I wish to be the Australian
Cricket Captain
Archie, 6
congenital heart disease
3 Message from our Chairman
4 Message from our CEO
5 Our purpose
6 Exceponal Wish Journeys
8 People & development
9 Volunteers with impact
10 Business partnerships
12 Individual giving
13 Community fundraising
15 Philanthropy
17 Smart technology
20 Financial overview
Make-A-Wish Australia exists to bring amazing people together to grant inspiraonal, life-changing wishes for children with a crical illness.
We value innovaon, collaboraon, fun, sincerity, honesty and community.
Innovaon SincerityCollaboraon CommunityHonestyFun
This report is interactive to demonstrate
the impact of the year's achievements -
which are only possible thanks to the
support of our incredible #WishForce.
Click on play symbols and hyperlinks
for more information.
I closed my last annual report expressing the hope and desire to keep building on the
posive momentum achieved during the 2018 nancial year, and I am happy to now
report that we have done just that.
In an environment where the search for the "charity dollar" remains as compeve as ever
in the not-for-prot sector, our team has again struck the right balance of increasing the
number of wishes granted, achieving a small nancial surplus and building on our technical
and personnel capabilies to strive for similar type growth in the years ahead.
Our team has been led so admirably by our CEO, Sally Bateman, who again needs to be
complimented on her outstanding eorts. The plaudits, however, should not stop there and
equally apply to all our senior leadership group and sta working in such a posive and
collaborave manner.
It connues to be inspiring to see people from communies all around Australia banding
together to help achieve our organisaon's upliing and important mission.
My thanks again to all our Board members for their support and contribuons, and a
special thanks to Hitesh Patel who stepped down during the year aer unexpectedly
relocang back to the States for work reasons.
Let's all keep up the great work and connue that posive momentum once again.
Stephen Sharp
It’s been an excing year at Make-A-Wish Australia as we’ve embarked on the
next stage of our transformaon and launched a bold new Strategic Plan.
Our strategy sets forward our ambion for the future. It includes a focus on
delivering exceponal Wish Journeys for all, developing our people, helping
volunteers create lasng impact, invesng in smart technology and a
commitment to nancial sustainability and good governance.
With this plan, we believe we can make an everlasng impact for the wish
children and families of the future, and recognise and celebrate the incredible
people today who help us make wishes possible each and every day of the year.
During the 2019 Financial Year, we’ve had the privilege of supporng
685 crically ill children on their Wish Journey and delivered an amazing
473 wishes - up 7% on 2018. This included Archie’s wish to be the
Australian Cricket Captain which he achieved at the iconic Boxing Day Test
Match at the MCG in front of a worldwide audience.
For that moment, Archie forgot about his heart condion and the thirteen
surgeries he’d had during his short life. He became Captain Archie, proudly
taking his place next to Tim Paine for the coin toss.
Archie’s inspiraonal wish showed what’s possible when a community comes
together to make a young boy’s wish possible and we remain incredibly grateful
for the support of Cricket Australia, Qantas and our media partners.
Outside of our incredible wish program, we have also connued to stabilise the
nancial and operaonal aspects of the organisaon despite a ght economic
climate in 2019.
Revenue was up 5% at $14,590,00 and we introduced new acvies including
a revamped Designer Warehouse Sale and our rst-ever 24 Hour fundraising
event (#24HOPE) to diversify our acvies and raise vital funds for the year.
We also connued to enjoy tremendous support from major partners Big 4,
Blooms the Chemist, Hungry Jack's, and Qantas who have been incredible.
Operaonally, we connued to build capabilies in technology. We launched
a new website, upgraded our Volunteer Community plaorm and connued
to update our IT Infrastructure and the transion to cloud-based applicaons.
Crically, this was all achieved whilst sll ensuring a modest surplus posion
for the organisaon overall.
And, as we ended the year, we were thrilled to be the only new entrant on the
Top 20 Most Reputable Charies list, debung at number 16 overall.
