Ed. 1978]
1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.
3. Registrar-General or district registrar may solemnize marriage.
4. Registration of ministers as marriage officers.
5. Registration of other marriage officers.
6. Change of address, etc., to be notified.
7. Notification of registration of marriage officers.
8. Annual list of marriage officers' names.
9. When names of marriage officers to be omitted
10. Cancellation of marriage officers' registration.
11. When marriage officers not compellable to solemnize marriage
12. Marriageable age.
13. Consent in case of minors.
14. Consent to be attested.
15. Prohibition of plurality of marriage.
16. Notice of marriage.
17. Filing and posting up of notice.
18. New notice, etc., required if marriage not solemnized within three months.
19. Certificate after twenty-one days' notice.
20. Provision for issue of certificate for marriage where one of the parties resides in
England, etc.
21. Special licence.
22. By whom marriages to be solemnized.
23. Declaration of marriage.
24. Power of marriage officers to ask for particulars.
25. Witnesses to marriage and certificate.
26. Notice of marriage under Foreign Marriage Act, 1892.
27. Filing and posting notice.
28. Certificate of Registrar-General.
29. Persons pretending to be ministers.
30. Penalty on solemnizing a marriage without production of certificate.
31. Penalty for marrying minors without consent.
32. Penalty for solemnizing marriages without being registered.
33. Penalty for failure to require declaration.
34. Penalty for omission to transmit certificate, etc.
35. Falsely pretending to be a marriage officer.
36. Additional religious ceremony.
37. Divorce.
38. Validity of registered marriage.
39. Marriage in articulo mortis.
40. Regulations.
Ordinances Nos. 9 of 1968 3 of 1970
[1st January, 1969]
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Marriage Act.
2. In this Act unless the context otherwise requires-
"district" means the registration area of a district registry under the provisions of
the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act;
"district registrar" has the same meaning as in the Births, Deaths and Marriages
Registration Act;
(Cap. 49.)
"magistrate" means a magistrate appointed under the provisions of the
Magistrates' Courts Act and includes every Fijian Magistrate appointed under the
Fijian Affairs Act;
(Cap. 14)
"marriage officer" means the Registrar-General or a district registrar or any
person registered as a marriage officer under the provisions of this Act or any
other suitable person appointed by the Registrar-General by notice in the Gazette
for the purpose of solemnizing marriages on his behalf.
(Cap. 120)
"minister of religion" means a person recognized by a religious body or
organization of the Christian faith as having authority to solemnize marriages in
accordance with the rites or customs of such body or organization;
"minor" means a person under the age of twenty-one years.
Registrar-General or district registrar may solemnize marriage
3. The Registrar-General may solemnize marriages in any place in Fiji and a district
registrar may solemnize marriages within the limits of his district.
Registration of ministers as marriage officers
4. The Registrar-General, on application in the prescribed form in the name of any
minister of religion under the hand of such minister or that of the head in Fiji of the
denomination to which he belongs, may register such minister as a marriage officer for
solemnizing marriages in Fiji.
Registration of other marriage officers
5. Any person, other than a minister of religion, professing any recognized religion may
apply to the Registrar-General, in the prescribed manner, for registration as a marriage
officer in which event the Registrar-General may, in his discretion, upon being satisfied
that there is a need for a marriage officer of that particular religion, register such person
as a marriage officer for the purpose of solemnizing marriages in Fiji.
Change of address, etc., to be notified
6. (1) Whenever any marriage officer registered under the provisions of either of sections
4 or 5 changes his name, address or designation he shall, within one month next after
such change, notify the Registrar-General thereof.
(2) The Registrar-General, may, upon receiving notification of any change under the
provisions of subsection (1), amend the registration and shall, if he deems it necessary,
publish particulars of the change in the Gazette.
Notification of registration of marriage officers
7. When the Registrar-General registers a marriage officer, under the provisions of
section 5, he shall, within one month after such registration, notify in the Gazette the
name of the marriage officer so registered.
Annual list of marriage officers' names
8. The Registrar-General shall, once in every year, publish in the Gazette a list of the
names, addresses, designations and denominations of all marriage officers then duly
registered and every such annual publication shall be prima facie evidence in all courts of
justice that the persons therein named and no others were at the time of such publication
duly registered as marriage officers.
