National Action Plan on
Plastic Waste Management
Ministry of Environment
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
National Action Plan on
Plastic Waste Management
Ministry of Environment
Sri Lanka
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Copyright© Ministry of Environment (MoE), Sri Lanka
All rights reserved
First Edition: July 2021
ISBN: 978-624-5817-02-3
This report was developed by the following project team:
Authors Mr. Nihal Cooray, Mr. V.R. Sena Peiris and Mr. Kirthi Rasaputra
Business and Industry Development Services (Pvt) Ltd.
Dr. Rajeev Kumar Singh, Dr. Dickella Gamaralalage Jagath Premakumara and
Mr. Kazunobu Onogawa
IGES Centre Collaborating with UNEP on Environmental Technologies (CCET)
Coordination Mr. Senarath Mahinda Werahera, Director and Ms. Sujeewa Fernando,
Assistant Director, Environmental Pollution Control & Chemical Management (EPC&CM),
Ministry of Environment, Ms. Sarojinie Jayasekara, Director, Central Environment Authority
Advisors Dr. Anil Jasinghe, Secretary, Ministry of Environment and Mr. M.G.W.M.W.T.B. Dissanayake,
Additional Secretary, Environment Policy & Planning, Ministry of Environment
Reviewers Prof. Ajith De Alwis, University of Moratuwa; Dr. Anurudda Karunatatha,
University of Peradeniya; Dr. Shunichi Honda, UNEP-IETC; Ms. Bhagya Kahatagahawatte,
Kanazawa University; Ms. C. Priyankari Alexander, SACEP
Funded by Ministry of Environment (MOE), Government of Japan through United Nations
Environment Programme – International Environmental Technology Centre (UNEP-IETC)
Published by Ministry of Environment (MoE), Sri Lanka
Designed by match-up Co. Ltd, Tokyo, Japan
This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part and in any form for educational or non-prot purposes
without special permission from the copyright holder, provided acknowledgement of the source is made. The
Ministry of Environment would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that uses this publication as a
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without prior permission in writing from the Ministry of Environment.
Ministry of Environment (2021). National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030, Sobadam
Piyasa, Robert Gunawardana Mawatha, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Plastics have become one of the essential materials in the modern society due to its wide-ranging properties
which can be applied in a variety of ways in our day-to-day life. When discussing about plastics, sucient
attention must also be given to its positive as well as negative aspects. In achieving the sustainable
development, the negative aspects on present as well as future generations have to be minimized while
securing the positive aspects by addressing the entire lifecycle of plastics.
The National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021-2030 sets out actions that Sri Lanka needs to
follow based on the principle of the 3Rs. The actions in this plan cover the entire lifecycle of plastic waste
management from importation, processing, nal use or collection and disposal. This will be helpful for Sri
Lanka to play its role as a global partner to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
particularly Goal 12 on responsible consumption and production, and Goal 14 on life below water. The entire
plastic waste management system in Sri Lanka will improve considerably by implementing the activities in this
action plan.
I am delighted to share this message upon completion of the action plan which was initiated in 2019 with an
overall target of introducing a comprehensive action plan to show a clear path for all of society in Sri Lanka
including policymakers, manufacturers, business communities and the general public in designing,
determining and carrying out plastic-related actions and activities. I take this opportunity to thank the IGES
Centre Collaborating with UNEP on Environmental Technologies (CCET), United Nations Environment
Programme, and the Ministry of the Environment of Japan (MOEJ) for their technical and nancial support as
well as all the administrative sta for their tremendous support in completing this task, despite being in the
midst of a global pandemic.
Dr. Anil Jasinghe
Ministry of Environment
Sri Lanka
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Executive Summary
The National Action Plan on Plastic Waste
Management is prepared based on a preventative
approach and using 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)
related waste hierarchy. This approach is in line with
the national policies of the government based on
the policy statement, “Vistas of Prosperity”, as well
as the view (as stated in “Sustainable Environmental
Policy”) that “The linear economy in which
manufacturers produce goods using the existing
raw materials and dispose of waste into the
environment will be replaced with the circular
economy in which waste in one industry can be
used as raw material in another (Re-Use, Recycle,
Re-Purpose). This will create eco-industrial zones
and pave the way for a green economy”.
