Mac OS X Server
Network Services Administration
For Version 10.4 or Later
Apple Computer, Inc.
© 2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Mac OS X Server software may reproduce this
publication for the purpose of learning to use such
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Preface 9 About This Guide
What’s New in Version 10.4?
What’s in This Guide
Using This Guide
Using Onscreen Help
The Mac OS X Server Suite
Getting Documentation Updates
Getting Additional Information
Chapter 1 15 Linking Your Network to the Internet
Understanding the Gateway Setup Assistant
Using the Gateway Setup Assistant
Sample Configurations
Connecting a Wired LAN to the Internet
Connecting a Wired LAN And Wireless Clients To The Internet
Connecting a Wireless LAN To The Internet
Chapter 2 23 DHCP Service
Before You Set Up DHCP Service
Creating Subnets
Assigning IP Addresses Dynamically
Using Static IP Addresses
Locating the DHCP Server
Interacting With Other DHCP Servers
Using Multiple DHCP Servers on a Network
Assigning Reserved IP Addresses
Getting More Information on the DHCP Process
Setting Up DHCP Service for the First Time
Managing DHCP Service
Starting and Stopping DHCP Service
Creating Subnets in DHCP Service
Changing Subnet Settings in DHCP Service
Deleting Subnets From DHCP Service
Disabling Subnets Temporarily
Changing IP Address Lease Times for a Subnet
Setting the DNS Server for a DHCP Subnet
Setting LDAP Options for a Subnet
Setting WINS Options for a Subnet
Assigning Static IP Addresses Using DHCP
Removing or Changing Static Address Maps
Monitoring DHCP Service
Viewing the DHCP Status Overview
Setting the Log Detail Level for DHCP Service
Viewing DHCP Log Entries
Viewing the DHCP Client List
Common Network Configurations That Use DHCP
Where to Find More Information
Chapter 3 37 DNS Service
Before You Set Up DNS Service
Setting Up Multiple Name Servers
Setting Up DNS Service for the First Time
Managing DNS Service
Starting and Stopping DNS Service
Enabling or Disabling Zone Transfers
Enabling or Disabling Recursion
Managing DNS Zones
Adding a Primary Zone
Adding a Secondary Zone
Duplicating a Zone
Modifying a Zone
Deleting a Zone
Using an Existing Zone File
Managing DNS Machine Records
Adding a Machine Record to a DNS Zone
Modifying a Machine Record in a DNS Zone
Deleting a Machine Record From a DNS Zone
Monitoring DNS
Viewing DNS Service Status
Viewing DNS Log Entries
Changing DNS Log Detail Levels
Changing DNS Log File Location
Securing the DNS Server
DNS Spoofing
Server Mining
DNS Service Profiling
Denial of Service (DoS)
Service Piggybacking
Common Network Administration Tasks That Use DNS Service
Setting Up MX Records
Setting Up Namespace Behind a NAT Gateway
Network Load Distribution (aka Round Robin)
Setting Up a Private TCP/IP Network
Hosting Several Internet Services With a Single IP Address
Hosting Multiple Domains on the Same Server
Where to Find More Information
Chapter 4 59 IP Firewall Service
Basic Firewall Practices
Firewall Startup
Understanding Firewall Rules
What is a Firewall Rule?
Using Address Ranges
Rule Mechanism and Precedence
Multiple IP Addresses
Setting Up Firewall Service for the First Time
Managing Firewall Service
Managing Panther Server 10.3 Firewalls with Tiger Server 10.4 Server Admin
Starting and Stopping Firewall Service
Creating an Address Group
Editing or Deleting an Address Group
Duplicating an Address Group
Opening the Firewall for Standard Services
Adding to the Services List
Editing or Deleting Items in the Services List
Creating an Advanced IP Firewall Rule
Editing or Deleting Advanced IP Firewall Rules
Changing the Advanced IP Firewall Rule Order
Enabling Stealth Mode
Resetting an Unreachable Server
Monitoring Firewall Service
Understanding the Active Rules Panel
Viewing the Firewall Status Overview
Viewing the Active Firewall Rules
Setting Up Logs for Firewall Service
Viewing the Firewall Log
75 Viewing Denied Packets
76 Viewing Packets Logged by Firewall Rules
6 Contents
76 Troubleshooting Advanced IP Firewall Rules
77 Practical Examples
77 Using IP Firewall with NAT
77 Block Web Access to Internet Users
78 Logging Internet Access by Local Network Users
79 Block Junk Mail
79 Allow a Customer to Access the Apple File Server
80 Common Network Administration Tasks That Use Firewall Service
80 Preventing Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
81 Controlling or Enabling Peer-to-Peer Network Usage
81 Controlling or Enabling Network Game Usage
82 Port Reference
86 Where to Find More Information
Chapter 5 87 NAT Service
87 Using NAT with Other Network Services
88 NAT LAN Configuration Overview
89 Starting and Stopping NAT Service
89 Configuring NAT Service
90 Creating a Gateway Without NAT
90 Configuring Port Forwarding
91 Port Forwarding Examples
93 Monitoring NAT Service
93 Viewing the NAT Status Overview
93 Common Network Administration Tasks That Use NAT
93 Linking a LAN to the Internet Through One IP Address
95 Setting Up LAN Party For Gaming
95 Setting Up Virtual Servers
97 Where to Find More Information
Chapter 6 99 VPN Service
99 VPN and Security
99 Transport Protocols
100 Authentication Method
101 Before You Set Up VPN Service
101 Configuring other Network Services for VPN
102 Managing VPN Service
102 Starting or Stopping VPN Service
102 Enabling and Configuring L2TP Transport Protocol
102 Enabling and Configuring PPTP Transport Protocol
103 Configuring Additional Network Settings for VPN Clients
103 Configuring VPN Network Routing Definitions
105 Limiting VPN Access to Certain Users or Groups
106 Limiting VPN Access to Certain Incoming IP Addresses
107 Additional Configuration Instructions
109 Monitoring VPN Service
109 Viewing a VPN Status Overview
109 Setting the Log Detail Level for VPN Service
109 Viewing the VPN Log
11 0 Viewing VPN Client Connections
11 0 Common Network Administration Tasks That Use VPN
11 0 Linking a Computer at Home With a Remote Network
11 2 Accessing a Single Computing Asset Behind a Remote Network Firewall
11 2 Linking Two or More Remote Network Sites
11 6 Where to Find More Information
Chapter 7 117 NTP Service
11 7 How NTP Works
11 8 Using NTP on Your Network
11 8 Setting Up NTP Service
11 9 Configuring NTP on Clients
11 9 Where to Find More Information
Chapter 8 121 VLAN Support
121 Understanding VLANs
121 Setting Up Client Membership to a VLAN
12 2 Where to find more information
Chapter 9 123 IPv6 Support
12 4 IPv6 Enabled Services
12 4 IPv6 Addresses in the Server Admin
12 4 IPv6 Addresses
12 4 Notation
12 5 IPv6 Reserved Addresses
12 5 IPv6 Addressing Model
12 5 IPv6 Address Types
12 6 Where to Find More Information
Glossary 12 7
Index 13 9
8 Contents
About This Guide
This guide explains how to configure and administer
Mac OS X Server Network Services.
Whats New in Version 10.4?
Mac OS X Server version 10.4 has many improvements over version 10.3 and additional
features. Among them are:
New Gateway Setup Assistant
Revised and improved DNS interface
Static IP address mapping through DHCP
Revised and improved Firewall interface
Expanded VPN help
Expanded NAT help
VLAN support information
Whats in This Guide
This guide is divided into nine chapters and a glossary:
Chapter 1, “Linking Your Network to the Internet,” on page 15, tells you how to use
Gateway Setup Assistant to link your network to the Internet.
Chapter 2, “DHCP Service,” on page 23, tells you how to configure and use DHCP to
assign IP addresses on your network.
Chapter 3, “DNS Service,” on page 37, tells you how to use Mac OS X Server as a
domain name server.
Chapter 4, “IP Firewall Service,” on page 59, tells you how to maintain network
security using a firewall.
Chapter 5, “NAT Service,” on page 87, tells you how to configure and use NAT to
connect many computers to the Internet with only one public IP address.
Chapter 6, VPN Service,” on page 99, tells you how to configure and use VPN to
allow remote users to access your private LAN securely.
Chapter 7, “NTP Service,” on page 117, tells you how to enable your server as a time
10 Preface About This Guide
Chapter 8, VLAN Support,” on page 121, tells you about VLAN support for some
server hardware configurations.
Chapter 9, “IPv6 Support,” on page 123, tells you about IPv6 and which services
support IPv6 addressing.
“Glossary on page 127, contains definitions of the terms used in this guide.
Using This Guide
Each chapter covers a specific network service. Read any chapter that’s about a service
you plan to provide to your users. Learn how the service works, what it can do for you,
strategies for using it, how to set it up for the first time, and how to administer it over
Also take a look at chapters that describe services with which you’re unfamiliar. You
may find that some of the services you haven’t used before can help you run your
network more efficiently and improve performance for your users.
Most chapters end with a section called Where to Find More Information.” This section
points you to websites and other reference material containing more information
about the service.
Using Onscreen Help
You can view instructions and other useful information from this and other documents
in the server suite by using onscreen help.
On a computer running Mac OS X Server, you can access onscreen help after opening
Workgroup Manager or Server Admin. From the Help menu, select one of the options:
Workgroup Manager Help or Server Admin Help displays information about the
Mac OS X Server Help displays the main server help page, from which you can search
or browse for server information.
Documentation takes you to, from which you
can download server documentation.
You can also access onscreen help from the Finder or other applications on a server or
on an administrator computer. (An administrator computer is a Mac OS X computer
with server administration software installed on it.) Use the Help menu to open Help
Viewer, then choose Library > Mac OS X Server Help.
To see the latest server help topics, make sure the server or administrator computer is
connected to the Internet while you’re using Help Viewer. Help Viewer automatically
retrieves and caches the latest server help topics from the Internet. When not
connected to the Internet, Help Viewer displays cached help topics.
Preface About This Guide 11
The Mac OS X Server Suite
The Mac OS X Server documentation includes a suite of guides that explain the services
and provide instructions for configuring, managing, and troubleshooting the services.
All of the guides are available in PDF format from:
This guide... tells you how to:
Mac OS X Server Getting Started
for Version 10.4 or Later
Install Mac OS X Server and set it up for the first time.
Mac OS X Server Upgrading and
Migrating to Version 10.4 or Later
Use data and service settings that are currently being used on
earlier versions of the server.
Mac OS X Server User
Management for Version 10.4 or
Create and manage users, groups, and computer lists. Set up
managed preferences for Mac OS X clients.
Mac OS X Server File Services
Administration for Version 10.4 or
Share selected server volumes or folders among server clients
using these protocols: AFP, NFS, FTP, and SMB/CIFS.
Mac OS X Server Print Service
Administration for Version 10.4 or
Host shared printers and manage their associated queues and print
Mac OS X Server System Image
and Software Update
Administration for Version 10.4 or
Use NetBoot and Network Install to create disk images from which
Macintosh computers can start up over the network. Set up a
software update server for updating client computers over the
Mac OS X Server Mail Service
Administration for Version 10.4 or
Set up, configure, and administer mail services on the server.
Mac OS X Server Web
Technologies Administration for
Version 10.4 or Later
Set up and manage a web server, including WebDAV, WebMail, and
web modules.
Mac OS X Server Network Services
Administration for Version 10.4 or
Set up, configure, and administer DHCP, DNS, VPN, NTP, IP firewall,
and NAT services on the server.
Mac OS X Server Open Directory
Administration for Version 10.4 or
Manage directory and authentication services.
Mac OS X Server QuickTime
Streaming Server Administration
for Version 10.4 or Later
Set up and manage QuickTime streaming services.
Mac OS X Server Windows
Services Administration for
Version 10.4 or Later
Set up and manage services including PDC, BDC, file, and print for
Windows computer users.
Mac OS X Server Migrating from
Windows NT for Version 10.4 or
Move accounts, shared folders, and services from Windows NT
servers to Mac OS X Server.
12 Preface About This Guide
Getting Documentation Updates
Periodically, Apple posts new onscreen help topics, revised guides, and solution papers.
The new help topics include updates to the latest guides.
To view new onscreen help topics, make sure your server or administrator computer
is connected to the Internet and click the Late-Breaking News link on the main
Mac OS X Server help page.
To download the latest guides and solution papers in PDF format, go to the
Mac OS X Server documentation webpage:
Getting Additional Information
For more information, consult these resources:
Read Me documents—important updates and special information. Look for them on the
server discs.
Mac OS X Server website—gateway to extensive product and technology information.
AppleCare Service & Support—access to hundreds of articles from Apple’s support
Mac OS X Server Java Application
Server Administration For Version
10.4 or Later
Configure and administer a JBoss application server on Mac OS X
Mac OS X Server Command-Line
Administration for Version 10.4 or
Use commands and configuration files to perform server
administration tasks in a UNIX command shell.
Mac OS X Server Collaboration
Services Administration for
Version 10.4 or Later
Set up and manage weblog, chat, and other services that facilitate
interactions among users.
Mac OS X Server High Availability
Administration for Version 10.4 or
Manage IP failover, link aggregation, load balancing, and other
hardware and software configurations to ensure high availability of
Mac OS X Server services.
Mac OS X Server Xgrid
Administration for Version 10.4 or
Manage computational Xserve clusters using the Xgrid application.
Mac OS X Server
Glossary: Includes Terminology for
Mac OS X Server, Xserve, Xserve
RAID, and Xsan
Interpret terms used for server and storage products.
This guide... tells you how to:
Preface About This Guide 13
Apple customer training—instructor-led and self-paced courses for honing your server
administration skills.
Apple discussion groups—a way to share questions, knowledge, and advice with other
Apple mailing list directory—subscribe to mailing lists so you can communicate with
other administrators using email.
14 Preface About This Guide
1 Linking Your Network to the
You use Gateway Setup Assistant to link your network to
the Internet. It guides you through initial setup of a
server that will serve as a gateway between your private
network and the Internet.
Understanding the Gateway Setup Assistant
The Gateway Setup Assistant helps you to quickly and easily set up a Mac OS X
Server 10.4 to share your connection with the Internet with your local network. After
making a few configuration choices, the assistant saves all the appropriate settings to
start sharing the servers connection.
Depending on your configuration choices, the assistant will do the following when it is
Assign the server a static IP address for each internal network interface.
The address assigned is 192.168.x.1. The number used for x is determined by the
network interface’s order in the Network System Preference pane. For example, for
the first interface, x is 0, for the second interface on the list, x is 1.
Enable the DHCP to allocate addresses on the internal network, removing existing
DHCP subnets.
Set aside certain internal (192.168.x.x) addresses for DHCP use.
Without VPN enabled, each interface can allocate 192.168.x.2–192.168.x.254.
Enable VPN (optional), to allow authorized external clients to connect to the local
VPN L2TP is enabled, so you must enter a shared secret for client connections to use.
Set aside certain internal (192.168.x.x) addresses for VPN use.
If VPN is selected, half of the allotted IP addresses in the DHCP range are reserved for
VPN connections. The addresses 192.168.x.128–192.168.x.254 are allotted to VPN
16 Chapter 1 Linking Your Network to the Internet
Enable the IP Firewall to help secure the internal network.
Address groups are added for each internal network interface, with all traffic allowed
from the newly created DHCP address ranges to any destination address.
Enable NAT on the internal network, and add a NAT divert rule to the IP Firewall to
direct network traffic to the appropriate computer. This also protects the internal
network from unsolicited external connections.
Enable DNS on the server, configured to cache lookups, to improve DNS response for
the internal clients.
Before making of any of these settings, you have a chance to review the proposed
changes before committing to them. It will overwrite any existing settings with those
configured in the assistant.
You can make any additional changes to the service configuration using Server Admin.
For any of the network services, see its appropriate section in this book for further
If you run the Gateway Setup Assistant again, it will overwrite any manual settings you
may have made.
Using the Gateway Setup Assistant
The Gateway Setup Assistant can be accessed from two different locations. You can:
Open /Applications/Server/Gateway Setup
Choose View > Gateway Setup in Server Admin
Follow the directions in the assistant, and click Continue after each page. Read the final
output carefully, and make sure you approve of the configuration before finalizing the
Sample Configurations
The following section contains a few sample configurations using the Gateway Setup
Assistant. All of the configurations assume use the following information as an
You have a static IP address allocated by the ISP (Internet Service Provider) for use by
the server.
The server is an XServe G5 with 2 built-in Ethernet ports as its network interfaces,
Ethernet 1 (en0) and Ethernet 2 (en1), unless otherwise noted.
Warning: Although Gateway Setup Assistant can be used to configure remote
servers, you may accidentally cut off your administrative access to the remote server.
Chapter 1 Linking Your Network to the Internet 17
The IP addresses to be used on your internal LAN are standard internal LAN IP
addresses: 192.168.x.x
Connecting a Wired LAN to the Internet
You can use Gateway Setup Assistant to connect a wired LAN to the Internet. Your LAN
may be made of any number of computers all connected to each other through
Ethernet hubs and switches, but it has one point of contact with the Internet: the
After this process, all the computers on the LAN:
Can get IP addresses and network settings configured via DHCP.
Can access the Internet (as long as the gateway’s connection to the Internet is
Are not accessible to unauthorized network connections originating from the
May be accessible via the Internet to authorized VPN clients (if configured).
Benefit from DNS lookup caching in the gateway, speeding up DNS resolution.
To connect a wired LAN to the Internet:
1 Plug the connection to the Internet into the XServe’s Built-In Ethernet 1 (en0) port.
2 Plug the connection to your LAN into the XServe’s Built-In Ethernet 2 (en1) port.
3 Open the Gateway Setup Assistant.
You can open it from the /Applications/Server/ folder or via Server Admin’s View menu.
Enter the address, administrator name, and password of the server you want to
4 Designate Built-In Ethernet 1 as your WAN (Internet) interface.
5 Designate Built-In Ethernet 2 as your LAN (sharing) interface.
Your LAN interface is the one connected to your local network. All computers on the
LAN will share the servers Internet connection through the server’s WAN interface.
If your server has more than 1 interface available at this point (Ethernet 2 or Ethernet 3,
and so on), choose those you wish to enable.
6 Choose whether to make this gateway a VPN entry point to your LAN.
If you choose to enable VPN, you’ll need to have a “shared secret.” A shared secret is a
passphrase that all users must provide in order to make a secure connection to the VPN
gateway. It should be a very secure passphrase, and not a password of any user or
administrator on the gateway server.
For more information on VPN, see Chapter 6, VPN Service,” on page 99.
7 Inspect and confirm the changes.
18 Chapter 1 Linking Your Network to the Internet
You can fine-tune various settings from this base configuration. All further
configuration is done using Server Admin.
For example, you can use Server Admin to set always give certain IP addresses to
specific computers. You need to add static address mappings in the DHCP section’s
Settings tab. See Chapter 2, “DHCP Service,” for more information.
Additionally, you can also change the IP Firewall settings to allow certain connections
from the Internet to the LAN. You need to change the Firewall settings, opening up IP
ports as desired, and configure port-forwarding (by editing UNIX files from the
command line) to designate which computer on the LAN will accept the incoming
Connecting a Wired LAN And Wireless Clients To The Internet
You can use Gateway Setup Assistant to connect a wired LAN and wireless clients to
the Internet. Your LAN may be made of any number of computers connected to each
other through Ethernet hubs and switches, but it has one point of contact with the
Internet: the gateway.
Your LAN must also have An AirPort Base Station to connect the wireless computers to
the rest of the wired network. All your wireless clients must be able to connect to the
AirPort base station’s wireless network to be linked to the wired LAN.
After this process, the computers on the LAN and those connected to the AirPort Base
Can get IP addresses and network settings configured via DHCP.
Can access the Internet (as long as the gateway’s connection to the Internet is
Are not accessible to unauthorized network connections originating from the wired
connection to the Internet.
May be accessible via the Internet to authorized VPN clients (if configured).
Benefit from DNS lookup caching in the gateway, which speeds up DNS resolution.
To connect a wired LAN and wireless clients to the Internet:
1 Plug the connection to the Internet into the XServe’s Built-In Ethernet 1 (en0) port.
2 Plug the connection to your LAN into the XServe’s Built-In Ethernet 2 (en1) port.
3 Connect the AirPort Base Station’s port (the WAN port, if there are 2) to the wired
4 Using the AirPort Admin Utility (or AirPort Setup Assistant) configure the base station
to connect using Ethernet, and to get its own address using DHCP.
5 In the Network panel, make sure to uncheck “Distribute IP Addresses.”
6 Click Update to change the base station settings.
Chapter 1 Linking Your Network to the Internet 19
7 Open the Gateway Setup Assistant.
You can open it from the /Applications/Server/ folder or via Server Admin’s View menu.
Enter the address, administrator name, and password of the server you want to
8 Designate Built-In Ethernet 1 as your WAN (Internet) interface.
9 Designate Built-In Ethernet 2 as your LAN (sharing) interface.
Your LAN interface is the one connected to your local network. All computers on the
LAN will share the servers Internet connection through the server’s WAN interface.
If your server has more than one interface available at this point (Ethernet 2 or Ethernet
3, and so on), choose those which you wish to enable.
10 Choose whether to make this gateway a VPN entry point to your LAN.
If you choose to enable VPN, you’ll need to have a “shared secret.” A shared secret is a
passphrase that all users must provide in order to make a secure connection to the VPN
gateway. It should be a very secure passphrase, and not a password of any user or
administrator on the gateway server.
For more information on VPN, see Chapter 6, VPN Service,” on page 99.
11 Inspect and confirm the changes.
You can fine-tune various settings from this base configuration. All further
configuration is done using Server Admin.
For example, you can use Server Admin to set always give certain IP addresses to
specific computers. You need to add static address mappings in the DHCP section’s
Settings tab. See Chapter 2, “DHCP Service,” for more information.
Additionally, you can also change the IP Firewall settings to allow certain connections
from the Internet to the LAN. You need to change the Firewall settings, opening up IP
ports as desired, and configure port-forwarding in the NAT panel to designate which
computer on the LAN will accept the incoming traffic.
Connecting a Wireless LAN To The Internet
Connecting your wireless clients to the Internet through a Mac OS X Server gateway
has some advantages over using the base stations built-in functions. The gateway can
provide advanced IP Firewall control, DHCP allocation of static IP addresses, DNS
caching, and incoming VPN connections to the LAN.
If you do not want or need these advanced functions, you can use the AirPort Base
Station by itself to connect your wireless clients to the Internet, without a Mac OS X
Server between the base station and the Internet.
20 Chapter 1 Linking Your Network to the Internet
To take advantage of the gateway’s features, you use the base station as a bridge
between your wireless clients and the gateway. Each client connects to the base
station, and the base station sends the network traffic through the gateway. All your
wireless clients must be able to connect to the AirPort Base Station’s wireless network
to be linked to the gateway.
After this process, the computers connected to the AirPort Base Station:
Can get IP addresses and network settings configured via DHCP.
Can access the Internet (as long as the gateway’s connection to the Internet is
Are not accessible to unauthorized network connections originating from the wired
connection to the Internet.
May be accessible via the Internet to authorized VPN clients (if configured).
Benefit from DNS lookup caching in the gateway, speeding up DNS resolution.
To connect a wired LAN and wireless clients to the Internet:
1 Plug the connection to the Internet into the XServe’s Built-In Ethernet 1 (en0) port.
2 Connect the AirPort Base Station’s port (the WAN port, if there are 2) to the XServe’s
Built-In Ethernet 2 (en1) port.
3 Using the AirPort Admin Utility (or AirPort Setup Assistant) configure the base station
to connect using Ethernet, and to get its own address using DHCP.