We are enormously grateful for the work of our incredible volunteer force
and talented sta at Wish HQ and the support of our partners in making this
We head into the new nancial year, with a clear plan and much opmism for
the year ahead.
Sally Bateman
Chief Execuve Ocer
"If you could wish for anything, what would it be?"
That’s the queson we ask every wish child - to spark imaginaon, to encourage
them to dream and to make the impossible possible.
Then, we bring together an amazing collecve of passionate people, businesses,
local communies and volunteers to make it happen!
In our 2018-2019 Financial Year, we focused on embedding our new Strategic Plan
and developing ways to set us up for success in the coming years.
The areas we see as being crucial to achieving our vision,
which are highlighted throughout this report, are:
Wish Journeys
with impact
People &
Unique. Inspiring. Extraordinary.
Each and every day, Make-A-Wish brings amazing people together to grant
inspiraonal, life-changing wishes for children with a crical illness.
Wishes are designed to complement medical treatment, to support families
and empower sick children with hope and joy when they need it most.
For everyone involved, wishes have a remarkable impact, well beyond the wish itself.
We believe wishes transform the lives of
everybody involved: the child, their family,
volunteers and the community.
As one of Australia’s most trusted charities,
our vision is to grant the wish of every eligible
child. Since 1985, we’ve granted more than
10,000 wishes and counting.
wishes granted
As the only Australian children’s charity that focuses exclusively
on wishes, delivering exceptional Wish Journeys is at the core
of all we do.
We connued to focus on creang quality wishes to ensure
their life-changing impact for children with crical illnesses.
From creang Australia’s youngest cricket captain Archie to
crowning Emma a Rockstar Princess, quality was at the
forefront of all our wishes.
While delivering inspiraonal wishes is our raison d’etre,
we’re also commied to connually improving our program
to beer serve wish families today and in the future.
In the 2018-2019 year, we focused on redening our wish
family communicaons, our child safeguarding program, and
risk management processes.
Of parcular note, we are excited to have kicked o the
Wish Journey Communicaons Project in 2019
conducng stakeholder interviews and journey mapping to
idenfy a streamlined pathway from the inial wish applicaon
stage to wish realisaon and beyond.
The aim of this project is to improve how and when we
communicate with families, making sure it’s always in a way
that is quick, easy and responsive to the unique needs and
wishes of each child.
In the coming year we will connue to embed these process
improvements in our Wish team and throughout the
+26 wish hampers
Our program which supports
crically ill children under 3.
+119 wish assists
Coordinang wishes for children travelling to Australia for
their wish from Make-A-Wish aliates across the world.
+562 applications
for a wish
Up 1.3% on last year
Charlie, 12, has B lymphoblasc lymphoma -
an aggressive cancer that occurs mainly in children and
Charlie's parents sll remember the shock they felt
when he was rst diagnosed, not long before his ninth
birthday. His mother Jane said Charlie didn't even feel
sick before he got the news.
"He was playing basketball, playing footy, just a normal
8-year-old. And then they did a biopsy and said it was
lymphoma," Jane said. "It was very hard to explain to him
at that age."
Charlie is passionate about basketball – throughout
most of his treatment, he connued to play for two
teams and has no fear of taking on players one-on-one.
The guy Charlie dreamed about facing up to was Ben
Simmons, the Australian who is quickly becoming one of
the best players in the Naonal Basketball Associaon
(NBA) in America.
Having watched Ben play for the Philadelphia 76ers,
Charlie's greatest wish was to play against Ben and get
some ps and tricks on how to be a beer player.
“He just went back to class with a spring
in his step and a smile on his face and
hes going to dine out on this for a long
time to come. It has given him a massive
boost. Charlie’s mum, Jane
Charlie thought Tuesday 6 August was going to be just a
regular school day. But instead of normal classes in the
aernoon, the lesson turned out to be basketball -
and the teacher was NBA superstar Ben Simmons.