The approach as discussed in this report also
conforms to the National Policy on Waste
Management and the National Policy on Sustainable
Consumption and Production Policy. It is important
to prioritize the 3R approach and work towards Zero
Landll. Sri Lanka is a participant of the regional 3R
conference and joined after the Hanoi conference,
which was launched in 2009 by United Nations
Centre for Regional Development. To date, these
conferences have provided a wealth of knowledge
and experiences as well as suggested goals and
targets, which means the networking of regional
participants plays an important role.
Plastic waste management cannot succeed without
managing the plastic industry, and the best form of
management is within the industry itself through
application of the 3Rs and strategies such as
‘Cleaner Production’. While in-house recycling by
the plastic industry is well established where around
25% of materials used by manufacturers are
recycled few companies have also oered it as a
service to external clients. Further, mainly due to the
unsorted and soiled nature of collection, makes a
fraction of post-consumer plastic waste generally
unsuitable as a useful resource. To cater to market
demand and quality issues, recycled material must
therefore be cleaned and graded.
Sri Lanka currently imports virgin plastic raw
materials for varying applications which amounts to
300,000 MT/annum. Municipal solid waste generation
of all solid waste is currently around 10,768 MT/D and
collection by local authorities only 3,458 MT/D, in
which over 50% of uncollected waste, containing
valuable plastics, goes to open dumps and the
surrounding environment. The inow of plastic
packaging including unaccounted packaging of
other goods is increasing. Polythene bags and large
amounts of single use plastics have become a key
issue, to which the Action Plan has suggested many
countermeasures. Sri Lanka will also have to take
urgent action to tackle the problem of E-waste,
which contains useful plastics as well as toxic
chemical additives. Studies covering brominated
plastics and imported toys have led to initiation of
actions by the Ministry of Environment. Health risks
stemming from non-recyclable thermoset and
laminated plastic waste are also on the rise.
A key activity of the plan is to facilitate collection of
segregated plastic waste and recycling of plastic
waste as a protable business to produce quality
raw material for the plastic industry.
Based on the strategic directions guided by national
policy, relevant, measurable, attainable time-bound
goals along with cross-cutting issues were
determined through the series of consultative
meetings and workshops inviting relevant
stakeholders on plastics in Sri Lanka, as shown
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Phase out identied single use consumer plastic items by 2021 and
achieve 80% reduction of production and consumption of selected SUP
by 2025
Achieve 80% collection of recyclable and non-recyclable plastics and
E-waste containing plastics from households, and ensure 100%
treatment and safe disposal of collected plastic waste by 2025
Achieve 30% reduction of plastics in packaging by 2030
Reduction of marine plastics pollution comprising macro & micro plastics
owing into ocean through land-based activities by 80% by 2030
Reduction of plastic waste from industrial and service sectors other than
packaging waste in Goal 3 by 30% by 2025
Introduce legal requirements to operationalize EPR and a pilot
implementation for selected products by 2022
Inventory and monitoring mechanism for all entries and exits of plastics in
the country by 2021 and make the inventory dataset available by 2022
Promote repair & reuse market for durable consumer
products containing plastics through automobile and
construction sectors by 2025
Increase plastic waste recycling from 4%
to 15% by 2025 ensuring quality, health
and safety requirements
Increase PET bottle collection and
recycling rates from 27% to 100% by
2025 to ensure production of safe, high
quality, durable products
Limit nal safe disposal of
plastic waste to non-recy-
clable and/or non-reusable
residual plastics by 2025
and/or reused by 2025
Goal 2
Goal 1
Goal 3
Goal 4
Goal 5
Goal 6
Goal 7
Goal 8
Goal 9
Goal 10
Goal 11
Enhance knowledge and competency in plastic waste management of relevant stakeholder
groups by 2030
Establish a nancing mechanism to facilitate the need for improvement in the plastic waste
management sector in consultation with private sector participation by 2025
National reward schemes in place for PPP initiatives by 2025
Ensure occupational health and safety requirements are met and risk management
mechanisms are in place for all plastic waste handlers of all genders by 2025
All local authorities to design and implement a scheme to use voluntary community
participation in addressing value chain stages to successfully achieve 3R activities in plastic
