Gilman alumni questions can be directed to [email protected]
Highlighting Your Gilman Program Experience on LinkedIn
As an alum of the U.S. Department of State’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program,
your selection as a Gilman recipient and your experience studying or interning abroad are something to
brag about! We encourage Gilman alumni to add the recognition of being a Gilman Scholar to their
LinkedIn profile, as the Gilman Scholarship is a nationally competitive and prestigious award. By
highlighting their Gilman Program experience in their LinkedIn profile, alumni display the transferable
skills and knowledge they gained from studying or interning abroad to enhance their value to potential
employers and networks.
List your Gilman Scholarship under Honors & awards within the
Accomplishments section of your LinkedIn profile. You may also
use this section to list other leadership accomplishments you
acquired during your study abroad program (i.e., publications,
projects, test scores).
If your study abroad program was primarily academic, list the
program information under Education within the Background
If your study abroad program entailed an experiential learning
component, such as an internship, work experience, or
volunteer opportunity, list the program under Work experience
or Volunteer experience within the Background section.
To locate these sections and add your corresponding
information, click on the “Add Section” button in your LinkedIn
profile page.
Accomplishments section:
Honors & awards
o List the Gilman Scholarship name as “Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship”
o List the month and year when you were awarded the Gilman Scholarship (i.e., May
o Enter the following description of the Gilman Scholarship: “The Benjamin A. Gilman
International Scholarship Program is a Congressionally funded program of the U.S.
Department of State. The Gilman Program enables high-achieving American
undergraduates to study or intern abroad by receiving a Gilman Scholarship.
Gilman alumni questions can be directed to [email protected]
Background section:
o List the name of the study abroad program or host
university, followed by the city and country. (If you
participated in a virtual program, then make sure to
note this.)
o List the field of study or specific academic focus of
the program
o List the term of enrollment (i.e., June 2019- August
o Provide a short description of the program to
highlight the academic and personal impact:
Relevant coursework and research
Foreign language acquisition and level
Transferable skills gained *
Other involvement such extra-curricular
Work experience or Volunteer experience
o List the title of the study abroad program, internship, or volunteer experience, and
company/organization name
o List the city and country. (If you participated virtually, then make sure to note this.)
o List the dates that you participated.
o Provide a short description to highlight the professional and personal impact:
Foreign language acquisition and level
Transferable skills gained*
Relevant research if applicable
Background section examples
For a study abroad program:
*Transferrable Skills:
You can gain both technical and soft
skills during your international
experience, whether from your classes,
research, internship, or extra-curricular
activities. Reflect on your activities
during your program and consider how
you can identify the potentially valuable
skills gained to your future job or career.
Examples are provided below.
Technical Skills: interviewing,
researching, budgeting, etc.
Soft Skills: flexibility, adaptability,
teamwork, intercultural communication,
resilience, etc.
Gilman alumni questions can be directed to [email protected]
For study abroad at a host university:
Work experience or Volunteer experience: