Instigators of Future Change in Magnetospheric Research
Michael W. Liemohn,
Amy M. Keesee,
Larry Kepko
, and Mark B. Moldwin
This chapter focuses on emerging methods and capabilities ena bling future breakthroughs in magnetospheric
research. That is, it does not focus on magnetospheric research regions and science issues, but on how new trends
in the scientific research is conducted. We specifically cover four topics emerging as techniques/issues that will
likely cause a major upheaval in our approach to magnetosph eric physics. The four topics are: the miniaturization
of spacecraft systems and scientific instrumentation; high-end computing and advanced techniques in code cou-
pling methodologies; storage and handling of large data sets, along with awareness of advanced statistical tech-
niques; and diversity within the magnetospheric physics workforce. We think they are paradigm-shifting
breakthroughs that will revolutionize many research areas within the science, technology, engineering, and math-
ematics umbrella.
As discussed in all of the previous chapters of this book,
the magnetosphere, not only that around Earth but also
those around every other planet with an intrinsic magnetic
field, are natural laboratories rich in fundamental physi-
cal processes of universal application to many other scien-
tific disciplines. Magnetospheric volumes are vast, yet
some of the relevant physics occurs on a tiny scale. Topics
range from the microscopic proces ses of magnetic recon-
nection and waveparticle interactions to the macroscopic
phenomena like plasma circulation through the system
and pressure balance and magnetic topological distortion
during strong active times.
This final chapter of the book is about the future of
magnetospheric research. That is an extremely broad
topic and one that cannot be covered in just a few pages.
Indeed, earlier chapters in this section cover specific
aspects of this topic, and many recent reviews and com-
mentaries have addressed the open questions in the field.
For instance, there is an entire special section of a journal
on unsolved problems of magnetospheric physics
(Denton et al., 2016), covering the topics of the future
of plasmaspheric investigations (Gallagher and Comfort,
2016), current system analysis (Dunlop et al., 2016;
Liemohn et al., 2016), magnetic reconnection (Milan
et al. 2016), and radiation belt physics (Kessel, 2012).
Other works have covered the future of magnetosphere
ionosphere coupling, noting the nonlinear physics and
feedback inherent in the geospace system (Burch, 2016;
Moore et al., 2016) and the difficulty in knowing even
the spatial connectivity between different parts of geo-
space (Delzanno et al., 2015, 2016). The substorm prob-
lem, of course, is still a point of contention and
ambiguity that requires additional attention (Lui, 2018).
Therefore, this chapter will not focus on magneto-
spheric research regions and science issues but rather on
the emerging methods and capabilities enabling future
breakthroughs in magnetospheric research. Here, we
Department of Climate and Space Sciences and
Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Department of Physics and Space Science Center,
University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA
Space Weather Laboratory, Heliophysics Science Division,
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA
Space Physics and Aeronomy Collection Volume 2: Magnetospheres in the Solar System, Geophysical Monograph 259, First Edition.
Edited by Romain Maggiolo, Nicolas André, Hiroshi Hasegawa, and Daniel T. Welling.
© 2021 American Geophysical Union. Published 2021 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/9781119815624.ch47
specifically cover four topics emerging as techniques that
will probably cause a major upheaval in our approach to
magnetospheric physics. Indeed, we think they are para-
digm-shifting breakthroughs that will revolutionize many
research areas within the science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics (STEM) umbrella.
While there are other items that could be in this list, we
will focus on just these four emerging trends in magneto-
spheric physics. The first is the miniaturization of space-
craft systems and scientific instrumentation, allowing
for microsatellites and nanosatellites to become robust
and reliable contributors to the scientific endeavor. The
second is high-end computing and advanced techniques
in code coupling methodologies. This is mostly covered
in an earlier chapter but we wanted to emphasize this
point here. The third is recent developments in data stor-
age and handling, along with awareness of advanced sta-
tistical techniques (i.e., data science and machine
learning). The fourth topic that we will focus on here is
diversity in the workforce, and the burgeoning mindful-
ness that different perspectives in the research community
lead to more creative solutions to problems.
