Electronic Marking System (EMS)
Marker Locator 1420-iD
Operator’s Manual
1420-iD Marker Locator
1420E-iD Marker Locator
September 2015
78-8130-6741-6 Rev G 3
2 78-8130-6741-6 Rev G
1. Safety Information ............................................................................................ 4
A. Intended Use ................................................................................................ 4
3. Quick Start ........................................................................................................ 5
A. Locator Battery Installation ......................................................................... 5
B. Cleaning the Locator Unit ............................................................................ 5
C. Service and Accessories ............................................................................... 5
D. 3M™ Dynatel™ Electronic Marking System (EMS) Marker Locator
1420-ID Keypad Denitions ............................................................................ 6
3. Menu Displays .................................................................................................. 7
A. Main Menu .................................................................................................. 7
4. Locating 3M Electronic Markers and 3M iD Markers ..................................... 9
A. Activating the Marker Locate Feature (– E-Model Only) ........................... 9
B. E-Model Initial Conguration (Applies only to 1420E model.) .................. 9
C. Enabling/Disabling Marker and Path frequencies ..................................... 10
D. Single Marker or Path marker Locate ........................................................ 10
E. Enabling/Disabling Frequencies ................................................................ 11
F. iD Marker Depth ......................................................................................... 11
G. Passive Electronic Marker (Non-iD) Depth .............................................. 12
5. Creating/Editing Templates for 3M
iD Markers ........................................... 13
A. Creating New Templates ............................................................................ 13
B. Editing Templates ...................................................................................... 15
6. Writing 3M iD Markers .................................................................................. 16
A. Modifying Marker Data to be Written ....................................................... 17
7. Reading 3M iD Markers ................................................................................. 19
8. Reviewing Marker Read/Write History .......................................................... 19
A. Read History .............................................................................................. 19
B. Write History .............................................................................................. 20
9. GPS Compatibility Operation ......................................................................... 20
A. Communicating with the GPS Device ....................................................... 21
B. Capturing the GPS Coordinates (Capture Mode / Mode 1) ....................... 21
C. Sending 3M iD Marker Data to GPS (Capture-Transmit Mode / Mode 2) 22
10. Help Mode .................................................................................................... 22
11. 3M Dynatel PC Tool Kit and Locator Software Upgrades ........................... 22
12. Self Test of Locator ....................................................................................... 23
13. Locator Specications ................................................................................... 24
78-8130-6741-6 Rev G 3
Congratulations! You have just purchased one of the finest, Electronic Marker locating
devices available today!
The 3M
Electronic Marker System (EMS) Marker Locators 1420-iD and
1420E-iD are designed with all of the functionality of previous Dynatel models, with
the enhanced capability to read from, and write user information into, 3M iD Markers.
Information such as a pre-programmed unique identification number, facility data,
application type, placement date and other details can all be read, stored and downloaded
to your PC for enhanced resource management with this revolutionary equipment. The
Dynatel Marker Locators 1420-iD and 1420E-iD will also search for two different
types of utility markers simultaneously. When used in conjunction with a hand-held
GPS device, the ability to transmit path and marker coordinates multiplies the potential
to the mapping industry. This equipment provides a simple system for mapping utility
information directly into CAD and GIS systems.
3M is dedicated to bringing you premium equipment with outstanding reliability, backed
by one of the best warranties in the business and outstanding service.
Visit our website at http://www.3M.com/dynatel for more application notes and product
Statement of Conformity
"Hereby, 3M Company declares that this Underground Locating Product is incompliance
with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC."
4 78-8130-6741-6 Rev G
1. Safety Information
Please read, understand and follow all safety information contained in these instructions
prior to the use of the 3M™ Dynatel™ Electronic Marking System (EMS) Marker
Locators 1420-iD and 1420E-iD. Retain these instructions for future reference.
A. Intended Use
The 3M Dynatel 1420-iD and 1420E-iD Electronic Marker Locators are designed and
tested for use in locating 3M Buried Markers. 3M markers are used to identify buried
utilities and structures. The system must be installed as specified in the 3M Electronic
Marker System 1420-iD Locator Operator's Manual. They have not been evaluated for
other uses or locations. If this equipment is used in a manner not specified by 3M, the
protections provided by the equipment may be impaired.
Explanation of Signal Word Consequences
Indicates hazardous situation which if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
Indicates hazardous situation which if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury.
Explanation of Product Safety Label Symbols
Do not throw away in normal trash.
Warning: Risk of electric shock
It is unlawful to operate this unit in any country with a configuration setting that is not specific
to that country. In order to prevent the user from operating this unit with a configuration setting
that is not specific to the country where it is operated, this unit is equipped with configuration
software for installing country specific configurations. Please refer to the initial configuration
setup sheet.
