Mac OS X Server
For Version 10.3 or Later
034-2454_Cvr 10/15/03 11:47 AM Page 1
Apple Computer, Inc.
© 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Mac OS X Server software may reproduce this
publication for the purpose of learning to use such
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034-2354/10-24-03 Page 2 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Preface 11 About This Book
Notation Conventions
Commands and Other Terminal Text
Command Parameters and Options
Default Settings
Commands Requiring Root Privileges
Chapter 1 13 Typing Commands
Using Terminal
Correcting Typing Errors
Repeating Commands
Including Paths Using Drag-and-Drop
Commands Requiring Root Privileges
Sending Commands to a Remote Server
Sending a Single Command
Updating SSH Key Fingerprints
Notes on Communication Security and
Using Telnet
Getting Online Help for Commands
Notes About Specific Commands and Tools
Chapter 2 21 Installing Server Software and Finishing Basic Setup
Installing Server Software
Automating Server Setup
Creating a Configuration File Template
Creating Customized Configuration Files from the Template File
Naming Configuration Files
Storing a Configuration File in an Accessible Location
Changing Server Settings Page 3 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Viewing, Validating, and Setting the Software
Serial Number
Updating Server Software
Moving a Server
Chapter 3 29 Restarting or Shutting Down a Server
Restarting a Server
Automatic Restart
Changing a Remote Server’s Startup Disk
Shutting Down a Server
Chapter 4 31 Setting General System Preferences
Computer Name
Viewing or Changing the Computer Name
Date and Time
Viewing or Changing the System Date
Viewing or Changing the System Time
Viewing or Changing the System Time Zone
Viewing or Changing Network Time Server Usage
Energy Saver Settings
Viewing or Changing Sleep Settings
Viewing or Changing Automatic Restart Settings
Power Management Settings
Startup Disk Settings
Viewing or Changing the Startup Disk
Sharing Settings
Viewing or Changing Remote Login Settings
Viewing or Changing Apple Event Response
International Settings
Viewing or Changing Language Settings
Login Settings
Disabling the Restart and Shutdown Buttons
Chapter 5 37 Network Preferences
Network Interface Information
Viewing Port Names and Hardware Addresses
Viewing or Changing MTU Values
Viewing or Changing Media Settings
Network Port Configurations
Creating or Deleting Port Configurations
Activating Port Configurations Page 4 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Changing Configuration Precedence
TCP/IP Settings
Changing a Servers IP Address
Viewing or Changing IP Address, Subnet Mask, or Router Address
Viewing or Changing DNS Servers
Enabling TCP/IP
AppleTalk Settings
Enabling and Disabling AppleTalk
Proxy Settings
Viewing or Changing FTP Proxy Settings
Viewing or Changing Web Proxy Settings
Viewing or Changing Secure Web Proxy Settings
Viewing or Changing Streaming Proxy Settings
Viewing or Changing Gopher Proxy Settings
Viewing or Changing SOCKS Firewall Proxy Settings
Viewing or Changing Proxy Bypass Domains
AirPort Settings
Viewing or Changing Airport Settings
Computer, Host, and Rendezvous Name
Viewing or Changing the Computer Name
Viewing or Changing the Local Host Name
Viewing or Changing the Rendezvous Name
Chapter 6 47 Working With Disks and Volumes
Mounting and Unmounting Volumes
Mounting Volumes
Unmounting Volumes
Checking for Disk Problems
Monitoring Disk Space
Reclaiming Disk Space Using Log Rolling Scripts
Managing Disk Journaling
Checking to See if Journaling is Enabled
Turning on Journaling for an Existing Volume
Enabling Journaling When You Erase a Disk
Disabling Journaling
Erasing, Partitioning, and Formatting Disks
Setting Up a Case-Sensitive HFS+ File System
Imaging and Cloning Volumes Using ASR
Chapter 7 53 Working With Users and Groups
Creating Server Administrator Users
Importing Users and Groups
Creating a Character-Delimited User Import File Page 5 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
User Attributes
Checking a Server Users Name, UID, or Password
Creating a User’s Home Directory
63 Mounting a User’s Home Directory
63 Creating a Group Folder
63 Checking a Users Administrator Privileges
Chapter 8 65 Working With File Services
65 Share Points
65 Listing Share Points
66 Creating a Share Point
67 Modifying a Share Point
67 Disabling a Share Point
67 AFP Service
67 Starting and Stopping AFP Service
67 Checking AFP Service Status
67 Viewing AFP Settings
68 Changing AFP Settings
68 List of AFP Settings
72 List of AFP serveradmin Commands
72 Listing Connected Users
73 Sending a Message to AFP Users
73 Disconnecting AFP Users
74 Canceling a User Disconnect
75 Listing AFP Service Statistics
76 Viewing AFP Log Files
76 NFS Service
76 Starting and Stopping NFS Service
76 Checking NFS Service Status
76 Viewing NFS Settings
77 Changing NFS Service Settings
77 FTP Service
77 Starting FTP Service
77 Stopping FTP Service
77 Checking FTP Service Status
77 Viewing FTP Settings
78 Changing FTP Settings
78 FTP Settings
79 List of FTP serveradmin Commands
80 Viewing the FTP Transfer Log
80 Checking for Connected FTP Users
80 Windows (SMB) Service
80 Starting and Stopping SMB Service Page 6 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Contents 7
80 Checking SMB Service Status
81 Viewing SMB Settings
81 Changing SMB Settings
82 List of SMB Service Settings
84 List of SMB serveradmin Commands
84 Listing SMB Users
85 Disconnecting SMB Users
86 Listing SMB Service Statistics
86 Updating Share Point Information
87 Viewing SMB Service Logs
Chapter 9 89 Working With Print Service
89 Starting and Stopping Print Service
89 Checking the Status of Print Service
89 Viewing Print Service Settings
90 Changing Print Service Settings
90 Print Service Settings
91 Queue Data Array
93 Print Service serveradmin Commands
93 Listing Queues
93 Pausing a Queue
94 Listing Jobs and Job Information
94 Holding a Job
95 Viewing Print Service Log Files
Chapter 10 97 Working With NetBoot Service
97 Starting and Stopping NetBoot Service
97 Checking NetBoot Service Status
97 Viewing NetBoot Settings
98 Changing NetBoot Settings
98 NetBoot Service Settings
98 General Settings
99 Storage Record Array
99 Filters Record Array
100 Image Record Array
101 Port Record Array
Chapter 11 103 Working With Mail Service
103 Starting and Stopping Mail Service
103 Checking the Status of Mail Service
103 Viewing Mail Service Settings
104 Changing Mail Service Settings
104 Mail Service Settings Page 7 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
8 Contents
11 6 Mail serveradmin Commands
11 7 Listing Mail Service Statistics
11 8 Viewing the Mail Service Logs
11 9 Setting Up SSL for Mail Service
11 9 Generating a CSR and Creating a Keychain
121 Obtaining an SSL Certificate
121 Importing an SSL Certificate Into the Keychain
12 2 Creating a Passphrase File
12 2 Setting Up SSL for Mail Service on a Headless Server
Chapter 12 123 Working With Web Technologies
12 3 Starting and Stopping Web Service
12 3 Checking Web Service Status
12 3 Viewing Web Settings
12 4 Changing Web Settings
12 4 serveradmin and Apache Settings
12 4 Changing Settings Using serveradmin
12 5 Web serveradmin Commands
12 5 Listing Hosted Sites
12 5 Viewing Service Logs
12 6 Viewing Service Statistics
12 7 Example Script for Adding a Website
Chapter 13 129 Working With Network Services
12 9 DHCP Service
12 9 Starting and Stopping DHCP Service
12 9 Checking the Status of DHCP Service
12 9 Viewing DHCP Service Settings
13 0 Changing DHCP Service Settings
13 0 DHCP Service Settings
131 DHCP Subnet Settings Array
133 Adding a DHCP Subnet
13 4 List of DHCP serveradmin Commands
13 4 Viewing the DHCP Service Log
135 DNS Service
135 Starting and Stopping the DNS Service
135 Checking the Status of DNS Service
135 Viewing DNS Service Settings
135 Changing DNS Service Settings
135 DNS Service Settings
135 List of DNS serveradmin Commands
135 Viewing the DNS Service Log
13 6 Listing DNS Service Statistics Page 8 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Contents 9
13 6 Firewall Service
13 6 Starting and Stopping Firewall Service
137 Checking the Status of Firewall Service
137 Viewing Firewall Service Settings
137 Changing Firewall Service Settings
137 Firewall Service Settings
13 8 Defining Firewall Rules
141 IPFilter Rules Array
141 Firewall serveradmin Commands
142 Viewing Firewall Service Log
142 Using Firewall Service to Simulate Network Activity
142 NAT Service
142 Starting and Stopping NAT Service
142 Checking the Status of NAT Service
142 Viewing NAT Service Settings
143 Changing NAT Service Settings
143 NAT Service Settings
144 NAT serveradmin Commands
144 Viewing the NAT Service Log
145 VPN Service
145 Starting and Stopping VPN Service
145 Checking the Status of VPN Service
145 Viewing VPN Service Settings
145 Changing VPN Service Settings
146 List of VPN Service Settings
149 List of VPN serveradmin Commands
149 Viewing the VPN Service Log
150 IP Failover
150 Requirements
150 Failover Operation
151 Enabling IP Failover
152 Configuring IP Failover
153 Enabling PPP Dial-In
Chapter 14 155 Working With Open Directory
155 General Directory Tools
155 Testing Your Open Directory Configuration
155 Modifying an Open Directory Node
155 Testing Open Directory Plugins
156 Registering URLs With Service Location Protocol (SLP)
156 Changing Open Directory Service Settings
157 LDAP
157 Configuring LDAP Page 9 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
10 Contents
157 A Note on Using ldapsearch
158 Idle Rebinding Options
158 Additional Information About LDAP
159 NetInfo
159 Configuring NetInfo
159 Password Server
159 Working With the Password Server
159 Viewing or Changing Password Policies
159 Enabling or Disabling Authentication Methods
160 Kerberos and Single Sign On
Chapter 15 161 Working With QuickTime Streaming Server
161 Starting QTSS Service
161 Stopping QTSS Service
161 Checking QTSS Service Status
162 Viewing QTSS Settings
162 Changing QTSS Settings
163 QTSS Settings
166 QTSS serveradmin Commands
166 Listing Current Connections
167 Viewing QTSS Service Statistics
168 Viewing Service Logs
168 Forcing QTSS to Re-Read its Preferences
169 Preparing Older Home Directories for User Streaming
Index 171 Page 10 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
About This Book
Notation Conventions
The following conventions are used throughout this book.
Commands and Other Terminal Text
Commands or command parameters that you might type, along with other text that
normally appears in a Terminal window, are shown in this font. For example,
You can use the doit command to get things done.
When a command is shown on a line by itself as you might type it in a Terminal
window, it follows a dollar sign that represents the shell prompt. For example,
$ doit
To use this command, type doit without the dollar sign at the command prompt in a
Terminal window, then press the Return key.
Command Parameters and Options
Most commands require one or more parameters to specify command options or the
item to which the command is applied.
Notation Indicates
monospaced font A command or other terminal text
$ A shell prompt
[text_in_brackets] An optional parameter
(one|other) Alternative parameters (type one or the other)
A parameter you must replace with a value
[...] A parameter that may be repeated
<anglebrackets> A displayed value that depends on your server configuration Page 11 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
12 Preface About This Book
Parameters You Must Type as Shown
If you need to type a parameter as shown, it appears following the command in the
same font. For example,
$ doit -w later -t 12:30
To use the command in the above example, type the entire line as shown.
Parameter Values You Provide
If you need to supply a value, its placeholder is underlined and has a name that
indicates what you need to provide. For example,
$ doit -w later -t hh:mm
In the above example, you need to replace hh with the hour and mm with the minute, as
shown in the previous example.
Optional Parameters
If a parameter is available but not required, it appears in square brackets. For example,
$ doit [-w later]
To use the command in the above example, type either doit or doit -w later. The
result might vary but the command will be performed either way.
Alternative Parameters
If you need to type one of a number of parameters, they’re separated by a vertical line
and grouped within parentheses ( | ). For example,
$ doit -w (now|later)
To perform the command, you must type either doit -w now or doit -w later.
Default Settings
Descriptions of server settings usually include the default value for each setting. When
this default value depends on other choices you’ve made (such as the name or IP
address of your server, for example), it’s enclosed in angle brackets <>.
For example, the default value for the IMAP mail server is the host name of your server.
This is indicated by mail:imap:servername = "<hostname>".
Commands Requiring Root Privileges
Throughout this guide, commands that require root privileges begin with sudo. Page 12 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
1 Typing Commands
How to use Terminal to execute commands, connect to a
remote server, and view online information about
commands and utilities.
To access a UNIX shell command prompt, you open the Terminal application. In
Terminal, you can use the ssh command to log in to other servers. You can use the man
command to view online documentation for most common commands.
Using Terminal
To enter shell commands or run server command-line tools and utilities, you need
access to a UNIX shell prompt. Both Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server include Terminal,
an application you can use to start a UNIX shell command-line session on the local
server or on a remote server.
To open Terminal:
Click the Terminal icon in the dock or double-click the application icon in the Finder (in
Terminal presents a prompt when it’s ready to accept a command. The prompt you see
depends on Terminal and shell preferences, but often includes the name of the host
youre logged in to, your current working directory, your user name, and a prompt
symbol. For example, if youre using the default bash shell and the prompt is
server1:~ admin$
youre logged in to a computer named server1” as the user named admin” and your
current directory is the admin’s home directory (~).
Throughout this manual, wherever a command is shown as you might type it, the
prompt is abbreviated as $. Page 13 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
14 Chapter 1 Typing Commands
To type a command:
Wait for a prompt to appear in the Terminal window, then type the command and
press Return.
If you get the message command not found, check your spelling. If the error recurs,
the program you’re trying to run might not be in your default search path. Add the
path before the program name or change your working directory to the directory that
contains the program. For example:
[server:/] admin$ serversetup -getAllPort
serversetup: Command not found.
[server:/] admin$ /System/Library/ServerSetup/serversetup -getAllPort
Built-in Ethernet
[server:/] admin$ cd /System/Library/ServerSetup
[server:/System/Library/ServerSetup] admin$ ./serversetup -getAllPort
Built-in Ethernet
[server:/System/Library/ServerSetup] admin$ cd /
[server:/] admin$ PATH = "$PATH:/System/Library/ServerSetup"
[server:/] admin$ serversetup -getAllPort
Built-in Ethernet
Correcting Typing Errors
To correct a typing error before you press Return to issue the command, use the Delete
key or press Control-H to erase unwanted characters and retype.
To ignore what you have typed and start again, press Control-U.
Repeating Commands
To repeat a command, press Up-Arrow until you see the command, then press Return.
To repeat a command with modifications, press Up-Arrow until you see the command,
press Left-Arrow or Right-Arrow to skip over parts of the command you don’t want to
change, press Delete to remove characters, type regular characters to insert them, then
press Return to execute the command.
Including Paths Using Drag-and-Drop
To include a fully-qualified file name or directory path in a command, stop typing
where the item is required in the command and drag the folder or file from a Finder
window into the Terminal window. Page 14 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 1 Typing Commands 15
Commands Requiring Root Privileges
Many commands used to manage a server must be executed by the root user. If you
get a message such as “permission denied,” the command probably requires root
To issue a single command as the root user, begin the command with sudo.
For example:
$ sudo serveradmin list
You’re prompted for the root password if you haven’t used sudo recently. The root user
password is set to the administrator user password when you install Mac OS X Server.
To switch to the root user so you don’t have to repeatedly type sudo, use the su
$ su root
You’re prompted for the root user password and then are logged in as the root user
until you log out or use the su command to switch to another user.
Important: As the root user, you have sufficient privileges to do things that can cause
your server to stop working properly. Don’t execute commands as the root user unless
you understand clearly what youre doing. Logging in as an administrative user and
using sudo selectively might prevent you from making unintended changes.
Throughout this guide, commands that require root privileges begin with sudo. Page 15 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
16 Chapter 1 Typing Commands
Sending Commands to a Remote Server
Secure Shell (SSH) lets you send secure, encrypted commands to a server over the
network. You can use the ssh command in Terminal to open a command-line
connection to a remote server. While the connection is open, commands you type are
performed on the remote server.
Note: You can use any application that supports SSH to connect to Mac OS X Server.
To open a connection to a remote server:
1 Open Terminal.
2 Type the following command to log in to the remote server:
ssh -l username server
where username is the name of an administrator user on the remote server and
server is the name or IP address of the server.
Example: ssh -l admin
3 If this is the first time you’ve connected to the server, youre prompted to continue
connecting after the remote computers RSA fingerprint is displayed. Type yes and
press Return.
4 When prompted, type the users password (the users password on the remote server)
and press Return.
The command prompt changes to show that you’re now connected to the remote
server. In the case of the above example, the prompt might look like
[] admin$
5 To send a command to the remote server, type the command and press Return.
To close a remote connection
Type logout and press Return.
Sending a Single Command
You can authenticate and send a command using a single typed line by appending the
command you want to execute to the basic ssh command.
For example, to delete a file you could type
$ ssh -l admin rm /Users/admin/Documents/report
$ ssh -l [email protected] "rm /Users/admin/Documents/report"
You’re prompted for the user’s password. Page 16 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 1 Typing Commands 17
Updating SSH Key Fingerprints
The first time you connect to a remote server using SSH, the local computer asks if it
can add the remote servers “fingerprint” (a security key) to a list of known remote
computers. You might see a message like this:
The authenticity of host "" can’t be established.
RSA key fingerprint is a8:0d:27:63:74:f1:ad:bd:6a:e4:0d:a3:47:a8:f7.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
Type yes and press Return to finish authenticating.
If you later see a warning message about a man-in-the-middle attack when you try to
connect, it might be because the key on the remote computer no longer matches the
key stored on the local computer. This can happen if you:
Change your SSH configuration
Perform a clean install of the server software
Start up from a Mac OS X Server CD
To connect again, delete the entries corresponding to the remote computer (which can
be stored by both name and IP address) in the file ~/.ssh/known_hosts.
Important: Removing an entry from the known_hosts file bypasses a security
mechanism that helps you avoid imposters and “man-in -the-middle” attacks. Be sure
you understand why the key on the remote computer has changed before you delete
its entry from the known_hosts file.
Notes on Communication Security and servermgrd
When you use the Server Admin GUI application or the serveradmin command-line
tool, you’re communicating with a local or remote servermgrd process.
servermgrd uses SSL for encryption and client authentication but not for user
authentication, which uses HTTP basic authentication along with Directory Services.
servermgrd uses a self-signed (test) SSL certificate installed by default in
/etc/servermgrd/ssl.crt/. You can replace this with an actual certificate.
The default certificate format for SSLeay/OpenSSL is PEM, which actually is Base64
encoded DER with header and footer lines (from
servermgrd checks the validity of the SSL certificate only if the “Require valid digital
signature option is checked in Server Admin preferences. If this option is enabled,
the certificate must be valid and not expired or Server Admin will refuse to connect.
The SSLOptions and SSLRequire settings determine what SSL encryption options are
used. By default, they’re set as shown below but can be changed at any time by
editing /etc/servermgrd/servermgrd.conf, port 311.
SSLCertificateFile /private/etc/servermgrd/ssl.crt/server.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /private/etc/servermgrd/ssl.key/server.key
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars Page 17 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
18 Chapter 1 Typing Commands
Using Telnet
Because it isn’t as secure as SSH, Telnet access isn’t enabled by default.
To enable Telnet access:
$ service telnet start
To disable Telnet access:
$ service telnet stop
Getting Online Help for Commands
Onscreen help is available for most commands and utilities.
Note: Not all techniques work for all commands, and some commands have no
onscreen help.
To view onscreen information about a command, try the following:
Type the command without any parameters or options. This will often list a summary
of options and parameters you can use with the command.
$ sudo serveradmin
Type man command, where command is the command youre curious about. This
usually displays detailed information about the command, its options, parameters,
and proper use.
$ man serveradmin
For help using the man command, type:
$ man man
Type the command followed by a -help, -h, --help, or help parameter.
$ hdiutil help
$ dig -h
$ diff --help Page 18 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 1 Typing Commands 19
Notes About Specific Commands and Tools
The serversetup utility is located in /System/Library/ServerSetup. To run this
command, you can type the full path, for example:
$ /System/Library/ServerSetup/serversetup -getAllPort
Or, if you want to use the utility to perform several commands, you can change your
working directory and type a shorter command:
$ cd /System/Library/ServerSetup
$ ./serversetup -getAllPort
$ ./serversetup -getDefaultInfo
or add the directory to your search path for this session and type an even shorter
$ PATH = "$PATH:/System/Library/ServerSetup"
$ serversetup -getAllPort
To permanently add the directory to your search path, add the path to the file
You can use the serveradmin tool to perform many service-related tasks. You’ll see it
used throughout this guide.
Determining Whether a Service Needs to be Restarted
Some services need to be restarted after you change certain settings. If a change you
make using a service’s writeSettings command requires that you restart the service,
the output from the command includes the setting <svc>:needsRecycleOrRestart
with a value of yes.
Important: The needsRecycleOrRestart setting is displayed only if you use the
serveradmin svc:command = writeSettings command to change settings. You
wont see it if you use the serveradmin settings command. Page 19 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM Page 20 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
2 Installing Server Software and
Finishing Basic Setup
Commands you can use to install, set up, and update
Mac OS X Server software on local or remote computers.
Installing Server Software
You can use the installer command to install Mac OS X Server or other software on a
computer. For more information, see the man page.
Automating Server Setup
Normally, when you install Mac OS X Server on a computer and restart, the Server
Assistant opens and asks you to provide the basic information necessary to get the
server up and running (for example, the name and password of the administrator user,
the TCP/IP configuration information for the servers network interfaces, and how the
server uses directory services). You can automate this initial setup task by providing a
configuration file that contains these settings. Servers starting up for the first time look
for this file and use it to complete initial server setup without user interaction.
Creating a Configuration File Template
An easy way to prepare configuration files to automate the setup of a group of servers
is to start with a file saved using the Server Assistant. You can save the file as the last
step when you use the Server Assistant to set up the first server, or you can run the
Server Assistant later to create the file. You can then use that first file as a template for
creating configuration files for other servers. You can edit the file directly or create
scripts to create customized configuration files for any number of servers that use
similar hardware.
To save a template configuration file during server setup:
1 In the final pane of the Server Assistant, after you review the settings, click Save As.
2 In the dialog that appears, choose Configuration File next to “Save as and click OK.
So you can later edit the file, don’t select “Save in Encrypted Format.”
3 Choose a location to save the file and click Save. Page 21 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
22 Chapter 2 Installing Server Software and Finishing Basic Setup
To create a template configuration file at any time after initial setup:
1 Open the Server Assistant (in /Applications/Server).
2 In the Welcome pane, choose “Save setup information in a file or directory record” and
click Continue.
3 Enter settings on the remaining panes, then, after you review the settings in the final
pane, click Save As.
4 In the dialog that appears, choose Configuration File next to “Save as and click OK.
So you can later edit the file, don’t select “Save in Encrypted Format.”
5 Choose a location to save the file and click Save.
Creating Customized Configuration Files from the Template File
After you create a template configuration file, you can modify it directly using a text
editor or write a script to automatically generate custom configuration files for a group
of servers.
The file uses XML format to encode the setup information. The name of an XML key
reveals the setup parameter it contains.
The following example shows the basic structure and contents of a configuration file
for a server with the following configuration:
An administrative user named Administrator (short name “admin”) with a user ID of
501 and the password “secret”
A computer name and host name of “”
A single Ethernet network interface set to get its address from DHCP
No server services set to start automatically
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
<plist version="1.0">
<string></string> Page 22 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 2 Installing Server Software and Finishing Basic Setup 23
<string>2 - NetInfo client - broadcast dhcp static -
<string>2 - directory client</string>
<string>Built-in Ethernet</string>
<key>DHCPClientID</key> Page 23 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
24 Chapter 2 Installing Server Software and Finishing Basic Setup
<string>DHCP Configuration</string>
Note: The actual contents of a configuration file depend on the hardware configuration
of the computer on which its created. This is one reason you should start from a
template configuration file created on a computer similar to those you plan to set up. Page 24 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 2 Installing Server Software and Finishing Basic Setup 25
Naming Configuration Files
The Server Assistant recognizes configuration files with these names:
The Server Assistant uses the file to set up the server with the matching address, name,
or serial number. If the Server Assistant cannot find a file named for a particular server,
it will use the file named generic.plist.
Storing a Configuration File in an Accessible Location
The Server Assistant looks for configuration files in the following locations:
/Volumes/vol/Auto Server Setup/
where vol is any device volume mounted in the /Volumes directory.
