It might be hard for you to imagine what it is like to stand in line at a soup
kitchen, to not know where your next meal will come from or where to turn
for assistance as you strive to support your family. Without stretching your
imagination too far, it is clear that anyone can be impacted by hunger. Al-
most 3 million people in New York City struggle to put food on the table. These
are our neighbors, co-workers, and friends—maybe even our family members.
For 28 years, Food Bank For New York City has been a stronghold of support
for those in need. From emergency food to income support and nutrition
education, people from various backgrounds have counted on us as their
lifeline during tough times. Since our inception, we have distributed more
than 1 billion pounds of food, including 14 million servings of fresh produce
each year. For many families, our network of 1,000 programs, throughout
all 5 boroughs, provides the only source of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean
meats and sh.
A focus on people and research has enabled us to develop a broader
picture of what causes hunger and new strategic solutions we can utilize as
we work to end it. Our free Income Tax Services have brought more than
half a billion dollars back into struggling communities since its inception. In
2011, our CookShop Program taught 135,000 children, teens and adults to
live healthier lifestyles. Our Harlem based Community Kitchen & Food Pantry
reaches 90,000 families each year.
As proud as we are of our accomplishments to date, we realize there is still
substantial work necessary to achieve our goals. With this in mind, we are
heightening our focus on excellence and innovation in our programming
and community efforts.
So what will the future look like? 
. In the midst of uncertainty, it is clear
that New Yorkers need hope. By focusing on individuals, we look beyond
the numbers and see the people who are struggling to survive and maintain
dignity. We are indebted to the continued support of our partners.
We are more than a warehouse or a Community Kitchen. In partnership
with our citywide charity network, we are a lifeline to the more than
1.5 million New Yorkers deserving to receive needed support with dignity.
We are an organization doing something great—and striving to do some-
thing even greater.
Thank you for joining the ght. We are proud that the families and
communities we serve are not in this alone.
President and CEO
Chair, Board of Directors
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Keisha George is a single mom with two children.
Having lost her job selling health insurance more than a
year ago, nding new employment in today’s economy
hasn’t been easy. Keisha is back in school to improve
her chances of obtaining a job that can support her and
her family, but she’s unable to make ends meet. Her story
is like many heard from New Yorkers who are struggling to
survive. The Food Bank is there to help Keisha put
nutritious food on the table.
Our commitment to providing all New Yorkers access to
nutritious foods is evident through our outreach. Food Bank
For New York City has become a resource for communities
across all ve boroughs as we work with our network of
approximately 1,000 community-based member programs
to get food into the hands of those who need it most.
Food Bank For New York City is a multi-faceted organiza-
tion that relies on a broad spectrum of collaborative
efforts. But our greatest resource is you—everyday New
Yorkers who want to ensure that no man, woman or child
goes hungry. With your support, we can help those who
need it most with a meal today, resources for a more secure
tomorrow and nutrition education to live healthier lives.
Manny Lopes
Liz Krueger
Keisha George
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Giannella Alvarez
Steve St. Angelo
Every day, 8 to 10 tractor-trailers are on
the streets of New York City, delivering
food to charities citywide. Food distribu-
tion is at the heart of our services and an
opportunity for us to serve New Yorkers in
a much greater capacity.
Our 90,000-square-foot warehouse and
newly renovated repack rooms are locat-
ed in the Hunt’s Point Cooperative Mar-
ket. Food Bank For New York City’s opera-
tional system relies on modern technology
as well as old-fashioned resourcefulness to
procure, repack and distribute everything
from fresh produce to shelf-stable food.
We understand that providing emergen-
cy food is an essential rst step to help lift
New Yorkers out of poverty.
ar 
Food Bank For New York City’s Community
Kitchen & Food Pantry is our agship location
where we are creating the building blocks to
meet the needs of struggling New Yorkers across
all ve boroughs. People with diverse circum-
stance utilize the Community Kitchen & Food
Pantry, from seniors living on xed incomes to
working families struggling to make ends meet.
By directly connecting to the West Harlem
community’s needs, the Food Bank is better
equipped to create future programming that
supports other soup kitchens, food pantries and
similar social service organizations.
Dr. Tremayne Porter
From corporations and schools that repack
dry goods at our Bronx warehouse to individuals
going into our most impoverished
neighborhoods to assist in CookShop nutrition
education—volunteers are the backbone
of the Food Bank. Whether it is an afternoon,
a weekend, or a recurring commitment, there is
a place for everyone to participate within
the Food Bank community.
Kelly Killoren Bensimon
Food Bank For New York City is working hard to evolve,
building an innovative and strategic approach to
addressing the causes of hunger. We continue to explore
new ways to serve our communities, engage partners
and volunteers, and strengthen our network of 1,000
charities & schools citywide.
The Food Bank looks at the big picture. It is not
enough to just provide a meal. New Yorkers
need to be able to support themselves and
feed their families on an ongoing basis. Our
work aims to provide a foundation for self-
sufciency. The breadth of these programs
includes free tax preparations for qualifying
New Yorkers; food stamp training and advocacy
that equips facilities with the tools to successfully
become a food stamp resource; and pre-
screening, direct services and public awareness
campaigns to connect eligible applicants
to benets. These efforts enable millions of
New Yorkers to envision a brighter future for
themselves and their families.
Anthony Bowe
From public schools to community-based
programs and beyond, the Food Bank is sending
a powerful message to New Yorkers of all ages:
You can make the best use of limited resources
to create a lifestyle that is both healthy and
affordable. Our CookShop Program provides
hands-on workshops and education for hundreds
of classrooms in New York City public schools. Our
citywide network of soup kitchens, food pantries
and other charities also receive valuable training,
enabling them to ensure that the greatest num-
bers of New Yorkers understand the importance
of healthy eating. The Food Bank implements
nutrition public awareness and social marketing
campaigns that span across the ve boroughs.
Michael Mulgrew
More than 1000 charities strong, the Food Bank’s network
of service organizations and schools is on the front lines
every day. We’re relied on by women, children, seniors,
veterans, the working poor and more. As Food Bank
members, community champions appearing as everyday
New Yorkers commit their time, talent and resources to
ensuring that their neighbors receive the dignity that
only a hunger free life provides.
ar 
 
