Emergency and Warning Notification Overview:
Frequently Asked Questions
What is AlertDC?
This service allows you to opt-in to receive emergency alert and warning notications via email, text
message and/or voice communication methods based on the alert type and/or geographic locations you
How is the new AlertDC alerting system dierent then what I already signed up for?
The new AlertDC system replaces the existing alerting system that had been in place since 2004. The
enhanced system remains customizable and allows residents to pick and choose what kind of notications
they want to receive, as well as how they would like to receive them. Residents can sign up for alerts based
on alert type and location.
There are also a number of new notication topics now available through the alerting system. For a
complete list of available alerts in the District of Columbia, please visit AlertDC.DC.gov.
Why should I sign up for alert notifications?
The alerts will tell you where to go, what to do, and how to stay informed. The alerts are available via text,
email, cell phone, landline, and mobile app so you’ll get instant access to information no matter where you
What are some of the features of AlertDC?
1. Delivers targeted alerts during location-specic emergencies, such as:
• Transportation Incidents
• Utility Outages
• Government/School Closings
Amber/Silver Alerts
• Breaking News and Information
• Community Outreach for DC Events
• Schools
• Severe Weather
• Police Alerts
• Communities/Neighborhoods
• Colleges/Universities
2. Available applications on iPhone and Android platforms allow alerts to be sent to your phone via the
app and will illustrate the specic text of the warning as well as any associated geographical
information. Please note the app is available directly from Everbridge, Inc., Everbridge Mobile Aware,
and can be downloaded through your device’s app store.
3. Individuals can easily manage their account information.
How does AlertDC work?
In the event of an emergency, weather or trafc situation, an alert will be issued by the District of
Columbia to inform individuals of the situation and may provide instructions on how to respond.
Individuals should promptly follow instructions and continue to keep devices near them in the event that
subsequent information is disseminated.
When will it be used?
This system will be used to contact you about imminent threats to health and safety as well as
informational notications that affect your geographic locations. Administrators will send notications
regarding government/school closings, trafc and other public safety incidents.
Who sends alerts?
The District of Columbia has designated authorized senders to issue alerts. Alerts may go out to
everyone with an account or to select groups of individuals depending on the type of alerts to which they
subscribed or the geographic area impacted.
Who do I contact if I have problems, questions or comments?
We encourage that you please read the FAQ and Help & Answers in their entirety before contacting us. If
you still need assistance please email [email protected].
Registration & AlertDC Subscriptions:
How do I register for an account?
Individuals must sign up for an AlertDC account in order to receive emergency alerts and warnings from
the District of Columbia. Multiple devices can be added to each individual account and alerts can be sent
to all devices listed. Note that delivery by “voice” option is typically only used for imminent life
threatening situations. To get started, please click “Sign Up” at the top of this page or visit
AlertDC.DC.gov and click “Register.”
I had a prior AlertDC account, do I need to sign up again?
On August 25th, 2014, when the new system becomes available, you will receive an email with a link to
update your existing account information. Although you will continue to receive emergency alerts from
AlertDC, we ask that you update your existing account information in order to access the updated system
features. The email you receive will be from @everbridge.net and you are encouraged to add this to your
address book or safe list to ensure it does not get marked as SPAM by your email provider.
Why should I provide an address?
In order to take advantage of the features of the new system, individuals should enter a valid address which
allows us to target information specic to a geographic location. Some emergency alerts, such as crime
alerts, are only sent to account holders with addresses listed near the event location. Additionally, you will
have the option to select neighborhoods of interest for which you would like to receive more target
What if I do not want to enter my home address?
A valid address is required. If you are not comfortable entering your home address, you may use the
address of a local school, post ofce, public building, or any valid street address closest to your home or
place of work.
Can I register with an address outside of the District of Columbia?
Yes, anyone can sign up for AlertDC regardless of where you live and/or work. However, the District of
Columbia will only provide alerts and notications for incidents/events with a potential impact to district
boundaries. Certain types of alerts will only be received by individuals within a certain radius of the event/
incident location (i.e., public safety incidents). If you live and/or work outside of the District of Columbia,
you’re encouraged to sign-up for that respective jurisdiction’s alerting system as well at
Will my contact information be shared with others?
No. The information that you provide will be used only for AlertDC notication purposes. We will not give
or sell your contact or location information to any vendor or other organization.
What types of devices are compatible with Alert DC?
Email accounts, cellphones, text messaging (SMS network), and landlines are compatible with AlertDC.
Standard text message charges may apply from your mobile carrier, depending on your text message plan.
If you are unsure about text messaging on your cell phone, please contact your provider.
What if my phone number(s) or email address(es) change?
The system is only as good as the information you provide. If your contact information changes, please
visit your prole and update your information.
I no longer want to receive alerts. How do I disable my account?
You can stop receiving notications at any time by removing your contact information from your prole.
If you wish to completely delete your prole, email [email protected].
Receiving AlertDC:
What number will show up when you send me a text message? What address will email
notifications come from?
When you receive text messages from AlertDC, they will be sent from 893-61. We encourage you to add
this text number into your mobile phone contacts to easily identify text messages that are alerts. In
addition, email notications will come from @everbridge.net and you are encouraged to add this to your
address book or safe list to ensure it does not get marked as SPAM by your email provider.
Accessing AlertDC:
What Web browsers are supported by the enhanced version of AlertDC?
All web browsers are supported. The system developer, however, recommends the use of Google Chrome.
Is there an app for AlertDC?
There is an app for Android, iPhone, and Blackberry users. Search for “Everbridge Mobile Aware” on the
Google Play, Apple Store, or BlackBerry World Store. These apps are free; however text and data charges
may apply. Please check with your mobile carrier for more details. There is no application available for
Windows devices at this time.
Why do I need to update my account on AlertDC?
We ask that you update your existing account information in order to access the updated system features.
On August 25th, 2014, when the new system becomes available, you will receive an email with a link to
update your existing account information. The email you receive will be from @everbridge.net.
Who do I contact if I have problems, questions, or comments?
We encourage that you please read the FAQ and Help & Answers in their entirety before contacting us.
If you still need assistance please email [email protected].