Nashville State Community College
School of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
Biology Program
Master Course Syllabus
BIOL 2010 Anatomy and Physiology I
The purpose of the syllabus is to tell you how the course is organized, what the expectations
are, and how you will be graded. In addition, there is important information about how the
college will operate during severe weather and how the college will communicate with you. The
syllabus is not a contract. Instead, it is meant to help you succeed in this course. If any of the
content changes during the semester, you will be notified.
Course information:
Course Title: BIOL 2010 Anatomy and Physiology I
Credits: 4
Class Hours: 3 class hours and 3 lab hours
Course Description:
An intensive course for students interested in entering health-related fields that will count as a biology
elective. Topics include: the skeletal, articular, muscular, nervous, and integumentary systems; cellular
chemistry and structure; and histology.
Prerequisites: Level 2 placement in English, Math and Reading.
Instructor Information:
Office Phone:
Office Location:
Office Hours:
Instructor Zoom Room link:
Class Session Zoom Link Information (if virtual):
Required Textbook(s) & Other Materials:
The textbook and online textbook materials (McGraw-Hill Connect) are digital course materials
(DCM). The charge made to your account includes access to the eBook of Hole’s Human Anatomy and
Physiology, 16
edition and access to McGraw-Hill Connect, where homework and adaptive
assignments, videos, and study resources will be found.
The cost of the Lab Manual has not been charged to your account. The Lab Manual
is available only in hard copy and must be purchased through the NSCC bookstore.
Textbook: Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology, 16
edition. Authors: Charles Welsh and Cynthia
Prentice-Craver. Publisher: McGraw-Hill. Includes access to McGraw-Hill Connect online resources.
ISBN: 9781260265224
Access Code: Students who purchase a used copy of the textbook, or an older edition copy that is not
bundled with an access code, must also purchase an access code for Hole’s Human Anatomy and
Physiology, 16
edition. Publisher McGraw-Hill.
Connect Access Code ISBN: 9781264262830
Lab Manual (REQUIRED): NSCC Anatomy & Physiology I Lab Manual (CUSTOM). Official title: Exploring
Anatomy & Physiology in the Laboratory: Core Concepts, Second Edition. Author: Amerman; Publisher:
Morton. Customized for Nashville State Community College
Lab Manual ISBN: 9781640432734
Once you have registered for your courses, you should make sure you have the correct textbook and
materials for each course. Before courses begin, you can do this by looking up your courses on the
bookstore’s website ( https://www.bkstr.com/nsccstore/shop/textbooks-and-course-materials
) using
your A# or by entering your course information. If you are registered with the Access Center and need
an alternate format for the textbook and other course materials, please contact the Access Center at
615-353-3721, 615-353-3741, or
Digital Course Materials: These ensure you pay less for your course materials and have easy access
through D2L throughout the semester. When you registered for this course, the charge for these
materials appeared on your account. If you decide you do not want to purchase the course materials
embedded in NS Online, you can opt out of the program until the end of the second week of classes. If
you opt out, you will be responsible for purchasing the required course materials on your own. For more
information, please visit www.nscc.edu/dcm
Honors Option: Honors credit is available in some classes. If you are interested in participating in the
Honors Program, please see your instructor within the first four weeks of class.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the semester, this is what you should know and/or be able to do:
Describe atomic structure, the types of chemical bonding and the structure, synthesis and function
of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.
Describe cellular structure and function with respect to the cell membrane, cellular organelles
and the cell nucleus.
Differentiate between the concepts of diffusion and carrier-mediated transport and explain the
structure, function and movement of water.
Describe the structure and function of the tissue types and the characteristics, distribution and
products of the specialized cells of tissue.
Identify by name and demonstrate the location of anatomical components of the skeletal
system, the muscular system, the nervous system, the integumentary system and the organs of the
special senses.
Appraise how structure denotes function and function denotes structure at the gross and
cellular levels in the organ systems covered in the course.
Formulate a hypothesis concerning normal and altered physiology. Conduct an experiment that
tests the hypothesis. Analyze and explain the results.
Topics to Be Covered:
Lecture Topics
Study Skills
Levels of Organization
Chemical Level of Organization
The Cellular Level of Organization
Tissue Level of Organization
The Integumentary System
Osseous Tissue and Skeletal Structure
The Axial Skeleton
The Appendicular Skeleton
Muscle Tissue
The Muscular System
Neural Tissue
The Nervous System
Lab Topics
Scientific Method
Skeletal system
Muscular System
Nervous System
Course Assessments: We will use the following assessments to demonstrate your understanding,
knowledge, and skills:
Lecture Tests
Lecture tests may include multiple choice, short answer, matching, fill-in-the-blank, true-false
and picture/diagram labeling questions.
