anatomy & physiology
Available as part of ConnectPlus, LearnSmart is an adaptive
learning system designed to help student learn faster, study
more effi ciently, and retain more knowledge for greater success.
LearnSmart assess a student’s knowledge of course content
through a series of adaptive questions. It pinpoints concepts the
student does not understand and maps out a personalized study
plan for success.
Powered by the intelligent and adaptive LearnSmart engine,
McGraw-Hill SmartBook is the fi rst and only continuously
adaptive reading experience available. Distinguishing
what students know from what they don’t, and honing
in on concepts they are most likely to forget. SmartBook
personalizes content for each of them. You can fi nd the
SmartBook in ConnectPlus.
Learning Resources
ConnectPlus® for Anatomy & Physiology is a web-based assignment
and assessment platform that gives students the means to better connect
with their coursework, teachers, and important concepts that they will
need to know for success now and in the future. With ConnectPlus for
Anatomy & Physiology, students can practice important skills at their
own pace and on their own schedule. Students also get a dynamic and
interactive online eBook, interactive questions and activites, as well as
a suite of other dynamic products including Anatomy & Physiology
Revealed (APR), LearnSmart™, and SmartBook™
anatomy & physiology
High School Laboratory Manual for
Human Anatomy & Physiology, First
The High School Laboratory Manual
for Human Anatomy & Physiology by
Terry R. Martin is a streamlined lab
manual ideal for the high school
classroom. It contains 28 hands-on
laboratory activities to comple-
ment any Anatomy & Physiology
course. A correlation to this new lab
manual is available on the Online Learning Center. Contact
your sales representative for pricing information or if you
have additional questions.
Anatomy and Physiology Supplements
McGraw-Hill Education offers a variety of ancillary products
to accompany our texts. The authors have gone through the
ancillaries and correlated them to the specifi c Learning Out-
comes found at the beginning of each chapter! The ancillaries
that are correlated to the specifi c Learning Outcomes for Hole’s
Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, Twelfth Edition:
Anatomy & Physiology Revealed
Ph.I.L.S. 4.0
MediaPhys 3.0
Virtual Anatomy Dissection Review
Student Study Guideoff ers chapter overviews,
chapter outcomes, focus questions, mastery tests, study
activities, and mastery test answers.
Check with your sales representative for pricing and availability.
Online Learning Center
The Online Learning Center that accompanies Hole’s Essen-
tials of Human Anatomy & Physiology houses a wealth of valu-
able resources for both teachers and students. Among these
resources there are pre- and post-tests, fl ashcards, animations
for students as well as an instructor’s manual and Presenta-
tion Tools for the teacher.
McGraw-Hills Presentation Tools
Presentation Materials for Lecture and Lab—incorporate
customized lectures, visually enhanced test and quizzes,
compelling course websites, or attractive printed support
A complete set of pre-made PowerPoints linking
Anatomy & Physiology Revealed to text material is
available for your use!
A complete set of animation-embedded PowerPoint
slides is available.
Along with our online digital library containing photos,
artwork, and animations, we also off er FlexArt. FlexArt
allows the teacher to customize artwork.
Computerized test bank edited by the Author Team
is powered by McGraw-Hill Education’s fl exible
electronic testing program EZ Test Online.
ConnectED eBook
The digital version of this book off ers powerful and instant
search capability, and helps students manage notes,
highlights and bookmarks all in one place. This downloadable
eBook can be viewed on an iPad.
manual is available on the Online Learning Center. Contact
Laboratory ManuaL For
terry r. Martin
Ph.I.L.S. 4.0 is the perfect way to rein-
force key physiology concepts with
powerful lab experiments. Created
by Dr. Phil Stephens at Villanova Uni-
versity, this program offers 42 labora-
tory simulations that may be used to
supplement or substitute for wet labs.
All 42 labs are self-contained experi-
ments—no lengthy instruction man-
ual required. Users can adjust variables,
view outcomes, make predictions, draw conclusions, and
print lab reports. This easy-to-use software o ers the fl ex-
ibility to change the parameters of the lab experiment.
There is no limit! Contact your sales representative for pric-
ing and additional information.
Anatomy & Physiology
Revealed 3.0 is the ulti-
mate online interactive
cadaver dissection experi-
ence. This state-of-the-art
program uses cadaver pho-
tos combined with a layer-
ing technique that allows
the student to peel away
layers of the human body
to reveal structures beneath
the surface. This program
covers important topics from chemistry to organ systems,
with animations, audio pronunciations, and comprehen-
sive quizzing along the way. Contact your sales representa-
tive to learn more or purchase this for your class.
covers important topics from chemistry to organ systems,
An Interactive Cadaver
Dissection Experience
This unique multimedia tool is
designed to help you master human
anatomy and physiology with:
g Content customized
to your course
g Stunning cadaver specimens
g Vivid animations
g Lab practical quizzing
my Course Content
g Maximize effi ciency by studying
exactly what’s required.
g Your instructor selects the content
that’s relevant to your course.
g Peel layers of the body to reveal
structures beneath the surface.
g Over 150 animations make anatomy
and physiology easier to visualize
and understand.
g Study interactive slides that
simulate what you see in lab.
g Correlate dissected anatomy
with X-ray, MRI, and CT scans.
g Gauge profi ciency with customized
quizzes and lab practicals that
cover only what you need for
your course.