s role is a varied one. The “shirt” is
expected to be a master trainer, a great motivator, a fair referee, a just
disciplinarian, and an aide-de-camp to the cadet commander.
Immediate Supervisor Typical Grades
Cadet Commander C/MSgt through C/CMSgt
Key Duties
Lead Cadets in PT. As first sergeant, you will lead cadets in fitness
games and drills, and ensure cadets warm-up and cool-down properly.
You are expected to be a great motivator during all fitness events.
Lead Cadets in Drill & Ceremonies. You organize all squadron for-
mations and receive the reports from the flight sergeants. Additionally,
you supervise and mentor flight sergeants during drill. The testing of-
ficer may request your help during the drill portions of leadership tests.
Safeguard CAP Facilities & Property. The cadet commander will rely
on you to ensure the headquarters, and any place the cadets visit, is left
in good condition. Likewise, you help the supply officer issue temporary
equipment and ensure it is properly cared for and returned.
Participate in Inspections. Assist the inspecting officer by taking notes
during inspections. Follow-up by working with the flight sergeants to
ensure cadets correct deficiencies. Look for trends in the inspection re-
sults to determine if cadets need extra training to meet standards.
Keep Cadets Safe. Because you will be working directly with junior
cadets, you have a special responsibility to protect their safety and gen-
eral welfare. This includes ensuring they drink plenty of water, under-
stand the safety rules, keep themselves clean, etc. (This aspect of your
job applies mostly during weekend and summer activities.)
Counsel Cadets. Flight sergeants will seek your help in resolving
disputes, correcting inappropriate behavior, and enforcing standards. A
Drill Symbol
visit to the first sergeant is a cadet’s last chance to resolve a problem
informally, without involving an officer. Listen well and be fair in your
dealings with cadets.
Train Cadets in the Basics of Cadet Life. You should be one of the top
instructors in the whole squadron, an expert in basic leadership topics.
You may be called upon to teach cadets drill, wear of the uniform, and
customs and courtesies. Moreover, it is your responsibility to help the
element leaders and flight sergeants become good trainers.
Provide Personnel & Administrative Support. You should be a resource
for cadets in the personnel arena by helping them request ribbons and
awards. Also, keep the commander informed about which cadets are
eligible for promotion. The commander will also count on you for gen-
eral administrative support.
Pass-On Information. As a vital link in the chain of command, you need
to promote excellent two-way communication between yourself and
the cadet commander. Keep your commander informed of any issues
which may develop into significant problems.
Support the Commander. Represent the cadet commander. When
passing on their instructions, show cadets that you support the unit’s
goals. Be flexible and help the commander whenever possible.
Prepare for the Future: Flight Commander
q Study for Mitchell Award exam. Lead by example. Keep progress-
ing rapidly in the Cadet Program.
q Think about your own performance as a leader. What are your
strengths? What are your weaknesses? Lead yourself by taking
charge of your own leadership development.
q Hone your delegation skills. To succeed as first sergeant, you
must gain the support of your flight sergeants. As you
advance in CAP, delegation skills will become even more vital.
The cadet flight commander leads a flight of 8 to 15 cadets. It is the
first cadet position to have significant managerial and oversight re-
sponsibilities, as the flight commander supervises and mentors a flight
sergeant and 2 to 4 element leaders. Having developed some basic in-
structional skills, flight commanders are called on to teach almost any
cadet-related topic. As commanders, they set goals and develop train-
ing plans for the flight, informally counsel cadets and formally evaluate
their leadership skills. As officers, flight commanders serve on the
squadron’s leadership team, working with the cadet commander and
other officers to grow the squadron. In short, the flight commander
creates the conditions necessary for the flight to succeed.
Immediate Supervisor Typical Grades
Cadet Commander C/2d Lt through C/Capt
(or Cadet Deputy Commander)
Key Duties
Instruct Cadets. While the basic aspects of cadet life – wear of the uni-
form, drill, saluting, etc. – should be instructed by cadet NCOs, as a
flight commander and cadet officer, the squadron needs your teaching
experience. You may be called on to teach a variety of cadet-related
topics. Continue to develop your teaching and presentation skills.