78-8130-6741-6 Rev G 5
2. Quick Start
A. Battery Installation
1. Twist cap to open battery compartment.
2. Slide battery compartment out of handle.
! Caution
To reduce the risks associated with fire and explosion:
• Do not short, excessively heat, or dispose of batteries in fire.
• Install batteries with proper polarity.
• Use only Alkaline "AA" (LR 6) sized batteries.
• Do not charge batteries.
• Do not use leaking batteries.
To reduce the risks associated with environmental contamination:
• Dispose of batteries and electronic components in accordance with all regulations.
• Ensure batteries are installed with correct polarity.
• Always remove batteries when storing the units for long periods of time.
The batteries are tested for two seconds every time the unit is turned on.
The Bar Graph [11] on the display screen will fill to the relative battery level.
The Battery Icon [8] on the screen will continuously indicate the battery level.
B. Cleaning the Unit
To clean the unit, wipe with a damp cloth.
C. Service and Accessories
Information regarding service, accessories, or replacement parts can be obtained by
contacting 3M at 1-800-426-8688 in the U.S., or by contacting your local 3M Sales
Office or 3M Sales Representative outside of the U.S.
8 'AA' (LR 6) size
Alkaline Batteries
6 78-8130-6741-6 Rev G
D. 3M™ Dynatel™ Electronic Marking System (EMS) Marker Locator
1420-iD Keypad and Display Definitions
[1] On/Off (Power): Turns unit on and off.
[2] Speaker Volume Control: [2] Adjusts the volume of the locator (off, low, medium,
and high).
[2A] Speaker Volume Icon: Indicates the relative volume level of the locator.
[3] Contrast: The arrows located above and below the contrast icon will adjust the
contrast of the display.
[4] Gain Adjust: Adjusts the sensitivity of the locator either up or down to maintain a
satisfactory signal level.
[5] Locate/OK: Sets the locator to trace mode for locating markers. Also acknowledges
setup entries (OK).
[6] Menu: Displays setup screen for configuration of the unit, i.e.: clock, language,
depth units, and marker data.
[7] Backlight: Toggles the backlight low, high, and off.
[8] Battery Icon: Indicates battery level.
[SK] Soft Keys: There are four soft keys (yellow keys) on the locator. The function
of each key is shown above the key on the display screen. The functions will change,
depending on the operation mode of the locator. For instruction purposes in this manual,
the display command is followed by [SK] to identify it as a soft key.
[9] Soft Key Commands: Definitions for each of the four soft key functions.
[10] Signal Strength: Digital reading of the signal strength that the locator is detecting
from the marker.
[11] Bar Graph: Graphical representation of the received signal.
[12] Gain Level: Displays relative gain level.
[13] External Jack: Not active on this model.
[l4] Serial Port: RS232 port to connect the locator to a PC via serial cable or USB-to-
Serial Adapter cable.
[15] Earphone Jack: Will fit standard 1/8 inch (3.175 mm) mini-jack mono earphone
plug (not included).
Access panel on
bottom side of loca-
tor under rubber
78-8130-6741-6 Rev G 7
3. Menu Displays
A. Main Menu
When the Menu [6] button is pressed, the Main Menu display appears.
The function appears on the display above each soft key.
1. Write Mode: System used to write information to 3M™ iD Markers
2. Data/Template: Displays marker history and
template creation/selection displays:
a. Read History – 100 memory locations for
Read 3M iD Markers.
b. Write History – 100 memory locations for
Written 3m iD Markers.
c. User Templates – Create and edit 3M iD
templates for iD Markers (max = 32).
d. Exit – Returns to prior menu.
3. COM Setup: Displays second level COM
Port setting display to configure RS232 port
communication with different devices –
a. PC – 3M Dynatel™ Electronic Marking
System Locator will communicate to a
b. NMEA – Port is configured to accept
coordinates from GPS device.
c. GIS – Port is configured to send iD marker
information or path information to GPS
device and receive coordinates from GPS
d. PDA – Locator will send iD marker and path
information in ASCII string.
4. >>More: Advances to next menu display
8 78-8130-6741-6 Rev G
5. <<Back: Returns to previous menu display
6. Setup: Displays second and third level displays
for locator configuration
a. Depth Units – Choose unit of measure; in,
ft-in, or cm.
b. Clock – Date and time stamped on marker
information and depth readings.
c. Language – Toggles between English and
alternate language.
d. >>More - Advances to next menu display.
e. <<Back - Returns to previous display.
f. 3M™ Marker Type – enable and disable
marker utility types.
7. Self Test: Displays information about 3M
Dynatel™ Electronic Marking System (EMS)
Locator unit and performs a self check test.