4 In the Network panel, make sure to uncheck “Distribute IP Addresses.”
5 Click Update to change the base station settings.
6 Open the Gateway Setup Assistant.
You can open it from the /Applications/Server/ folder or via Server Admin’s View menu.
Enter the address, administrator name, and password of the server you want to
7 Designate Built-In Ethernet 1 as your WAN (Internet) interface.
8 Designate Built-In Ethernet 2 as your LAN (sharing) interface.
Your LAN interface is the one connected to your local network. All computers on the
LAN will share the servers Internet connection through the server’s WAN interface.
If your server has more than one interface available at this point (Ethernet 2 or Ethernet
3, etc.), choose those which you wish to enable.
9 Choose whether to make this gateway a VPN entry point to your LAN.
If you choose to enable VPN, you’ll need to have a “shared secret.” A shared secret is a
passphrase that all users must provide in order to make a secure connection to the VPN
gateway. It should be a very secure passphrase, and not a password of any user or
administrator on the gateway server.
For more information on VPN, see Chapter 6, VPN Service,” on page 99.
Chapter 1 Linking Your Network to the Internet 21
10 Inspect and confirm the changes.
You can fine-tune various settings from this base configuration. All further
configuration is done using Server Admin.
For example, you can use Server Admin to set always give certain IP addresses to
specific computers. You need to add static address mappings in the DHCP section’s
Settings tab. See Chapter 2, “DHCP Service,” for more information.
Additionally, you can also change the IP Firewall settings to allow certain connections
from the Internet to the LAN. You need to change the Firewall settings, opening up IP
ports as desired, and configure port-forwarding in the NAT panel to designate which
computer on the LAN will accept the incoming traffic.
22 Chapter 1 Linking Your Network to the Internet
2 DHCP Service
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) service lets you administer and distribute
IP addresses to client computers from your server. When you configure the DHCP
server, you assign a block of IP addresses that can be made available to clients. Each
time a client computer configured to use DHCP starts up, it looks for a DHCP server on
your network. If a DHCP server is found, the client computer then requests an IP
address. The DHCP server checks for an available IP address and sends it to the client
computer along with a lease period” (the length of time the client computer can use
the address) and configuration information.
You can use the DHCP module in Server Admin to:
Configure and administer DHCP service.
Create and administer subnets.
Configure DNS, LDAP, and WINS options for client computers.
View DHCP address leases.
If your organization has more clients than IP addresses, you’ll benefit from using DHCP
service. IP addresses are assigned on an as-needed basis, and when they’re not needed,
theyre available for use by other clients. You can use a combination of static and
dynamic IP addresses for your network if you need to. Read the next section for more
information about static and dynamic allocation of IP addresses.
Organizations may benefit from the features of DHCP service, such as the ability to set
Domain Name System (DNS) and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) options
for client computers without additional client configuration.
Before You Set Up DHCP Service
Before you set up DHCP service, read this section for information about creating
subnets, assigning static and dynamic IP addresses, locating your server on the
network, and avoiding reserved IP addresses.
24 Chapter 2 DHCP Service
Creating Subnets
Subnets are groupings of computers on the same network that simplify administration.
You can organize subnets any way that is useful to you. For example, you can create
subnets for different groups within your organization or for different floors of a
building. Once you have grouped client computers into subnets, you can configure
options for all the computers in a subnet at one time instead of setting options for
individual client computers. Each subnet needs a way to connect to the other subnets.
A hardware device called a router typically connects subnets.
Assigning IP Addresses Dynamically
With dynamic allocation, an IP address is assigned for a limited period of time (the lease
time) or until the client computer doesn’t need the IP address, whichever comes first. By
using short leases, DHCP can reassign IP addresses on networks that have more
computers than available IP addresses. Leases are automatically renewed if the address
isn’t needed by any other computer.
Addresses allocated to Virtual Private Network (VPN) clients are distributed much like
DHCP addresses, but they don’t come out of the same range of addresses as DHCP. If
you plan on using VPN, be sure to leave some addresses unallocated by DHCP for use
by VPN. To learn more about VPN, see Chapter 6, VPN Service,” on page 99.
Using Static IP Addresses
Static IP addresses are assigned to a computer or device once and then don’t change.
You may want to assign static IP addresses to computers that must have a continuous
Internet presence, such as web servers. Other devices that must be continuously
available to network users, such as printers, may also benefit from static IP addresses.
Static IP addresses can be set up either by manually by entering the IP address on the
computer or device that is assigned the address or by configuring DHCP to provide the
same address to a specific computer or device on each request. DHCP-assigned
addresses allow address configuration changes at the DHCP server rather than at each
client. Manually configured static IP addresses avoid possible issues certain services
may have with DHCP-assigned addresses and avoid the delay required for DHCP to
assign an address.
Don’t include manually assigned Static IP address ranges in the range distributed by
It is possible to set up DHCP to always serve the same address to the same computer,
giving you the benefits of static addresses and the benefits of centralized network
configuration. See “Assigning Static IP Addresses Using DHCP” on page 30 for more
Chapter 2 DHCP Service 25
Locating the DHCP Server
When a client computer looks for a DHCP server, it broadcasts a message. If your DHCP
server is on a different subnet from the client computer, you must make sure the
routers that connect your subnets can forward the client broadcasts and the DHCP
server responses. A relay agent or router on your network that can relay BootP
communications will work for DHCP. If you don’t have a means to relay BootP
communications, you must place the DHCP server on the same subnet as your client.
Interacting With Other DHCP Servers
You may already have other DHCP servers on your network, such as AirPort Base
Stations. Mac OS X Server can coexist with other DHCP servers as long as each DHCP
server uses a unique pool of IP addresses. However, you may want your DHCP server to
provide an LDAP server address for client autoconfiguration in managed environments.
AirPort Base Stations can’t provide an LDAP server address. Therefore, if you want to
use the autoconfiguration feature, you must set up AirPort Base Stations in Ethernet-
bridging mode and have Mac OS X Server provide DHCP service. If the AirPort Base
Stations are on separate subnets, then your routers must be configured to forward
client broadcasts and DHCP server responses as described previously. If you wish to
provide DHCP service with AirPort Base Stations then you can’t use the client
autoconfiguration feature and you must manually enter LDAP server addresses at client
Using Multiple DHCP Servers on a Network
You can have multiple DHCP servers on the same network. However, its important that
theyre configured properly to prevent interference with each other. Each server needs
a unique pool of IP addresses to distribute.
Assigning Reserved IP Addresses
Certain IP addresses can’t be assigned to individual hosts. These include addresses
reserved for loopback and addresses reserved for broadcasting. Your ISP won’t assign
such addresses to you. If you try to configure DHCP to use such addresses, you’ll be
warned that the addresses are invalid, and you’ll need to enter valid addresses.
Getting More Information on the DHCP Process
Mac OS X Server uses a daemon process called “bootpd” that is responsible for the
DHCP Service’s address allocation. You can learn more about bootpd and its advanced
configuration options by accessing the bootpd man page by typing in to the Terminal:
man bootpd
26 Chapter 2 DHCP Service
Setting Up DHCP Service for the First Time
If you used the Setup Assistant to configure ports on your server when you installed
Mac OS X Server, some DHCP information is already configured. You need to follow the
steps in this section to finish configuring DHCP service. You can find more information
about settings for each step in “Managing DHCP Service” on page 26.
Step 1: Create subnets
The following instructions show you how to create a pool of IP addresses that are
shared by the client computers on your network. You create one range of shared
addresses per subnet. These addresses are assigned by the DHCP server when a client
issues a request.
See “Creating Subnets in DHCP Service” on page 27.
Step 2: Set up logs for DHCP service
You can log DHCP activity and errors to help you monitor requests and identify
problems with your server.
DHCP service records diagnostic messages in the system log file. To keep this file from
growing too large, you can suppress most messages by changing your log settings in
the Logging pane of the DHCP service settings. For more information on setting up
logs for DHCP service, see “Setting the Log Detail Level for DHCP Service” on page 32.
Step 3: Start DHCP service
See “Starting and Stopping DHCP Service” on page 26.
Managing DHCP Service
This section describes how to set up and manage DHCP service on Mac OS X Server. It
includes starting service, creating subnets, and setting optional settings like LDAP or
DNS for a subnet.
Starting and Stopping DHCP Service
Follow these steps when starting or stopping DHCP. You must have at least one subnet
created and enabled.
To start or stop DHCP service:
1 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
2 Make sure at least one subnet and network interface is configured and selected.
3 Click Start Service or Stop Service.
When the service is turned on, the Stop Service button is available.
Chapter 2 DHCP Service 27
Creating Subnets in DHCP Service
Subnets are groupings of client computers on the same network that may be
organized by location (different floors of a building, for example) or by usage (all
eighth-grade students, for example). Each subnet has at least one range of IP addresses
assigned to it.
To create a new subnet:
1 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Subnets tab.
4 Click the Add ( + ) button.
5 Select the General tab.
6 Enter a descriptive name for the new subnet (optional).
7 Enter a starting and ending IP address for this subnet range.
Addresses must be contiguous, and they can’t overlap with other subnets’ ranges.
8 Enter the subnet mask for the network address range.
9 Choose the Network Interface from the pop-up menu.
10 Enter the IP address of the router for this subnet.
If the server youre configuring now is the router for the subnet, enter this servers
internal LAN IP address as the router’s address.
11 Define a lease time in hours, days, weeks, or months.
12 If you wish to set DNS, LDAP, or WINS information for this subnet, enter these now.
See “Setting the DNS Server for a DHCP Subnet” on page 29, “Setting LDAP Options for
a Subnet” on page 29, and “Setting WINS Options for a Subnet on page 30 for more
13 Click Save.
Changing Subnet Settings in DHCP Service
Use Server Admin to make changes to existing DHCP subnet settings. You can change
IP address range, subnet mask, network interface, router, or lease time.
To change subnet settings:
1 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Subnets tab.
4 Select a subnet.
5 Click the Edit ( / ) button.
6 Make the changes you want.
28 Chapter 2 DHCP Service
These changes can include adding DNS, LDAP, or WINS information. You can also
redefine address ranges or redirect the network interface that responds to DHCP
7 Click Save.
Deleting Subnets From DHCP Service
You can delete subnets and subnet IP address ranges when they will no longer be
distributed to clients.
To delete subnets or address ranges:
1 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select a subnet.
4 Click the Delete ( - ) button.
5 Click Save to confirm the deletion.
Disabling Subnets Temporarily
You can temporarily shut down a subnet without losing all its settings. This means no
IP addresses from the subnet’s range will be distributed on the selected interface to
any client.
To disable a subnet:
1 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Subnets tab.
4 Deselect “Enable” next to the subnet you want to disable.
Changing IP Address Lease Times for a Subnet
You can change how long IP addresses in a subnet are available to client computers.
To change the lease time for a subnet address range:
1 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Subnets tab.
4 Select a subnet range and click the Edit ( / ) button.
5 Select the General tab.
6 Select a time scale from the Lease Time pop-up menu (hours, days, weeks, or months).
7 Enter a number in the Lease Time field.
8 Click Save.
Chapter 2 DHCP Service 29
Setting the DNS Server for a DHCP Subnet
You can decide which DNS servers and default domain name a subnet should use.
DHCP service provides this information to the client computers in the subnet.
To set DNS options for a subnet:
1 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Subnets tab.
4 Select a subnet and click the Edit ( / ) button.
5 Select the DNS tab.
6 Enter the default domain of the subnet.
7 Enter the primary and secondary name server IP addresses you want DHCP clients to
8 Click Save.
Setting LDAP Options for a Subnet
You can use DHCP to provide your clients with LDAP server information rather than
manually configuring each client’s LDAP information. The order in which the LDAP
servers appear in the list determines their search order in the automatic Open Directory
search policy.
If you have are using this Mac OS X Server as an LDAP master, the LDAP options will be
prepopulated with the necessary configuration information. If your LDAP master server
is another machine, you’ll need to know the domain name or IP address of the LDAP
database you want to use. You also will need to know the LDAP search base.
To set LDAP options for a subnet:
1 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Subnets tab.
4 Select a subnet and click the Edit ( / ) button.
5 Click the LDAP tab.
6 Enter the domain name or IP address of the LDAP server for this subnet.
7 Enter the search base for LDAP searches.
8 Enter the LDAP port number, if you’re using a non-standard port.
9 Select LDAP over SSL, if necessary.
10 Click Save.
30 Chapter 2 DHCP Service
Setting WINS Options for a Subnet
You can give additional information to client computers running Windows in a subnet
by adding the Windows-specific settings to the DHCP supplied network configuration
data. These Windows-specific settings allow Windows clients to browse their Network
You must know the domain name or IP address of the WINS/NBNS primary and
secondary servers (this is usually the IP address of the DHCP server itself), and the NBT
node type (which is usually “broadcast”). The NBDD Server and the NetBIOS Scope ID
are typically not used, but you may need to use them, depending on your Windows
clients’ configuration, and Windows network infrastructure.
To set WINS options for a subnet:
1 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Subnets tab.
4 Select a subnet and click the Edit ( / ) button.
5 Click the WINS tab.
6 Enter the domain name or IP address of the WINS/NBNS primary and secondary servers
for this subnet.
7 Enter the domain name or IP address of the NBDD server for this subnet.
8 Choose the NBT node type from the pop-up menu.
9 Enter the NetBIOS Scope ID.
10 Click Save.
Assigning Static IP Addresses Using DHCP
You can assign the same address to the same computers, if desired. This allows you to
keep the ease of configuration of using DHCP, while allowing to you to have some
static servers or services.
In order to assign a the same IP address to the same computer, you will need the
computer’s Ethernet Address (sometimes called its MAC address, or hardware address).
Each network interface has its own Ethernet Address.
Be aware that if you have computer that moves from being wired to the network to a
wireless network, it uses two different Ethernet address, one for the wired connection,
and one for the wireless connection.
Chapter 2 DHCP Service 31
To assign static IP addresses:
1 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Click Static Maps.
4 Click the Add ( + ) button.
5 Enter the Ethernet Address of the computer which is to get a static address.
6 Enter the IP address you want to assign to it.
7 Enter the name of the computer.
8 Click OK.
9 Click Save.
Removing or Changing Static Address Maps
You can change the static mappings or remove them as needed.
To change the static address map:
1 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Click Static Maps.
4 Select a mapping to edit or delete.
5 Click the Edit ( / ) button or the Delete ( - ) button.
6 If you are editing the mapping, make any changes you want, and click OK.
7 Click Save.
Monitoring DHCP Service
You’ll need to monitor DHCP service. There are two main ways to monitor DHCP
service. First, you can view the client list; second, you can monitor the log files
generated by the service. You can use the service logs to help troubleshoot network
problems. The following sections discuss these aspects of monitoring DHCP service.
Viewing the DHCP Status Overview
The status overview shows a simple summary of the DHCP service. It shows whether
the service is running, how many clients it has, and when service was started. It also
shows how many IP addresses are statically assigned from your subnets and the last
time the client database was updated.
To see the overview:
1 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click the Overview button.
32 Chapter 2 DHCP Service
Setting the Log Detail Level for DHCP Service
You can choose the level of detail you want to log for DHCP service.
“Low (errors only)” will indicate conditions for which you need to take immediate
action (for example, if the DHCP server can’t start up). This level corresponds to
bootpd reporting in quiet” mode, with the “-q” flag.
“Medium (errors and warnings)” can alert you to conditions in which data is
inconsistent, but the DHCP server is still able to operate. This level corresponds to
default bootpd reporting.
“High (all events)” will record all activity by the DHCP service, including routine
functions. This level corresponds to bootpd reporting in “verbose” mode, with the “-v
To set up the log detail level:
1 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Logging tab.
4 Choose the logging option you want.
5 Click Save.
Viewing DHCP Log Entries
If you’ve enabled logging for DHCP service, you can check the system log for DHCP
The log view is the system.log file filtered for “bootpd.” You can further filter the rules
with the text filter box.
To see DHCP log entries:
1 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Log.
Viewing the DHCP Client List
The DHCP Clients window gives the following information for each client:
The IP address served to the client.
The number of days of lease time left, until the time is less than 24 hours; then the
number of hours and minutes.
The DHCP client ID. This is usually, but not always, the same as the hardware address.
The computer name.
The Ethernet ID.
To view the DHCP client list:
1 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Clients.
Click any column heading to sort the list by different criteria.
Chapter 2 DHCP Service 33
Common Network Configurations That Use DHCP
The following section contains some sample DHCP configurations for different network
When you set up a private network, you choose IP addresses from the blocks of IP
addresses that the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) has reserved for private
intranets:– (10/8 prefix)– (172.16/12 prefix)– (192.168/16 prefix)
Using DHCP to Provide IP Address Behind a NAT Gateway
You use DHCP to provide IP addresses to computers behind a NAT gateway. While not
strictly necessary (NAT can be used with static IP addresses instead of DHCP), this
allows easy configuration of client computers.
See “Linking a LAN to the Internet Through One IP Address on page 93 for more
Workgroup Configuration
Let’s imagine you have a small workgroup with it’s own DHCP address group. You may
have an IP-connected printer, a file server, and an Open Directory server (either on or
off the subnet) for user management purposes. In order to use DHCP in this setting,
you will need to already have:
A working, configured firewall which allows LDAP and printer (IP Printing)
See Chapter 4, “IP Firewall Service,” for more information.
A working, configured Open Directory or LDAP server with users defined.
See the guide Mac OS X Server Open Directory Administration for Version 10.4 or Later
and “Mac OS X Server User Management for Version 10.4 or Later for more information.
Configuring DHCP, in this example, involves the use of static IP address mapping and
additional client network settings. You could configure it like this:
For a printer that must be given a static IP address, make sure the allocated DHCP
address range does not include the truly static IP of the printer. If the printer can be
configured to accept an address via DHCP, don’t worry about an overlap.
See “Using Static IP Addresses on page 24 for more information.
For a file server that needs to be allocated the same address all the time, use
Mac OS X Server’s static IP mapping to always assign the same IP address to its
Ethernet address.
See “Assigning Static IP Addresses Using DHCP” on page 30 for more information.
34 Chapter 2 DHCP Service
For DHCP configuration, choose to set the LDAP options for DHCP clients. This
automatically gives the clients their needed directory information.
See “Setting LDAP Options for a Subnet” on page 29 for more information.
For client configuration on Mac OS X Clients, make sure the IPv4 configuration
method in the Network pane of System Preferences is set to “DHCP.”
This configuration will allow the computers on the network to be managed via an
LDAP or Open Directory server, getting all their networking configuration from DHCP.
They can have access to truly static IP address or consistently assigned IP addresses on
the same network. Additionally, you get centralized configuration for all the computer
Student Lab Configuration
The student lab configuration is very much like the workgroup configuration, but it
adds an additional service that uses DHCP: Netboot. In addition to DHCP for
centralized networking configuration, Netboot standardizes start-up environments by
having each client computer start up from a disk image on a central Netboot server.
The configuration would be like the “Workgroup Configuration on page 33, with the
following exceptions:
There may or may not be static-address resources.
This depends on the lab composition, of course. You might have a class printer or file
server, but if you use a mobile cart that moves from classroom to classroom, you
won’t tote a server and printer along to each class.
NetBoot is enabled and configured, along with the firewall settings to support it.
Any client on the network can be set to start up from the NetBoot server. New
computers can be deployed by setting the startup disk of the computer to the
NetBoot image. No additional configuration necessary, and computers can be re-
purposed easily, since the hard drive can remain unchangeable.
This configuration will allow the computers on the network to be managed via an
LDAP or Open Directory server, getting all their networking configuration from DHCP.
The computing environment is also centrally configured for all the computer clients.
New clients can be added or swapped out with minimal effort.
Chapter 2 DHCP Service 35
Coffee Shop Configuration
The coffee shop configuration isn’t specifically about a coffee shop. It is a type of
configuration for a purely dynamic addressing environment, with no user
management, and no services provided other than web access, DNS access, and
possibly some other service. Its characterized by lots of mobile users who pass through,
use the Internet access, and move on. This configuration could easily be used in real-life
situations like a college-commons wireless network, or a wired courtesy office for
visiting consultants.
In order to use DHCP in this setting, you will need to already have:
A working, configured firewall which allows web access outbound traffic, and DNS
outbound lookups only. You may want to place this network outside your firewall,
and make sure the DHCP allocated IP addresses network traffic is strictly controlled
and monitored.
See Chapter 4, “IP Firewall Service,” for more information.
You might want to configure the DHCP service like this:
Make networking configuration automatic. Set the DHCP clients to get all possible
network configuration via DHCP.
Don’t set options they shouldn’t have. Don’t give the DHCP clients additional
information about your organization via LDAP information. You may want to allow
Windows clients to have additional network options.
See “Setting WINS Options for a Subnet” on page 30 for more information.
Limit resource use. Many users can lead to a lot of bandwidth use, so you could
reduce the number of DHCP clients that can be connected simultaneously by
allowing only a smaller number of addresses to be allocated.
See “Creating Subnets in DHCP Service” on page 27 for more information.
Keep address turnover high. You’ll want to make the lease times on addresses as short
as possible. This way, as users come and go form the network, the addresses can be
reallocated as quickly as possible.
See “Creating Subnets in DHCP Service” on page 27 for more information.
Monitor your traffic. You may want to keep a closer eye on DHCP connections and
clients, firewall rule packet logging, or other monitoring tools. Open access points
can be a liability if not guarded vigilantly.
Warning: Make sure any sensitive information you may have on your LAN is well
protected behind an additional Firewall on another network, if you host temporary,
unauthenticated users.
36 Chapter 2 DHCP Service
Where to Find More Information
Request for Comments (RFC) documents provide an overview of a protocol or service
and details about how the protocol should behave. If you’re a novice server
administrator, you’ll probably find some of the background information in an RFC
helpful. If youre an experienced server administrator, you can find all the technical
details about a protocol in its RFC document. You can search for RFC documents by
number at:
For details about DHCP, see RFC 2131.
For more information on bootpd and its advanced configuration options, see bootpd’s
man page in the Terminal:
man bootpd
3 DNS Service
When your clients want to connect to a network resource such as a web or file server,
they typically request it by its domain name (such as rather than
by its IP address (such as The Domain Name System (DNS) is a distributed
database that maps IP addresses to domain names so your clients can find the
resources by name rather than by numerical address.
A DNS server keeps a list of domain names and the IP addresses associated with each
name. When a computer needs to find the IP address for a name, it sends a message to
the DNS server (also known as a name server). The name server looks up the IP address
and sends it back to the computer. If the name server doesn’t have the IP address
locally, it sends messages to other name servers on the Internet until the IP address is
Setting up and maintaining a DNS server is a complex process. Therefore many
administrators rely on their Internet Service Provider (ISP) for DNS services. In this case,
you only have to configure your network preferences with the name server IP address
provided by your ISP.
If you don’t have an ISP to handle DNS requests for your network and any of the
following is true, you need to set up DNS service:
You don’t have the option to use DNS from your ISP or other source.
You plan on making frequent changes to the namespace and want to maintain it
You have a mail server on your network and you have difficulties coordinating with
the ISP that maintains your domain.
You have security concerns regarding giving your network’s computer names and
addresses to an outside organization (your ISP).
Mac OS X Server uses Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND v.9.2.2) for its
implementation of DNS protocols. BIND is an open-source implementation and is used
by the majority of name servers on the Internet.
38 Chapter 3 DNS Service
Before You Set Up DNS Service
This section contains information you should consider before setting up DNS on your
network. The issues involved with DNS administration are complex and numerous. You
should not set up DNS service on your network unless youre an experienced DNS
You should consider creating a mail alias called “hostmaster that receives mail and
delivers it to the person that runs the DNS server at your site. This allows users and
other DNS administrators to contact you regarding DNS problems.
You should have a thorough understanding of DNS before you attempt to set up your
own DNS server. A good source of information about DNS is DNS and BIND, 4th edition,
by Paul Albitz and Cricket Liu (O’Reilly and Associates, 2001).