47.2.1. Spacecraft System and Instrumentation
Both scientific instruments and satellite subsystems
have seen a revolution in the reduction of size, weight,
and power plus cost (SWaP+C) requirements in recent
years. A workshop on Small Satellites for Space Weather
Research and Forecasting was recently held to discuss the
current progress and future opportunities for harnessing
these improvements for research in our field as well as
applications for space weather operations.
The magnetosphere is a large region consisting of inter-
connected pathways of energy and mass transport occur-
ring at multiple concurrent scales. As such, it has long
been recognized that constellatio ns are needed to resolve
spatial and temporal ambiguities, and provide the simul-
taneous, global measurements required to resolve ques-
tions of cross-scale coupling. Yet despite the recognized
need, large constellations have been out of reach, prima-
rily due cost concerns.
There are three key emergent areas that finally enable
these long sought after magnetospheric constellation mis-
sions: (1) instrument miniaturization, for which heliophy-
sics in situ instruments are particularly well suited; (2)
commoditization of spacecraft subsystems components;
and (3) new avenues for access to space. These develop-
ments enable increased usage of small satellites, such as
CubeSats, for small, focused missions accessible to a
broad population in the field, a large mission based on
many small satellites, such as the Magnetospheric Con-
stellation (MagCon) mission concept (Angelopoulos
and Spence, 1999), to make significant progress on unan-
swered questions, and the use of small instruments to be
flown on nondedicated satellites for additional research
and space weather monitoring at greatly reduced costs
when compared to dedicated missions.
As concluded in a National Academies of Sciences
study (National Academies, 2016), CubeSats have
demonstrated their ability to deliver compelling science
on small and economic platforms. Since the publication
of that report, CubeSat technologies, particularly with
respect to instrumentation, have continued to mature,
through such programs as the In-Space Validation of
Earth Science Technologies (INVeST) in Earth Sciences
and the Heliophysics Technology and Instrument Devel-
opment for Science (H-TIDeS) in heliophysics. As noted
by Posner et al. (2014), NASA leadership recognizes the
importance of small spacecraft mission contributions to
our understanding of the SunEarth space environment,
most notably for their ability to provide low-cost magne-
tospheric constellations. Note that CubeSat missions are
delivering exceptional science for magnetospheric phys-
ics. For example, the Focus ed Investigations of Relativis-
tic Electron Bursts: Intensity, Range, and Dynamics
(FIREBIRD) CubeSats provided new information about
electron microbursts, including their spatial scale and evi-
dence that discrete whistler mode chorus packets are their
source (Breneman et al., 2017; Crew et al., 2016), and the
Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment (CSSWE)
CubeSat mission, which demonstrated that galactic cos-
mic rays are responsible for inner radiation belt electrons
(Li et al., 2017).
The SmallSat commercial industry is growing in leaps
and bounds. There now exist multiple, low-cost solutions
for spacecraft subsystems, at a fraction of previous costs.
A key enabler for high quality yet cost effective science
missions is to utilize subsystem development efforts and
instrument miniaturization and scale up from CubeSat
platforms to larger small satellites (SmallSats). The relia-
bility of such systems has increased as well, due in part to
government and industry initiatives aimed at reliability,
and the natural progression of the marketplace. Commer-
cial constellations of hundreds to thousands of spacecraft
are now being proposed and built, with per spacecraft
reproduction costs in the range of a few $M (see, e.g., One-
Web Satellites (https://onewebsatellites.com/) or Blue
Canyon Technologies (https://bluecanyontech.com/)).