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
 
 
 
PROGRAM COORDINATOR,
OUTREACH DIRECTOR
 
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
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The Annual Agency Conference is
New York City’s premier conference
for the anti-hunger community and
an opportunity for emergency food
programs and charities to gather
together and learn from experts as
well as each other.
2011 Can Do Awards featured special guests 
and  and raised $1.4 million for hunger relief.
 led by
, visited the Food Bank’s
Community Kitchen & Food Pantry
during the holiday season.
Chaired by Food Bank board
member , the newly
formed Celebrity Ambassador
Program is poised to bring even
greater awareness to the hunger
issue through public service
announcements, social media
and volunteerism.
ar 
The Food Bank’s special report,
From the Front Lines to the Bread
Lines: Food Poverty Among
Veterans, 
Hands-on nutrition education is the best way to equip
families for a healthier future and no one does this
better than the Food Bank. That’s why the Mario Batali
Foundation partnered with the Food Bank to launch
Community CookShop throughout New York City. This
program teaches families how to prepare nutritious
foods while making the most of limited food dollars.”
The Food Bank featured a subway
public awareness campaign, result-
ing in more than 
. Delta Air Lines also ran
the campaign
in their LaGuardia
terminal and col-
lected donations to
“Fill the Plate” for
New Yorkers in need.
Through ,
, and 
, our food industry
partners rallied New Yorkers to
celebrate the city’s culinary scene
and simultaneously make a huge
impact toward hunger relief.
Food Bank board member 
 and 
were among the thousands of
attendees who participated in this
year’s festival, which raised more
than 
ar 
With the support of ,
the Food Bank launched a new interactive
virtual food drive fundraising tool. A virtual
food drive is faster and less expensive than
organizing a traditional food collection.
This is just one of the many ways that the
Food Bank works with partner organizations
to raise much-needed funds for hunger relief.
 
Cash and cash equivalents 4,237,884 2,785,555
Investments 3,058,441 3,069,411
Government grants receivable 4,295,139 3,954,415
Contributions receivable 1,814,825 1,341,592
Accounts receivable, less allowance for doubtful accounts
of $25,563 in 2011 and 2010 105,715 199,110
Prepaid and other assets 452,248 670,582
Security deposits 81,546 81,546
Purchased products inventory 1,282,387 1,350,548
Donated food inventory 1,647,561 2,087,781
Property and equipment — net 4,002.291 3,339,522
Investment in Hunts Point Cooperative Market, Inc. — net 303,420 327,488
Deferred mortgage costs 22,306 23,318
  
Accounts payables and accrued expenses 801,318 1,091,141
Accrued salaries and employee benets 868,145 701,288
Obligation under capital lease 4,420
Contract advances 98,240 213,477
Deferred rent 216,409 153,680
Mortgage loan payable 2.470.599 2,519,010
  
Board-designated 3,000,000 3,000,000
Property and equipment 4,305,711 3,662,590
Undesignated 6,595,698 3,737,451
Total unrestricted 13,901,409 10,400,041
Temporarily restricted 2,897,643 4,097,811
Permanently restricted 50,000 50,000
  
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* In scal year 2011, Food Bank managed and distributed approximately $74 million in food product (totaling over 76 million pounds): approximately $41 million was donated
or purchased by Food Bank and $30 million was government-contracted product, which is not considered a donation or an asset on Food Bank’s nancial statements.
     
 
Donated Food Received 37,031,376 37,031,376 33,583,774
Foundations and corporations 4,265,713 3,928,692 8,194,405 9,477,036
Individuals 5,644,350 5,644,350 3,762,801
Special events (net of direct costs of
$381,454 in 2011 and $404,141 in 2010) 1,715,778 1,715,778 1,540,296
Net assets released from restrictions 5,266,212 (5,266,212)
     
Government contracts 17,726,881 17,726,881 17,983,135
Shared maintenance 244,875 244,875 409,484
Sale of food and paper products 1,091,112 1,091,112 748,870
Other income 73,933 73,933 115,526
     
     
Distribution and storage of food 53,110,732 53,110,732 48,707,861
Research and policy 3,125,921 3,125,921 1,404,427
Nutrition services and education 4,006,804 4,006,804 4,613,470
Community Kitchen and pantry 1,651,107 1,651,107 1,807,319
Income policy 2,225,673 2,225,673 1,728,824
Benet access 1,204,011 1,204,011 1,555,150
Seniors — 149,529
     
Management and general 2,539,797 2,539,797 1,838,910
Fund-raising 2,503,672 2,503,672 2,195,043
     
     
     
Foundations and corporations 882,879 882,879 89,630
Net assets released from restrictions 745,964 (745,964)
Investment income 62,891 437 63,328 77,330
     
     
     