Lecture tests will be closed-book and closed-note.
Lecture test will contribute 50-60% to the final grade.
Labs/Homework/In-class group work/Papers/Presentations
Assignments covering a variety of topics will be given during the course of the semester. The
format of the material will be at the discretion of the instructor.
Assignments may be completed in class or outside class at the discretion of the instructor.
Some assignments may be completed on-line (see Technology Statement below).
This component will contribute 15% to the final grade
Laboratory Practical Exams
Lab practical exams may include identification on lab models, photographs, drawings,
microscopic slides, or preserved animal specimens.
Rapid and accurate identification of anatomical structures is a core competency required of
health care professionals. Laboratory Practical Exams will be closed-book, closed-note, and
completed without the aid of a word bank. Points will be deducted for incorrect spelling.
Laboratory practical exams will contribute 20-25% to the final grade.
Cumulative Exams
One or more cumulative exams will be given.
Cumulative exams will be similar in format to the Lecture Tests.
Cumulative exams will contribute 10-15% to the final grade.
Grading Policy:
Final calculation of the course grade will be based on the following percentages:
Lecture Tests - 50-60%
Labs/Homework/In-class group work/Papers/Presentations - 15%
Laboratory Practical Exams - 20-25%
Cumulative Midterm or Final Exams - 10-15%
Proctored, closed-book and closed- note tests and exams will contribute a minimum of 85% to the final
Opportunities for extra credit points may be offered throughout the semester at the instructor’s
There will be no extra credit projects given to improve a poor grade.
Grading Scale:
Letter Grade
Percentage Range
90 100%
80 89%
70 79%
60 69%
59% or below
If you stop attending class or if you are in an online class and stop submitting assignments, but do not
turn in a withdrawal form by the deadline, you are still enrolled in class. You will be given a grade of FA,
which means you have failed due to not attending class and not completing your assignments. Please
refer to the current academic calendar available on the Nashville State web site, looking for the date
that indicates it is the “Last Day to Earn F for Attendance (FA).” If you stop attending your course after
this date, you will receive an F.
An FN is awarded if you have never attended your course or done any of the work in an online course.
Late Work Policy & Make-up Procedures for Missed Assignments and Work:
(Each instructor will provide policy)
Attendance Policy
General Policy
Absences in a course may affect your final grade.
Tardiness may also affect your final grade.
You are responsible for all work/tests that occur during any missed course session(s) regardless
of reason(s) for absence.
If you are not well enough to attend a course session (class), you must notify the instructor as
soon as possible before the scheduled course time.
o If you are unable to notify an instructor before the scheduled course time, you must
contact the instructor as soon as reasonably possible.
If you have an unavoidable conflict with a scheduled course session, you must notify the
instructor before the course session.
o If you are unable to notify an instructor before the scheduled course time, you must
contact the instructor as soon as reasonably possible.
Instructor’s Policy
The attendance policy for this course is: (Each instructor will provide policy)
For financial aid purposes, attendance is measured by participation in the course. Instructors can
determine your level of participation in several ways. Some of those ways are:
continued attendance
participation in on-ground or virtual class sessions
participating in D2L as prompted
responding to an instructor’s email
posting to a discussion board
completing and submitting assignments
Technology Statement
All classes at the College are web enhanced. “Web enhanced” means that components of the
course, such as assignments and online discussions, may be located online in the class D2L/NS
Online course shell and used in the course, even if the course meets in a classroom on ground.
You must have access to a computer and an internet connection to complete assignments,
engage in online discussions, and access various course materials through D2L/NS Online course
You may also be required to use free video conferencing platforms (examples: Zoom, Teams,
etc.) for course sessions and meetings.
You will be responsible for appropriate dress while on video. This means that you are expected
to dress as if you were in a classroom.
You will be responsible for a distraction free environment while on video. This means that the
professor and others in the course should not be able to hear noise in your home, such as cell
phones, TVs, or barking dogs. The best way to do this is to keep yourself on “mute” until you
need to speak.
You will be responsible for making sure your background is neutral. Keep in mind that students
and professors come from all around the world, and you are all a part of our community.