This is one or two orders of magnitude below the cost
for large spacecraft bus designs, making small satellite
technology affordable for everyone. The reliability of
the mission is increased because the loss of any one space-
craft does not doom the mission. An example of such an
approach is the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite Sys-
tem (CYGNSS) mission that consists of eight identical
spacecraft flying in low-Earth orbit (Ruf et al., 2013),
making breakthrough measurements of ocean winds
(Ruf et al., 2016) and soil moisture content (Kim and
Lakshmi, 2018). Under the hood, the spacecraft bus looks
like a CubeSat, and it was developed for NASA with a
higher acceptance of risk than larger, more traditional
Designs for several constellation missions have been
studied over the past few decades. In the last Solar and
Space Physics Decadal Survey (NRC, 2013), Magneto-
spheric Constellation (MagCon), and a similar mission,
Magnetospheric Tomography (MagCat), were studied
but deemed too expensive. It is worth quoting directly
from that document (NRC, 2013, pp. 942):
To implement such a constellation (36, 30 kg s/c) requires
development of small satellite systems and instruments
that can be more cheaply manufactured and tested in a
reasonable time frame (23 years) with acceptable reliabil-
ity levels.
It is fair to state that both reliability and spacecraft
manufacturing capability have since increased to the
point that such relatively simple spacecraft can be manu-
factured for such a constellation, with reasonable costs.
Previous approaches to constellation formation relied
on a single, dedicated launch vehicle, and a dispenser ship.
The availability of large launch vehicles with excess
launch capacity, and the potential for smaller launch vehi-
cles (LVs), such as from Electron and Virgin Galactic,
offer an alternative path to constellation formation. It is
no longer necessary to have a dedicated LV; rather, a
smallsat constellation could get to orbit as a rideshare
on an ESPA (Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle
(EELV) Secondary Payload Adapter) beneath a primary
payload, greatly reducing the cost of the mission to NASA
or other government agency. For a mission such as Mag-
Con, a commercially available propulsive ESPA could
rideshare to geosynchronous transfer orbit, then act as
the dispenser ship to move the spacecraft to the final loca-
tion (Kepko, 2018). For low-Earth orbit (LEO) missions,
the ability to directly launch into LEO is a true game-
changer, as it economically allows multiple spacecraft in
multiple orbit planes, with reduced cost and complexity
compared to a single launch.
Instruments are getting smaller, too, fitting within the
SWaP+C requirements of nanosat form factors. For
instance, miniaturization is possible for particle detectors
(Scime et al., 2016; Clark et al., 2016; Zurbuchen and
Gershman, 2016; Skoug et al., 2016; Desai et al., 2016;
Wieser and Barabash, 2016; Michell et al, 2016), magnetic
and electric field probes (Korth et al., 2016; Miles et al.,
2016; Sheinker and Moldwin, 2016; Regoli et al., 2018),
and even auroral imagers are getting close to fitting Cube-
Sat specifications (Unick et al., 2016; Paxton et al., 2017).
Fennell et al. (2016) conclude that CubeSat versions of
most particle sensors nearly match the performance of
full-sized spaceflight instruments. In addition, the use of
engineering-grade sensors for scientific data products,
such as the magnetometers on the Iridium satellite con-
stellation (Coxon et al., 2018), has significant potential
for rapid growth in space-based instrumentation.
Ground-based sensors hav e also come a long way too,
enabling distributed arrays of small instruments. Several
new miniaturized and low-power sensors have been devel-
oped recently, for example, for magnetometry
(Engebretson and Zesta, 2017), for geocoronal measure-
ments (Gardner et al., 2017), and galactic cosmic ray
monitoring via their byproduct fast neutrons
(Caballero-Lopez, 2016). In addition, the compilation
of ground-based magnetometers from across the globe
into the SuperMAG network (Gjerloev, 2012), with uni-
fied processing and easy accessibility, has provided a
key breakthrough in science studies with these data sets.
47.2.2. High-End Computing and Code Coupling
Summit was the worlds fastest supercomputer, brought
online in the summer of 2018. At 200 petaflops, it out-
paced the previously fastest machine by a factor of three.