Note: Apple can help you locate a network consultant to implement your DNS service.
You can contact Apple Professional Services and Apple Consultants Network on the
web at or
Setting Up Multiple Name Servers
You should set up at least one primary and one secondary name server. That way, if the
primary name server unexpectedly shuts down, the secondary name server can
continue to provide service to your users. A secondary server gets its information from
the primary server by periodically copying all the domain information from the primary
Once a name server learns a name/address pair of a host in another domain (outside
the domain it serves), the information is cached, which ensures that IP addresses for
recently resolved names are stored for later use. DNS information is usually cached on
your name server for a set time, referred to as a time-to-live (TTL) value. When the TTL
for a domain name/IP address pair has expired, the entry is deleted from the name
server’s cache and your server will request the information again as needed.
Setting Up DNS Service for the First Time
If you’re using an external DNS name server and you entered its IP address in the Setup
Assistant, you don’t need to do anything else. If you’re setting up your own DNS server,
follow the steps in this section.
Step 1: Register your domain name
Domain name registration is managed by a central organization, the Internet Assigned
Numbers Authority (IANA). IANA registration makes sure domain names are unique
across the Internet. (See for more information.) If you don’t register your
domain name, your network won’t be able to communicate over the Internet.
Chapter 3 DNS Service 39
Once you register a domain name, you can create subdomains within it as long as you
set up a DNS server on your network to keep track of the subdomain names and IP
For example, if you register the domain name,” you could create
subdomains such as “,” “,” or “”
A server in a subdomain could be named “,” or
“” The DNS server for keeps track of
information for its subdomains, such as host (or computer) names, static IP addresses,
aliases, and mail exchangers. If your ISP handles your DNS service, you’ll need to inform
them of any changes you make to your namespace, including adding subdomains.
The range of IP addresses for use with a given domain must be clearly defined before
setup. These addresses are used exclusively for one specific domain (never by another
domain or subdomain). The range of addresses should be coordinated with your
network administrator or ISP.
Step 2: Learn and plan
If youre new to working with DNS, learn and understand DNS concepts, tools, and
features of Mac OS X Server and BIND. See Where to Find More Information on
page 58.
Then plan your Domain Name System Service. You may consider the following
questions when planning:
Do you even need a local DNS server? Does your ISP provide DNS service? Could you
use Multicast DNS names instead?
How many servers will you need for the anticipated load? How many servers will you
need for backup purposes? For example, you should designate a second or even
third computer for backup DNS service.
What is your security strategy to deal with unauthorized use?
How often should you schedule periodic inspections or tests of the DNS records to
verify data integrity?
How many services or devices (like an intranet website or a network printer) are
there that will need a name?
There are two ways to configure DNS service on Mac OS X Server. First, and
recommended, you can use Server Admin to set up DNS service. For more information,
see “Managing DNS Service” on page 41 for instructions.
The second way to configure DNS is by editing the BIND configuration file. BIND is the
set of programs used by Mac OS X Server that implements DNS. One of those programs
is the name daemon, or named. To set up and configure BIND, you need to modify the
configuration file and the zone file.
40 Chapter 3 DNS Service
The configuration file is located in this file:
The zone file name is based on the name of the zone. For example, the zone file is located in this file:
If you edit named.conf to configure BIND, make sure that you don't change the controls
statement inet settings. Otherwise, Server Admin will be unable to retrieve status
information for DNS.
The inet settings should look like this:
controls {
inet port 54 allow {any;}
keys { "rndc-key"; };
Step 3: Configure basic DNS settings
See “Managing DNS Service” on page 41 for more information.
You should decide if you want to allow Recursion or Zone Transfers.
Step 4: Create a DNS Zone
Use Server Admin to set up DNS zones. See “Managing DNS Zones” on page 42 for
instructions. After adding a primary zone, Server Admin automatically creates an NS
record with the same name as the Source of Authority (SOA). For each zone that you
create, Mac OS X Server creates a reverse lookup zone. Reverse lookup zones translate
IP addresses to domain names, rather than normal lookups which translate domain
names to IP addresses.
Step 5: Add DNS machine records to the zone
Use Server Admin to add records to your Zone. Create an Address record for every
computer or device (printer, file server, and so on) that has a static IP address and
needs a name. Various DNS zone records are created form the DNS machine entries.
See “Managing DNS Machine Records” on page 46 for instructions.
Step 6: Set up a mail exchange (MX) record (optional)
If you provide mail service over the Internet, you need to set up an MX record for your
server. See “Setting Up MX Records” on page 53 for more information.
Step 7: Configure IP Firewall
You will need to configure your firewall to make sure your DNS service is protected
from attack, and accessible to your clients.
See Chapter 4, “IP Firewall Service,” for more information on configuring IP Firewall.
Chapter 3 DNS Service 41
Step 8: Start DNS service
Mac OS X Server includes a simple interface for starting and stopping DNS service.
See “Starting and Stopping DNS Service” on page 41 for more information.
Managing DNS Service
Mac OS X Server provides a simple interface for starting and stopping DNS service as
well as viewing logs and status. Basic DNS settings can be configured with Server
Admin. More advanced features require configuring BIND from the command-line, and
are not covered here.
Starting and Stopping DNS Service
Use this procedure to start or stop DNS service. Remember to restart the DNS service
whenever you make changes to the DNS service in Server Admin.
To start or stop DNS service:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS from the Computers & Services list.
2 Make sure you have at least one Zone and its reverse lookup zone created and fully
3 Click Start Service or Stop Service.
The service may take a moment to start (or stop).
Enabling or Disabling Zone Transfers
In the Domain Name System, zone data is replicated among authoritative DNS servers
by means of the “zone transfer.” Secondary DNS servers (“secondaries”) use zone
transfers to acquire their data from primary DNS servers (“primaries”). Zone transfers
must be enabled to use secondary DNS servers.
To enable or disable zone transfer:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the General tab.
4 Select or deselect Allow Zone Transfers as needed.
42 Chapter 3 DNS Service
Enabling or Disabling Recursion
Recursion is a process to fully resolve domain names into IP addresses. Users
applications depend on the DNS server to perform this function. Other DNS servers
that query yours don’t have to perform the recursion.
To prevent malicious users from altering the primary zone’s records (“cache poisoning”),
or allowing unauthorized use of the server for DNS service, you can disable recursion.
However, if you stop it, your own users won’t be able to use your DNS service to look
up any names outside of your zones.
You should disable recursion only if no clients are using this DNS server for name
resolution and no servers are using it for forwarding.
To enable or disable recursion:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the General tab.
4 Select or deselect Recursion as needed.
Selecting Recursion allows it. Deselecting Recursion disallows it.
If you choose to enable recursion, consider disabling it for external IP addresses, but
enabling it for LAN IP addresses, by editing BIND’s named.conf file. See BIND’s
documentation for more information.
Managing DNS Zones
Zones are the basic organizational unit of the Domain Name System. Zones contain
records and are defined by how they acquire those records, and how they respond to
DNS requests. There are normally three basic kinds of zones (and a few not covered
A primary zone has the master copy of the zones records, and provides authoritative
answers to lookup requests.
A secondary zone is a copy of a primary zone stored on a secondary name server. Each
secondary zone keeps a list of primary servers that it contacts to receive updates to
records in the primary zone. Secondaries must be configured to request the copy of
the primary zones data. Secondary zones use zone transfers to get copies of the
primary zone data. Secondary name servers can take lookup requests like primary
servers. By using several secondary zones linked to one primary, you can distribute DNS
query loads across several computers and ensure lookup requests are answered when
the primary name server is down.
Chapter 3 DNS Service 43
Secondary zones also have a refresh interval also. It determines how often secondary
zones check for changes from the primary zone. You can change the zone refresh
interval by using BIND’s configuration file. See BINDs documentation for more
A forward zone directs all lookup requests for that zone to other DNS servers. Forward
zones don’t do zone transfers. Often, forward zone servers are used to provide DNS
services to a private network behind a firewall. In this case, the DNS server must have
access to the Internet and a DNS server outside the firewall. Finally, forward zones
cache responses to the queries that they pass on. This can improve the performance of
lookups by clients which use the forward zone.
Server Admin does not support creation or modification of a forward zone. In order to
create a forward zone, you will need to configure BIND manually on the command line.
See BIND’s documentation for further detail.
Adding a Primary Zone
A primary zone has the master copy of the zones records and provides authoritative
answers to lookup requests. After adding a primary zone, Server Admin automatically
creates an NS record with the same name as the Source of Authority (SOA).
To add a primary zone:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Zones tab.
4 Click the Add ( + ) button beneath the Zones list.
5 Enter a zone name.
The zone name is domain name.
6 Enter the hostname of the domains SOA.
If this computer will be the authoritative name server for the domain, enter the
computer’s hostname. For example, “”
7 Enter the zone servers IP address.
8 Enter the email address of the zones administrator.
9 Enter the amount of time the zone is valid.
This is the zones Time to Live (TTL). It determines how long any query responses
information can remain cached in remote DNS systems before re-querying the
authoritative server.
10 Click Save.
44 Chapter 3 DNS Service
Adding a Secondary Zone
A secondary zone is a copy of a primary zone stored on a secondary name server. Each
secondary zone keeps a list of primary servers that it contacts to receive updates to
records in the primary zone. Secondaries must be configured to request the copy of
the primary zones data. Secondary zones use zone transfers to get copies of the
primary zone data. Secondary name servers can take lookup requests like primary
To add a secondary zone:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Secondary Zones tab.
4 Click the Add ( + ) button beneath the Zones list.
5 Enter a zone name.
This is the fully qualified domain name of the secondary server.
6 Click the Add ( + ) button.
7 Enter the IP addresses for the primary servers for this secondary zone.
8 Click OK
9 Click Save.
Duplicating a Zone
You can create a copy of an existing zone on the same computer. You could use this to
speed up configuration of multiple zones, or multiple domain names for a single
physical LAN.
To duplicate a zone:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Zones tab.
4 Click the Duplicate button beneath the Zones list.
5 If desired, double-click the newly duplicated zone to change the zone information.
6 Click Save.
Chapter 3 DNS Service 45
Modifying a Zone
This section describes modifying a zones type and settings but not modifying the
records within a zone. You may need to change a zones administrator address, type, or
domain name.
To modify a zone:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Zones tab.
4 Click the Edit ( / ) button beneath the Zones list.
5 Change the zone name, type, or administrator email address as needed.
For more information on zone types, see “Managing DNS Zones on page 42.
6 Click OK, and click Save.
Deleting a Zone
The section describes how to delete an existing zone. This deletes the zone and all the
records associated with it.
To delete a zone:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Zones tab.
4 Select the zone which is to be deleted.
5 Click the Delete ( - ) button beneath the Zones list.
6 Click Save to confirm the deletion.
Using an Existing Zone File
You may already have a BIND zone file from a DNS server of another platform. Instead
of entering all the information in to Server Admin by hand, you can use the zone file
directly with Mac OS X Server.
Using an existing zone file requires root access permissions to the BIND configuration
file (/etc/named.conf), the working zone directory (/var/named/), a basic knowledge of
BIND 9, and a facility with the Terminal application. Otherwise, it is strongly advised you
use Server Admin’s DNS tools.
46 Chapter 3 DNS Service
To import a zone file:
1 Add the zone directive to BIND’s configuration file, /etc/named.conf
You’ll need root privileges to edit named.conf.
For a zone “ described in a zone file in working zone directory “/
var/named/”, the directive might look something like this:
zone "" IN { // Forward lookup zone for
type master; // It’s a primary zone
file ""; // Zone info stored in /var/named/
allow-update { none; };
2 Make sure the zone file is added to the working zone directory (/var/named/).
3 Restart the DNS service using Server Admin.
Managing DNS Machine Records
Each zone contains a number of records. These records are requested when a client
computer needs to translate a domain name (like to an IP number.
Web browsers, email clients, and other network applications rely on a zone’s records to
contact the appropriate server. The primary zones records will be queried by others
across the Internet so they can connect to your network services. There are several
kinds of DNS records. The records which are available for configuration by Server
Admin’s user interface are:
Address (A): Stores the IP address associated with a domain name.
Canonical Name (CNAME): Stores an alias in connection with the “real name of a
server. For example, might be an alias for a computer with a “real”
canonical name of
Mail Exchanger (MX): Stores the domain name of the computer that is used for email
in a zone.
Name Server (NS): Stores the authoritative name server for a given zone.
Pointer (PTR): Stores the domain name of a given IP address (reverse lookup).
Text (TXT): Stores a text string as a response to a DNS query.
Service (SRV): Stores information about what services a computer provides.
Hardware Info (HINFO): Stores information about a computers hardware and
If you need access to other kinds of records, you’ll need to edit BIND’s configuration
files manually. Please see BIND’s documentation for details.
Mac OS X Server simplifies the creation of all these records by focusing on the
computer being added to the zone rather than the records themselves. As you add a
computer record to a zone, Mac OS X Server creates all the appropriate zone records
that resolve to a certain computer address.
Chapter 3 DNS Service 47
With this model, you can focus on what your computers do in your domain, rather than
which record types apply to its functions.
Adding a Machine Record to a DNS Zone
You need to add records for each computer for which the DNS primary zone has
responsibility. You should not add records for computers that this zone doesn’t control.
Machine records are tied to its IP address. Therefore, there can be only one machine per
IP address because there can be no duplicate IP addresses within a zone.
To add a DNS machine record:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Zones tab.
4 Select the zone to which this record will be added.
5 Click the Edit ( / ) button beneath the zone list.
6 Select the Machines tab.
7 Click the Add ( + ) button beneath the machines list.
8 Enter the computer’s IP address.
9 Enter the computer’s hostname.
This field is the basis for the computer’s A record. Reverse lookup Pointer records are
automatically created for the computer.
Beneath the hostname, you will see what will be the computer’s Fully Qualified Domain
10 Click the Add ( + ) button by the Alias box to add other names as you want for this
This field is the basis for the computer’s CNAME records. Reverse lookup Pointer records
are automatically created for the computer.
Add as many aliases as you want.
11 If the computer is a mail server for the zone, check the indicated box.
This field is the basis for the computer’s MX record.
If you check the box, set a mail server precedence number. Delivering mail servers try
to deliver mail at lower numbered mail servers first. See “Setting Up MX Records” on
page 53 for more information.
12 Enter any information about the computer’s hardware and software in the appropriate
This field is the basis for the computer’s HINFO record.
13 Enter any comments about the computer in the Comments box.
48 Chapter 3 DNS Service
This field is the basis for the computer’s TXT record.
You can store almost any 7-bit ASCII text string in the comments box (up to 255 ASCII
characters). For example, you might include the physical location of the computer (for
example, Upstairs server closet B) or the computer’s owner (for example, John’s
Computer) or any other information you may want to keep about the computer.
14 Click OK, and click Save.
Modifying a Machine Record in a DNS Zone
If you make frequent changes to the namespace for the domain, you’ll need to update
the DNS records as often as that namespace changes. Upgrading hardware or adding
to a domain name might require updating the DNS records as well.
You can choose to duplicate a record, and then edit it, saving some configuration time.
To modify a record:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Zones tab.
4 Select the zone which has the computer record to be edited.
5 Click the Edit ( / ) button beneath the zone list.
6 Select the Machines tab.
7 Select the record to be edited.
8 Click the Edit ( / ) button beneath the machines list.
9 Modify the record as needed.
10 Click OK.
Deleting a Machine Record From a DNS Zone
You should delete records whenever a computer is no longer associated with a domain
name or usable address.
To delete a record:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Zones tab.
4 Select the zone from which this record will be deleted.
5 Click the Edit ( / ) button beneath the zone list.
6 Select the Machines tab.
Chapter 3 DNS Service 49
7 Select the record to be deleted.
8 Click the Delete ( - ) button beneath the Records list.
9 Click Save to confirm the deletion.
Monitoring DNS
You may want to monitor DNS status to troubleshoot name resolution problems, check
how often the DNS service is used, or even check for unauthorized or malicious DNS
service use. This section discusses common monitoring tasks for DNS service.
Viewing DNS Service Status
You can check the DNS Status window to see:
Whether the service is running.
The version of BIND (the underlying software for DNS) that is running.
When the service was started and stopped.
The number of zones allocated.
Whether logging is on or off.
To view DNS service status:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click the Overview button for general DNS service information.
Viewing DNS Log Entries
DNS service creates entries in the system log for error and alert messages. The log view
is the named.log. You can further filter the rules with the text filter box.
To see DNS log entries:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Log.
3 Use the filter field to further focus your view of the log entries.
Changing DNS Log Detail Levels
You can change the detail level of the DNS service log. You may want a highly detailed
log for debugging, or a less detailed log that only shows critical warnings.
To change the log detail level:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Logging tab.
50 Chapter 3 DNS Service
4 Choose the detail level from the Log Level pop-up menu.
The possible log levels are:
Critical (less detailed)
Debug (most detailed)
Changing DNS Log File Location
You can change the location of the DNS service log. You may want to put it somewhere
other than the default path.
To change the log detail level:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Logging tab.
4 Enter the desired path for the file path for the DNS service log, or select a path using
the Browse button.
If no path is entered, the default location is /Library/Logs/named.log.
Securing the DNS Server
DNS servers are targeted by malicious computer users (commonly called “hackers”) in
addition to other legitimate Internet servers. There are several kinds of attacks that DNS
servers are susceptible to. By taking extra precautions, you can prevent the problems
and downtime associated with malicious users. There are several kinds of security hacks
associated with DNS service:
DNS Spoofing.
Server Mining.
DNS Service Profiling.
Denial of Service (DoS).
Service Piggybacking.
DNS Spoofing
DNS spoofing is adding false data into the DNS Servers cache. This allows hackers to do
any of the following:
Redirect real domain name queries to alternative IP Addresses.
For example, a falsified A record for a bank could point a computer users browser to
a different IP address that is controlled by the hacker. A duplicate website could fool
him or her into giving their bank account numbers and passwords to the hacker.
Chapter 3 DNS Service 51
Also, a falsified mail record could allow a hacker to intercept mail sent to or from a
domain. If the hacker also forwards those emails to the correct mail server after
copying them, this can go undetected indefinitely.
Prevent proper domain name resolution and access to the Internet.
This is the most benign of DNS spoof attacks. It merely makes a DNS server appear to
be malfunctioning.
The most effective method to guard against these attacks is vigilance. This includes
maintaining up-to-date software as well as auditing your DNS records regularly. As
exploits are found in the current version of BIND, the exploit is patched and a Security
Update is made available for Mac OS X Server. Apply all such security patches. Regular
audits of your DNS records can help prevent these attacks.
Server Mining
Server mining is the practice of getting a copy of a complete primary zone by
requesting a zone transfer. In this case, a hacker pretends to be a secondary zone to
another primary zone and requests a copy of all of the primary zone’s records.
With a copy of your primary zone, the hacker can see what kinds of services a domain
offers, and the IP address of the servers that offer them. He or she can then try specific
attacks based on those services. This is reconnaissance before another attack.
To defend against this attack, you need to specify which IP addresses are allowed to
request zone transfers (your secondary zone servers) and disallow all others. Zone
transfers are accomplished over TCP on port 53. The method of limiting zone transfers
is blocking zone transfer requests from anyone but your secondary DNS servers.
To specify zone transfer IP addresses:
Create a firewall filter that allows only IP addresses inside your firewall to access TCP
port 53.
Follow the instructions in “Creating an Advanced IP Firewall Rule” in Chapter 4, “IP
Firewall Service.” Use the following settings:
Allow packet.
Port 53.
TCP protocol.
Source IP is the IP address of your secondary DNS server.
Destination IP is the IP address of your primary DNS server.
52 Chapter 3 DNS Service
DNS Service Profiling
Another common reconnaissance technique used by malicious users is to profile your
DNS Service. First a hacker makes a BIND version request. The server will report what
version of BIND is running. He or she then compares the response to known exploits
and vulnerabilities for that version of BIND.
To defend against this attack, you can configure BIND to respond with something other
than what it is.
To alter BIND’s version response:
1 Launch a command-line text editor (like vi, emacs, or pico).
2 Open named.conf for editing.
3 Add the following to the options” brackets of the configuration file.
version "[your text, maybe ‘we're not telling!’]";
4 Save the config file.
Denial of Service (DoS)
This kind of attack is very common and easy to do. A hacker sends so many service
requests and queries that a server uses all of its processing power and network
bandwidth trying to respond. The hacker prevents legitimate use of the service by
overloading it.
It is difficult to prevent this type of attack before it begins. Constant monitoring of the
DNS service and server load allows an administrator to catch the attack early and
mitigate its damaging effect.
The easiest way to guard against this attack is to block the offending IP address with
your firewall. See “Creating an Advanced IP Firewall Rule on page 70. Unfortunately,
this means the attack is already underway and the hackers queries are being answered
and the activity logged.
Service Piggybacking
This attack is not often done by malicious intruders, but common Internet users. They
may feel that their DNS response time with their own Internet Service Provider is too
slow. They learn this trick from other users. The Internet users will configure their
computer to query another DNS server instead of their own ISP’s DNS servers.
Effectively, there will be more users accessing the DNS server than have been planned
You can guard against this by limiting or disabling DNS Recursion. If you plan to offer
DNS service to your own LAN users, they need recursion to resolve domain names, but
you don’t want to provide this service to any Internet users.
To prevent recursion entirely, see “Enabling or Disabling Recursion on page 42.
Chapter 3 DNS Service 53
The most common balance is allowing recursion for requests coming from IP addresses
within your own range, but denying recursion to external addresses. BIND allows you to
specify this in its configuration file, named.conf. Edit your named.conf file to include the
options {
[your internal IP range of addresses, like];
Please see BIND’s documentation for further information.
Common Network Administration Tasks That Use
DNS Service
The following sections illustrate some common network administration tasks that
require DNS service.
Setting Up MX Records
If you plan to provide mail service on your network, you must set up DNS so that
incoming mail is sent to the appropriate mail host on your network. When you set up
mail service, you define a series of hosts, known as mail exchangers or MX hosts, with
different priorities. The host with the highest priority gets the mail first. If that host is
unavailable, the host with the next highest priority gets the mail, and so on.
For example, lets say the mail servers host name is “reliable in the
domain. Without an MX record, the users’ mail addresses would include the name of
your mail server computer, like this:
If you want to change the mail server or redirect mail, you must notify potential
senders of a new address for your users. Or, you can create an MX record for each
domain that you want handled by your mail server and direct the mail to the correct
54 Chapter 3 DNS Service
When you set up an MX record, you should include a list of all possible computers that
can receive mail for a domain. That way, if the server is busy or down, mail is sent to
another computer. Each computer on the list is assigned a priority (“precedence”)
number. The one with the lowest number is tried first. If that computer isn’t available,
the computer with the next lowest number is tried, and so on. When a computer is
available, it holds the mail and sends it to the main mail server when the main server
becomes available, and then the server delivers the mail. A sample list might look like
MX records are used for outgoing mail, too. When your mail server sends mail, it looks
at the MX records to see whether the destination is local or somewhere else on the
Internet. Then the same process happens in reverse. If the main server at the
destination is not available, your mail server tries every available computer on that
destinations MX record list, until it finds one that will accept the mail.
Note: If you don’t enter the MX information into your DNS server correctly, mail won’t
Configuring DNS for Mail Service
Configuring DNS for mail service is creating a Mail Exchange (MX) records in DNS for
your mail servers. If you have an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that provides you with
DNS service, you’ll need to contact the ISP so that they can enable your MX records.
Only follow these steps if you provide your own DNS Service.
You may need to set up multiple servers for redundancy. If this is the case, you’ll need
to create an MX record for each auxiliary server.
