Administrative Order
Administrative Order No.: 7-46
Title: Employee Telecommuting
Ordered: 1/18/2022
Effective: 1/18/2022
AUTHORITY: Section 5.02 of the Miami-Dade County Home Rule Amendment and
SCOPE: This Administrative Order applies to County employees under the purview of
the Mayor.
The purpose of this Administrative Order (AO) is to provide guidelines for employees on
alternative work arrangements, specifically telecommuting and flexible work schedules.
This AO aims to define expectations to ensure that Miami-Dade County (MDC) and its
employees meet MDC goals and objectives through a mutually beneficial teleworking
arrangement. Specifically, the AO is intended to:
1. Ensure members of the public receive the same standard of customer service
and attention when employees are telecommuting.
2. Require employees to acknowledge that the County's work performance
standards and their job duties/responsibilities remain unchanged regardless of
work location or schedule.
3. Establish certain standards regarding the safety, security, and maintenance of
County-issued equipment.
The County’s priority is to ensure the health and safety of all employees and residents,
while maintaining flexibility, productivity, and accountability.
This AO is subject to modification based on further adjustments to, or the development
of, other County policies or procedures on these matters, including, but not limited to
Administrative Order No. 5-5, Acquisition, Assignment and Use of Telecommunication
Devices and Network Resources. Failure of any employee to acknowledge receipt of this
AO does not prevent its enforcement. Furthermore, this AO does not exempt employees
from adhering to work location schedules or special assignments that require presence
at designated onsite locations to execute essential functions and duties of the position.
This policy has been provided in advance to the collective bargaining agents for the
applicable County employees. This AO is not intended to contradict the express terms of
the applicable collective bargaining agreement without written consent from the
applicable collective bargaining agent.
More information can be found in the Miami-Dade County Employee Telecommuting
Policy available at:
Alternative work arrangements such as telecommuting and flexible work schedules are
not entitlements, are allowed at the sole discretion of the Department Director, and do
not alter the terms and conditions of employment with MDC. Under this policy,
telecommuters may perform work during any part of their authorized work schedule at
home and/or an approved designated remote work location and may also, if approved,
work a flexible work schedule.
Employees must obtain approval from their supervisor and Department Director or
designee by having all parties sign the “Telecommuting and Work from Home
Agreement” which may be accessed at:
The department has the right to offer or decline to offer alternative work arrangements to
an employee and to terminate such options at any time, for any reason, upon notice to
the employee.
Employees are allowed alternative arrangements only if, in the discretion of
management, their job duties permit it. Additionally, eligibility to participate is always
subject to the needs of MDC and may be modified as those needs dictate. A supervisor
can require an employee to report to their MDC work location if there is failure to
maintain work goals and standards.
Any employee who is granted the privilege of participating in this program, and who is
found to have violated this policy, is subject to disciplinary action, up to and including
Additional guidance regarding job and employee attributes that lend themselves to
telecommuting can be found in the Miami-Dade County Employee Telecommuting
Department Directors are responsible for approving all employee telecommuting
agreements and for approving the issuance of County owned computer equipment for
use in telecommuting. Department Directors may also terminate telecommuting
agreements at their discretion.
Supervisors are responsible for:
1. Evaluating essential job functions for each employee in order to determine if the
work can be performed while telecommuting.
2. Clearly identifying and assigning tasks that need to be performed, including
providing a description of specific deliverables. The supervisor will prepare a
workplan, when applicable, which will be reviewed to assess the employee’s
progress towards completing the work plan on a pre-determined schedule.
3. Monitoring productivity. A supervisor can require an employee to report to his/her
MDC work location if there is failure to maintain work goals and standards.
Employees are responsible for:
Meeting or conferring with the supervisor to receive assignments and to review
completed work as the supervisor deems necessary. Employees and their
supervisors are to maintain the same established performance, targets,
deliverables, and standards, regardless of work location. Failure of an employee
to meet any of the standards set by the department while telecommuting is
subject to the appropriate disciplinary action as would have occurred at the
Advising their supervisor immediately when an employee is not able to perform
his/her job and/or maintain communication capabilities while telecommuting. The
employee must report to the on-site work location or request the appropriate
Arranging personal responsibilities, including child or dependent care, so as not
to interfere with work time.
Furnishing, equipping, and maintaining an appropriate safe, secure, healthy,
comfortable, and ergonomic workspace within their home and/or approved
designated remote work location for work purposes. The employee’s home
and/or approved designated remote work location will be considered an
extension of the County’s workspace, which must be a separate area set aside
for the employee to work and be able to accomplish assignments in an effective
and efficient manner.