8. Help: Offers the user basic on-screen
78-8130-6741-6 Rev G 9
4. Locating 3M
Electronic Markers and 3M
A. E-Model Initial Configuration (Applies only to 1420E model.)
Attention: All E-Model (Export) iD Locators must run the initial configuration setup
found in the 3M
Locator PC Tools software. The 3M™ Dynatel™ PC
Tools software is available free of charge at www.3M.com/dynatel under the Software
Updates section by clicking the Dynatel(TM) M-Series Locator PC Tools link..
Note: U-Model Locators ship with all marker types enabled (). U-model users can
skip Section B.
B. Activating the 3M Marker Locate Feature (E-Model Only)
In order to enable the electronic marker location feature of this locator, you must identify
the country in which the locator will be used. This initial configuration is required for
the 3M Dynatel Electronic Marking System (EMS) Locator 1420E models only.
Some countries do not allow all marker operating frequencies. Therefore, the E-model
locators are shipped with all the marker types/frequencies disabled.
It is unlawful to operate this unit in any country with a configuration setting that is not specific
to that country. In order to prevent the user from operating this unit with a configuration setting
that is not specific to the country where it is operated, this unit is equipped with configuration
software for installing country specific configurations.
Step 1. Download the 3M™ Dynatel™ Locator PC Tools software from www.3M.
com/dynatel and install it on your computer. The 3M™ Dynatel™ PC Tools
software is available free of charge at www.3M.com/dynatel under the Software
Updates section by clicking the Dynatel(TM) M-Series Locator PC Tools link.
Step 2. Close any programs that may be using the COM ports.
Step 3. Start the software program; Dynatel PC Tool kit.
Step 4. Connect the locator to the PC via the provided RS232 serial cable or RS232-to-
USB Adapter cable.
Step 5. Power the locator on.
Step 6. From the main screen, select the country in which the unit will be operating. (If
the country is not listed, select ‘All other countries’.)
Step 7. A communication window will appear. (Baud rate 38400 / Com Port x; select
PC COM Port that is connected to the locator.)
Step 8. Click OK.
Step 9. Click Initial Configuration.
Step 10. Click Download.
10 78-8130-6741-6 Rev G
Step 11. The prompt line will display: Download Completed Successfully, when
finished. The marker types legally allowed in the country selected in Step 6
above will be activated at this time.
Step 12. Multiple units may be configured at this point by simply connecting the next
locator, powering it on, and clicking Download.
Step 13. Click Exit when all locators have been updated.
C. Enabling/Disabling 3M™ Marker and Path Frequencies
Menu [6] + >>More [SK:4] + Setup [SK:6] + >>More [SK:6d] + Marker Type [SK:6f]
Note: 3M Dynatel Electronic Marking System (EMS) Locator U-Model will default
with all marker types enabled ()
Step 1. Press the up/down arrows [SK] to highlight
a utility to enable or disable.
Step 2. Press Enabl/Disabl [SK].
Only the markers that are enabled ()
will be available in the locate mode.
Step 3. Press Locate/OK [5] to save settings or Exit
[SK] to cancel.
D. Single Marker or Path Locate
Step 1. Press Locate/OK [5].
Step 2. Press Marker [SK].
Step 3. Press Markr 1 [SK Toggle] to select
desired utility.
Step 4. Markr 2 should be OFF.
Note: Only the marker types enabled in the setup
menu will be shown. (See 4.C. Enabling/Disabling
Marker types). When scanning for markers, the
Gain Level [12] should be set high.
When a marker is detected, adjust the
Gain [4] down until the bar graph opens.
The bar graph will close, the audio will
be steady, and the Signal Strength [10]
will be maximum when the locator
detects a marker of the specified utility
and has pinpointed its location..
78-8130-6741-6 Rev G 11
E. Dual 3M™ Marker Locate
Step 1. Press Locate/OK [5].
Step 2. Press Marker [SK].
Step 3. Press MARKR 1 [SK Toggle] to select
desired Utility.
Step 4. Press MARKR 2 [SK Toggle] to select
desired Utility.
Note: Only the marker types enabled in the setup menu will be shown. (See 4.C.
Enabling/Disabling Marker types). When scanning for markers, the Gain Level [12]
should be set high.
The third and fourth soft key commands will populate with the types of
utilities selected for Marker 1 and Marker 2.
Step 5. Adjust the Gain [4] down until the bar graphs open.
The bar graph will close, the audio will increase, and the Signal Strength
[10] will be maximum when the locator detects a marker of the specified
When one of the two markers is detected, press the “XXX Only” [SK] for
the detected utility marker. (“XXX” represents the marker types selected. In
the above example, PWR Only and TEL Only.)
