Revised: August 31, 2012
Textbooks are subject to change.
M-BS2210 Old Testament Survey I
The first and primary text for the class will be the Old Testament. While any English
translation of the Bible is acceptable, the following translations are encouraged: New
American Standard Bible (NASB), English Standard Version (ESV), and the New
International Version (NIV). Students are encouraged to compare different versions in
their reading as this will illustrate the places where the Hebrew is difficult to translate.
Albert H. Baylis, From Creation to the Cross, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996.
ISBN: 978-0-310-49080-7. List Price: $25.99; E-book available from $19.99.
Bill T. Arnold and Bryan E. Beyer, Encountering the Old Testament 2nd edition, Grand
Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-8010-3170-0. List Price: $49.99
M-BS2210 Old Testament Survey II
Bill T. Arnold and Bryan E. Beyer, Encountering the Old Testament 2nd edition, Grand
Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-8010-3170-0. List Price: $49.99.
Albert H. Baylis, From Creation to the Cross, Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1996. ISBN: 978-
0-310-49080-7. List Price: $25.99; E-book available from $19.99.
M-BS2310 New Testament Survey I
Thomas D. Lea and David Alan Black, The New Testament: Its Background and Message
(2nd ed), Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2003, ISBN: 978-0-8054-2632-8. List
Price: $34.99; E-book available from $15.29. (This will also be one of the textbooks for
NT Survey II Online.)
D.A. Carson and Douglas J. Moo An Introduction to the New Testament, (2
(Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005. ISBN: 978-0-310-23859-1 $39.99; E-book available
from $19.99. (This will also be one of the textbooks for NT Survey II Online.)
MATS Textbook List
M-BS2311 New Testament Survey II
Thomas D. Lea and David Alan Black, The New Testament: Its Background and Message
(2nd ed), Nashville: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 2003, ISBN: 978-0-8054-2632-8. List
Price: $34.99; E-book available from $15.29. (This was also one of the textbooks for NT
Survey I Online.)
D.A. Carson and Douglas J. Moo An Introduction to the New Testament, (2nd ed),
(Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005. ISBN: 978-0-310-23859-1 $39.99; E-book available
from $19.99. (This will also be one of the textbooks for NT Survey I Online.)
M-BS2400 Introduction to Hermeneutics
DuVall and Hays. Grasping God’s Word. 3rd edition, Grand Rapids: Zondervan
Publishers, 2005. ISBN: 978-0310492573. List price: $39.99
Klein, William W., Craig L. Blomberg, and Robert L. Hubbard. Introduction to Biblical
Interpretation, revised and expanded. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2004. ISBN: 978-0-
7852-5225-2. List price: $39.99
The Bible. (Translation: ESV, NIV, Holman, NASB, NKJV, or other translation approved by
instructor. Paraphrases such as The Living Bible, The Message, etc. are not acceptable.
See NT Survey course above)
M-CE8301 Church Administration
Welch, Robert H. Church Administration: 2nd Edition. Broadman & Holman, 2011.
ISBN 978-1-4336-7377-1. Retail $29.99 (paperback); E-book available from $13.49.
Required Additional Resources:
Student Membership in the National Association of Church Business Administration
(NACBA), a professional Christian organization to serve the Church by advancing
professional excellence in individuals serving Christ through administration in local
churches. Student Membership is $35.00. Members have access to hundreds of
Administrative resources. To join go to
Discovery Tools, North American Mission Board, SBC, 2002. Will be posted on
MATS Textbook List
M-HT3100 History of Christianity I
Gonzales, Justo L. The Story of Christianity Vol. 1 Harper-Collins Publishers, August 1,
2010 ISBN: 978-0-06-185588-7. List Price: $25.99; E-book available from $18.99.
M-HT3101 History of Christianity II
Gonzales, Justo L. The Story of Christianity Vol. 2, “The Reformation to Present Day.”
New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2010 (E-book ISBN: 9780062010759, List price:
$18.99) (Paperback ISBN: 978-0061855894, List price: $25.99).
M-HT3110 Baptist History
Bebbington, David W., Baptists Through the Centuries: A History of a Global People.
Waco: Baylor University Press, 2010 (Paperback ISBN 9781602582040, $39.99).
M-HT3200 Theology I
Erickson, Millard. Christian Theology, 2nd edition, Baker Academic, 1998. ISBN: 978-0-
8010-2182-4. List Price: $49.99; E-book available from $27.43.
M-HT3201 Theology II
Erickson, Millard. Christian Theology, 2nd edition, Baker Academic, 1998. ISBN: 978-0-
8010-2182-4. List Price: $49.99.
M-HT3300 Introduction to Apologetics
William Lane Craig. Reasonable Faith, Crossway, June 9, 2008. ISBN: 978-1-4335-0115-9.
List Price: $26.00. E-book available from $8.69.
Francis Beckwith. To Everyone an Answer, Inter-Varsity Press, September 16, 2004. ISBN:
978-0-8308-2735-0. List Price: $30.00. E-book available from $14.16.
