University Associate Certied Insurance Counselor (UACIC) Designation
Brought to you by:
California State University, Fullerton
The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research
University Course + CIC Personal Lines Exam = UACIC n UACIC + 3 = CIC
Did you know…
… Your current Risk Management and Insurance courses
can translate into a professional designation!
What it is:
The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Re-
search, in partnership with California State University,
Fullerton, has developed the University Associate Certified
Insurance Counselor (UACIC) designation for university
students, which not only provides a designation before
you graduate, but gives you a significant head start on
earning the prestigious, Certified Insurance Counselor
(CIC) designation.
How it works for you:
In conjunction with Principles of Risk Managment and
Insurance (FIN 360), you have the opportunity to sit for a
national CIC Personal Lines exam. If you pass this exam,
you will receive credit for CIC Personal Lines. If you suc-
cessfully complete Life and Health Insurance (FIN 462),
you will receive credit for the CIC Life and Health Institute
portion of the CIC designation, thereby completing two
of the five CIC courses. You will then have earned the
UACIC designation (CIC Personal Lines Exam + UACIC
University Course = UACIC).
Upon graduation, with your UACIC and two CIC courses
behind you, you are well on your way to becoming a
Certified Insurance Counselor. UACIC + 3 = CIC
The five-part CIC Program is recognized as the most
practical education in the insurance industry, and demon-
strates real-world knowledge in the following areas: Per-
sonal Lines, Commercial Casualty, Commercial Property,
Life & Health, and Agency Management.
What will the UACIC designation do for me?
This is a great opportunity to obtain a professional desig-
nation before ever leaving college. With this designation
after your name, and on your resumé, potential employ-
ers and clients can recognize the level of your accom-
plishments. It’s a definite advantage over other recent
college graduates
who may be competing for the same
UACIC is a career springboard—a designation that will
set you apart from your peers. You will enter the job mar-
ket more prepared for life with a solid, practical founda-
tion for a career in the insurance industry.
Getting Started:
n Register for the UACIC Program through California
State University, Fullerton faculty.
n Complete the first CIC course by receiving a passing
grade on the CIC Personal Lines exam.
q This course can be completed while you are taking
Principles of Risk Management and Insurance (FIN360)
using the support material that The National Alliance
provides. Your professor will help to mentor you through
this part of the process.
nComplete Life and Health Insurance (FIN 462) with a
“C” or better. (You will need to submit an application
fee of $100 and a simple form signed by your profes-
sor stating that you have passed the course. Formal
transcripts are not required.)
nReceive your designation at the California conferment
(optional) where you will have a chance to receive
recognition for your efforts and network with risk man-
agement and insurance professionals.
Cost: The total cost of the UACIC – $200 – is less than
the price of many textbooks. Additionally, qualified stu-
dents can apply for a professional exam scholarship from
CIS after passing the exam.
You can earn the UACIC designation at the California
State University, Fullerton campus working with your fac-
ulty in the Risk Management and Insurance area and The
National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research.