Oracle Software
Licensing Basics
Updated July 2024
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Oracle Software
Licensing Basics
Oracle Software
Licensing Basics
General Licensing
Oracle Technology
Software Licensing
Oracle Applications
Software Licensing
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates
Oracle Software Licensing Basics
General Licensing
License Types outline the restrictions on customer’s usage
General Licensing Information
Full Use license is without
restrictions and allows usage that
is full functionality
e.g. Per Named User Plus, Application User, or Processor metric
License Metrics determine how software usage is measured
Full Use license Application Specific Full Use Embedded License
Application Specific Full Use is
specific to run only with the
defined application and may come
with additional restrictions
Embedded License is limited to
embed Oracle technology with
defined application and has
further restrictions on install,
package, configure and access
Oracle’s Software License gives you a non-exclusive and limited right to
use the software and as such:
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General Licensing Information
Concepts continued
Perpetual License is the right to use the license perpetually
As of September 1, 2020, Oracle has ended the availability of term licenses for all on-premise software with the exception of
specific Oracle Technology products for 1 year Term only available; contact your Oracle sales representative for more
information. Existing customers paying support on their term licenses will remain supported through the end of their term.
License Terms provides the timeline for customer’s usage
List price for a term license is based on a specific percentage of the perpetual license price with 1 year at 20% of list price:
Exadata Storage Server Software, Oracle Active Data Guard, Oracle Advanced Compression, Oracle Advanced Security,
oracle Database Enterprise Edition, Oracle Database In-Memory, Oracle Database Standard Edition 2, Oracle Database
Vault, Oracle Diagnostic Pack, Oracle Forms and Reports, Oracle GoldenGate, Oracle Internet Application Server Enterprise
Edition, Oracle Multitenant, Oracle OLAP, Oracle Partitioning, Oracle Real Application Clusters, Oracle Real Application
Clusters One Node, Oracle Real Application Testing, Oracle SOA Suite for Oracle Middleware, Oracle Tuning Pack, Oracle
Weblogic Server Enterprise edition, Oracle Weblogic Standard Edition, Oracle Weblogic Suite.
Note that, the list support price for term licenses is 22% of the list perpetual license fee, as listed in the price list.
Oracle’s Software License gives you a non-exclusive and limited right to
use the software and as such:
See further information on Oracle Global Pricing Site at
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General Licensing Information
Production Environments Non Production Environments
Quality Assurance/Testing & Staging
Disaster Recovery
Use of Oracle Software requires Customers to license the respective
Oracle programs in:
Customer can obtain development licenses that are limited to development activities per the
Oracle Developer Downloads guidelines
See the Oracle Technology Network OTN License Agreement for further details
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Oracle Software Licensing Basics
Oracle Technology Software Licensing
Licensing Metrics
Data Recovery Environments
Server Partitioning Environments
Shared Storage Environments
Authorized Cloud Environments
Licensing Information
Oracle Technology Software Programs
Oracle Technology Licensing:
Featured Technology Programs include the following:
Oracle Database
Oracle Middleware
Oracle Software Management Packs
Oracle Developer Tools
Licensing Metrics include Named User Plus or Processor metric
Named User Plus Processor
For further information, see the Price List and the Database Licensing Documents
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 9
General Licensing Information
Oracle Technology Software Programs
Oracle Technology Licensing:
Add-on products such as the Enterprise Options and Management Packs must match the
number of licenses of the associated product
Functional dependencies may exists among products. Such dependencies must be licensed
separately as prerequisite products
Minimums are used in conjunction with license metrics and refer to the minimum number of
licenses a customer is required when licensing Oracle software
License actual usage or minimum, whichever is greater
See the Product documentation at Oracle Help Center or ask your Oracle sales team for further information
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 10
Licensing Metrics
Oracle Technology Programs
Named User Plus (NUP) metric is defined as individuals authorized to use Oracle programs installed on single
or multiple servers regardless if individual is actively using the programs at any given time.