Telecommuting from the location stipulated in the agreement when not working
at the designated MDC work location. Employees may not work from alternate
locations without prior written approval from their supervisor.
Keeping a log/record of tasks and deliverables
performed for all time spent
telecommuting, as applicable.
Reading this AO and adhering to the confidentiality, information security, safety,
and all other standards and procedures described herein.
The same level of professionalism, responsiveness, and service levels are expected
from telecommuters as employees working at County worksites. Telecommuting or
flexible work schedules must not:
Impede other employees or work groups from performing their job duties
Detrimentally impact MDC’s business needs
Diminish MDC’s operations
Reduce service levels to internal or external customers
The minimum telecommuting and flexible work schedule standards include, but
are not limited to the following;
1. Unless advanced arrangements are made with the employee’s supervisor,
telecommuting employees working a flexible schedule are expected to
Maintain regular telephone and e-mail contact and
be accessible
during the hours agreed upon apart from lunch, breaks, meetings, etc.;
return phone calls, voice messages, texts, and emails within the same
expected timeframes as in the workplace
b. Be
available and respond to their supervisors, managers, and co-
workers during agreed-upon work hours within an agreed upon time
between the employee and supervisor and make their availability clear
from their instant messaging work
c. Ensure that they can be reached through telephone (office, home,
mobile), instant messaging (e.g., Teams, Zoom, Google), or other
communication tools that are routinely utilized within the employee's
work unit, and not rely solely on one form of communication.
2. All email communications to external customers must include contact information
as noted in MDC’s branding policy for email signatures.
Video meetings must be in a quiet, controlled setting without disruptions from
animals or other people, and employees must be appropriately dressed for a
work setting.
4. Telecommuters and/or employees working a flexible schedule must be available
to report to a designated MDC work location during regular working hours at the
request of a supervisor at the time period pre-determined by the supervisor.
Employees must be available to attend all scheduled meetings and
participate in other required office activities at their MDC work location, as
5. Departments may rotate the telecommuting schedule requiring that employees
work from the MDC work location, as needed, in accordance with applicable
collective bargaining agreements.
Lack of communication may result in an employee being required to return to his/her
designated MDC work location.
1. Each telecommuting employee must complete and sign the “Telecommuting Self-
Certification Safety Checklist” which is a part of the Agreement and may be
accessed at:
work-from-home-agreement.pdf. It proclaims the home and/or approved
designated remote work location is safe. The goal of completing the checklist is
to ensure that all requirements to perform official work are met in an environment
that allows tasks to be safely performed. The safety checklist must be completed
prior to beginning telecommuting.
2. The work area should be free of safety and fire hazards including no obstruction
of exits, good ventilation, no exposed or frayed wiring or cords, and surge
protectors for computers. The designated work area must also be free of
interruptions that would detrimentally affect performance.
3. If the employee would like to change their telecommuting work location, prior
written approval must be obtained from the employee’s immediate supervisor.
4. MDC will approve the workspace based on the Self-Certification Checklist but will
not be responsible for or reimburse any costs associated with initial setup or
upkeep, including but not limited to home office furnishing and related expenses
such as construction, renovations, heating/air conditioning, lighting, electricity,
and internet connectivity.
5. MDC has the right to visit a telecommuting employee’s designated remote work
location to ensure that it meets safety, ventilation, and ergonomic standards.
Telecommuting employees will be provided with at least 24-hour notice of such
visit, which will only be scheduled during normal business hours.
6. MDC will be liable for any work-related injuries that occur while the employee is
performing their duties during mutually agreed upon work hours which occur
solely in their designated home and/or approved designated remote work
location. The employee’s remote work hours will conform to a schedule agreed
upon by the employee and the applicable supervisor prior to commencing
telecommuting. If such a schedule has not been agreed upon, the employee’s
work hours will be assumed to be the same as those in effect before the
employee began telecommuting.
7. MDC assumes no liability for injuries occurring in the participant’s home and/or
approved designated remote work location while the employee is performing
non-work-related activities during the agreed upon telecommuting schedule.
8. MDC is not liable for loss, destruction, or injury that may occur in or to the
employee’s home and/or approved designated remote work location. This applies
to family members, visitors, or others that may become injured within or around
the employee’s home and/or approved designated remote work location.
9. Employees shall immediately notify their supervisor of any work-related accident
or injury that occurs while working at the remote work location. If this accident or
injury requires medical assessment at one of the approved Workers'
Compensation Authorized Care Centers, the employee shall call TELECLAIM,
MDC’s injury reporting system at 1-877-MDC-RISK (1-877-632-7475), to first file
the claim and then seek medical attention. The employee shall complete their
portion of the Supervisor’s Investigation Report and submit it to their supervisor
for the Supervisor’s review and completion.