Therefore, please avoid having images in your background that may be offensive to your
Certain publisher materials, such as textbook figures, may not work on cellphones and may
require a laptop or a tablet.
If you have questions or concerns regarding access to a computer or internet resources, please
contact your instructor. Additional information is available on the
access to internet and
technology website.
Computer Labs
Computers are available for all Nashville State students to use at each campus during open hours. Open
computer lab availability may vary from campus to campus.
You should check the NSCC website for current hours of operation.
D2L/NS Online and myNSCC
It is your responsibility to check your email in both D2L/NS Online course shells and your @my.nscc.edu
(student email) on a regular basis. These are the official communication channels between the college
and you. You are responsible for the information communicated through these email channels. D2L/NS
Online emails contain specific course information and @my.nscc.edu emails contain important
information from college offices, such as Financial Aid.
ADA Compliance Statement
If you need accommodations due to a disability, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Access
Center. Disabilities for which you can receive accommodations include documented physical, emotional,
and/or learning conditions. Nashville State is committed to supporting your success, and we encourage
you to get assistance if needed. If you require accommodations for any courses in which you are
enrolled, contact the Access Center at 615.353.3363, or e-mail accesscenter@nscc.edu
Classroom Misconduct
Disruptive conduct is not allowed in the classroom. Disruptive conduct is any behavior that prevents
students from learning and interferes with the ability of the instructor to teach. This may change from
course to course; therefore, your individual instructors will give you guidance on what qualifies as
“disruptive conduct” in their courses. Please review the Nashville State Student Code of Conduct policy
Please be aware that children are not allowed in class or to be left unattended on campus.
Academic Misconduct
You have started this academic journey to prepare for a future career. Because of this, it is important
that you learn the materials being presented in your courses. For this reason, cheating, in any form, robs
you of your opportunity to learn and master the material that will enable you to succeed in that future
career. Nashville State has a clear Academic Misconduct Policy
that you are expected to follow. In
addition, your instructors will clarify what Academic Misconduct looks like and the consequences for
violations in each course that you take. The instructor has the authority to assign an “F” or a “zero” for
such violations or for the semester grade.
Academic Early Alert System
If you are not doing well in your course, your instructor may send you an Early Alert through your
@my.nscc.edu email. This email will go to your academic advisor and Student Success advisor, as well. If
you get an Early Alert, contact your instructor immediately. Instructors send these when they want to
help you figure out how to get extra support to pass the course. An Early Alert does not mean that you
have already failed the course. Rather, it means you are in danger of failing the course if you do not
change your learning strategy. Please use an Early Alert to your advantage and as an opportunity to
improve your grade.
RAVE Emergency Alert System
You can log in to this free alert system to receive text messages about emergencies related to NSCC
campuses: https://www.getrave.com/login/nscc
. The instructions for this are listed below.
Your RAVE Username is your NSCC email address.
If you've never received an email from RAVE with your password, or if you need to reset your
password, select “Forgot your password?” and a new password will be emailed to you.
Should the RAVE system indicate “user not found”, select Register and create your own RAVE
Student Wellness
Your well-being is important to us. With this in mind, the college has several resources available to
provide support when needed:
Free tutoring
provides assistance beyond the classroom to help you make the most of your
college education.
These resources include NSCC email, scheduling, online courses, textbooks, tech check out and
support, computer labs on campuses, academic advising, financial advising, COVID-19
information and procedures on campuses.
Services that help with bus passes, food, childcare, textbooks, housing, financial counseling,
personal counseling, suicide prevention, health insurance.
Equity Statement
Nashville State Community College strives to ensure that each student receives what that student needs
to be successful, with goals of success beyond the classroom. We understand and practice ideals of
equity and inclusion for our students by embracing a full spectrum of experiences, viewpoints, and
intellectual approaches in order to overcome barriers to success.
Inclement Weather & Campus Closings
You get notices about campus closings in these places: text messages from RAVE and www.nscc.edu.
Even when campuses are closed, you are still responsible for completing all assigned work. Check
D2L/NS Online for a message from your instructor so you do not miss important assignments and due
dates, which may change due to the campus closure.
Class Cancellation Policy
Our instructors post messages about cancelling classes in the D2L/NSOnline course shells and/or on the
classroom door on campus. These messages can be found in the News and Content section or the Email
tab in the online shell. Please check these to be sure that you take advantage of opportunities for
learning and points toward your grade.