The unit will switch to Single Marker Locate in order to pinpoint the
Step 6. Press Markr 2 [SK Toggle] to return to Dual Marker Locate.
F. 3M iD Marker Depth
Step 1. Lower the tip of the locator to the ground over the targeted marker.
Step 2. Press Depth [SK].
The locator will examine the marker
(Calculating, please wait...).
If the marker is a 3M iD Marker, the
locator will display the depth of the
marker, and its identification (serial)
12 78-8130-6741-6 Rev G
Step 3. To save the depth reading, press Mem
Select [SK].
Five depth readings can be saved with
the time, date, and its identification
Save [SK] will place each entry in
sequential order in memory (M1 - M5)
until five readings have been stored.
The unit will overwrite saved entries
in excess of five, beginning with M1.
Step 4. Optional: Press Clear All [SK] to delete all stored depth information.
Step 5. Press Mem Select [SK] to select a specific memory location to store the depth
readings. When the preferred location appears on the screen, press Save [SK].
The display and memory location will populate with the current information.
Step 6. Each memory location can be reviewed by pressing Mem Select [SK].
Step 7. Press Locate/OK [5] to return to Marker Locate Mode.
G. Passive 3M™ Electronic Marker (Non-iD) Depth
Step 1. Lower the tip of the locator to the ground over the targeted marker.
Step 2. Press Depth [SK].
The locator will examine the targeted marker.
The display will instruct the operator to raise the unit 6 inches (15.2 cm)
from the ground.
Note: This 6-inch (15.2 cm) rise must be exact for the depth reading to be accurate.
A suggestion is to utilize a 15.2 cm (6 inch) piece of plastic pipe or wood as a spacer
between the ground and the tip of the receiver for this precise measurement.
Step 3. Raise the unit 6 inches (15.2 cm). Press
Depth [SK] key again. The estimated depth
of the marker from ground level will be
Five depth readings can be saved with
the time and date.
Step 4. To access the memory locations, press Mem
Select [SK].
Save [SK] will place each entry in
sequential order in memory (M1–M5)
until five readings have been stored.
The unit will overwrite saved entries in
excess of five, beginning with M1.
78-8130-6741-6 Rev G 13
Step 5. Optional: Press Clear All [SK] to delete all stored depth information.
Step 6. Press Mem Select [SK] to select a specific memory location to store the depth
readings. When the preferred location appears on the display, press Save [SK].
The display and memory location will populate with the current information.
Step 7. Each memory location can be reviewed by pressing Mem Select [SK Toggle].
Step 8. Press Locate/OK [5] to return to Marker Locate Mode.
5. Creating/Editing Templates for 3M
iD Markers
In the User Template screen, the operator can create and modify templates for writing
to iD markers. Note that the easiest way to create user templates is by using the 3M™
Dynatel™ PC Tool Kit software on a PC and then downloading them to a locator via the
RS232 Serial Port [14] on the receiver and the provided RS232 cable or RS232-to-USB
adapter cable. The 3M™ Dynatel™ PC Tool Kit software is available free of charge
at www.3M.com/dynatel under the Software section; 2550/2573/2250M/2273M/1420
Locator PC Tools xx.x.x (EXE xx.xMB).
A. Creating New Templates
Menu [6] + Data/Templat [SK:2] + User Templat [SK:2c]
Step 1. Select Create New by pressing the up/down
arrows [SK].
Step 2. Press View/Edit [SK].
Step 3. Name the template.
Step 4. Press Modify [SK] to manually enter the
name of the template.
Step 5. Select UserEdit.
Step 6. Press Locate/OK [5].
14 78-8130-6741-6 Rev G
Step 7. Move the boxed cursor by pressing the left/
right arrows [SK] or up/down arrow [SK] to
move the cursor up or down.
Step 8. Press Select [SK] to enter the alphanumeric
Entry will appear at the top of the screen.
Step 9. Press Locate/OK [5] when the entries are
complete and to save the entries, or press
Exit [SK] to cancel entries. Pressing Locate/
OK [5], or Exit [SK], will return to the
template display.
Note: To clear the previous field entry, select
the ‘back arrow’ with the cursor and delete the
previous entry.
Step 10. Navigate through the fields by pressing the
left/right arrows [SK].
Step 11. Press Modify [SK] to populate the
highlighted field.
Step 12. When modifying the Labels (left hand side
of template information) there are three
options for editing that are presented:
b. UserEdit.
c. Choosing one of the common
(compressed) terms from the available
list of terms.
d. Del Row (delete row).