waste management: MCs by 2022, UCs by 2025, rest of LAs by 2030
Cross-cutting Issues
Health & Safety
Community Participation
Goal 12
Goal 13
Goal 14
Goal 15
Goal 16
Figure 1: Plastic waste management goals under NAPPWM
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
CAA Consumer Aairs Authority
CCET IGES Centre Collaborating on Environmental Technologies
CEA Central Environmental Authority
EPR Extended Producer Responsibility
JICA Japan International Corporation Agency
LA Local Authority
MoE Ministry of Environment
MoEd Ministry of Education
MoF Ministry of Finance
MoH Ministry of Health
MoPPLG Ministry of Public Services, Provincial Councils & Local Government
MoT Ministry of Transport
MoTech Ministry of Technology
MSW Municipal Solid Waste
MT Metric Tons
NAPPWM National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management
NIE National Institute of Education
PRI Plastic and Rubber Institute
SLSI Sri Lanka Standards Institute
V TA Vocational Training Authority
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Forward iii
Executive Summary iv
Abbreviations vi
Denitions ix
Chapter 1
1.1 Objective of the plastic waste management action plan 2
Chapter 2
Development Process of the Plastic Waste Management
Action Plan
Chapter 3
Overview of Plastic Waste Management in Sri Lanka
3.1 Plastic production and consumption 5
3.2 Material ow 6
3.3 Recycling and reprocessing (formal/informal) in Sri Lanka 8
3.4 Overview of major issues and gaps 12
3.5 Some of the current initiatives to support plastic waste management 12
3.6 Policies and legal framework 13
3.7 Policies, guidelines and multinational agreements that support overcoming
challenges in plastic waste management in Sri Lanka 14
Chapter 4
Plastic Waste Management Action Plan
4.1 Development of the National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management
4.2 Guiding principles 15
4.3 Goals and available baseline data 16
4.4 Action plan for plastic waste management in Sri Lanka (2021–2030) 21
Chapter 5
Preparation, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
5.1 Introduction 27
5.2 Important requisites for implementation 29
5.3 The main players for implementation 30
References 31
Annex I
Annex II
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Figure 1: Plastic waste management Goals under NAPPWM v
Figure 2: Meeting and workshops during the development of NAPPWM 3
Figure 3: Key steps in developing the National Plastic Waste Management Action Plan (NAPPWM)
in Sri Lanka 4
Figure 4: Global production data 6
Figure 5: Estimated plastic material ow in Sri Lanka in 2020 7
Figure 6: CEA registered waste collectors and recyclers in September 2020 8
Figure 7: Average PET collection per month by ECO Spindles 9
Figure 8: The waste hierarchy 16
Figure 9: Flow chart for goals under NAPPWM 20
Figure 10: PCDA for NPWMAP in Sri Lanka 28
Table 1: Overview of the case studies 11
Table 2: Guiding principles 17
Table 3: Criteria and Goals with baseline information 17
Table 4: Action Plan for Plastic Waste Management in Sri Lanka (2021–2030) 21
Table 5: Main governmental stakeholders 30
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Plastic that undergoes degradation by biological processes during composting to yield
, water, inorganic compounds and biomass at a rate consistent with other known
compostable materials, excluding conventional petro-based plastics, and does not leave
visible, distinguishable or toxic residue.
Energy recovery
Energy recovery from waste that is conversion of waste material into usable heat,
electricity or fuel through a variety of processes including combustion, gasication,
pyralisation, anaerobic digestion & landll gas recovery.
E-waste Waste generated from and end of life electronic and electrical products.
Extended producer’s
Responsibility of a producer for the environmentally sound management of the product
until the end of its life.
Person who imports or intends to import and holds an Importer - Exporter Code number,
unless otherwise specically exempted.
Improper waste
Disposalofwasteto land, water, or atmosphere by burning in a way that has negative
consequences for the environment and public health.
Include a person or unit or agency engaged in production of plastic raw material to be
used as raw material by the producer.
Chemical compound, usually of low molecular mass, that can be converted into a
polymer by combining with itself or other chemical compounds.
Plastic sheet Sheet made of plastic.
Plastic waste Any plastic discarded after use or after their intended use is over.
Material which contains as an essential ingredient a high polymer such as polyethylene
terephthalate, high density polyethylene, Vinyl, low density polyethylene, polypropylene,
polystyrene resins, multi-materials like acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, polyphenylene
oxide, polycarbonate, Polybutylene terephthalate.
Polymer Mixture of monomers using the process of polymerisation.