Are we still on track with Moores Law, the observation
that electronic transistor density on a computer chip dou-
bles approximately every two years? Of particular rele-
vance for magnetospheric physics, however, is not
transistor density but rather total computing speed, as
quantified by floating point operations per second
(FLOPS). Figure 47.1 shows the history of FLOPS
increase in the top computers from near the beginning
of the supercomputing age through to the announcement
of the Summit machine. The three curves show the fastest
machine (dotted curve), the 500th fastest machine (dashed
curve), and the sum of computing power for the top-500
machines (solid curve). The growth is a factor of roughly
one million times speed-up (that is, roughly 20 dou-
blings of FLOPS) over the past 25 years. Note that yet
another new machine, Fugaku, came online in the sum-
mer of 2020, with a performance 2.8 times faster than
Summit. The amazing speed of Fugaku will surely also
be surpassed some day.
For space physics, this fact of continually-increasing
computational resources means that codes must be
designed to take advantage of efficient parallel processing
algorithms. New codes need to be written with this in
mind and legacy codes need to be updated to exploit
this fact of modern computing. For example, the
Block-Adaptive-Tree Roe-type Solar wind Upwind
Scheme (BATS-R-US) magnetohydrodynamic model
(Gombosi et al., 2002; Toth et al., 2012) was written with
parallel processing as a cornerstone of its design. Con-
versely, the Rice Convection Model (Harel et al., 1981),
originally written well before the highly-networked super-
computing age, needed to be adapted for parallel calcula-
tion many years after its creation (De Zeeuw et al., 2004).
Some modeling techniques, like test particle codes, are
embarrassingly parallel in that the particle solutions do
not depend on each other, but load balancing becomes
an issue and smart algorithms need to be applied for effi-
cient use of computational resources (Fang et al., 2008).
Code coupling algorithms are also getting better. We
are no longer at the stage of requiring files to be written
by one program and then read by another to transfer
numerical results between codes. While this works well
for one-way coupling, it is inefficient for two-way cou-
pling, in which the codes are run simultaneously on the
same machine. Goodrich et al. (2004) provide a plan
for the code coupling within the Center for Integrated
Space Weather Modeling, detailing the complexity of this
task. Toth et al. (2005, 2012) describe the algorithms
behind the Space Weather Modeling Framework, in par-
ticular the methodology of synchronizing many disparate
code styles into a unified whole. Wiltberger (2015) gives a
review of global magnetospheric modeli ng capabilities,
many of which are coupled code suites. Such coupled code
algorithms are needed for going beyond the magneto-
pause, too, especially space weather simulations from
Sun to the Earth (Merkin et al., 2007; Toth et al.,
2007). This will be especially true as magnetospheric phys-
ics ties in with magnetotelluric modeling to predict geo-
magnetic induced currents (Liemohn et al., 2018b).
The standardization of code inputoutput will help tre-
mendously with the code-coupling issue. The adoption of
the Space Physics Archive Search and Extract (SPASE)
convention (http://www.spase-group.org/), for both
observational and numerical data sets, provides a proto-
col for information transfer. Development of SPASE-
compliant code requires an initial investment of effor t,
but the future payoff will be highly beneficial for eventual
coupling with other models or allowing SPASE-enab led
websites to find your model results and displa y them, such
as the Virtual Model Repository (http://vmr.engin.umich.
edu/) and the Community Coordinated Modeling Cen-
ters Integrated Space Weather Analysis (iSWA) tool
The idea of quantum computing, first put forward by
Feynman (1986), has been around for a few decades
(see review by Steane, 1998). The idea is that the informa-
tion is stored in the excited states of single atoms, allowing
an enormous increase in capacity regarding both storage
and processing. A quantum computer is still beyond our
grasp (King, 2018; Yung, 2018). If realized, it will usher
in a new reality of Moores Law growth in computing cap-
abilities. This is something to watch for in the coming
years that will revolutionize the way we conduct compu-
tational space physics.
47.2.3. Big Data Storage, Handling, and Data Mining
There are several topics that fit within the broad cate-
gory of big data. The first is the storage, handling,
and transfer of these large files. While transfers of giga-
bytes are possible across networks, terabyte transfers
are slow, perhaps taking days to complete, and moving
Top 500 fastest computers
Speed in GFLOPS
Figure 47.1 Peak computing speed in giga-floating-point operations per second (GFLOPS) as a function of time,
from the advent of supercomputers to summer 2018.
larger data sets on the petabyte or exabyte scale through
network connections are, at the moment, impractical. It is
often easier to load the data onto a hard drive and ship it
to its destination than wait for bandwidth on the Internet.