To enable MX records for your mail server:
1 In Server Admin, choose DNS in the Computer & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Zones tab.
4 Select the zone to which this record will be added.
5 Click the Edit ( / ) button beneath the zone list.
6 Select the Machines tab.
7 Click the Add ( + ) button beneath the machines list.
8 Enter the computer’s IP address.
Chapter 3 DNS Service 55
9 Enter the computer’s hostname.
This field is the basis for the computers CNAME and first A record. Reverse lookup
Pointer records are automatically created for the computer.
Beneath the hostname, you will see what will be the computer’s Fully Qualified Domain
10 Click the Add ( + ) button by the Alias box to add other names as you want for this
This field is the basis for the computers additional A records. Reverse lookup Pointer
records are automatically created for the computer.
Add as many aliases as you want.
11 Check mailer server box, labeled This Machine Is A Mail Server For The Zone”.
This field is the basis for the computer’s MX record.
12 Enter a mail server precedence number.
Delivering mail servers try to deliver mail at lower numbered mail servers first.
13 Enter any information about the computer’s hardware and software in the appropriate
This field is the basis for the computer’s HINFO record.
14 Enter any comments about the computer in the Comments box.
This field is the basis for the computer’s TXT record.
You can store almost any text string in the comments box. For example, you might
include the physical location of the computer (for example, Upstairs server closet B) or
the computer’s owner (for example, John’s Computer) or any other information you
may want to keep about the computer.
15 Click OK.
16 Repeat Steps 7 through 15 for each mail server, making sure each has a distinct
precedence number.
17 Click Save.
Setting Up Namespace Behind a NAT Gateway
If you’re behind a Network Address Translation (NAT) gateway, you have a special set of
IP addresses that are only usable within the NAT environment. If you were to assign a
domain name to these addresses outside of the NAT gateway, none of your domain
names would resolve to the correct computer. See Chapter 5, “NAT Service,” on page 87
for more information about NAT.
56 Chapter 3 DNS Service
You can, however, run a DNS service behind the gateway, assigning host names to the
NAT IP addresses. This way, if youre behind the NAT gateway, you can enter domain
names rather than IP addresses to access servers, services, and workstations. Your DNS
server should also have a Forwarding zone to send DNS requests outside of the NAT
gateway to allow resolution of names outside the routed area. Your clients’ networking
settings should specify the DNS server behind the NAT gateway. The process of setting
up one of these networks is the same as setting up a private network. See “Linking a
LAN to the Internet Through One IP Address” on page 93 for more information.
If you choose to do this, names entered by users outside the NAT gateway won’t
resolve to the addresses behind it. You should set the DNS records outside the NAT-
routed area to point to the NAT gateway, and use NAT port forwarding to access
computers behind the NAT gateway. For more information on port forwarding, see
“Configuring Port Forwarding” on page 90.
Mac OS X’s Multicast DNS feature allows you to use hostnames on your local subnet
that end with the “.local” suffix without having to enable DNS. Any service or device
that supports Multicast DNS allows the use of user-defined namespace on your local
subnet without setting up and configuring DNS.
Network Load Distribution (aka Round Robin)
BIND allows for simple load distribution using an address-shuffling method called
round robin. You set up a pool of IP addresses for several hosts mirroring the same
content, and BIND cycles the order of these addresses as it responds to queries. Round
robin has no capability to monitor current server load or processing power. It simply
cycles the order of an address list for a given host name.
You enable round robin by adding multiple IP address entries for a given hostname. For
example, suppose you want to distribute web server traffic between three servers on
your network that all mirror the same content. Suppose the servers have the IP
addresses,, and You would add three machine
records with three IP Addresses, each with the same domain name.
When the DNS service encounters multiple entries for one host, its default behavior is
to answer queries by sending out this list in a cycled order. The first request gets the
addresses in the order A, B, C. The next request gets the order B, C, A, then C, A, B, and
so on. You may want the zones time-to-live (TTL) number to be fairly short to mitigate
the effects of local caching.
Setting Up a Private TCP/IP Network
If you have a local area network that has a connection to the Internet, you must set up
your server and client computers with IP addresses and other information that’s unique
to the Internet. You obtain IP addresses from your Internet service provider (ISP).
Chapter 3 DNS Service 57
If its unlikely that your local area network will ever be connected to the Internet and
you want to use TCP/IP as the protocol for transmitting information on your network,
it’s possible to set up a “private TCP/IP network. When you set up a private network,
you choose IP addresses from the blocks of IP addresses that the IANA (Internet
Assigned Numbers Authority) has reserved for private intranets:– (10/8 prefix)– (172.16/12 prefix)– (192.168/16 prefix)
Important: If you think you might want to connect to the Internet in the future, you
should register with an Internet registry and use the IP addresses provided by the
registry when setting up your private network. Otherwise, when you do connect to the
Internet, you’ll need to reconfigure every computer on your network.
If you set up a private TCP/IP network, you can also provide DNS service. By setting up
TCP/IP and DNS on your local area network, your users will be able to easily access file,
web, mail, and other services on your network.
Hosting Several Internet Services With a Single IP Address
You may have one server supplying all your Internet services (like mail, web). They may
all be running on one computer with a single IP address. For example, you may want to
have the domain name resolve to the same IP address as, or This appears to be several servers to anyone
accessing the services, but they are all really one server at one IP address.
Setting up the DNS records for this service is easy. You’ll just add aliases to the machine
DNS record. Setting up the DNS names for these services does not enable or configure
the services, it merely makes easy to remember names for each service offered. This can
ease setup and configuration of the client software for each service.
For example, for every service you want to show:
Create to enter on mail clients.
Make sure to check the mail server box on the machine panel.
Create to enter on web browsers.
Create for Apple File Sharing in the Finder.
Create to enter in ftp clients.
As your needs grow, you can add other computers to the network to take over these
services. Then all you have to do is remove the alias from the machines DNS record,
and create a new record for the new machine, and your client’s settings can remain the
58 Chapter 3 DNS Service
Hosting Multiple Domains on the Same Server
You may have one server supplying all your Internet services (like mail, web) for several
different domain names. For example, you may need to have the domain name resolve to the same IP address as This appears to
be several servers to anyone accessing the domain, but they are all really one server at
one IP address.
Setting up the DNS records for this service is easy. You’ll just add aliases of the other
domain names to the main servers machine DNS record panel. Setting up the DNS
names for these services does not enable or configure the service for these domain
names. This is used in conjunction with virtual domain hosting in mail and web
Where to Find More Information
For more information on DNS and BIND, see the following:
DNS and BIND, 4th edition, by Paul Albitz and Cricket Liu (O’Reilly and Associates,
The International Software Consortium website: and
The DNS Resources Directory:
Request For Comment Documents
Request for Comments (RFC) documents provide an overview of a protocol or service
and details about how the protocol should behave. If you’re a novice server
administrator, you’ll probably find some of the background information in an RFC
helpful. If youre an experienced server administrator, you can find all the technical
details about a protocol in its RFC document. You can search for RFC documents by
number at the
A, PTR, CNAME, MX -For more information, see RFC 1035
AAAA- For more information, see RFC 1886.
4 IP Firewall Service
Firewall service is software that protects the network applications running on your
Mac OS X Server. Turning on firewall service is similar to erecting a wall to limit access.
Firewall service scans incoming IP packets and rejects or accepts these packets based
on the set of rules you create. You can restrict access to any IP service running on the
server, and you can customize rules for all incoming clients or for a range of client IP
The illustration below shows an example firewall process.
Services such as Web and FTP are identified on your server by a Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port number. When a computer tries to
connect to a service, firewall service scans the rule list for a matching port number.
Is there a rule
for port 80?
Locate the
Any Port rule
with the most
specific range
that includes
the address
A computer with IP
attempts to connect to
the server over the
Internet (port 80).
The server begins
looking for rules.
Is there a rule
IP address
is refused.
What does the
rule specify?
is made.
60 Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service
When a packet arrives at a network interface, and the firewall is enabled, the packet is
compared against each rule, starting with the lowest-numbered (highest-priority) rule.
When a rule matches the packet, the action specified in the rule (such as allow or deny)
is taken. Then, depending on the action, additional rules may be checked.
The rules you create are applied to TCP packets and can also be applied to UDP
packets. In addition, you can set up rules for restricting Internet Control Message
Protocol (ICMP), or Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) using advanced rule
Important: When you start firewall service the first time, only ports essential to remote
administration of the server are open, including Secure Shell (22), and several others.
Additional ports are dynamically opened to allow specific responses to queries initiated
from the server. If you want to allow remote access to other services on your computer,
you need to open additional ports, and you can do so using the Services section of the
Settings panel.
If you plan to share data over the Internet, and you don’t have a dedicated router or
firewall to protect your data from unauthorized access, you should use firewall service.
This service works well for small to medium businesses, schools, and small or home
Large organizations with a firewall can use firewall service to exercise a finer degree of
control over their servers. For example, individual workgroups within a large business,
or schools within a school system, may want to use firewall service to control access to
their own servers.
IP Firewall also provides stateful packet inspection which determines whether an
incoming packet is a legitimate response to an outgoing request or part of an ongoing
session, allowing packets that would otherwise be denied.
Basic Firewall Practices
By default, Mac OS X Server uses a simple model for a useful and secure firewall. If a
firewall is too restrictive, the network behind it may as well be isolated. If a firewall is
too permissive, it fails to secure the assets behind it from intrusion. Following the three
aspects of the basic model will allow for maximum flexibility and utility with minimum
unintended risk.
Allow essential IP activity
Essential IP activity includes those network activities necessary to use IP and function
within an IP environment. These activities include operations such as loopback, and are
expressed as high-priority (low-numbered) rules, visible in the Advanced panel of the
firewall settings. These are automatically configured for you.
Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service 61
Allow service specific activity
Service specific activity refers to network packets destined for certain service-specific
ports like web service, or mail service. By allowing traffic to ports with designated,
configured services, you allow access through the firewall on a per-service basis. These
are expressed as medium-priority rules, and correspond to check boxes in the Service
panel of the firewall settings. You make these changes yourself based on your settings
and address groups.
Deny all packets not already allowed
This is the final catch-all practice. If a packet or traffic to a port is unsolicited, that
packet is discarded and not allowed to reach its destination. This is expressed as low-
priority (high-numbered) rules, visible in the Advanced panel of the firewall settings. A
basic set of deny rules for the firewall is created by default.
Firewall Startup
Although the firewall is treated as a service by the Server Admin application, it is not
implemented by a running process like other services. It is simply a set of behaviors in
the kernel, controlled by the ipfw and sysctl tools. To start and stop the firewall, the
Server Admin application sets a switch using the sysctl tool. When the computer starts,
a startup item named IPFilter checks the /etc/hostconfig file for the “IPFILTER” flag. If it
is set, the sysctl tool is used to enable the firewall like so:
sysctl -w net.inet.ip.fw.enable=1
Otherwise, it disables the firewall like so:
sysctl -w net.inet.ip.fw.enable=0
Note that the rules loaded in the firewall remain there regardless of this setting. It's just
that they are ignored when the firewall is disabled.
Like most startup items, the IPFilter startup item launches in a predetermined order,
and only after certain prerequisite startup items have completed. In Mac OS X Server
v10.4, the login window is presented while startup items may still be running. It is
therefore possible to log in while the firewall has not been set to its configured
settings. The startup item that sets up the firewall should generally finish within a few
minutes of starting the system.
62 Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service
Understanding Firewall Rules
When you start firewall service, the default configuration denies access to all incoming
packets from remote computers except ports for remote configuration. This provides a
high level of security. Stateful rules are in place as well, so responses to outgoing
queries initiated by your computer are also allowed. You can then add new IP rules to
allow server access to those clients who require access to services.
To learn how IP rules work, read the following section. To learn how to create IP rules,
see “Managing Firewall Service” on page 66.
What is a Firewall Rule?
A firewall rule is a set of characteristics of an IP packet, along with an action to be taken
for each packet that matches the characteristics. The characteristics might include the
source or destination address, source or destination port, protocol, or network
interface. Addresses might be expressed as single IP address, or might include a range
of addresses. A service port might be expressed as a single value, a list of values, or a
range of values. The IP address and the subnet mask together determine the range of
IP addresses to which the rule applies, and can be set to apply to all addresses.
IP Address
IP addresses consist of four segments with values between 0 and 255 (the range of an
8-bit number), separated by dots (for example, The segments in IP
addresses go from general to specific (for example, the first segment might belong to
all the computers in a whole company, and the last segment might belong to a specific
computer on one floor of a building).
Subnet Mask
A subnet mask indicates which segments in the specified IP address can vary on a
given network and by how much. The subnet mask is given in Classless Inter Domain
Routing (CIDR) notation. It consists of the IP address followed by a slash (/) and a
number from 1 to 32, called the IP prefix. An IP prefix identifies the number of
significant bits used to identify a network.
For example, /16 means the first 16 bits (the first two numbers separated by
periods) are used to represent the network (every machine on the network begins with
192.168) and the remaining 16 bits (the last two numbers separated by periods) are
used to identify hosts (each machine has a unique set of trailing numbers).
Subnet masks can be given in another notation which is IP address followed by a
colon (:) and the netmask. A netmask is a group of 4 numbers from 0-255, separated by
periods which are the decimal equivalents to the CIDR notations significant bits.
Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service 63
Addresses with subnet masks in CIDR notation correspond to address notation
subnet masks.
CIDR Corresponds to Netmask
Number of addresses
in the range
/1 4.29x10
/2 2.14x10
/3 1.07x10
/4 5.36x10
/5 1.34x10
/6 6.71x10
/7 3.35x10
/8 1.67x10
/9 8.38x10
/10 4.19x10
/11 2.09x10
/12 1.04x10
/13 5.24x10
/14 2.62x10
/15 1.31x10
/16 65536
/17 32768
/18 16384
/19 8192
/20 4096
/21 2048
/22 1024
/23 512
/24 256
/25 128
/26 64
/27 32
/28 16
/29 8
/30 4
/31 2
/32 1
64 Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service
Using Address Ranges
When you create an address group using Server Admin, you enter an IP address and a
subnet mask. The three types of address notations allowed are:
A single address:
A range expressed with CIDR notation:
A range expressed with netmask notation:
Server Admin shows you the resulting address range, and you can change the range by
modifying the subnet mask. When you indicate a range of possible values for any
segment of an address, that segment is called a wildcard. The following table gives
examples of address ranges created to achieve specific goals.
Rule Mechanism and Precedence
The rules in the Settings > Services panel operate in conjunction with the rules shown
in the Advanced Rules panel. Usually, the broad rules in the Advanced panel block
access for all ports. These are lower-priority (higher-numbered) rules and take effect
after the rules in the General panel. The rules created with the General panel open
access to specific services, and are higher priority. They take precedence over those
created in the Advanced panel. If you create multiple rules in the Advanced panel, a
rule’s precedence is determined by the rule number which is the rules order in the
Advanced panel. Rules in the advanced panel can be reordered by dragging the rule
within the list.
For most normal uses, opening access to designated services in the advanced panel is
sufficient. If necessary, you can add additional rules using the Advanced panel, creating
and ordering them as needed.
Multiple IP Addresses
A server can support multiple homed IP addresses, but firewall service applies one set
of rules to all server IP addresses. If you create multiple alias IP addresses, then the rules
you create will apply to all of those IP addresses.
IP address
Enter this in the
address field:
Address range
Create a rule that specifies a
single IP address. or
(single address)
Create a rule that leaves the
fourth segment as a wildcard. to
Create a rule that leaves part of
the third segment and all of the
fourth segment as a wildcard. to
Create a rule that applies to all
incoming addresses.
Select Any All IP addresses
Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service 65
Setting Up Firewall Service for the First Time
Once you’ve decided which rules you need to create, follow these overview steps to set
up firewall service. If you need more help to perform any of these steps, see “Managing
Firewall Service” on page 66 and the other topics referred to in the steps.
Step 1: Learn and plan
If you’re new to working with IP Firewall, learn and understand firewall concepts, tools,
and features of Mac OS X Server and BIND. For more information, see “Understanding
Firewall Rules” on page 62.
Then plan your IP Firewall Service by planning which services you want to provide
access to. Mail, web, and FTP services generally require access from computers on the
Internet. File and print services will most likely be restricted to your local subnet.
Once you decide which services you want to protect using firewall service, you need to
determine which IP addresses you want to allow access to your server, and which IP
addresses you want to deny access to your server. Then you can create the appropriate
Step 2: Start firewall service
In Server Admin, select Firewall and click Start Service. By default, this blocks all
incoming ports except those used to configure the server remotely. If youre
configuring the server locally, turn off external access immediately.
Important: If you add or change a rule after starting firewall service, the new rule will
affect connections already established with the server. For example, if you deny all
access to your FTP server after starting firewall service, computers already connected to
your FTP server will be disconnected.
Step 3: Create an IP address group that rules will apply to
By default, there is an IP address group created for all incoming IP addresses. Rules
applied to this group will effect all incoming network traffic.
See “Creating an Address Group on page 67 for more information.
Step 4: Activate service rules for each address group
In the Services panel, you can activate rules based on address groups as destination IP
For information about activating service rules, see “Opening the Firewall for Standard
Services” on page 68.
Step 5: Create advanced rules (optional)
Read “Understanding Firewall Rules” on page 62 to learn how IP rules work. You use
this to further configure all other services, strengthen your network security, and fine-
tune your network traffic through the firewall.
66 Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service
By default, all UDP are blocked, except those in response to an outgoing query. You
should apply rules to UDP ports sparingly, if at all, because denying certain UDP
responses could inhibit normal networking operations.
If you rule UDP ports, don’t select the “Log all allowed packets” option in the rule
configuration windows in Server Admin. Since UDP is a connectionless” protocol, every
packet to a UDP port will be logged if you select this option.
For information about creating a new rule, see “Creating an Advanced IP Firewall Rule
on page 70.
Step 6: Save firewall service changes
Once you have configured your rules and determined which services to allow, save
your changes so the new settings take effect.
Important: If you add or change a rule after starting firewall service, the new rule will
affect connections already established with the server. For example, if you deny all
access to your FTP server after starting firewall service, computers already connected to
your FTP server will be disconnected.
Managing Firewall Service
This section gives step-by-step instructions for starting, stopping, and configuring
firewall address groups and rules.
Managing Panther Server 10.3 Firewalls with Tiger Server 10.4
Server Admin
Panther Server 10.3 does not support adding to the standard port rules, or drag-and-
drop arrangement of rules.
If you are administering a Panther10.3 server firewall with a Tiger Server 10.4’s Server
Admin, you will not be able to edit the standard port rules or rearrange the rules. You
will not have access to those aspects of Server Admin when connected to a
Panther 10.3 server.
Starting and Stopping Firewall Service
By default, firewall service blocks all incoming TCP connections and denies all UDP
packets, except those in response to outgoing requests from the server. Before you
turn on firewall service, make sure you’ve set up rules allowing access from IP addresses
you choose. Otherwise, no one will have access to your server.
Important: If you add or change a rule after starting firewall service, the new rule will
affect connections already established with the server. For example, if you deny all
access to your FTP server after starting firewall service, computers already connected to
your FTP server will be disconnected.
Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service 67
To start or stop firewall service:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Start Firewall.
When the service is started, the Stop Service button is available.
Creating an Address Group
You can define groups of IP addresses for your firewall rules. These groups are used to
organize and target the rules. The “any” address group is for all addresses. Two other IP
address groups are present by default, intended for the entire “10-net range of private
addresses, and the entire “192.168-net range of private addresses.
Addresses can be listed as individual addresses (,IP address and CIDR
notation (, or IP address and netmask notation (
To create an address group:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the General tab.
4 Click the Add ( + ) button to the right the Address Group pane.
5 Enter a group name.
6 Enter the addresses and subnet mask you want the rules to effect.
Use the Add ( + ) and Delete ( - ) buttons.
Use the word “any to indicate any IP address.
7 Click OK.
8 Click Save.
Editing or Deleting an Address Group
You can edit your address groups to change the range of IP addresses effected. The
default address group is for all addresses. You can remove address groups from your
firewall rule list. The rules associated with those addresses are also deleted.
Addresses can be listed as individual addresses ( or IP address and CIDR
format netmask (
To edit or delete an address group:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the General tab.
4 Select the group name from the Address Group pane.
68 Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service
5 Click the Edit ( / ) button to the right the Address Group pane to edit it.
Click the Delete ( - ) button to the right the Address Group pane to delete it.
6 Edit the Group name or addresses as needed, and click OK.
7 Click Save.
Duplicating an Address Group
You can duplicate address groups from your firewall rule list. This can help speed up
configuration of similar address groups.
To duplicate an address group:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the General tab.
4 Select the group name from the Address Group pane.
5 Click the Duplicate button to the right the Address Group pane.
Opening the Firewall for Standard Services
By default, firewall service blocks incoming TCP connections on ports that are not
essential for remote administration of the server, and allows all UDP connections. Also,
by default, stateful rules are in place that allow specific responses to outgoing requests.
Before you turn on firewall service, make sure you’ve set up rules allowing access from
IP addresses you choose; otherwise, no one will have access to your server.
You can easily allow standard services through the firewall without advanced and
extensive configuration. Standard services include (but are not limited to):
SSH access
Web service
Apple File service
Windows File service
FTP service
Printer Sharing
DNS/Multicast DNS
ICMP Echo Reply (incoming pings)
IGMP (Internet Gateway Multicast Protocol)
QTSS media streaming
iTunes Music Sharing
Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service 69
Important: If you add or change a rule after starting firewall service, the new rule will
affect connections already established with the server. For example, if you deny all
access to your FTP server after starting firewall service, computers already connected to
your FTP server will be disconnected.
To open the firewall for standard services:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Services tab.
4 Select an address group from the Edit Services pop-up menu.
5 Choose either to allow all traffic for the address group, or to allow traffic on designated
6 Check Allow for each services you want to allow to the address group.
If you don’t see the service you need, you can add a port and description to the
services list.
If you want to create a custom rule, see “Creating an Advanced IP Firewall Rule” on
page 70.
7 Click Save.
Adding to the Services List
You can add custom ports to the services list. This will allow you to open specific ports
to your address groups without having to create an advanced IP rule.
To add to the services list:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Services tab.
4 Click the Add ( + ) button below the services list.
5 Enter a rule name for the service.
6 Enter a single port (for example, 22) or a port range (for example, 650-750).
7 Choose a protocol.
If you want a protocol other than TCP or UDP, you need to use the Advanced panel to
create a custom rule.
8 Click OK
9 Click Save.
70 Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service
Editing or Deleting Items in the Services List
You can remove or edit the ports to the services list. This will allow you to customize
your services choices for ease of configuration.
To change the services list:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Services tab.
4 Select the service you want to change.
5 Click the Edit ( / ) button below the services list to edit it.
Click the Delete ( - ) button below the services list to delete it.
6 Edit the name, port, or protocol as needed, and click OK.
7 Click Save.
Creating an Advanced IP Firewall Rule
You can use the Advanced Settings pane to configure very specific rules for IP Firewall.
IP firewall rules contain originating and destination an IP addresses with subnet masks.
They also specify what to do with the network traffic received. You can apply a rule to
all IP addresses, a specific IP address, or a range of IP addresses.
Addresses can be listed as individual addresses ( or ranges defined by an IP
address and CIDR netmask (
To create an advanced IP firewall rule:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Advanced Rules tab.
4 Click the Add ( + ) button.
Alternatively, you can select a rule similar to the one you want to create, and click
Duplicate then Edit.
5 Select whether this rule will allow or deny access in the Action pop-up menu.
If you choose Other, enter the action desired (for example, log).
6 Choose a from the Protocol pop-up menu.
If you choose Other, enter the protocol desired (for example, icmp, esp, ipencap).
7 Choose a service from the pop-up menu.
If you want to select a nonstandard service port, choose Other.
8 If desired, choose to log packets that match the rule.
Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service 71
9 Choose an address group from the pop-up menu as the source of filtered traffic.
If you don’t want to use an existing address group, enter the source IP address range
(with CIDR notation) you want to filter.