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Anonymous (1)
Robin Hood
Single Stop USA
Bank of America Corporation
Mario Batali Foundation
Linda & Keith Monda
The New York Community Trust
New York City Wine and
Food Festival
Stavros Niarchos Foundation
Walmart Foundation
Anonymous (1)
Altman Foundation
BNY Mellon
Dorothea & Jon Bon Jovi
The Clark Foundation
Credit Suisse
Intuit Financial Freedom Foundation
MetLife Foundation
Morgan Stanley
Richmond County Savings
The Paul Singer Family Foundation
The Starr Foundation
Target Corporation
Jessica & Todd Aaron
Louis and Anne Abrons
Foundation, Inc.
Acosta Sales & Marketing Company
Catherine & Joseph Aresty
Cathay Bank Foundation
Ray and Barbara Dalio
Ebro North America
FedEx Corporation
FJC: Foundation of Donor-Advised
The Great Atlantic and Pacic
Tea Company
Mary J. Hutchins Foundation, Inc.
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Carrie & Bradley Kurtzman
Leaves of Grass Fund
Henry and Lucy Moses Fund, Inc.
The Louis & Harold Price Foundation
Soros Fund Management LLC
Lois & Arthur Stainman
The Staten Island Foundation
The Stop & Shop Supermarket
Company, LLC
H. van Ameringen Foundation
ZBI Employee Allocated Gift Fund
Anonymous (5)
Carrie & Leigh Abramson
American Express
The Atlantic Philanthropies Employee
Designated Gift Fund
Lily Auchincloss Foundation
Barclays Capital
Susan R. Cahn & Mario Batali
The Bodman Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony C. Bowe
Capital One
CKEW Foundation
Community Food Bank of
New Jersey
The Concordia Foundation
Durst Family Foundation
Ernst Benz Company LLC
Food Network
The Green Fund Inc.
The Hagedorn Fund
The Rona Jaffe Foundation
Ellen & Peter Kelly
Kraft Foods
The Leyli Foundation
John van Rens & Sarah Lutz
Macy’s, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. George D. O’Neill
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Reidy
Helena Rubinstein Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Scattone
The Charles and Mildred
Schnurmacher Foundation
Share Our Strength
Scherman Foundation
ShopRite of New Dorp (Store #145)
The Spark Fund
Christian B. Sullivan
J.T. Tai & Co. Foundation
Ping Y. Tai Foundation Inc.
Tiger Baron Foundation, Inc.
TMI Trading Corporation
Harper Montgomery & Bradley Tusk
The Walt Disney Company
The Wasily Family Foundation
Wille Family Foundation
Anonymous (8)
Arch Capital Services Inc.
Anne & Kevin Aronin
Barilla America, Inc.
Melissa & Daniel Berger
John R. Bernardi
Barbara E. Bishop
The Bloomberg Sisters Foundation
BNP Paribas Securities Corporation
Boehmer Box LP
Botwinick-Wolfensohn Foundation
Brightwater Fund
Virginia Anne Brody
Robin Green & Mitchell Burgess
Emily Chen & Christopher J. Carrera
The Clorox Company
Nan Rothschild Cooper
Crawls for a Cause
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Deutsche Bank
Dr. Scholl Foundation
Duff & Phelps, LLC
Epstein Teicher Philanthropies
Estée Lauder, Inc.
Fresh Ginger, Ginger Ale
by Bruce Cost
The Ettinger Foundation, Inc.
Fannie Mae
The Howard & Barbara Farkas
Mr. & Mrs. Scott David Ferguson
Velma L. & Alfred G. Fortunato
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Adam Goodman
The Gottesman Fund
Gene Groves
The Marc Haas Foundation
Joey O’Loughlin &
Michael D. Haddad
Hagar Family Foundation
Haights Cross Communications
Carla A. Harris
Joel & Stacy Hock
Mr. & Mrs. Denis P. Jamison
William M. Joel
The Kaufmann Foundation
Laurie Kayden Foundation
Edward P. Krugman in memory
of Paula A. Krugman
Patricia & Philip Laskawy
Joshua J. Lee
Elizabeth A. Braun & Jonathan Leff
Linklaters LLP, New York
The Lipton Foundation
The Herman Lissner Foundation
Alice Cheng & Robert W. Littleton
Susie & Rene Lopez
The M.A.C. AIDS Fund
Abigail & Vincent S. Maddi
Paige & Evan Malik
MAZON: A Jewish Response
to Hunger
Hillary Richard & Peter McCabe
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. McInerney
Medwin Family Trust
Midler Family Foundation
Charles Lawrence Keith and
Clara S. Miller Foundation
Cynthia G. & Joseph H. Mitchell
MTV Networks
Michael J. Myers
Stephanie & Rick Nathanson
Daniel M. Neidich &
Brooke Garber Foundation
Nestlé Purina PetCare Company
Sylvan and Ann Oestreicher
Porter Novelli NY Co.
Marcia Raff Studio
Ramapo Trust
John Cusimano & Rachael Ray
Red Crane Foundation
The Charles H. Revson Foundation
The David Rockefeller Fund
Elliot Royce
Sam’s Club
Sarah I. Schieffelin Residuary Trust
Shippy Foundation
Claire M. Silberman