Charlie was gobsmacked when he rst saw Ben waing
in his classroom. Jane recounted, "Ben said 'do you think
we can get out of class' and Charlie said 'oh yeah -
I don't really like Chinese anyway'."
Charlie and his younger brother Lachie teamed up and
spent the aernoon shoong hoops against Ben.
"It was amazing. Someone you have as a poster on your
wall suddenly is there shoong hoops with you."
Ben was kind enough to pass on his best ps and tricks,
from how to shoot to spinning a basketball on your
Before it was me for goodbyes, Ben presented Charlie
with an autographed 76ers singlet and basketball, which
was "going straight to his room, never to be bounced."
Having these reminders of the day his greatest wish
came true will be a lasng source of joy and inspiraon
for Charlie and his family.
"He has been through so much so to have those
moments with Ben Simmons will be memories he will
have forever."
I wish to meet Ben Simmons
Charlie, 12
B lymphoblastic lymphoma
Ensuring our employees and volunteers are inspired, movated, skilled and amazing is the
rst step to succeeding in the work we do.
Each year, we run engagement surveys with both sta and volunteers to gather feedback
on our performance and culture. We ask people what it’s really like to work and volunteer
around here, tracking our progress across key workplace indicators such as collaboraon,
communicaon, service, learning, development and innovaon.
Impressively, the annual 2019 Sta Engagement Survey saw an upli in our results in all
categories compared to the 2018 response.
While feedback from the annual survey has tradionally formed the basis of our People
and Culture agenda, for the rst me in 2019 we encouraged sta to get more acvely
involved to help shape our post-survey plans.
With help from our external consultants Fibre HR, we introduced a sta-led workshop to
ensure acons came direct from teams, and wasn’t just management’s interpretaon of
what teams may need or want.
This change has allowed the broader team to see their feedback and ideas come
to life, ensuring Make-A-Wish is truly an engaging and fun environment where
our people can feel recognised, rewarded and developed in their careers.
95% are proud to work for
(same as LY)
91% agree that they are able
to make a posive dierence
at Make-A-Wish
98% felt genuinely supported
if they chose to make use of
exible working arrangements
(+17% on LY)
91% nd the workplace an
enjoyable environment to
work in
(+18% on LY)
Each and every day, more than 1,000
Make-A-Wish volunteers are hard at
work around the country supporng
local wish families, raising funds and
sharing our stories.
This amazing collecve of passionate
people makes all the dierence in
delivering our wish program, so it’s
integral that our volunteer network is
supported, movated and empowered
to create a posive and lasng impact.
We implemented a new regional
support model in 2018-2019,
which saw volunteer-facing teams
redene sta roles and ensure each
branch region has a dedicated sta
member to work with. This has
improved support, collaboraon and
eciencies. Importantly, it allowed us to
visit more volunteer branches to build
relaonships and implement projects to
improve the volunteer experience.
We also trialled a brand-new
volunteering opportunity in the
Rockhampton/Gladstone region.
Recruing for a dedicated wish-granng
volunteer team (rather than a tradional
branch), enabled us to grant local wishes
with local volunteers on the ground.
Prior to this, wish granng in the
region was only possible through remote
means or the nearest volunteers
travelling long distances.
Following the success of this approach,
we’ll be looking to scale a streamlined
volunteer model into other isolated
regions in future, complemenng our
exisng program.
Where there’s a wish, there’s always
a way!
Christine Way,
Albury-Wodonga Branch
Glenn Clifford,
Geelong Branch
Malcolm Beatty,
Adelaide Branch
Lyn Shegog,
Hobart Branch
Helen Jackowiak,
Adelaide Branch
Catherine Ross,
Adelaide Branch
Stephen Rowe,
Adelaide Branch
Ruth Devlin,
Ballarat Branch
Thank you for the amazing contribution you’ve made –
your continued passion, commitment and energy brings hope,
joy and a lasting impact for all!
93% believe Make-A-Wish provides
excellent outcomes to those we aim
to help (-1% on LY)
94% believe Make-A-Wish really
allows us to make a posive dierence
(-3% on LY)
98% are proud to volunteer
with Make-A-Wish
92% recommend Make-A-Wish
as a great place to volunteer
(-1% on LY)
Our ability to oer a unique and tailored approach for businesses is
vital to the success of our partnerships program. Highly engaged,
collaborave and meaningful partnerships in turn lead to longer-term
commitments – creang nancial stability for our organisaon.
2018-2019 saw the Business Partnerships team develop fresh,
innovave ways to connect with businesses to build engagement and
support of Make-A-Wish. Some of the highlights included:
Bespoke corporate volunteering opportunies and Wish
Workshops with Hallmark, Hertz and oOh!, leading them to extend
their support as Ocial Partners
The second annual Designer Warehouse Sale, which was a sell-out
success – thanks to the support of partners sass & bide and
Seed Heritage, as well as returning brands Decjuba, Country Road,
Cooper Street, Stussy, Viktoria & Woods, Zulu & Zephyr,
Forever New, Guess and Kookai. We used the learnings from our
2018 warehouse sales to develop this acvaon which allows
businesses to support and engage with Make-A-Wish through the
donaon of stock and corporate volunteering opportunies
Our rst-ever 24 Hours of Possibility Event (#24HOPE), which
opened many doors and aracted new corporate supporters such
as AHM and Job Fit
We are proud of all our partnerships and also recognise the following
milestones in the 2018-2019 year:
Four Major Partners extended support for a further term,
and connue to provide invaluable cash and in-kind support
thank you Blooms The Chemist, Hungry Jack’s, Isagenix and
We welcomed new Ocial Partners to the #WishForce, including
Love Your Guts Co and Seed Heritage
A number of our Business Partners celebrated fundraising
milestones, including Blooms The Chemist, Hotondo Homes and
Tarocash; while others such as Hyundai Help for Kids provided
access to unforgeable wish experiences
Thanks to all our partners for helping us make the impossible possible
for sick kids and their families.
I wish to be the Australian
Cricket Captain
Archie, 6
congenital heart disease
Few things brightened Emma's 4 years of isolaon and treatment for acute lymphoblasc leukaemia.
One was the Barbie movie Rock n' Royals - a musical about embracing dierences, nding your voice and discovering
anything is possible when you dream big. The other was going for drives with her mum past the Christ Church
Cathedral, where Emma believed her favourite princesses lived.
These experiences inspired her wish "to be a Rockstar Princess." She pictured geng ready with princesses in the castle
she'd always driven by, vising their pet unicorn before hing the stage to put on a rockstar performance.
Making the impossible possible is our speciality, but we can
always use some help. oOh! Media, a Major Partner, want to
contribute and make a real impact for their employees and
community. They also know a thing or two about being
creave, innovave and building engagement!
We partnered with them to design and deliver a Wish Journey
for Emma that exceeded the incredible wish she had vividly
oOh! employees volunteered for a Wish Design workshop,
where they collaborated, bonded and passionately shared
creave ideas for Emma's Wish Journey.
They saw these ideas through by wring leers from
Princesses and craing boxes for Emma's "princess training" -
a part of her ancipaon phase. Each box and leer they
designed worked to keep Emma posive, excited and build
condence for her future performance.
Aer princess training, pracsing choreography and singing lessons - her wish day arrived! Emma visited the Cathedral,
where her princess pals excitedly waited to get Emma ready for her show and go for unicorn rides. Before long, she was
chaueured to the Civic Theatre, prepping for her performance in her very own dressing room, complete with her name
in gold leers on the door, and all of her favourite foods waing inside. One dress rehearsal later, and it was showme.
School friends and family cheered Emma on as she performed two songs from Rock n' Royals. Emma's transformation
from her time in hospital to this moment on stage - full of energy and shining - was striking to all.
I wish to be a rockstar princess
Emma, 8
acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
Individuals and regular givers are the most substanal source of income for Make-A-Wish. For nancial stability, we must maintain the
processes, programs and communicaons that are working but innovate and develop new programs to grow our reach and income.
In 2018-2019, we saw our digital programs as a key area to expand to reach new audiences cost-eecvely.
We connued to rene our digital program. Through these improvements we were able to acquire 2,908 Regular Givers compared to 2,135 in
To engage new donors, we ran our rst ever Crowdfunding campaign inspired by wish kid Freyja. Inspired by her wish to see dugongs and
dolphins in the wild, Freyja wanted to do something to help protect their habitat. She designed a tote bag to encourage people to go plasc-free.
This online campaign generated $17,938 revenue to produce 1,000 Freyja tote bags. The bags were then sold for $15 each, with all prots going
to Make-A-Wish. This was an excing and successful iniave that we'll look to repeat and grow as a new potenal revenue stream.
tote bags
at $15 each
(Our rst Crowdfunder ever!)
The revenue generated funded producon of
1,000 tote bags, which were sold at $15 each.
I wish to save the dugongs
Freyja, 7,
clear cell sarcoma
80% year on year growth
in net revenue
($469,305 Vs $844,951)
9.5% year on year growth
in gross revenue
($1,851,335 Vs $2,025,590)
2019 was a year of innovaon for community fundraising.
With the Noosa Triathlon and Bake A Wish campaigns becoming regular
features in our calendar, we looked to develop new fundraising
opportunies to reach a wider audience of potenal fundraisers. While the
humble but eecve sausage sizzle and trivia night will always be a
bedrock of community fundraising, some of the new iniaves included:
Bays’ Wish, a bouque cycling event in celebraon of the life of wish
kid Bailey Fuller – launched in March 2019 and raising $61,000 in its
inaugural year
Being selected as the charity partner for Foam Fest, which raised
The Great Coee Challenge which launched in August 2019, appealing
to new audiences and seeing 127 parcipants raise $50,000 in a week
Another focus of community fundraising is developing engaged and
successful community partnerships. We’re incredibly thankful for the
support of our key community partners and events in 2019, including:
Vantage Fuels
Essendon Fields Golf Day
ToyBox Internaonal
LMCT Community Promoon
Casey Partners Golf Day
Dance Aid event
Wish Fest car show
Bingo Loco
Volunteer branches also connue to be a core fundraising channel for
Make-A-Wish. In 2020, we’ll look to develop support toolkits for major
branch events, to ensure their connued success in the coming years.
Sydney gala ball
raised $87,000
Mildura ball
raised over $30,000
Community cinemas
raised $66,000
Sunshine Coast ball
raised $10,000
Launceston Run for a Wish
over 300 parcipants,
raised over $26,000
Launceston ball
raised over $20,000
I wish to host a galaxy
high tea for my friends
Abbey, 11
biliary atresia
I wish to host a galaxy high tea
for my friends
Abbey, 11
biliary atresia
When Abbey, 11, wished to host a galaxy themed high tea, we just knew we could rally our amazing Bake A Wish
fundraising community around this aspiring baker.
Diagnosed with biliary atresia at birth, Abbey’s life has consisted of long hospital stays, two liver transplants and me
in isolaon away from friends. She’s always loved baking with her Dad and knows it's a great way to bring people
Abbey was empowered to be hands-on and creave in the lead up to her wish. She was involved in every part of
planning her event, from deciding the look and feel to creang the menu and even having a baking masterclass with
Spotless, who catered her wish.
She also shared her story and love of baking to inspire our supporters to hold a Bake A Wish event and raise funds to
power wishes like hers. As the face of our 2019 campaign, Abbey movated inuencers to bake galaxy-themed
cupcakes which helped us reach a large, new audience of potenal fundraisers.
The 2019 Bake A Wish campaign aracted 320 parcipants, up from 260 in 2018.
This increase demonstrates the power of wish stories to inspire and movate communies to support our wish kids.
Come wish day, with the support of the Bake A Wish community behind her, Abbey and her ve closest friends
gathered to celebrate the end of her medical journey. Together they feasted on an incredible galaxy-themed high tea,
shared laughs and built lasng memories to make up for the mes Abbey had missed. As she put it, “sharing this wish
with my friends makes me feel really happy!”
“This wish signifies the end of her illness.
Abbey’s mum, Shirley
Philanthropy, in the form of major gis, grants and bequests contributed over $1.4 million this nancial
year, represenng an increase of $700,000 on last nancial year driven by an increase in signicant
bequests and connued commitment from supporters who helped us to:
Deepen our relaonships with Trusts and Foundaons, including securing a new event
partnership to welcome new supporters naonally to create a lasng impact for children with a crical
Welcome the next generaon of philanthropists with inspiring engagement from young people and their
families from the Jewish community through our Shared Appeal with Make-A-Wish Israel
We received a new grant of $19,700 from the John James Foundaon. This was an increase of $12,200
on their last contribuon in 2016. Our sincere thanks for helping to make more wishes come true.
We'd like to thank and acknowledge the generous
support we received from:
Robert and Chrisne Henshall Foundaon
Channel 7 Telethon Trust
JLDJS Foundaon
Barbara Cohen
John James Foundaon
Broomhead Family Foundaon
TG & JM Mahews Foundaon
The Andrew & Geraldine Buxton Foundaon
Norma Beaconseld
Nathan Kelley
The Stan Perron Charitable Foundaon
Steadfast Foundaon
Joyce Wegner Trust
Annie Rose and Andrew Lazar Foundaon
Joyce Wegner Trust
Bey Radford Discreonary Trust
Mark Breheny
Maxine Bowness
Leo and Ann Browne
Jill Tilbury
The Orlo Family Charitable Trust
The Alfred and Jean Dickson Foundaon
Marn Dickson
St George Foundaon
The William Angliss (Victoria) Charitable Fund
Pierce Armstrong Trust
Aviva and Doron Paluch
Amy and Simon Fieglin
Keren & Reuben Zelwer
Leibler Yavneh College
Mount Scopus Memorial College
Kym Factor School of Dance
Edge Gymnascs
Moran Dvir and the TwelveThirteen Commiee
and all of our young fundraisers
We’d also like to thank our bequest supporters, whose
legacy will create lasting joy and inspiration for our
wish families.
"It's a really important part of
life, the ability to dream big and
think big, but also to see the
generosity of [the] human spirit"
Claude's dad, Matt
I wish to meet Ben Simmons
Claude, 12
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Rocco's childhood has not been like other ve-year-olds.
At just 20 months old, he was diagnosed with acute
lymphoblasc leukemia, making the rst few years of his
life incredibly tough for both him and his family.
Rocco's illness meant he had to move away from his
extended family and friends to be closer to the hospital.
With a high risk of infecon, he spent much of his
treatment in isolaon and away from public spaces,
so he's never really been able to explore and go on
adventures like other kids do. Despite his condion,
Rocco loves to help people and wants to be a vet when
he's older so he can look aer animals.
Rocco also loves watching PAW Patrol, so it was no
surprise his wish was to go an adventure with all his
favourite characters from the show! For the uniniated,
the animated series focuses on a boy named Ryder who
leads a pack of search and rescue dogs known as the PAW
Patrol. They work together on missions to protect their
local community of Adventure Bay.
Wishes like Rocco's don't happen without community
support, and over many months, the Make-A-Wish team
worked closely with many people to bring Rocco's wish
to life. Thanks to some special friends, including Wish
Ambassador Niamh, we granted an unforgeable wish for
Rocco and his family.