Motivate and Discipline the Flight. The key to developing positive atti-
tudes is understanding. Ensure everyone in the flight understands the
big picture, the reason behind the various aspects of cadet life. Uphold
CAP’s standards in the leadership laboratory and the Core Values, but
work through flight sergeants when possible. Recognize that your
status as a role model is even more powerful than your positional au-
thority. Lead by example.
Mentor the Flight Sergeant and Element Leaders. Ensure the flight ser-
geant and element leaders understand the scope of their responsibil-
ities. Expect them to make mistakes from time to time, and help them
Drill Symbol
learn from them. You are their coach and mentor; help them develop
their leadership skills. Likewise, be on watch for cadets who are ready
for new leadership challenges.
Set Goals for the Flight. Take the cadet commander’s broad goals and
add specificity and detail to them as you set goals for the flight. Identify
what skills and subjects cadets need help with and what they need to
do to qualify for promotion; help get those needs added to the squad-
ron’s training calendar. Depending on how your squadron develops
training plans, you may be asked to draft schedules for weekly squad-
ron meetings or special activities. Assist the cadet commander and
senior staff in setting mid to long-range goals for the squadron.
Coach and Counsel Cadets. Help cadets develop their potential
through informal, on-the-spot coaching. Work through your flight
sergeant when possible. Likewise, formally evaluate each cadet’s per-
formance using a CAPF 60-90. Assist the cadet commander and senior
staff in making promotion decisions. Always be observing cadets.
Drill and Ceremonies. Lead the flight during formations and cere-
monies. Supervise and coach the flight sergeant and element leaders as
they drill the flight.
Prepare for the Future: Cadet Deputy Cmdr. or Cadet Commander
q Keep developing your people skills. Pay special attention to how
you interact with seniors. Listen well. Explain your ideas logically.
Be open to others’ ideas. Show that you are willing to cooperate.
q Be level-headed and show you grasp the big picture and are not
easily rattled or frustrated. Maturity and a positive attitude are
two critical attributes for cadet officers.
q Work on delegation. Resist the urge to micromanage your NCOs.
Give “mission-type” directions to your NCOs and allow them
some flexibility to make the job their own.
q Take charge of your own leadership development. Review your
own leadership performance. Consider using a journal to reflect
on what you are learning about leadership.
Cadet deputy commander is a challenging position partly because it
can be so ambiguous. The deputy is the commander’s right hand, but
each commander will use their deputy in a different way. There is no
universal job description for deputy. Traditionally, the deputy manages
cadet operations and acts as commander when the commander is ab-
sent, hence, if the unit is to have two deputies (see p. 51), one should
be designated the deputy for operations and use this position descrip-
tion as a guide. Additionally, the deputy is usually the cadet next in line
to become cadet commander, so this cadet will need to learn the cadet
commander’s job as well.
Immediate Supervisor Typical Grades
Cadet Commander C/Capt through C/Lt Col
Key Duties
Manage Cadet Operations. With the cadet commander focused on the
long-term challenges affecting the cadet corps, as deputy you will be
called on to manage cadet operations. You are the main focal point for
planning cadet activities, drafting training plans, and preparing training
schedules for the commander’s approval.
Supervise & Mentor Flight Commanders. Your responsibilities in man-
aging cadet operations will have you working closely with the flight
commanders. In most large squadrons, the deputy acts as the immedi-
ate supervisor and mentor for the flight commanders. Ensure they un-
derstand the scope of their responsibilities, and help them grow as
Monitor Cadet Inspection Programs. Take a high level view of cadet in-
spections and manage the overall inspection system. What trends are
you seeing? What do the trends tell you about the cadets’ training
needs? How well are the flight commanders preparing their cadets for
Drill Symbol
Recommend Duty Assignments. As deputy, you are involved in nearly
every aspect of cadet life in a squadron. The cadet commander will
therefore call for your perspective when it is time to find the right duty
assignment for each cadet. Likewise, the commander will often ask for
input on how each cadet staff member is doing. Who needs additional
mentoring? Who is doing great? Who are the squadron’s up and com-
ing leaders?