Rebecca J. Simmons
Charles Spear Charitable Trust
Mr. & Ms. Robert M. Stavis
Michael Stipe
Taste of the NFL
Tommy Hilger Corporate
Toyota USA Foundation
Treasury Wine Estates
Stanley Tucci
Richard Delaney & Heather Weston
Whole Foods Market
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard A. Wilf
The Winters Family Fund
Anonymous (11)
Stephen Dietz & Leslie A. Abbey
Joseph Michael Abraham
Dianne Balfour & Carl Adkins
Daniel C. Chung &
Alexandra D. Alger
Arent Fox LLP
Axel Johnson Inc.
Christina & Phillip Baltz
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Trust Co.
Miriam Gedwiser & Oren Bassik
Bentek Energy, LLC
The Bernheim Foundation, Inc.
D. Brooks Betts
Edith C. Blum Foundation, Inc.
The Boston Beer Company
Ottavia & Anthony Bourdain
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP
Lillian & Miles Cahn
Graydon Carter
The Challenger Foundation
Elizabeth & Jay Chandler
Thomas W. Changaris Foundation
Nancy Lau & Kenneth H. Chin
Constance & Frank Chorman
Church Pension Group
Services Corp.
Clear Channel
Conde Nast Publications
Charles C. Copeland
Judith McGrath &
Michael J. Corbett
Cosmoda Corporation
Crosswicks Foundation, Ltd.
Sheila M. Deshmukh
The DJR Trust Foundation
Kurt G. Dorschel
Jean and Louis Dreyfus
Foundation, Inc.
John Peter Duffy
E*Trade Financial
Jodie Fries
Anne & Jack Fritts
Estate of Cecilia E. Gardner
GE Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Ian Ginsberg
Goldstar Events, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gordon
Barbara G. Gottlieb
Anne & Richard Grissinger
Hard Rock Café
Claudia & Kerry Hueston
Hugo Boss Fashions, Inc.
IBM Employee Service Center
ING Capital LLC
Patricia & Michael Intrator
Chandra Jessee
Thara Prashad & Kamaljit Jhooti
Nancy L. & John J. Kelly
Kemnay Advisory Services, LLC
Mr. & Ms. John Kim
Mr. & Mrs. William R. King
H & H Kravitz Charitable Trust
The Lillian & Ira Langsan Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Laufer
Lavazza Premium Coffees
Marta Jo Lawrence
Ann G. Tenenbaum &
Thomas H. Lee
Limited Brands Foundation
MacDonald-Peterson Foundation
Major League Eating
Meyer and Esther B. Mazor
Timothy P. Messler
The mGive Foundation
Edward L. Milstein Foundation
Diana M. Moore
Susan & Seth Mosler
National Disability Institute
The New York Businesswomen’s
New York Mercantile Exchange
The Moses L. Parshelsky Foundation
Rachel Kane & Thomas S. Perrotta
Phusion Projects
Christina Reik
The Anthony Robbins Foundation
Lynn Yates & Paul G. Saginaw
The Adolph and Ruth Schnurmacher
Foundation, Inc.
Eileen R. Scott
Sears Holdings Corporation
Jerry A. Finkelstein &
Nancy D. Seliger
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Sherman
Simon Gift Cards Litigation
Settlement Fund
Ellynne Skove
S.L. Benca Transportation
Barbara J. Slifka
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Solomon
Bonnie & Steven Stern
Stop & Shop/Giant Family
Caroline R. & Jeff C. Swiatek
Mr. & Mrs. Paul John Tagliabue
The TJX Foundation, Inc.
Susan & Charles Tribbitt
David Caplan & Karen E. Wagner
Henry D. Weitzner
Louise Collins & Stanley Zompakos
(JULY 2010-JUNE 2011)
ar 
Anonymous (42)
Diane Abbey
ABC Kitchen
ABM Industries Incorporated
In Honor of Acadia Realty Trust
Karen H. Ackman
Ingrid A. Adamsons
Cara M. Adler
Rory Albanese
Alexandra & Kenneth Alberstadt
Robin Allstadt
Anna M. Aloyo
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart M. Alter
Robert Amdur
American Essentials
Ameriprise Financial
Gregory Anagnostis
José Andrés
Aziz Ansari
Stuart S. Applebaum Giving
Aramark Campus Services
Armand Diradourian Co.
Assured Environments
Jonathan D. Siegfried &
Marion Bachrach
Phillip Bacon
Dolores & Thomas G. Baker
Toby L. Baldinger
Meredith M. & Andrew D. Ball
Michael Balogh
Roger Bardwell
Barneys New York
Deanna & Joseph Bastianich
Lidia Matticchio Bastianich
Marilyn & Armandino A. Batali
Lewis Bateman
Isaac Bauer
Jessica Bauman
Richard Bayles
Paul Bazzano
BC International Group
Melvin L. Bedrick
Bee Desserts & Cafe
Debra Beiter
Judith E. Belsky
The Frances & Benjamin Benenson
Foundation Inc.
Gladys Benenson
Salvatore Yannotti &
Robin Beningson
Susan Bennett
Kelly Killoren Bensimon
Stephen E. Frank & Adam Berger
Matthew R. Berger
Brian Berk
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Berman
Jennifer Berman
Arlene & Michael Berner
William T. Berry
Rajeev Bhaman
Clara Bingham
Jeanette Bionda
Lewis Black
Sanford R. Block
Johan Blok
Christopher Frissora &
Emma Bloomberg