If you want it to apply to any address, choose “any” from the pop-up menu.
10 If you have selected a nonstandard service port, enter the source port number.
11 Choose an address group from the pop-up menu as the destination of filtered traffic.
If you don’t want to use an existing address group, enter the destination IP address
range (with CIDR notation).
If you want it to apply to any address, choose “any” from the pop-up menu.
12 If you have selected a nonstandard service port, enter the destination port number.
13 Choose which network interface this rule applies to.
“In refers to the designated WAN interface.
“Out” refers to the designated LAN interface.
If you select Other, enter the interface name (en0, en1, fw1, and so on)
14 Click OK.
15 Click Save to apply the rule immediately.
Editing or Deleting Advanced IP Firewall Rules
You can remove or edit advanced IP firewall rules. If you only want to disable a rule,
and you might use it again, you could deselect the rule rather than deleting it.
If you edit a rule after turning on firewall service, your changes affect connections
already established with the server. For example, if any computers are connected to
your Web server, and you change the rule to deny all access to the server, connected
computers will be disconnected.
To change an advanced IP firewall rule:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Advanced Rules tab.
4 Select the rule you want to change.
5 Click the Edit ( / ) button below the services list to edit it.
Click the Delete ( - ) button below the services list to delete it. If youre only deleting a
rule, you’ve finished.
6 Edit the rule as needed, and click OK.
7 Click Save.
72 Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service
Changing the Advanced IP Firewall Rule Order
The order of the advanced IP firewall rules is determined by their order in the
Advanced Rules tab.
To change the rule order:
Drag the rules into the desired order.
Enabling Stealth Mode
You can hide the existence of your firewall by choosing not to send a connection
failure notification to any connection that is blocked by the firewall. This effectively
“hides” your servers closed ports. For example, if a network intruder tries to connect to
your server, even if the port is blocked, he knows that there is a server and may find
other ways to intrude. If stealth mode is enabled, Instead of being rejected, he won’t
receive any indication that an attempted connection ever took place.
To enable stealth mode:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Advanced Rules tab.
4 Select “Enable for TCP” and/or “Enable for UDP as desired.
5 Click Save.
Resetting an Unreachable Server
Due to some error with the firewall configuration, a server may become unreachable
for remote administration. In such a case, the firewall will need to be reset to its default
state, so Server Admin can administer the server.
This recovery procedure must be done by an administrator who has physical access to
the server. This procedure requires use of, and facility with, the command-line interface.
To reset the firewall to its default:
1 Disconnect the server from the external Internet.
2 Restart the server in single-user mode by holding down the Command-s keys during
3 Remove or rename the address groups file.
This is found at /etc/ipfilter/ip_address_groups.conf.
4 Remove or rename the ipfw configuration file.
This is found at /etc/ipfilter/ipfw.conf.
5 Force flush the firewall rules by entering:
ipfw -f flush
6 Edit /etc/hostconfig and set IPFILTER=-YES-.
Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service 73
7 Finish starting up Mac OS X Server to the login window by typing:
The machine will boot with the default firewall rules and with the firewall enabled, and
Server Admin can then be used to refine the firewall configuration.
8 Log in to your server’s local administrator account to confirm that the firewall is
restored to its default configuration.
9 Reconnect your host to the Internet.
Monitoring Firewall Service
Firewalls are a networks first line of defense against malicious computer users
(commonly called “hackers”). To maintain the security of your computers and users, you
need to monitor firewall activity and deter potential threats. This section explains how
to log and monitor your firewall.
Understanding the Active Rules Panel
The Active rule Panel shows counts of packets and bytes associated with each rule.
When a change is made to the configuration of the firewall using Server Admin, the old
firewall rules are flushed, new ones are generated and saved in a file, and the ipfw(1)
command is invoked to load the rules into service. As part of the flush operation, the
counts of packets and bytes associated with each rule are cleared.
The Active Rules panel reflects a snapshot of the state of the firewall at a point in time.
When viewing this panel, note that there may be dynamic rules shown along with the
static rules. These dynamic come and go in a matter of seconds, in response to network
activity. They are the result of stateful rules (rules that include a “keep-state clause). The
Active Rules panel shows the rule number of the stateful rule that was triggered to
create the dynamic rule.
Viewing the Firewall Status Overview
The Status Overview shows a simple summary of the firewall service. It shows the
number of active rules, whether the service is running, and how many packets have
been handled by the firewall.
To see the overview:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click the Overview button.
74 Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service
Viewing the Active Firewall Rules
The Active Rules panel shows a simple summary of the firewall rules. It shows:
The rules in ipfw code format
Each rule’s priority
Each rule’s packet count
Each rule’s total of bytes handled
To see the overview:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click the Active Rules button.
Setting Up Logs for Firewall Service
You can log only the packets that are denied by the rules you set, only the packets that
are allowed, or both. Both logging options can generate a lot of log entries, but there
are ways to limit the volume:
Log only the allowed packets, or only the denied packets, instead of all packets.
Log only packets as long as necessary.
Limit the total number of packets using the Logging Settings panel.
Add a count rule in the Advanced Settings panel to tally the number of packets that
match the characteristics you're interested in measuring.
You can choose to log allowed packets, denied packets, and a designated number of
To set up logs:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the General tab.
4 Select the logging options you want.
5 Click Save to start logging.
Viewing the Firewall Log
Each rule you create in Server Admin corresponds to one or more rules in the
underlying firewall software. Log entries show you the rule applied, the IP address of
the client and server, and other information.
The log view is the contents of /var/log/ipfw.log. You can further filter the rules with
the text filter box.
Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service 75
To view the log for firewall service:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Log tab.
Here are some examples of firewall log entries and how to read them.
Log Example 1
Dec 12 13:08:16 ballch5 mach_kernel: ipfw: 65000 Unreach TCP in via en0
This entry shows that firewall service used rule 65000 to deny (unreach) the remote
client at from accessing server on Web port 80 via
Ethernet port 0.
Log Example 2
Dec 12 13:20:15 mayalu6 mach_kernel: ipfw: 100 Accept TCP in via en0
This entry shows that firewall service used rule 100 to allow the remote client at to access the server on the LPR printing port 515 via
Ethernet port 0.
Log Example 3
Dec 12 13:33:15 smithy2 mach_kernel: ipfw: 10 Accept TCP out via lo0
This entry shows the NAT divert rule, applied to an outbound packet. In this case it
diverts the rule to service port 660, which is the port the NAT daemon uses.
Viewing Denied Packets
Viewing denied packets can help you identify problems and troubleshoot firewall
To view denied packets:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the General tab.
4 Make sure “Log denied packets” is checked.
5 View log entries in Server Admin by clicking the Log button.
6 Enter the word unreach in the text filter box.
76 Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service
Viewing Packets Logged by Firewall Rules
Viewing the packets filtered by the firewall rules can help you identify problems and
troubleshoot firewall service.
To view filtered packets:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the General tab.
4 Make sure “Log all allowed packets is checked.
See “Editing or Deleting Advanced IP Firewall Rules on page 71 if you have not turned
on logging for a particular rule.
5 View log entries in Server Admin by clicking the Log button.
6 Enter the word Accept in the text filter box.
Troubleshooting Advanced IP Firewall Rules
The Firewall configuration Advanced panel will accept any input, assuming you are
correctly configuring a rule. Errors are not noticed until the rules are saved and Server
Admin applies all the rules using the ipfw command. Then, the first rule with a syntax
error will cause the operation to stop, and an error message will appear in the log. This
error will not indicate which rule is invalid, but all the valid rules before the invalid one
will be loaded into the firewall. Here is the technique for figuring out which rule is
To figure out which rule is invalid:
1 Note the message in the log.
2 Wait a few minutes for Server Admin to display the active rules in the Overview section.
3 Compare the list of active rules in the Overview with the rule list in the Settings
4 Inspect the contents of /etc/ipfilter/ file to see which ones Server Admin
tried to load into the firewall.
The first one in that file that is not present in the Overview panel is almost surely the
invalid one. There may also be additional invalid rules after that one.
5 If the rule corresponds to one from the advanced panel, you can disable it or correct it.
Disabled rules appear in that /etc/ipfilter/ preceded by a comment
character so they are not processed by the ipfw tool.
Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service 77
Practical Examples
The IP firewall rules you create work together to provide security for your network. The
examples that follow show how to use rules to achieve some specific goals.
Using IP Firewall with NAT
IP Firewall must be enabled to use NAT (Network Address Translation). Enabling NAT
automatically creates a divert rule in the Firewall configuration. Although the Server
Admin application in Tiger Server allows the NAT service and the Firewall service to be
enabled and disabled independently, for the NAT service to operate, both the NAT and
the Firewall service need to be enabled. An essential part of NAT is the packet divert
rule used in the Firewall.
The IP Firewall rule created tells the firewall how to route network traffic coming from
the network behind the NAT gateway. When you have a LAN behind a NAT gateway,
you need to create or be aware of the address group that corresponds to the LAN.
The easiest way to configure IP Firewall to work with NAT is to use the Gateway Setup
Assistant. It will automatically configure the IP address groups in the Firewall, as well as
create the proper packet divert rule. If you are setting up a NAT LAN through a gateway
for the first time, Apple recommends that you use the Gateway Setup Assistant.
If you do not want to use the Gateway Setup Assistant, or have existing gateway
settings you do not want overwritten, you can configure NAT and the IP Firewall
For detailed instructions on setting up a NAT LAN, see “Linking a LAN to the Internet
Through One IP Address on page 93.
Block Web Access to Internet Users
This section shows you, as an example, how to allow users on your subnet access to
your servers Web service, but deny access to the general public on the Internet.
For this example, your local network has the private IP address range of to Your servers web service is at on the server’s en2 port.
Warning: IP Firewall must be enabled for NAT to function.
78 Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service
To do this via an advanced rule:
1 In Server Admin, create an address group called “LAN” with the address range /
This includes all addresses in the 10.0.1.x subnet range.
See “Creating an Address Group on page 67 for instructions.
2 Create an advanced rule with the following settings:
Action: Allow
Protocol: TCP
Service: Web
Source address group: LAN
Destination address: Other
Interface: en2
See “Creating an Advanced IP Firewall Rule” on page 70 for instructions.
To do this via the standard rules:
1 In Server Admin, create an address group Web Server with the address range
See “Creating an Address Group on page 67 for instructions.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Services tab.
4 Select the address group Web Server from the Edit Services pop-up menu.
5 Choose to allow traffic for the group Web Server on the designated web services port.
Select Allow Web Service.
6 Click Save.
Logging Internet Access by Local Network Users
This section shows you, as an example, how to allow users on your LAN access to other
servers Web service, and log their access to the general public on the Internet:
For this example, your local network has the private IP address range of to
1 In Server Admin’s IP Firewall panel, click Settings.
2 Select the Services tab.
3 Select the address group any” from the Edit Services pop-up menu.
4 Choose to allow traffic for the group Web Server on the designated web services port.
Select Allow Web Service.
5 Click Save.
Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service 79
6 Click the General tab.
7 Select Log All Allowed Packets.
View the logs in the Log panel.
Block Junk Mail
This section shows you, as an example, how to reject email from a junk mail sender
with an IP address of and accept all other Internet email.
Important: Set up very specific address ranges in rules you create to block incoming
SMTP mail. For example, if you set a rule on port 25 to deny mail from all addresses,
you’ll prevent any mail from being delivered to your users.
To do this:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Services tab.
4 Select the “any address group in the pop-up menu.
5 Enable “SMTP Mail.”
6 Select the General tab.
7 Click the Add ( + ) button to create an address range.
8 Name the address group.
9 Enter to the address range to indicate the junk mail sender’s address.
10 Click OK.
11 Select your newly created address group.
12 Deselect “SMTP Mail” in the Services tab to disable mail transfer.
13 Click Save.
Allow a Customer to Access the Apple File Server
This section shows you, as an example, how to allow a customer with an IP address of to access an Apple file server.
To do this:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Services tab.
4 Select the “any address group.
5 Disable Apple File Service” in the service pane.
6 Select the General tab.
80 Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service
7 Click the Add ( + ) button to create an address range.
8 Name the address group.
9 Enter to the address range to indicate the customer’s address.
10 Click OK.
11 Select the Services tab.
12 Select your newly created address group.
13 Select Apple File Service” in the service pane to enable file access.
14 Click Save.
Common Network Administration Tasks That Use
Firewall Service
Your firewall is the first line of defense against unauthorized network intruders,
malicious users, and network virus attacks. There are many ways that such attacks can
harm your data or use your network resources. This section lists a few of the common
uses of firewall service in network administration.
Preventing Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks
When the server receives a TCP connection request from a client to whom access is
denied, by default it sends a reply rejecting the connection. This stops the denied client
from resending over and over again. However, a malicious user can generate a series of
TCP connection requests from a denied IP address and force the server to keep
replying, locking out others trying to connect to the server. This is one type of denial of
service attack.
To prevent ping denial of service attacks:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Settings tab.
4 Select the “any address group.
5 Deselect “ICMP Echo (ping) reply.”
6 Click Save.
Important: Denial of service attacks are somewhat rare, so make these settings only if
you think your server may be vulnerable to an attack. If you deny ICMP echo replies,
services that use ping to locate network services will be unable to detect your server.
Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service 81
Controlling or Enabling Peer-to-Peer Network Usage
Sometimes network administrators need to control the use of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file
sharing applications. Such applications might use network bandwidth and resources
inappropriately or disproportionately. P2P file sharing might also pose a security or
intellectual property risk for a business.
You can cut off P2P networking by blocking all traffic incoming and outgoing on the
port number used by the P2P application. You’ll have to determine the port used for
each P2P network in question. By default, Mac OS X Server’s firewall blocks all ports not
specifically opened.
You can choose to limit P2P network usage to IP addresses behind the firewall. To do
so, you’ll need to open the P2P port for your LAN interface, but continue to block the
port on the interface connected to the Internet (WAN interface). To learn how to make
a firewall rule, see “Creating an Advanced IP Firewall Rule on page 70.
Controlling or Enabling Network Game Usage
Sometimes network administrators need to control the use of network games. The
games might use network bandwidth and resources inappropriately or
You can cut off network gaming by blocking all traffic incoming and outgoing on the
port number used by the game. You’ll have to determine the port used for each
network game in question. By default, Mac OS X Server’s firewall blocks all ports not
specifically opened.
You can choose to limit network game usage to IP addresses behind the firewall. To do
so, you’ll need to open the appropriate port on your LAN interface, but continue to
block the port on the interface connected to the Internet (WAN interface). Some games
require a connection to a gaming service for play, so this may not be effective. To learn
how to make a firewall rule, see “Creating an Advanced IP Firewall Rule on page 70.
You can open the firewall to certain games, allowing network games to connect to
other players and game services outside the firewall. To do this, you’ll need to open up
the appropriate port on your LAN and WAN interface. Some games require more than
one port to be open. Consult the games documentation for networking details. To
learn how to make a firewall rule, see “Creating an Advanced IP Firewall Rule on
page 70.
82 Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service
Port Reference
The following tables show the TCP and UDP port numbers commonly used by
Mac OS X computers and Mac OS X Servers. These ports can be used when you’re
setting up your rules. See the following website to view the RFCs referenced in the
TCP port Used for Reference
7 echo RFC 792
20 FTP data RFC 959
21 FTP control RFC 959
22 SSH (secure shell)
Open Directory replica setup
23 Telnet RFC 854
25 SMTP (email) RFC 821
53 DNS RFC 1034
79 Finger RFC 1288
80 HTTP (Web) RFC 2068
88 Kerberos V5 KDC RFC 1510
106 Open Directory Password Server
(along with 3659)
110 POP3 (email) RFC 1081
111 Remote Procedure Call (RPC) RFC 1057
113 AUTH RFC 931
11 5 s f t p
119 NNTP (news) RFC 977
123 Network Time Server
synchronization (NTP)
RFC 1305
137 Windows Names
138 Windows Browser
139 Windows file and print service
RFC 100
143 IMAP (email access) RFC 2060
201-208 AppleTalk
311 Server Admin SSL, AppleShare IP
remote Web administration,
Server Monitor, Server Admin
(servermgrd), Workgroup
Manager (DirectoryService)
Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service 83
389 LDAP (directory)
Sherlock 2 LDAP search
RFC 2251
407 Timbuktu
427 SLP (service location)
445 Microsoft Domain Server
497 Dantz Retrospect
514 shell, syslog
515 LPR (print spooling) RFC 1179
532 netnews
548 AFP (Apple File Service)
554 Real-Time Streaming Protocol
RFC 2326
591 FileMaker web access
600–1023 Mac OS X RPC-based services
(for example, NetInfo)
625 Remote Directory Access
626 IMAP Administration (Mac OS X
mail service and AppleShare IP
6.x mail)
631 IPP (printer sharing)
660 Server Settings, Server Manager
687 AppleShare IP Shared Users and
Groups, Server Monitor, Server
Admin (servermgrd)
749 Kerberos administration and
changepw using the kadmind
command-line tool
985 NetInfo static port
993 IMAP over SSL (mail)
995 POP3 over SSL (mail)
1085 Web Objects
1099, 8043 Remote RMI and RMI/IIOP access
to JBoss
1220 QTSS Admin
1694 IP Failover
1723 PPTP VPN RFC 2637
2049 NFS
TCP port Used for Reference
84 Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service
2236 Macintosh Manager
2399 FileMaker data access layer
3004 iSync
3031 Program Linking, Remote
3283 ARD 2.0
3306 MySQL
3632 XCode distributed compiler
3659 Open Directory Password Server
(along with 106)
3689 iTunes music sharing
4111 XGrid
5003 FileMaker name binding and
5100 Camera and scanner sharing
5190 iChat, and iChat file transfer
5222 iChat server
5223 iChat server SSL
5269 iChat server -server to server
5298 iChat -local subnet
5432 ARD 2.0 database
5900 ARD 2.0 VNC
7070 Real-Time Streaming Protocol
7777 iChat Server- file transfer proxy
8000–8999 Web service
8000-8001 QTSS MP3 streaming
8005 Tomcat remote shutdown
8043, 1099 Remote RMI and RMI/IIOP access
to JBoss
8080, 8443, 9006 Tomcat standalone and JBoss
8080 Web service alternate (Apache 2
9007 Remote web server access to AIP
16080 Web service with performance
cache redirect
42000-42999 iTunes radio streams
TCP port Used for Reference
Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service 85
UDP port Used for Reference
7 echo
53 DNS
67 DHCP server (BootP), NetBoot
68 DHCP client
69 Trivial File Transfer Protocol
111 Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
123 Network Time Protocol RFC 1305
137 Windows Name Service (WINS)
138 Windows Datagram Service
161 Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP)
192 AirPort administration
427 SLP (service location)
497 Retrospect
513 w h o
514 Syslog
554 Real-Time Streaming Protocol
600–1023 Mac OS X RPC-based services
(for example, NetInfo)
626 Serial number support
985 NetInfo (when a shared domain
is created using NetInfo Domain
1701 VPN L2TP
3283 ARD 1.2
5353 Multicast DNS
2049 Network File System (NFS)
3031 Program Linking
3283 Apple Network Assistant, Apple
Remote Desktop
4500 IKE NAT traversal
5060 iChat initiation
5297, 5678 iChat - local
86 Chapter 4 IP Firewall Service
Where to Find More Information
For more information about ipfw:
You can find more information about ipfw, the tool which controls IP firewall service, by
accessing its man page. It explains how to access its features and implement them. To
access the man page use the Terminal application to enter:
man ipfw
Request For Comment Documents
Request for Comments (RFC) documents provide an overview of a protocol or service
and details about how the protocol should behave. If you’re a novice server
administrator, you’ll probably find some of the background information in an RFC
helpful. If youre an experienced server administrator, you can find all the technical
details about a protocol in its RFC document. The RFC section of the following website
contains several RFC numbers for various protocols:
The IANA (Internet Assigned Number Authority) maintains a list of “well known ports,”
or TCP and UDP ports which have been assigned by the organization for various
protocols. The list can be found at:
Additionally, important multicast addresses are documented in the most recent
Assigned Numbers RFC, currently RFC 1700.
5353 Multicast DNS
6970 -6999 QTSS RTP streaming
7070 Real-Time Streaming Protocol
alternate (QTSS)
16384-16403 iChat audio/video RTP and RTCP
UDP port Used for Reference
5 NAT Service
Network Address Translation (NAT) is sometimes referred to as IP masquerading. NAT is
used to allow multiple computers access to the Internet with only one assigned public
or external IP address. NAT allows you to create a private network which accesses the
Internet through a NAT router or gateway.
The NAT router takes all the traffic from your private network and remembers which
internal address made the request. When the NAT router receives the response to the
request, it forwards it to the originating computers. Traffic that originates from the
Internet does not reach any of the computers behind the NAT router unless Port
forwarding is enabled.
Using NAT with Other Network Services
Enabling NAT on Mac OS X Server often requires detailed control over DHCP, so DHCP is
configured separately in Server Admin. To learn more about DHCP, see Chapter 2,
“DHCP Service,” on page 23.
Enabling NAT also automatically creates a divert rule to the Firewall configuration. The
Server Admin application in Mac OS X Server allows the NAT service and the Firewall
service to be enabled and disabled independently. But for the NAT service to operate,
both the NAT and the Firewall service need to be enabled. This is because an essential
part of NAT is the packet divert rule. That rule is added to the Firewall when NAT service
is enabled, but the Firewall service must be turned on for the packet divert rule, or any
Firewall rule, to have any effect.
Warning: IP Firewall must be enabled for NAT to function.
88 Chapter 5 NAT Service
NAT LAN Configuration Overview
In order to configure a network segment as a NAT LAN, you need to take several
different steps. Each one is necessary to have a functioning private network behind a
NAT gateway. A detailed example of setup can be found in “Linking a LAN to the
Internet Through One IP Address” on page 93. The following section provides a high-
level overview of the configuration process
Step 1: Choose your NAT gateway and it’s interface functions
It needs to be a Mac OS X Server computer with (at least) two network interfaces: one
to connect to the Internet (the WAN port), and one to connect to your private network
segment (the LAN port).
Step 2: Decide how the NAT LAN clients will get their IP addresses
You can assign your own static IP address within the approved ranges for private LANs,
or you can use Mac OS X Server’s DHCP feature to assign addresses for you.
Step 3: Configure the gateway’s network settings
Assign you public IP address to the WAN port, and your internal gateways address to
the LAN port.
Step 4: Configure NAT settings
See “Configuring NAT Service” on page 89.
Step 5: Configure port forwarding settings
See “Configuring Port Forwarding” on page 90.
Step 6: Start NAT service
See “Starting and Stopping NAT Service” on page 89.
Step 7: Start Firewall Service
For the NAT service to operate, both the NAT and the Firewall service need to be
enabled. See “Starting and Stopping Firewall Service” on page 66 for more information.
Step 8: Configure and Start DHCP Service, if applicable
If the clients will have their addresses dynamically assigned, configure DHCP and start it
now. See Chapter 2, “DHCP Service,” for more information.
Chapter 5 NAT Service 89
Starting and Stopping NAT Service
You use Server Admin to start and stop NAT service on your default network interface.
Starting NAT service does not automatically start DHCP on the NAT interface, so LAN
addressing must be handled separately.
Starting the NAT service is not the same as configuring a network segment as a NAT
To start NAT service:
1 In Server Admin, select NAT from the Computers & Services pane.
2 Click Start Service.
When the service is running, Stop Service becomes available.
Configuring NAT Service
You use Server Admin to indicate which network interface is connected to the Internet
or other external network.
Configuring the NAT service is not the same as configuring a network segment as a
To configure NAT service:
1 In Server Admin, select NAT from the Computers & Services pane.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select “IP Forwarding and Network Address Translation.”
4 Choose the network interface from the “Network connection to share:” pop-up menu.
This interface should be the one that connects to the Internet or external network.