Figure 47.2 shows a network of 100 Gb s
nodes devel-
oped by the Department of Energy, the Energy Sciences
Network (Guok et al., 2008). A regional version of this
network is being created within California and eventually
up the coast (https://prp.ucsd.edu/), and an effort is under-
way to create a national big data superhighway (NRP,
2017). NASA is considering these efforts to increase con-
nectivity to this high-end network, allowing space physics
data to flow more rapidly across the country from the data
storage facilities to the researchers analyzing it.
A second aspect of big data is data assimilation ingesting
observations into model results, changing the values for
the next time step in a simula tion. Data assimilation in
magnetospheric models has been an elusive goal. One
of the first was Garner et al. (1999), with direct replace-
ment of values within the Rice Convection Model.
Because of the high flow speeds and correlation between
neighboring locations, this method is not the optimal
choice for magnetospheric physics studies. When only
one or two satellites are used, assimilation in this manner
does not make for a better, more realistic solution. Better
success has been found with ensemble Kalman filters,
particularly for the radiation belts, when the underlying
model is drift-averaged, so a data stream from a single
spacecraft can influence all local times. This has been
done with several models, like the Versatile Electron
Radiation Belt model (Kondrachev et al., 2011; Shprits
et al., 2013; Kellerman et al., 2014), the Dynamic
Radiation Environment Assimilation Model (Reeves
et al., 2012; Schiller et al., 2012), the Salammbo code
(Maget et al., 2015), and the relativistic electron extension
of the ring currentatmosphere interaction model
(Godinez et al., 2016; Jordanova et al., 2017). Ensemble
Kalman filters have also been used to nudge the
high-latitude electrodynamics solution for global magne-
tospheric models, as done by Merkin et al. (2016).
Another approach that has gained some traction for mag-
netospheric data assimilation is 3DVAR, the three-
dimensional variational assimilation method, which has
been used for plasmaspheric modeling (Nikoukar
et al., 2015).
The new developments mentioned in the earlier sections
will enable data assimilation to become a regular part of
other magnetospheric studies. A constellation of satellites
Seattle, WA
Portland, OR
Eugene, OR
Boise, ID
Reno, NV
Sacramento, CA
Sunnyvale, CA
Los Angeles, CA
San Diego, CA
Phoenix, Az
Las Vegas, NV
El Paso, TX
Albuquerque, NM
Dallas, TX
Tulsa, OK
Kansas City, MO
National Lab
Goodland, KS
Denver, CO
Ogden, UT
Salt Lake City, UT
Chicago, IL
Cleveland, OH
Buffalo, NY
Syracuse, NY
Albany, NY
Boston, M
New York City, NY
Philadelphia, PA
Pittsburgh, PA
Washington, DC
Indianapolis, IN
Cincinnati, OH
Louisville, KY
Raleigh, NC
Charlotte, NC
Atlanta, GA
Jackson, MS
Houston, TX
San Antonio, TX
Chattanooga, TN
Nashville, TN
St Louis, MO
Oak Ridge
National Lab
Figure 47.2 Department of Energy ESnet data superhighway nodes with ~100 Gb s
throughput. NASA is
proposing to join this effort and expand connections to the system. From the ESnet policy board.
sprinkled throughout the magnetosphere would be ideal,
providing observations across the vast spatial extent of
geospace for a more uniform nudge of the model results.
Similarly, an extensive array of ground-based sensors
throughout the high-latitude regions in both hemispheres
would be a tremendous data resource for magnetospheric
The third component of this issue is robustness in data
model comparisons. It is not enough just to do a correla-
tion coefficient or a data model root-mean-square error;
while those are starting calculations that should be done,
there are many more metrics of fit performance and event
detection performance that should be included when com-
paring model output to observations. For instance, Van-
hamäki and Juusola (2018) discuss data methods for
ionospheric electrodynamics, Morley et al. (2018)
describe a method for assessing model results against par-
ticle flux data, which can fluctuate over orders of magni-
tude, and Liemohn et al. (2018a) describe a baseline set for
geomagnetic index model assessment. There is much that
magnetospheric physicists can learn from our counter-
parts in meteorology (see, for example, the many metrics
techniques discussed in Jolliffe and Stephenson, 2011).