Christina Bloom
John W. Bloom
BLT Burger 2nd Avenue
BLT Steak
Robert Greinger &
Maura Bluestone
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Bockelman
Matthew T. Boggie
Eleanor & George Bollag
Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC
Carleen Borsella
Alastair Borthwick
Chris Bosco
Jean G. Bourque
Laura Boylan
Sherry Glied & Richard Briffault
Amy Brogger
Irene & Stephen Brotman
Joy Browne
Charles Chadwell &
Nancy D. Browne
Katherine Brown
Michelle Brown
Sylvie & Stafford Bryant
Bull’s Head Foundation, Inc.
Thomas Buonora
Judith W. & Robert R. Burger
David Burke Group
David Burke Kitchen
Ann Burrell
Hillary Butler
Butter Lane
Patty Cabot
Lucy Cabrera
Frank Cacciola
William H. Calamia
C. A. L. Foundation, Inc.
Margaret Calkins
PJ Callahan Foundation, Inc.
Sharon Cameron
Carlos Capellan
John R. and Dorothy D. Caples Fund
James Capriotti
Tara M. & Stephen A. Carlino
Franklin J. Carmel
Mark E. Carney
Edgar B. Carpenter
Noble Carpenter
Barbara Carter
Eileen Daspin & Cesare Casella
Eric J. Castillo
Gail & Charles Caulkins
David Chang
Wendy Chan
Josh Charles
Rebecca Charles
The Cheesecake Factory
Jeffrey Chu
Christine H. Chung
Michael Church
Margaret & Manus J. Clancy
Rhoda Weiskopf Cohen
Robert Cohen
Steven A. and Alexandra M. Cohen
Shannon Coit
Ida S. Cole
David A. Coleman
Colicchio and Sons
Lori Silverbush & Tom Colicchio
Chris Conlin
Lenore & John Cooney
The Cooper Family Foundation
Melissa E. Cooper
Myra & Richard Cooper
Deena Copeland
Cortina Productions Inc.
Ivan Z. Corwin
Jim Courier
Katherine E. Court
Deana & Robert J. Cousin
Linda B. Schnetzer & Dean Cowan
The Coyle Company Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Theodore Story & Cynthia H. Crane
Douglas Crowell
Evelyn Gonzalez & Ramon Cruz, Jr.
Melissa N. Dain
Patricia H. Dalton
Joseph R. Daly
Blythe Danner
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Danre
Lisa & Manish Das
Peter Davies
Leroy Askia Davis
Suzanne G. Davis
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Nancy Decicco
Michael Degraw-Bertsch
Sacha De Lange
Todd Thompson &
Giada DeLaurentiis
Cora C. Delgado
Alexandra Beitsch Deller
Merril Susan Delon
Steve Preskill &
Kimberly Karen DeMoss
Anthony Denninger
Michael Dennis
Brian J. Lehrer & Victoria Dennis
Yann De Rochefort
Traci Des Jardins
Deutscher & Daughter, Inc.
John M. de Yonge
Dietz & Watson
Julie Anne Dilley
Jay Dinowitz
Amy M. Doliveira
Allison & Paolo Domeneghetti
Joseph Donovan
Marguerite & Jack Dougherty
Katherine & Bertis Downs
Mary S. Driver
Moira A. Duclos
Jennifer & Stéphane Dumonceau
Nigel Parry & Melanie Dunea
Sonal Dutt
E&J Lawrence Corporation
Corey D. Eber
Jina & Benjamin Eckstein
Trudy & Richard Edelman
Ed’s Chowder House
Elizabeth Ehrenfeld
Brenda Eisbey
Ruth E. Eisenberg
Eisner Amper LLP
Barbara & Joseph Ellis
Elno Family Foundation
Maria Cilenti & Michael Embler
Joanne Eremita
Ernst & Young LLP –
Peter Anzalone Team
Peter Esmond
Martha McMaster & Sheldon Evans
Hannah S. Famiglietti
Michelle Fantaci
Sharon Fantera
John D. Farber
Tony Bertoldo & Marisa Fariña
Father’s Day/Mother’s Day
Council, Inc.
Fat Witch Bakery
Mary E. McKercher & Richard Fazzini
Federal Criminal Investigators’
Maria & Sean Feeney
Lindsay & Stephen S. Feinberg
Benjamin Feins
Nancy & Adam T. Feinstein
Andrew J. Feldman
Jody & Brett Feldman
Jodisue Rosen & Scott Feldman
The Ferriday Fund
Fidelity Investments Charitable
Gift Fund
Bob Fingerman
David and Hilda Fins Family
Firstgiving, Inc.
Lilah Hilliard Fisher Foundation
Laurie & Andrew Fishman
Caren & Scott Fishman
Mara Flanagan
Foodtown - PSK Supermarkets Inc.
Ford & Harrison LLP
Mary K. Ford
Forest Electric
Gayle Forman
Deborah Marchini &
Randall W. Forsyth
Kate & Alain C. Foster
The Joseph C. and
Esther Foster Foundation
Joe Bonacci & Cathy J. Frankel
Lynn & Joel Frank
Fresco by Scotto
Kathy & Tom Freston
Barbara Friedberg
Richard Friedberg
Jane & Robert Friedman
Richard Fried
Erin Argo Frisz & Kevin Frisz
Robert Frueh
Marina Wolkonsky-Galesi
& Francesco Galesi
Gerald Galison
Charles W. Kerner & Martha Gallo
Patti Galuzzi
Gisela & David E. Gamper
James Gandolni
Vanita Gaonkar
Lydia Gauzer
Gebe Trust
Judy Geib
General Trading Co.
Michael S. Gerber
Nina Gershon
Maxine L. Gerson
Alison & Stephane Gerson
Barry J. Gertz
The Jerome and Dolores Zuckerman
Gewritz Charitable Trust
Damon Giglio
Micki & Stanley Gilbert
GILT Restaurant
Amy Plaut Ginsburg
Douglas Giordano
Tayo Giwa
Barbara J. Gleason
Lieselotte Gleich