Devices you can use to provide configuration files include
A partition on one of the server’s hard disks
An iPod
An optical (CD or DVD) drive
A USB or FireWire drive
Any other portable storage device that mounts in the /Volumes directory
Changing Server Settings
After initial setup, you can use a variety of commands to view or change Mac OS X
Server configuration settings.
For information on changing general system preferences, see Chapter 4, “Setting
General System Preferences,” on page 31.
For information on changing network settings, see Chapter 5, “Network Preferences,” on
page 37.
For information on changing service-specific settings, see the chapter that covers the
service. Page 25 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
26 Chapter 2 Installing Server Software and Finishing Basic Setup
Viewing, Validating, and Setting the Software
Serial Number
You can use the serversetup command to view or set the servers software serial
number or to validate a server software serial number. The serversetup utility is
located in /System/Library/ServerSetup.
To display the server’s software serial number:
$ serversetup -getSerialNumber
To set the server software serial number:
$ sudo serversetup -setSerialNumber serialnumber
To validate a server software serial number:
$ serversetup -verifySerialNumber serialnumber
Displays 0 if the number is valid, 1 if it isn’t.
Updating Server Software
You can use the softwareupdate command to check for and install software updates
over the web from Apples website.
To check for available updates:
$ softwareupdate --list
To install an update:
$ softwareupdate --install update-version
To view command help:
$ softwareupdate --help
Parameter Description
A valid Mac OS X Server software serial number, as found on the
software packaging that comes with the software.
Parameter Description
The hyphenated product version string that appears in the list of
updates when you use the --list option. Page 26 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 2 Installing Server Software and Finishing Basic Setup 27
Moving a Server
Try to place a server in its final network location (subnet) before setting it up for the
first time. If you’re concerned about unauthorized or premature access, you can set up
a firewall to protect the server while you're finalizing its configuration.
If you must move a server after initial setup, you need to change settings that are
sensitive to network location before the server can be used. For example, the server's IP
address and host name—stored in both directories and configuration files that reside
on the server—must be updated.
When you move a server, consider these guidelines:
Minimize the time the server is in its temporary location so the information you need
to change is limited.
Don’t configure services that depend on network settings until the server is in its
final location. Such services include Open Directory replication, Apache settings
(such as virtual hosts), DHCP, and other network infrastructure settings that other
computers depend on.
Wait to import final user accounts. Limit accounts to test accounts so you minimize
the user-specific network information (such as home directory location) that will
need to change after the move.
After you move the server, use the changeip tool to change IP addresses, host
names, and other data stored in Open Directory NetInfo and LDAP directories on the
server. See “Changing a Servers IP Address on page 39. You may need to manually
adjust some network configurations, such as the local DNS database, after using the
Reconfigure the search policy of computers (such as user computers and DHCP
servers) that have been configured to use the server in its original location. Page 27 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM Page 28 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
3 Restarting or Shutting Down a
Commands you can use to shut down or restart a local or
remote server.
Restarting a Server
You can use the reboot or shutdown -r command to restart a server at a specific
time. For more information, see the man pages.
To restart the local server:
$ shutdown -r now
To restart a remote server immediately:
$ ssh -l root server shutdown -r now
To restart a remote server at a specific time:
$ ssh -l root server shutdown -r hhmm
Automatic Restart
You can also use the systemsetup command to set up the server to start automatically
after a power failure or system freeze. See “Viewing or Changing Automatic Restart
Settings” on page 33.
Parameter Description
The IP address or DNS name of the server.
The hour and minute when the server restarts. Page 29 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
30 Chapter 3 Restarting or Shutting Down a Server
Changing a Remote Servers Startup Disk
You can change a remote servers startup disk using SSH.
To change the startup disk:
Log in to the remote server using SSH and type
$ bless -folder "/Volumes/disk/System/Library/CoreServices" -setOF
For information on using SSH to log in to a remote server, see “Sending Commands to
a Remote Server” on page 16.
Shutting Down a Server
You can use the shutdown command to shut down a server at a specific time. For more
information, see the man page.
To shut down a remote server immediately:
$ ssh -l root server shutdown -h now
To shut down the local server in 30 minutes:
$ shutdown -h +30
Parameter Description
The name of the disk that contains the desired startup volume.
Parameter Description
The IP address or DNS name of the server. Page 30 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
4 Setting General System
Commands you can use to set system preferences,
usually set using the System Preferences GUI application.
Computer Name
You can use the systemsetup command to view or change a servers computer name
(the name used to browse for AFP share points on the server), which would otherwise
be set using the Sharing pane of System Preferences.
Viewing or Changing the Computer Name
To display the server’s computer name:
$ sudo systemsetup -getcomputername
$ sudo networksetup -getcomputername
To change the computer name:
$ sudo systemsetup -setcomputername computername
$ sudo networksetup -setcomputername computername
Date and Time
You can use the systemsetup or serversetup command to view or change:
A servers system date or time
A server’s time zone
Whether a server uses a network time server
These settings would otherwise be changed using the Date & Time pane of System
Preferences. Page 31 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
32 Chapter 4 Setting General System Preferences
Viewing or Changing the System Date
To view the current system date:
$ sudo systemsetup -getdate
$ serversetup -getDate
To set the current system date:
$ sudo systemsetup -setdate mm:dd:yy
$ sudo serversetup -setDate mm/dd/yy
Viewing or Changing the System Time
To view the current system time:
$ sudo systemsetup -gettime
$ serversetup -getTime
To change the current system time:
$ sudo systemsetup -settime hh:mm:ss
$ sudo serversetup -setTime hh:mm:ss
Viewing or Changing the System Time Zone
To view the current time zone:
$ sudo systemsetup -gettimezone
$ serversetup -getTimeZone
To view the available time zones:
$ sudo systemsetup -listtimezones
To change the system time zone:
$ sudo systemsetup -settimezone timezone
$ sudo serversetup -setTimeZone timezone Page 32 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 4 Setting General System Preferences 33
Viewing or Changing Network Time Server Usage
To see if a network time server is being used:
$ sudo systemsetup -getusingnetworktime
To enable or disable use of a network time server:
$ sudo systemsetup -setusingnetworktime (on|off)
To view the current network time server:
$ sudo systemsetup -getnetworktimeserver
To specify a network time server:
$ sudo systemsetup -setnetworktimeserver timeserver
Energy Saver Settings
You can use the systemsetup command to view or change a servers energy saver
settings, which would otherwise be set using the Energy Saver pane of System
Viewing or Changing Sleep Settings
To view the idle time before sleep:
$ sudo systemsetup -getsleep
To set the idle time before sleep:
$ sudo systemsetup -setsleep minutes
To see if the system is set to wake for modem activity:
$ sudo systemsetup -getwakeonmodem
To set the system to wake for modem activity:
$ sudo systemsetup -setwakeonmodem (on|off)
To see if the system is set to wake for network access:
$ sudo systemsetup -getwakeonnetworkaccess
To set the system to wake for network access:
$ sudo systemsetup -setwakeonnetworkaccess (on|off)
Viewing or Changing Automatic Restart Settings
To see if the system is set to restart after a power failure:
$ sudo systemsetup -getrestartpowerfailure
To set the system to restart after a power failure:
$ sudo systemsetup -setrestartpowerfailure (on|off)
To see how long the system waits to restart after a power failure:
$ sudo systemsetup -getWaitForStartupAfterPowerFailure Page 33 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
34 Chapter 4 Setting General System Preferences
To set how long the system waits to restart after a power failure:
$ sudo systemsetup -setWaitForStartupAfterPowerFailure seconds
To see if the system is set to restart after a system freeze:
$ sudo systemsetup -getrestartfreeze
To set the system to restart after a system freeze:
$ sudo systemsetup -setrestartfreeze (on|off)
Power Management Settings
You can use the pmset command to change a variety of power management settings,
Display dim timer
Disk spindown timer
System sleep timer
Wake on network activity
Wake on modem activity
Restart after power failure
Dynamic processor speed change
Reduce processor speed
Sleep computer on power button press
For more information, see the pmset man page.
Startup Disk Settings
You can use the systemsetup command to view or change a servers computer startup
disk, which would otherwise be set using the Startup Disk pane of System Preferences.
Viewing or Changing the Startup Disk
To view the current startup disk:
$ sudo systemsetup -getstartupdisk
To view the available startup disks:
$ sudo systemsetup -liststartupdisks
To change the current startup disk:
$ sudo systemsetup -setstartupdisk path
Parameter Description
Must be a multiple of 30 seconds. Page 34 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 4 Setting General System Preferences 35
Sharing Settings
You can use the systemsetup command to view or change settings that would
otherwise be set using the Sharing pane of System Preferences.
Viewing or Changing Remote Login Settings
You can use SSH to log in to a remote server if remote login is enabled.
To see if the system is set to allow remote login:
$ sudo systemsetup -getremotelogin
To enable or disable remote login:
$ sudo systemsetup -setremotelogin (on|off)
$ serversetup -enableSSH
Telnet access is disabled by default because it isn’t as secure as SSH. You can, however,
enable Telnet access. See “Using Telnet” on page 18.
Viewing or Changing Apple Event Response
To see if the system is set to respond to remote events:
$ sudo systemsetup -getremoteappleevents
To set the server to respond to remote events:
$ sudo systemsetup -setremoteappleevents (on|off)
International Settings
You can use the serversetup command to view or change language settings that
would otherwise be set using the Sharing pane of System Preferences.
Viewing or Changing Language Settings
To view the current primary language:
$ serversetup -getPrimaryLanguage
To view the installed primary language:
$ serversetup -getInstallLanguage
To change the install language:
$ sudo serversetup -setInstallLanguage language
To view the script setting:
$ serversetup -getPrimaryScriptCode Page 35 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
36 Chapter 4 Setting General System Preferences
Login Settings
Disabling the Restart and Shutdown Buttons
To disable or enable the Restart and Shutdown buttons in the login dialog:
$ sudo serversetup -setDisableRestartShutdown (0|1)
0 disables the buttons.
1 enables the buttons.
To view the current setting:
$ serversetup -getDisableRestartShutdown Page 36 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
5 Network Preferences
Commands you can use to change a servers network
Network Interface Information
This section describes commands you address to a specific hardware device
(for example, en0) or port (for example, Built-in Ethernet).
If you prefer to work with network port configurations following the approach used in
the Network preferences pane of System Preferences, see the commands in “Network
Port Configurations” on page 38.
Viewing Port Names and Hardware Addresses
To list all port names:
$ serversetup -getAllPort
To list all port names with their Ethernet (MAC) addresses:
$ sudo networksetup -listallhardwareports
To list hardware port information by port configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -listallnetworkservices
An asterisk in the results (*) marks an inactive configuration.
To view the default (en0) Ethernet (MAC) address of the server:
$ serversetup -getMacAddress
To view the Ethernet (MAC) address of a particular port:
$ sudo networksetup -getmacaddress (devicename|"portname")
To scan for new hardware ports:
$ sudo networksetup -detectnewhardware
This command checks the computer for new network hardware and creates a default
configuration for each new port. Page 37 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
38 Chapter 5 Network Preferences
Viewing or Changing MTU Values
You can use these commands to change the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size for
a port.
To view the MTU value for a hardware port:
$ sudo networksetup -getMTU (devicename|"portname")
To list valid MTU values for a hardware port:
$ sudo networksetup -listvalidMTUrange (devicename|"portname")
To change the MTU value for a hardware port:
$ sudo networksetup -setMTU (devicename|"portname")
Viewing or Changing Media Settings
To view the media settings for a port:
$ sudo networksetup -getMedia (devicename|"portname")
To list valid media settings for a port:
$ sudo networksetup -listValidMedia (devicename|"portname")
To change the media settings for a port:
$ sudo networksetup -setMedia (devicename|"portname") subtype [option1]
[option2] [...]
Network Port Configurations
Network port configurations are sets of network preferences that can be assigned to a
particular network interface and then enabled or disabled. The Network pane of
System Preferences stores and displays network settings as port configurations.
Creating or Deleting Port Configurations
To list existing port configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -listallnetworkservices
To create a port configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -createnetworkservice configuration hardwareport
To duplicate a port configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -duplicatenetworkservice configuration newconfig
To rename a port configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -renamenetworkservice configuration newname
To delete a port configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -removenetworkservice configuration
Activating Port Configurations
To see if a port configuration is on:
$ sudo networksetup -getnetworkserviceenabled configuration Page 38 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 5 Network Preferences 39
To enable or disable a port configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setnetworkserviceenabled configuration (on|off)
Changing Configuration Precedence
To list the configuration order:
$ sudo networksetup -listnetworkserviceorder
The configurations are listed in the order that theyre tried when a network connection
is established. An asterisk (*) marks an inactive configuration.
To change the order of the port configurations:
$ sudo networksetup -ordernetworkservices config1 config2 [config3] [...]
TCP/IP Settings
Changing a Server’s IP Address
Changing a server’s IP address isn’t as simple as changing the TCP/IP settings. Address
information is set throughout the system when you set up the server. To make sure
that all the necessary changes are made, use the
changeip command.
To change a servers IP address:
1 Run the changeip tool:
$ changeip [(directory|-)] old-ip new-ip [old-hostname new-hostname]
For more information or examples, see the man page.
2 Use the networksetup or serversetup command (or the Network pane of System
Preferences) to change the servers IP address in its network settings.
3 Restart the server.
Parameter Description
If the server is an Open Directory master or replica, or is connected
to a directory system, you must include the path to the directory
domain (directory node). For a standalone server, type “-” instead.
The current IP address.
The new IP address.
(optional) The current DNS host name of the server.
(optional) The new DNS host name of the server. Page 39 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
40 Chapter 5 Network Preferences
Viewing or Changing IP Address, Subnet Mask, or Router Address
You can use the serversetup and networksetup commands to change a computer’s
TCP/IP settings.
Important: Changing a servers IP address isn’t as simple as changing the TCP/IP
settings. You must first run the changeip utility to make sure necessary changes are
made throughout the system. See “Changing a Servers IP Address” on page 39.
To list TCP/IP settings for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -getinfo "configuration"
$ networksetup -getinfo "Built-In Ethernet"
Manual Configuration
IP Address:
Subnet mask:
Ethernet Address: 1a:2b:3c:4d:5e:6f
To view TCP/IP settings for port en0:
$ serversetup -getDefaultinfo (devicename|"portname")
To view TCP/IP settings for a particular port or device:
$ serversetup -getInfo (devicename|"portname")
To change TCP/IP settings for a particular port or device:
$ sudo serversetup -setInfo (devicename|"portname") ipaddress subnetmask
To set manual TCP/IP information for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setmanual "configuration" ipaddress subnetmask router
To validate an IP address:
$ serversetup -isValidIPAddress ipaddress
Displays 0 if the address is valid, 1 if it isn’t.
To validate a subnet mask:
$ serversetup -isValidSubnetMask subnetmask
To set a configuration to use DHCP:
$ sudo networksetup -setdhcp "configuration" [clientID]
To set a configuration to use DHCP with a manual IP address:
$ sudo networksetup -setmanualwithdhcprouter "configuration" ipaddress
To set a configuration to use BootP:
$ sudo networksetup -setbootp "configuration" Page 40 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 5 Network Preferences 41
Viewing or Changing DNS Servers
To view the DNS servers for port en0:
$ serversetup -getDefaultDNSServer (devicename|"portname")
To change the DNS servers for port en0:
$ sudo serversetup -setDefaultDNSServer (devicename|"portname") server1
] [...]
To view the DNS servers for a particular port or device:
$ serversetup -getDNSServer (devicename|"portname")
To change the DNS servers for a particular port or device:
$ sudo serversetup -setDNSServer (devicename|"portname") server1 [server2]
To list the DNS servers for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -getdnsservers "configuration"
To view the DNS search domains for port en0:
$ serversetup -getDefaultDNSDomain (devicename|"portname")
To change the DNS search domains for port en0:
$ sudo serversetup -setDefaultDNSDomain (devicename|"portname") domain1
] [...]
To view the DNS search domains for a particular port or device:
$ serversetup -getDNSDomain (devicename|"portname")
To change the DNS search domains for a particular port or device:
$ sudo serversetup -setDNSDomain (devicename|"portname") domain1 [domain2]
To list the DNS search domains for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -getsearchdomains "configuration"
To set the DNS servers for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setdnsservers "configuration" dns1 [dns2] [...]
To set the search domains for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setsearchdomains "configuration" domain1 [domain2]
To validate a DNS server:
$ serversetup -verifyDNSServer server1 [server2] [...]
To validate DNS search domains:
$ serversetup -verifyDNSDomain domain1 [domain2] [...] Page 41 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
42 Chapter 5 Network Preferences
Enabling TCP/IP
To enable TCP/IP on a particular port:
$ serversetup -EnableTCPIP [(devicename|"portname")]
If you don’t provide an interface, en0 is assumed.
To disable TCP/IP on a particular port:
$ serversetup -DisableTCPIP [(devicename|"portname")]
If you don’t provide an interface, en0 is assumed.
AppleTalk Settings
Enabling and Disabling AppleTalk
To enable AppleTalk on a particular port:
$ serversetup -EnableAT [(devicename|"portname")]
If you don’t provide an interface, en0 is assumed.
To disable AppleTalk on a particular port:
$ serversetup -DisableAT [(devicename|"portname")]
If you don’t provide an interface, en0 is assumed.
To enable AppleTalk on en0:
$ serversetup -EnableDefaultAT
To disable AppleTalk on en0:
$ serversetup -DisableDefaultAT
To make AppleTalk active or inactive for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setappletalk "configuration" (on|off)
To check AppleTalk state on en0:
$ serversetup -getDefaultATActive
To see if AppleTalk is active for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -getappletalk
Proxy Settings
Viewing or Changing FTP Proxy Settings
To view the FTP proxy information for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -getftpproxy "configuration"
To set the FTP proxy information for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setftpproxy "configuration" domain portnumber Page 42 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 5 Network Preferences 43
To view the FTP passive setting for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -getpassiveftp "configuration"
To enable or disable FTP passive mode for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setpassiveftp "configuration" (on|off)
To enable or disable the FTP proxy for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setftpproxystate "configuration" (on|off)
Viewing or Changing Web Proxy Settings
To view the web proxy information for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -getwebproxy "configuration"
To set the web proxy information for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setwebproxy "configuration" domain portnumber
To enable or disable the web proxy for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setwebproxystate "configuration" (on|off)
Viewing or Changing Secure Web Proxy Settings
To view the secure web proxy information for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -getsecurewebproxy "configuration"
To set the secure web proxy information for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setsecurewebproxy "configuration" domain portnumber
To enable or disable the secure web proxy for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setsecurewebproxystate "configuration" (on|off)
Viewing or Changing Streaming Proxy Settings
To view the streaming proxy information for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -getstreamingproxy "configuration"
To set the streaming proxy information for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setstreamingproxy "configuration" domain portnumber
To enable or disable the streaming proxy for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setstreamingproxystate "configuration" (on|off)
Viewing or Changing Gopher Proxy Settings
To view the gopher proxy information for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -getgopherproxy "configuration"
To set the gopher proxy information for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setgopherproxy "configuration" domain portnumber
To enable or disable the gopher proxy for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setgopherproxystate "configuration" (on|off) Page 43 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
44 Chapter 5 Network Preferences
Viewing or Changing SOCKS Firewall Proxy Settings
To view the SOCKS firewall proxy information for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -getsocksfirewallproxy "configuration"
To set the SOCKS firewall proxy information for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxy "configuration" domain portnumber
To enable or disable the SOCKS firewall proxy for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setsocksfirewallproxystate "configuration" (on|off)
Viewing or Changing Proxy Bypass Domains
To list the proxy bypass domains for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -getproxybypassdomains "configuration"
To set the proxy bypass domains for a configuration:
$ sudo networksetup -setproxybypassdomains "configuration" [domain1] domain2
AirPort Settings
Viewing or Changing Airport Settings
To see if AirPort power is on or off:
$ sudo networksetup -getairportpower
To turn AirPort power on or off:
$ sudo networksetup -setairportpower (on|off)
To display the name of the current AirPort network:
$ sudo networksetup -getairportnetwork
To join an AirPort network:
$ sudo networksetup -setairportnetwork network [password]
Computer, Host, and Rendezvous Name
Viewing or Changing the Computer Name
To display the server’s computer name:
$ sudo systemsetup -getcomputername
$ sudo networksetup -getcomputername
$ serversetup -getComputername Page 44 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 5 Network Preferences 45
To change the computer name:
$ sudo systemsetup -setcomputername computername
$ sudo networksetup -setcomputername computername
$ sudo serversetup -setComputername computername
To validate a computer name:
$ serversetup -verifyComputername computername
Viewing or Changing the Local Host Name
To display the servers local host name:
$ serversetup -getHostname
To change the servers local host name:
$ sudo serversetup -setHostname hostname
Viewing or Changing the Rendezvous Name
To display the server’s Rendezvous name:
$ serversetup -getRendezvousname
To change the servers Rendezvous name:
$ sudo serversetup -setRendezvousname rendezvousname
The command displays a 0 if the name was changed.
Note: If you use the Server Admin GUI application to connect to a server using its
Rendezvous name, then change the servers Rendezvous name, you will need to
reconnect to the server the next time you open the Server Admin application. Page 45 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM Page 46 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
6 Working With Disks and Volumes
Commands you can use to prepare, use, and test disks
and volumes.
Mounting and Unmounting Volumes
You can use the mount_afp command to mount an AFP volume. For more information,
type man mount_afp to see the man page.
Mounting Volumes
You can use the mount command with parameters appropriate to the type of file
system you want to mount, or use one of these file-system-specific mount commands:
mount_afp for Apple File Protocol (AppleShare) volumes
mount_cd9660 for ISO 9660 volumes
mount_cddafs for CD Digital Audio format (CDDA) volumes
mount_hfs for Apple Hierarchical File System (HFS) volumes
mount_msdos for PC MS-DOS volumes
mount_nfs for Network File System (NFS) volumes
mount_smbfs for Server Message Block (SMB) volumes
mount_udf for Universal Disk Format (UDF) volumes
mount_webdav for Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV)
For more information, see the related man pages.
Unmounting Volumes
You can use the umount command to unmount a volume. For more information, see
the man page.
Checking for Disk Problems
You can use the diskutil or fsck command (fsck_hfs for HFS volumes) to check the
physical condition and file system integrity of a volume. For more information, see the
related man pages. Page 47 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
48 Chapter 6 Working With Disks and Volumes
Monitoring Disk Space
When you need more vigilant monitoring of disk space than the log rolling scripts
provide, you can use the diskspacemonitor command-line tool. It lets you monitor
disk space and take action more frequently than once a day when disk space is critically
low, and gives you the opportunity to provide your own action scripts.
diskspacemonitor is disabled by default. You can enable it by opening a Terminal
window and typing sudo diskspacemonitor on. You may be prompted for your
password. Type man diskspacemonitor for more information about the command-
line options.
When enabled, diskspacemonitor uses information in a configuration file to
determine when to execute alert and recovery scripts for reclaiming disk space:
The configuration file is /etc/diskspacemonitor/diskspacemonitor.conf. It lets you
specify how often you want to monitor disk space and thresholds to use for
determining when to take the actions in the scripts. By default, disks are checked
every 10 minutes, an alert script executed when disks are 75% full, and a recovery
script executed when disks are 85% full. To edit the configuration file, log in to the
server as an administrator and use a text editor to open the file. See the comments in
the file for additional information.
By default, two predefined action scripts are executed when the thresholds are
The default alert script is /etc/diskspacemonitor/action/alert. It runs in accord with
instructions in configuration file /etc/diskspacemonitor/alert.conf. It sends email to
recipients you specify.
The default recovery script is /etc/diskspacemonitor/action/recover. It runs in accord
with instructions in configuration file /etc/diskspacemonitor/recover.conf.
See the comments in the script and configuration files for more information about
these files.
If you want to provide your own alert and recovery scripts, you can. Put your
alert script in /etc/diskspacemonitor/action/alert.local and your recovery script in
/etc/diskspacemonitor/action/recovery.local. Your scripts will be executed before the
default scripts when the thresholds are reached.
To configure the scripts on a server from a remote Mac OS X computer, open a Terminal
window and log in to the remote server using SSH. Page 48 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 6 Working With Disks and Volumes 49
Reclaiming Disk Space Using Log Rolling Scripts
Three predefined scripts are executed automatically to reclaim space used on your
server for log files generated by
Apple file service
Windows service
Web service
Web performance cache
Mail service
Print service
The scripts use values in the following configuration files to determine whether and
how to reclaim space:
The script /etc/periodic/daily/600.daily.server runs daily. Its configuration file is
The script /etc/periodic/weekly/600.weekly.server is intended to run weekly, but is
currently empty. Its configuration file is /etc/diskspacemonitor/weekly.server.conf.