Step 13. When modifying the Descriptions (right
hand side of template information) there are
four options for editing that are presented:
e. UserEdit.
f. Delete Row.
g. Last 10 UserEdits.
h. Show All - lists common compressed
78-8130-6741-6 Rev G 15
Step 14. Populate as many fields as possible from
the drop-down list of common (compressed)
terms available to conserve marker memory
space, or choose UserEdit if a term is not
found to meet the user's requirements. Select
term by pressing the up/down arrows [SK]
and press Locate/OK [5].
Step 15. Navigate to the next field by pressing the
left/right arrow [SK].
Step 16. Press Modify [SK] to populate the
highlighted field.
Step 17. Populate additional fields, as needed,
using the above procedure steps 15 and 16.
Templates are limited to six Label and six
Description fields (256 bits of data total).
Step 18. When the template is complete, save the
template by pressing Locate/OK [5].
B. Editing Templates
The operator can select an existing template and
make changes to it in the same manner described in
5.A. Creating New Templates. The following save
screen will appear.
Over Write: Saves all modifications that have been made to the original template.
Rename: Overwrites the old template with the new name and all modifications. Display
will return to the template name field. Modify the name of the template and press
Locate/OK [5] to save.
16 78-8130-6741-6 Rev G
Save New: Creates a new template containing all information. Original template remains
unchanged. Display will return to the template name field. Modify the name of the
template and press Locate/OK [5] to save.
Cancel: Clears all modifications made to any unsaved template.
6. Writing 3M
iD Markers
The Write Mode enables the user to write information into 3M
iD markers. It is also
possible to edit the information to be written into an iD Marker.
Menu [6] + Write Mode [SK:1]
Step 1. Select a template from the list on the display
to be written into the marker by pressing
the up/down arrows [SK] to highlight the
preferred template. ‘Last Written /Read’ is
the most recent data that was written to/read
from a marker by the locator.
Step 2. Press View/Edit [SK].
Four Write Mode options will be
displayed at the bottom of the screen.
[SK1] Overwrite: Will overwrite any
data existing on an unlocked marker if
`Yes' is selected and `No' will prevent
[SK2] X-Type: Choose `Yes' if writing to
a Gen 2 marker and `No' if writing to a
Gen 1 marker. Gen 2 markers will have
an "X" following the serial number that
is printed on the attached tag.
SK3] Marker: Select type of marker to
be written by repeatedly pressing Marker
[SK Toggle].
[[SK4] Lock/Unlocked: Press [SK4] to
toggle between locking and unlocking
the marker. The default setting is
unlocked and note that a locked unit
cannot be modified once locked. If the
marker will be locked then a verification
screen will appear to ensure that the
marker is locked intentionally.
78-8130-6741-6 Rev G 17
Step 3. Press Menu/OK
The selected template will be displayed.
The arrow on the right side of the
display indicates there is more
information than can be displayed on
the screen (scroll down by pressing the
down arrow [SK]).
Step 4. Enter user information that will be written
to this marker. (See 6 A Modifying 3M™
Marker Data to be Written).
Step 5. Verify that all information is correct.
Step 6. Hold the locator directly over the top of the
marker. The locator should be within the
following maximum writing ranges for each
of the different 3M iD Marker formats:
Near Surface iD Marker = 6 in (15 cm)
Ball iD Marker = 12 in (30 cm)
Full Range iD Marker = 24 in (61 cm)
Step 7. Press Start Write [SK].
Step 8. After writing to the iD Marker is completed,
the following screen will be displayed.
The following messages may appear in the writing
Message 1. If the overwrite option was
set to "No" And there was data present
on the target market then the following
screen will be displayed.
18 78-8130-6741-6 Rev G
Message 2. When writing to a passive
marker or the wrong frequency then the
following will be displayed.
Message 3. This screen indicates that
X-Type marker option was incorrectly
set to "Yes" or "No". Verify the serial
number that is displayed on the marker
ends with an “X” to select "Yes" for
X-Type, else select "No".
Note: Once the marker data has been locked, the information contained on the marker
is PERMANENT. Choosing to permanently lock the marker data is irreversible. Once
the data is locked it can not be overwritten. Assure that the data that is being written is
correct before proceeding.
A. Modifying 3M™ Marker Data to be Written
To alter the information to be written into the
Press Menu [6] + Write Mode [SK]
Step 1. Select a template from the list on the display
to be written into the marker by pressing
the up/down arrows [SK] to highlight the
preferred template. ‘Last Written/Read’ is
the most recent data that was written to/read
from a marker by the receiver.
Step 2. Press View/Edit [SK].
Four Write Mode options will be displayed
at the bottom of the screen.
[SK1] Overwrite: Will overwrite any
data existing on an unlocked marker if
‘Yes’ is selected and ‘No’ will prevent
78-8130-6741-6 Rev G 19
[SK2] X-Type: Choose ‘Yes’ if writing to
a Gen 2 marker and ‘No’ if writing to a
Gen 1 marker. Gen 2 markers will have
an “X” following the serial number that
is printed on the attached tag.