The Glickenhaus Foundation
Randi Goldberg
Judith & David Goldnger
Roseann Ungaro & Jerald R. Gold
Matt Goldman
Susan Goldman
Judith A. Vowles & Louis M. Goldring
Laura & Steven Goldstein
Donna & Perry Golkin
Angela & Mark C. Gordon
Carol Ostrow & Michael Graff
David Gray
Theodore S. Green
Howard A. Greenberg
Linda & Eric Greenshields
Dan Greller
Mary Grimes
Kathryn & Daniel Grossman
Rachel Gruhin
Janine Gianfredi &
George Guerrero
Anthony C. Guida
Guilford Publications, Inc.
Michael Gumowitz
The Geoffrey Gund Foundation
Ellen & Robert G. Gutenstein
Linda Hacker
Sandra & Robert J. Hagan
Nohra Haime
Richard S. Hamilton
Lynn L. & Russell T. Hamilton
Linda Darling Hammond &
Allen S. Hammond
Holly L. Hansen
Peter Hermann & Mariska Hargitay
Harley Marine NY, Inc.
HarperCollins Publishers
Dan Harris
Mark E. Harris
Rahsaan Harris
Robyn Hartman
Alison J. Hartwell
Sylvia K. Hassenfeld
Marla Hassner
Alex W. Hastreiter
Brian N. Hatch
Patrick L. Hayden
Diana Rhoten & John Heilemann
Heinz North America
Fabrizio Michelassi & Caren A. Heller
Pamela Henneberry
Paolo Mastropietro & Jill Hennessy
Tanya Hernandez
Michael F. Higgins
Jason Hirschhorn
Ann Hirth
Andrea & Daniel Hoinacki
David S. Holt
Michael Holtz
Rita L. Houlihan
Rebecca Berman & David Houts
Catherine & Michael W. R. Hovey
Alice Patricia & Richard Howard
ar 
2010 ANNUAL REPORT
Diane S. Aronson & John Howell
Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Hoyt, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Huang
Joyce Huang
Elizabeth & Charles Hubbard
Richard W. Hulbert
Nancy & Philip N. Humphreys
The Hunter College Elementary
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Hurley
The Dr. Maxwell Hurston Family
Foundation, Inc.
Rizwan S. Hussain
Abraham Ingberman
Internet Broadcasting
Inventory Solutions, Inc.
Cyrus Irani
Philip Irwin
ISE Ofce Plus
The Carl Jacobs Foundation
Marti & Raphael G. Jacobs
Sydney Jacoff
Michael Jangl
The Joelson Foundation
Courtney D. Johnson
Douglas E. Johnson
Karen & Travis Jordan
Keith Kahla
Norman Kahn
Lou Strenger & Ellen Kampinsky
Michelle & Steve Kanner
Brooke Gladstone & Fred M. Kaplan
The J. M. Kaplan Fund
Susan Karches
Michal & Daniel Katcher
Greg Kaufman
Ruth Kaufmann
Michael Kearney
The Kellar Family Foundation
Catherine Khan
Mark Kiiss
Cynthia & Anthony Kim
King Kullen Grocery Co., Inc.
Jean & Robert Kirby
Mitchell Klein
Muriel M. Klein
Randi Wolf & David Klem
John H. Creech & Susan M. Knott
Martin Kon
Peter Kosovsky Foundation, Inc.
Eric Kosse
Brian Smith & Kaliope Kostas
Mr. & Mrs. Kurtis W. Krestinski
Susan Kroll
The Krumholz Foundation
Shweta & Anand Kulkarni
Labaton Sucharow LLP
Robert E. and Elizabeth A. LaBlanc
Liam Lacey
Mortimer J. Lacher
Leanne Lachman
Lafayette Street Partners
Emeril J. Lagasse, III
Ann & Richard LaGravenese
Laksvim Gems LLC
Sheila & Bill Lambert
Janie Lam
Katherine Lam
Paul Lang
Marie Langan
Lanvin Inc.
Lasseter Family Winery LLC
Jesse Laudon
The Bernard and Muriel Lauren
Henry C. Lebowitz
Richard H. Klapper & Helena Lee
Sandra G. Lee
Legg Mason & Co., LLC
Brenda & Burton Lehman
Steven Lenkowsky
Lenox Corporation
Rebecca A. Lesser
Anne Claire Lester Foundation
Scott Lethbridge
Dan Levine
Everette Lautin & Suzanne Levine
Adrienne Seaman-Levin &
Michael Levin
Rita Levitt
Barbara Levy & S. Jay Levy
Karen Lewis
Marjorie R. Lewis
The Lichtenstein Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Liebling
Candida & Richard Lindeman
Chris Brezil & Stefanie Lindeman
Alec Lipkind
Sandra Lipsman
Susannah Lipsyte
Leonard Litwin
Elisabeth Schupf Lonsdale
Kevin Lowe
Noah Lukeman
Lure Fishbar
Robert L. Lurie
Joanne Lyman
Genevieve & Robert Lynch
Shelly & James MacDonald
Marquis George MacDonald
Foundation, Inc.
Peter MacDonald
Macquarie Group Foundation
Theresa Macri
Macy’s Home Store
Jean Maddaloni
Robert Magill
Lisa R. Mahle
Kevin Mailender
Makri S.A.
Burton Malkiel &
Nancy Weiss Malkiel
Laurie & Jay Mandelbaum
Laure Manheimer
Manolo Blahnik USA
Grace R. & Alan D. Marcus
The Marlot Foundation
Marriott Marquis
Charles Martano
Liza Martino
Michelle A. Mathesius
Shaun Mathews
Sharon & Jeremy Matz
Nancy & John T. Mauro
Connor A. May
Peter J. Mayer
Riyad Maznavi
James McAlear
Susan L. & Robert B. McCaw
Denise McClean
Sheila McGee
Elizabeth & David McGill
Stephen M. McGrath
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Neal McGraw
John L. McHugh Foundation
Abigail A. McKoy
Andrew McLelland
Heidi McMeekan
Thomas D. McRae
Constantin Melinte
Melodie SRL