When names of marriage officers to be omitted
9. Whenever the Registrar-General shall become aware that any registered marriage
officer is dead or has left Fiji or has ceased to officiate as a marriage officer or when the
registration of any marriage officer has been cancelled under the provisions of section 10,
he shall omit the name of such marriage officer from the next annual publication of the
names of registered marriage officers.
Cancellation of marriage officers' registration
10. The Registrar-General may, in any case where he in his discretion deems such action
advisable, cancel at any time the registration of any marriage officer and publication in
the Gazette shall be sufficient notification of such cancellation.
When marriage officers not compellable to solemnize marriage
11. Nothing contained in this Act shall be deemed to compel any marriage officer
registered under the provisions of sections 4 or 5 to solemnize any marriage between
parties either of whom shall not be a member of his own religious denomination or
otherwise than according to the rites and usages of such denomination nor unless he shall
be satisfied by the declaration of the parties or otherwise that the proposed marriage is
consistent with such rites and usages.
Marriageable age
12. Any person may contract a valid marriage under the provisions of this Act if such
person is, in the case of a male, of the age of eighteen years or upwards, or, in the case of
a female, of the age of sixteen years or upwards.
Consent in case of minors
13. (1) If either of the parties to a proposed marriage is under the age of twenty-one
years, such marriage shall not be performed without the prior consent of-
(a) the father of such party; or
(b) in the event of the father being dead or out of Fiji, the mother of such party; or
(c) in the event of neither of the parents being alive or in Fiji, or if the father or
the mother, as the case may be, refuses or withholds such consent or is from any
other cause incapable or unable to give such consent, a Commissioner or a
(2) Any applications under the provisions of paragraph (c) of subsection (1) shall be made
on the prescribed form to a Commissioner or magistrate who shall make inquiry on oath
as to the facts and circumstances of the case and, if the Commissioner or magistrate is
satisfied that there is no parent alive or in Fiji or that the parent whose consent would
otherwise be required has refused such consent unreasonably or is incapable or unable to
give such consent, he may give the required consent in the manner prescribed.
(3) Where a Commissioner or a magistrate gives his consent to the marriage of a minor,
such consent shall operate for the purposes of this Act, as the consent of the parent whose
consent would otherwise have been required.
(4) For the purposes of this section "father" in relation to an illegitimate child, means the
person who, in connexion with the registration of such child, has acknowledged paternity.
Consent to be attested
14. Every consent to the marriage of a minor given under the provisions of paragraphs (a)
or (b) of subsection (1) of section 13 shall be given in the prescribed form and shall be
attested by the Registrar-General or a district registrar or other marriage officer.
(Amended by 3 of 1970, s. 2.)
Prohibition of plurality of marriage
15. Marriage in Fiji shall be the voluntary union of one man to one woman to the
exclusion of all others.
Notice of marriage
16. (1) Where a marriage is intended to be solemnized under the provisions of this Act,
notice of marriage in the prescribed form shall be given-
(a) if the parties to be married have resided in the same district for the period of
seven days immediately before the giving of the notice, by either of the parties to
the district registrar of that district;
(b) if the parties to the marriage have not resided in the same district for such
period of seven days, by each party to the district registrar of the district where
such individual party resides:
Provided that the notice of marriage shall, in the district of Suva, be given to the
(2) Every person giving notice or marriage under the provisions of subsection (1) shall
make a solemn declaration in the prescribed form before the Registrar-General or a
district registrar to whom such notice is required to be given and shall, at the same time,
produce the written consent, if any, required under the provisions of section 13.
(3) The Registrar-General or a district registrar may require every person giving notice
under the provisions of this section to produce documentary evidence to verify the
particulars given or statements made in such notice.
Filing and posting up of notice
17. The Registrar-General or the district registrar, as the case may be, shall file in his
office every such notice and any consent required to be produced therewith and shall
forthwith post up in some conspicuous place in or near such office a true copy of every
such notice and shall keep the same so posted up during twenty-one consecutive days
before the marriage is solemnized under the notice. At the same time a true copy of every
such notice shall also be similarly posted up in some conspicuous place in the registry
office nearest to the place of residence of each party to the intended marriage.