M-HT3400 Christian Ethics
John S. Feinberg and Paul D. Feinberg. Ethics for a Brave New World. 2nd ed. Wheaton,
IL: Crossway Books, 2010. ISBN: 978-1-58134-712-8. List price: $35.00. E-book available
from $8.99.
MATS Textbook List
M-MN5000 Personal Spiritual Disciplines
Whitney, Don. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, NavPress. ISBN: 1576830276.
List price: $15.99. E-book available from $7.39.
Foster, Richard. Celebration of Discipline, Harper, 3rd Edition. ISBN: 9780060628390. List
price: $25.99. E-book available from $12.99.
Optional but recommended Texts:
Pettit, Paul. Foundation of Spiritual Formation, Kregal Academic & Professional. ISBN:
Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim’s Progress. Free online “Public Domain” Version.
M-MN5001 Personal Discipleship Practicum - Available to IMB/NAMB Field Personnel only
Pettit, Paul. Foundation of Spiritual Formation. Grand Rapids: Kregal Academic &
Professional. ISBN: 978-0825434693. List price: $22.99.
M-MN5201 Basic Evangelism
Johnston, Thomas P. Examining Billy Graham’s Theology of Evangelism. Eugene, OR:
Wipf & Stock, 2003. ISBN: 9781592441624. $45.00
Johnston, Thomas P. Evangelizology, Vols 1-2. Liberty, MO: Evangelism Unlimited, 2011.
ISBNs: 9780983152606 and 9780983152613. List Price: $19.99 each volume.
Johnston, Thomas P. Mobilizing a Great Commission Church for Outreach. Eugene, OR:
Wipf & Stock, 2011. ISBN: 978-1-61097-264-2; List Price: $26.00.
M-MS7001 Theology and Philosophy of Missions
Terry, John Mark, Ebbie Smith and Justice Anderson, editors. Missiology: An Introduction
to the Foundations, History and Strategies of World Missions. Broadman and Holman
Publishers, 1998. ISBN: 080541075-9 $39.99; E-book available from $17.99.
M-MS7205 Introduction to Orality and Oral Cultures
Avery T. Willis; Mark Snowden. Truth That Sticks. NavPress Publishing Group, September
1, 2010. ISBN: 978-1-61521-531-7. List price: $14.99; E-book available from $7.99.
J.O. Terry. Basic Bible Storying. Church Starting Network, 2008. ISBN: 0-9772433-4-6. List
price: $24.95.
MATS Textbook List
M-MS7206 Missionary Anthropology
Paul G. Hiebert. Transforming Worldviews: An Anthropological Understanding of How
People Change. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-8010-2705-5.
List price: $24.99; E-book available from $13.38.
M-MS7207 Missionary Anthropology Practicum - Available to IMB Field Personnel only
Paul G. Hiebert. Cultural Anthropology. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 1990.
ISBN: 978-0-8010-4273-7. List price: $40.00; E-book available from $ 23.92.
M-MS7216 Cross-Cultural Church Planting
David J. Hesselgrave. Planting Churches Cross-Culturally. Baker Books, September 1,
1980. ISBN: 978-0-8010-4219-5. List price: $19.99.
David Garrison. Church Planting Movements: How God is Redeeming a Lost World.
WIGTake Resources, LLC. ISBN: 0-9747562-0-2. List price: $18.95.
Akins, Thomas Wade, Pioneer Evangelism. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Junta Missoes
Nacionais, 1999. (This book will be mailed to the student the first day of class free of
charge and/or downloaded free from the internet)
M-MS7221 Cross-Cultural Church Planting Practicum - Available to IMB Field Personnel only
David J. Hesselgrave. Planting Churches Cross-Culturally: North America and Beyond.
Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2000. ISBN: 978-0-8010-2222-7. List price: $32.00.
M-MS7201 Applied Anthropology For North American Missions Practicum - Available to
NAMB Field Personnel only.
John Fuder, Noel Castellanos A Heart for the Community: New Models for Urban and
Suburban Ministry Moody Publishers, 2009. 99 ISBN 13: 978-0-8024-9131-2; ISBN-10:
0-8024-9131-6. List Price: $34.00.
Paul G. Hiebert Incarnational Ministry: Planting Churches in Band, Tribal, Peasant, and
Urban Societies Baker, 1995. ISBN: 978-0-8010-2009-4. List Price: $34.00; E-book
available from $18.70.
Personnel only.
Aubrey Malphurs Planting Growing Churches for the 21st Century, Third Edition
MATS Textbook List
Baker, 2004. ISBN: 10: 0-8010-6514-3; 978-0-8010-6514-9. List Price: $29.99; E-book
available from $16.49.
Rodney Harrison, Tom Cheyney, Don Overstreet Spin-off Churches: How One Church
Successfully Plants Another Random House, Inc. 2008. ISBN: 978-080544685-2. List
Price: $24.99; E-book available from $10.79.