10. Upon notification from an employee of an on-the-job injury, the supervisor shall
immediately begin the injury investigation, and within 48 hours of the injury, the
Supervisor's Investigation Report and any associated documents must be
completed and forwarded to Risk Management.
The Supervisors Investigation Report is available at:
Telecommuters and their supervisors will jointly determine the equipment required to
meet their performance objectives from the remote work location. The Information
Technology Department (ITD) can assist in determining the appropriate equipment
required. Approval or commencement of a telecommuting agreement may be contingent
upon the availability of such equipment.
1. For performance purposes, the use and maintenance of secure, high-speed
Internet access is strongly recommended when accessing MDC networks
through approved software during working hours. Any costs associated with
internet access will be at the employee’s own expense.
2. Employees must provide and maintain a telephone line or cell phone connection
at their own expense. Office telephones should be transferred to the employee
remote telephone line either directly or via applications, such as Jabber.
3. MDC will not be responsible for operating costs, such as home maintenance or
any other incurred incidental costs (e.g., utilities) associated with the use of the
employee's remote work location.
4. MDC will not provide setup in the home or other approved designated remote
workspace and will only repair or troubleshoot systems as related to connectivity
to MDC’s network (VPN or virtual cloud) and County-owned software. MDC will
not repair hardware on personal equipment, internet connectivity managed by the
internet provider, or the internal home or remote work location network (wired
and wireless).
5. MDC may provide computer equipment identified by the supervisor as necessary
for the employee to telecommute. The Department Director or the Director’s
designee may approve additional office equipment, based on supervisor
justification, such as a printer, scanner, and cell phone. Requests for specialized
hardware and/or software programs should be analyzed by the supervisor and
presented to the Director for approval.
6. Employees are responsible for maintaining the County-issued equipment at their
remote work location, which may not be used by anyone other than a County
7. If any County-issued equipment is damaged or non-functional, the employee
must immediately contact their supervisor for assistance, and work with IT staff, if
8. If equipment or connectivity that is required for performing assigned tasks is non-
functional, the employee must report to their MDC work location until the situation
is corrected.
9. Employees shall immediately report any lost or stolen County equipment to their
supervisor by no later than the following business day and contact the Miami-
Dade Police Department or their local police department for a police report. The
employee is responsible for obtaining a case number and a copy of the police
report, which is to be submitted to their supervisor along with a written statement
summarizing the incident.
10. For security purposes, access to MDC's computer network must be used in
accordance with MDC’s policies and all procedures and guidelines in force for in-
office hardware and software usage and security apply to the remote work
11. MDC will not be responsible for any wear and tear, repairs, or damage incurred
to personal equipment used in the course of business.
12. Telecommuters will receive office supplies through the same channels as on-site
County workers. No reimbursements will be authorized for personal use of
supplies or equipment or for purchases made outside established procurement
procedures. No reimbursement will be made for travel between the home or
approved designated remote work location and the MDC work location. Any
authorized mileage reimbursements will be made in accordance with the same
procedures and regulations as for eligible employees who work solely from a
MDC work location.
Telecommuting requires dedicated use of information technology resources to ensure
productivity and the achievement of MDC’s objectives. Consistent with MDC’s
expectations of information security for employees working at the office, telecommuting
employees will be expected to ensure the protection of proprietary County and customer
information accessible from their home and/or approved designated remote work
Confidentiality and information security requirements include the following:
1. Employees shall adhere to MDC’s or Department approved data privacy
standards to protect the County's information from unauthorized access and/or
2. Employees shall adhere to MDC’s information technology security and
3. Employees shall not use an unsecured network to perform their job while
4. Employees using their own personal computer to connect to the MDC network
must agree to use antivirus software and comply with MDC’s protocols to protect
data. Additionally, any Internet router used in the home and/or approved
designated remote work location for business purposes must be protected with a
password different than the default password provided by the internet service
5. IT equipment, software, and all data provided by and developed for MDC will
remain the property of MDC, and its use must be consistent with current policies.
6. Personal data should not be stored on equipment owned by MDC. Software used
by the employee for County business must be properly licensed.
7. Employees must ensure that electronic records are protected in accordance with
existing privacy laws and standards such as documents that are exempt or
confidential under the Florida Public Records Act, Chapter 119, Sensitive data
must be protected and must not be disclosed to anyone who is not authorized to
access the information, including family members, friends, or any other
unauthorized persons.