New notice, etc., required if marriage not solemnized within three months
18. In the event of the marriage intended to be solemnized not taking place within three
months after the date of the posting up of the notice under the provisions of section 17,
the notice and any certificate for marriage granted in connexion therewith and any
consent given for the proposed marriage shall be void and the intended marriage shall not
be solemnized under such notice or certificate.
Certificate after twenty-one days' notice
19. (1) At any time not more than three months nor less than twenty-one clear days after
the posting up of the copy of the notice referred to in section 17, the Registrar-General or
the district registrar, as the case may be, upon request by or on behalf of the party by
whom such notice was given, and in the case no lawful impediment shall have been
shown to the satisfaction of the Registrar-General or the district registrar, as the case may
be, why such certificate should not issue, shall issue under his hand a certificate in the
prescribed form to the effect that the notice required by section 16 has been duly given
and that twenty-one clear days have elapsed since the date of the posting up of the copy
of such notice.
(2) If any person shall knowingly and wilfully marry without a certificate for marriage
(except as provided in section 21) the marriage of such person shall be null and void.
Provision for issue of certificate for marriage where one of the parties resides in
England, etc.
20. (1) Where a marriage is intended to be solemnized in Fiji between a British subject
resident in Fiji and a British subject resident in England, Scotland or Ireland, a certificate
for marriage issued by a superintendent registrar in England, and a certificate for
marriage issued by a registrar or a certificate of proclamation of banns in Scotland, and a
certificate for marriage issued by a registrar in Ireland, shall be deemed to have the same
force and effect as a certificate for marriage issued under the provisions of this Act.
(2) Where a marriage is intended to be solemnized or contracted in the United Kingdom
between a British subject resident in Fiji and a British subject resident in England,
Scotland or Ireland, a certificate for marriage may be issued in Fiji by the Registrar-
General or by a district registrar in like manner as if the marriage was to be solemnized in
Fiji under circumstances requiring the issue of such a certificate and as if both such
British subjects were resident in Fiji:
Provided that in the case of the issue as aforesaid of a certificate for marriage by a district
registrar, the same shall be duly authenticated under the hand and seal of the Registrar-
Special licence
21. (1) Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Act, where a marriage is intended to
be solemnized in Fiji, the Registrar-General* at any time, on application in the prescribed
form by both parties to the intended marriage attested by the Registrar-General* or a
district registrar upon production of such evidence to prove that there is no lawful
impediment to the intended marriage as the Registrar-General* may require, and upon
payment of the prescribed fee, may grant a special licence authorizing the solemnization
of the said marriage between the said parties within such time, not exceeding twenty-
eight days, as shall be named therein:
Provided that the Registrar-General* may, in such special circumstances as he thinks fit,
grant a special licence on application by one of the parties to the intended marriage.
[*Delegated to Registrar-General, Assistant Registrar or Executive Officer assigned to
the Births Deaths and Marriages section with effect from 10th November, 1970 by Notice
26th June 1975]
By whom marriages to be solemnized
22. (1) No marriage shall be solemnized by a marriage officer to whom the provisions of
sections 4 and 5 apply unless his name, designation and address shall have been
registered and shall then continue registered in the office of the Registrar-General:
Provided that no marriage in fact shall be void by reason only of the same having been
solemnized by a person not being a registered marriage officer if either of the parties to
the marriage shall at the time believe in good faith that he was such a marriage officer.
(2) Where the parties to be married shall so elect, the marriage may be solemnized
between the parties by the Registrar-General in any place within Fiji, or by a district
registrar within the limits of the district assigned to him, in the prescribed form of words
to be repeated and signed by the parties to such marriage respectively.
Declaration of marriage
23. In every case of solemnization of marriage under the provisions of this Act, the
marriage officer shall require each of the parties in some part of the ceremony in his
presence and in the presence of the officiating marriage officer and witnesses to say to the
other "I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, A.B., do take you, C.D., to
be my lawful wedded wife (or husband)", or words as nearly corresponding thereto as
circumstances will permit.