The script /etc/periodic/monthly/600.monthly.server is intended to run monthly, but
is currently empty. Its configuration file is /etc/diskspacemonitor/monthly.server.conf.
As configured, the scripts specify actions that complement the log file management
performed by the services listed above, so don’t modify them. All you need to do is log
in as an administrator and use a text editor to define thresholds in the configuration
files that determine when the actions are taken:
the number of megabytes a log file must contain before its space is reclaimed
the number of days since a log file’s last modification that need to pass before its
space is reclaimed
Specify one or both thresholds. The actions are taken when either threshold is
There are several additional parameters you can specify. Refer to comments in the
configuration files for information about all the parameters and how to set them. The
scripts ignore all log files except those for which at least one threshold is present in the
configuration file.
To configure the scripts on a server from a remote Mac OS X computer, open a Terminal
window and log in to the remote server using SSH. Then open a text editor and edit
the scripts.
You can also use the diskspacemonitor command-line tool to reclaim disk space. Page 49 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
50 Chapter 6 Working With Disks and Volumes
Managing Disk Journaling
Checking to See if Journaling is Enabled
You can use the mount command to see if journaling is enable on a volume.
To see if journaling is enabled:
$ mount
Look for journaled in the attributes in parentheses following a volume. For example:
/dev/disk0s9 on / (local, journaled)
Turning on Journaling for an Existing Volume
You can use the diskutil command to enable journaling on a volume without
affecting existing files on the volume.
Important: Always check the volume for disk errors using the fsck_hfs command
before you turn on journaling.
To enable journaling:
$ diskutil enableJournal volume
$ mount
/dev/disk0s9 on / (local, journaled)
/dev/disk0s10 on /Volumes/OS 9.2.2 (local)
$ sudo fsck_hfs /dev/disk0s10/
** /dev/rdisk0s10
** Checking HFS plus volume.
** Checking extents overflow file.
** Checking Catalog file.
** Checking Catalog hierarchy.
** Checking volume bitmap.
** Checking volume information.
** The volume OS 9.2.2 appears to be OK.
$ diskutil enableJournal /dev/disk0s10
Allocated 8192K for journal file.
Journaling has been enabled on /dev/disk0s10
$ mount
/dev/disk0s9 on / (local, journaled)
/dev/disk0s10 on /Volumes/OS 9.2.2 (local, journaled)
Parameter Description
The volume name or device name of the volume. Page 50 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 6 Working With Disks and Volumes 51
Enabling Journaling When You Erase a Disk
You can use the newfs_hfs command to set up and enable journaling when you erase
a disk.
To enable journaling when erasing a disk:
$ newfs_hfs -J -v volname device
Disabling Journaling
To disable journaling:
$ diskutil disableJournal volume
Erasing, Partitioning, and Formatting Disks
You can use the diskutil command to partition, erase, or format a disk. For more
information, see the man page.
Setting Up a Case-Sensitive HFS+ File System
You can use the diskutil tool to format a drive for case-sensitive HFS.
Note: Volumes you format as case-sensitive HFS are also journaled.
To format a Mac OS Extended volume as case-sensitive HFS+:
$ sudo diskutil eraseVolume "Case-sensitive HFS+" newvolname volume
For more information, see the man page for diskutil.
Parameter Description
The name you want the new disk volume to have.
The device name of the disk.
Parameter Description
The volume name or device name of the volume.
Parameter Description
The name given to the reformatted, case-sensitive volume.
The path to the existing volume to be reformatted.
For example, /Volumes/HFSPlus Page 51 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
52 Chapter 6 Working With Disks and Volumes
Imaging and Cloning Volumes Using ASR
You can use Apple Software Restore (ASR) to copy a disk image onto a volume or
prepare existing disk images with checksum information for faster copies. ASR can
perform file copies, in which individual files are restored to a volume unless an identical
file is already there, and block copies, which restore entire disk images. The asr utility
doesn’t create the disk images. You can use hdiutil to create disk images from
volumes or folders.
You must run ASR as the root user or with sudo root permissions. You cannot use ASR
on read/write disk images.
To image a boot volume:
1 Install and configure Mac OS X on the volume as you want it.
2 Restart from a different volume.
3 Make sure the volume you’re imaging has permissions enabled.
4 Use hditutil to make a read-write disk image of the volume.
5 Mount the disk image.
6 Remove cache files, host-specific preferences, and virtual memory files. You can find
example files to remove on the asr man page.
7 Unmount the volume and convert the read-write image to a read-only compressed
hdiutil convert -format UDZO pathtoimage -o compressedimage
8 Prepare the image for duplication by adding checksum information:
sudo asr -imagescan compressedimage
To restore a volume from an image:
$ sudo asr -source compressedimage -target targetvolume -erase
See the asr man page for command syntax, limitations, and image preparation
instructions. Page 52 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
7 Working With Users and Groups
Commands you can use to set up and manage users and
groups in Mac OS X Server.
Creating Server Administrator Users
You can use the serversetup command to create administrator users for a server. To
create regular users, see “Importing Users and Groups” on page 54.
To create a user:
$ serversetup -createUser fullname shortname password
The name, short name, and password must be typed in the order shown. If the full
name includes spaces, type it in quotes.
The command displays a 1 if the full name or short name is already in use.
To create a user with a specific UID:
$ serversetup -createUserWithID fullname shortname password userid
The name, short name, password, and UID must be typed in the order shown. If the full
name includes spaces, type it in quotes.
The command displays a 1 if the full name, short name, or UID is already in use or if the
UID you specified is less than 100.
To create a user with a specific UID and home directory:
$ serversetup -createUserWithIDIP fullname shortname password userid
The name, short name, password, and UID must be typed in the order shown. If the full
name includes spaces, type it in quotes.
The command displays a 1 if the full name, short name, or UID is already in use or if the
UID you specified is less than 100. Page 53 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
54 Chapter 7 Working With Users and Groups
Importing Users and Groups
You can use the dsimportexport command to import user and group accounts.
Note: Despite its name, dsimportexport can’t be used to export user records.
The utility is in /Applications/Server/Workgroup
For information on the formats of the files you can import, see “Creating a Character-
Delimited User Import File on page 55.
$ dsimportexport (-g|-s|-p) file directory user password (O|M|I|A) [options]
To import users and groups:
1 Create a file containing the accounts to import, and place it in a location accessible
from the importing server. You can export this file from an earlier version of Mac OS X
Server or AppleShare IP 6.3, or create your own character-delimited file. See “Creating a
Character-Delimited User Import File on page 55.
Open Directory supports up to 100,000 records. For local NetInfo databases, make sure
the file contains no more than 10,000 records.
2 Log in as the administrator of the directory domain into which you want to import
Parameter Description
-g|-s|-p You must specify one of these to indicate the type of file you’re
-g for a character-delimited file
-s for an XML file exported from Users & Groups in Mac OS X
Server version 10.1.x
-p for an XML file exported from AppleShare IP version6.x
The path of the file to import.
The path to the Open Directory node where the records will be
The name of the directory administrator.
The password of the directory administrator.
O|M|I|A Specifies how user data is handled if a record for an imported user
already exists in the directory:
O: Overwrite the matching record.
M: Merge the records. Empty attributes in the directory assume
values from the imported record.
I: Ignore imported record and leave existing record unchanged.
A: Append data from import record to existing record.
options Additional command options. To see available options, execute the
dsimportexport command with no parameters. Page 54 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 7 Working With Users and Groups 55
3 Open the Terminal application and type the dsimportexport command. The tool is
located in /Applications/Utilities/Workgroup
To include the space in the path name, precede it with a backslash (\). For example:
/dsimportexport -h
4 If you want, use the createhomedir tool to create home directories for imported users.
See “Creating a User’s Home Directory on page 63.
Creating a Character-Delimited User Import File
You can create a character-delimited file by hand, using a script, or by using a database
or spreadsheet application.
The first record in the file, the record description, describes the format of each account
record in the file. There are three options for the record description:
Write a full record description
Use the shorthand StandardUserRecord
Use the shorthand StandardGroupRecord
The other records in the file describe user or group accounts, encoded in the format
described by the record description. Any line of a character-delimited file that begins
with “#” is ignored during importing.
Writing a Record Description
The record description specifies the fields in each record in the character-delimited file,
specifies the delimiting characters, and specifies the escape character that precedes
special characters in a record. Encode the record description using the following
elements in the order specified, separating them with a space:
End-of-record indicator (in hex notation)
Escape character (in hex notation)
Field separator (in hex notation)
Value separator (in hex notation)
Type of accounts in the file (DSRecTypeStandard:Users or
Number of attributes in each account record
List of attributes
For user accounts, the list of attributes must include the following, although you can
omit UID and PrimaryGroupID if you specify a starting UID and a default primary group
ID when you import the file:
RecordName (the user’s short name)
UniqueID (the UID)
RealName (the users full name) Page 55 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
56 Chapter 7 Working With Users and Groups
In addition, you can include
UserShell (the default shell)
NFSHomeDirectory (the path to the user’s home directory on the users computer)
Other user data types, described under “User Attributes on page 57
For group accounts, the list of attributes must include
RecordName (the group name)
PrimaryGroupID (the group ID)
Here is an example of a record description:
0x0A 0x5C 0x3A 0x2C DSRecTypeStandard:Users 7
RecordName Password UniqueID PrimaryGroupID
RealName NFSHomeDirectory UserShell
Here is an example of a record encoded using the above description:
jim:Adl47E$:408:20:J. Smith, Jr.,
The record consists of values, delimited by colons. Use a double colon (::) to indicate a
value is missing.
Here is another example, which shows a record description and user records for users
whose passwords are to be validated using the Password Server. The record description
should include a field named dsAttrTypeStandard:AuthMethod, and the value of this
field for each record should be dsAuthMethodStandard:dsAuthClearText:
0x0A 0x5C 0x3A 0x2C dsRecTypeStandard:Users 8
dsAttrTypeStandard:RecordName dsAttrTypeStandard:AuthMethod
dsAttrTypeStandard:Password dsAttrTypeStandard:UniqueID
dsAttrTypeStandard:PrimaryGroupID dsAttrTypeStandard:Comment
dsAttrTypeStandard:RealName dsAttrTypeStandard:UserShell
Tony Hawk:/bin/csh
Matt Mitchell:/bin/tcsh
As these examples illustrate, you can use the prefix dsAttrTypeStandard: when
referring to an attribute, or you can omit the prefix.
Using the StandardUserRecord Shorthand
When the first record in a character-delimited import file contains
StandardUserRecord, the following record description is assumed:
0x0A 0x5C 0x3A 0x2C DSRecTypeStandard:Users 7
RecordName Password UniqueID PrimaryGroupID
RealName NFSHomeDirectory UserShell Page 56 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 7 Working With Users and Groups 57
An example user account looks like this:
jim:Adl47E$:408:20:J. Smith, Jr.,
Using the StandardGroupRecord Shorthand
When the first record in a character-delimited import file contains
StandardGroupRecord, the following record description is assumed:
0x0A 0x5C 0x3A 0x2C DSRecTypeStandard:Groups 4
RecordName Password PrimaryGroupID GroupMembership
Here is an example of a record encoded using the description:
User Attributes
The following table lists standard XML data structures for attributes in user records.
Attribute Format Sample values
A list of names associated
with a user; the first is the
users short name, which is
also the name of the users
home directory
Important: All attributes
used for authentication must
map to RecordName.
value: ASCII
A–Z, a–z, 0–9,
Second value:
UTF-8 Roman
David Mac
Non-zero length, 1 to 16 values. Maximum 255 bytes
(85 triple-byte to 255 single-byte characters) per
instance. First value must be 1 to 30 bytes for clients
using Macintosh Manager, or 1 to 8 bytes for clients
using Mac OS X version 10.1 and earlier.
A single name, usually the
users full name; not used for
UTF-8 text David L. MacSmith, Jr.
Non-zero length, maximum 255 bytes (85 triple-byte
to 255 single-byte characters).
A unique user identifier, used
for access privilege
Signed 32-bit
ASCII string of
digits 0–9
Range is 100 to 2,147,483,648.
Values below 100 are typically used for system
accounts. Zero is reserved for use by the system.
Normally unique among entire population of users,
but sometimes can be duplicated.
Warning: A non-integer value is interpreted as 0,
which is the UniqueID of the root user.
A users primary group
32-bit ASCII
string of digits
Range is 1 to 2,147,483,648.
Normally unique among entire population of group
records. If blank, 20 is assumed.
Local file system path to the
users home directory
UTF-8 text /Network/Servers/example/Users/
K-M/Tom King
Non-zero length. Maximum 255 bytes. Page 57 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
58 Chapter 7 Working With Users and Groups
The location of an AFP-based
home directory
UTF-8 text
In the following example, Tom King’s home directory is
K-M/Tom King, which resides beneath the share point
directory, Users:
K-M/Tom King
The disk quota for the user’s
home directory
Text for the
number of
bytes allowed
If the quota is 10MB, the value will be the text string
A users mail service
configuration (refer to “Mail
Attributes in User Records
on page 60 for information
on individual fields in this
<string>Apple Mail 1.0</string>
<string>[email protected]</string>
A users print quota statistics
plist, single
Attribute Format Sample values Page 58 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 7 Working With Users and Groups 59
If present, MCXSettings is
loaded; if absent,
MCXSettings isn’t loaded;
required for a managed user.
plist, single
A users managed
plist, single
The privileges allowed by
Workgroup Manager to a
user that can administer the
directory domain
plist, single
The user’s password
UNIX crypt
File path to a recognized
graphic file to be used as a
display picture for the user
UTF-8 text Maximum 32,676 bytes.
Any documentation you like
UTF-8 text John is in charge of product
The location of the default
shell for command-line
interactions with the server
Path name /bin/tcsh
None (this value prevents users with accounts in the
directory domain from accessing the server remotely
via a command line)
Non-zero length.
Describes the user’s
authentication methods,
such as Open Directory or
crypt password; not required
for a user with only a crypt
password; absence of this
attribute signifies legacy
authentication (crypt with
Authentication Manager, if
it’s available).
ASCII text Values describe the users authentication methods.
Can be multivalued (for example, basic and
Each value has the format vers; tag; data (where vers
and data may be blank).
Crypt password: ;basic;
Open Directory
authentication: ;ApplePasswordServer; HexID, servers
public key IPaddress:port
Shadow password (local directory domain
only): ;ShadowHash;
Text set by the user to be
displayed as a password
UTF-8 text Your guess is as good as mine.
Maximum 255 bytes.
Attribute Format Sample values Page 59 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
60 Chapter 7 Working With Users and Groups
Mail Attributes in User Records
The following table lists the standard XML data structures for a user mail attribute, part
of a standard user record.
MailAttribute field Description Sample values
AttributeVersion A required case-insensitive value that
must be set to AppleMail 1.0.
AppleMail 1.0
MailAccountState A required case-insensitive keyword
describing the state of the user’s mail.
It must be set to one of these
values: Off, Enabled, or Forward.
POP3LoginState A required case-insensitive keyword
indicating whether the user is allowed
to access mail via POP. It must be set
to one of these values:
POP3Allowed or POP3Deny.
IMAPLoginState A required case-insensitive keyword
indicating whether the user is allowed
to access mail using IMAP. It must be
set to one of these values:
IMAPAllowed or IMAPDeny.
MailAccountLocation A required value indicating the
domain name or IP address of the
ProductName responsible for storing
the users mail.
AutoForwardValue A required field only if
MailAccountState has the value
Forward. The value must be a valid
RFC 822 email address.
</string> Page 60 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 7 Working With Users and Groups 61
NotificationState An optional keyword describing
whether to notify the user whenever
new mail arrives. If provided, it must
be set to one of these
values: NotificationOff,
NotificationLastIP, or
If this field is missing,
NotificationOff is assumed.
An optional IP address, in bracketed,
dotted decimal format
If this field is missing,
NotificationState is
interpreted as
The field is used only when
NotificationState has the
value NotificationStaticIP.
SeparateInboxState An optional case-insensitive keyword
indicating whether the user manages
POP and IMAP mail using different
inboxes. If provided, it must be set to
one of these values: OneInbox or
If this value is missing, the value
OneInbox is assumed.
ShowPOP3InboxInIMAP An optional case-insensitive keyword
indicating whether POP messages are
displayed in the user’s IMAP folder list.
If provided, it must be set to one of
these values: ShowPOP3Inbox or
If this field is missing, the value
ShowPOP3Inbox is assumed.
MailAttribute field Description Sample values Page 61 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
62 Chapter 7 Working With Users and Groups
Checking a Server Users Name, UID, or Password
You can use the following commands to check the name, UID, or password of a user in
the servers local directory.
Note: These tasks only apply to the local directory on the server.
To see if a full name is already in use:
$ serversetup -verifyRealName "longname"
The command displays a 1 if the name is already in the directory, 0 if it isn’t.
To see if a short name is already in use:
$ serversetup -verifyName shortname
The command displays a 1 if the name is already in the directory, 0 if it isn’t.
To see if a UID is already in use:
$ serversetup -verifyUID userid
The command displays a 1 if the UID is already in the directory, 0 if it isn’t.
To test a user’s password:
$ serversetup -verifyNamePassword shortname password
The command displays a 1 if the password is good, 0 if it isn’t.
To view the names associated with a UID:
$ serversetup -getNamesByID userid
No response means UID not valid.
To generate the default UNIX short name for a user long name:
$ serversetup -getUNIXName "longname" Page 62 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 7 Working With Users and Groups 63
Creating a User’s Home Directory
Normally, you can create a user's home directory by clicking the Create Home Now
button on the Homes pane of Workgroup Manager. You can also create home directory
folders using the createhomedir tool. Otherwise, Mac OS X Server creates the user’s
home directory when the user logs in for the first time.
You can use createhomedir to create
A home directory for a particular user (-u option)
Home directories for all users in a directory domain (-n or -l option)
Home directories for all users in all domains in the directory search path (-a option)
For more information, type man createhomedir to view the man page.
In all cases, the home directories are created on the server where you run the tool.
To create a home directory for a particular user:
$ createhomedir [(-a|-l|-n domain)] -u userid
To create a home directory for users in the local domain:
$ createhomedir -l
To create a home directory for users in the local domain:
$ createhomedir [(-a|-l|-n domain)] -u userid
You can also create a user’s home directory using the serversetup tool.
To create a home directory for a particular user:
$ serversetup -createHomedir userid
The command displays a 1 if the user ID you specify doesn’t exist.
Mounting a Users Home Directory
You can use the mnthome command to mount a users home directory. For more
information, see the man page.
Creating a Group Folder
You can use the CreateGroupFolder command to set up group folders. For more
information see the man page.
Checking a Users Administrator Privileges
To see if a user is a server administrator:
$ serversetup -isAdministrator shortname
The command displays a 0 if the user has administrator privileges, 0 if the user doesn’t. Page 63 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM Page 64 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
8 Working With File Services
Commands you can use to create share points and
manage AFP, NFS, Windows (SMB), and FTP services in
Mac OS X Server.
Share Points
You can use the sharing tool to list, create, and modify share points.
Listing Share Points
To list existing share points:
$ sharing -l
In the resulting list, theres a section of properties similar to the following for each share
point defined on the server. (1 = yes, true, or enabled. 0 = false, no, or disabled.)
name: Share1
path: /Volumes/100GB
afp: {
name: Share1
shared: 1
guest access: 0
inherit perms: 0
ftp: {
name: Share1
shared: 1
guest access: 1
smb: {
name: Share1
shared: 1
guest access: 1
inherit perms: 0
oplocks: 0
strict locking: 0
directory mask: 493
create mask: 420 } Page 65 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
66 Chapter 8 Working With File Services
Creating a Share Point
To create a share point:
$ sharing -a path [-n customname] [-A afpname] [-F ftpname]
[-S smbname
] [-s shareflags] [-g guestflags] [-i inheritflags]
[-c creationmask
] [-d directorymask] [-o oplockflag]
[-t strictlockingflag
$ sharing -a /Volumes/100GB/Art
Creates a share point named Art, shared using AFP, FTP, and SMB, and using the name
Art for all three types of clients.
$ sharing -a /Volumes/100GB/Windows\ Docs -n WinDocs -S Documents -s
001 -o 1
Parameter Description
The full path to the directory you want to share.
The name of the share point. If you don’t specify this custom name,
it’s set to the name of the directory, the last name in path
The share point name shown to and used by AFP clients. This name
is separate from the share point name.
The share point name shown to and used by FTP clients.
The share point name shown to and used by SMB clients.
A three-digit binary number indicating which protocols are used to
share the directory. The digits represent, from left to right, AFP, FTP,
and SMB. 1=shared, 0=not shared.
A group of three flags indicating which protocols allow guest
access. The flags are written as a three-digit binary number with
the digits representing, from left to right, AFP, FTP, and SMB.
1=guests allowed, 0=guests not allowed.
A group of two flags indicating whether new items in AFP or SMB
share points inherit the ownership and access permissions of the
parent folder. The flags are written as a two-digit binary number
with the digits representing, from left to right, AFP and SMB.
1=inherit, 0=don’t inherit.
The SMB creation mask. Default=0644.
The SMB directory mask. Default=0755.
Specifies whether opportunistic locking is allowed for an SMB
share point. 1=enable oplocks, 0=disable oplocks. For more
information on oplocks, see the file services administration guide.
Specifies whether strict locking is used on an SMB share point.
1=enable strict locking, 0=disable. For more information on strict
locking, see the file services administration guide. Page 66 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 8 Working With File Services 67
Shares the directory named Windows Docs on the disk 100GB. The share point is
named WinDocs for server management purposes, but SMB users see it as Documents.
Its shared using only the SMB protocol with oplocks enabled.
Modifying a Share Point
To change share point settings:
$ sharing -e sharepointname [-n customname] [-A afpname] [-F ftpname]
[-S smbname
] [-s shareflags] [-g guestflags] [-i inheritflags]
[-c creationmask
] [-d directorymask] [-o oplockflag]
[-t strictlockingflag
Disabling a Share Point
To disable a share point:
$ sharing -r sharepointname
AFP Service
Starting and Stopping AFP Service
To start AFP service:
$ sudo serveradmin start afp
To stop AFP service:
$ sudo serveradmin stop afp
Checking AFP Service Status
To see if AFP service is running:
$ sudo serveradmin status afp
To see complete AFP status:
$ sudo serveradmin fullstatus afp
Viewing AFP Settings
To list all AFP service settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings afp
Parameter Description
The current name of the share point.
Other parameters See the parameter descriptions under “Creating a Share Point on
page 66.
Parameter Description
The current name of the share point. Page 67 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
68 Chapter 8 Working With File Services
To list a particular setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings afp:setting
To list a group of settings:
You can list a group of settings that have part of their names in common by typing
only as much of the name as you want, stopping at a colon (:), and typing an asterisk
(*) as a wildcard for the remaining parts of the name. For example,
$ sudo serveradmin settings afp:loggingAttributes:*
Changing AFP Settings
You can change AFP service settings using the serveradmin command.
To change a setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings afp:setting = value
To change several settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings
= value
afp:setting = value
afp:setting = value
List of AFP Settings
The following table lists AFP settings as they appear using serveradmin.
Parameter Description
Any of the AFP service settings. For a complete list of settings, type
serveradmin settings afp
or see “List of AFP Settings” on this page.
Parameter Description
An AFP service setting. To see a list of available settings, type
$ sudo serveradmin settings afp
or see “List of AFP Settings” on this page.
An appropriate value for the setting. Enclose text strings in double
quotes (for example, "text string").
Parameter (afp:) Description
activityLog Turn activity logging on or off.
Default = no
activityLogPath Location of the activity log file.
Default = /Library/Logs/AppleFileService/
AppleFileServiceAccess.log Page 68 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 8 Working With File Services 69
activityLogSize Rollover size (in kilobytes) for the activity log. Only used if
activityLogTime isn’t specified.
Default = 1000
activityLogTime Rollover time (in days) for the activity log.
Default = 7
admin31GetsSp Set to true to force administrative users on Mac OS X to see
share points instead of all volumes.
Default = yes
adminGetsSp Set to true to force administrative users on Mac OS 9 to see
share points instead of all volumes. Default = no
afpServerEncoding Encoding used with Mac OS 9 clients.
Default = 0
afpTCPPort TCP port used by AFP on server.
Default = 548
allowRootLogin Allow user to log in as root.
Default = no
attemptAdminAuth Allow an administrator user to masquerade as another user.
Default = yes
authenticationMode Authentication mode. Can be:
Default = "standard_and_kerberos"
autoRestart Whether the AFP service should restart automatically when
abnormally terminated.