A fourth and final topic within the big data umbrella
is the adoption of advanced statistical techniques, known
as data science, in particular the idea of machine learning.
McGranaghan et al. (2017) give an excellent overview of
how these new techniques could be used for space physics,
providing examples of how other disciplines have
embraced these methods and offering a strategy for future
research directions that optimize magnetospheric physics
engagement with these tools. Employment of neural net-
works has long been used for geomagnetic index predic-
tion (Lundstedt and Wintoft, 1994; Takalo and
Timonen, 1997; Boberg et al., 2000), but they have only
relatively recently been used for magnetospheric quanti-
ties (Bortnik et al., 2016; Chu et al., 2017a, 2017b).
A workshop entitled Space Weather: A Multi-
disciplinary Approach was held to bring together
researchers from the space physics and big data commu-
nities (Camporeale et al., 2018a). This workshop resulted
in a book describing efforts to date and an introduction to
relevant techniques (Camporeale et al., 2018b).
Note that the national Science Foundation (NSF) has
recognized big data and the various topics mentioned
above related to it as an area of special attention. In fact,
the NSF is launching a Ten Big Ideas initiative, of
which Harnessing the Data Revolution is one (https://
jsp). The NSF intends to heavily invest in this topic over
the next decade; the magnetospheric research community
is poised to be part of this national effort, allowing for
unprecedented advancements in our understanding of
47.2.4. Increased Workforce Diversity
At this 2018 Triennial EarthSun Summit (TESS) meet-
ing, a plenary session was held on the topic of Uncon-
scious Bias in Space Physics. The kick-off presentation
outlined the problem (Richey and Rodgers, 2018), fol-
lowed by a lengthy panel discussion and question period.
This is just one of several conversations taking place in the
space physics community on the topic of creating an inclu-
sive workplace for all scientists. The journal Scientific
American had an entire edition devoted to diversity,
equity, and inclusion, explaining the demographics of
diversity in the scientific workplace (Guterl, 2014a), the
fact that different backgrounds leads to different
approaches towards a problem (Medin et al., 2014), and
how a diverse workforce leads to excellence (Guterl,
2014b). That is, a diverse research community leads to
more creative and open-minded thinking about the pro-
blems being addressed. It is, therefore, good to promote
a diverse workforce, taking this issue into account in
the recruitment of new researchers into the field as well
as helping to make the work environment a more equita-
ble and inclusive place, so that the diverse population will
feel welcome to fully participate.
There is a lon g way to go on this topic, however. Several
studies have examined this issue. For example, our com-
munitys demographics are changing, albeit very slowly.
A survey of American Geophysical Union (AGU) mem-
bership shows that women comprise only 20% of the
Space Physics and Aeronomy (SPA) section, while a study
by Moldwin and Morrow (2016) of solar and space phys-
ics PhD recipients between 2001 and 2009 showed that
25% were female (of those for whom gender could be iden-
tified, which was 344 of the 416 PhDs). King et al. (2017)
discuss the difficulties in ensuring diversity in the geos-
ciences, Rosen (2017) describes the myriad obstacles that
women face in overcoming sexism to advance their
careers, and Lerback and Hanson (2017) presented data
on how Earth and Space Science journal editors systemat-
ically and disproportionately ask fewer women than men
to review manuscripts. The workplace is not equitable;
there is still work to do to make our resea rch community
fully inclusive and
inviting to all people. Even more insid-
ious and damaging towards diversity, equity, and inclu-
sion is the existence of sexual harassment. A National
Academies report (National Academies, 2018) publicly
exposed the prevalence of sexual harassment in academia.