Power of Marriage Officers to Ask for Particulars
24. Any marriage officer may ask of any person married or about to be married the
several particulars required under the provisions of this Act touching any such marriage.
Witnesses to marriage and certificate
25. (1) Every marriage shall be solemnized in the presence of two or more witnesses who
shall sign a certificate which shall also be signed by the marriage officer solemnizing the
marriage and by the parties thereto in the presence of such witnesses and shall be legibly
written (or partly written and partly printed) in the prescribed form.
(2) The marriage officer solemnizing the marriage shall deliver a copy of such certificate
immediately after the marriage duly signed as aforesaid, to one of the parties to the
marriage and shall within seven days thereafter transmit the original certificate to the
district registrar of the district in which the marriage was solemnized.
(3) Every marriage officer shall on the last day of March, June, September and December
in each year or so soon thereafter as may be practicable, transmit to the Registrar-General
in the prescribed form a return of all marriages solemnized by him during the preceding
three months.
Notice of marriage under Foreign Marriage Act, 1892
26. Where a marriage is intended to be solemnized in any foreign country under the
Foreign Marriage Act, 1892, of the United Kingdom, a notice in the prescribed form of
such marriage shall be given by one of the parties intending such marriage who has had
his or her usual place of abode for a period of not less than one week (or for such other
period as may be hereafter prescribed by the Minister for the purposes of the said Act)
immediately preceding in some place within Fiji to the Registrar-General.
Filing and posting notice
27. The Registrar-General shall file every such notice and shall enter a copy thereof in a
book to be kept for that purpose and shall publish such notice by forthwith posting up the
same in a conspicuous place in his office and shall keep the same so posted up during
fourteen consecutive days. Such book and the copy so posted up shall be open at all
reasonable times without fee to the inspection of any person.
Certificate of Registrar-General
28. The Registrar-General, if he is satisfied that the party giving such notice has actually
been resident in Fiji for not less than one week (or such other period as the Minister may
prescribe) immediately preceding the giving of such notice, and unless he is aware of any
impediment or objection which should obstruct the solemnization of the marriage, shall,
on payment of the prescribed fee, give a certificate in the prescribed form that such notice
has been so given and published as aforesaid.
Persons pretending to be ministers
29. If any person shall cause his name to be registered under the provisions of this Act as
a minister of religion, he being at the time not such a minister and knowing himself not to
be such, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not
exceeding four hundred dollars or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding two years.
Penalty on solemnizing a marriage without production of certificate
30. Any person who solemnizes any marriage between parties, unless by special licence
as hereinbefore provided in this Act, without first having had produced to him a
certificate or certificates for marriage and having satisfied himself that such certificate is
or such certificates are still in full force and effect shall be guilty of an offence and shall
be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars.
Penalty for marrying minors without consent
31. Every person who wilfully and unlawfully marries a person under the age of twenty-
one years, not having been previously married, without having previously obtained such
consent to the marriage as is required by this Act, or who induces or endeavours to induce
any marriage officer or other person to solemnize marriage between parties one of whom
he or she knows to be under age without such consent, and every person who abets or
assists the offender in any such act or endeavour knowing the same to be illegal, shall
severally be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding
two hundred dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.
Penalty for solemnizing marriages without being registered
32. Every marriage officer who solemnizes any marriage knowing that his name,
designation or usual residence has not been registered under the provisions of this Act or
is not then duly registered shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction
to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or to imprisonment for any term not
exceeding six months.
Penalty for failure to require declaration
33. Any marriage officer who solemnizes any marriage without requiring the parties
thereto to make the declaration of marriage referred to in section 23 shall be guilty of an
offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars and
further to have his registration as a marriage officer cancelled.
Penalty for omission to transmit certificate, etc.
34. Any marriage officer or other person who fails to comply with the provisions of this
Act or any of them respecting the certificate of marriage or return of marriages required
to be transmitted to the Registrar-General or the district registrar, as the case may be,
shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one
hundred dollars.
Falsely pretending to be a marriage officer
35. Any person who falsely pretends to be a marriage officer and knowingly and wilfully
acts in such capacity in relation to the solemnization of any marriage shall be guilty of an
offence and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment for any term not exceeding
seven years.