5 Click Save.
90 Chapter 5 NAT Service
Creating a Gateway Without NAT
Sometimes you need to use a computer as a gateway between network segments, but
you don’t need to translate their IP addresses between public and private ranges. This is
called “IP address forwarding.” Mac OS X Server supports IP address forwarding
through the NAT section of Server Admin.
For this configuration, you may have various network configurations. For example,
some other server may be translating private IP address to public addresses using NAT,
but your Mac OS X Server gateway may be routing information between various
private address subnets. Likewise, you may want to run a firewall between network
segments within your own LAN. Any condition in which youd want to route network
traffic through the server without masquerading IP addresses is a condition which
involves IP address forwarding.
The steps for creating a gateway for address forwarding are the same as those for
creating a NAT LAN. This means that the network ports must be configured to their
proper settings, and the Firewall Service must be enabled for the gateway to function.
To configure a gateway without NAT service:
1 In Server Admin, select NAT from the Computers & Services pane.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select “IP Forwarding only.”
4 Click Save.
Configuring Port Forwarding
You can direct incoming traffic to your NAT network to a specific IP address behind the
NAT gateway. This allows you to set up computers on the internal network that handle
certain incoming connections without exposing the other computers to outside
connections. For example, you could set up a web server behind the NAT and forward
all incoming TCP connection requests on port 80 to the designated web server.
You can’t forward the same port to multiple computers, but you can forward any
number of different ports to the same computer.
Enabling Port Forwarding requires use of, and facility with, the Terminal as well as
administrative access to root privileges through sudo. You will need to edit a plist, and
the contents of that plist will be used to generate /etc/nat/, which is
passed to the NAT daemon when it is started. Do not try to edit /etc/nat/ directly. If you choose to use a plist editor instead of a command line
text editor, you may need to alter the following instructions to suit.
Chapter 5 NAT Service 91
To forward port traffic:
1 If the file /etc/natd.plist doesn’t exist, make a copy of the default NAT daemon plist.
sudo cp /etc/nat/natd.plist.default /etc/natd.plist
2 Using a Terminal editor, add a new block of XML text to /etc/natd.plist before the two
last lines which end the file (</dict> and </plist>)
Add this block, and substitute your desired settings where indicated by italics:
3 Save your file changes.
The changes made, except for those settings that Server Admin can change and
comments, will be respected by the server configuration tools (Server Admin, Gateway
Setup Assistant and serveradmin).
4 Configure NAT service in Server Admin, as desired.
See “Configuring NAT Service” on page 89 for more information.
5 Click Save.
Port Forwarding Examples
You can forward a single port or any number of ports to a given IP address. The ports
on the WAN side do not have to match the ports on the LAN side, but must
correspond. For example, if you forward 10 consecutive ports from the WAN side, you
must forward them to 10 consecutive ports on the LAN side, but they don’t need to be
the same 10.
92 Chapter 5 NAT Service
Single Port Forwarding
This example shows the setting to forward TCP port 80 (web service) connections on
the WAN address of to TCP port 80 (web service) on the private LAN
ad d r e ss o f 192 .16 8 .1.1. Th e b l o c k o f te x t t o add to the /etc/natd.plist file is:
Multiple Port Forwarding
This example shows the setting to forward TCP and UDP ports 600-1023 (NetInfo, full
range) connections on the WAN address of to corresponding ports on the
pr i v ate L A N a d d re s s o f 192 .16 8 .1.1. Th e b l oc k o f t e x t to add to the /etc/natd.plist file is:
Chapter 5 NAT Service 93
Monitoring NAT Service
You might want to monitor your NAT service for troubleshooting and security. This
section describes the NAT status overview and monitoring NAT divert activity.
Viewing the NAT Status Overview
The NAT status overview allows you to see if the service is running, and how many
protocol links are active.
To see the overview:
1 In Server Admin, choose NAT Service from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click the Overview button.
Common Network Administration Tasks That Use NAT
The following sections illustrate some common network administration tasks that use
NAT service.
Linking a LAN to the Internet Through One IP Address
The easiest way to link a NAT LAN to the Internet is to use the Gateway Setup Assistant.
It will automatically configure the IP address groups in the Firewall, as well as create the
proper packet divert rule. If you are setting up a NAT LAN through a gateway for the
first time, it is recommended to use the Gateway Setup Assistant. See “Linking Your
Network to the Internet” on page 15 for more information on the Gateway Setup
If you do not want to use the Gateway Setup Assistant, or have existing gateway
settings you do not want overwritten, you can configure NAT and the IP Firewall
manually. To do so, you will need a Mac OS X Server with two network interfaces, one
to connect to the Internet, and one to your private network. This example assumes the
following configuration:
Ethernet Interface names and functions: Ethernet Built-in (connected to Internet), PCI
Ethernet Slot 1 (connected to internal network)
Internet or Public IP address: (example only, your IP number will be provided
by your ISP)
Internet or Public DNS IP address: (example only, your IP number will be
provided by your ISP)
Private Network IP address range and netmask:– (also
expressed as192.168.0.0/24 or
Server’s Private Network IP address:
94 Chapter 5 NAT Service
LAN Client IP address settings: Configure IPv4 Using DHCP
While not strictly necessary (NAT can be used with static IP addresses instead of
DHCP), this allows easy configuration of client computers.
To configure your NAT LAN:
1 Open the Network pane of System Preferences on the gateway server.
2 In the active Network Port Configurations screen, make sure the interface “Ethernet
Built-in is on top of the list of interfaces.
If it isn’t, drag it to the top of the list. This sets the default gateway in the routing table.
The top interface is always configured to be out the Internet or WAN.
3 Make sure the IP address and settings for “Ethernet Built-in are your public address
settings from your ISP. In this example they would be:
IP Address:
4 Make sure the IP address and settings for “PCI Ethernet Slot 1” are your local address
settings. In this example, they would be:
IP Address:
5 Click Apply Changes, if necessary.
6 Open Server Admin.
7 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
8 In Server Admin, create an address group for the internal LAN with the following
configuration parameters:
Subnet name: <whatever you want>
Starting IP Address:
Ending IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Network Interface: en1
Lease time: <whatever you want>
See “Creating Subnets” on page 24 for detailed instructions for configuring DHCP.
9 Enable DHCP service.
10 In Server Admin, choose NAT from the Computers & Services list.
11 Configure NAT using the following setting:
Network Connection to Share: Built-In Ethernet
12 Click Save, if necessary.
Chapter 5 NAT Service 95
13 Enable NAT Service.
14 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
15 Enable the Firewall.
16 Create Firewall rules to allow access to and from your private network.
For example, create an IP address group called “Private LAN” for the addresses
See “Creating an Address Group on page 67 for detailed instructions.
17 Enable any services you want the Private LAN to access (web, SSH, file sharing, and so
on) using the “Private LAN” group.
See “Opening the Firewall for Standard Services” on page 68 for detailed instructions.
18 Enable any services you want the Internet to access on your private LAN (web, SSH, file
sharing, and so on) using the any” address group.
See “Opening the Firewall for Standard Services” on page 68 for detailed instructions.
19 Click Save.
Setting Up LAN Party For Gaming
Setting up a LAN party is essentially the same as “Linking a LAN to the Internet
Through One IP Address.” Special considerations:
Take special care to open the ports necessary to play an Internet-enabled game.
If the game is to be played only within the LAN, you don’t have to open the Firewall
to game ports.
If you have computers joining and leaving the LAN, you’ll want to use DHCP to for
client address configuration.
Setting Up Virtual Servers”
A virtual server is a gateway server that sends services behind a NAT wall to real servers
on a port-by-port basis. For example, you have a NAT gateway which is (that
is, which could be set to forward web traffic (port 80) to
(port 80) behind the firewall, and requests for ssh traffic (port 22) could send the
packets to (port 22). In the example above, the NAT gateway is not really
serving the web content, the server at is, but that is invisible to the clients
browsing the web site.
To the Internet you have one server, but behind the NAT barrier, you have as many or
as few as you need. This can be used as load balancing, or as an organizational scheme
for the network’s topography. Virtual servers also let you easily reroute network traffic
to other computers on the LAN by reconfiguring the gateway.
Virtual servers require three service configurations: NAT, DNS, and IP Firewall.
96 Chapter 5 NAT Service
The NAT service needs to be configured with port forwarding of the desired virtual
port. The DNS record for the server should accept a few aliases of common services and
resolve them all to the same IP address. Finally, the firewall needs to allow traffic on
certain ports into the NAT LAN.
In this example, you’ll set up a NAT gateway, and point two domain names and services
to different computers behind the gateway firewall. Assume the following
configuration details:
Ethernet Interface names and functions: Ethernet Built-in (connected to Internet), PCI
Ethernet Slot 1 (connected to internal network)
Internet or Public IP address: (example only, your IP number and netmask
information will be provided by your ISP)
Private Network IP address range and netmask:– (also
expressed as192.168.0.0/24 or
Gateway Server’s Private Network IP address:
Web Server’s Private Network IP address:
Mail Server’s Private Network IP address:
Web and Mail Server’s IP address settings: Configure IPv4 Using DHCP
While not strictly necessary (NAT can be used with static IP addresses instead of
DHCP), this allows easy configuration of client computers.
To configure your virtual servers
1 Open Server Admin.
2 In Server Admin, choose DHCP from the Computers & Services list.
3 In Server Admin, create an address group for the internal LAN with the following
configuration parameters:
Subnet name: <whatever you want>
Starting IP Address:
Ending IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Network Interface: en1
Lease time: <whatever you want>
DNS: <provided by ISP>
Static Mapping (web): <web servers Ethernet address> mapped to
Static Mapping (mail): <mail server’s Ethernet address> mapped to
See “Creating Subnets” on page 24 and “Assigning Static IP Addresses Using DHCP” on
page 30 for detailed instructions for configuring DHCP.
4 Enable DHCP service.
5 In Server Admin, choose NAT from the Computers & Services list.
6 Configure NAT using the following setting:
Network Connection to Share: Built-In Ethernet
Chapter 5 NAT Service 97
Port forwarding: TCP port 80 (web) to
Port forwarding: TCP port 25 (mail) to
7 Click Save.
8 Enable NAT Service.
9 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
10 Enable the Firewall.
11 Create Firewall rules to allow access to your private network.
See “Creating an Address Group on page 67 for detailed instructions.
12 Enable the two services you want the Internet to access on your private LAN (web and
SMTP mail) using the any” address group.
See “Opening the Firewall for Standard Services” on page 68 for detailed instructions.
13 Click Save.
14 Add two aliases to your gateway servers DNS record.
Contact your DNS provider (usually your ISP), and request an A record be added with
the name “ to the IP address Request an MX record with
the name “ to the same IP address. These records are in addition to
your existing A and CNAME records for your domain.
Now all web traffic to will be forwarded to the internal server at, and incoming mail traffic to will be delivered to the
internal server at
If you want to change the servers behind the NAT (hardware upgrade, for example),
now all you have to do is change the DHCP Static IP addressing to the Ethernet
addresses of the new servers. The new servers will be assigned the existing internal IP
addresses designated for web and mail, and the gateway will forward the traffic to the
new servers seamlessly.
Where to Find More Information
For more information about natd:
You can find more information about natd, the daemon process which controls NAT
service, by accessing its man page. It explains how to access its features and implement
them. To access the man page use the Terminal application to enter:
man natd
98 Chapter 5 NAT Service
Request For Comment Documents
Request for Comments (RFC) documents provide an overview of a protocol or service
and details about how the protocol should behave. If you’re a novice server
administrator, you’ll probably find some of the background information in an RFC
helpful. If youre an experienced server administrator, you can find all the technical
details about a protocol in its RFC document. You can search for RFC documents by
number at the website:
For NAT descriptions, see:
RFC 1631
RFC 3022.
6 VPN Service
Virtual Private Network (VPN) is two or more computers or networks (nodes) connected
by a private link of encrypted data. This link simulates a local connection, as if the
remote computer were attached to the local area network (LAN).
VPNs allow users at home or otherwise away from the LAN to securely connect to it
using any network connection, such as the Internet. From the user’s perspective, the
VPN connection appears as a dedicated private link.
VPN technology also allows an organization to connect branch offices over the
Internet, while maintaining secure communications. The VPN connection across the
Internet acts as a wide area network (WAN) link between the sites.
VPNs have several advantages for organizations whose computer resources are
physically separated. For example, each remote user or node uses the network
resources of its Internet Service Provider (ISP) rather than having a direct, wired link to
the main location. VPNs also allow verified mobile users to access private computer
resources (file servers, and so on) from any connection to the Internet. Finally, VPN can
link multiple LANs together over great distances using existing Internet infrastructure.
This chapter describes VPN authentication method, transport protocols, and how to
configure, manage, and monitor VPN service. It does not include instructions for
configuring VPN clients for use of your VPN server.
VPN and Security
VPNs stress security by strong authentication of identity, and encrypted data transport
between the nodes, for data privacy and inalterability. The following section contains
information about each supported transport and authentication method.
Transport Protocols
You’ll be able to enable either or both of the encrypted transport protocols. Each has
its own strengths and requirements.
100 Chapter 6 VPN Service
Layer Two Tunnelling Protocol, Secure Internet Protocol (L2TP/IPSec)
L2TP/IPSec uses strong IPSec encryption to “tunnel” data to and from the network
nodes. It is based on Ciscos L2F protocol. IPSec requires security certificates (either self-
signed or from a Certificate Authority like Verisign), or a predefined shared secret
between connecting nodes. The shared secret must be entered on the server as well as
a client. It is not a password for authentication, nor does it generate encryption keys to
establish secure tunnels between nodes. It is a token that allows the key management
systems to trust each other.
L2TP is Mac OS X Server’s preferred VPN protocol due to its superior transport
encryption and its ability to be authenticated via Kerberos.
Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
PPTP is a common VPN protocol as well as the Windows standard VPN protocol. PPTP
offers good encryption (provided the passwords used are strong passwords) and
supports a number of authentication schemes. It uses the user-provided password to
produce an encryption key. You can also allow 40-bit (weak) security encryption in
addition to the default 128-bit (stronger) encryption if needed by your VPN clients.
PPTP is necessary if you have old Windows clients or Mac OS X 10.2.x clients.
Authentication Method
Mac OS X Server L2TP VPN uses either Kerberos v5 or Microsoft’s Challenge Handshake
Authentication Protocol version 2 (MS-CHAPv2) for authentication. Mac OS X Server
PPTP VPN uses MS-CHAPv2, exclusively, for authentication.
Kerberos is a secure authentication protocol which depends on a Kerberos Key
Distribution Server as a “trusted third party to authenticate a client to a server. MS-
CHAPv2 authentication doesn’t require the same authentication infrastructure as
Kerberos. It method encodes passwords when they’re sent over the network, and stores
them in a scrambled form on the server offering good security during network
transmission. It is also the standard Windows authentication scheme for VPN.
Mac OS X Server PPTP VPN can use additional authentication methods. Each has its
own strengths and requirements. It is not possible to choose any other authentication
method for PPTP using Server Admin. If you need to configure a different
authentication scheme from the default (for example, to use RSA Securitys SecurID
authentication), you’ll need to edit the VPN configuration file manually. The
configuration file is located at:
See “Offering SecurID Authentication With VPN Server” on page 107 for more
Chapter 6 VPN Service 101
Before You Set Up VPN Service
Before setting up Virtual Private Network (VPN) service, you need to determine which
transport protocol youre going to use. The table below shows which protocols are
supported by different platforms.
If you’re using L2TP, you need to have a Security Certificate (from a Certificate Authority
or self-signed), or a predefined shared secret between connecting nodes. If you choose
a shared secret, it needs to be secure as well (at least 8, but better yet 12 or more
alphanumeric characters with punctuation and without spaces) and kept secret by the
If you’re using PPTP, you need to make sure all of your clients support 128-bit PPTP
connections, for greatest transport security. Be aware that enabling 40-bit transport
security is a serious security risk.
Configuring other Network Services for VPN
Enabling VPN on Mac OS X Server requires detailed control over DHCP. DHCP is
configured separately in Server Admin. The IP addresses given to VPN clients cannot
overlap with addresses given to local DHCP clients. To learn more about DHCP, see
Chapter 2, “DHCP Service,” on page 23.
Enabling VPN also requires IP Firewall configuration. The firewall must be able to pass
network traffic from external IP addresses through the firewall to the LAN. This can be
as open or restricted as you deem necessary. For example, if the VPN clients are coming
from a large range of IP addresses (you have many users each connecting from any
number of ISPs) you may need to open the “any firewall address group to VPN
connections. If you want to narrow access to a small range of IP addresses, including
static ones, you can create an address group that reflects that smaller range, and only
enable VPN traffic originating from that list.
If you have... you can use L2TP/IPSec. you can use PPTP.
Mac OS X 10.4 and 10.3.x clients X X
Mac OS X 10.2.x clients X
Windows clients X (if Windows XP) X
Linux or Unix clients X X
102 Chapter 6 VPN Service
Managing VPN Service
This section describes tasks associated with managing VPN service. It includes starting,
stopping, and configuring the service.
Starting or Stopping VPN Service
You use Server Admin to start and stop VPN service.
To start or stop VPN service:
1 In Server Admin, choose the VPN Service from the Computers & Services list.
2 Make sure at least one of the transport protocols is checked and configured.
3 Click Start Service or Stop Service.
When the service is turned on, the Stop Service button is available.
Enabling and Configuring L2TP Transport Protocol
Use Server Admin to designate L2TP as the transport protocol. By enabling this
protocol, you must also configure the connection settings. You must designate an IPSec
shared secret (if you don’t use a signed Security Certificate), the IP address allocation
range to be given to your clients, and group to be allowed VPN privileges (if desired). If
both L2TP and PPTP are used, each protocol should have a separate, nonoverlapping
address range.
To enable L2TP:
1 In Server Admin, choose the VPN Service from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the L2TP tab.
4 Select “Enable L2TP over IPSec.”
5 Set the beginning IP address of the allocation range.
6 Set the ending IP address of the allocation range.
7 Choose a PPP Authentication type.
If your computer is bound to a Kerberos authentication server, choose Kerberos,
otherwise choose MS-CHAPv2.
8 Enter the shared secret, or select the certificate to use.
9 Click Save.
Enabling and Configuring PPTP Transport Protocol
Use Server Admin to designate PPTP as the transport protocol. By enabling this
protocol, you must also configure the connection settings. You should designate an
encryption key length (40-bit in addition to 128-bit), the IP address allocation range to
be given to your clients, and group to be allowed VPN privileges (if desired). If both
L2TP and PPTP are used, each protocol should have a separate, nonoverlapping
address range.
Chapter 6 VPN Service 103
To enable PPTP:
1 In Server Admin, choose the VPN Service from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the PPTP tab.
4 Select “Enable PPTP.”
5 If desired, select Allow 40-bit encryption keys” to allow such keys to be used in
addition to 128-bit keys.
Warning: Allowing 40-bit encryption keys are much less secure, but may be necessary
for some VPN client applications.
6 Set the beginning and IP addresses of the allocation range.
7 Click Save.
Configuring Additional Network Settings for VPN Clients
When a user connects in to your server through VPN, that user is given an IP address
from your allocated range. This range is not served by a DHCP server, so you’ll need to
configure additional network settings. These setting include the network mask, DNS
address, and search domains.
To configure addition network settings:
1 In Server Admin, choose the VPN Service from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Client Information tab.
4 Enter the IP address of the DNS server.
5 Enter any search domains, as needed.
6 Click Save.
Configuring VPN Network Routing Definitions
Network routing definitions allow you to choose whether to route data from the VPN
clients to some address group either through the VPN tunnel (“private”) or over the
VPN users ISP connection (“public”). For example, you may want all the VPN’s client
traffic that goes to the LAN IP address range to go through the secure tunnel to the
LAN, but make all traffic to other addresses to be routed through the user’s normal,
unsecured Internet connection. This helps you have a finer control over what goes
through the VPN tunnel.
104 Chapter 6 VPN Service
Important Notes About VPN Routing Definitions:
All traffic is routed through the VPN connection by default if no routing definitions
are added.
If any routing definitions are added, the VPN connection is no longer set as the
default route, and any traffic destined for addresses not specifically declared as a
Private route, will not go over the VPN connection.
All DNS lookups go over the VPN connection at present regardless of the routes that
are set.
The definitions are unordered; they apply only the description that most closely
matches the packet being routed.
An Example
Let’s say your LAN’s IP addresses are all 17.x.x.x addresses. If you make no routing
definitions, every VPN client’s network traffic (web browser URL requests, LPR printer
queue print jobs, file server browsing) will be routed from his or her computer through
the VPN tunnel to the 17.x.x.x LAN.
Now you decide that you don’t want to handle all the traffic to web sites or file servers
that aren’t located on your network. You can restrict what traffic gets sent to the 17.x.x.x
network, and what will go through the clients normal Internet connection. To limit the
traffic the tunnel handles, you’d enter a routing definition designating traffic to the
17.x.x.x network as Private which sends it across the tunnel. In the routing definition
table youd enter: Private
Now all traffic to the LAN is sent over the VPN connection, and by default, all other
addresses not in the definitions table are sent over the users unencrypted Internet
Now you decide that there a few IP addresses in the 17.x.x.x range that you don’t want
accessed over the VPN connection. You want the traffic to go via the user’s own
Internet connection, and not pass through the tunnel. The addresses might be outside
the firewall, and not accessible from the 17.x.x.x LAN. As an example, lets use the
addresses in the range 17.100.100.x. You would enter an additional routing definition as
such: Public
Since the address definition is more specific than 17.x.x.x, this rule takes precedence
over the broader, more general rule, and traffic heading to any address in the
17.100.100.x range is sent over the VPN user’s own Internet connection.
In summary, if you add routes, any routes you specify as Private will go over the VPN
connection and any declared as Public will not go over the VPN connection. All others
not specified will also not go over the VPN connection.
Chapter 6 VPN Service 105
To set routing definitions:
1 In Server Admin, choose VPN Service from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Client Information tab.
4 Click the Add button below the routing definition list.
5 Enter a destination address range of the packets to be routed by specifying:
a A base address (for example,
b A network mask (for example,
6 Select the routing destination from the pop-up menu.
a Private means to route it through the VPN tunnel.
b Public means to use the normal interface with no tunnel.
7 Click OK.
8 Click Save.
Limiting VPN Access to Certain Users or Groups
By default, all users on the server or in the master directory have access to VPN, once
enabled. You may want to limit VPN access to only certain users for security or ease of
administration. You can limit access to VPN by using Mac OS X Server’s Access Control
Lists feature.
Access Control Lists (ACLs) are a method of designating service access to certain users
or groups on an individual basis. For example, you may use an ACL to allow only one
user access to a file server or shell login, without allowing any user on the server to
access it.
To limit VPN access by login using ACLs:
1 In Server Admin, select the server which has VPN service running and the user or group
that will have VPN access.
2 Click Access.
3 Deselect “Use same access for all services.”
4 Select Allow only users and group below.”
5 Click the Add ( + ) button to reveal a Users and Groups drawer.
6 Drag the desired user or group to the access list.
7 Click Save.
106 Chapter 6 VPN Service
Limiting VPN Access to Certain Incoming IP Addresses
By default, the IP Firewall blocks all incoming VPN connections. You may want to limit
VPN access to only certain IP addresses for security or ease of administration. You can
limit access to VPN by using configuring Mac OS X Server’s IP Firewall feature.
To limit VPN access by IP address:
1 In Server Admin, choose Firewall from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Advanced Rules tab.
4 Click the Add ( + ) button.
5 Select “allow” access in the Action pop-up menu.
6 Choose a from the Protocol pop-up menu.
If you have chosen L2TP for your VPN access, choose UDP.
If you have chosen PPTP for your VPN access, choose TCP.
