Holes Essentials of Human
Anatomy & Physiology
(2e) ©2021, Welsh
Best Selling A&P High School Program
Hole’s Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology 2e introduces a new
author, Dr. Charles Welsh, who brings over 30 years of classroom
experience and a fresh perspective to this well-respected text. The
new edition retains its high quality content and dynamic features
plus delivers enhanced NGSS integration and ELL/ELA support.
The high school friendly presentation masterfully blends text and
imagery to engage students with approachable content as they
learn to apply concepts to various fields of study making this an
ideal selection for an introductory course.
A new High School Teacher Manual, available in print and
online, includes teaching strategies and pacing, group projects,
classroom activities, and ELL and ELA support activities.
Unit projects and thematic, chapter-level case studies bring
relevance and real-world application to instruction.
Expanded Chapter Reviews include new multiple-choice, short-
answer, and critical thinking and clinical application questions.
Lab Data Analysis, Case Study Wrap-up and a Chapter Project are
designed to help students enhance their engagement with, and
proficiency in, the science and engineering practices.
Online Focus Activities provides interactive labeling and
vocabulary activities to check student mastery of dicult
structures, vocabulary, and concepts.
Concept Overview Interactives oer ground-breaking interactive
animations that encourage students to explore key physiological
processes and dicult concepts.
Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED®, (APR) is the ultimate dissection
experience that visually enriches your lectures and labs with 3D
Interactive Models, engaging animations, and real-life images. This
interactive tool dynamically reinforces key concepts to help your
student develop a deeper insight into the study of human anatomy
and physiology.
The High School Laboratory Manual for Human Anatomy &
Physiology by Terry R. Martin is a streamlined lab manual ideal
for the high school classroom. It contains 34 hands-on laboratory
activities to complement any anatomy and physiology course.
Hole’s Essentials of
Human Anatomy
and Physiology
Hole’s Essentials of
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Charles J. Welsh
High School
Second Edition
High School Second Edition
SmartBook provides personalized learning to
individual student needs, continually adapting to
pinpoint knowledge gaps and focus learning on
concepts requiring additional study. Teachers have
access to advanced reporting features to track
individual and class progress with actionable
insights to guide classroom instruction.
The Laboratory Manual for Human Anatomy & Physiology
by Terry R. Martin is a streamlined lab manual ideal for the high
school classroomwith 34 hands-on laboratory activities.
Anatomy & Physiology REVEALED®, (APR) 4.0 is
the ultimate dissection experience that visually enriches
your lectures and labs with 3D Interactive Models,
engaging animations, and real-life images. This interactive tool
dynamically reinforces key concepts to help your student
develop a deeper insight into the study of human anatomy
and physiology.
Mobile Ready
Anytime, anywhere access with our ReadAnyWhere app Access Hole’s Essentials
of Human Anatomy and Physiology digital resources |
Contact your Representative to access the Hole’s Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology
digital resources available at
Sample Student Edition
Lab Manual
Teacher Manual
Standard Student Bundle with APR (Student Edition, Online Student Edition, APR)
6 year: 978-0-07-904097-8
1 year: 978-0-07-904084-8
Premium Student Bundle Online Student Edition with APR (Student Edition, Lab Manual Online Student Edition, APR)
6 year: 978-0-07-904098-5
1 year: 978-0-07-904085-5
Online Student Edition Subscription with APR
6 year: 978-0-07-682359-8
1 year: 978-0-07-682358-1
Teacher Edition Subscription with APR
6 year: 978-0-07-682364-2
1 year: 978-0-07-682363-5
Holes Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology
(2e) ©2021, Welsh
More Personalized. More Productive. More Prepared.
SmartBook® delivers personalized, adaptive learning tailored to each
students individual needs by pinpointing knowledge gaps and focusing
instruction on the concepts that require additional study. Teachers
can assign a specific chapter, topic, or concept and access advanced
reporting features that track individual and class progress with actionable
insights to inform in-class instruction.
Contents in Brief
AP19M 18004
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Levels of Organization
1 Introduction to Human
Anatomy and Physiology 4
2 Chemical Basis of Life 42
3 Cells 72
4 Cellular Metabolism 106
5 Tissues 130
Support and Movement
6 Integumentary System 162
7 Skeletal System 184
8 Muscular System 238
Integration and Coordination
9 Nervous System 288
10 The Senses 350
11 Endocrine System 390
12 Blood 428
13 Cardiovascular System 460
14 Lymphatic System and Immunity 510
Absorption and Excretion
15 Digestive System and Nutrition 544
16 Respiratory System 600
17 Urinary System 634
18 Water, Electrolyte, and
Acid-Base Balance 666
The Human Life Cycle
19 Reproductive Systems 688
20 Pregnancy, Growth, Development,
and Genetics 730