Craig F. Mende
Melissa A. Meyer & Peter Mensch
The Meredith Corporation
Katarina Mesarovich
Jamie F. Metzl
Mid-Island Rotary Club
Foundation Inc.
Ariela Migdal
Neil Patel & Maria Mileaf
Milk & Cookies
Sarah Milla
Andrew Miller
Heidi & Brian Miller
Mara Miller
Russell D. Miller
Joan M. Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Philip F. Mindlin
Isaac Mizrahi
Nirav Modi
Diane L. Rohman &
Charles R. Monet
Monroe College
Montebello Realty Corp. 2002
The Moody’s Foundation
Bradley Moore
Bart Freundlich & Julianne Moore
Charles C. Moran
Michael Morgan
Morrison Family Foundation
Susan L. Morrison
Michele B. & David E. Morse
Mary Morse
Morton’s The Steakhouse
Eric T. Moser
Jane P. Moser
David Moss
Eva Lopez-Paredes &
Jeffrey M. Movit
G.F. Mueden, Jr.
Nita Mulani
Tim Muldoon
Elizabeth A. Mullins
Mildred R. Murphy
Vincent A. Naccarato
Ragnar D. Naess
Pauline & Thomas Nakios
The Needlers Foundation
Catherine R. Racette &
Craig B. Nelson
Nestlé USA
Mr. & Mrs. Jon C. Nesvig
Irene Neuwirth Inc.
Justin B. Newby
The Howard and Maryam Newman
Family Foundation Inc.
New York Athletic Club
New York University Stern
Phu V. Ngo
Nintendo of America Inc.
Kennith B. Norman
North American Perishable
Agricultural Receivers
Richie Notar
Shannon Novack
Isabelle & Harold Oaklander
Rachel & Gregory Obenshain
Lisa & Felix Oberholzer
Anita O’Boyle
Justin M. Giovannelli &
Maura E. O’Connor
Vicki Cherkas & David Ogrin
Lily W. Eng Oliver
Joshua Olken
Christiane Olsen
O’Malley Hayes
OneBeacon Charitable Trust
Donald A. Ostrower
Laurel & Glenn Oztemel
Gwyneth Paltrow
The Pampered Chef
Lori & Richard Panettieri
Peter R. Paradiso
Ellen & John Patterson
Elsa Weinberg & Duncan Patton
Keith C. Wold & Clio C. Pavlantos
Joanne A. Pello
Lia & Eric Pepper
Pedro Perdomo
John D. Perkins
Diane & Mark Perlin
Andrew Petronio
Pzer Inc.
Phillips-Van Heusen Corporation
Cecily Pinkerton
Oliver Platt
Roger E. Podesta
Mark Satlof & Dana Points
Pearl & Robert Polifka
Katherine A. Lemire &
Daniel J. Politzer
Lise L. Porter
Edith & Sidney L. Posel
Posman Books
Seth Price
Joseph Prisinzano
Howard Pronsky
Public Restaurant
Lenore & Frank Puleo
Chris Puma
Timothy M. Purtell
Laura Rabinovitz
Susan B. & David A. Rahm
Yusef Ramelize
Mark Coleman & Susan M. Ramer
Nancy Wender & Steven Rand
Sheila A. Rankowitz
Michael Ranson
Adam Rapoport
Roslyn Raskin
Adam D. Raucher
Errol Reed
Regal-Brown Family Charitable Fund
Ruth Reichl
Carolyn Perry & Gregory Reimers
Lawrence F. Reinalter
Brigette & Cyril Renaud
Republic Bank
William Douglas & Shirley Richardson
Ridgewood Savings Bank
Kristin Rightnour
Anna M. Perris-Rigoutsos &
Isidore Rigoutsos
Sabine E. Riley
Rimowa North America Inc.
Laurie Rippon
R Lounge
L. W. Robbins Associates
Meile L. Rockefeller
Linda A. Rock
Luis Rodriguez, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Rogers, Jr.
Al Roker
Annebeth E. Rosenboom
Debbie Rosen
Phyllis & Charles Rosenthal
Monica & Philip D. Rosenthal
Laura & David Ross
Gail Rothbard
Marcia and Philip Rothblum
Lori L. Cohen &
Christopher H. Rothko
Rita Rowan
Stanley A. Rowe
Marcia G. Rucker
Rachael K. Tucker
The Russian Tea Room
Christine L. Ruyter
R.W. Pressprich & Co.
Kerri A. Ryan
Nara Sadagursky
Lynda & Robert Safron
Raymond R. Sakler
David Salanic
Kirills Samoilenko
Roberto Sanchez
Jack Sanderson
Todd Sandoz
Sandpiper Fund, Inc.
Doris & Norman Sandys
Bruce R. Schaffer
Diane Winston & Steven Schechter
Mae & Robert Scheff
Sandra & Donald Scheier
Joan G. & Richard J. Scheuer
Robert H. Schlosser
Michael Schlow
Jane Schneirov
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Schore
Gail & Judah Schorr
Paul C. Schorr & Mary Burwell Schorr
Mr. Lee Brian Schrager
Nathan Schumer
Linda Schupack
Wendy & Ethan Schwartz
James H. Schwartz
Nancy Schwartz
Mildred Schweder
Celia & Stuart Sealfon
The Seedtime Fund Inc.
Subha Nagarajan & Amir Shaikh
Adam J. Shapiro
Sharon Khazzam, Inc.
James M. Sheehy
Vivien & Michael L. Shelanski
Greg Sherman
Barbara Sherr
Nicole Shumpert
Jeffrey S. Siegel
Liliana Siegelson
Jerry Silbert
(JULY 2010-JUNE 2011)
ar 
Jonathan D. Sills
Allison Veinote & Gail M. Simmons
Daniel A. Simon
Amanda Mohabir & Ranjie Singh
Naomi B. & Abraham I. Sinnreich
Randy Slifka
Kathleen & Jeffrey Slocum
Jillian W. Slonim
Cameron Smalls
Brook T. Smith
Dustin Smith
Gary Smith
Sarah E. Smith
George Y. Sodowick
Todd Solash
Irene A. & Joseph A. Sollano
Steve Scherzer & Felice Sontupe
Southern Wine & Spirits of
America, Inc.