7 Choose a VPN service type from the pop-up menu, L2TP or PPTP.
The appropriate destination port will automatically be added.
8 If desired, choose to log packets that match this filter rule.
9 Enter the source IP address range (with CIDR notation) you want to give access to the
VPN, and leave the pop-up menu as Other.
These will be the IP addresses that will be able to connect to VPN service.
10 Choose the address group from the pop-up menu that has the VPN server for the
destination of filtered traffic.
If you don’t want to use an existing address group, enter the destination IP address
range (with CIDR notation).
11 Choose the “In network interface to apply this rule to.
“In refers to the designated WAN interface.
12 Click OK.
13 Click Save to apply the filter immediately.
Chapter 6 VPN Service 107
Additional Configuration Instructions
The following section has instructions for a few additional, optional scenarios. They
require integration with an existing directory service system or third-party
authentication services.
Enabling VPN-PPTP Access for Users in an LDAP Domain
In Mac OS X 10.4, you can use a command-line tool to enable PPTP-VPN connections
for users who are in an LDAP domain.
This resolves a situation in which users can establish a VPN connection via PPTP to a
Mac OS X Server that, once established, is not used by any network traffic. This affects
Mac OS X Server 10.3 and 10.4.
1 Run the tool /usr/sbin/vpnaddkeyagentuser as root with the LDAP node (directory
in which users are present) name as the argument.
For example, if the server that's running the VPN Service is also the LDAP Master, you
would enter this command in Terminal:
sudo /usr/sbin/vpnaddkeyagentuser /LDAPv3/
If the server that's running the VPN Service is not an LDAP Master, and the LDAP
directory is on a different computer, use the IP address of the LDAP server in the
command. For example, if the LDAP server is at, enter this command in
sudo /usr/sbin/vpnaddkeyagentuser /LDAPv3/
2 The tool will prompt for username and password.
a If the VPN Server is the LDAP master, type in the administrator name and password
of the server.
b If the LDAP directory is on a different server, type in the administrator name and
password of the server that hosts the LDAP directory (or the administrator name and
password that is used to add users to the LDAP directory in Workgroup Manager).
The tool will add a user to the LDAP directory and set up additional configuration
elements in the VPN Server so that it can support PPTP.
3 Configure PPTP in the VPN Service Settings panel of the Server Admin.
4 Start VPN Service.
Offering SecurID Authentication With VPN Server
RSA Security provides strong authentication through their product offering. They use
hardware and software tokens to verify user identity. SecurID authentication is available
for both L2TP and PPTP transports. For details and product offerings, see:
108 Chapter 6 VPN Service
Mac OS X Server VPN service can offer SecurID authentication, but it cannot be set up
from within the Server Admin application. You can use Server Admin to configure
standard VPN services, but Server Admin does not have an interface for choosing your
authentication method. If you need to designate an authentication scheme other than
the default (RSA Security's SecurID, for example), you will need to change the VPN
configuration manually.
Setting up for SecurID
1 To configure RSA Security's SecurID authentication, you must first copy the sdconf.rec
file from your SecurID server to a new directory on your Mac OS X Server named /var/
There are several ways you could do this. These steps illustrate one method:
a At your server, open the Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/).
b Type sudo mkdir /var/ace and press Return.
c Enter your administrator password, and press Return.
d Click the Finder icon in the Dock.
e From the Go menu, choose Go to Folder.
f Type: /var/ace
g Click Go.
h Copy the sdconf.rec file from your SecurID server into the “ace folder.
i You will see a dialog indicating that the ace” folder cannot be modified. Click the
Authenticate button to allow the copy.
2 Second, you configure the VPN service on your Mac OS X Server to enable EAP-SecurID
authentication for the protocols you want to use it with. To use it with PPTP, execute
these two commands in Terminal (they are each only one line):
# sudo serveradmin settings
: 0 = "EAP-RSA"
# sudo serveradmin settings
= "EAP"
To use it with L2TP, execute these two commands in Terminal:
# sudo serveradmin settings
: 0 = "EAP-RSA"
# sudo serveradmin settings
= "EAP"
This is all that is required to configure SecurID. The remainder of Mac OS X Server VPN
service configuration may be done using the Server Admin application.
Chapter 6 VPN Service 109
Monitoring VPN Service
This section describes tasks associated with monitoring a functioning VPN service. It
includes accessing status reports, setting logging options, viewing logs, and
monitoring connections.
Viewing a VPN Status Overview
The VPN Overview gives you a quick status report on your enabled VPN services. It tells
you how many L2TP and PPTP clients you have connected, which authentication
method is selected, and when the service was started.
To view the overview:
1 In Server Admin, choose VPN Service from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click the Overview button.
Setting the Log Detail Level for VPN Service
You can choose the level of detail you want to log for VPN service.
Nonverbose will indicate conditions for which you need to take immediate action
(for example, if the VPN service can’t start up).
Verbose will record all activity by the VPN service, including routine functions.
Nonverbose login is enabled by default.
To set VPN log detail:
1 In Server Admin, choose VPN Service from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the Logging tab.
4 Select Verbose to enable verbose logging, if desired.
5 Click Save.
Viewing the VPN Log
You’ll need to monitor VPN logs to ensure smooth operation of your Virtual Private
Network. The VPN logs can help you troubleshoot problems. The log view is the
/var/log/ppp/vpnd.log file. You can further filter the rules with the text filter box.
To view the log:
1 In Server Admin, choose VPN Service from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Logs.
110 Chapter 6 VPN Service
Viewing VPN Client Connections
You can monitor VPN client connections to ensure secure access to the Virtual Private
Network. The client connection screen allows you to see the user connected, the IP
address that user is connection from, the IP address assigned by your network, and the
type and duration of connection.
You can sort the list by clicking on the column headers.
To view client connections:
1 In Server Admin, choose VPN Service from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Connections.
Common Network Administration Tasks That Use VPN
The following sections illustrate some common network administration tasks that use
VPN service.
Linking a Computer at Home With a Remote Network
VPN allows you to link a computer to a remote network, and access it as if it were
physically connected to the LAN. This example uses the following information:
The user can authenticate with a name and password.
Desired VPN type: L2TP
Shared Secret: prDwkj49fd!254
Internet or Public IP address of the VPN gateway:
Private Network IP address range and netmask:– (also
expressed as192.168.0.0/24 or
DHCP starting and ending addresses:–
Private Network’s DNS IP address:
The result of this configuration is a VPN client, able to connect to a remote LAN via
L2TP, with full access to the LAN.
Step 1: Configure VPN
1 In Server Admin, choose the VPN Service from the Computers & Services list.
2 Click Settings.
3 Select the General tab.
4 Select L2TP.
5 Enter the shared secret (prDwkj49fd!254).
The shared secret is a common password that authenticates members of the cluster.
IPSec uses the shared secret as a preshared key to establish secure tunnels between
the cluster nodes.
Chapter 6 VPN Service 111
6 Set the beginning IP address of the VPN allocation range.
It can’t overlap the DHCP allocation range, so enter
7 Set the ending IP address of the VPN allocation range.
It can’t overlap the DHCP allocation range, so enter
8 Leave the group blank, so all workgroups will have access to VPN login.
9 Click Save.
10 Select the Client Information tab.
11 Enter the IP address of the internal LAN DNS server (
12 Leave the routing definitions empty.
All traffic from the client will be through the VPN tunnel.
13 Click Save.
14 Start the VPN service.
Step 2: Configure the Firewall
1 Create an address group for the VPN allocation range.
See “Creating an Address Group on page 67 for more information.
2 Open the firewall to external VPN connections by enabling L2TP connections in the
any” address group.
See “Opening the Firewall for Standard Services” on page 68 for more information.
3 Configure the firewall for the VPN address group, allowing or denying ports and
services as desired.
4 Save your changes and start or restart the firewall, as needed.
Step 3: Configure the Client
This client example will be a Mac OS X client using Internet Connect.
1 Open Internet Connect.
2 Choose File > New VPN Connection.
3 Select L2TP over IPSec.
4 Select Edit Configuration from the Configuration pop-up menu.
5 Enter the following configuration information:
a Server Name:
b Account name: <the users short name>
c Authentication: Use Password <user’s password>
d Shared Secret: prDwkj49fd!254
6 Click OK.
The user is now ready to connect.
112 Chapter 6 VPN Service
Accessing a Single Computing Asset Behind a Remote Network
Accessing a single computing asset behind a firewall differs from allowing a client to
become a node on the remote network. In the previous example, the VPN users
computer becomes a full participant in the Remote LAN. In this new scenario, the asset
to be accessed is a single file server, with the VPN users computer having no other
contact with the remote LAN. This scenario assumes all the information in the section
“Linking a Computer at Home With a Remote Network on page 110, and adds:
File Server IP address:
File Server Type: Apple File Sharing
For this scenario, follow the all the instructions in “Linking a Computer at Home With a
Remote Network” on page 110, with these exceptions:
In Step 1, part 12, don’t leave the routing definitions empty.
Create a Private route with the IP number of the file server (
In Step 2, part 3, configure the firewall to only accept Apple File Sharing Protocol
connections and DNS from the VPN address group.
VPN users now logged in to through the VPN gateway will have access to the file
server, and no other network traffic will go through the encrypted gateway.
Linking Two or More Remote Network Sites
VPN allows you to link not just a computer to a main network, but another network as
well. This allows the two networks to interact as if they were physically connected
together. Each site needs its own connection to the Internet, but the private data is
sent encrypted between the two sites. A common use for this feature is to link your
satellite offices to your organizations main office LAN.
About The Site-To-Site VPN Administration Tool
Linking multiple remote LAN sites to a main LAN requires the use of a command-line
utility installed on Mac OS X Server called s2svpnadmin (“site-to-site VPN admin”).
Using s2svpnadmin requires use of, and facility with, the Terminal as well as
administrative access to root privileges through sudo. To find out more about
s2svpnadmin, see its man page at:
man s2svpnadmin
Linking multiple remote LAN sites to a main LAN may also require the creation of a
security certificate. The tool s2svpnadmin can create links using either shared-secret
authentication (both sites have a password in their configuration files), or certificate
authentication. If you want to use certificate authentication, you must create the
certificate before running s2svpnadmin.
The site-to-site VPN connections can be only made using L2TP/IPSec VPN connections.
You will not be able to link two sites using PPTP and these instructions.
Chapter 6 VPN Service 113
This example uses the following information:
Desired VPN type: L2TP
Authentication via shared secret.
Shared Secret: prDwkj49fd!254
Internet or Public IP address of the VPN main LAN gateway (“Site 1”): A.B.C.D
Internet or Public IP address of the VPN remote LAN gateway (“Site 2”): W.X.Y.Z
Private IP address of Site 1:
Private IP address of Site 2:
Private Network IP address range and netmask for Site 1:– (also
expressed as192.168.0.0/24 or
Private Network IP address range and netmask for Site 2:–
(also expressed as192.168.20.0/16 or
Organizations DNS IP address:
The result of this configuration is an auxiliary, remote LAN, connected to a main LAN
via L2TP.
Step 1: Run s2svpnadmin On Both Site’s Gateways
1 In the Terminal, start s2svpnadmin by typing:
sudo s2svpnadmin
2 Enter the appropriate number to “Configure a new site-to-site server.”
3 Enter an identifying configuration name (no spaces allowed).
For this example, you could enter “site_1” on Site 1’s gateway, and so on.
4 Enter the gateways public IP address.
For this example, enter A.B.C.D on Site 1’s gateway, and W.X.Y.Z on Site 2’s gateway.
5 Enter the other sites public IP address.
For this example, enter W.X.Y.Z on Site 1’s gateway, and A.B.C.D on Site 2’s gateway.
6 Enter “s for shared secret authentication, and enter the shared secret:
If you are using certificate authentication, enter c and choose the installed certificate
to use.
7 Enter at least one addressing policy for the configuration.
8 Enter a local subnet address (for example, for Site 1, for Site 2)
9 Enter the prefix bits for the address range in CIDR notation.
In this example, the CIDR notation for the subnet range is for Site 1, so
you would enter “16.”
10 Enter a remote subnet address (for example, for Site 1, for Site 2)
114 Chapter 6 VPN Service
11 Enter the prefix bits for the address range in CIDR notation.
In this example, the CIDR notation for the subnet range is for Site 1, so
you would enter “16.”
12 If you want to make more policies, indicate it now, otherwise press Return.
If you had more sites to connect, or a more complex address setup (linking only parts
of your main LAN and the remote LAN) you would make more policies for this
configuration now.
You’d repeat the previous policy steps for the new policies.
13 Enable the site configuration by pressing “y.
You can double check your settings by choosing to show the configuration details of
the server, and entering the configuration name (in this example, “site_1”).
14 Exit s2svpnadmin.
Step 2: Configure the Firewall On Both Sites Gateways
1 Create an address group with only the LAN gateway’s public IP address.
In this example, use A.B.C.D/32 for Site 1, and W.X.Y.Z/32 for Site 2.
See “Creating an Address Group on page 67 for more information.
2 Open the firewall to external VPN connections by enabling L2TP connections in the
any” address group.
See “Opening the Firewall for Standard Services” on page 68 for more information.
3 Create the following Advanced IP filter rules on both sites gateway’s:
Rule 1
Action: Allow
Protocol: UDP
Source Address: A.B.C.D
Destination Address: W.X.Y.Z
Interface: Other, enter “isakmp
Rule 2
Action: Allow
Protocol: UDP
Source Address: W.X.Y.Z
Destination Address: A.B.C.D
Interface: Other, enter “isakmp
Chapter 6 VPN Service 115
Rule 3
Action: Allow
Protocol: Other, enter esp
Source Address: A.B.C.D
Destination Address: W.X.Y.Z
Rule 4
Action: Allow
Protocol: Other, enter esp
Source Address: W.X.Y.Z
Destination Address: A.B.C.D
Rule 5
Action: Allow
Protocol: Other, enter “ipencap”
Source Address: A.B.C.D
Destination Address: W.X.Y.Z
Rule 6
Action: Allow
Protocol: Other, enter “ipencap”
Source Address: W.X.Y.Z
Destination Address: A.B.C.D
See “Creating an Advanced IP Firewall Rule” on page 70 for more information about
creating advanced rules.
4 These rules will allow the encrypted traffic to be passed to both hosts.
5 Save your changes and start or restart the firewall, as needed.
Step 3: Start VPN Service On Both Site’s Gateways
1 For both VPN gateways, in Server Admin, choose the VPN Service from the Computers
& Services list.
If you’ve used s2svpnadmin correctly, the Start Service button should be enabled and
ready to use.
2 Click Start Service.
You should now be able to access a computer on the Remote LAN from the local LAN.
You could use ping or some means to verify the link.
116 Chapter 6 VPN Service
Where to Find More Information
For more information about L2TP/IPSec:
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is working on formal standards for L2TP/
IPsec user authentication. For more information, see the website:
Request For Comment Documents
Request for Comments (RFC) documents provide an overview of a protocol or service
and details about how the protocol should behave. If you’re a novice server
administrator, you’ll probably find some of the background information in an RFC
helpful. If youre an experienced server administrator, you can find all the technical
details about a protocol in its RFC document. You can search for RFC documents by
number at the website
For L2TP description, see RFC 2661.
For PPTP description, see RFC 2637.
For Kerberos version 5, see RFC 1510.
7 NTP Service
Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a network protocol used to synchronize the clocks of
computers on your network to a time reference clock. NTP is used to ensure that all the
computers on a network are reporting the same time.
If an isolated network, or even a single computer, is running on wrong time, services
that use time and date stamps (like mail service, or web service with timed cookies) will
send wrong time and date stamps and be out of synchronization with other computers
across the Internet. For example, an email message could arrive minutes or years before
it was sent (according to the time stamp), and a reply to that message could come
before the original was sent.
How NTP Works
NTP uses Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) as its reference time. UTC is based on an
atomic resonance, and clocks that run according to UTC are often called “atomic
Internet-wide, authoritative NTP servers (called Stratum 1 servers) keep track of the
current UTC time. Other subordinate servers (called Stratum 2 and 3 servers) query the
Stratum 1 servers on a regular basis and estimate the time taken across the network to
send and receive the query. They then factor this estimate with the query result to set
the Stratum 2 or 3 servers own time. The estimates are accurate to the nanosecond.
Your local network can then query the Stratum 3 servers for the time. Then it repeats
the process. An NTP client computer on your network then takes the UTC time
reference and converts it, through its own time zone setting to local time, and sets its
internal clock accordingly.
118 Chapter 7 NTP Service
Using NTP on Your Network
Mac OS X Server can act not only as an NTP client, receiving authoritative time from
an Internet time server, but also as an authoritative time server for a network. Your local
clients can query your server to set their clocks. It’s advised that if you set your server to
answer time queries, you should also set it to query an authoritative server on the
Setting Up NTP Service
If you choose to run NTP service on your network, make sure your designated server
can access a higher-authority time server. Apple provides a Stratum 2 time server for
customer use at
Additionally, you’ll need to make sure your firewall allows NTP queries out to an
authoritative time server on UDP port 123, and incoming queries from local clients on
the same port. See Chapter 4, “IP Firewall Service,” on page 59 for more information on
configuring your firewall.
To set up NTP service:
1 Open Server Admin.
2 Make sure your server is configured to “Set Date & Time automatically.”
This setting is in the Date & Time pane of the Server Admin Settings pane for the
3 Select the server you want to act as a time server.
4 Click Settings.
5 Select the General tab.
6 Select Enable NTP.
7 Click Save.
Chapter 7 NTP Service 119
Configuring NTP on Clients
If you have set up a local time server, you can configure your clients to query your time
server for getting the network date and time. By default, clients can query Apple’s time
server. These instructions allow you to set your clients to query your time server.
To configure NTP on clients:
1 Open System Preferences.
2 Click Date & Time.
3 Select “Set Date & Time automatically.”
4 Select and delete the text in the field rather than use the pop-up menu.
5 Enter the host name of your time server.
Your host name can be either a domain name (like or an IP address.
6 Quit System Preferences.
Where to Find More Information
The NTP working group, documentation, and an F.A.Q. for NTP can be found at the
Listings of publicly accessible NTP servers and their use policies can be found at the
Request For Comment Documents
Request for Comments (RFC) documents provide an overview of a protocol or service
and details about how the protocol should behave. If you’re a novice server
administrator, you’ll probably find some of the background information in an RFC
helpful. If youre an experienced server administrator, you can find all the technical
details about a protocol in its RFC document. You can search for RFC documents by
number at the website:
The official specification of NTP version 3 is RFC 1305.
120 Chapter 7 NTP Service
8 VLAN Support
Understanding VLANs
Mac OS X Server provides 802.1q Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) support on the
Ethernet ports and secondary PCI gigabit Ethernet cards available or included with
Xserves. VLAN allows multiple computers that are on different physical LANs to
communicate with each other as if they were on the same LAN. Benefits include more
efficient network bandwidth utilization and greater security, because broadcast or
multicast traffic is only sent to computers on the common network segment.
Xserve G5 VLAN support conforms to the IEEE standard 802.1q.
Setting Up Client Membership to a VLAN
You use the VLAN area of the Network pane of System Preferences to set up and
manage VLANS. Its important to make sure ports with non-VLAN devices (non-802.1Q-
compliant) are configured to transmit untagged frames. Many Ethernet cards are not
802.1Q-compliant. If they receive a tagged frame, they will not understand the VLAN
tag and will drop the frame.
Note: This part of the Network pane is visible only if your hardware, such as an Xserve
G5 system, supports this feature.
To configure a VLAN
1 Log in to your server as an administrator.
2 Open the Network pane of System Preferences.
3 Choose Network Port Configurations from the Show pop-up menu.
4 Click the VLAN button.
5 Select the Ethernet port you want to use for the VLAN.
6 Click Create VLAN.
122 Chapter 8 VLAN Support
7 Type a name for the VLAN, enter a tag (a number between 1 and 4094) in the Tag field,
and click OK.
This VLAN tag designates the VLAN ID (VID). Each logical network has a unique VID.
Interfaces that are configured with the same VID are on the same virtual network.
8 To use the VLAN, select it in the network port configurations list and click Apply Now.
Where to find more information
For more information about VLANs on the Internet:
VLAN standard is defined by IEEE.
Reference Document
The reference documents provides an overview of a protocol and details about how
the protocol should behave. If you’re a novice server administrator, you’ll probably find
some of the background information in a reference document helpful. If you’re an
experienced server administrator, you can find out technical details about a protocol in
its reference document. Its available at:
9 IPv6 Support
IPv6 is short for “Internet Protocol Version 6. IPv6 is the Internet’s next-generation
protocol designed to replace the current Internet Protocol, IP Version 4 (IPv4, or just IP).
The current Internet Protocol is beginning to have problems coping with the growth
and popularity of the Internet. IPv4’s main problems are:
Limited IP addressing.
IPv4 addresses are 32 bits, meaning there can be only 4,300,000,000 network
Increased routing and configuration burden.
The amount of network overhead, memory, and time to route IPv4 information is
rapidly increasing with each new computer connected to the Internet.
End-to-end communication is routinely circumvented.
This point is actually an outgrowth from the IPv4 addressing problem. As the number
of computers increased and address shortages became more acute, another
addressing and routing service was developed: Network Address Translation (NAT).
NAT mediates and separates the two network end points. However, this frustrates a
number of network services and is limiting.
IPv6 fixes some of these problems and helps others. It improves routing and network
autoconfiguration. It increases the number of network addresses to over 3 x10
, and
eliminates the need for NAT. IPv6 is expected to gradually replace IPv4 over a number
of years, with the two coexisting during the transition.
This chapter lists the IPv6 enabled services used by Mac OS X Server, gives guidelines
for using the IPv6 addresses in those services, and explains IPv6 address types and
124 Chapter 9 IPv6 Support
IPv6 Enabled Services
The following services in Mac OS X Server support IPv6 in addressing:
IP Firewall
Web (Apache 2)
Additionally, there are a number of command-line tools installed with Mac OS X Server
that support IPv6 (for example, ping6, and traceroute6).
IPv6 Addresses in the Server Admin
The services above don’t support IPv6 addresses in the user interface. They can be
configured with command-line tools to add IPv6 addresses, but those same addresses
will fail if entered into address fields in Server Admin.
IPv6 Addresses
IPv6 addresses are different than IPv4 addresses. In changing addresses, there are
changes in address notation, reserved addresses, the address model, and address types.
While IPv4 addresses are 4 bytes long and expressed in decimals; IPv6 addresses are 16
bytes long and can be expressed a number of ways.
IPv6 addresses are generally written in the following form:
Pairs of IPv6 bytes are separated by a colon and each byte is represented as a pair of
hexadecimal number, as in the following example:
IPv6 addresses often contain many bytes with a zero value, so a shorthand notation is
available. The shorthand notation removes the zero values from the text representation
and puts the colons next to each other, as follows:
Chapter 9 IPv6 Support 125
The final notation type includes IPv4 addresses. Because many IPv6 addresses are
extensions of IPv4 addresses, the right-most 4 bytes of an IPv6 address (the right-most
2-byte pairs) can be rewritten in the IPv4 notation. This mixed notation (from the above
example) could be expressed as:
IPv6 Reserved Addresses
IPv6 reserves two addresses that network nodes can’t use for their own communication
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 (unspecified address, internal to the protocol)
0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 (loopback address, just like127.0.0.1 in IPv4)
IPv6 Addressing Model
IPv6 addresses are assigned to interfaces (for example, your Ethernet card), and not
nodes (for example, your computer). A single interface can be assigned multiple IPv6
addresses. Also, a single IPv6 address can be assigned to several interfaces for load
sharing. Finally, routers don’t need an IPv6 address, eliminating the need to configure
the routers for point-to-point unicasts. Additionally, IPv6 doesn’t use IPv4 address
IPv6 Address Types
IPv6 supports the following three IP address types:
Unicast (one-to-one communication)
Multicast (one-to-many communication)
Note that IPv6 does not support broadcast. Multicast is preferred for network
broadcasts. Otherwise, unicast and multicast in IPv6 are the same as in IPv4. Multicast
addresses in IPv6 start with “FF” (255).