Human and non-human operated devices are counted towards NUP license
Batch processing from computer to computer is permitted and does not require counting users at the front of the batch process
If multiplexing hardware or software is used, multiplexing is counted at the front end
For further information on batching and multiplexing refer to on the next slide
See full metric definition in the Oracle Technology Price List
Licensing considerations include :
User minimum for products may apply
Licensed at the greater of either user minimum (if applicable) or actual users
Named User Plus Metric Considerations
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Licensing Metrics
Oracle Technology Programs
Named User Plus (NUP) definition includes Batching and Multiplexing :
Batching is an activity that allows a group of tasks
occurring at different times to be processed at the same
time with little interaction from the user and includes:
Automated batching is copying data from computer
to computer where the database is running, this is
permitted and does not require licensing users in
front of batch processing
In manual batching or import/export of flat files,
the individual users who are performing the
transaction needs to be licensed
Batching Multiplexing
Multiplexing is when a large number of end users and/or
devices access a system via an interface, such as TP
monitor or a web server product, so that the apparent
number of users and/or devices accessing the system is
much smaller than the actual number of users and/or
If multiplexing hardware or software used, license
at the multiplexing front end
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 12
Licensing Metrics
Oracle Technology Programs
The Processor metric is used to license all processors where Oracle programs are installed and/or running. This
metric is commonly used for uncountable or hard to manage user/count populations
User Minimums per processors may apply
Most Standard Edition products are licensed by Processor, which for Standard Edition programs is defined as a socket
For multi-chip module processors, each chip on the processor counts as one occupied socket
Enterprise Edition and other technology products may be licensed by cores
(# of cores x core factor = # of Processor licenses)
please see Oracle Processor Core Factor Table
See full metric definition in the Oracle Technology Price List
Processor Metric Calculations
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 13
Data Recovery Environments
Oracle Technology Software Licensing
Licensing Oracle programs that are installed and/or running in Data Recovery:
For further information, see the Licensing Data Recovery Environments Document
All Copying, synchronization, and mirroring of the data and/or program files requires licensing
Data and optional Oracle binaries are copied to another storage device therefore all programs installed and/or running must be
Licensing Requirement:
A testing allowance (up to four times, not to exceed two days per testing in any given calendar year) is granted for physical copies of
backups as follows:
For Oracle database program only, test on an unlicensed spare computer
Does not allow for any other data recovery methods, such as remote mirroring or synchronization
Not applicable in a virtualized environment
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 14
Data Recovery Environments
Oracle Technology Software Licensing
Licensing Failover Data Recovery:
Failover Data Recovery is an exception which allows for one unlicensed server/node in a clustered environment sharing single
storage and requires the following:
Allows an exception to run the Oracle programs on one unlicensed node up to ten separate 24-hour periods in any given
calendar year
If failover periods exceed ten separate 24- hour periods the failover node must be licensed
When the primary node fails, the failover node acts as the primary node. Once the primary node is repaired the customer
must switch back to the primary node or designate that repaired node as the failover node
Same license metric must be used for production and failover nodes and options must match the number of licenses of the
associated database
For further information, see the Licensing Data Recovery Environments Document
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 15
Server Partitioning Environments
Oracle Technology Software Licensing
Server Partitioning Environments:
For further information, see the Partitioning Document
Oracle has determined that the
following technologies are permitted
as a means to limit the number of
Oracle Processor licenses required for
a given server:
Hard Partitioning technologies as
listed in the Partitioning Document
Oracle Trusted Partitions for certain
Oracle Engineered Systems
Oracle Linux for KVM, Oracle OVM
Server, Oracle Solaris Zones
Hard Partitioning
Segments the operating system using
operating system resource managers
and is not approved as a means to
