SMBA Application Requirements and Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in the Specialized MBA program at California State University
San Marcos. This packet will guide you through the application process and provide
detailed steps toward admission.
After you apply, your application will be reviewed during the next review period listed on
our website. Additionally, CSUSM will send you an email with instructions to log in and
access your student account to check your application status. Please allow 2-3 weeks for
processing before receiving your admission decision from the MBA oce.
To nalize your admission, all ocial transcripts must be submitted to CSUSM. The
registrar's oce will review the transcripts and conrm their accuracy to the MBA
department. Following this review, the registrar's oce will email you their decision on
your admission to the MBA program.
The nal step to secure your spot in the upcoming cohort is to accept your admission
through your student account. Detailed instructions will be included in the email from the
registrar's oce.
Please use this packet as a guide to begin your application. For additional questions,
please email the MBA oce at [email protected].
Page 1-2 – SMBA Application Requirements
Page 3-4 – Essay Tips for Application
Pages 5-10 – Application Step-by-Step Tutorial
SMBA Application Requirements
The list below includes the supplemental material required for the MBA application. In
addition to this, applicants must submit their official transcripts to the CSUSM registrar
office for validation. Once all official transcripts have been validated. Once the CSUSM
registrar office has validated that the official transcripts are true and correct, they will
approve the MBA admission decision.
1. Application Requirements to be admitted into the MBA Program
a. Start the Application on CSU Apply. Attach the required supplemental
material to the application:
i. Personal Statement Essay
ii. One Letter of Recommendation
iii. Resume
iv. Unofficial Transcripts
2. The preferred method in sending in ocial transcripts to CSUSM is electronically.
This method provides less room for error and the loss of transcript.
a. Electronic transcripts can be sent to tr[email protected]
b. Physical copies can be sent to the address below:
California State University San Marcos
Oce of Admissions
333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road
San Marcos, CA. 92096-0001
Welcome to our MBA Applica�on Tips page! We understand that applying to an MBA program can be
both exci�ng and challenging. To support you in presen�ng your best self, we've compiled a set of ps
and guidance to help you navigate the applica�on process effec�vely.
Embrace Your Uniqueness:
Our program values diversity and individuality. While we provide op�onal templates for your
convenience, remember that your experiences are unique. Use the templates as a star�ng point, but feel
empowered to showcase what sets you apart.
Oponal Templates:
Explore our op�onal essay template designed to provide structure and clarity. This can serve as helpful
guides to ensure you cover essen�al informa�on. However, keep in mind that these are tools, not strict
One-page in length, single-spaced.
Use a 12-point font size.
In your Statement of Purpose, you are expected to provide a comprehensive overview of your
background, career achievements, goals, and your specific reasons for seeking admission to our
specialized MBA program. This statement should encapsulate both your personal achievements and your
expecta�ons from our program, demonstra�ng a strong alignment between your aspira�ons and what
our MBA program can offer. Please adhere to the following guidelines:
1. 
Begin by introducing yourself, including your name, current career posi�on, and a brief
overview of your career journey.
2. 
Share your most significant career achievements, emphasizing any major projects or
responsibili�es you have undertaken. Highlight the impact of these achievements on
your professional development.
3. 
Ar�culate why you are interested in our specialized MBA program. What sets our
program apart, and how does it align with your career goals? Be specific about what you
find appealing in our program.
4. 
Summarize your career achievements, aspira�ons, and why you are enthusias�c about
our specialized MBA program. Explain how you expect our program to help you achieve
your career objec�ves and address the areas you wish to improve.
CSU Apply SMBA Steps/Instructions
Go to CSU Apply Website:
Make sure you click on APPLY for 202
Create username and password then login
3. Complete Your Profile
Returning: choose yes or no
US Military Status
International Applicant
4. Select the program to which you want to apply
Campus: Cal State San Marcos
Start Term: Fall
Source: Extended Education
Select Specialization: Business Analytics, International Business, or Supply Chain
i. You can change your specialization at a later date
6. and start working on the quadrants
7. Quadrant I: Personal Information
Release Statement
Enter remaining Biographic Information
Contact Information
Citizenship/ Residency Information
Race & Ethnicity
Other Information
i. If you have a U.S. Social Security number you are required to include it on
admission application forms to all CSU campuses pursuant to Section
41201, Title 5, Code of California Regulations and Section 6109 of the
Internal Revenue Code.
Financial and parental Information
8. Quadrant II - Academic History
Colleges Attended
i. Press Add a College or University
Press and complete Transcript Entry, (left tab):
i. on the Transcript Entry portion, select:
Submit all official transcripts to:
California State University, San Marcos
Admissions and Recruiting
333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road
San Marcos, CA 92096-0001
Transcripts may also be sent electronically to: transcri[email protected].
Press and complete GPA Entries (left tab)
i. Press Add GPA
ii. Enter your cumulative GPA earned for each of your postsecondary
iii. If degree is currently in progress or you do not know your GPA, press I
Add Standardized Test Scores
9. Quadrant III: Supporting Information
i. You are not required to enter any experiences. Press:
not adding
10. Quadrant IV
Program Materials
i. Instructions and program details
i. Upload
1. Unofficial Transcripts
2. CV/Resume
3. Personal Statement
Add one recommenders (academic or professional)
You will be asked to provide the following information about your
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Due Date (All application materials are due by
, but you
can enter an earlier date)
Personal Message/Notes
11. Submit Application
1. Click on the Submit Application tab
2. Submit and pay $70.00 Application Fee
Additional Application Requirements
1. GMAT scores. Request your official score report to be sent directly to CSUSM. The
CSUSM code for the GMAT test is V38-PT-22. If you are sending GRE scores the CSUSM
school code is 4155.
GRE scores can also be mailed to:
California State University, San Marcos
Admission and Recruitment
333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road
San Marcos, CA 92096-0001 USA
2. Official transcripts from each college or university previously attended
Submit official transcripts to:
California State University, San Marcos
Office of Admissions
333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road
San Marcos, CA 92096-0001 USA
Transcripts may also be sent electronically to [email protected].
To inquire on the status of your application contact the MBA office at mb[email protected] or