Anycast is a variation of multicast. While multicast delivers messages to all nodes in the
multicast group, anycast delivers messages to any one node in the multicast group.
126 Chapter 9 IPv6 Support
Where to Find More Information
The working group for the Internet Protocol Version 6 website is:
A group of IPv6 enthusiasts maintains a list of applications that support IPv6 at the
Request For Comment Documents
Request for Comments (RFC) documents provide an overview of a protocol or service
and details about how the protocol should behave. If you’re a novice server
administrator, you’ll probably find some of the background information in an RFC
helpful. If youre an experienced server administrator, you can find all the technical
details about a protocol in its RFC document. You can search for RFC documents by
number at the website:
There are over 29 IPv6 related RFC documents. A list can be found at:
This glossary defines terms and spells out abbreviations you may encounter while
working with online help or the Mac OS X Server Network Services Administration for
Version 10.3 or Later manual. References to terms defined elsewhere in the glossary
appear in italics.
access control A method of controlling which computers can access a network or
network services.
access control list See ACL.
ACL Access Control List. A list maintained by a system that defines the rights of users
and groups to access resources on the system.
address A number or other identifier that uniquely identifies a computer on a network,
a block of data stored on a disk, or a location in a computer memory. See also IP
address, MAC address.
bit A single piece of information, with a value of either 0 or 1.
bridge A computer networking device that connects two types of networking media,
such as wireless and ethernet. It acts like a gateway by passing network traffic directly
to the destination media without routing it or altering it in any way. Both sides of the
network bridge need to have the same IP address subnet. It links small related network
segments in a simple manner.
broadcast In a general networking context, the transmission of a message or data that
any client on the network can read. Broadcast can be contrasted with unicast (sending
a message to a specific computer) and multicast (sending a message to a select subset
of computers). In QuickTime Streaming Server, the process of transmitting one copy of
a stream over the whole network.
byte A basic unit of measure for data, equal to eight bits (or binary digits).
canonical name The “real” name of a server when you’ve given it a “nickname” or alias.
For example, might have a canonical name of
128 Glossary
certificate Sometimes called an “identity certificate” or “public key certificate.” A file in
a specific format (Mac OS X Server uses the x.509 format) that contains the public key
half of a public-private keypair, the user’s identity information such as name and
contact information, and the digital signature or either a Certificate Authority (CA) or the
key user.
Certificate Authority An authority that issues and manages digital certificates in order
to ensure secure transmission of data on a public network. See also public key
infrastructure and certificate.
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol See CHAP.
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol. A common authentication
protocol. See also MS-CHAP.
character A synonym for byte.
cleartext Data that hasn’t been encrypted.
command line The text you type at a shell prompt when using a command-line
command-line interface A way of interfacing with the computer (for example, to run
programs or modify file system permissions) by entering text commands at a shell
computer name The default name used for SLP and SMB/CIFS service registrations.
The Network Browser in the Finder uses SLP to find computers advertising Personal File
Sharing and Windows File Sharing. It can be set to bridge subnets depending on the
network router settings. When you turn on Personal File Sharing, users see the
computer name in the Connect To Server dialog in the Finder. Initially it is “<first
created user>’s Computer (for example, Johns Computer”) but can be changed to
anything. The computer name is used for browsing for network file servers, print
queues, Bluetooth discovery, Apple Remote Desktop clients, and any other network
resource that identifies computers by computer name rather than network address. The
computer name is also the basis for the default local hostname.
cracker A malicious user who tries to gain unauthorized access to a computer system
in order to disrupt computers and networks or steal information. Compare to hacker.
denial of service See DoS attack.
denial of service attack See DoS attack.
Glossary 129
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A protocol used to dynamically distribute
IP addresses to client computers. Each time a client computer starts up, the protocol
looks for a DHCP server and then requests an IP address from the DHCP server it finds.
The DHCP server checks for an available IP address and sends it to the client computer
along with a lease period—the length of time the client computer may use the
DHCP lease time See lease period.
directory services Services that provide system software and applications with
uniform access to directory domains and other sources of information about users and
DNS Domain Name System. A distributed database that maps IP addresses to domain
names. A DNS server, also known as a name server, keeps a list of names and the IP
addresses associated with each name.
DNS domain A unique name of a computer used in the Domain Name System to
translate IP addresses and names. Also called a domain name.
DNS name A unique name of a computer used in the Domain Name System to
translate IP addresses and names. Also called a domain name.
domain name See DNS name.
Domain Name System See DNS.
DoS attack Denial of service attack. An Internet attack that uses thousands of network
pings to prevent the legitimate use of a server.
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol See DHCP.
dynamic IP address An IP address that’s assigned for a limited period of time or until
the client computer no longer needs it.
EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol. An authentication protocol that supports
multiple authentication methods.
encryption The process of obscuring data, making it unreadable without special
knowledge. Usually done for secrecy and confidential communications. See also
Ethernet A common local area networking technology in which data is transmitted in
units called packets using protocols such as TCP/IP.
Ethernet ID See MAC address.
130 Glossary
filter A “screening method used to control access to a server. A filter is made up of an
IP address and a subnet mask, and sometimes a port number and access type. The IP
address and the subnet mask together determine the range of IP addresses to which
the filter applies.
firewall Software that protects the network applications running on your server. IP
firewall service, which is part of Mac OS X Server software, scans incoming IP packets
and rejects or accepts these packets based on a set of filters you create.
forward zone The DNS zone that holds no records of its own, but forwards DNS
queries to another zone.
FTP File Transfer Protocol. A protocol that allows computers to transfer files over a
network. FTP clients using any operating system that supports FTP can connect to a file
server and download files, depending on their access privileges. Most Internet browsers
and a number of freeware applications can be used to access an FTP server.
gateway A network node that interfaces one network to another. Often, it refers to a
computer that links a private LAN to a public WAN, with or without Network Address
Translation. A router is a special kind of gateway that links related network segments.
GB Gigabyte. 1,073,741,824 (2
) bytes.
gigabyte See GB.
hacker An individual who enjoys programming, and explores ways to program new
features and expand the capabilities of a computer system. See also cracker.
host name A unique name for a server, historically referred to as the UNIX hostname.
The Mac OS X Server host name is used primarily for client access to NFS home
directories. A server determines its host name by using the first name available from
the following sources: the name specified in the /etc/hostconfig file
(HOSTNAME=some-host-name); the name provided by the DHCP or BootP server for
the primary IP address; the first name returned by a reverse DNS (address-to-name)
query for the primary IP address; the local hostname; the name “localhost.”
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The client/server protocol for the World Wide Web.
The HTTP protocol provides a way for a web browser to access a web server and
request hypermedia documents created using HTML.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol See HTTP.
IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. An organization responsible for allocating
IP addresses, assigning protocol parameters, and managing domain names.
Glossary 131
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol. A message control and error-reporting
protocol used between host servers and gateways. For example, some Internet
software applications use ICMP to send a packet on a round-trip between two hosts to
determine round-trip times and discover problems on the network.
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. An organization dedicated to
promoting standards in computing and electrical engineering.
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol. An Internet protocol used by hosts and
routers to send packets to lists of hosts that want to participate in a process known as
multicasting. QuickTime Streaming Server (QTSS) uses multicast addressing, as does
Service Location Protocol (SLP).
Internet Generally speaking, a set of interconnected computer networks
communicating through a common protocol (TCP/IP). The Internet (note the
capitalization) is the most extensive publicly accessible system of interconnected
computer networks in the world.
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority See IANA.
Internet Control Message Protocol See ICMP.
Internet Group Management Protocol See IGMP.
Internet Message Access Protocol See IMAP.
Internet Protocol See IP.
Internet service provider See ISP.
IP Internet Protocol. Also known as IPv4. A method used with Transmission Control
Protocol (TCP) to send data between computers over a local network or the Internet. IP
delivers packets of data, while TCP keeps track of data packets.
IP address A unique numeric address that identifies a computer on the Internet.
IP subnet A portion of an IP network, which may be a physically independent network
segment, that shares a network address with other portions of the network and is
identified by a subnet number.
IPSec A security addition to IP. A protocol that provides data transmission security for
L2TP VPN connections. IPSec acts at the network layer, protecting and authenticating IP
packets between participating IPSec nodes.
IPv4 See IP.
132 Glossary
IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6. The next-generation communication protocol to
replace IP (also known as IPv4). IPv6 allows a greater number of network addresses and
can reduce routing loads across the Internet.
ISP Internet service provider. A business that sells Internet access and often provides
web hosting for ecommerce applications as well as mail services.
KB Kilobyte. 1,024 (2
) bytes.
L2TP Layer Two Tunnelling Protocol. A network transport protocol used for VPN
connections. Its essentially a combination of Ciscos L2F and PPTP. L2TP itself isn’t an
encryption protocol, so it uses IPSec for packet encryption.
LAN Local area network. A network maintained within a facility, as opposed to a WAN
(wide area network) that links geographically separated facilities.
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. A standard client-server protocol for
accessing a directory domain.
lease period A limited period of time during which IP addresses are assigned. By using
short leases, DHCP can reassign IP addresses on networks that have more computers
than available IP addresses.
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol See LDAP.
list administrator A mailing list administrator. List administrators can add or remove
subscribers from a mailing list and designate other list administrators. List
administrators aren’t necessarily local machine or domain administrators.
load balancing The process of distributing client computers’ requests for network
services across multiple servers to optimize performance.
local area network See LAN.
local domain A directory domain that can be accessed only by the computer on which
it resides.
local hostname A name that designates a computer on a local subnet. It can be used
without a global DNS system to resolve names to IP addresses. It consists of lowercase
letters, numbers, or hyphens (except as the last characters), and ends with “.local” (e.g,
bills-computer.local). Although the name is derived by default from the computer
name, a user can specify this name in the Network pane of System Preferences. It can
be changed easily, and can be used anywhere a DNS name or fully qualified domain
name is used. It can only resolve on the same subnet as the computer using it.
MAC address Media access control address. A hardware address that uniquely
identifies each node on a network. For AirPort devices, the MAC address is called the
AirPort ID.
Glossary 133
Mac OS X The latest version of the Apple operating system. Mac OS X combines the
reliability of UNIX with the ease of use of Macintosh.
Mac OS X Server An industrial-strength server platform that supports Mac, Windows,
UNIX, and Linux clients out of the box and provides a suite of scalable workgroup and
network services plus advanced remote management tools.
mail exchange record See MX record.
Manual Unicast A method for transmitting a live stream to a single QuickTime Player
client or to a computer running QTSS. An SDP file is usually created by the broadcaster
application and then must be manually sent to the viewer or streaming server.
master zone The DNS zone records held by a primary DNS server. A master zone is
replicated by zone transfers to slave zones on secondary DNS servers.
media access control See MAC address.
megabyte See MB.
Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol See MS-CHAP.
MS-CHAP Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol. The standard
Windows authentication scheme for VPN. This authentication method encodes
passwords when they are sent over the network and stores them in a scrambled form
on the server. It offers good security during network transmission. MS-CHAP is a
proprietary version of CHAP.
multicast In general, the simultaneous transmission of a message to a specific subset
of computers on a network. See also broadcast, unicast. In QuickTime streaming, an
efficient, one-to-many form of streaming. Users can join or leave a multicast but cannot
otherwise interact with it.
multicast DNS A protocol developed by Apple for automatic discovery of computers,
devices, and services on IP networks. This proposed Internet standard protocol is
sometimes referred to as “ZeroConf.” For more information, visit or To see how this protocol is used in Mac OS X Server, see local
multihoming The ability to support multiple network connections. When more than
one connection is available, Mac OS X selects the best connection according to the
order specified in Network preferences.
MX record Mail exchange record. An entry in a DNS table that specifies which
computer manages mail for an Internet domain. When a mail server has mail to deliver
to an Internet domain, the mail server requests the MX record for the domain. The
server sends the mail to the computer specified in the MX record.
134 Glossary
name server A server on a network that keeps a list of names and the IP addresses
associated with each name. See also DNS, WINS.
NAT Network Address Translation. A method of connecting multiple computers to the
Internet (or any other IP network) using one IP address. NAT converts the IP addresses
you assign to computers on your private, internal network into one legitimate IP
address for Internet communications.
NetInfo One of the Apple protocols for accessing a directory domain.
Network Address Translation See NAT.
network interface Your computer’s hardware connection to a network. This includes
(but isn’t limited to) Ethernet connections, AirPort cards, and FireWire connections.
network interface card See NIC.
node A processing location. A node can be a computer or some other device, such as
a printer. Each node has a unique network address. In Xsan, a node is any computer
connected to a storage area network.
NTP Network time protocol. A network protocol used to synchronize the clocks of
computers across a network to some time reference clock. NTP is used to ensure that
all the computers on a network are reporting the same time.
Open Directory The Apple directory services architecture, which can access
authoritative information about users and network resources from directory domains
that use LDAP, NetInfo, or Active Directory protocols; BSD configuration files; and
network services.
open relay A server that receives and automatically forwards mail to another server.
Junk mail senders exploit open relay servers to avoid having their own mail servers
blacklisted as sources of junk mail.
open source A term for the cooperative development of software by the Internet
community. The basic principle is to involve as many people as possible in writing and
debugging code by publishing the source code and encouraging the formation of a
large community of developers who will submit modifications and enhancements.
packet A unit of data information consisting of header, information, error detection,
and trailer records. QTSS uses TCP, UDP, and IP packets to communicate with streaming
password An alphanumeric string used to authenticate the identity of a user or to
authorize access to files or services.
password policy A set of rules that regulate the composition and validity of a users
Glossary 135
Password Server See Open Directory Password Server.
permissions Settings that define the kind of access users have to shared items in a file
system. You can assign four types of permissions to a share point, folder, or file: read/
write, read-only, write-only, and none (no access). See also privileges.
plaintext Text that hasn’t been encrypted.
Point to Point Tunneling Protocol See PPTP.
pointer record See PTR record.
port A sort of virtual mail slot. A server uses port numbers to determine which
application should receive data packets. Firewalls use port numbers to determine
whether data packets are allowed to traverse a local network. “Port usually refers to
either a TCP or UDP port.
Post Office Protocol See POP.
PPTP Point to Point Tunneling Protocol. A network transport protocol used for VPN
connections. Its the Windows standard VPN protocol and uses the user-provided
password to produce an encryption key.
privileges The right to access restricted areas of a system or perform certain tasks
(such as management tasks) in the system.
protocol A set of rules that determines how data is sent back and forth between two
proxy server A server that sits between a client application, such as a web browser,
and a real server. The proxy server intercepts all requests to the real server to see if it
can fulfill the requests itself. If not, it forwards the request to the real server.
PTR record Pointer record. A DNS record type that translates IP (IPv4) addresses to
domain names. Used in DNS reverse lookups.
QTSS QuickTime Streaming Server. A technology that lets you deliver media over the
Internet in real time.
QuickTime Streaming Server See QTSS.
record type A specific category of records, such as users, computers, and mounts. For
each record type, a directory domain may contain any number of records.
recursion The process of fully resolving domain names into IP addresses. A
nonrecursive DNS query allows referrals to other DNS servers to resolve the address. In
general, user applications depend on the DNS server to perform this function, but
other DNS servers do not have to perform a recursive query.
136 Glossary
relay In QuickTime Streaming Server, a relay receives an incoming stream and then
forwards that stream to one or more streaming servers. Relays can reduce Internet
bandwidth consumption and are useful for broadcasts with numerous viewers in
different locations. In Internet mail terms, a relay is a mail SMTP server that sends
incoming mail to another SMTP server, but not to its final destination.
scope A group of services. A scope can be a logical grouping of computers, such as all
computers used by the production department, or a physical grouping, such as all
computers located on the first floor. You can define a scope as part or all of your
search path See search policy.
search policy A list of directory domains searched by a Mac OS X computer when it
needs configuration information; also the order in which domains are searched.
Sometimes called a search path.
Secure Sockets Layer See SSL.
server A computer that provides services (such as file service, mail service, or web
service) to other computers or network devices.
shared secret A value defined at each node of an L2TP VPN connection that serves as
the encryption key seed to negotiate authentication and data transport connections.
shell A program that runs other programs. You can use a shell to interact with the
computer by typing commands at a shell prompt. See also command-line interface.
shell prompt A character that appears at the beginning of a line in a command-line
interface and indicates that you can enter a command.
SLP DA Service Location Protocol Directory Agent. A protocol that registers services
available on a network and gives users easy access to them. When a service is added to
the network, the service uses SLP to register itself on the network. SLP/DA uses a
centralized repository for registered network services.
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. A protocol used to send and transfer mail. Its
ability to queue incoming messages is limited, so SMTP usually is used only to send
mail, and POP or IMAP is used to receive mail.
spam Unsolicited email; junk mail.
SSL Secure Sockets Layer. An Internet protocol that allows you to send encrypted,
authenticated information across the Internet. More recent versions of SSL are known
as TLS (Transport Level Security).
Glossary 137
SSL Secure Sockets Layer. An Internet protocol that allows you to send encrypted,
authenticated information across the Internet. More recent versions of SSL are known
as TLS (Transport Level Security).
static IP address An IP address that’s assigned to a computer or device once and is
never changed.
Stratum 1 An Internet-wide, authoritative network time protocol (NTP) server that
keeps track of the current UTC time. Other strata are available (2, 3, and so forth); each
takes its time from a lower-numbered stratum server.
subdomain Sometimes called the host name. Part of the domain name of a computer
on the Internet. It does not include the domain or the top-level domain (TLD)
designator (for example, .com, .net, .us, .uk). The domain name “
consists of the subdomain “www,” the domain example,” and the top level domain
subnet A grouping on the same network of client computers that are organized by
location (different floors of a building, for example) or by usage (all eighth-grade
students, for example). The use of subnets simplifies administration. See also IP subnet.
subnet mask A number used in IP networking to specify which portion of an IP
address is the network number.
TCP Transmission Control Protocol. A method used along with the Internet Protocol
(IP) to send data in the form of message units between computers over the Internet. IP
takes care of handling the actual delivery of the data, and TCP takes care of keeping
track of the individual units of data (called packets) into which a message is divided for
efficient routing through the Internet.
time server A network server to whose clock other computers on the network
synchronize their own clocks, so that all computers report the same time. See also NTP.
time server A network server to whose clock other computers on the network
synchronize their own clocks, so that all computers report the same time. See also NTP.
time-to-live See TTL.
Transmission Control Protocol See TCP.
TTL Time-to-live. The specified length of time that DNS information is stored in a
cache. When a domain name-IP address pair has been cached longer than the TTL
value, the entry is deleted from the name server’s cache (but not from the primary DNS
TXT record Text record. A DNS record type that stores a text string for a response to a
DNS query.
138 Glossary
UCE Unsolicited commercial email. See spam.
UDP User Datagram Protocol. A communications method that uses the Internet
Protocol (IP) to send a data unit (called a datagram) from one computer to another in a
network. Network applications that have very small data units to exchange may use
UDP rather than TCP.
unicast The transmission of data to a single recipient or client. If a movie is unicast to a
user using RSTP, the user can move freely from point to point in an on-demand movie.
universal time coordinated See UTC.
User Datagram Protocol See UDP.
user name The long name for a user, sometimes referred to as the user’s “real” name.
See also short name.
UTC Universal time coordinated. A standard reference time. UTC is based on an atomic
resonance, and clocks that run according to UTC are often called “atomic clocks.”
Virtual Private Network See VPN.
VPN Virtual Private Network. A network that uses encryption and other technologies
to provide secure communications over a public network, typically the Internet. VPNs
are generally cheaper than real private networks using private lines but rely on having
the same encryption system at both ends. The encryption may be performed by
firewall software or by routers.
WAN Wide area network. A network maintained across geographically separated
facilities, as opposed to a LAN (local area network) within a facility. Your WAN interface
is usually the one connected to the Internet.
wildcard A range of possible values for any segment of an IP address.
Windows Internet Naming Service See WINS.
WINS Windows Internet Naming Service. A name resolution service used by Windows
computers to match client names with IP addresses. A WINS server can be located on
the local network or externally on the Internet.
WLAN A wireless local area network.
workgroup A set of users for whom you define preferences and privileges as a group.
Any preferences you define for a group are stored in the group account.
zone transfer The method by which zone data is replicated among authoritative DNS
servers. Slave DNS servers request zone transfers from their master servers to acquire
their data.
AirPort Base Stations
DHCP service and 25
BIND 37, 38
load distribution 56
CIDR netmask notation 62, 64
DHCP servers 25
interactions 25
network location 25
DHCP service 23–36
AirPort Base Stations 25
changing subnets 27
deleting subnets 28
described 23
disabling subnets 28
DNS options 29
DNS Server for DHCP Clients 29
LDAP auto-configuration 25
LDAP options for subnets 29
logs 32
logs for 26
managing 26–31
more information 36
preparing for setup 23–25
setting up 26
starting and stopping 26
subnet IP addresses lease times, changing 28
subnet IP address lease times, changing 28
subnets 24
subnets, creating 27
subnet settings 27
uses for 23
viewing client lists 32
viewing leases, client list 32
WINS options for subnets 30, 31
Disabling 28
DNS service 37–58
described 37
load distribution 56
managing 41–42
more information 58
options for DHCP subnets 29
planning 38
preparing for setup 38
servers 38
setting up 38
setup overview 38–41
starting 41
stopping 41
strategies 38–41
uses for 37
with mail service 53
documentation 11
domain names
registering 38, 39
DoS (Denial of Service) attacks
preventing 80
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
dynamic IP addresses 24
editing 71
examples 77–79
filters, IP
adding 65
described 62
IANA registration 38
Internet Gateway Multicast Protocol See IGMP
Internet Protocol Version 6 See IPv6
IP addresses
assigning 25
DHCP and 23
DHCP lease times, changing 28
dynamic 24
dynamic allocation 24
140 Index
IPv6 notation 124
leasing with DHCP 23
multiple 64
precedence in filters 64
ranges 64
reserved 25
static 24
IP Firewall
starting and stopping 31
IP Firewall service 59–61
about 59
adding filters 65
background 62
benefits 60
configuring 68–80
creating filters 69, 70
editing filters 71
example filters 77–79
filters 62–64
logs, setting up 74–75
managing 66–72
more information 86
multiple IP addresses 64
planning 65
port reference 82–86
preparing for setup 62–64
preventing Denial of Service (DoS) attacks 80
setting up 65–66
starting, stopping 66
uses for 60
viewing logs 74
addressing 124–125
address notation 124
available services 124
in Server Admin 124
more information 126
load distribution 56
logging items
DHCP activity 26
DNS service 49
IP Firewall service 74–76
Mac OS X Server
ports used by 82–86
Mac OS X systems 82–86
redirecting 53
Mail Exchange. See MX
mail exchangers 53
mail servers 53
mail service
using DNS service with 53
MX (Mail Exchange) records 40, 54
MX hosts 53
name servers 38
about 87
configuring 89
monitoring 93
starting, stopping 89
status overview 93
viewing client lists 32
private 56–57
TCP/IP networks 56–57
about 117
configuring clients 119
more information 119
setting up 118
time system 117
Mac OS X computers 82–86
TCP ports 82–83
UDP ports 85
round robin 56
Server 27, 32, 78, 79, 94, 95, 96, 97
server administration guides 11
name servers 38
static IP addresses 24
Stratum time servers 117
subnet masks 62
subnets 24
creating 24, 27
private networks 56–57
TCP ports 82–84
time servers
Stratum 117
UDP ports 85
141 Index
Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) 117
client connections 110
logging 109
routing definitions 105
viewing logs 109
viewing status 109
142 Index