Default = yes
clientSleepOnOff Allow client computers to sleep.
Default = yes
clientSleepTime Time (in hours) that clients are allowed to sleep.
Default = 24
createHomeDir Create home directories.
Default = yes
errorLogPath The location of the error log.
Default = /Library/Logs/AppleFileService/
errorLogSize Rollover size (in kilobytes) for the error log. Only used if
errorLogTime isn’t specified.
Default = 1000
errorLogTime Rollover time (in days) for the error log.
Default = 0
Parameter (afp:) Description Page 69 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
70 Chapter 8 Working With File Services
guestAccess Allow guest users access to the server.
Default = yes
Enforce idle disconnect for administrative users.
Default = yes
Enforce idle disconnect for guest users.
Default = yes
Enforce idle disconnect for registered users.
Default = yes
Enforce idle disconnect for users with open files.
Default = yes
idleDisconnectMsg The idle disconnect message.
Default = ""
idleDisconnectOnOff Enable idle disconnect.
Default = no
idleDisconnectTime Idle time (in minutes) allowed before disconnect.
Default = 10
kerberosPrincipal Kerberos server principal name.
Default = "afpserver"
Record directory creations in the activity log.
Default = yes
Record file creations in the activity log.
Default = yes
Record file deletions in the activity log.
Default = yes
Record user logins in the activity log.
Default = yes
Log user logouts in the activity log.
Default = yes
Log file opens in the activity log.
Default = yes
loginGreeting The login greeting message.
Default = ""
loginGreetingTime The last time the login greeting was set or updated.
maxConnections Maximum number of simultaneous user sessions allowed by
the server.
Default = -1 (unlimited)
maxGuests Maximum number of simultaneous guest users allowed.
Default = -1 (unlimited)
Parameter (afp:) Description Page 70 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 8 Working With File Services 71
maxThreads Maximum number of AFP threads. (Must be specified at
Default = 40
noNetworkUsers Indication to client that all users are users on the server.
Default = no
permissionsModel How permissions are enforced. Can be set to:
Default = "classic_permissions"
recon1SrvrKeyTTLHrs Time-to-live (in hours) for the server key used to generate
reconnect tokens.
Default = 168
recon1TokenTTLMins Time-to-live (in minutes) for a reconnect token.
Default = 10080
reconnectFlag Allow reconnect options. Can be set to:
Default = "all"
reconnectTTLInMin Time-to-live (in minutes) for a disconnected session waiting
Default = 1440
registerAppleTalk Advertise the server using AppleTalk NBP.
Default = yes
registerNSL Advertise the server using Rendezvous.
Default = yes
sendGreetingOnce Send the login greeting only once.
Default = no
shutdownThreshold Don’t modify. Internal use only.
specialAdminPrivs Grant administrative users super user read/write privileges.
Default = no
SSHTunnel Allow SSH tunneling.
Default = yes
TCPQuantum TCP message quantum.
Default = 262144
tickleTime Frequency of tickles sent to client.
Default = 30
updateHomeDirQuota Enforce quotas on the users volume.
Default = yes
Parameter (afp:) Description Page 71 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
72 Chapter 8 Working With File Services
List of AFP serveradmin Commands
In addition to the standard start, stop, status, and settings commands, you can
use serveradmin to issue the following service-specific AFP commands.
Listing Connected Users
You can use the serveradmin getConnectedUsers command to retrieve information
about connected AFP users. In particular, you can use this command to retrieve the
session IDs you need to disconnect or send messages to users.
To list connected users:
$serveradmin command afp:command = getConnectedUsers
The following array of settings is displayed for each connected user:
afp:usersArray:_array_index:i:disconnectID = <disconnectID>
afp:usersArray:_array_index:i:flags = <flags>
afp:usersArray:_array_index:i:ipAddress = <ipAddress>
afp:usersArray:_array_index:i:lastUseElapsedTime = <lastUseElapsed>
afp:usersArray:_array_index:i:loginElapsedTime = <loginElapsedTime>
afp:usersArray:_array_index:i:minsToDisconnect = <minsToDisconnect>
afp:usersArray:_array_index:i:name = <name>
afp:usersArray:_array_index:i:serviceType = <serviceType>
afp:usersArray:_array_index:i:sessionID = <sessionID>
afp:usersArray:_array_index:i:sessionType = <sessionType>
afp:usersArray:_array_index:i:state = <state>
useAppleTalk Don’t modify. Internal use only.
useHomeDirs Default = no
Parameter (afp:) Description
Command (afp:command=) Description
cancelDisconnect Cancel a pending user disconnect. See “Canceling a User
Disconnect on page 74.
disconnectUsers Disconnect AFP users. See “Disconnecting AFP Users” on page 73.
getConnectedUsers List settings for connected users. See “Listing Connected Users” on
this page.
getHistory View a periodic record of file data throughput or number of user
connections. See “Listing AFP Service Statistics” on page 75.
getLogPaths Display the locations of the AFP service activity and error logs.
sendMessage Send a text message to connected AFP users. See “Sending a
Message to AFP Users” on page 73.
syncSharePoints Update share point information after changing settings.
writeSettings Equivalent to the standard serveradmin settings command,
but also returns a setting indicating whether the service needs to
be restarted. See “Determining Whether a Service Needs to be
Restarted” on page 19. Page 72 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 8 Working With File Services 73
Sending a Message to AFP Users
You can use the serveradmin sendMessage command to send a text message to
connected AFP users. Users are specified by session ID.
To send a message:
$ sudo serveradmin command
afp:command = sendMessage
afp:message = "message-text
afp:sessionIDsArray:_array_index:0 = sessionid1
afp:sessionIDsArray:_array_index:1 = sessionid2
afp:sessionIDsArray:_array_index:2 = sessionid3
Disconnecting AFP Users
You can use the serveradmin disconnectUsers command to disconnect AFP users.
Users are specified by session ID. You can specify a delay time before disconnect and a
warning message.
To disconnect users:
$ sudo serveradmin command
afp:command = disconnectUsers
afp:message = "message-text
afp:minutes = minutes-until
afp:sessionIDsArray:_array_index:0 = sessionid1
afp:sessionIDsArray:_array_index:1 = sessionid2
afp:sessionIDsArray:_array_index:2 = sessionid3
Parameter Description
The message that appears on client computers.
n The session ID of a user you want to receive the message. To list the
session IDs of connected users, use the getConnectedUsers
command. See “Listing Connected Users” on page 72.
Parameter Description
The text of a message that appears on client computers in the
disconnect announcement dialog.
The number of minutes between the time the command is issued
and the users are disconnected.
n The session ID of a user you want to disconnect. To list the session
IDs of connected users, use the getConnectedUsers
command. See “Listing Connected Users” on page 72. Page 73 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
74 Chapter 8 Working With File Services
afp:command = "disconnectUsers"
afp:messageSent = "<message>"
afp:timeStamp = "<
afp:timerID = <disconnectID>
<user listing>
= <status>
Canceling a User Disconnect
You can use the serveradmin cancelDisconnect command to cancel a
disconnectUsers command. Users receive an announcement that they’re no longer
scheduled to be disconnected.
To cancel a disconnect:
$ sudo serveradmin command
afp:command = cancelDisconnect
afp:timerID = timerID
afp:command = "cancelDisconnect"
afp:timeStamp = "<
= <status>
Value Description
<message> The message sent to users in the disconnect announcement dialog.
<time> The time when the command was issued.
<disconnectID> An integer that identifies this particular disconnect. You can use
this ID with the cancelDisconnect command to cancel the
<user listing> A standard array of user settings for each user scheduled for
disconnect. For a description of these settings, see “Listing
Connected Users” on page 72.
<status> A command status code:
0 = command successful
Parameter Description
The integer value of the afp:timerID parameter output when
you issued the disconnectUsers command.
You can also find this number by listing any user scheduled to be
disconnected and looking at the value of the disconnectID
setting for the user.
Value Description
<time> The time at which the command was issued.
<status> A command status code:
0 = command successful Page 74 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 8 Working With File Services 75
Listing AFP Service Statistics
You can use the serveradmin getHistory command to display a log of periodic
samples of the number of connections and the data throughput. Samples are taken
once each minute.
To list samples:
$ sudo serveradmin command
afp:command = getHistory
afp:variant = statistic
afp:timeScale = scale
afp:nbSamples = <samples>
= <sample>
afp:samplesArray:_array_index:0:t = <time>
= <sample>
afp:samplesArray:_array_index:1:t = <time>
= <sample>
:t = <time>
Legend = "<legend>"
afp:currentServerTime = <servertime>
Parameter Description
The value you want to display.
Valid values:
v1 - number of connected users (average during sampling period)
v2 - throughput (bytes/sec)
The length of time in seconds, ending with the current time, for
which you want to see samples. For example, to see 30 minutes of
data, you would specify afp:timeScale = 1800.
Value displayed by getHistory Description
<samples> The total number of samples listed.
<legend> A textual description of the selected statistic.
<sample> The numerical value of the sample.
For connections (v1), this is integer average number of users.
For throughput, (v2), this is integer bytes per second.
<time> The time at which the sample was measured. A standard UNIX time
(number of seconds since Sep 1, 1970.) Samples are taken every 60
seconds. Page 75 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
76 Chapter 8 Working With File Services
Viewing AFP Log Files
You can use tail or any other file listing tool to view the contents of the AFP service
To view the latest entries in a log:
$ tail log-file
You can use the serveradmin getLogPaths command to see where the current AFP
error and activity logs are located.
To display the log paths:
$ sudo serveradmin command afp:command = getLogPaths
afp:accesslog = <access-log>
afp:errorlog = <error-log>
NFS Service
Starting and Stopping NFS Service
NFS service is started automatically when a share point is exported using NFS. The NFS
daemons that satisfy client requests continue to run until there are no more NFS
exports and the server is restarted.
Checking NFS Service Status
To see if NFS service and related processes are running:
$ sudo serveradmin status nfs
To see complete NFS status:
$ sudo serveradmin fullstatus nfs
Viewing NFS Settings
To list all NFS service settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings nfs
To list a particular setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings nfs:setting
Value Description
<access-log> The location of the AFP service access log. Default =
<error-log> The location of the AFP service error log. Default =
AppleFileServiceError.log Page 76 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 8 Working With File Services 77
Changing NFS Service Settings
Use the following parameters with the serveradmin command to change settings for
the NFS service.
FTP Service
Starting FTP Service
To start FTP service:
$ sudo serveradmin start ftp
Stopping FTP Service
To stop FTP service:
$ sudo serveradmin stop ftp
Checking FTP Service Status
To see if FTP service is running:
$ sudo serveradmin status ftp
To see complete FTP status:
$ sudo serveradmin fullstatus ftp
Viewing FTP Settings
To list all FTP service settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings ftp
To list a particular setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings ftp:setting
To list a group of settings:
You can list a group of settings that have part of their names in common by typing
only as much of the name as you want, stopping at a colon (:), and typing an asterisk
(*) as a wildcard for the remaining parts of the name. For example,
$ sudo serveradmin settings ftp:logCommands:*
Parameter (nfs:) Description
nbDaemons Default = 6
To reduce the number of daemons, you must restart the server
after changing this value.
useTCP Default = yes
You must restart the server after changing this value.
useUDP Default = yes
You must restart the server after changing this value. Page 77 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
78 Chapter 8 Working With File Services
Changing FTP Settings
You can change FTP service settings using the serveradmin application.
To change a setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings ftp:setting = value
To change several settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings
= value
ftp:setting = value
ftp:setting = value
FTP Settings
Use the following parameters with the serveradmin command to change settings for
the FTP service.
Parameter Description
An FTP service setting. To see a list of available settings, type
$ sudo serveradmin settings ftp
or see “FTP Settings” on this page.
An appropriate value for the setting.
Parameter (ftp:)
administratorEmailAddress Default = "user@hostname"
anonymous-root Default = "/Library/FTPServer/FTPRoot"
anonymousAccessPermitted Default = no
authLevel Default = "STANDARD"
bannerMessage Default = "This is the "Banner"
message for the Mac OS X Server's
FTP server process.
FTP clients will receive this
message immediately before being
prompted for a name and password.
PLEASE NOTE: Some FTP clients may
exhibit problems if you make this
file too long.
chrootType Default = "STANDARD"
enableMacBinAndDmgAutoConversion Default = yes
ftpRoot Default = "/Library/FTPServer/FTPRoot" Page 78 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 8 Working With File Services 79
List of FTP serveradmin Commands
You can use the following commands with the serveradmin application to manage
FTP service.
logCommands:anonymous Default = no
logCommands:guest Default = no
logCommands:real Default = no
loginFailuresPermitted Default = 3
logSecurity:anonymous Default = no
logSecurity:guest Default = no
logSecurity:real Default = no
logToSyslog Default = no
logTransfers:anonymous:inbound Default = yes
logTransfers:anonymous:outbound Default = yes
logTransfers:guest:inbound Default = no
logTransfers:guest:outbound Default = no
logTransfers:real:inbound Default = yes
logTransfers:real:outbound Default = yes
maxAnonymousUsers Default = 50
maxRealUsers Default = 50
showBannerMessage Default = yes
showWelcomeMessage Default = yes
welcomeMessage Default = "This is the "Welcome"
message for the Mac OS X Server's
FTP server process.
FTP clients will receive this
message right after a successful
log in.
Parameter (ftp:)
ftp:command= Description
getConnectedUsers List connected users. See “Checking for Connected FTP Users” on
page 80. Page 79 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
80 Chapter 8 Working With File Services
Viewing the FTP Transfer Log
You can use tail or any other file listing tool to view the contents of the FTP transfer
To view the latest entries in the transfer log:
$ tail log-file
The default location of log-file is /Library/Logs/FTP.transger.log. You can use the
serveradmin getLogPaths command to see where the current transfer log is located.
To display the log path:
$ sudo serveradmin command ftp:command = getLogPaths
Checking for Connected FTP Users
To see how many FTP users are connected:
$ ftpcount
$ sudo serveradmin command ftp:command = getConnectedUsers
Windows (SMB) Service
Starting and Stopping SMB Service
To start SMB service:
$ sudo serveradmin start smb
To stop SMB service:
$ sudo serveradmin stop smb
Checking SMB Service Status
To see if SMB service is running:
$ sudo serveradmin status smb
To see complete SMB status:
$ sudo serveradmin fullstatus smb
getLogPaths Show location of the FTP transfer log file. See “Viewing the FTP
Transfer Log” on this page.
writeSettings Equivalent to the standard serveradmin settings command,
but also returns a setting indicating whether the service needs to
be restarted. See “Determining Whether a Service Needs to be
Restarted” on page 19.
ftp:command= Description Page 80 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 8 Working With File Services 81
Viewing SMB Settings
To list all SMB service settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings smb
To list a particular setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings smb:setting
To list a group of settings:
You can list a group of settings that have part of their names in common by typing
only as much of the name as you want, stopping at a colon (:), and typing an asterisk
(*) as a wildcard for the remaining parts of the name. For example,
$ sudo serveradmin settings smb:adminCommands:*
Changing SMB Settings
You can change SMB service settings using the serveradmin command.
To change a setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings smb:setting = value
To change several settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings
= value
smb:setting = value
smb:setting = value
Parameter Description
An SMB service setting. To see a list of available settings, type
$ sudo serveradmin settings smb
or see “List of SMB Service Settings” on page 82.
Parameter Description
An SMB service setting. To see a list of available settings, type
$ sudo serveradmin settings smb
or see “List of SMB Service Settings” on page 82.
An appropriate value for the setting. For a list of values that
correspond to GUI controls in the Server Admin application, see
“List of SMB Service Settings” on page 82. Page 81 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
82 Chapter 8 Working With File Services
List of SMB Service Settings
Use the following parameters with the serveradmin command to change settings for
the SMB service.
Parameter (smb:) Description
adminCommands:homes Whether home directories are mounted automatically when
Windows users log in so you don’t have to set up individual
share points for each user. Can be set to:
yes | no
Corresponds to the “Enable virtual share points” checkbox in
the Advanced pane of Window service settings in the Server
Admin GUI application.
adminCommands:serverRole The authentication role played by the server. Can be set to:
Corresponds to the Role pop-up menu in the General pane of
Windows service settings in the Server Admin GUI application.
domain master Whether the server is providing domain master browser
service. Can be set to:
yes | no
Corresponds to the Domain Master Browser checkbox in the
Advanced pane of Window service settings in the Server
Admin GUI application.
dos charset The code page being used. Can be set to:
CP437 (Latin US)
CP737 (Greek)
CP775 (Baltic)
CP850 (Latin1)
CP852 (Latin2)
CP861 (Icelandic)
CP866 (Cyrillic)
CP932 (Japanese SJIS)
CP936 (Simplified Chinese)
CP949 (Korean Hangul)
CP950 (Traditional Chinese)
CP1251 (Windows Cyrillic)
Corresponds to the Code Page pop-up menu on the Advanced
pane of Windows service settings in the Server Admin GUI
application. Page 82 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 8 Working With File Services 83
local master Whether the server is providing workgroup master browser
service. Can be set to:
yes | no
Corresponds to the Workgroup Master Browser checkbox in
the Advanced pane of Window service settings in the Server
Admin GUI application.
log level The amount of detail written to the service logs. Can be set to:
0 (Low: errors and warnings only)
1 (Medium: service start and stop, authentication failures,
browser name registrations, and errors and warnings)
2 (High: service start and stop, authentication failures,
browser name registration events, log file access, and errors
and warnings)
Corresponds to the Log Detail pop-up menu in the Logging
pane of Window service settings in the Server Admin GUI
map to guest Whether guest access is allowed. Can be set to:
"Never" (No guest access)
"Bad User" (Allow guest access)
Corresponds to the Allow Guest access checkbox in the
Access pane of Window service settings in the Server Admin
GUI application
max smbd processes The maximum allowed number of smb server processes. Each
connection uses its own smbd process, so this is the same as
specifying the maximum number of SMB connections.
0 means unlimited.
This corresponds to the “maximum client connections field in
the Access pane of the Windows service settings in the Server
Admin GUI application.
netbios name The servers NetBIOS name. Can be set to a maximum of 15
bytes of UTF-8 characters.
Corresponds to the Computer Name field in the General pane
of the Windows service settings in the Server Admin GUI
server string Text that helps identify the server in the network browsers of
client computers. Can be set to a maximum of 15 bytes of
UTF-8 characters.
Corresponds to the Description field in the General pane of the
Windows service settings in the Server Admin GUI application.
wins support Whether the server provides WINS support. Can be set to:
yes | no
Corresponds to the WINS Registration “Off and “Enable WINS
server selections in the Advanced pane of the Windows
service settings in the Server Admin GUI application.
Parameter (smb:) Description Page 83 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
84 Chapter 8 Working With File Services
List of SMB serveradmin Commands
You can use these commands with the serveradmin tool to manage SMB service.
Listing SMB Users
You can use the serveradmin getConnectedUsers command to retrieve information
about connected SMB users. For example, you can use this command to retrieve the
session IDs you need to disconnect users.
To list connected users:
$serveradmin command smb:command = getConnectedUsers
wins server The name of the WINS server used by the server.
Corresponds to the WINS Registration “Register with WINS
server selection and field in the Advanced pane of the
Windows service settings in the Server Admin GUI application.
workgroup The servers workgroup. Can be set to a maximum of 15 bytes
of UTF-8 characters.
Corresponds to the Workgroup field in the General pane of the
Windows service settings in the Server Admin GUI application.
Parameter (smb:) Description
smb:command= Description
disconnectUsers Disconnect SMB users. See “Disconnecting SMB Users” on page 85.
getConnectedUsers List users currently connected to an SMB service. See “Listing SMB
Users” on this page.
getHistory List connection statistics. See “Listing SMB Service Statistics” on
page 86.
getLogPaths Show location of service log files. See “Viewing SMB Service Logs
on page 87.
syncPrefs Update the service to recognize changes in share points. See
“Updating Share Point Information” on page 86.
writeSettings Equivalent to the standard serveradmin settings command,
but also returns a setting indicating whether the service needs to
be restarted. See “Determining Whether a Service Needs to be
Restarted” on page 19. Page 84 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 8 Working With File Services 85
The following array of settings is displayed for each connected user:
smb:usersArray:_array_index:i:disconnectID = <disconnectID>
smb:usersArray:_array_index:i:sessionID = <sessionID>
smb:usersArray:_array_index:i:connectAt = <connect-time>
smb:usersArray:_array_index:i:service = <service>
smb:usersArray:_array_index:i:loginElapsedTime = <login-elapsed-time>
smb:usersArray:_array_index:i:name = "<name>"
smb:usersArray:_array_index:i:ipAddress = "<ip-address>"
Disconnecting SMB Users
You can use the serveradmin disconnectUsers command to disconnect SMB users.
Users are specified by session ID.
To disconnect users:
$ sudo serveradmin command
smb:command = disconnectUsers
smb:sessionIDsArray:_array_index:0 = sessionid1
smb:sessionIDsArray:_array_index:1 = sessionid2
smb:sessionIDsArray:_array_index:2 = sessionid3
smb:command = "disconnectUsers"
= <status>
Value returned by getConnectedUsers
>:) Description
<sessionID> An integer that identifies the user session.
<connect-time> The date and time when the user connected to
the server.
<service> The share point the user is accessing.
<login-elapsed-time> The elapsed time since the user connected.
<name> The user’s name.
<ip-address> The user’s IP address.
Parameter Description
n The session ID of a user you want to disconnect. To list the session
IDs of connected users, use the getConnectedUsers
command. See “Listing SMB Users” on page 84.
Value Description
<status> A command status code:
0 = command successful Page 85 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
86 Chapter 8 Working With File Services
Listing SMB Service Statistics
You can use the serveradmin getHistory command to display a log of periodic
samples of the number of SMB connections. Samples are taken once each minute.
To list samples:
$ sudo serveradmin command
smb:command = getHistory
smb:variant = v1
smb:timeScale = scale
smb:nbSamples = <samples>
= <sample>
smb:samplesArray:_array_index:0:t = <time>
= <sample>
smb:samplesArray:_array_index:1:t = <time>
= <sample>
:t = <time>
smb:v1Legend = "CONNECTIONS"
smb:currentServerTime = <servertime>
Updating Share Point Information
After you make a change to an SMB share point using the sharing tool, you need to
update the SMB service information.
To update SMB share point information:
$ sudo serveradmin command smb:command = syncPrefs
Parameter Description
v1 The number of connected users (average during sampling period).
The length of time in seconds, ending with the current time, for
which you want to see samples. For example, to see 30 minutes of
data, you would specify smb:timeScale = 1800.
Value displayed by getHistory Description
<samples> The total number of samples listed.
<legend> A textual description of the selected statistic.
<sample> The numerical value of the sample.
For connections (v1), this is integer average number of users.
For throughput, (v2), this is integer bytes per second.
<time> The time at which the sample was measured. A standard UNIX time
(number of seconds since Sep 1, 1970.) Samples are taken every 60
seconds. Page 86 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 8 Working With File Services 87
Viewing SMB Service Logs
You can use tail or any other file listing tool to view the contents of the SMB service
To view the latest entries in a log:
$ tail log-file
You can use the serveradmin getLogPaths command to see where the current SMB
logs are located.
To display the log paths:
$ sudo serveradmin command smb:command = getLogPaths
smb:fileServiceLog = <smb-log>
smb:nameServiceLog = <name-log>
Value Description
<smb-log> The location of the SMB service log. Default =
<name-log> The location of the name service log. Default =
/var/log/samba/log.nmbd Page 87 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM Page 88 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
9 Working With Print Service
Commands you can use to manage the Print service in
Mac OS X Server.
Starting and Stopping Print Service
To start Print service:
$ sudo serveradmin start print
To stop Print service:
$ sudo serveradmin stop print
Checking the Status of Print Service
To see summary status of Print service:
$ sudo serveradmin status print
To see detailed status of Print service:
$ sudo serveradmin fullstatus print
Viewing Print Service Settings
To list Print service configuration settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings print
To list a particular setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings print:setting
To list a group of settings:
You can list a group of settings that have part of their names in common by typing
only as much of the name as you want, stopping at a colon (:), and typing an asterisk
(*) as a wildcard for the remaining parts of the name. For example, to see all settings for
a particular print queue:
$ sudo serveradmin settings print:queuesArray:_array_id:queue-id:*
where queue-id is an id such as 66F66AdA-060B-5603-9024-FCB57AAB24B1. Page 89 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
90 Chapter 9 Working With Print Service
Changing Print Service Settings
To change a setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings print:setting = value
To change several settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings
= value
print:setting = value
print:setting = value
Print Service Settings
Use the following parameters with the serveradmin command to change settings for
the Print service.