Additional religious ceremony
36. (1) At any time after the solemnization of a marriage by the Registrar-General or a
district registrar, the parties to such marriage may, if they so desire, upon the production
of the certificate of the Registrar-General or district registrar as to the marriage, have a
further marriage service performed according to the form ordained or used by the religion
or religious denomination to which either or each of such parties belong.
(2) Nothing in the reading or celebration of a marriage service under the provisions of
subsection (1) shall supersede or invalidate any marriage previously solemnized nor shall
such reading or celebration be entered as a marriage in the register of marriages.
37. Any divorce duly granted to any person by the Supreme Court shall be forthwith
notified by the Chief Registrar of the Court to the Registrar-General who shall duly
record the fact of such divorce on the entry of marriage, if any.
Validity of registered marriage
38. Every marriage duly solemnized under the provisions of this Act unless therein
expressly declared to be void shall be deemed to be good and valid in law until the
contrary be proved.
Marriage in articulo mortis
39. (1) Any marriage officer may, without previous publication and without any other
formality required by this Act solemnize a marriage between two persons one of whom is
in articulo mortis and such marriage shall, subject to the following provisions, be as valid
as if it had been celebrated by a marriage officer in conformity with the provisions of this
(2) No marriage under the provisions of subsection (1) shall be celebrated unless-
(a) both parties are able to signify their consent thereto and affix their signatures
or marks to the certificate of marriage in the presence of two witnesses, both of
whom shall mark or sign the certificate; and
(b) when the intended parties are under the age of twenty-one years, the father or
mother or other person required to give consent under this Act, has authorized the
marriage in writing or given his or her consent thereto by signing or marking the
certificate of marriage.
(3) It shall be the duty of any marriage officer solemnizing a marriage under the
provisions of this section forthwith to forward the marriage certificate referred to in
subsection (2) to the Registrar-General or a district registrar, as the case may be.
40. The Registrar-General may, subject to the approval of the Minister, make regulations
from time to time for carrying out the provisions of this Act, prescribing the forms to be
used, the procedure to be adopted and the fees to be charged in connexion with the
provisions of this Act.
Subsidiary Legislation
Made by the Registrar-General
Regulations 19th June, 1968, 9th May, 1973, 10th October, 1973, 19th October 1973,
25th November, 1974, 4th December, 1978
Short title
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Marriage Regulations.
Notice of marriage, etc., how kept
2. Subject to the provisions of regulation 3, the original of every notice of marriage and
declaration received by the Registrar-General or a district registrar shall be kept in the
office of the Registrar-General or district registrar, as the case may be, and numbered
consecutively, beginning with a fresh series at the commencement of each year.
Preservation of notice of marriage
3. Immediately after the end of March, June, September and December in each year, each
district registrar shall forward to the Registrar-General the original of every notice of
marriage and declaration received by such district registrar in the quarter ending the 31st
day of December of the previous year and the 31st day of March, the 30th day of June
and the 30th day of September of the current year, respectively.
Notice of marriage to be bound in book form
4. Every notice of marriage and declaration in respect of the previous year received by
the Registrar-General including those referred to in regulation 2, shall be bound in book
form and preserved in the office of the Registrar-General.
Date of issue of certificate for marriage to be endorsed on notice
5. The date of issue of the certificate for marriage shall be endorsed on the original of
every notice of marriage.
Application for special licence how preserved
6. Every application for a special licence received by the Registrar-General shall be kept
in his office and numbered consecutively, beginning with a fresh series at the
commencement of each year, and shall at the end of each year be bound up in book form
and preserved by the Registrar-General.
Marriage officer not to perform marriage without certificate, etc.
7. No marriage officer shall perform any marriage between parties, unless by special
licence granted under the provisions of section 21 of the Act or in pursuance of the
provisions of section 36 of the Act, without first having had produced to him a certificate
or certificates for marriage, as the case may be, and having satisfied himself that such
certificate or certificates are still in force and effect.
Certificate of marriage
8. (1) The Registrar-General shall cause certificates of marriage in triplicate in book form
to be prepared in the prescribed form and delivered to each marriage officer.