Command the Squadron. In the cadet commander’s absence, you are
responsible for commanding the squadron. At all times, you represent
the commander and are presumed to speak on his or her behalf. Re-
spect the special trust placed in you.
Prepare for the Future: Cadet Commander
q Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the squadron’s pro-
grams and procedures. Pay attention during debriefings and
“lessons learned” discussions after cadet activities so that you
can improve the programs next time.
q Try to be included in the cadet commander’s decision-making
process. Take note of the wide range of issues and options
discussed. You’ll need an appreciation for the breadth and depth
of the issues cadet commanders encounter.
q Create (or update) a continuity file for the squadron’s major pro-
grams. If you become cadet commander, you will be leading
those programs and will not have time to re-invent the wheel.
q Continue developing a good rapport with senior members. If you
become cadet commander, you immediate supervisor will be a
Cadet command is the ultimate challenge for a cadet officer. It is an
enormous test of leadership skill, especially one’s ability to articulate a
vision and point all cadets toward meaningful goals. The position
stands at the epicenter of the squadron: The cadet commander is the
most visible cadet, a role model for the entire cadet corps, and the liai-
son between the senior staff and the cadet staff. The nature of this po-
sition depends on the number of cadet officers and NCOs in the
squadron. Therefore, the position description must be flexible. In small
squadrons, the cadet commander may need to assume flight com-
mander and even first sergeant duties. In large squadrons, the main
task is to direct and coordinate a team of cadet officers and NCOs.
Immediate Supervisor Typical Grades
Squadron Cmdr. or Deputy C/Capt through C/Col
Key Duties
Set Goals for the Squadron. The vision for the cadet corps must stem
from the cadet commander. Use your insight and experience to point
the squadron toward exciting and meaningful goals. Survey cadets’ in-
terests to learn what activities they desire. Confer with the squadron
commander or deputy and propose short range (weekly), mid-range
(quarterly), and long range (yearly) goals for the squadron to achieve.
Establish Plans, Policies & Procedures. Keep the squadron focused on
its goals by setting short term training objectives for each weekly meet-
ing and special activity. Ensure all cadet activities are well planned and
successful. Continually evaluate the effectiveness of the cadet staff’s
standard operating procedures.
Coordinate Cadet Staff Activities. Build a spirit of teamwork among the
cadet staff. Outline basic guidelines for how they will work together.
Hone and clarify the various cadet staff position descriptions. Convene
and chair cadet staff meetings on a regular basis. Serve as the primary
liaison between the senior member and cadet staffs.
Drill Symbol
Make Personnel Recommendations. Propose cadet duty assignments.
Mentor one or more cadets as your potential successor(s). Ensure ca-
dets receive meaningful feedback about their leadership performance
through the CAPF 60-90 process. Make promotion recommendations.
Direct the Cadet Corps. Cadet commander is the ultimate position in
the cadet corps’ hierarchy. Supervise and mentor all cadets, especially
cadet officers, while working through the chain of command. Resolve
conflicts and disputes. Motivate and discipline cadets, working through
the flight commanders. Keep the senior staff informed of any issues
that may develop into serious problems, and all issues affecting the
general safety and welfare of the cadets.
Promote Excellence. Lead by example and motivate all cadets to live
the Core Values and meet or exceed CAP standards concerning the
fundamentals of cadet life. Lead the inspection party during squadron-
level uniform inspections. Ensure the cadet staff is aware of potential
safety hazards and takes steps to keep cadets safe, especially during
field activities.
Lead Drill & Ceremonies. Command all squadron-level cadet for-
mations. Assist with cadet promotion and award ceremonies.
