Chef Marcel’s Bio
Chef Marcel Fortuin has over 44 years of experience in the culinary
arts. Born in Rotterdam “The Netherlands”, he spent 8 years in
Culinary Arts School earning 3 culinary degrees. Chef Marcel
apprenticed with several Master-Chefs and has traveled extensively
throughout Europe, Mexico and the United States. His interest in the
culinary arts started very early in his childhood and he began pursuing
his goal at age 13 in a French bistro.
In addition to his title as Executive Chef, Chef Marcel also teaches
Culinary Arts and Food Production, and Food Safety at UTRGV and is
an instructor for the Texas Department of Health. He is also working
on a new program for UTRGV School of Health to teach Culinary
Medicine to 3rd & 4th year medical students and current
clinicians. Despite his demanding schedule, Chef Marcel also finds
time to contribute to causes such as RGV FoodBank, Make a Wish
Foundation, March of Dimes, Our Lady of Sorrows, Junior League, Texas Oncology, Renaissance
Cancer Center and other worthy causes. Chef Marcel came to the United States in 1993. His lovely wife
Sylvia is from McAllen and Chef Marcel realized how much his talents were needed in this area.
Chef Marcel is experienced in Dutch cuisine as well as the cuisines of France, Belgium, Germany, Italy,
Spain, Japan, China, Indonesia, Mexico, North and South America, and Nuevo Latino cuisine.
Chef Marcel’s philosophy is:
"To cater to his guests as if they were his finest friends and to cook the most excellent food possible."
As Chef puts it, “Perfection is Attainable.”