(2) The certificate of marriage shall be signed in triplicate by the officiating marriage
officer, by the parties, and by two or more witnesses.
(3) The marriage officer shall deliver the duplicate copy of the certificate of marriage to
the parties immediately after the marriage and shall, within seven days thereafter,
transmit the original copy to the district registrar of the district where the marriage was
solemnized and shall retain the triplicate in the book.
(4) The marriage officer shall return to the Registrar-General, the triplicate copies of the
certificate of marriage as soon as a book has been completed or, if he ceases to be a
marriage officer, the triplicate copies and all unused certificates.
Marriage before Registrar-General or district registrar
9. (1) Every marriage before the Registrar-General or a district registrar shall take place
in the presence of two or more witnesses, and in the following manner:-
(a) the Registrar-General or district registrar shall first address the parties to the
following effect-
"Before you are joined in matrimony, it is my duty to remind you of the
solemn and binding character of a marriage in this registry (or place)
which is in law the voluntary union of one man and one woman to the
exclusion of all others. Know you, therefore, A.B., and C.D., that, by the
public taking of each other as man and wife in my presence and in the
presence of the persons now here, and by the subsequent attestation
thereof by signing your names to that effect, you become legally married
to each other, although no other rite of a civil or religious nature need take
place."; and
(b) each of the parties shall then say to the other-
"I call upon all persons here present to witness that I, A.B. do take you
C.D., to be my lawful wedded wife (or husband)";
(c) the Registrar-General or district registrar shall then state to the parties-
"In pursuance of the powers conferred upon me by the Marriage Act, I
now pronounce you to be man and wife.".
(2) The Registrar-General or district registrar and the parties and witnesses shall
thereupon sign the certificates of marriage in the form and manner hereinbefore
10. The fees specified in the First Schedule shall be charged by the Registrar-General or
district registrar in respect of the several matters specified in such Schedule.
11. The forms set out in the Second Schedule, with such modifications as the Registrar
shall from time to time determine to be necessary, shall be the forms to be used for the
purposes of these Regulations.
(Substituted by Regulations 4th December, 1978)
1. Notice of Marriage and Declaration (including Certificate for Marriage) 2.00
2. Application for Special Licence (including Special Licence) 13.00
3. Registrar-General or district registrar solemnizing marriage (including
Certificate of Marriage) 2.00
FORM No. 1
(Section 4)
To: The Registrar-General.
(1) * (a) I hereby apply to be registered, or
* (b) I hereby apply for the registration of the undermentioned minister as a marriage
officer under section 4 of the Marriage Act.
Name of Minister in full (BLOCK LETTERS)
Address in full
(2) I hereby declare that-
* (a) I am }
* (b) the above-named minister is } authorized by the
(name of religious body or organization)
to solemnize marriages in accordance with the rites or customs of such body or
Signature of Applicant or
Head of denomination.
[*Delete (a) or (b) as appropriate.]
FORM No. 2
(Section 5)
To: The Registrar-General.
1. I hereby apply to be registered as a Marriage Officer under section 5 of the Marriage
Name in full
Father s name if Indian
Religion Sect
Date of birth Place of birth
Dated at this day of , 19 .
Signature of Applicant.
2. Sponsored by ................................................………………………………………….
(name of religious body sponsoring applicant)
who comment as follows-
Dated at this day of , 19 .
Signature of head of sponsoring body.
FORM No. 3
(Substituted by Regulations 19th October, 1973)
(Sections 13 and 14)
(Full name, also f/n if Indian)
of ………………………………………………………………………………………
(Full Address)
(a) the father of ………………………………………………………….., or
(b) the mother of ..............................................………………………………
the father having died or being absent from Fiji,
hereby consent to the marriage of the said ................................………………………
(Full name of other party, also f/n if Indian)
of ……………………………………………..........................................................…
(Full Address)
Dated at ………………………. this ……………… day of ……………… , 19…….
Signature of father/mother Signed in the presence of Registrar-General or District
FORM No. 4
(Section 13)
No. of 19
In the matter of an application under
section 13 (1) (c) and 13 (2) of the
Marriage Act
I, …………………………………………………………………………………………
(full name; also f/n, if Indian, address and occupation)
who was born on the ………………… of …………………..…………..,
19………… , give notice that I intend to make application under sections 13 (1) (c) and
13 (2) of the Marriage Act to the Commissioner/Magistrate for his consent to my
proposed marriage with ..................................................................