determine or limit number of Oracle
Processor licenses required on a given
server or cluster of servers
Soft Partitioning
Oracle recognizes and allows this
practice to license only the number of
cores activated when a server is
Capacity on Demand
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Virtualized Environments
Oracle Technology Software Licensing
Virtualized Environments are considered a Soft Partitioning technology:
Oracle does not have a separate licensing policy for virtualization deployments of Oracle software for on premise licensing
Soft Partitioning technologies are not permitted as a means to determine or limit the number of software licenses
required for any given server or cluster or servers
Virtualized environments are licensed within the parameters of the metric definition
In general, Virtualization technologies are considered soft partitioning methods and some examples are noted in the
Partitioning Document
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Shared Storage (non-virtualized) Environments
Oracle Technology Software Licensing
Shared Storage Environments:
Shared Storage is when a storage device is connected to and used by two or more systems
Oracle licenses all processors where Oracle programs are installed and/or running
When shared storage devices with Oracle programs are mounted by multiple servers, the respective Oracle programs are
required to be licensed on all the servers
Not recognized in soft partition environments for purposes of limiting Oracles licensing
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 18
Authorized Cloud Computing Environments
Oracle Technology Software Licensing
Authorized Cloud Providers:
Customer can deploy their Oracle Technology programs licenses on two Authorized cloud providers:
Amazon EC2 and RDS
Microsoft Azure Platform
Google Cloud Platform
For the purposes of licensing Oracle Technology programs in the Authorized Cloud, customer are required to count the
maximum available vCPUs of an instance type as follows:
Count 2 virtual CPU (vCPU) to 1 Oracle Processor license if multi-threading of a processor cores enabled, and 1 virtual
CPU (vCPU) to 1 Oracle Processor license if multi-threading of processor cores is not enabled
Please refer to Licensing Oracle Software in the Cloud Computing Environment Document for further information
Customer can deploy their Oracle programs on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure:
To determine the number of Processor licenses for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, refer to the Oracle Core Factor Table
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 19
Oracle Software Licensing Basics
Oracle Applications Software Licensing
General Licensing Information
Licensing Models and Metrics
Additional Information
General Information
Oracle Applications Software Licensing
Oracle Applications Licensing:
Featured Application Product Lines include the following:
Oracle E-Business Suite PeopleSoft Siebel JD Edwards
Licensing Models
Licensing Models offer flexibility for purchasing programs
in different pricing models such as Component, Custom
Application Bundle (CAS) or Enterprise
Licensing Metrics
Licensing Metrics allow customers to purchase based on
user or usage based counts for Component pricing, bundle
users across select programs for CAS pricing or company
wide type of usage for Enterprise pricing
For further information, see respective Price List
For other Applications including Global Business Unit, contact Oracle Sales for further assistance
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 21
Models and Metrics
Oracle Applications Software Licensing
Oracle Applications Licensing Models are offered as follows:
Component Model is an a la carte type
of pricing for an individual product.
Metrics available are:
User-based metrics such as
Application User, Employee,
Subscriber, etc
Usage-based metrics such as
Electronic Order Lines, Expense
Reports and $M Costs Of Goods
Sold, etc
Component Model
Custom Application Suite Model
allows to create custom bundles
across select product lines based on
needs for specific user populations
Custom Suite User is the only
metric available and refers to the
individual authorized to use any of
the products included in the bundle
and assembled across different
application product lines
Custom Application Suite Model
Enterprise Model is ideal for large
companies to license an individual
product for their entire organization
without the need to keep track of
specific users, servers or deployment
Metrics refers to company wide
values, e.g. Enterprise $M in
Enterprise Model
Contact your Oracle sales team for further assistance
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 22
Additional Information
Oracle Applications Software Licensing
For Oracle Applications Licensing:
In most cases, add-on products must match both the number of licenses and metric of the associated product (parent).