Parameter Description
A Print service setting. To see a list of available settings, type
$ sudo serveradmin settings print
or see “Print Service Settings” on this page.
An appropriate value for the setting.
Parameter (print:) Description
serverLogArchiveIntervalDays Default = 7
<queue arrays> See “Queue Data Array” on page 91.
serverLogArchiveEnable Default = no
jobLogArchiveIntervalDays Default = 7
jobLogArchiveEnable Default = no Page 90 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 9 Working With Print Service 91
Queue Data Array
Print service settings include an array of values for each existing print queue. The array
is a set of 14 parameters that define values for each queue.
<id> is the queue ID, for example, 29D3ECF3-17C8-16E5-A330-84CEC733F249.
Parameter (print:) Description
Default = no
Default = "LPR"
Default = no
Default = "SMB"
Default = no
Default = "PAP"
Default = no
Default = yes.
Cannot be changed.
Not used.
Default = "NORMAL"
Default = "<printer-name>"
Cannot be changed using serveradmin.
Not used.
Default = "PENDING"
Default = <uri>
Format depends on type of printer.
Cannot be changed using serveradmin.
Default = yes
Default = "<type>"
Cannot be changed using serveradmin.
Default = "<name>" Page 91 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
92 Chapter 9 Working With Print Service
Here is an example of a queue array parameter block:
84CEC733F249:quotasEnforced = no
84CEC733F249:sharingList:_array_index:0:service = "LPR"
84CEC733F249:sharingList:_array_index:0:sharingEnable = no
84CEC733F249:sharingList:_array_index:1:service = "SMB"
84CEC733F249:sharingList:_array_index:1:sharingEnable = no
84CEC733F249:sharingList:_array_index:2:service = "PAP"
84CEC733F249:sharingList:_array_index:2:sharingEnable = no
print:queuesArray:_array_id:29D3ECF3-17C8-16E5-A330-84CEC733F249:shareable =
84CEC733F249:defaultJobPriority = "NORMAL"
= "Room 3 Printer"
84CEC733F249:defaultJobState = "PENDING"
= "pap://*/Room%203%20Printer/LaserWriter"
84CEC733F249:registerRendezvous = yes
= "HP LaserJet 4100 Series "
= "Room 3 Printer" Page 92 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 9 Working With Print Service 93
Print Service serveradmin Commands
You can use the following commands with the serveradmin application to manage
Print service.
Listing Queues
You can use the serveradmin getQueues command to list Print service queues.
$ sudo serveradmin command print:command = getQueues
Pausing a Queue
You can use the serveradmin setQueueState command to pause or release a queue.
To pause a queue:
$ sudo serveradmin command
print:command = setQueueState
print:status = PAUSED
print:namesArray:_array_index:0 = queue
To release the queue:
$ sudo serveradmin command
print:command = setQueueState
print:status = ""
print:namesArray:_array_index:0 = queue
print:command= Description
getJobs List information about the jobs waiting in a queue. See “Listing
Jobs and Job Information on page 94.
getLogPaths Finding the locations of the Print service and job logs. See “Viewing
Print Service Log Files” on page 95.
getQueues List Print service queues. See “Listing Queues” on this page.
setJobState Hold or release a job. See “Holding a Job” on page 94.
setQueueState Pauses or release a queue. See “Pausing a Queue” on this page.
writeSettings Equivalent to the standard serveradmin settings command,
but also returns a setting indicating whether the service needs to
be restarted. See “Determining Whether a Service Needs to be
Restarted” on page 19.
Parameter Description
queue The name of the queue. To find the name of the queue, use the
getQueues command and look for the value of the print
setting. See “Listing Queues” on this page. Page 93 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
94 Chapter 9 Working With Print Service
Listing Jobs and Job Information
You can use the serveradmin getJobs command to list information about print jobs.
$ sudo serveradmin command
print:command = getJobs
print:maxDisplayJobs = jobs
print:queueNamesArray:_array_index:0 = queue
For each job, the command lists:
Document name
Number of pages
Document size
Number of sheets
Job ID
Submitting user
Submitting host
Job name
Job state
Printing protocol
Job priority
Holding a Job
You can use the serveradmin setJobState command to hold or release a job.
To hold a job:
$ sudo serveradmin command
print:command = setJobState
print:status = HOLD
print:namesArray:_array_index:0:printer = queue
print:namesArray:_array_index:0:idsArray:_array_index:0 = jobid
Parameter Description
The maximum number of jobs to list.
The name of the queue. To find the name of the queue, use the
getQueues command and look for the value of the print
setting. See “Listing Queues” on page 93.
Parameter Description
The name of the queue. To find the name of the queue, use the
getQueues command and look for the value of the print
setting. See “Listing Queues” on page 93.
The ID of the job. To find the ID of the job, use the getJobs
command and look for the value of the jobId setting. See “Listing
Jobs and Job Information” on this page. Page 94 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 9 Working With Print Service 95
To release the job for printing, change its state to PENDING.
To release the job:
$ sudo serveradmin command
print:command = setJobState
print:status = PENDING
print:namesArray:_array_index:0:printer = queue
print:namesArray:_array_index:0:idsArray:_array_index:0 = jobid
Viewing Print Service Log Files
You can use tail or any other file listing tool to view the contents of the Print service
To view the latest entries in a log:
$ tail log-file
You can use the serveradmin getLogPaths command to see where the current logs
are located.
To display the log paths:
$ sudo serveradmin command print:command = getLogPaths
print:logPathsArray:_array_index:0:path = <service-log>
print:logPathsArray:_array_index:0:name = SYSTEMLOG
print:logPathsArray:_array_index:0:path = <job-log-0>
print:logPathsArray:_array_index:0:path = <queue-name-0>
print:logPathsArray:_array_index:0:path = <job-log-1>
print:logPathsArray:_array_index:0:path = <queue-name-1>
print:logPathsArray:_array_index:0:path = <job-log
print:logPathsArray:_array_index:0:path = <queue-name
Value Description
<service-log> The location of the primary Print service log. Default =
<job-log-n> The location of the job log for the corresponding queue. Default =
<queue-name-n> The name of the queue. Page 95 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM Page 96 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
10 Working With NetBoot Service
Commands you can use to manage the NetBoot service
in Mac OS X Server.
Starting and Stopping NetBoot Service
To start NetBoot service:
$ sudo serveradmin start netboot
If you get the following response:
$ netboot:state = "STOPPED"
$ netboot:status = 5000
you have not yet enabled NetBoot on any network port.
To stop NetBoot service:
$ sudo serveradmin stop netboot
Checking NetBoot Service Status
To see if NetBoot service is running:
$ sudo serveradmin status netboot
To see complete NetBoot status:
$ sudo serveradmin fullstatus netboot
Viewing NetBoot Settings
To list all NetBoot service settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings netboot Page 97 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
98 Chapter 10 Working With NetBoot Service
Changing NetBoot Settings
You can change NetBoot service settings using the serveradmin command.
To change a setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings netboot:setting = value
To change several settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings
= value
netboot:setting = value
netboot:setting = value
NetBoot Service Settings
General Settings
Use the following parameters with the serveradmin command to change settings for
the NetBoot service.
Parameter Description
A NetBoot service setting. To see a list of available settings, type
$ sudo serveradmin settings netboot
or see “NetBoot Service Settings” on this page.
An appropriate value for the setting.
Parameter (netboot:) Description
filterEnabled Specifies whether client filtering is enabled.
Default = "No"
netBootStorageRecordsArray... An array of values for each server volume used to store
boot or install images. For a description, see “Storage
Record Array” on page 99.
netBootFiltersRecordsArray... An array of values for each computer explicitly allowed
or disallowed access to images. For a description, see
“Filters Record Array” on page 99.
netBootImagesRecordsArray... An array of values for each boot or install image stored
on the server. For a description, see “Image Record
Array” on page 100.
netBootPortsRecordsArray... An array of values for each server network port used to
deliver boot or install images. For a description, see
“Port Record Array” on page 101. Page 98 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 10 Working With NetBoot Service 99
Storage Record Array
A volume parameter array:
Filters Record Array
An array of the following values appears in the NetBoot service settings for each
computer explicitly allowed or denied access to images stored on the server:
Parameter (netboot:) Description
First parameter in an array
describing a volume available to
serve images.
Default = "No"
Default = "No"
Default = "false"
Default = <voltype>
Example: "hfs"
Default = "/"
Default = <name>
Default = <icon>
Default = "Yes"
Default = "Yes"
Parameter (netboot:) Description:
The host name of the filtered computer, if
Whether the specified computer is allowed or
denied access. Options:
The Ethernet hardware (MAC) address of the
filtered computer. Page 99 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
100 Chapter 10 Working With NetBoot Service
Image Record Array
An array of the following values appears in the NetBoot service settings for each image
stored on the server:
Parameter (netboot:) Description:
Name of the image as it appears in the Startup
Disk control panel (Mac OS 9) or Preferences
pane (Mac OS X).
Yes specifies this image file as the default boot
image on the subnet.
The path to the .dmg file.
Name of boot ROM file: booter.
Arbitrary text describing the image.
Yes directs the NetBoot server to allocate space
for the shadow files needed by diskless clients.
The path to the parameter list file in the .nbi
folder on the server describing the image.
1–4095 indicates a local image unique to the
4096–65535 is a duplicate, identical image
stored on multiple servers for load balancing.
Sets whether the image is available to NetBoot
(or Network Image) clients.
Yes specifies a Network Install image; False
specifies a NetBoot image. Page 100 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 10 Working With NetBoot Service 101
Port Record Array
An array of the following items is included in the NetBoot service settings for each
network port on the server set to deliver images:
Parameter (netboot:) Description
First parameter in an array
describing a network interface
available for responding to
netboot requests.
Default = "No"
Default = "<devname>"
Example: "Built-in
Default = "<dev>"
Example: "en0" Page 101 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM Page 102 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
11 Working With Mail Service
Commands you can use to manage the Mail service in
Mac OS X Server.
Starting and Stopping Mail Service
To start Mail service:
$ sudo serveradmin start mail
To stop Mail service:
$ sudo serveradmin stop mail
Checking the Status of Mail Service
To see summary status of Mail service:
$ sudo serveradmin status mail
To see detailed status of Mail service:
$ sudo serveradmin fullstatus mail
Viewing Mail Service Settings
To list Mail service configuration settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings mail
To list a particular setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings mail:setting
To list a group of settings:
You can list a group of settings that have part of their names in common by typing
only as much of the name as you want, stopping at a colon (:), and typing an asterisk
(*) as a wildcard for the remaining parts of the name. For example:
$ sudo serveradmin settings mail:imap:* Page 103 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
104 Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service
Changing Mail Service Settings
You can use serveradmin to modify your servers mail configuration. However, if you
want to work with the Mail service from the command-line, you’ll probably find it more
straightforward to work directly with the underlying Postfix and Cyrus mail services.
For information on Postfix, visit
For information on Cyrus IMAP/POP, visit
You can also use Sherlock or Google to search the web for information on Postfix or
Mail Service Settings
Use the following parameters with the serveradmin command to change settings for
the Mail service.
Parameter (mail:) Description
postfix:message_size_limit Default = 10240000
postfix:readme_directory Default = no
postfix:double_bounce_sender Default = "double-bounce"
postfix:default_recipient_limit Default = 10000
postfix:local_destination_recipient_limit Default = 1
postfix:queue_minfree Default = 0
postfix:show_user_unknown_table_name Default = yes
postfix:default_process_limit Default = 100
postfix:export_environment Default = "TZ MAIL_CONFIG"
postfix:smtp_line_length_limit Default = 990
postfix:smtp_rcpt_timeout Default = "300s"
postfix:masquerade_domains Default = ""
postfix:soft_bounce Default = no
postfix:pickup_service_name Default = "pickup"
postfix:config_directory Default = "/etc/postfix"
postfix:smtpd_soft_error_limit Default = 10
postfix:undisclosed_recipients_header Default = "To: undisclosed-
postfix:lmtp_lhlo_timeout Default = "300s"
postfix:smtpd_recipient_restrictions Default =
postfix:unknown_local_recipient_reject_code Default = 450 Page 104 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service 105
postfix:error_notice_recipient Default = "postmaster"
postfix:smtpd_sasl_local_domain Default = no
postfix:strict_mime_encoding_domain Default = no
postfix:unknown_relay_recipient_reject_code Default = 550
postfix:disable_vrfy_command Default = no
postfix:unknown_virtual_mailbox_reject_code Default = 550
postfix:fast_flush_refresh_time Default = "12h"
postfix:prepend_delivered_header Default = "command, file,
postfix:defer_service_name Default = "defer"
postfix:sendmail_path Default =
postfix:lmtp_sasl_password_maps Default = no
postfix:smtp_sasl_password_maps Default = no
postfix:qmgr_clog_warn_time Default = "300s"
postfix:smtp_sasl_auth_enable Default = no
postfix:smtp_skip_4xx_greeting Default = yes
postfix:smtp_skip_5xx_greeting Default = yes
postfix:stale_lock_time Default = "500s"
postfix:strict_8bitmime_body Default = no
postfix:disable_mime_input_processing Default = no
postfix:smtpd_hard_error_limit Default = 20
postfix:empty_address_recipient Default = "MAILER-DAEMON"
postfix:forward_expansion_filter Default = "1234567890!@%-
postfix:smtpd_expansion_filter Default =
postfix:relayhost Default = ""
postfix:defer_code Default = 450
postfix:lmtp_rset_timeout Default = "300s"
postfix:always_bcc Default = ""
postfix:proxy_interfaces Default = ""
postfix:maps_rbl_reject_code Default = 554
Parameter (mail:) Description Page 105 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
106 Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service
postfix:line_length_limit Default = 2048
postfix:mailbox_transport Default = 0
postfix:deliver_lock_delay Default = "1s"
postfix:best_mx_transport Default = 0
postfix:notify_classes Default =
postfix:mailbox_command Default = ""
postfix:mydomain Default = <domain>
postfix:mailbox_size_limit Default = 51200000
postfix:default_verp_delimiters Default = "+="
postfix:resolve_dequoted_address Default = yes
postfix:cleanup_service_name Default = "cleanup"
postfix:header_address_token_limit Default = 10240
postfix:lmtp_connect_timeout Default = "0s"
postfix:strict_7bit_headers Default = no
postfix:unknown_hostname_reject_code Default = 450
postfix:virtual_alias_domains Default =
postfix:lmtp_sasl_auth_enable Default = no
postfix:queue_directory Default = "/private/var/
postfix:sample_directory Default = "/usr/share/doc/
postfix:fallback_relay Default = 0
postfix:smtpd_use_pw_server Default = "yes"
postfix:smtpd_sasl_auth_enable Default = no
postfix:mail_owner Default = "postfix"
postfix:command_time_limit Default = "1000s"
postfix:verp_delimiter_filter Default = "-=+"
postfix:qmqpd_authorized_clients Default = 0
postfix:virtual_mailbox_base Default = ""
postfix:permit_mx_backup_networks Default = ""
postfix:queue_run_delay Default = "1000s"
postfix:virtual_mailbox_domains Default =
postfix:local_destination_concurrency_limit Default = 2
postfix:daemon_timeout Default = "18000s"
Parameter (mail:) Description Page 106 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service 107
postfix:local_transport Default =
postfix:smtpd_helo_restrictions Default = no
postfix:fork_delay Default = "1s"
postfix:disable_mime_output_conversion Default = no
postfix:mynetworks:_array_index:0 Default = ""
postfix:smtp_never_send_ehlo Default = no
postfix:lmtp_cache_connection Default = yes
postfix:local_recipient_maps Default =
postfix:smtpd_timeout Default = "300s"
postfix:require_home_directory Default = no
postfix:smtpd_error_sleep_time Default = "1s"
postfix:helpful_warnings Default = yes
postfix:mail_spool_directory Default = "/var/mail"
postfix:mailbox_delivery_lock Default = "flock"
postfix:disable_dns_lookups Default = no
postfix:mailbox_command_maps Default = ""
Default = 20
postfix:2bounce_notice_recipient Default = "postmaster"
postfix:virtual_alias_maps Default = "$virtual_maps"
postfix:mailq_path Default = "/usr/bin/mailq"
postfix:recipient_delimiter Default = no
postfix:masquerade_exceptions Default = ""
postfix:delay_notice_recipient Default = "postmaster"
postfix:smtp_helo_name Default = "$myhostname"
postfix:flush_service_name Default = "flush"
postfix:service_throttle_time Default = "60s"
postfix:import_environment Default = "MAIL_CONFIG
postfix:sun_mailtool_compatibility Default = no
postfix:authorized_verp_clients Default = "$mynetworks"
postfix:debug_peer_list Default = ""
postfix:mime_boundary_length_limit Default = 2048
postfix:initial_destination_concurrency Default = 5
Parameter (mail:) Description Page 107 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
108 Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service
postfix:parent_domain_matches_subdomains Default =
postfix:setgid_group Default = "postdrop"
postfix:mime_header_checks Default = "$header_checks"
postfix:smtpd_etrn_restrictions Default = ""
postfix:relay_transport Default = "relay"
postfix:inet_interfaces Default = "localhost"
postfix:smtpd_sender_restrictions Default = ""
postfix:delay_warning_time Default = "0h"
postfix:alias_maps Default =
postfix:sender_canonical_maps Default = ""
postfix:trigger_timeout Default = "10s"
postfix:newaliases_path Default =
postfix:default_rbl_reply Default = "$rbl_code Service
unavailable; $rbl_class
[$rbl_what] blocked using
postfix:alias_database Default =
postfix:qmgr_message_recipient_limit Default = 20000
postfix:extract_recipient_limit Default = 10240
postfix:header_checks Default = 0
postfix:syslog_facility Default = "mail"
postfix:luser_relay Default = ""
postfix:maps_rbl_domains:_array_index:0 Default = ""
postfix:deliver_lock_attempts Default = 20
postfix:smtpd_data_restrictions Default = ""
Default = "none"
postfix:ipc_idle Default = "100s"
postfix:mail_version Default = "2.0.7"
postfix:transport_retry_time Default = "60s"
Parameter (mail:) Description Page 108 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service 109
postfix:virtual_mailbox_limit Default = 51200000
postfix:smtpd_noop_commands Default = 0
postfix:mail_release_date Default = "20030319"
postfix:append_at_myorigin Default = yes
postfix:body_checks_size_limit Default = 51200
postfix:qmgr_message_active_limit Default = 20000
postfix:mail_name Default = "Postfix"
postfix:masquerade_classes Default = "envelope_sender,
postfix:allow_min_user Default = no
postfix:smtp_randomize_addresses Default = yes
postfix:alternate_config_directories Default = no
postfix:allow_percent_hack Default = yes
postfix:process_id_directory Default = "pid"
postfix:strict_rfc821_envelopes Default = no
postfix:fallback_transport Default = 0
postfix:owner_request_special Default = yes
postfix:default_transport Default = "smtp"
postfix:biff Default = yes
postfix:relay_domains_reject_code Default = 554
postfix:smtpd_delay_reject Default = yes
postfix:lmtp_quit_timeout Default = "300s"
postfix:lmtp_mail_timeout Default = "300s"
postfix:fast_flush_purge_time Default = "7d"
postfix:disable_verp_bounces Default = no
postfix:lmtp_skip_quit_response Default = no
postfix:daemon_directory Default =
postfix:default_destination_recipient_limit Default = 50
postfix:smtp_skip_quit_response Default = yes
postfix:smtpd_recipient_limit Default = 1000
postfix:virtual_gid_maps Default = ""
postfix:duplicate_filter_limit Default = 1000
postfix:rbl_reply_maps Default = ""
postfix:relay_recipient_maps Default = 0
postfix:syslog_name Default = "postfix"
Parameter (mail:) Description Page 109 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
110 Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service
postfix:queue_service_name Default = "qmgr"
postfix:transport_maps Default = ""
postfix:smtp_destination_concurrency_limit Default =
postfix:virtual_mailbox_lock Default = "fcntl"
postfix:qmgr_fudge_factor Default = 100
postfix:ipc_timeout Default = "3600s"
postfix:default_delivery_slot_discount Default = 50
postfix:relocated_maps Default = ""
postfix:max_use Default = 100
postfix:default_delivery_slot_cost Default = 5
postfix:default_privs Default = "nobody"
postfix:smtp_bind_address Default = no
postfix:nested_header_checks Default = "$header_checks"
postfix:canonical_maps Default = no
postfix:debug_peer_level Default = 2
postfix:in_flow_delay Default = "1s"
postfix:smtpd_junk_command_limit Default = 100
postfix:program_directory Default =
postfix:smtp_quit_timeout Default = "300s"
postfix:smtp_mail_timeout Default = "300s"
postfix:minimal_backoff_time Default = "1000s"
postfix:queue_file_attribute_count_limit Default = 100
postfix:body_checks Default = no
Default = ""
postfix:mydestination:_array_index:0 Default = "$myhostname"
postfix:mydestination:_array_index:1 Default =
postfix:error_service_name Default = "error"
Default = "noanonymous"
postfix:smtpd_null_access_lookup_key Default = "<>"
postfix:virtual_uid_maps Default = ""
postfix:smtpd_history_flush_threshold Default = 100
postfix:smtp_pix_workaround_threshold_time Default = "500s"
Parameter (mail:) Description Page 110 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service 111
postfix:showq_service_name Default = "showq"
postfix:smtp_pix_workaround_delay_time Default = "10s"
postfix:lmtp_sasl_security_options Default = "noplaintext,
postfix:bounce_size_limit Default = 50000
postfix:qmqpd_timeout Default = "300s"
postfix:allow_mail_to_files Default = "alias,forward"
postfix:relay_domains Default = "$mydestination"
postfix:smtpd_banner Default = "$myhostname ESMTP
postfix:smtpd_helo_required Default = no
postfix:berkeley_db_read_buffer_size Default = 131072
postfix:swap_bangpath Default = yes
postfix:maximal_queue_lifetime Default = "5d"
postfix:ignore_mx_lookup_error Default = no
postfix:mynetworks_style Default = "host"
postfix:myhostname Default = "<hostname>"
postfix:default_minimum_delivery_slots Default = 3
postfix:recipient_canonical_maps Default = no
postfix:hash_queue_depth Default = 1
postfix:hash_queue_names:_array_index:0 Default = "incoming"
postfix:hash_queue_names:_array_index:1 Default = "active"
postfix:hash_queue_names:_array_index:2 Default = "deferred"
postfix:hash_queue_names:_array_index:3 Default = "bounce"
postfix:hash_queue_names:_array_index:4 Default = "defer"
postfix:hash_queue_names:_array_index:5 Default = "flush"
postfix:hash_queue_names:_array_index:6 Default = "hold"
postfix:lmtp_tcp_port Default = 24
postfix:local_command_shell Default = 0
postfix:allow_mail_to_commands Default = "alias,forward"
postfix:non_fqdn_reject_code Default = 504
postfix:maximal_backoff_time Default = "4000s"
postfix:smtp_always_send_ehlo Default = yes
Parameter (mail:) Description Page 111 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
112 Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service
postfix:proxy_read_maps Default =
postfix:propagate_unmatched_extensions Default = "canonical,
postfix:smtp_destination_recipient_limit Default =
postfix:smtpd_restriction_classes Default = ""
postfix:mime_nesting_limit Default = 100
postfix:virtual_mailbox_maps Default = ""
postfix:bounce_service_name Default = "bounce"
postfix:header_size_limit Default = 102400
postfix:strict_8bitmime Default = no
postfix:virtual_transport Default = "virtual"
postfix:berkeley_db_create_buffer_size Default = 16777216
postfix:broken_sasl_auth_clients Default = no
postfix:home_mailbox Default = no
postfix:content_filter Default = ""
postfix:forward_path Default =
postfix:qmqpd_error_delay Default = "1s"
postfix:manpage_directory Default = "/usr/share/man"
postfix:hopcount_limit Default = 50
postfix:unknown_virtual_alias_reject_code Default = 550
postfix:smtpd_sender_login_maps Default = ""
postfix:rewrite_service_name Default = "rewrite"
postfix:unknown_address_reject_code Default = 450
Parameter (mail:) Description Page 112 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service 113
postfix:append_dot_mydomain Default = yes
postfix:command_expansion_filter Default = "1234567890!@%-
postfix:default_extra_recipient_limit Default = 1000
postfix:lmtp_data_done_timeout Default = "600s"
postfix:myorigin Default = "$myhostname"
postfix:lmtp_data_init_timeout Default = "120s"
postfix:lmtp_data_xfer_timeout Default = "180s"
postfix:smtp_data_done_timeout Default = "600s"
postfix:smtp_data_init_timeout Default = "120s"
postfix:smtp_data_xfer_timeout Default = "180s"
postfix:default_delivery_slot_loan Default = 3
postfix:reject_code Default = 554
postfix:command_directory Default = "/usr/sbin"
postfix:lmtp_rcpt_timeout Default = "300s"
postfix:smtp_sasl_security_options Default = "noplaintext,
postfix:access_map_reject_code Default = 554
postfix:smtp_helo_timeout Default = "300s"
postfix:bounce_notice_recipient Default = "postmaster"
postfix:smtp_connect_timeout Default = "30s"
postfix:fault_injection_code Default = 0
postfix:unknown_client_reject_code Default = 450
postfix:virtual_minimum_uid Default = 100
postfix:fast_flush_domains Default = "$relay_domains"
postfix:default_database_type Default = "hash"
postfix:dont_remove Default = 0
postfix:expand_owner_alias Default = no
postfix:max_idle Default = "100s"
postfix:defer_transports Default = ""
postfix:qmgr_message_recipient_minimum Default = 10
postfix:invalid_hostname_reject_code Default = 501
postfix:fork_attempts Default = 5
postfix:allow_untrusted_routing Default = no
imap:tls_cipher_list:_array_index:0 Default = "DEFAULT"
Parameter (mail:) Description Page 113 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
114 Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service
imap:umask Default = "077"
imap:tls_ca_path Default = ""
imap:pop_auth_gssapi Default = yes
imap:sasl_minimum_layer Default = 0
imap:tls_cert_file Default = ""
imap:poptimeout Default = 10
imap:tls_sieve_require_cert Default = no
imap:mupdate_server Default = ""
imap:timeout Default = 30
imap:quotawarn Default = 90
imap:enable_pop Default = no
imap:mupdate_retry_delay Default = 20
imap:tls_session_timeout Default = 1440
imap:postmaster Default = "postmaster"
imap:defaultacl Default = "anyone lrs"
imap:tls_lmtp_key_file Default = ""
imap:newsprefix Default = ""
imap:userprefix Default = "Other Users"
imap:deleteright Default = "c"
imap:allowplaintext Default = yes
imap:pop_auth_clear Default = no
imap:imapidresponse Default = yes
imap:sasl_auto_transition Default = no
imap:mupdate_port Default = ""
imap:admins:_array_index:0 Default = "cyrus"
imap:plaintextloginpause Default = 0
imap:popexpiretime Default = 0
imap:pop_auth_any Default = no
imap:sieve_maxscriptsize Default = 32
imap:hashimapspool Default = no
imap:tls_lmtp_cert_file Default = ""
imap:tls_sieve_key_file Default = ""
imap:sievedir Default = "/usr/sieve"
imap:debug_command Default = ""
imap:popminpoll Default = 0
imap:tls_lmtp_require_cert Default = no
Parameter (mail:) Description Page 114 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service 115
imap:tls_ca_file Default = ""
imap:sasl_pwcheck_method Default = "auxprop"
imap:postuser Default = ""
imap:sieve_maxscripts Default = 5
imap:defaultpartition Default = "default"
imap:altnamespace Default = yes
imap:max_imap_connections Default = 100
imap:tls_imap_cert_file Default = ""
imap:sieveusehomedir Default = no
imap:reject8bit Default = no
imap:tls_sieve_cert_file Default = ""
imap:imapidlepoll Default = 60
imap:srvtab Default = "/etc/srvtab"
imap:imap_auth_login Default = no
imap:tls_pop3_cert_file Default = ""
imap:tls_pop3_require_cert Default = no
imap:lmtp_overquota_perm_failure Default = no
imap:tls_imap_key_file Default = ""
imap:enable_imap Default = no
imap:tls_require_cert Default = no
imap:autocreatequota Default = 0
imap:allowanonymouslogin Default = no
imap:pop_auth_apop Default = yes
imap:partition-default Default =
imap:imap_auth_cram_md5 Default = no
imap:mupdate_password Default = ""
imap:idlesocket Default =
imap:allowallsubscribe Default = no
imap:singleinstancestore Default = yes
imap:unixhierarchysep Default = "yes"
imap:mupdate_realm Default = ""
imap:sharedprefix Default = "Shared Folders"
imap:tls_key_file Default = ""
imap:lmtpsocket Default =
Parameter (mail:) Description Page 115 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
116 Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service
Mail serveradmin Commands
You can use the following commands with the serveradmin application to manage
Mail service.