(full name, also f/n, if Indian, address and occupation)
who was born on the …………………….day of ………………………………., 19
……….., in the place of the consent of ..................……………………………….
(full name, also f/n, if Indian, address and occupation)
who is my father/mother.
*2. My said father/mother refused to consent to my marriage, or
*2. My said father/mother is/are deceased, or
*2. My said father/mother is/are absent from Fiji.
[* Delete as appropriate]
FORM No. 5
(Section 13 (2))
Upon holding an inquiry into the relevant facts and circumstances concerning the
application made by .................................................
(full name, also f/n, if Indian, address and occupation)
for my consent to his/her proposed marriage with .......................…………………
(full name, also f/n, if Indian, address and occupation)
in place of the consent of …………………………………………………………..
(full name, also f/n, if Indian, address and occupation)
the father/mother of the said .............................................……………………………
I, ....................................................................……………………………………….…
a person who holds the office as Commissioner of a Division/Magistrate am satisfied that
the said ...................................................
who refused to consent to the marriage, so refused unreasonably, or is/are deceased, or is/
are absent from Fiji, and I therefore give my consent to the proposed marriage in place of
the consent of the said ....................
Dated at this ……………………… of ……………………………., 19………..
FORM No. 6
(Substituted by Regulations 10th October, 1973)
(Marriage Act. sections 16 and 21)
Notice is hereby given that a marriage is intended to take place with
in…………………….. months/days from the date hereof between the undermentioned
Full name
Full date and year of birth
Profession or occupation
Status (bachelor, spinster,
widower, widow, divorced)
Address of usual residence and
for what period
Father's full name
Mother's full name and maiden
And I/We the said ……………………………… solemnly declare the I/We believe there
is no
lawful impediment or objection by reason of kindred or alliance or any other lawful
hindrance to our marriage and that the parties to the intended marriage have for the space
of seven days immediately preceding the giving of this notice resided as herein stated.
(Not required for application for special licence.)
And I further declare that-
(a) I am not a minor under the age of 21 years; and
(b) the other party herein named and described is not a minor under the age of 21
And I further declare that I am a minor under the age of 21 years and that the consent of
…………………………………..., whose consent to my marriage is required by law, has
been obtained.
And I further declare that the other party herein named and described is a minor under the
age of 21 years and that the consent of ………………………………………… whose
consent to his/her marriage is required by law, has been obtained.
And I/we make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and
by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act.
Signed and declared before me by the above-named ………………………at
this ……………………… of ……………………………, 19………….
Signature of Declarant Signature of Registrar-General or District Registrar
Signed and declared before me by the above-named ………………………………... at
this …………………… of ………………………………………..,19…………….
Signature of Declarant Signature of Registrar-General or District Registrar
FORM No. 7
(Section 19)
Registrar-General/District Registrar of the district of ..................
do hereby certify that on the ……………………day of …………………….. , 19……,
notice was duly given by …………………………………………….. one of the parties,
of the marriage intended between the undermentioned parties:-
Name and surname in full
Age and full date and year of
Profession or occupation
Status (bachelor, spinster,
widower, widow or divorced)
Place of residence in full and
for what period
Father's name and surname in
Father's profession
Mother's name and maiden
surname in full
Name and surname in full
Age and full date and year of
Profession or occupation
Status (bachelor, spinster,
widower, widow or divorced)
Place of residence in full and
for what period
Father's name and surname in
Father's profession
Mother's name and maiden
surname in full
Date of posting up of copy of notice .....................................…………………………
And I do hereby further certify that twenty-one clear days have elapsed since the date of
the posting up of the copy of such notice, and that no lawful impediment has been shown
why this certificate should not issue.
Given under my hand at …………………... this ………… of ………….. 19…..
Registrar-General/District Registrar of the
district of ........................
This certificate will be void unless the intended marriage is solemnized on or before the
…………. day of ………………………………. 19…………….
