The Club Constitution must establish the fundamental principles on which the club is to operate. It defines
the primary objectives of a club and describes how that club will function. The Constitution/Bylaws of
clubs shall be shared with students, campus departments, etc., when requested. A constitution should
include the following:
ARTICLE I Name of the Club
Section 1: The name of this club shall be (i.e. the “XYZ Club”)
ARTICLE II Purpose of the Club
This section can be as brief or as detailed as you would like. It should include, a general outline of what
your club would like to accomplish (i.e. the “purpose of the “XYZ Club is to inform some and remind
others that all letters of the English alphabet are valuable”)
ARTICLE III Officers of the Club
Decide what officers your club will have, how and when they will be elected, the term of office each will
hold and how vacancies will be filled.
Section 1: Elected officers of this club shall be: (List all elected officers in order of rank - normally
President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Clubs and Events Board Representative).
Section 2: Duties of each officer
Section 3: Term of office (i.e. one semester or one academic year)
Section 4: Nominations and Elections filing (explain the election and/or appointment procedures)
ARTICLE IV Qualifications for Membership
List the requirements and qualifications necessary to become a member without regard to ethnicity, race,
color, marital status, religion, national origin, sex, age, handicap, veteran status or sexual orientation.
Section 1: General Statement of Eligibility for Membership
Section 2: How to Become a Member (stipulations)
Section 3: How to Remain in Good Standing
ARTICLE V Meetings
Determine the frequency of general meetings and establish procedures. Special meetings may need to
be addressed as well.
Section 1: Frequency of Meetings
Section 2: Procedure for Calling Special Meetings
Section 3: Quorum (state the minimum number of members who must be present at a meeting in order to
transact business legally; i.e. 51% of total membership).
ARTICLE VI Parliamentary Authority
Section 1: The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall
govern the (Club Name) in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not
inconsistent with the Constitution/Bylaws of the (Club Name).
ARTICLE VII Amendments
State how and when the constitution can be amended. For Example:
Section 1: The proposed amendment must be in the hand of the club officers no later than one week
before the scheduled meeting of the (Club Name), at which it is to be presented.
Section 2: Following the approval of the amendment by the officers this constitution may be amended by
a (State what majority) vote of the membership at the first meeting of the club at which a
quorum is present.
ARTICLE VIII Enacting Clause
This constitution shall become effective upon arrival of the Club President, Club Faculty Advisor or
Faculty Coordinator of Campus Life.
(NOTE: All constitutions must have the signature of the club President and club Advisor as
follows. “I have read, understand and agree to the contents of this document,” must be printed
above the signature.)
“I have read, understand and agree to the contents of this document.”
________________ _____________________________________________________
Date Approved Club President
________________ _____________________________________________________
Date Approved Faculty Advisor
________________ _____________________________________________________
Date Approved Faculty Coordinator, Student Life & Leadership Center
(Duties for officers in the Student Senate and Clubs & Events Board are detailed in separate
1. Hold Executive Committee meetings
2. Prepare an agenda for each meeting
3. Keep the advisor informed of all club meetings and activities. (CRC requires the advisor to attend all
club meetings and activities)
4. May appoint a representative to the Clubs and Events Board
5. Preside over the club and club meetings
6. Serve as the official spokesperson for the club
7. Appoint committees and delegate the work among all club members
NOTE: The president has no vote except to break ties or to vote by ballot.
Vice President
1. Attend all Executive Committee meetings and meetings of the organization
2. Assist the President
3. Assume the President’s responsibilities when she/he is absent.
1. Responsible for all funds in the club’s account at the Business Services Office (No off-campus
accounts may be kept)
2. Sign all fund requisitions along with the advisor for the withdrawal of funds from the club’s account.
(Note: The Student Personnel Assistant will prepare the requested requisition and initial next
to the advisor’s signature)
3. Be prepared to give a report at each business meeting of the organization listing revenue,
expenditures and balances on hand
4. Have records available for examination at any time
5. If the club’s account balance is needed, a request is submitted to the Student Personnel Assistant in
SLLC five days before the day the information is to be presented
1. Record what was done at club meetings and keep accurate permanent minutes
2. Keep an accurate and up-to-date list of members
3. Keep a copy of the constitution and/or bylaws and have it available for easy reference during
4. Write motions down accurately and be prepared to read them
Clubs and Events Board Representative
(Each club registers, from its membership, a Club Representative to serve on the Clubs and Events
Board. It is the responsibility of the club to send a club member to participate in the CAEB meetings if the
club’s representative will miss a meeting.)
1. Shall represent the club and provide as a means of communication between CAEB and the club
2. Shall keep CAEB up to date on club matters and vice versa.
3. Shall attend all CAEB meetings and be prepared to vote.
4. Shall implement and evaluate events and activities.
5. Shall perform any additional responsibilities related to CAEB as assigned by the Executive Board or
Faculty Coordinator of Campus Life.