imap:configdirectory Default = "/var/imap"
imap:sasl_maximum_layer Default = 256
imap:sendmail Default =
imap:loginuseacl Default = no
imap:mupdate_username Default = ""
imap:imap_auth_plain Default = no
imap:imap_auth_any Default = no
imap:duplicatesuppression Default = yes
imap:notifysocket Default =
imap:tls_imap_require_cert Default = no
imap:imap_auth_clear Default = yes
imap:tls_pop3_key_file Default = ""
imap:proxyd_allow_status_referral Default = no
imap:servername Default = "<hostname>"
imap:logtimestamps Default = no
imap:imap_auth_gssapi Default = no
imap:mupdate_authname Default = ""
mailman:enable_mailman Default = no
Parameter (mail:) Description
getHistory View a periodic record of file data throughput or number of user
connections. See “Listing Mail Service Statistics” on page 117.
getLogPaths Display the locations of the Mail service logs. See “Viewing the Mail
Service Logs” on page 118.
writeSettings Equivalent to the standard serveradmin settings command,
but also returns a setting indicating whether the service needs to
be restarted. See “Determining Whether a Service Needs to be
Restarted” on page 19. Page 116 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service 117
Listing Mail Service Statistics
You can use the serveradmin getHistory command to display a log of periodic
samples of the number of user connections and the data throughput. Samples are
taken once each minute.
To list samples:
$ sudo serveradmin command
mail:command = getHistory
mail:variant = statistic
mail:timeScale = scale
mail:nbSamples = <samples>
mail:v2Legend = "throughput"
= <sample>
mail:samplesArray:_array_index:0:t = <time>
= <sample>
mail:samplesArray:_array_index:1:t = <time>
= <sample>
:t = <time>
mail:v1Legend = "connections"
afp:currentServerTime = <servertime>
Parameter Description
The value you want to display.
Valid values:
v1 - number of connected users (average during sampling period)
v2 - data throughput (bytes/sec)
The length of time in seconds, ending with the current time, for
which you want to see samples. For example, to see 24 hours of
data, you would specify mail:timeScale = 86400.
Value displayed by getHistory Description
<samples> The total number of samples listed.
<sample> The numerical value of the sample.
For connections (v1), this is integer average number of users.
For throughput, (v2), this is integer bytes per second.
<time> The time at which the sample was measured. A standard UNIX time
(number of seconds since Sep 1, 1970.) Samples are taken every 60
seconds. Page 117 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
118 Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service
Viewing the Mail Service Logs
You can use tail or any other file listing tool to view the contents of the Mail service
To view the latest entries in a log:
$ tail log-file
You can use the serveradmin getLogPaths command to see where the Mail service
logs are located.
To display the log locations:
$ sudo serveradmin command mail:command = getLogPaths
mail:Server Log = <server-log>
mail:Lists qrunner = <lists-log>
mail:Lists post = <postings-log>
mail:Lists smtp = <delivery-log>
mail:Lists subscribe = <subscriptions-log>
mail:SMTP Log = <smtp-log>
mail:POP Log = <pop-log>
mail:Lists error = <listerrors-log>
mail:IMAP Log = <imap-log>
mail:Lists smtp-failure = <failures-log>
Value Description
<server-log> The location of the server log. Default = srvr.log
<lists-log> The location of the Mailing Lists log. Default =
<postings-log> The location of the Mailing Lists Postings log. Default =
<delivery-log> The location of the Mailing Lists Delivery log. Default =
<subscriptions-log> The location of the Mailing Lists Subscriptions log. Default =
<smtp-log> The location of the server log. Default = smtp.log
<pop-log> The location of the server log. Default = pop3.log
<listerrors-log> The location of the Mailing Lists Error log. Default =
<imap-log> The location of the server log. Default = imap.log
<failures-log> The location of the Mailing Lists Delivery Failures log. Default =
/private/var/mailman/logs/smtp-failure Page 118 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service 119
Setting Up SSL for Mail Service
Mail service requires some configuration to provide Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
connections automatically. The basic steps are as follows:
Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and create a keychain.
Obtain an SSL certificate from an issuing authority.
Import the SSL certificate into the keychain.
Create a passphrase file.
Generating a CSR and Creating a Keychain
To begin configuring Mail service for SSL connections, you generate a CSR and create a
keychain by using the command-line tool certtool. A CSR is a file that provides
information needed to issue an SSL certificate.
1 Log in to the server as root.
2 In the Terminal application, type the following two commands:
$ cd /private/var/root/Library/Keychains/
$ /usr/bin/certtool r csr.txt k=certkc c
This use of the certtool command begins an interactive process that generates a
Certificate Signing Request (CSR) in the file csr.txt and creates a keychain named certkc.
3 In the New Keychain Passphrase dialog that appears, enter a passphrase or password
for the keychain you’re creating, enter the password or passphrase a second time to
verify it, and click OK.
Remember this passphrase, because later you must supply it again.
4 When “Enter key and certificate label:” appears in the Terminal window, type a one-
word key, a blank space, and a one-word certificate label, then press Return.
For example, you could type your organizations name as the key and mailservice as
the certificate label.
5 Type r when prompted to select a key algorithm, then press Return.
Please specify parameters for the key pair you will generate.
Select key algorithm by letter:
6 Type a key size at the next prompt, then press Return.
Valid key sizes for RSA are 512..2048; default is 512
Enter key size in bits or CR for default:
Larger key sizes are more secure, but require more processing time on your server. Key
sizes smaller than 1024 aren’t accepted by some certificate-issuing authorities. Page 119 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
120 Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service
7 Type y when prompted to confirm the algorithm and key size, then press Return.
You have selected algorithm RSA, key size (size entered above) bits.
OK (y/anything)?
8 Type b when prompted to specify how this certificate will be used, then press Return.
Enter cert/key usage (s=signing, b=signing AND encrypting):
9 Type s when prompted to select a signature algorithm, then press Return.
...Generating key pair...
Please specify the algorithm with which your certificate will be signed.
5 RSA with MD5
s RSA with SHA1
Select signature algorithm by letter:
10 Type y when asked to confirm the selected algorithm, then press Return.
You have selected algorithm RSA with SHA1.
OK (y/anything)?
11 Enter a phrase or some random text when prompted to enter a challenge string, then
press Return.
...creating CSR...
Enter challenge string:
12 Enter the correct information at the next five prompts, which request the various
components of the certificate’s Relative Distinguished Name (RDN), pressing return
after each entry.
For Common Name, enter the server's DNS name, such as
For Country, enter the country in which your organization is located.
For Organization, enter the organization to which your domain name is
For Organizational Unit, enter something similar to a department name.
For State/Province, enter the full name of your state or province.
13 Type y when asked to confirm the information you entered, then press Return.
Is this OK (y/anything)?
When you see a message about writing to csr.txt, you have successfully generated a
CSR and created the keychain that Mail service needs for SSL connections.
Wrote (n) bytes of CSR to csr.txt Page 120 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service 121
Obtaining an SSL Certificate
After generating a CSR and a keychain, you continue configuring Mail service for
automatic SSL connections by purchasing an SSL certificate from a certificate authority
such as Verisign or Thawte. You can do this by completing a form on the certificate
authoritys website. When prompted for your CSR, open the csr.txt file using a text
editor such as TextEdit. Then copy and paste the contents of the file into the
appropriate field on the certificate authoritys website. The websites for these certificate
authorities are at
When you receive your certificate, save it in a text file named sslcert.txt. You can save
this file with the TextEdit application. Make sure the file is plain text, not rich text, and
contains only the certificate text.
Importing an SSL Certificate Into the Keychain
To import an SSL certificate into a keychain, use the command-line tool certtool. This
continues the configuration of Mail service for automatic SSL connections.
1 Log in to the server as root.
2 Open the Terminal application.
3 Go to the directory where the saved certificate file is located.
For example, type cd /private/var/root/Desktop and press Return if the certificate
file is saved on the desktop of the root user.
4 Type the following command and press Return:
certtool i sslcert.txt k=certkc
Using certtool this way imports a certificate from the file named sslcert.txt into the
keychain named certkc.
A message on screen confirms that the certificate was successfully imported.
...certificate successfully imported. Page 121 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
122 Chapter 11 Working With Mail Service
Creating a Passphrase File
To create a passphrase file, you will use TextEdit, then change the privileges of the file
using the Terminal application. This file contains the passphrase you specified when
you created the keychain. Mail service will automatically use the passphrase file to
unlock the keychain that contains the SSL certificate. This concludes configuring Mail
service for automatic SSL connections.
1 Log in to the server as root (if you’re not already logged in as root).
2 In TextEdit, create a new file and type the passphrase exactly as you entered it when
you created the keychain.
Don’t press Return after typing the passphrase.
3 Make the file plain text by choosing Make Plain Text from the Format menu.
4 Save the file, naming it cerkc.pass.
5 Move the file to the root keychain folder.
The path is /private/var/root/Library/Keychains/.
To see the root keychain folder in the Finder, choose Go to Folder from the Go menu,
then type /private/var/root/Library/Keychains/ and click Go.
6 In the Terminal application, change the access privileges to the passphrase file so only
root can read and write to this file.
Do this by typing the following two commands, pressing Return after each one:
cd /private/var/root/Library/Keychains/
chmod 600 certkc.pass
Mail service of Mac OS X Server can now use SSL for secure IMAP connections.
7 Log out as root.
Note: If Mail service is running, you need to stop it and start it again to make it
recognize the new certificate keychain.
Setting Up SSL for Mail Service on a Headless Server
If you want to set up SSL for Mail service on a server that doesn’t have a display, first
follow the instructions in the sections:
“Generating a CSR and Creating a Keychain on page 119
“Obtaining an SSL Certificate” on page 121
“Importing an SSL Certificate Into the Keychain” on page 121
“Creating a Passphrase File” on this page
Then copy the keychain file certkc” and the keychain passphrase file certkc.pass” to
the root keychain folder on the headless server. The path on the headless server is
/private/var/root/Library/Keychains/. Page 122 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
12 Working With Web Technologies
Commands you can use to manage Web service in
Mac OS X Server.
Starting and Stopping Web Service
To start Web service:
$ sudo serveradmin start web
To stop Web service:
$ sudo serveradmin stop web
Checking Web Service Status
To see if Web service is running:
$ sudo serveradmin status web
To see complete Web service status:
$ sudo serveradmin fullstatus web
Viewing Web Settings
You can use serveradmin to view your servers Web service configuration. However, if
you want to work with the Web service from the command-line, you’ll probably find it
more straightforward to work directly with the underlying Apache web server.
For information on Apache settings, visit
To list all Web service settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings web
To list a particular setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings web:setting Page 123 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
124 Chapter 12 Working With Web Technologies
To list a group of settings:
You can list a group of settings that have part of their names in common by typing
only as much of the name as you want, stopping at a colon (:), and typing an asterisk
(*) as a wildcard for the remaining parts of the name. For example,
$ sudo serveradmin settings web:IFModule:_array_id:mod_alias.c:*
Changing Web Settings
You can use serveradmin to modify your servers Web service configuration. However,
if you want to work with the Web service from the command-line, you’ll probably find
it more straightforward to work directly with the underlying Apache web server.
For information on Apache, visit
serveradmin and Apache Settings
The parameters are written differently in the Apache configuration file than they are in
serveradmin. For example, this block of Apache configuration parameters
<IfModule mod_macbinary_apple.c>
MacBinary On
MacBinaryBlock html shtml perl pl cgi jsp php phps asp scpt
MacBinaryBlock htaccess
appear as follows in serveradmin
web:IfModule:_array_id:mod_macbinary_apple.c:MacBinary = yes
web:IfModule:_array_id:mod_macbinary_apple.c:MacBinaryBlock:_array_index:0 =
"html shtml perl pl cgi jsp php phps asp scpt"
web:IfModule:_array_id:mod_macbinary_apple.c:MacBinaryBlock:_array_index:1 =
For information on Apache settings, visit
Changing Settings Using serveradmin
You can change Web service settings using the serveradmin command.
To change a setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings web:setting = value
Parameter Description
A Web service setting. To see a list of available settings, type
$ sudo serveradmin settings web
An appropriate value for the setting. Page 124 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 12 Working With Web Technologies 125
To change several settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings
= value
web:setting = value
web:setting = value
Web serveradmin Commands
You can use the following commands with the serveradmin application to manage
Web service.
Listing Hosted Sites
You can use the serveradmin getSites command to display a list of the sites hosted
by the server along with basic settings and status.
To list sites:
$ sudo serveradmin command web:command = getSites
Viewing Service Logs
You can use tail or any other file listing tool to view the contents of Web service
access and error logs for each site hosted by the server.
To view the latest entries in a log:
$ tail log-file
You can use the serveradmin getLogPaths command to see where the current error
and activity logs for each site are located.
To display the log paths:
$ sudo serveradmin command web:command = getLogPaths
getHistory View Web service statistics. See “Viewing Service Statistics” on
page 126.
getLogPaths Finding the access and error logs for each hosted site. See “Viewing
Service Logs” on this page.
getSites Listing existing sites. See “Listing Hosted Sites” on this page. Page 125 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
126 Chapter 12 Working With Web Technologies
Viewing Service Statistics
You can use the serveradmin getHistory command to display a log of periodic
samples of the number of requests, cache performance, and data throughput. Samples
are taken once each minute.
To list samples:
$ sudo serveradmin command
qtss:command = getHistory
qtss:variant = statistic
qtss:timeScale = scale
web:nbSamples = <samples>
= <sample>
web:samplesArray:_array_index:0:t = <time>
= <sample>
web:samplesArray:_array_index:1:t = <time>
= <sample>
:t = <time>
Legend = "<legend>"
web:currentServerTime = <servertime>
Parameter Description
The value you want to display. Valid values:
v1 - number of requests per second
v2 - throughput (bytes/sec)
v3 - cache requests per second
v4 - cache throughput (bytes/sec)
The length of time in seconds, ending with the current time, for
which you want to see samples. For example, to see 30 minutes of
data, you would specify qtss:timeScale = 1800.
Value displayed by getHistory Description
<samples> The total number of samples listed.
<legend> A textual description of the selected statistic.
<sample> The numerical value of the sample.
<time> The time at which the sample was measured. A standard UNIX time
(number of seconds since Sep 1, 1970.) Samples are taken every 60
seconds. Page 126 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 12 Working With Web Technologies 127
Example Script for Adding a Website
The following script shows how you can use serveradmin to add a website to the
server’s Web service configuration. The script uses two files:
addsite The actual script you run. It accepts values for the site’s IP address, port
number, server name, and root directory and uses sed to substitute these values in
the settings it reads from the second file ( feeds to serveradmin. Contains the actual settings (with placeholders for values you provide
when you run addsite) used to create the website.
The addsite File
sed -es#_ipaddr#$1#g -es#_port#$2#g -es#_servername#$3#g
-es#_docroot#$4#g ./ | /usr/sbin/serveradmin --set -i
The File
web:Sites:_array_id:_ipaddr\:_port__servername = create
web:Sites:_array_id:_ipaddr\:_port__servername:Listen:_array_index:0 =
web:Sites:_array_id:_ipaddr\:_port__servername:ServerName = _servername
web:Sites:_array_id:_ipaddr\:_port__servername:ServerAdmin =
= "index.html"
= "index.php"
web:Sites:_array_id:_ipaddr\:_port__servername:WebMail = yes
Format = "%{User-agent}i"
enabled = yes
ArchiveInterval = 0
Path = "/private/var/log/httpd/access_log"
Archive = yes
/Library/WebServer/Documents:Options:Indexes = yes
/Library/WebServer/Documents:Options:ExecCGI = no
/Library/WebServer/Documents:AuthName = "Test Site"
web:Sites:_array_id:_ipaddr\:_port__servername:ErrorLog:ArchiveInterval = 0
web:Sites:_array_id:_ipaddr\:_port__servername:ErrorLog:Path =
web:Sites:_array_id:_ipaddr\:_port__servername:ErrorLog:Archive = no
web:Sites:_array_id:_ipaddr\:_port__servername:Include:_array_index:0 =
web:Sites:_array_id:_ipaddr\:_port__servername:enabled = yes Page 127 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
128 Chapter 12 Working With Web Technologies
StatusCode = 404
Document = "/nwesite_notfound.html"
web:Sites:_array_id:_ipaddr\:_port__servername:LogLevel = "warn"
SSLEngine = no
SSLPassPhrase = ""
SSLLog = "/private/var/log/httpd/ssl_engine_log"
web:Sites:_array_id:_ipaddr\:_port__servername:DocumentRoot = "_docroot"
To run the script:
$ addsite ipaddress port name root
If you get the message command not found” when you try to run the script, precede
the command with the full path to the script file. For example,
/users/admin/documents/addsite 80 corpsite
Or, use cd to change to the directory that contains the file and precede the command
with ./. For example:
$ cd /users/admin/documents
$ ./addsite 80 corpsite /users/webmaster/sites/corpsite
Parameter Description
The IP address for the site.
The port number to be used to for HTTP access to the site.
The name of the site.
The root directory for the site’s files and subdirectories. Page 128 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
13 Working With Network Services
Commands you can use to manage DHCP, DNS, Firewall,
NAT, and VPN service in Mac OS X Server.
DHCP Service
Starting and Stopping DHCP Service
To start DHCP service:
$ sudo serveradmin start dhcp
To stop DHCP service:
$ sudo serveradmin stop dhcp
Checking the Status of DHCP Service
To see summary status of DHCP service:
$ sudo serveradmin status dhcp
To see detailed status of DHCP service:
$ sudo serveradmin fullstatus dhcp
Viewing DHCP Service Settings
To list DHCP service configuration settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings dhcp
To list a particular setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings dhcp:setting
To list a group of settings:
You can list a group of settings that have part of their names in common by typing
only as much of the name as you want, stopping at a colon (:), and typing an asterisk
(*) as a wildcard for the remaining parts of the name. For example,
$ sudo serveradmin settings dhcp:subnets:* Page 129 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
130 Chapter 13 Working With Network Services
Changing DHCP Service Settings
To change a setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings dhcp:setting = value
To change several settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings
= value
dhcp:setting = value
dhcp:setting = value
DHCP Service Settings
Use the following parameters with the serveradmin command to change settings for
the dhcp service.
Parameter Description
A DHCP service setting. To see a list of available settings, type
$ sudo serveradmin settings dhcp
or see “DHCP Service Settings” on this page and “DHCP Subnet
Settings Array” on page 131.
An appropriate value for the setting.
Parameter (dhcp:) Description
logging_level "LOW"|"MEDIUM"|"HIGH"
Default = "MEDIUM"
Corresponds to the Log Detail Level pop-up menu
in the Logging pane of DHCP service settings in
the Server Admin GUI application.
subnet_status Default = 0
subnet_defaults:logVerbosity "LOW"|"MEDIUM"|"HIGH"
Default = "MEDIUM"
Available values for the logVerbosity setting.
Default = "LOW," "MEDIUM," and "HIGH"
subnet_defaults:WINS_node_type Default = "NOT_SET"
subnet_defaults:routers Default = empty_dictionary
subnet_defaults:selected_port_key Default = en0
An array of available ports.
subnet_defaults:dhcp_domain_name Default = The last portion of the servers host
name, for example, Page 130 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 13 Working With Network Services 131
DHCP Subnet Settings Array
An array of the settings listed in the following table is included in the DHCP service
settings for each subnet you define. You can add a subnet to the DHCP configuration
by using serveradmin to add an array of these settings.
About Subnet IDs
In an actual list of settings, <subnetID> is replaced with a unique ID code for the
subnet. The IDs generated by the server are just random numbers. The only
requirement for this ID is that it be unique among the subnets defined on the server.
Default = The DNS server addresses provided
during server setup, as listed in the Network pane
of the server’s System Preferences.
subnets:_array_id:<subnetID>... An array of settings for a particular subnet.
<subnetID> is a unique identifier for each
subnet. See “DHCP Subnet Settings Array” on this
Parameter (dhcp:) Description
Subnet Parameter
descriptive_name A textual description of the subnet.
Corresponds to the Subnet Name field in the General
pane of the subnet settings in the Server Admin GUI
dhcp_domain_name The default domain for DNS searches, for example,
Corresponds to the Default Domain field in the DNS
pane of the subnet settings in the Server Admin GUI
The primary WINS server to be used by clients.
Corresponds to the Name Servers field in the DNS pane
of the subnet settings in the Server Admin GUI
dhcp_enabled Whether DHCP is enabled for this subnet.