FORM No. 8
(Substituted by Regulations 19th October, 1973)
(Section 21)
Application is hereby made for a Special Licence under the provisions of section 21 of
the Marriage Act, for a marriage intended to be solemnized between the undermentioned
Full Name
Age and Date and Year of Birth
Profession or Occupation
Status (bachelor, spinster,
widower, widow or divorced)
Birth Place
Address of usual residence and
for what period
Father's full Name
Mother's full Name and
Maiden surname in Full
And I/we the said …………………….…………. do hereby solemnly declare that I/we
believe there is no impediment or lawful objection by reason of kindred or alliance or any
other lawful hindrance to-
*(a) my marriage to the said..........………………………………………
*(b) our marriage
+And I/we further declare that-
(a) the said …………………………………… is not a minor under the age of 21 years
and that
(b) the said …………………………………… is not a minor under the age of 21
+And I/we further state that the said ………………………………….. is a minor under
the age of 21 years and that the consent of ……………………………………….. whose
consent to my/his/her marriage is required by law, has been duly obtained thereto.
+And I/we further declare that the said ………………………………… is a minor under
the age of 21 years and that the consent of ………………………………………… whose
consent to my/his/her marriage is required by law, has been duly obtained thereto.
And I/we make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and
by virtue of the Statutory Declarations Act.
Signed and declared before me by the above-named …………………………..
at……………………. this ……………………. day of ……………………, 19………
Before me,
Signature of Declarant Registrar-General or District Registrar
Signed and declared before me by the above-named …………………………..
at……………………. this …………. day of …………………………, 19………..
Before me,
Signature of Declarant Registrar-General or District Registrar
[*Delete (a) or (b) as appropriate
+Delete if inapplicable.]
(Substituted by Regulations 19th October, 1973)
(Section 21)
I ………………………………………………. Registrar-General of Fiji, in pursuance of
the powers conferred upon me by section 21 of the Marriage Act, it having been proved
to my satisfaction that there is no lawful impediment to the marriage between the
undermentioned parties do hereby authorise and permit the marriage of the said parties on
or before the …………………….. day of …………………………………..19……….
Full Name
Age and Date and Year of Birth
Profession or Occupation
Status (bachelor, spinster,
widower, widow or divorced)
Birth Place
Address of usual Residence
and for what Period
Father's full Name
Mother's full Name and
Maiden surname in Full
Given under my hand at …………………………… , Fiji, this
……………………………….day of …………………………., 19………….
FORM No. 10
(Section 25)
(Substituted by Regulations 9th May, 1973)
(Marriage Act)
Full Name
Age or date of birth, if known
Profession or Occupation
Status (bachelor, spinster,
widower, widow or divorced)
Place of residence
Father's full name
Mother's full name and maiden
Date and place of marriage Date Place
This marriage was Solemnized
between us (Signatures of
In the presence of
Names of Witnesses (in BLOCK
Signature of Witnesses
Married according to law, after delivery to me of the Certificate for Marriage, required
by the Marriage Act.
Registered No.
Name of Marriage Officer (in
Signature of
Marriage Officer
Full Name
Age or date of birth, if known
Profession or Occupation
Status (bachelor, spinster,
widower, widow or divorced)
Place of residence
Father's full name
Mother's full name and maiden
Date and place of marriage Date Place
This marriage was Solemnized
between us (Signatures of
In the presence of
Names of Witnesses (in BLOCK
Signature of Witnesses
Married according to law, after delivery to me of the Certificate for Marriage, required
by the Marriage Act.
Registered No.
Name of Marriage Officer (in
Signature of
Marriage Officer
(Section 25 (3))
Return for quarter ended ……………………………………….., 19………
Names of parties and
residence shown in
certificate for
marriage or special
Date and place of
Date of issue of
certificate(s) for
marriage or special
licence and by
whom issued
Last day of
validity of
certificate for
marriage or
special licence
Names of parties and
residence shown in
certificate for
marriage or special
Date and place of
Date of issue of
certificate(s) for
marriage or special
licence and by
whom issued
Last day of
validity of
certificate for
marriage or
special licence
Dated this …………………. day ………………………………………… , 19……..
(Name of Marriage Officer
IN BLOCK LETTERS) Signature of Marriage