Niamh's wish experience in 2011 has driven her to share
the power of Make-A-Wish "with everyone and anyone"
as a Wish Ambassador. For Rocco's wish, she took on the
role of Mayor Hope. When Rocco arrived in "Adventure
Bay," Mayor Hope told Rocco that one of the pups,
Rubble, was missing and they needed his help to get the
PAW Patrol gang together again.
With help from Fire & Rescue NSW, the NSW Police
Force, producon company Spin Master and
Nickelodeon, Rocco set out on an adventure following
clues to nd Rubble. It was from the air, in a police
helicopter that Rocco spoed the last clue, an arrow
poinng in Rubble's direcon.
Mayor Hope, PAW Patrol and the NSW Police gathered to
celebrate Rocco saving the day and presented him with a
medal as a lasng symbol of his wish.
Rocco's mum Alecia was touched by the whole experience.
"It's beyond our dreams, let alone Rocco's dreams," she
A wish gives families a chance to be
normal, to have some fun and have
something to look forward to. There’s so
much worry and stress... it just gives you
that little bit of hope and inspiration.
Rocco’s mum, Alecia
I wish to go on an adventure
with PAW Patrol
Rocco, 5
acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
At Make-A-Wish, we’re always looking at how we can beer use
technology to connect with the communies we serve.
Over the last 12 months, we embarked on a major upli to
Make-A-Wish Australia’s security, IT infrastructure and system
foundaons as the plaorm to enable us to launch new soluons and
programs in 2019-2020.
Security iniaves included the creaon of an IT and Cyber Security
Policy Framework, security soware upgrades along with ongoing
security training for our people. All projects focused on reducing risk to
informaon security and Make-A-Wish’s business operaons.
IT infrastructure uplis have provided greater reliability in
preparaon for the move to a new cloud Data Centre in 2020.
This in turn provides beer security, upme and cost savings to
Make-A-Wish, and will enable us to kick o another project to review
our Data strategy.
By taking steps to improve our data quality and capture, we aim to
beer engage supporters through more personalised experiences in
the future.
In the Systems space, a new Make-A-Wish website and volunteer hub
(The Community) were deployed. With a fresh new design and beer
funconality, the website updates have helped us beer engage and
build relaonships with our key audiences in 2019. The updated
Community plaorm will support the rollout of Child Safeguarding
training to all volunteers in 2020, which is a key organisaonal focus
and priority.
When young Archie from the Barossa Valley rst met
with Make-A-Wish volunteers, he told them that his
wish was to be ‘God’.
Aer realising that might be a bit tricky, he decided his
ulmate wish was to be the next best thing - the Captain
of the Australian Cricket Team!
Archie had spent much of his short life in hospital as he
bales a life-threatening heart condion.
At just three months old, he had his rst open heart
surgery - with a dozen further surgeries since.
Much of Archie’s everyday life consists of hospital stays
and specialist visit, and as a result, he’s missed out on a
lot of school and opportunies to play with his friends.
However he has never lost his life-long love for cricket,
a passion he shares with his parents and younger
“The wish showed Archie that he can do
absolutely anything he sets his mind to.
And despite his limitations, anything is
possible.Archie’s mum, Sarah
With the help of our friends at Cricket Australia, Qantas,
Channel Seven, oOh! Media, ULTIQA, FOX Sports and
NewsLimited, Make-A-Wish came together to design a
Wish Journey that would give Archie something posive
to focus on.
It was the start of what became one of our greatest
wishes to date, capturing the hearts and minds of
millions of Australians.
Archie’s wish inspired a team of professional sportsmen
who had endured what could only be described as a
challenging year.
And for Archie himself, the wish provided something
posive to focus on, helping to build the emoonal
resilience he needs to keep ghng.
“It was an incredible effort by so many
people to make this happen and we are
all delighted with the outcome.