[SK3] Marker: Select type of marker to
be written by repeatedly pressing Marker
[SK Toggle].
[SK4] Lock/Unlocked: Press [SK4] to
toggle between locking and unlocking
the marker. The default setting is
unlocked and note that a locked unit
cannot be modified once locked. If the
marker will be locked then a verification
screen will appear to ensure that the
marker is locked intentionally.
Step 3. Press Menu/OK
The selected template will be displayed.
The arrow on the right side of the display
indicates there is more information than can
be displayed on the screen (scroll down by
pressing the down arrow [SK]).
Step 4. Press the up/down arrows [SK] to highlight
the information to change.
Step 5. Press Modify [SK]. The percentage
displayed in the upper right portion of the
display indicates the remaining memory
available on the marker.
Step 6. The operator may select User Edit in order
to ‘type’ the modification, or Delete Row to
remove the entire row from the template, or
select Show All to display a list of common
compressed terms.
Note: Using a common compressed term requires
less memory in the marker.
Step 7. Select an option from the list by pressing the
up/down arrows [SK]. Press Locate/OK [5].
20 78-8130-6741-6 Rev G
Step 8. If User Edit is selected, the following screen
will appear.
Step 9. Move the boxed cursor to the ‘back arrow’
and press Select [SK] to delete the entry to
be modified.
Step 10. Move the boxed cursor by pressing the left/
right arrows [SK] or the Up/ Down Arrow
[SK] to move the cursor to the next row.
Step 11. Press Select [SK] to enter the alphanumeric
Entry will appear at the top of the
Step 12. Press Locate/OK [5] when entry is complete.
Step 13. If Show All is selected, the following screen
will appear.
Step 14. Select a common compressed term from the
list by pressing the up/down arrows [SK].
Step 15. Press Locate/OK [5]. The modification will
automatically populate the marker template.
78-8130-6741-6 Rev G 21
7. Reading 3M™ iD Markers
The operator can retrieve the data from the iD marker by pressing Read [SK] on the 3M
Dynatel™ Electronic Marking System (EMS) Marker Locate screen.
The locator tip should be lowered to the ground to reach maximum read depth.
If more than one 3M iD Marker of the same utility is detected, the locator will read the
first marker and display the data from the marker.
The fourth yellow command key will be labeled
“Read Next”. Press this key to extract the data from
the other marker.
All the information retrieved from the marker, including the date and time read, is
saved into the ‘Read History’ file of the locator. If a hand-held GPS device is used in
conjunction with the locator, coordinates can be saved into the Read History. (See 8.
Reviewing Marker Read/Write History)
8. Reviewing 3M Marker Read/Write History
A. Read History
The Read History mode is a historical file of all information that has been read from
targeted markers (100 memory locations).
Menu [6] + Data/Templat [SK:2] + Read History [SK:2a]
The Read History screen displays the date and
time that each marker was read, and its unique
identification number.
Select the marker data to be viewed by pressing
the up/down arrows [SK].
Press Marker Details [SK] to view all data that
was retrieved from the marker.
Press Read History [SK] to return to the list or
press Exit [SK] to return to Data/Template review
22 78-8130-6741-6 Rev G
B. Write History [SK]
Menu [6] + Data Templat [SK:2] + Write History [SK:2b]
Select the 3M™ Marker data to be viewed by
pressing the up/down arrows [SK].
Press Write Details [SK] to view all data that was
sent to the marker.
Press Write History [SK] to return to the list of
written data.
Press Exit [SK] to return to Data/Template review
For additional information concerning writing to 3M
iD Markers, refer to
www.3M.com/dynatel - Instruction Manual M-Series Locator PC Tools.
9. GPS Compatibility Operation
A. Communicating with the GPS Device
Menu [6] + COM Setup [SK:3]
The COM Setup [SK:3] key will toggle through several options to configure the Serial
Port [14] of the locator (depending on the application, or capabilities of the GPS device).
Select from the following options.
NMEA – The Serial Port is configured to receive NMEA signals from a GPS device
(4800 Baud Rate). (Capture Mode/Mode 1)
GIS – The Serial Port is configured to send and receive data to a GPS device that has
GIS mapping capabilities. (Capture/Transmit Mode/ Mode2)
PC – The Serial Port is configured to communicate with a computer for the Dynatel PC
Tool Kit application.
PDA - The Serial Port is configured to only send information if the GPS device only has
the ability to receive information.
TRSync - Serial Port is configured in PDA mode but the data is transmitted in an
abbreviated .CSV (Comma Separated Value) format.
