Basics: Backup, Recovery, and Provisioning with a
Continuent Tungsten Cluster
In this short course we will:
Methods and Tools for taking a backup
Verifying the backup contains the last binary log position, and the importance of this
Restore various backups into a cluster
Provisioning slaves from an existing datasource
Course Prerequisite Learning
Basics: Introduction to Tungsten Clustering
Basics: Simple Tungsten Cluster Deployments
Visit the Continuent website or Tungsten University on YouTube to watch these recordings
Continuent website
Tungsten University on YouTube or
Methods and Tools for Taking Backups
Backup Tools
Installed with most MySQL installations
Easy to use for taking a backup
Easy to use for restoring a backup
Quick for small datasets
Very slow for large datasets
Locks tables
Stresses the MySQL database server
Slow to restore
Open source
Does not lock tables
Although it will put load on the server and OS, it does not put load on the
MySQL database server
Ideal for larger datasets (200 700 GB)
Can be difficult to use
Additional Backup Tools
Snapshots (lvm or other)
Ideal for large datasets
Can be extremely quick to take the snapshot
Requires working at the OS or product level
Having many snapshots can impact disk performance
File copy
Good for one off backups or backup test systems
Fast Restore
Will work for large datasets
Requires scripting to automate
Must stop MySQL database server to get a consistent backup
The easiest way to provision a failed slave!
Taking and Restoring Backups
Taking a backup within a Tungsten Cluster
Select a slave when using this
Backups by default will be saved into /opt/continuent/backups
Backup command will use xtrabackup if available, otherwise it will fall back to mysqldump
A properties file is also created, which includes backup method and checksum
[LOGICAL:EXPERT] /alpha > datasource host3 backup
Using the 'mysqldump' backup agent.
Replicator 'host3' starting backup Backup of dataSource 'host3' succeeded;
Automating backups within a Tungsten Cluster
Use the cluster_backup command within cron on all database nodes
cluster_backup will ONLY run on the coordinator; it will gracefully exit on other hosts
Backup will be performed on a slave
Will use xtrabackup if available, otherwise will fall back to mysqldump
shell> crontab -l
00 00 * * * /opt/continuent/tungsten/cluster-home/bin/cluster_backup >>/opt/continuent/service_logs/cluster_backup.log 2>&1
Restoring a backup within a Tungsten Cluster
The restore process will take the latest available backup from the host being store
Does not search the entire cluster for the latest backup
Specify the location of the properties file to restore a specific backup
[LOGICAL] /alpha > datasource host3 shun
[LOGICAL] /alpha > replicator host3 offline
[LOGICAL] /alpha > datasource host3 restore
[LOGICAL] /alpha > datasource host3 shun
[LOGICAL] /alpha > replicator host3 offline
[LOGICAL] /alpha > datasource host3 restore storage://file-system/store-
Taking and Restoring an external backup
Will lock tables, recommended to run on a slave
Must include --master-data=2
Necessary when backing up master
Restore the backup (xtrabackup copy-backup, copy snapshot, etc)
[LOGICAL] /alpha > datasource host3 shun
[LOGICAL] /alpha > replicator host3 offline
shell > thl service alpha purge
[LOGICAL] /alpha > mysqldump --opt --single-transaction --all-databases --add-
drop-database --master-data=2
[LOGICAL] /alpha > datasource host3 recover
Provision a Slave from an Existing Node
tungsten_provision_slave allows you to easily provision a node from a remote host
Is run on the slave to be provisioned
Runs the backup on the remote hosts specified by the source option
Copies the backup to the local server and restores it
Will recover replication services and have the newly provisioned node (re)join the cluster
Like the Tungsten backup options, it will use xtrabackup if available, otherwise will use
When run on host3, will provision from host host2
shell@host3> tungsten_provision_slave --source host2
Demo: tungsten_provision_slave
Restoring a Backup Taken from a Master
The Tungsten Schema
Tungsten creates a “tracking” schema in the MySQL database
GTID and binlog positions are stored within this schema
When a database is restored, Tungsten used the data in the tracking schema to set the
replicator position
mysql> select * from tungsten_east.trep_commit_seqno;
| task_id | seqno | fragno | last_frag | source_id | epoch_number | eventid |
applied_latency | update_timestamp | shard_id | extract_timestamp |
| 0 | 190 | 0 | 1 | db1 | 0 | mysql-bin.000002:0000000000048972;32826
| 1 | 2017-10-17 03:20:39 | music | 2017-10-17 03:20:38 |
Setting the Correct binary log position
When backing up a busy master, the actual binary log position may be different than the
values in the trep_commit_seqno table
Compare the values in trep_commit_seqno with the values obtained from the backup
(mysqldump master-data or xtrabckup_info)
If the values are the same, no further action is needed
If the values differ, note the sequence number in trep_commit_seqno table
Find the binlog position in the THL, using the sequence number from the above step as a
starting point
Note this new sequence number obtained from the THL, and use tungsten_set_position on
the slave node to set the replicator position with this new sequence number
Setting the Correct binary log position (example)
mysql> select seqno,source_id, event_id from tungsten_east.trep_commt_seqno;
seqno source_id eventid
32033674 host1 mysql-bin.000032:0000000473860407;-1
Shell> thl list -service alpha -low 32033674 -headers | grep 473863524
32033678 32030709 0 true 2014-10-17 16:58:11.0 mysql-bin.000032:0000000473863524;-1
Examine binary log position in backup. In our example, the position is mysql-bin.000032:473863524.
Now on the master:
Shell> tungsten_set_position --service=alpha --source=host1 --seqno=32033678
Back to the slave:
What’s Next?
Tungsten Backup
Fully featured, long-term backup solution for any of your data sources (MySQL and Oracle,
more coming)
Full Point-in-Time recovery
Configurable RTO/RPO: Configure how quickly you want to get running
Restore back to source, or write your data out to Hadoop, Kafka or any other applier
Also suitable for Point in Time Analytics!
Tungsten Backup v1.0 will be free of charge
Next Steps
If you are interested in knowing more about the clustering software and would like to try it out
for yourself, please contact our sales team who will be able to take you through the details and
setup a POC
Read the documentation at
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Visit the events calendar on our website for upcoming Webinars and Training Sessions
For more information, contact us:
MC Brown
VP Products
Chris Parker
Director, Professional Services EMEA & APAC
Matthew Lang
Director, Professional Services Americas
Eero Teerikorpi
Founder, CEO
+1 (408) 431-3305
Eric Stone