Corresponds to the Enable checkbox in the list of
subnets in the Subnets pane of the DHCP settings in the
Server Admin GUI application.
The URL of the LDAP directory to be used by clients.
Corresponds to the Lease URL field in the LDAP pane of
the subnet settings in the Server Admin GUI application.
dhcp_router The IPv4 address of the subnet’s router.
Corresponds to the Router field in the General pane of
the subnet settings in the Server Admin GUI application. Page 131 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
132 Chapter 13 Working With Network Services
lease_time_secs Lease time in seconds.
Default = "3600"
Corresponds to the Lease Time pop-up menu and field in
the General pane of the subnet settings in the Server
Admin GUI application.
net_address The IPv4 network address for the subnet.
net_mask The subnet mask for the subnet.
Corresponds to the Subnet Mask field in the General
pane of the subnet settings in the Server Admin GUI
net_range_end The highest available IPv4 address for the subnet.
Corresponds to the Ending IP Address field in the
General pane of the subnet settings in the Server Admin
GUI application.
net_range_start The lowest available IPv4 address for the subnet.
Corresponds to the Starting IP Address field in the
General pane of the subnet settings in the Server Admin
GUI application.
selected_port_name The network port for the subnet.
Corresponds to the Network Interface pop-up menu in
the General pane of the subnet settings in the Server
Admin GUI application.
WINS_NBDD_server The NetBIOS Datagram Distribution Server IPv4 address.
Corresponds to the NBDD Server field in the WINS pane
of the subnet settings in the Server Admin GUI
WINS_node_type The WINS node type. Can be set to:
"" (not set, default)
Corresponds to the NBT Node Type field in the WINS
pane of the subnet settings in the Server Admin GUI
WINS_primary_server The primary WINS server to be used by clients.
Corresponds to the WINS/NBNS Primary Server field in
the WINS pane of the subnet settings in the Server
Admin GUI application.
Subnet Parameter
Description Page 132 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 13 Working With Network Services 133
Adding a DHCP Subnet
You may already have a subnet for each port you enabled when you installed and set
up the server. You can use the serveradmin settings command to check for subnets
that the server set up for you; see “Viewing DHCP Service Settings” on page 129.
You can use the serveradmin settings command to add other subnets to your DHCP
Note: Be sure to include the special first setting (ending with = create). This is how
you tell serveradmin to create the necessary settings array with the specified
subnet ID.
To add a subnet:
$ sudo serveradmin settings
= create
:WINS_NBDD_server = nbdd-server
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:WINS_node_type = node-type
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:net_range_start = start-address
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:WINS_scope_id = scope-ID
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:dhcp_router = router
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:net_address = net-address
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:net_range_end = end-address
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:lease_time_secs = lease-time
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:dhcp_ldap_url:_array_index:0 = ldap-server
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:WINS_secondary_server = wins-server-2
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:descriptive_name = description
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:WINS_primary_server = wins-server-1
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:dhcp_domain_name = domain
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:dhcp_enabled = (yes|no)
:dhcp_domain_name_server:_array_index:0 =
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:dhcp_domain_name_server:_array_index:1 =
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:net_mask = mask
dhcp:subnets:_array_id:subnetID:selected_port_name = port
WINS_scope_id A domain name such as
Default = ""
Corresponds to the NetBIOS Scope ID field in the WINS
pane of the subnet settings in the Server Admin GUI
WINS_secondary_server The secondary WINS server to be used by clients.
Corresponds to the WINS/NBNS Secondary Server field in
the WINS pane of the subnet settings in the Server
Admin GUI application.
Subnet Parameter
Description Page 133 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
134 Chapter 13 Working With Network Services
List of DHCP serveradmin Commands
You can use the following command with the serveradmin application to manage
DHCP service.
Viewing the DHCP Service Log
You can use tail or any other file listing tool to view the contents of the DHCP service
To view the latest entries in a log:
$ tail log-file
You can use the serveradmin getLogPaths command to see where the current DHCP
log is located.
To display the log path:
$ sudo serveradmin command dhcp:command = getLogPaths
dhcp:systemLog = <system-log>
Parameter Description
A unique number that identifies the subnet. Can be any number
not already assigned to another subnet defined on the server. Can
include embedded hyphens (-).
n To specify additional DNS servers, add additional
dhcp_name_server settings, incrementing
for each additional value.
Other parameters The standard subnet settings described under “DHCP Subnet
Settings Array” on page 131.
getLogPaths Determine the location of the DHCP service logs.
Value Description
<system-log> The location of the DNS service log.
Default = /var/logs/system.log Page 134 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 13 Working With Network Services 135
DNS Service
Starting and Stopping the DNS Service
To start DNS service:
$ sudo serveradmin start dns
To stop DNS service:
$ sudo serveradmin stop dns
Checking the Status of DNS Service
To see summary status of DNS service:
$ sudo serveradmin status dns
To see detailed status of DNS service:
$ sudo serveradmin fullstatus dns
Viewing DNS Service Settings
To list DNS service configuration settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings dns
To list a particular setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings dns:setting
To list a group of settings:
Type only as much of the name as you want, stopping at a colon (:), then type an
asterisk (*) as a wildcard for the remaining parts of the name. For example,
$ sudo serveradmin settings dns:zone:_array_id:localhost:*
Changing DNS Service Settings
You can use serveradmin to modify your servers DNS configuration. However, you’ll
probably find it more straightforward to work directly with DNS and BIND using the
standard tools and techniques described in the many books on the subject. (See, for
example, “DNS and BIND” by Paul Albitz and Cricket Liu.)
DNS Service Settings
To list the settings, see “Viewing DNS Service Settings” on this page.
List of DNS serveradmin Commands
Viewing the DNS Service Log
You can use tail or any other file listing tool to view the contents of the DNS service
Command (dns:command=) Description
getLogPaths Find the location of the DNS service log. See “Viewing the DNS
Service Log” on this page.
getStatistics Retrieve DNS service statistics. See “Listing DNS Service Statistics”
on page 136. Page 135 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
136 Chapter 13 Working With Network Services
To view the latest entries in a log:
$ tail log-file
You can use the serveradmin getLogPaths command to see where the current DNS
log is located. The default is /Library/Logs/named.log.
To display the log path:
$ sudo serveradmin command dns:command = getLogPaths
Listing DNS Service Statistics
You can use the serveradmin getStatistics command to display a summary of
current DNS service workload.
To list statistics:
$ sudo serveradmin command dns:command = getStatistics
Sample Output
dns:queriesArray:_array_index:0:name = "NS_QUERIES"
dns:queriesArray:_array_index:0:value = -1
dns:queriesArray:_array_index:1:name = "A_QUERIES"
dns:queriesArray:_array_index:1:value = -1
dns:queriesArray:_array_index:2:name = "CNAME_QUERIES"
dns:queriesArray:_array_index:2:value = -1
dns:queriesArray:_array_index:3:name = "PTR_QUERIES"
dns:queriesArray:_array_index:3:value = -1
dns:queriesArray:_array_index:4:name = "MX_QUERIES"
dns:queriesArray:_array_index:4:value = -1
dns:queriesArray:_array_index:5:name = "SOA_QUERIES"
dns:queriesArray:_array_index:5:value = -1
dns:queriesArray:_array_index:6:name = "TXT_QUERIES"
dns:queriesArray:_array_index:6:value = -1
dns:nxdomain = 0
dns:nxrrset = 0
dns:reloadedTime = ""
dns:success = 0
dns:failure = 0
dns:recursion = 0
dns:startedTime = "2003-09-10 11:24:03 -0700"
dns:referral = 0
Firewall Service
Starting and Stopping Firewall Service
To start Firewall service:
$ sudo serveradmin start ipfilter
To stop Firewall service:
$ sudo serveradmin stop ipfilter Page 136 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 13 Working With Network Services 137
Checking the Status of Firewall Service
To see summary status of Firewall service:
$ sudo serveradmin status ipfilter
To see detailed status of Firewall service, including rules:
$ sudo serveradmin fullstatus ipfilter
Viewing Firewall Service Settings
To list Firewall service configuration settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings ipfilter
To list a particular setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings ipfilter:setting
To list a group of settings:
Type only as much of the name as you want, stopping at a colon (:), then type an
asterisk (*) as a wildcard for the remaining parts of the name. For example,
$ sudo serveradmin settings ipfilter:ipAddressGroups:*
Changing Firewall Service Settings
To change a setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings ipfilter:setting = value
To change several settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings
= value
ipfilter:setting = value
ipfilter:setting = value
Firewall Service Settings
Use the following parameters with the serveradmin command to change settings for
the IPFilter service.
Parameter Description
A IPFilter service setting. See “Firewall Service Settings” on
this page.
An appropriate value for the setting.
Parameter (ipfilter:) Description
An array of settings describing the services allowed for
specific IP address groups. See “IPFilter Groups With Rules
Array” on page 138.
rules:_array_id:<rule>:... Arrays of rule settings, one array per defined rule. See
“IPFilter Rules Array” on page 141. Page 137 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
138 Chapter 13 Working With Network Services
IPFilter Groups With Rules Array
An array of the following settings is included in the IPFilter settings for each defined IP
address group. These arrays aren’t part of a standard ipfw configuration, but are created
by the Server Admin GUI application to implement the IP Address groups on the
General pane of the Firewall service settings. In an actual list of settings, <group> is
replaced with an IP address group.
Defining Firewall Rules
You can use serveradmin to set up firewall rules for your server. However, a simpler
method is to add your rules to a configuration file used by the service. By modifying
the file, you’ll be able to define your rules using standard rule syntax instead of creating
a specialized array to store the rules components.
Adding Rules by Modifying ipfw.conf
The file in which you can define your rules is /etc/ipfilter/ipfw.conf. The Firewall service
reads this file, but doesn’t modify it. Its contents are annotated and include
commented-out rules you can use as models. Its default contents are listed below.
For more information, read the ipfw man page.
logAllDenied Specifies whether to log all denials.
Default = no
The address of a defined IP address group, the first
element of an array that defines an IP address group.
The name of a defined IP address group, the second
element of an array that defines an IP address group.
logAllAllowed Whether to log access allowed by rules.
Default = no
Parameter (ipfilter:) Description
Parameter (ipfilter:) Description
An array of rules for the group.
The groups address.
The groups name.
Whether the group is set for read-only. Page 138 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 13 Working With Network Services 139
The unmodified ipfw.conf file:
# ipfw.conf.default - Installed by Apple, never modified by Server Admin app
# ipfw.conf - The servermgrd process (the back end of Server Admin app)
# creates this from ipfw.conf.default if it's absent, but does not modify
# it.
# Administrators can place custom ipfw rules in ipfw.conf.
# Whenever a change is made to the ipfw rules by the Server Admin
# application and saved:
# 1. All ipfw rules are flushed
# 2. The rules defined by the Server Admin app (stored as plists)
# are exported to /etc/ipfilter/ and loaded into the
# firewall via ipfw.
# 3. The rules in /etc/ipfilter/ipfw.conf are loaded into the firewall
# via ipfw.
# Note that the rules loaded into the firewall are not applied unless the
# firewall is enabled.
# The rules resulting from the Server Admin app's IPFirewall and NAT panels
# are numbered:
# 10 - from the NAT Service - this is the NAT divert rule, present only
# when he NAT service is started via the Server Admin app.
# 1000 - from the "Advanced" panel - the modifiable rules, ordered by
# their relative position in the drag-sortable rule list
# 12300 - from the "General" panel - "allow"" rules that punch specific
# holes in the firewall for specific services
# 63200 - from the "Advanced" panel - the non-modifiable rules at the
# bottom of the panel's rule list
# Refer to the man page for ipfw(8) for more information.
# The following default rules are already added by default:
#add 01000 allow all from any to any via lo0
#add 01010 deny all from any to
#add 01020 deny ip from to any in
#add 01030 deny tcp from any to in
#add 12300 ("allow" rules from the "General" panel)
#add 63200 deny icmp from any to any in icmptypes 0 in
#add 63300 deny igmp from any to any in
#add 65000 deny tcp from any to any in setup
For more information, read the ipfw man page. Page 139 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
140 Chapter 13 Working With Network Services
Adding Rules Using serveradmin
If you prefer not to work with the ipfw.conf file, you can use the serveradmin
settings command to add firewall rules to your configuration.
Note: Be sure to include the special first setting (ending with = create). This is how
you tell serveradmin to create the necessary rule array with the specified rule number.
To add a subnet:
$ sudo serveradmin settings
= create
:source = source
ipfilter:rules:_array_id:rule:protocol = protocol
ipfilter:rules:_array_id:rule:destination = destination
ipfilter:rules:_array_id:rule:action = action
ipfilter:rules:_array_id:rule:enableLocked = (yes|no)
:enabled = (yes|no)
:log = (yes|no)
:readOnly = (yes|no)
ipfilter:rules:_array_id:rule:source-port = port
$ sudo serveradmin settings
ipfilter:rules:_array_id:1111 = create
ipfilter:rules:_array_id:1111:source = ""
ipfilter:rules:_array_id:1111:protocol = "udp"
ipfilter:rules:_array_id:1111:destination = "any via en0"
ipfilter:rules:_array_id:1111:action = "allow"
ipfilter:rules:_array_id:1111:enableLocked = yes
ipfilter:rules:_array_id:1111:enabled = yes
ipfilter:rules:_array_id:1111:log = no
ipfilter:rules:_array_id:1111:readOnly = yes
ipfilter:rules:_array_id:1111:source-port = ""
Parameter Description
A unique rule number.
Other parameters The standard rule settings described under “IPFilter Rules Array” on
page 141. Page 140 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 13 Working With Network Services 141
IPFilter Rules Array
An array of the following settings is included in the IPFilter settings for each defined
firewall rule. In an actual list of settings, <rule> is replaced with a rule number. You can
add a rule by using serveradmin to create such an array in the firewall settings (see
Adding Rules Using serveradmin on page 140).
Firewall serveradmin Commands
You can use the following commands with the serveradmin application to manage
Firewall (ipfilter) service.
Parameter (ipfilter:) Description
The source of traffic governed by the rule.
The protocol for traffic governed by the rule.
The destination of traffic governed by the rule.
The action to be taken.
Whether the rule is enabled.
Whether activation of the rule is logged.
Whether read-only is set.
The source port of traffic governed by the rule.
getLogPaths Find the current location of the log used by the service.
Default = /var/log/system.log
getStandardServices Retrieve a list of the standard services as they appear on the
General pane of the Firewall service settings in the Server Admin
GUI application.
writeSettings Equivalent to the standard serveradmin settings command,
but also returns a setting indicating whether the service needs to
be restarted. See “Determining Whether a Service Needs to be
Restarted” on page 19. Page 141 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
142 Chapter 13 Working With Network Services
Viewing Firewall Service Log
You can use tail or any other file listing tool to view the contents of the ipfilter service
To view the latest entries in the log:
$ tail log-file
You can use the serveradmin getLogPaths command to see where the current
ipfilter service log is located.
To display the log path:
$ sudo serveradmin command ipfilter:command = getLogPaths
ipfilter:systemLog = <system-log>
Using Firewall Service to Simulate Network Activity
You can use the Firewall service in Mac OS X service in conjunction with Dummynet, a
general-purpose network load simulator. For more information on Dummynet, visit or use Google or Sherlock to search the web.
NAT Service
Starting and Stopping NAT Service
To start NAT service:
$ sudo serveradmin start nat
To stop NAT service:
$ sudo serveradmin stop nat
Checking the Status of NAT Service
To see summary status of NAT service:
$ sudo serveradmin status nat
To see detailed status of NAT service:
$ sudo serveradmin fullstatus nat
Viewing NAT Service Settings
To list NAT service configuration settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings nat
To list a particular setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings nat:setting
Value Description
<system-log> The location of the ipfilter service log.
Default = /var/log/system.log Page 142 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 13 Working With Network Services 143
Changing NAT Service Settings
To change a setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings nat:setting = value
To change several settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings
= value
nat:setting = value
nat:setting = value
NAT Service Settings
Use the following parameters with the serveradmin command to change settings for
NAT service.
Parameter Description
A NAT service setting. To see a list of available settings, type
$ sudo serveradmin settings nat
or see “NAT Service Settings” on this page.
An appropriate value for the setting.
Parameter (nat:) Description
deny_incoming yes|no
Default = no.
log_denied yes|no
Default = no.
clamp_mss yes|no
Default = yes
reverse yes|no
Default = no
log yes|no
Default = yes
proxy_only yes|no
Default = no
dynamic yes|no
Default = yes
use_sockets yes|no
Default = yes
interface The network port.
Default = "en0" Page 143 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
144 Chapter 13 Working With Network Services
NAT serveradmin Commands
You can use the following commands with the serveradmin application to manage
NAT service.
Viewing the NAT Service Log
You can use tail or any other file listing tool to view the contents of the NAT service
To view the latest entries in the log:
$ tail log-file
You can use the serveradmin getLogPaths command to see where the current NAT
service log is located.
To display the log path:
$ sudo serveradmin command nat:command = getLogPaths
nat:natLog = <nat-log>
unregistered_only yes|no
Default = no
same_ports yes|no
Default = yes
Parameter (nat:) Description
getLogPaths Find the current location of the log used by the NAT service. See
Viewing the NAT Service Log” on this page.
updateNATRuleInIpfw Update the firewall rules defined in the ipfilter service to reflect
changes in the NAT settings.
writeSettings Equivalent to the standard serveradmin settings command,
but also returns a setting indicating whether the service needs to
be restarted. See “Determining Whether a Service Needs to be
Restarted” on page 19.
Value Description
<nat-log> The location of the NAT service log.
Default = /var/log/alias.log Page 144 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 13 Working With Network Services 145
VPN Service
Starting and Stopping VPN Service
To start VPN service:
$ sudo serveradmin start vpn
To stop VPN service:
$ sudo serveradmin stop vpn
Checking the Status of VPN Service
To see summary status of VPN service:
$ sudo serveradmin status vpn
To see detailed status of VPN service:
$ sudo serveradmin fullstatus vpn
Viewing VPN Service Settings
To list VPN service configuration settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings vpn
To list a particular setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings vpn:setting
Changing VPN Service Settings
To change a setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings vpn:setting = value
To change several settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings
= value
vpn:setting = value
vpn:setting = value
Parameter Description
A VPN service setting. To see a list of available settings, type
$ sudo serveradmin settings vpn
or see “List of VPN Service Settings” on page 146.
An appropriate value for the setting. Page 145 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
146 Chapter 13 Working With Network Services
List of VPN Service Settings
Use the following parameters with the serveradmin command to change settings for
VPN service.
Parameter (vpn:Servers:) Description
Default = 1
Default = 128
Default = "/var/log/ppp/vpnd.log"
Default = "Key"
Default = ""
Default = ""
Default = "IPSec"
Default = no
Default = _empty_array
Default = _empty_array
Default = _empty_array
Default = _empty_array
Default = "Manual"
Default = _empty_array
Default = _empty_array
Default = ""
Default = "L2TP"
Default = "PPP"
Default = 5 Page 146 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 13 Working With Network Services 147
Default = no
Default = 1
Default = "DSAuth"
Default = 60
Default = 1
Default = 0
Default = "MSCHAP2"
Default = "/var/log/ppp/vpnd.log"
Default = 1
Default = 128
Default = "/var/log/ppp/vpnd.log"
Default = no
Default = _empty_array
Default = _empty_array
Default = _empty_array
Default = _empty_array
Default = "Manual"
Default = _empty_array
Default = _empty_array
Default = ""
Parameter (vpn:Servers:) Description Page 147 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
148 Chapter 13 Working With Network Services
Default = "PPTP"
Default = "PPP"
Default = "MPPE"
Default = 5
Default = 1
Default = no
Default = 1
Default = "DSAuth"
Default = 0
Default = 60
Default = 1
Default = 1
Default = 0
Default = "MSCHAP2"
Default = "/var/log/ppp/vpnd.log"
Parameter (vpn:Servers:) Description Page 148 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 13 Working With Network Services 149
List of VPN serveradmin Commands
You can use the following commands with the serveradmin application to manage
VPN service.
Viewing the VPN Service Log
You can use tail or any other file listing tool to view the contents of the VPN service
To view the latest entries in the log:
$ tail log-file
You can use the serveradmin getLogPaths command to see where the current VPN
service log is located.
To display the log path:
$ sudo serveradmin command vpn:command = getLogPaths
vpn:vpnLog = <vpn-log>
getLogPaths Find the current location of the VPN service log. See “Viewing the
VPN Service Log” on this page.
writeSettings Equivalent to the standard serveradmin settings command,
but also returns a setting indicating whether the service needs to
be restarted. See “Determining Whether a Service Needs to be
Restarted” on page 19.
Value Description
<vpn-log> The location of the VPN service log.
Default = /var/log/vpnd.log Page 149 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
150 Chapter 13 Working With Network Services
IP Failover
IP failover allows a secondary server to acquire the IP address of a primary server if the
primary server ceases to function. Once the primary server returns to normal operation,
the secondary server relinquishes the IP address. This allows your website to remain
available on the network even if the primary server is temporarily offline.
Note: IP failover only allows a secondary server to acquire a primary servers IP address.
You need additional software tools such as rsync to provide capabilities such as
mirroring the primary servers data on the secondary server. See the rsync man pages
for more information.
IP failover isn’t a complete solution; it is one tool you can use to increase your servers
availability to your clients. To use IP failover, you will need to set up the following
hardware and software.
IP failover requires the following hardware setup:
Primary server
Secondary server
Public network (servers must be on same subnet)
Private network between the servers (additional network interface card)
Note: Because IP failover uses broadcast messages, both servers must have IP
addresses on the same subnet of the public network. In addition, both servers must
have IP addresses on the same subnet of the private network.
IP failover requires the following software setup:
Unique IP addresses for each network interface (public and private)
Software to mirror primary server data to secondary server
Scripts to control failover behavior on secondary server (optional)
Failover Operation
When IP failover is active, the primary server periodically broadcasts a brief message
confirming normal operation on both the public and private networks. This message is
monitored by the secondary server.
If the broadcast is interrupted on both public and private networks, the secondary
server initiates the failover process.
If status messages are interrupted on only one network, the secondary server sends
email notification of a network anomaly, but doesn’t acquire the primary servers IP
Email notification is sent when the secondary server detects a failover condition, a
network anomaly, and when the IP address is relinquished back to the primary server. Page 150 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 13 Working With Network Services 151
Enabling IP Failover
You enable IP failover by adding command lines to the file /etc/hostconfig on the
primary and the secondary server. Be sure to enter these lines exactly as shown with
regard to spaces and punctuation marks.
To enable IP failover:
1 At the primary server, add the following line to /etc/hostconfig:
Substitute the broadcast addresses used on your server for the public and private
networks. This tells the server to send broadcast messages over relevant network
interfaces that the server at those IP addresses is functioning.
2 Restart the primary server so that your changes can take effect.
3 Disconnect the primary server from both the public and private networks.
4 At the secondary server, add the following lines to /etc/hostconfig:
FAILOVER_EMAIL_RECIPIENT="[email protected]"
In the first line substitute the IP address of the primary server on the private network.
In the second line enter the local network interface that should adopt the primary
server’s public IP address, a colon, then the primary servers public IP address.
(Optional) In the third line, enter the email address for notification messages regarding
the primary server status. If this line is omitted, email notifications are sent to the root
account on the local machine.
5 Restart the secondary server so your changes can take effect and allow the secondary
server to acquire the primarys public IP address.
Important: Before you enable IP Failover, verify on both servers that the port used for
the public network is at the top of the Network Port Configurations list in the Network
pane of System Preferences. Also verify that the port used for the private network
contains no DNS configuration information.
6 Reconnect the primary server to the private network, wait fifteen seconds, then
reconnect the primary server to the public network.
7 Verify that the secondary server relinquishes the primary servers public IP address. Page 151 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
152 Chapter 13 Working With Network Services
Configuring IP Failover
You configure failover behavior using scripts. The scripts must be executable (for
example, shell scripts, Perl, compiled C code, or executable AppleScripts). You place
these scripts in /Library/IPFailover/<IP address> on the secondary server.
You need to create a directory named with the public IP address of the primary server
to contain the failover scripts for that server. For example:
Notification Only
You can use a script named Test” located in the failover scripts directory to control
whether, in the event of a failover condition, the secondary server acquires the
primarys IP address, or simply sends an email notification. If no script exists, or if the
script returns a zero result, then the secondary server acquires the primarys IP address.
If the script returns a non-zero result, then the secondary server skips IP address
acquisition and only sends email notification of the failover condition. The test script is
run to determine whether the IP address should be acquired and to determine if the IP
address should be relinquished when the primary server returns to service.