These products are noted as Options in the Price List
Minimums are used in conjunction with license metrics and refer to the minimum number of licenses a customer is required
to purchase when licensing Oracle programs for the first time
Oracle Applications product lines are supported to run on top of Oracle Technology products
For certain Oracle Application product lines, Oracle Technology products are included as restricted use or separately
See the Application Licensing Table Document for further information
See the Product documentation at Oracle Help Center or contact your Oracle sales team for further information
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 23
Oracle Software Licensing Basics
Licensing Human Operated and Non-Human Operated Devices
4 Processors
Oracle Database EE
25 Delivery Employees using 15
hand held devices
Custom Application
15 Warehouse Distribution Scanners
Example 1
Current distribution company has 15
non human operated scanners to track
shipments out of the warehouse. These
scanners update the Oracle Database
There are 25 delivery employees on
rotating shifts
The delivery employees use hand held
devices (15) to update Oracle Database
Enterprise Edition with delivery
confirmation information
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition is
running on a 4 Processors server with 24
cores per processor, with core factor 0.5
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 25
Example 1
Products to be licensed Number of licenses required
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition
This product can be licensed by Processor or by Named User Plus metric
By Processor licenses with 0.5 factor:
All processors where the database is installed and/or running must be licensed
Calculation is (4 Processor x 24 cores = 96 cores)
96 cores x 0.5 core factor = 48 Processor licenses required
By Named User Plus: the number of licenses required is:
The minimum number of Named User Plus user (25 Named User Plus per Processor)
or the total number of actual users accessing the Database, whichever is greater
1) 48 Processor licenses x 25 user minimum = 1200 Named User Plus user minimum or
2) 15 non human operated distribution scanners + 25 delivery employees using hand
held devices = 40 Named User Plus
The Number of Named User Plus licenses required: 1200 user min required
Licensing Human Operated and Non-Human Operated Devices
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 26
Licensing Batch Processing
10 Analysts
Import/Export Flat files
Automated Batching
Custom Forms
400 Traders
Oracle Database EE
Custom Application
Example 2
Customer has Auto batch feeds that
update the Oracle Database
400 traders access the Oracle Database
Enterprise Edition through Custom
10 Analysts access the Oracle Database
for input via flat file
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition is
running on a quad-core processor with
core factor 1.0
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 27
Example 2
Products to be licensed Number of licenses required
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition This product can be licensed by Processor or by Named User Plus metric
By Processor licenses with 1.0 core factor:
All Processors where the database is installed and/or running must be licensed
4 cores x 1.0 core factor = 4 Processor licenses required
By Named User Plus: the number of licenses required is:
The Named User Plus user minimum (25 Named User Plus per Processor)
OR The total number of actual users accessing the Database (# of traders and analyst),
whichever is greater
1) 4 Processor licenses x 25 user minimum = 100 Named User Plus user minimum
2) 400 Traders + 10 Analysts = 410 Named User Plus
held devices = 40 Named User Plus
The Number of Named User Plus licenses required: 410
Licensing Batch Processing
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 28
Licensing Multiplexing Environments
Internet Users and Internal
Bank employees
Two 24 Core
Oracle Database EE
Bank Website
Example 3
Bank Employees access through Web
Browsers to manage bank information
and transactions of account holders
Account holders accessing a Bank
information through Bank’s website via
Web Browsers
Account holders can also use Automated
teller machines (ATM) for transaction and
information on account
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition
storing banking transactions running on
a server with two 24 core processors,
with core factor 0.5
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 29
Licensing Multiplexing Environments
Example 3
Products to be licensed Number of licenses required
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition This product can be licensed by Processor or by Named User Plus metric
By Processor licenses with 0.5 factor:
All processors where the database is installed and/or running must be licensed
Calculation is (2 processor x 24 cores = 48 cores)
48 cores x 0.5 core factor = 24 Processor licenses required
By Named User Plus: the number of licenses required is:
The minimum number of Named User Plus (25 Named User Plus per Processor)
OR The total number of actual users accessing the Database, whichever is greater
1) 24 Processor licenses x 25 user minimum = 600 Named User Plus user minimum or
2) Uncountable population, default is Processor as economical choice
held devices = 40 Named User Plus
The Number of Processor licenses required: 24 Processor
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 30
Licensing Shared Storage (non-virtualized)
Volume X
Volume Y
Shared Storage Device
Server 1
Server 2 Server 4
Server 3
Example 4
Customer has 4 Server Nodes (nodes) that
are arranged in a shared storage
environment that is non virtualized.