8. Additionally, employees will be expected to ensure the physical protection of all
public records and proprietary information accessible from his or her remote
workspace. Steps may include the use of locked file cabinets and desks, regular
password maintenance, and any other steps appropriate for the job and
environment. Any materials or equipment taken home and/or to the approved
designated remote work location must be kept in the designated work area and
not be made accessible to others. Files and work products are not meant to be
permanently maintained at an employee’s remote work location. Employees must
return any files and work products to the County within one business day after
the telecommuting arrangement ends or at the discretion of the supervisor.
1. The employee’s compensation, benefits, work status, and work responsibilities
will not change due to participation in the telecommuting or flexible work
schedule program, provided the employee works the requisite hours, and shall
remain as if the employee performed all work duties at an established work
2. Compliance with all County rules, policies, standards, and procedures is
3. Employees who are telecommuting and/or working a flexible schedule will be
compensated for all pay, leave, holidays, and overtime as if duties were
performed at a designated County worksite. Overtime will be paid in accordance
with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and all overtime hours must be
included on the e-Payroll Attendance Record (e-PAR) and approved in advance.
Employees must continue to obtain supervisory approval before taking time off
(annual, sick, holiday leave, etc.) per established MDC policies and procedures.
4. Hourly employees authorized to telecommute are required to comply with the
same timekeeping requirements when they are assigned to work in their
designated workplace at County facilities. Employees that violate this
requirement are subject to discipline.
5. Employees who are compensated on an hourly basis are prohibited from working
off the clock or beyond their regularly scheduled number of hours (overtime);
unless and until such employee has been authorized by their supervisor in writing
to work overtime for a specific period. Overtime work requires a supervisor’s pre-
approval whether on-site, telecommuting, or working a flexible schedule.
Employees that violate this requirement are subject to discipline.
6. Employees will maintain their break and lunch schedules agreed upon and set by
their supervisor. Employees that violate this requirement are subject to discipline.
7. Employees will fill out their e-PARs and any other forms that are required by their
department to ensure all time and work is captured in a timely fashion. All hours
worked remotely should be recorded using time reporting code (TRC) “WH”
(working from home). Falsification of time records or fraudulent timekeeping
practices will be subject to discipline.
8. Telecommuting or flexible work schedules will not adversely affect an employee's
eligibility for advancement or any other employee right or benefit.
9. Under certain circumstances, in the event telecommuting is discontinued for any
employee, the County’s return to work procedures may require certification that
the returning employee is fit to return to the MDC work location, in accordance
with applicable collective bargaining agreements.
The Department Director may approach an employee to request or require a
telecommuting and/or flexible work schedule arrangement due to operational needs, and
employees may contact their Department Director to discuss the feasibility of such
1. The supervisor will evaluate essential job functions for each employee in order to
determine if the work can be performed while telecommuting. If the employee’s
essential job functions cannot be performed at a remote work location, the
telecommuting program may not be feasible for that particular job function. If
more than one employee from the same work unit is eligible, the supervisor will
manage the telecommuting schedule and ensure that there is appropriate
coverage at all designated MDC work locations under their purview.
2. Prior to approval, the manager or supervisor will work with the employee to
determine an appropriate schedule.
3. Neither telecommuting nor a flexible work schedule will commence until a
“Telecommuting and Work from Home Agreement” has been signed by all
appropriate parties. As part of the agreement, each telecommuting employee
must complete and sign the “Telecommuting Self-Certification Safety Checklist.
The Telecommuting Agreement must be submitted and once approved, the
manager or supervisor will review their employee's work schedule periodically
and make changes if warranted, based on operational needs and/or employee
4. Once it has been determined that an employee’s request will be granted, the
Department will notify the employee in writing within five business days and
provide the employee with notice detailing telecommuting start and end dates, if
any, as well as specific expectations of the County and any consequences for
failing to meet these obligations.
5. The respective departments’ Human Resources unit will retain the
“Telecommuting and Work from Home Agreement” and “Telecommuting Self-
Certification Checklist” in the employee’s personnel file.
6. If the Department Director or their designee decides to cease telecommuting
and/or flexible work schedule arrangements due to operational needs or
nonperformance by the employee, the Department will notify the employee in
writing of the decision and provide fourteen days’ notice to return to their normal
onsite work schedule.
1. The employee may terminate the telecommuting agreement, at any time, by
providing notice to their supervisor.
2. MDC may suspend or terminate the employee’s participation in the
telecommuting program at any time.
3. All documentation pertaining to employee status in the Telecommuting program
shall be maintained in the departmental Human Resources Office.
Approved by the County Attorney as
to form and legal sufficiency ____