Plan for the Future: Senior Membership & Adulthood
q Keep a journal of your experiences as cadet commander. Use the
journal to reflect on your decision-making processes, leadership
challenges, and lessons learned.
q Learn what opportunities are available to adults in CAP. As a
longtime CAP member and a leader, CAP needs you to remain
active after you outgrow the Cadet Program. Investigate the
opportunities for service and continued leadership growth avail-
able to senior members.
q Continue to pursue your personal goals in your education, career
aspirations, and life in general. Consider how you can apply what
you’ve learned as a cadet officer to the challenges you face as a
young adult.
The cadet staff positions described below are not usually found in most
squadrons, but commanders are welcome to assign cadets to them as
the situation requires. Some of the positions are entry-level opportuni-
ties for cadet airmen and junior NCOs to introduce them to basic re-
sponsibilities of team leadership. The positions will be as meaningful as
the cadets and the senior staff make them.
The cadet deputy commander for support is the member of the
command staff who manages the mission support functions of the
cadet corps. The position is usually unnecessary in most squadrons, ex-
cept the largest and most top-heavy. The position exists with the as-
sumption that the squadron has a handful of cadets managing support
functions (ie: supply NCO, administrative NCO, webmaster, etc.) that
for span of control reasons require a cadet officer to supervise on be-
half of the cadet commander.
Immediate Supervisor Typical Grades
Cadet Commander C/Capt through C/Lt Col
Key Duties
q Supervise and coordinate cadet support staff activities.
q Manage the cadet corps’ mission support functions.
q Develop and/or help maintain websites, newsletters, rosters,
calendars, and a cadet supply system.
q Manage local personnel programs, like uniform inspection
records and the cadet of the month program.
NOTE: Previously known as cadet executive officer, this position
has been renamed to mirror today’s Air Force terminology. The
mission support flight commander option should be reserved for
very large squadrons or encampments.
The cadet leadership officer instructs cadets in leadership topics and
leads or supervises leadership activities. The position is usually not
needed, except in the largest or most top-heavy squadrons. Because
the duties are similar to those of a flight commander, commanders
should carefully divide the labor of the two positions to avoid overlap.
Immediate Supervisor Typical Grades
Cadet Commander (varies) C/2d Lt through C/Lt Col
Key Duties
q Instruct cadets in leadership topics.
q Coordinate and oversee local mentoring programs.
q Support cadet drill and ceremonies training.
q Mentor the NCO staff.
The cadet aerospace officer instructs cadets in aerospace topics and
leads or supervises aerospace activities. The position is usually not
needed, except in the largest or most top-heavy squadrons. Because
the duties are similar to those of a flight commander, commanders
should carefully divide the labor of the two positions to avoid overlap.
Immediate Supervisor Typical Grades
Cadet Commander (varies) C/2d Lt through C/Lt Col
Key Duties
q Instruct cadets in aerospace topics.
q Lead aerospace-related activities.
q Coordinate and oversee aerospace tutoring or mentoring.
q Assist the senior staff in training cadets in emergency services.
q Assist the senior staff in developing emergency services plans.
q Assist the finance officer by collecting and recording payment of
squadron dues, if the squadron has a dues program.
q Assist the personnel officer by taking attendance.
q Organize sign-up rosters for special cadet activities.
q Maintain the squadron bulletin board.
q Assist the safety officer in presenting monthly safety briefings.
q Assist the safety officer in conducting risk management (RM)
reviews during special events and when in the field.
q Assist the supply officer in outfitting cadets with uniforms and
q Monitor inventory of chevrons, ribbons, and other items in the
“squadron BX,” (base exchange or supply box) if one is
q Assist the senior staff in maintaining the unit website.
q Assist cadets in accessing E-Services.
q Provide technical support to seniors and cadets.
Informal, temporary position used when needed
Available to cadets of all grades, but licensed drivers are preferable
Even the safest driver is at a disadvantage when they operate a CAP
vehicle. Unlike the personal vehicle they use every day, the CAP vehicle
will be unfamiliar. Large vans handle differently than the smaller ve-
hicles most people are used to operating. Therefore, a driver’s aide,
seated in the front passenger seat, can make the trip easier and safer
by reliving the driver of non-driving tasks and acting as a safety mon-
itor. Cadets who are licensed drivers are especially encouraged to
volunteer for “cadet shotgun” duty.