Gavin Dovey, Team Manager
I wish to be the Australian
Cricket Captain
Archie, 6
congenital heart disease
With the support of our partners including
Cricket Australia, Archie’s wish reached a huge
audience and raised $206,306 in donaons from
3 December 2018 to 7 January 2019
Media stories reaching
14+ million Australians
Metro Newspaper
front page stories
in donaons
1 million
YouTube hits in less
than 48 hours
Thanks to Wrights PR for your support
on Archie's wish and throughout the year.
Archie’s wish was a journey with many parts from
learning he’d made the squad, through to his training
session with the team, and ulmately donning his
very own baggy green.
“He’s been through some tough times so any
way that we can help to put a smile on his
face, it’s the very least we can do for him.
Justin Langer, Coach
“There’s nothing better than playing a small
role to connect fans to their heroes. Archie
was a great addition to the group over the
summer, and certainly inspired the players
with his resilience and positive attitude.
Jeremy Arnold, Team Media Manager
I wish to be the Australian
Cricket Captain
Archie, 6
congenital heart disease
hosts a special Wish
Workshop with our
partners to co-design
Archie’s wish
Early December
Archie warms up at
the Adelaide Oval,
and is overheard
commenng on his
performance: I’ve
seen better batters at
the fish and chip shop!
This is what
happens when
business and
community come
Archie receives a
very special phone
call from Abu Dhabi,
where Jusn Langer
is touring with the
Australian Cricket
He learns he’s made
the squad!
26 December
Archie proudly
led the Australian
Cricket Team out to
a roaring crowd at
the MCG at the
Boxing Day Test -
a life-changing
experience for the
6 year old.
In the 2019 Financial Year, Make-A-Wish Australia reported a surplus of
$0.1 million to 31 August 2019.
Our income for the year was $14.6 million (a 5% increase from 2017-2018),
while expenses also increased to $14.5 million (6%).
It was a year of investment in our systems and processes, including a major
upgrade to our website and the relaunch of the Community, an online resource
to support our amazing community of volunteers Australia-wide.
New revenue-generang ideas and campaigns were tested, including The Great
Coee Challenge, our rst-ever crowdfunder and a naonal Giving Day, with a
view to diversify our reach and appeal with new audiences.
We will work to connue to strengthen our nancial posion in order to grow
our wish numbers and impact in the years ahead.
More informaon can be found in our
Audited Financial Statements or on the ACNC.
Did you know?
Make-A-Wish Australia is an independent aliate of
Make-A-Wish Internaonal – the world’s largest wish-granng charity.
Our nancial year ends 31 August, coinciding with 39 other
MAW Internaonal aliates worldwide.
As a charity that receives no government funding, Make-A-Wish relies on
the generosity of partners and supporters to make wishes happen
- we couldn't do it without you!
Goods and
services in kind
Individual and
Wish granng
8% Management
and general
Stephen Sharp
Amanda French
Volunteer Representave
To the amazing collecve of passionate people, businesses,
local communies and volunteers that support Make-A-Wish, thank you.
Your me, eort and energy helps us to bring to life more incredible
wishes for kids and families in need.
Thank you for being a valued member of our #WishForce.
Robyn Moore
Melissa Doyle
Zac Mihajlovic
Mack Horton
Fraser Ross
Harrison Craig
Grace Favelle
Niamh Sullivan
“I’ve always had an affinity with Make-A-Wish…
being a father has only increased this connection.
While we can't change the diagnosis, we can make
a difference, helping wish children face immense
challenges with greater positivity. My only wish is that
we could help more children in a time of real need.
John Armstrong, Board Member
Russell Smith
Volunteer Representave
Melinda Geertz
John Armstrong Dr Margaret Lile
Russell Evans
Deputy Chairman
Sally Bateman
Chief Execuve Ocer
Hitesh Patel
Niamh Sullivan
Level 1, 620 Church Street,
Richmond VIC 3121
PO Box 5006, Burnley VIC 3121
1800 032 260
Find us on social media @makeawishaust