A simple way to set up this notification-only mode is to copy the script located at
/usr/bin/false to the directory named with your primary server IP address and then
change the name of the script to “Test”. This script always returns a non-zero result.
Using the Test script, you can configure the primary server to monitor the secondary
server, and send email notification if the secondary server becomes unavailable.
Pre and Post Scripts
You can configure the failover process with scripts that can run before acquiring the
primary IP address (preacquisition), after acquiring the IP address (postacquisition),
before relinquishing the primary IP address (prerelinquish), and after relinquishing the
IP address back to the primary server (postrelinquish). These scripts reside in the
/Library/IPFailover/<IP address> directory on the secondary server, as previously
discussed. The scripts use these four prefixes:
PreAcq – run before acquiring IP address from primary server
PostAcq – run after acquiring IP address from primary server
PreRel – run before relinquishing IP address back to primary server
PostRel – run after relinquishing IP address back to primary server
Important: Always be sure that the primary server is up and functioning normally
before you activate IP failover on the secondary server. If the primary server isn’t
sending broadcast messages, the secondary server will initiate the failover process and
acquire the primarys public IP address.
You may have more than one script at each stage. The scripts in each prefix group are
run in the order their file names appear in a directory listing using the ls command. Page 152 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 13 Working With Network Services 153
For example, your secondary server may perform other services on the network such as
running a statistical analysis application and distributed image processing software. A
preacquisition script quits the running applications to free up the CPU for the Web
server. A postacquisition script starts the Web server. Once the primary is up and
running again, a prerelinquish script quits the Web server, and a postrelinquish script
starts the image processing and statistical analysis applications. The sequence of
scripted events might look like this:
<Failover condition detected>
Test (if present)
<Acquire IP address>
<Primary server returns to service>
<Relinquish IP address>
Enabling PPP Dial-In
You can use the pppd command to set up Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) dial-in service.
For more information, see the man page. The “Examples” section of the man page
shows an example of setting up dial-in service. Page 153 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM Page 154 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
14 Working With Open Directory
Commands you can use to manage the Open Directory
service in Mac OS X Server.
This chapter includes descriptions of general directory tools and tools for working with
LDAP, NetInfo, and the Password Server.
General Directory Tools
Testing Your Open Directory Configuration
You can use the dscl utility to test your directory services configuration. For more
information, type man dscl to see the man page.
Modifying an Open Directory Node
You can also use the dscl utility to create, modify, or delete directory information in an
Open Directory node.
Testing Open Directory Plugins
You can use the dsperfmonitor tool to check the performance of the protocol-specific
plugins used by Open Directory. It can list the API calls being made to plugins, how
long the plugins take to reply, and recent API call errors.
For more information, type man dsperfmonitor to see the man page.
Directory services API support is provided by the DirectoryService daemon.
For more information, type man DirectoryService to see the man page.
For information on the data types used by directory services, type man
to see the man page.
Finally, for information on the internals of Open Directory and its plugins, including
source code you can examine or adopt, follow the Open Directory link at Page 155 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
156 Chapter 14 Working With Open Directory
Registering URLs With Service Location Protocol (SLP)
You can use the slp_reg command to register service URLs using the Service Location
Protocol (SLP).
For more information, type man slp_reg to see the man page.
SLP registration is handled by the SLP daemon slpd. For more information, type man
to see the man page.
Changing Open Directory Service Settings
Use the following parameters with the serveradmin command to change settings for
the Open Directory service.
Be sure to add dirserv: to the beginning of any parameter you use. For example, to
see the role that the server is playing in the directory hierarchy, you would type
serveradmin settings dirserv:LDAPServerType.
Parameter (dirserv:) Description
replicationUnits Default = "days"
replicaLastUpdate Default = ""
LDAPDataBasePath Default = ""
replicationPeriod Default = 4
LDAPSearchBase Default = ""
passwordOptionsString Default = "usingHistory=0 usingExpirationDate=0
usingHardExpirationDate=0 requiresAlpha=0
requiresNumeric=0 expirationDateGMT=12/31/69
maxMinutesOfNonUse=0 maxFailedLoginAttempts=0
minChars=0 maxChars=0 passwordCannotBeName=0"
NetInfoRunStatus Default = ""
LDAPSSLCertificatePath Default = ""
masterServer Default = ""
LDAPServerType Default = "standalone"
NetInfoDomain Default = ""
replicationWhen Default = "periodic"
useSSL Default = "YES"
LDAPDefaultPrefix Default = "dc=<domain>,dc=com"
LDAPTimeoutUnits Default = "minutes"
LDAPServerBackend Default = "BerkeleyDB" Page 156 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 14 Working With Open Directory 157
Configuring LDAP
The following tools are available for configuring LDAP. For more information, see the
man page for each tool.
You can use the slapconfig utility to configure the slapd and slurpd LDAP daemons
and related search policies. For more information, type man slapconfig to see the
man page.
Standard Distribution Tools
These tools are included in the standard LDAP distribution.
A Note on Using ldapsearch
The ldapsearch tool connects to an LDAP server, binds to it, finds entries, and returns
attributes of the entries found.
By default, ldapsearch tries to connect to the LDAP server using the Simple
Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) method. If the server doesn’t support this
method, you see this error message:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: No such attribute (16)
To avoid this, include the -x option when you type the command. For example:
ldapsearch -h -b "dc=ecxample,dc=com" -x
Program Used to
/usr/bin/ldapadd Add entries to the LDAP directory.
/usr/bin/ldapcompare Compare a directory entrys actual attributes with known
/usr/bin/ldapdelete Delete entries from the LDAP directory.
/usr/bin/ldapmodify Change an entrys attributes.
/usr/bin/ldapmodrdn Change an entrys relative distinguished name (RDN).
/usr/bin/ldappasswd Set the password for an LDAP user.
Apple recommends using passwd instead of ldappasswd. For
more information, type man passwd.
/usr/bin/ldapsearch Search the LDAP directory. See the usage note under A Note on
Using ldapsearch” on this page.
/usr/bin/ldapwhoami Obtain the primary authorization identity associated with a user.
/usr/sbin/slapadd Add entries to the LDAP directory.
/usr/sbin/slapcat Export LDAP Directory Interchange Format files.
/usr/sbin/slapindex Regenerate directory indexes.
/usr/sbin/slappasswd Generate user password. hashes. Page 157 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
158 Chapter 14 Working With Open Directory
The -x option forces ldapsearch to use simple authentication instead of SASL.
Idle Rebinding Options
The following two LDAPv3 plugin parameters aren’t documented in the open directory
administration guide. The parameters are in, or can be added to, the file
Delay Rebind
This parameter specifies how long the LDAP plugin waits before attempting to
reconnect to a server that fails to respond. You can increase this value to prevent
continuous reconnect attempts.
<key>Delay Rebind Try in seconds<\key>
You should find this parameter in the plist file near <key>OpenClose Timeout in
. If not, you can add it there.
Idle Timeout
This parameter specifies how long the LDAP plugin will sit idle before disconnecting
from the server. You can adjust this value to reduce overloading of the server's
connections from remote clients.
<key>Idle Timeout in minutes<\key>
If it doesn’t already exist in the plist file, you can add it near <key>OpenClose Timeout
in seconds<\key>
Additional Information About LDAP
The LDAP server in Mac OS X Server is based on OpenLDAP. Additional information
about OpenLDAP, including an administrator’s guide, is available at Page 158 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 14 Working With Open Directory 159
Configuring NetInfo
You can use the following command-line utilities to manage the NetInfo directory. For
more information about a utility, see the related man page.
For example, you can use the NeST -setprotocols command to specify which
authentication methods the servers Open Directory Password Server uses.
Password Server
Working With the Password Server
You can use the mkpassdb utility to create, modify, or back up the password database
used by the Mac OS X Server Password Server. For more information, type man
to read the man page.
Viewing or Changing Password Policies
You can use the pwpolicy command to view or change the authentication policies
used by the Mac OS X Server Password Server. For more information, type man
to see the man page.
Enabling or Disabling Authentication Methods
All password authentication methods supported by Open Directory Password Server
are initially enabled. You can disable and enable Open Directory Password Server
authentication methods by using the NeST tool.
To see a list of available methods:
$ NeST -getprotocols
To disable or enable a method:
$ NeST -setprotocols protocol (on|off)
Utility Used to
NeST Configure the directory system of a server.
nicl Create, view, and modify entries in the NetInfo directory.
nifind Search the NetInfo directory for a particular entry.
nigrep Search the NetInfo directory for an expression.
nidump Export NetInfo data to text or flat files.
niload Import flat files into the NetInfo directory.
nireport Print tables of NetInfo directory entries.
Parameter Description
Any of the protocol names listed by NeST -getprotocols (for
example, SMB-LAN-MANAGER). Page 159 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
160 Chapter 14 Working With Open Directory
For information on the available methods, see the Open Directory administration
Kerberos and Single Sign On
The following tools are available for setting up your Kerberos and Single Sign-On
environment. For more information on a tool, see the related man page.
Tool (in usr/sbin/) Description
kdcsetup Creates necessary setup files and adds krb5kdc and kadmind
servers for the Apple Open Directory KDC.
sso_util Sets up, interrogates, and tears down the Kerberos configuration
within the Apple Single Sign On environment.
kerberosautoconfig Creates the file based on the Open Directory
KerberosClient record. Page 160 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
15 Working With QuickTime
Streaming Server
Commands you can use to manage QTSS service in
Mac OS X Server.
Starting QTSS Service
You can use the serveradmin command to start QTSS service, or you can use the
quicktimestreamingserver command to specify additional service parameters when
you start the service.
To start QTSS service:
$ sudo serveradmin start qtss
$ sudo quicktimestreamingserver
To see a list of quicktimestreamingserver command options, type
$ sudo quicktimestreamingserver -h
Stopping QTSS Service
To stop QTSS service:
$ sudo serveradmin stop qtss
Checking QTSS Service Status
To see if QTSS service is running:
$ sudo serveradmin status qtss
To see complete QTSS status:
$ sudo serveradmin fullstatus qtss Page 161 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
162 Chapter 15 Working With QuickTime Streaming Server
Viewing QTSS Settings
To list all QTSS service settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings qtss
To list a particular setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings qtss:setting
To list a group of settings:
You can list a group of settings that have part of their names in common by typing
only as much of the name as you want, stopping at a colon (:), and typing an asterisk
(*) as a wildcard for the remaining parts of the name. For example,
$ sudo serveradmin settings qtss:modules:_array_id:QTSSAdminModule:*
Changing QTSS Settings
You can change QTSS service settings using the serveradmin command or by editing
the QTSS parameter list file directly.
To change a setting:
$ sudo serveradmin settings qtss:setting = value
To change several settings:
$ sudo serveradmin settings
= value
qtss:setting = value
qtss:setting = value
Parameter Description
A QTSS service setting. To see a list of available settings, type
$ sudo serveradmin settings qtss
or see “QTSS Settings” on page 163.
An appropriate value for the setting. Page 162 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 15 Working With QuickTime Streaming Server 163
QTSS Settings
Use the following parameters with the serveradmin command to change settings for
the QTSS service.
Descriptions of Settings
To see descriptions of most QTSS settings, you can look in the sample settings file
Look for XML module and pref names that match the last two segments of the
parameter name.
For example, to see a description of
Look in the sample file for
<MODULE NAME="QTSSFileModule">...
<PREF NAME="record_movie_file_sdp".
QTSS parameters you might change:
Parameter (qtss:) Description
broadcaster:password Default = ""
broadcaster:username Default = ""
Default =
Default = 7
Default = "StreamingServer"
Default = 10240000
Default = yes
Default = yes
Default = "/Library/Quick
Default = "qtaccess"
Default = "/Library/Quick
qtusers" Page 163 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
164 Chapter 15 Working With QuickTime Streaming Server
Default = "admin"
Default = yes
Default = yes
Default = "127.0.0.*"
Default = yes
Default = 0
Default = ""
Default = no
Default = no
Default =
Default = 8192
Default = ""
Default = 10000
Default =
Default = 7
Default = "mp3_access"
Default = 10240000
Default = yes
Default = yes
Default = yes
Parameter (qtss:) Description Page 164 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 15 Working With QuickTime Streaming Server 165
Default = yes
Default = yes
Default = "broadcaster"
Default = ""
Default = no
Default = yes
Default = yes
Default = "127.0.0.*"
Default = no
Default = 20000
Default = 20
Default = "/Library/Quick
server:authentication_scheme Default = "digest"
server:auto_restart Default = yes
server:default_authorization_realm Default = "Streaming
server:do_report_http_connection_ip_address Default = no
server:error_logfile_dir Default = "/Library/Quick
server:error_logfile_name Default = "Error"
server:error_logfile_size Default = 256000
server:error_logfile_verbosity Default = 2
server:error_logging Default = yes
server:force_logs_close_on_write Default = no
server:maximum_bandwidth Default = 102400
server:maximum_connections Default = 1000
server:module_folder Default = "/Library/Quick
Parameter (qtss:) Description Page 165 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
166 Chapter 15 Working With QuickTime Streaming Server
QTSS serveradmin Commands
You can use the following commands with the serveradmin application to manage
QTSS service.
Listing Current Connections
You can use the serveradmin getConnectedUsers command to retrieve information
about QTSS connections.
To list connected users:
$serveradmin command qtss:command = getConnectedUsers
server:movie_folder Default = "/Library/Quick
server:pid_file Default = "/var/run/Quick"
server:reliable_udp Default = yes
server:reliable_udp_dirs Default = "/"
server:run_group_name Default = "qtss"
server:run_num_threads Default = 0
server:run_user_name Default = "qtss"
web_admin:enabled Default = no
web_admin:password Default = ""
web_admin:username Default = ""
Parameter (qtss:) Description
getConnections List current QTSS connections. See “Listing Current
Connections” on this page.
getHistory View service statistics. See “Viewing QTSS Service
Statistics” on page 167.
getLogPaths Find the current location of the service logs. See
Viewing Service Logs” on page 168. Page 166 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 15 Working With QuickTime Streaming Server 167
Viewing QTSS Service Statistics
You can use the serveradmin getHistory command to display a log of periodic
samples of the number of connections and the data throughput. Samples are taken
once each minute.
To list samples:
$ sudo serveradmin command
qtss:command = getHistory
qtss:variant = statistic
qtss:timeScale = scale
qtss:nbSamples = <samples>
= <sample>
qtss:samplesArray:_array_index:0:t = <time>
= <sample>
qtss:samplesArray:_array_index:1:t = <time>
= <sample>
:t = <time>
Legend = "<legend>"
qtss:currentServerTime = <servertime>
Parameter Description
The value you want to display.
Valid values:
v1 - number of connected users (average during sampling period)
v2 - throughput (bytes/sec)
The length of time in seconds, ending with the current time, for
which you want to see samples. For example, to see 30 minutes of
data, you would specify qtss:timeScale = 1800.
Value displayed by getHistory Description
<samples> The total number of samples listed.
<legend> A textual description of the selected statistic.
<sample> The numerical value of the sample.
For connections (v1), this is integer average number of
For throughput, (v2), this is integer bytes per second.
<time> The time at which the sample was measured. A standard UNIX time
(number of seconds since Sep 1, 1970). Samples are taken every 60
seconds. Page 167 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
168 Chapter 15 Working With QuickTime Streaming Server
Viewing Service Logs
You can use tail or any other file listing tool to view the contents of the QTSS service
To view the latest entries in a log:
$ tail log-file
You can use the serveradmin getLogPaths command to see where the current QTSS
error and activity logs are located.
To display the log paths:
$ sudo serveradmin command qtss:command = getLogPaths
qtss:accessLog = <access-log>
qtss:errorLog = <error-log>
Forcing QTSS to Re-Read its Preferences
You can force QTSS to re-read its preferences without restarting the server. You must
log in as root to perform this task.
To force QTSS to re-read its preferences:
1 List the QTSS processes:
$ ps -ax | grep QuickTimeStreamingServer
You should see a list similar to the following:
949 ?? Ss 0:00.00 /usr/sbin/QuickTimeStreamingServer
950 ?? S 0:00.13 /usr/sbin/QuickTimeStreamingServer
965 std S+ 0:00.00 grep QuickTimeStreamingServer
2 Find the larger of the two process IDs (PIDs) for the QuickTimeStreamingServer
processes (in this case 950).
3 Send a HUP signal to this process:
$ kill -HUP 950
Value Description
<access-log> The location of the QTSS service access log. Default =
<error-log> The location of the QTSS service error log. Default =
Error.log Page 168 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Chapter 15 Working With QuickTime Streaming Server 169
Preparing Older Home Directories for User Streaming
If you want to enable QTSS home directory streaming for home directories created
using an earlier version of Mac OS X Server (before version 10.3), you need to set up the
necessary streaming media folder in each users home directory. You can use the
createuserstreamingdir tool to set up the needed /Sites/Streaming folder.
To set up /Sites/Streaming in older home directories:
$ createuserstreamingdir user
Parameter Description
The user in whose home directory the /Sites/Streaming folder is
created. Page 169 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM Page 170 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
AFP (Apple Filing Protocol)
canceling user disconnect 74
changing service settings 68
checking service status 67
disconnecting users 73
listing connected users 72
sending user message 73
service settings 68
starting service 67
stopping service 67
viewing service logs 76
viewing service settings 67
viewing service statistics 75
AirPort settings 44
Apache web server 124
Apple Filing Protocol. See AFP
AppleTalk settings 42
bless command 30
set server to use 40
case-sensitive file system 51
certificate file 119–121
certificates, purchasing 121
certtool utility 119, 121
changeip tool 39
command editing shortcuts 14
command not found message 14
command prompt 13
computer name 31, 44
configuration file, server
example 22
naming 25
saving 21
AFP 72
FTP 80
QTSS 166
SMB 84
CSR (Certificate Signing Request) 119–121
date 31, 32
delay rebinding options, LDAP 158
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
adding a subnet 133
changing service settings 130
checking service status 129
service settings 130
set server to use 40
starting service 129
stopping service 129
viewing service logs 134
viewing service settings 129
dial-in service, PPP 153
DirectoryServiceAttributes 155
DirectoryServiceAttributes 155
DirectoryService daemon 155
DirectoryService daemon 155
disk journaling 50
diskspacemonitor command 48
DNS (Domain Name System)
changing servers 41
changing service settings 135
checking service status 135
service settings 135
starting service 135
stopping service 135
viewing service logs 135
viewing service settings 135
viewing service statistics 136
Domain Name System. See DNS
dscl command 155
dsimportexport command 54–57
dsperfmonitor command 155
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. See DHCP
energy saver settings 33
error messages
command not found 14 Page 171 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
172 Index
file system, case-sensitive 51
File Transfer Protocol. See FTP
fingerprint, RSA 17
Firewall service. See IPFilter service
fsck command 50
FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
changing service settings 78
checking connections 80
checking service status 77
service settings 78
starting service 77
stopping service 77
viewing service logs 80
viewing service settings 77
FTP proxy settings 42
Gopher proxy settings 43
home directory, creating 63
host name 45
hup signal 168
installer command 21
IP address
changing server’s address 39
validating 40
IP Failover 150–153
IPFilter service
changing settings 137
checking status 137
configuration file 138
defining rules 138
settings 137
starting 136
stopping 136
viewing logs 142
viewing settings 137
ipfw.conf file 138
journaling 50
kdcsetup utility 160
tools and utilities 160
kerberosautoconfig tool 160
keychain 119
kill command 168
known_hosts file 17
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
and SASL 157
configuration file 158
delay rebinding options 158
idle timeout parameter 158
ldapsearch tool 157
parameter list 158
rebinding parameter 158
tools and utilities 157
tools for configuring 157
ldapadd tool 157
ldapcompare tool 157
ldapdelete tool 157
ldapmodify tool 157
ldapmodrdn tool 157
ldappasswd tool 157
ldapsearch tool 157
ldapwhoami tool 157
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. See LDAP
log files
AFP service 76
DHCP service 134
DNS service 135
FTP service 80
IPFilter service 142
Mail service 118
NAT service 144
Print service 95
QTSS 168
reclaiming space 49
SMB service 87
VPN service 149
Web service 125
login, enabling remote 35
MAC address 37
Mail service
changing settings 104
checking status 103
settings 104
starting 103
stopping 103
viewing logs 118
viewing settings 103
viewing statistics 117
man command 18
man pages, viewing 18
mkpassdb utility 159
mount command 47
NAT (Network Address Translation)
changing service settings 143 Page 172 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Index 173
checking service status 142
service settings 143
starting service 142
stopping service 142
viewing service logs 144
viewing service settings 142
NeST tool 159
NetBoot service
changing settings 98
checking status 97
filters record array 99
general settings 98
image record array 100
port record array 101
starting 97
stopping 97
storage record array 99
viewing settings 97
tools and utilities 159
Network Address Translation. See NAT
Network File System. See NFS
network interface, settings 37
network port, settings 37
network port configurations 38
network time server 31, 33
NFS (Network File System)
changing service settings 77
checking service status 76
starting and stopping service 76
viewing service settings 76
nicl tool 159
nidump tool 159
nifind tool 159
nigrep tool 159
niload tool 159
nireport tool 159
Open Directory
data types 155
LDAP 157
modifying a node 155
NetInfo 159
settings 156
SLP 156
testing configuration 155
testing plugins 155
password server 159
plugins, Open Directory 155
pmset command 34
Point-to-Point Protocol. See PPP
power failure
automatic restart 33
power management 34
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol)
enabling dial-in service 153
pppd command 153
pppd command 153
Print service
changing settings 90
checking status 89
holding jobs 94
listing jobs 94
listing queues 93
pausing queues 93
queue data array 91
settings 90
starting 89
stopping 89
viewing logs 95
viewing settings 89
prompt 13
proxy settings
FTP 42
Gopher 43
SOCKS firewall 44
streaming 43
web 43
ps command
listing QTSS processes 168
QTSS (QuickTime Streaming Server)
changing settings 162
checking status 161
commands for managing 161
listing connections 166
logs 168
settings 163
starting 161
statistics 167
stopping 161
viewing settings 162
QuickTime Streaming Server. See QTSS
rebinding options, LDAP 158
remote login, enabling 35
Rendezvous name 45
automatic 33
checking if required 19
server 29
root privileges
su command 15
sudo command 15
RSA fingerprint 17 Page 173 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
174 Index
used by ldapsearch 157
adding a website 127
Secure Sockets Layer. See SSL
serial number, server software 26
serveradmin utility
usage notes 19
server configuration file
example 22
naming 25
saving 21
Server Message Block. See SMB
serversetup utility
usage notes 19
Service Location Protocol. See SLP
share points
creating 66
listing 65
updating SMB service after change 86
sharing command 65, 66
shell prompt 13
typing commands 14
shutdown command 30
restarting a server 29
single sign-on 160
slapadd tool 157
slapcat tool 157
slapconfig utility 157
slapindex tool 157
slappasswd tool 157
sleep settings 33
SLP (Service Location Protocol)
registering URLs 156
slp_reg command 156
SMB (Server Message Block)
changing service settings 81
checking service status 80
disconnecting users 85
listing service users 84
service settings 82
starting service 80
stopping service 80
viewing service logs 87
viewing service settings 81
viewing service statistics 86
SOCKS firewall proxy settings 44
softwareupdate command 26
ssh command 16
SSL 17
SSL (secure Sockets Layer)
using with Mail service 119
SSLOptions 17
SSLRequire 17
sso_util utility 160
startup disk 34
AFP 75
DNS 136
Mail service 117
QTSS 167
SMB 86
Web service 126
streaming proxy settings 43
subnet mask
validating 40
su command 15
sudo command 15
tail command
viewing AFP service logs 76
viewing DHCP service logs 134
viewing DNS service logs 135
viewing FTP service logs 80
viewing IPFilter service logs 142
viewing Mail service logs 118
viewing NAT service logs 144
viewing Print service logs 95
viewing QTSS service logs 168
viewing SMB service logs 87
viewing VPN service logs 149
viewing Web service logs 125
TCP/IP settings 39, 40
Telnet 18
using 13
throughput. See statistics
time 31, 32
time server 31, 33
time zone 31, 32
attributes 57
checking admin privileges 63
checking name, id, or password 62
creating administrators 53
creating home directory 63
importing 54–57
Virtual Private Network. See VPN
volumes, mounting and unmounting 47
VPN (Virtual Private Network)
changing service settings 145
checking service status 145
service settings 146 Page 174 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM
Index 175
starting service 145
stopping service 145
viewing service logs 149
viewing service settings 145
web proxy settings 43
Web service
changing settings 124
checking status 123
listing sites 125
script to add site 127
starting 123
stopping 123
viewing logs 125
viewing settings 123
viewing statistics 126
script for adding 127
Windows service. See SMB service Page 175 Monday, October 20, 2003 9:47 AM