Some ways a driver’s aide could assist, subject to the driver’s discre-
tion, include:
q Preflighting the vehicle before operation by checking tire pressure,
headlights, directional lights, etc., and/or completing the CAPF 73
vehicle inspection for the driver
q Verbally reminding all passengers to buckle-up
q Taking the head count to ensure all passengers are on board
q Serving as a spotter when the vehicle is backing-up or maneuver
ing into a tight parking spot
q Monitoring the passenger side mirror and verbally calling atten
tion to traffic that may be in the driver’s blind spot
q Navigating and calling attention to road signs and lane require
q Verbally calling attention to road debris, disabled vehicles, emer
gency vehicles, construction, etc.
q Handling radio and telephone communications
q Directing cadet passengers to maintain a reasonable volume of
conversation and having them quiet down when needed
Appendix 2
If units provide tailor–made challenges for ranking cadets, each unit is
apt to have a unique organizational structure. There is no one-size-fits-
all solution or standard organizational chart for a cadet unit. Further,
squadrons are not required to staff every possible position. Each squad-
ron should choose an organizational structure that is appropriate for its
mix of cadets.
Shown below are a handful of organizational charts. Each is designed
for a specific type of squadron – big or small, top-heavy or bottom-
heavy. These charts are intended as starting points for designing a
cadet staff structure. Commanders are free to adjust the suggested
organizational charts as necessary.
C/Amn - C/CMSgt
C/Amn - C/CMSgt
C/Amn - C/CMSgt
For small units, when every
cadet is still an airman
Cadet grades shown in these diagrams reflect the minimum
and maximum (but not the recommended) grades for those
duty assignments, per CAPR 60-1, chapter 4.
C/2d Lt - C/Col
C/MSgt - C/Capt
C/Amn - C/CMSgt
For small units that have
one cadet officer and
some cadet NCOs
C/SSgt - C/CMSgt
C/Amn - C/CMSgt
C/Amn - C/CMSgt
C/Amn - C/CMSgt
For small units that have
at least one cadet non-
commissioned officer
C/SSgt - C/CMSgt
C/Amn - C/CMSgt
C/Amn - C/CMSgt
C/MSgt - C/Capt
C/Amn - C/CMSgt
C/Amn - C/CMSgt
C/Amn - C/CMSgt
C/SSgt - C/CMSgt
C/2d Lt - C/Col
For large but
bottom-heavy units
For small units that are top
heavy with cadet officers
C/2d Lt - C/Col
C/2d Lt - C/Col
C/Amn -
C/SSgt - C/CMSgt
C/MSgt - C/CMSgt
C/SSgt - C/CMSgt
C/Amn -
C/Amn -
C/Amn -
C/Amn -
C/Amn -
C/Amn -
C/SSgt - C/CMSgt
C/SSgt - C/CMSgt
C/Amn -
C/Amn -
C/Amn -
C/Amn -
C/Amn -
C/Amn -
C/Amn -
C/MSgt - C/Capt
C/MSgt - C/Capt
C/2d Lt - C/Col
C/MSgt - C/CMSgt
C/Amn -
C/SSgt - C/CMSgt
C/2d Lt - C/Col
C/MSgt - C/Capt
Officers & NCOs
C/2d Lt - C/Col
C/2d Lt - C/Col
C/2d Lt - C/Col
C/2d Lt - C/Col
Cadets learn to lead by leading. Service on cadet staff offers cadets a tremen-
dous opportunity to develop their leadership skills. This handbook is a resource
for cadets and the senior members who supervise and mentor them.
What is the role of the cadet staff? How do senior members manage the staff
program? This handbook answers those questions and more. It discusses how
to design a cadet staff, select cadets for staff service, and make staff service a
learning experience.
It also includes practical tools for cadets. There are detailed descriptions for the
major cadet staff positions, resources for conducting uniform inspections, tips
for planning squadron meetings, and more.
CAPP 60-31 December 2022