Several key allies in leadership within our field have
responded by drafting updated Code of Conduct state-
ments for conferences and providing relevant keynote
speakers and training sessions, particularly at the AGU
(https://ethics.agu.org/) and GEM (https://gem.epss.ucla.
Policy_for_GEM_Meetings_and_Activities). This is an
important step to ensuring an inclusive environment.
Recognition of the achievements of all people in the field
is also important, but has historically not been representa-
tive of the population of the field. Women currently make
up 13% of AGU Fellows within SPA, while being 20% of
the membership. Low numbers of nominations of women
and other underrepresented groups perpetuates this. In the
years 20152017, only one of 16, two of 14, and zero of
15 SPA nominations were for women in each of those
years, respectively. In 2016, members of the Earth Science
Womens Network (ESWN) worked to increase the nomi-
nations of women for AGU Fellow (including the one SPA
nomination mentioned, which was successful). In 2018,
SPA supported a Nomination Task Force (NTF) to delib-
erately address this problem within the section (Jaynes
et al., 2019). Members of the NTF supported the submis-
sion of five nominations for AGU Fellow and one nomina-
tion for AMS Fellow for women and one nomination for
an AGU medal for a member of an underrepresented
group. The AMS Fellow, AGU medal, and one of the
AGU Fellow nominations were successful. The NTF is
continuing this work to sustain the effort.
It should also be noted that magnetospheric physics is a
fundamentally international endeavor. Greenwald (2017)
presents a compelling case that this field has been inher-
ently international from its very beginnings, and details
several of the big initiatives to increase global cooperation
in space research. This cross-border collaboration should
continue, as it is part of the diverse perspective collection
that makes for better and more creative solutions to the
challenges that face the community. Moldwin and Lie-
mohn (2018) also demonstrated that papers with interna-
tional co-authors had higher impact as measured by
citations. It should be noted, however, that there are
obstacles to international collaboration, including visa
policy, travel costs, and technology transfer restrictio ns.
The increased availability and ease of remote communica-
tion methods can overcome some of these obstacles, but
others will be more difficult to address.
This is an exciting time to be carrying out magneto-
spheric research. We are on the edge of accurate and
meaningful forecasting of space weather and these new
techniques allow for revolutionary advancements in our
understanding of how the magnetosphere works. Further-
more, the demographics of those working in magneto-
spheric research is shifting, bringing new ideas to how
to answer the tough questions we face.
Where will the magnetospheric physics community be
in 10, 20, or 30 years? We foresee that, at some point in
the distance future, it will resemble todays atmospheric
sciences research community in terms of research initia-
tives yet be something completely different in terms of
workforce interactions. We imagine a robust and distrib-
uted array of measurements contributing to accurate mul-
tiday forecasting of the space environment. We envision
having large-scale community modeling tools open for
all researchers to examine output, conduct their own
simulations, and make code improvements that get
checked back in to the community model. We expect that
there will be full-scale merging of observational and
numerical approaches that allow researchers to probe
not only the microphysical processes but also the sys-
tem-level nonlinearities and large-scale emergent phe-
nomena. We hope that the research community will
look like the general population, that we will be fully
aware of and respectful towards different perspectives
and differing opinions, and that we will embrace this mix-
ture of ideas as the path to the best solutions.
Cassak et al. (2017) and Robinson et al. (2018) note the
importance of the research community in shaping the
future direction of the field. The research community
should be engaged in the planning and implementation
of strategic documents, setting priorities for the research
directions and helping make the plan into reality. The
goals of the National Space Weather Strategy (OSTP ,
2015a) and the Space Weather Action Plan (OSTP,
2015b) are within reach, achieving space weather predic-
tion and forecasting on the level of terrestrial weather
reporting and accuracy. The topics discussed above will
have tremendous impact in helping us achieve that
The authors would like to thank the sponsors that sup-
ported this work. MWL was partially supported by
NASA through grants 80NSSC17K0015 and
NNX17AB87G and NSF grant 1663770. MBM was par-
tially supported by NSF AGS-1450512 and the NASA
Michigan Space Grant Consortium. The supercomputing
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