B. Capturing the GPS Coordinates (Capture Mode / Mode 1)
Menu [6] + COM Setup [SK:3] + NMEA
If the GPS device is not configured properly, there is an error communicating with the
locator, or the GPS has not acquired enough satellites to pinpoint the location, the locator
will display the message “Insert External Device”.
78-8130-6741-6 Rev G 23
When the locator is communicating with a GPS
device, the LAT and LONG coordinates received from
the device will appear on the marker locate display.
Step 1. Locate a marker. (See 4. D. Single Marker Locate.)
Step 2. Press Read [SK].
The information from the 3M™ iD Marker, as well as the GPS coordinates, will display
on the locator display. This information is saved automatically in the Read Marker
History. (See 8.A. Reviewing Marker Read/Write History.)
If the marker is a passive marker (rather than iD) the locator will display “No iD Marker
Found”. The GPS coordinates of the attempt to read the non-iD marker are stored in
the Read Marker History as serial number # 0000-0000-0000. The marker details will
indicate “not an iD marker”, but will display the GPS coordinates.
C. Sending 3M iD Marker Data to GPS (Capture-Transmit Mode / Mode 2)
Menu [6] + COM Setup [SK:3] + GIS
3M Dynatel™ Electronic Marking System (EMS) Marker Locators that have marker
locating capability (indicated by ‘iD’ in the model number) can be configured to send
3M iD Marker data directly to some GPS devices. When an iD marker is located and
read, the information read from the iD marker, with feature and attribute data, is sent
to the GPS device and is stamped with latitude, longitude and date/time data. The data
acquired during this logging process can be uploaded to GIS mapping software. For
more information and detailed instructions pertaining to specific GPS devices, refer to
www.3M.com/dynatel for GPS instruction sheet.
10. Help Mode
Menu[6] + >>More [SK:4] + Help [SK:8]
The help screen contains basic information about the locator and its operation. It is
designed to be a quick reference guide.
Press the double up/down arrows [SK] to navigate between sections.
The single up/down arrows [SK] will scroll the display line by line.
11. 3M
PC Tool Kit and
Locator Software Upgrades
Locator software upgrades are periodically released and can be downloaded, free of
charge, at www.3M.com/dynatel. Located under the Software Updates section, the
software link is titled 3M Dynatel M-Series Locator PC Tools. To download the
software, click on the link and then select 3M Dynatel M-Series Underground Locator
24 78-8130-6741-6 Rev G
PC Tools. Selecting this link will display the latest software downloads as well as any
Release Notes related to the current software release.
Once downloaded to your PC, double click the file and an auto-installer will install the
C Tool desktop software. Double click the 3M™ Dynatel™ PC Tool Kit icon on the
desktop. Using the provided RS232 cable, or RS232-to-USB adapter cable, connect the
Serial Port [14] on the locator to the PC and power the locator on. Click the Upgrade
Software button in PC Tools to begin upgrade. Do not disconnect or power off the
locator while the upgrade is in progress. Wait until the software indicates that the
installation was successful. This will take approximately 6 to 7 minutes to complete.
The Dynatel PC Tool Kit provides the user an excellent interface between the locator and
a PC. This software utility provides the tools by which the user can:
Upgrade the locator to the latest software revision.
Program one or multiple locators to best suit specific user configurations.
Load an alternate language into the locator.
Utilize the 3M
iD Marker utility to:
Create templates for writing data to iD markers, or create Trace Templates for
GPS path tracing when connected to a GPS device.
Download iD marker data that has been written or read by the locator for
documentation databases.
Embedded in the desktop software is the most current software for the locator, which
affords the user the option of upgrading the unit without returning the unit to the
3M Service and Repair Center.
Please refer to the operating instructions included with the software.
12. Self Test Of 3M Dynatel™ Electronic Marking
System (EMS) Marker Locator
Menu [6] + >>More [SK:4] + Self Test [SK:7]
This operation performs a self-test on the locator.
The locator will display current information about the unit (model number, serial
number, software revision, and hardware revision).
1. Press Run [SK] to start the self test.
A status bar will appear while the self test is running.
Results will appear on the display when the test is complete.
Press Exit [SK] to return to the Menu.