Kenneth Farber & Susan A. Srnka
Pamela Stafford
The Starsh Group
The Rusty Staub Foundation
Heathe St. Clair
Sean O’Brien & Rebecca Stead
Michael Steidle
Brian Steinhardt
Sharman Stein
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence Stevens-Miles
Jon Stewart
Kimberly Stigliano
Robert Stinson
Susan & T. Dennis Sullivan, II
Sullivan Street Bakery
Shihwei Su
Rachel E. Sussman
Amy Sweigert
Jeanette & Stephen Tabb
Jennifer Taglia
Dr. & Mrs. Charles J. Tanenbaum
Betsy Tanner
TargetCast TCM, Inc.
Laura & Nicholas Taylor
Cesare P. Tazza
David and Sylvia Teitelbaum
Fund Inc.
Nancy & Craig Tenney
The News, Inc.
Michael Thomas
Amanda Lin & Nathan Thomas
Mark R. Tomlin
Toys In Babeland L.L.C.
Mark Tricolli
Melissa & Jason Turowsky
Joanna & Bruce Turtletaub
Robert C. Tuschman
UBS Financial Services Inc.
Unilever United States, Inc.
United Bronx Parents, Inc.
United Building Maintenance
United States Postal Service
Valextra Spa
Vanguard Direct
Anish & Jyoti Vasisth
Gordon VeneKlasen
Venable Foundation
Shari & Henry Verschell
Megan & Marc Vetri
Vf Services, Inc.
Daniel Villa
Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.
Paul Viollis
Judith Kaufer & Max Von Hollweg
Krystn & Eric Wagenberg
Sukey N. Wagner
Wagstaff Worldwide
Paula S. Wood & Josh Wallach
Xu Wang
Brennan Warble
Leonard M. Wasserman
Amanda & Eric Wasserstrom
Cathy Waterman, Inc.
Rachel Waynberg
Jessica & Andrew Weaver
Mark Weber
Frances & Deacon Webster
Linda B. & Victor B. Weingarten
Elizabeth & Robert Weinmann
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Weisberg
Weissman Family Foundation, Inc
Marilyn & Ken Weissman
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Wellman
WellPoint Foundation
Susan Wells
Lucille Werlinich
Carolyn C. & William O. Wheatley
Gerald I. White
The Judith C. White Foundation
White Rose Food
Stephanie Whittier
The Estate of Sarah Wieder
Samuel Wiener
Libby A. Levandoski &
Peter E. Wilhelm
Josh Wilkes
Elizabeth H. Williams
Kelly Williams
Robin G. Willner
Adam Winer
John Wittenberg
Elizabeth & Richard Witten
Harry Wolff
Wendy Wolf
Inson Wood
Janice S. Woo
Patricia Wooten
Peter Workman
WorldWrappers, Inc.
Abigail & Timothy Wright
Betty & George Wybenga
Zhenhai Yang
Kimberly Yorio
Nelson Young
John K. Zacherle
Jasmine Zain
Doug Zarookian
Elizabeth Zeldin
The Bill and Ann Ziff Foundation
Robert Zweben
Ofce of the Mayor
NYC Public Advocate
NYC Council
NYC Comptroller
Bronx Borough President
Brooklyn Borough President
Manhattan Borough President
Queens Borough President
Staten Island Borough President
Mayor’s Ofce of Veterans’ Affairs
NYS Assembly
NYS Senate
NYC Human Resources Administration
NYC Department for the Aging
NYC Department of Consumer Affairs
NYC Department of Education
NYC Department of Parks and Recreation
NYC Department of Youth & Community Development
NYS Ofce of Temporary and Disability Assistance
NYS Department of Health
NYS Ofce of General Services
New York City Congressional Delegation
United States Department of Agriculture
Internal Revenue Service (SPEC)
New York City’s Elected Ofcials
New York City Department of Education: Ofce of SchoolFood
Federal Emergency Management Agency: Emergency Food and Shelter/New York
City Board Program administered by the United Way of NYC
Feeding America
Food Bank For New York City Advisory Committees and Culinary Council
Food Bank For New York City Board of Directors
Food Bank For New York City Staff
Food Bank For New York City Volunteers
Friends and Funders of the Food Bank For New York City
New York City Human Resources Administration: Ofce of Domestic Violence and
Emergency Intervention Services/EFAP
New York State Department of Health: Division of Nutrition/HPNAP
New York State Ofce of General Services: Division of Government
Donated Foods/TEFAP
Non-Food Service Providers
Staff and Volunteers of Nonprot Community Food Programs
United Federation of Teachers
 is a new giving program, created
to acknowledge committed Food Bank For New York City
friends who have chosen to remember the Food Bank in
their estate plans. To learn how you can become a member,
please contact , Senior Director of Major Gifts, at
 or .
39 Broadway, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10006
212.566.7855 | 212.566.1463
Hunts Point Cooperative Market
355 Food Center Drive, Bronx, NY 10474
718.991.4300 | 718.893.3442
252 West 116th Street, New York, NY 10026
212.566.7855 | 212.662.1945
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