There are 4 Server Nodes, each with two 24-
core processors with core factor 0.5.
Customer is running WebLogic Suite and
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition.
There are 2 licensing scenarios as examples:
Scenario A: Oracle Database Enterprise Edition &
WebLogic Suite are installed on Volume X and all
servers mount Volume X.
Scenario B: WebLogic Suite is installed on
Volume X and Oracle Database Enterprise Edition
is installed on Volume Y. Servers 1 & 2 mount
Volume X & Servers 3 & 4 mount Volume Y.
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 31
Licensing Shared Storage (non-virtualized)
Example 4
Products to be licensed Scenario and Number of licenses required
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition
& WebLogic Suite
Scenario A: Oracle Database Enterprise Edition & WebLogic Suite are installed on Volume X and all
servers mount Volume X
By Processor licenses with 0.5 factor:
Calculation is four server nodes each with two 24 core processors = 192 Cores
192 cores x 0.5 core factor = 96 Processor licenses required
For WebLogic Suite and Oracle Database EE Processor
WebLogic Suite
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition
Scenario B: WebLogic Suite is installed on Volume X and Oracle Database Enterprise Edition is
installed on Volume Y. Servers 1 & 2 mount Volume X & Servers 3 & 4 mount Volume Y
By Processor licenses calculation with 0.5 factor:
For Volume X is two server nodes each with two 24 core processors = 96 Cores
96 cores x 0.5 core factor = 48 WebLogic Suite Processor licenses required
For Volume Y is two server nodes each with two 24 core processors = 96 Cores
96 cores x 0.5 core factor = 48 Oracle Database Enterprise Edition Processor licenses required
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 32
Licensing Failover Environments
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 33
Shared Storage Device
Example 5
Customer has a data recovery
environment in a Failover High
Availability cluster configuration
4 Server Nodes in a cluster having one
single Storage/Storage Area Network
Customer has two 24-core processors
per node with core factor 0.5
All Server Nodes are connected to the
same shared storage running Oracle
Database Enterprise Edition
Customer is licensing by Processor
High Availability Cluster
Network Connections
Licensing Failover Environments Example
Example 5
Products to be licensed Number of licenses required
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition This product is licensed by Processor metric
By Processor licenses with 0.5 factor:
All processors where the database is installed and/or running must be licensed.
Calculation is for three server nodes each with two 24 core processor = 144 Cores
144 cores x 0.5 core factor = 72 Processor licenses required
Only 1 Failover node is granted free in this 4 server node cluster
Customer needs to license 3 server nodes
Number of Processor licenses required: 72 Processor
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 34
Applications Licensing Environments
Invoices pending
for approval
Approved invoices for
EBS Financials
Custom Invoice
Approval Form
30 Financials Users 10 Manager Users
Example 6
Company A Finance team processes their
Financial information in their E-Business
Suite (EBS) system using the Financials
Company A licenses EBS Financials in the
Component model by Application User
Invoices approval form has been
customized for Managers to review and
10 Manager Users validate and/or
approve the invoices
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Applications Licensing Environment
Example 6
Products to be licensed Number of licenses required
Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS)
Application User is defined as an
individual authorized by you to use the
applicable licensed programs which are
installed on a single or multiple servers
regardless of whether the individual is
actively using the programs at any given
This product is licensed by Application User metric
Number of Application User licenses required: 40
Users of EBS Financial application would need to be licensed and Manager Users who
validate and/or approve the invoices in EBS would need to be counted for licensing in
addition to the Finance Department Users
Due to modifications made, Full Use licensing will be required for the underlying EBS
restricted use technology set of products. See Application Licensing Table for further
information on modifications
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 36
Resource Links
1. Oracle Contracts
2. Oracle Global Pricing
Technology Price List
Applications Price List
3. Available on as Documents to download or view
Oracle Database Licensing
Partitioning Policy
Data Recovery Environments
Licensing Oracle Software in Cloud Computing Environment
Application Licensing Table
Oracle Processor Core Factor Table
Copyright © 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates 38