78-8130-6741-6 Rev G 25
13. Locator Specifications: 3M™ Dynatel™
Electronic Marking System (EMS) Marker Locator
Item Specification
Frequencies / Markers Telephone, Power, Gas, Water, Waste Water,
Communication (CATV), General Purpose
Maximum Writing Range
3M iD Markers:
Ball Marker
6 in (15 cm)
12 in (30 cm)
24 in (61 cm)
Maximum Read Range
3M iD Markers:
Ball Marker
3 ft (0.9 m)
5 ft (1.5 m)
8 ft (2.4m)
Maximum Detection Depth
3M Passive Markers:
Ball Marker
2 ft (0.6 m)
5 ft (1.5 m)
6 ft (1.8 m)
8 ft (2.4 m)
Marker Depth Accuracy +/- 15% +/- 2 in (5 cm)
Dual Marker Locate Mode Any two markers types
Weight w/batteries 4 lbs (1.8 kg)
Average Battery Life 20 hours*
14. Environmental and Regulatory Specifications
Item Specification
Regulatory FCC compliant, FCC Part 15
Environmental Standard IP54
Operating Temperature -4°F to 122°F (-20°C to 50°C)
Storage Temperature -4°F to 158° F (-20°C to 70°C)
26 78-8130-6741-6 Rev G
15. Locator Specifications: 3M™ Dynatel™
Electronic Marking System (EMS) Marker Locator
Item Specification
Frequencies / Markers Telephone, Power, Gas, Water, Waste Water,
Communication (CATV), General Purpose
Maximum Writing Range
3M iD Markers:
Ball Marker
15 cm (6 in)
30 cm (12 in)
61 cm (24 in)
Maximum Read Range
3M iD Markers:
Ball Marker
60 cm (24 in)
1.2 m (48 in) (Telephone, CE Power, Gas, Waste Water,
Communications (CATV), General Purpose)
1.0 m (40 in) (US Power, Water)
2.0 m (78 in)
Maximum Detection Depth
3M Passive Markers:
Ball Marker
60 cm (24 in)
1.5 m (60 in)
1.8 m (72 in)
2.4 m (96 in)
Marker Depth Accuracy +/- 15% +/- 5 cm (2 in)
Dual Marker Locate Mode Any two markers types
Weight w/batteries 1.8 kg (4 lbs)
Average Battery Life 20 hours*
Regulatory CE
Environmental Standard IP54
* Note: The battery life is measured at 73ºF / 23ºC, with 5% usage of the backlight
at normal level and audio at medium level. The ratio of Marker Read operations to
Marker Locate is assumed to be 1:1..
16. Environmental and Regulatory Specifications
Item Specification
Regulatory CE
Environmental Standard IP54
Operating Temperature -20°C to 50°C (-4°F to 122°F)
Storage Temperature -20°C to 70°C (-4°F to 158° F)
78-8130-6741-6 Rev G 27
Electrical Markets Division
6801 River Place Blvd.
Austin, TX 78726-9000
FAX: 1-877-601-1305
Please Recycle. Printed in USA.
© 3M 2015. All Rights Reserved.
This product is in accordance with the requirements of the
European directive 99/5/EC.
This is the EU symbol for equipment that is covered
under the Waste from Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE) directive per CENELEC
Specification 5041. It indicates that certain products
should not be discarded in the trash, but rather
should be recycled. This applies to all electronic
pluggable and battery powered products.
This is the EU symbol for equipment that is covered under the Waste
from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive per CENELEC
Specification 5041. It indicates that certain products should not be
discarded in the trash, but rather should be recycled. This applies to all
electronic pluggable and battery powered products
3M and Dynatel are trademarks of 3M Company
Important Notice
All statements, technical information and recommendations related to 3M Products are based on information
believed to be reliable, but the accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed. Before using the 3M Product, you must
evaluate it and determine if it is suitable for your intended application. Because conditions of Product use are outside
of our control and vary widely you assume all risks and liability associated with such use. Any Product-related state-
ments not contained in current 3M publications, or any contrary statements contained in your purchase order, shall
have no force or effect unless expressly agreed to in writing by an authorized officer of 3M.
Limited Product Warranty
3M Locators (except accessories), will conform to 3M’s published specifications and will be free from
defects in material and manufacture for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of purchase. Dry
cell batteries included in any of 3M’s products are warranted only to the extent the battery manufacturer
determines such batteries are covered by its warranty. Locating accessories are warranted for ninety (90)
days after purchase. 3M’s obligations and liability under this warranty are limited to repairing, replacing or
refund of the purchase price, at 3M’s option, any of 3M’s products which, after normal and proper usage, are
determined by 3M to be defective. This warranty does not extend to any of 3M’s products which have been
subjected to misuse, neglect, accident or improper applications, nor shall it extend to products which have
been repaired or substantially altered outside 3M’s manufacturing or repair facility, nor to any associated
instruments, equipment or apparatus. Before utilizing any of 3M’s products, BUYER should determine the
suitability of the product for BUYER'S intended use. 3M MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. In no case shall 3M be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages
based upon breach of warranty, breach of contract, negligence, strict liability or any other legal theory. This
limitation does not apply to claims for personal injury.
Special Condition: Shipments into authorized distributor/supplier locations will have an additional ninety (90) day
warranty period.