Persons engaged in manufacture or import of carry bags or multilayered packaging or
plastic sheets or like, and includes industries or individuals using plastic sheets or like or
covers made of plastic sheets or multi-layered packaging for packaging or wrapping the
Potential to be recycled, based on design and service considerations of nishing
methods and materials of plastic products.
Process of transforming segregated plastic waste into a new product or raw material for
producing new products.
plastic waste
Materials identied for collection, processing, recovery or reuse as part of a local
government, business or other recycling collection programme.
Single use plastics
Plastic products made of, or containing, or packaged in plastics to be used only once
within a short time frame.
Plastics capable of being repeatedly softened by heating and hardened by cooling
through a temperature range specic to types of plastics.
Plastics of two types: i ) melts and becomes highly viscous liquid like thermoplastic when
heated but becomes solid when heated continuously and is therefore dicult to recycle,
e.g., melamine, ii ) solidies by chemical reaction by mixing two chemicals, e.g., epoxy
Virgin plastic
Plastic material which has not been subjected to use earlier and has also not been
blended with scrap or waste.
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Plastic products are extremely versatile and are
used in huge quantities globally due to their
lightweight, low cost, ease of manufacture, ease of
colouring, adaptability to required physical and
chemical specications and resistance to corrosion
and adverse conditions. Levels of processing
technology, machinery, automation, and dies and
molds used in plastics manufacturing have risen,
driven by manufacturers, designers and end users
of plastics. Like any other product and service,
generation of waste is inevitable but due to plastic’s
recyclability and ability to be formed into other
shapes and composites, the adverse eects were
not noticed until quantities of waste reached
extremely high levels. It was estimated, as of 2015,
that around 6,300 Million Metric Tons (MT) of plastic
waste has been generated globally, of which about
9% was recycled, 12% was incinerated, and 79%
was disposed of in landlls or into the surrounding
environment (Geyer et al. (2017). Geyer et al. (2017)
predict that if this current practice of production and
disposal continues, about 12,000 Million Metric Tons
of plastic waste will be disposed of in landlls or the
surrounding environment by 2050. It is also predicted
that the global plastic quantity produced will be
three fold by 2050 (World Economic Forum, 2016).
As with many other developing countries in the
region and world, Sri Lanka is also facing challenges
in managing its Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)
including plastic waste. In particular, the lack of
municipal capacity for proper waste management
and irresponsible and improper disposal by
consumers have resulted in municipal plastic waste
(MPW) management becoming a national burden for
the country. Sri Lanka’s MPW is mostly present as
mixed waste in the forms of solid, liquid or airborne
waste. In terms of total waste, 10,768 tonnes per
day (MT/D) is generated and 3,458 MT/D is collected,
thus only about one third of generated waste is
collected, with most of the uncollected waste being
dumped in the open and surrounding environment
(JICA, 2016). Further, according to secondary data
from recent studies of Negombo Municipal Council
(NMC) and Kurunegala Municipal Council, a high
proportion of MSW is disposed of within generators’
premises or outside by burning, burying or other
illegal means (Karunarathna et al., 2019, JICA, 2019).
The number of open dumpsites in Sri Lanka is
estimated to be 349 and of the various types of
plastic in wide use in the country, over 50% ends up
in dumpsites as post-consumer plastic waste
(Dharmasiri, 2019; Jayasekera and Karunarathna,
2019). As well as recyclable thermoplastics, a wide
range of thermosetting plastics, composites,
laminated and coated plastics are also disposed of
in landlls quantities of which are unknown which
can include more toxic chemicals than
thermoplastics and thus present a very high health
risk from burning and leachate leakage unless the
dumpsites are correctly managed. It was also found
that on average plastics comprised 6.89% of total
Likewise, Sri Lanka generates around 44,100
MT of fabric wastes per year from post-industrial
operations of which about 28% is synthetic material
mainly consisting plastic monomers such as
polyester spandex material, nylon and others (NBRO,
2021). Generally 10–20% of these material goes as
ocuts and end up in landlls or cement co-
processing plant. In addition all the post-consumer
textiles end up in dumpsites (Jayasinghe et al.,
2010). However, there is no information available on
post-consumer textile wastes.
According to participants at the workshop on
“Development of National Action Plan on Plastic
Waste Management” for Sri Lanka held on 26
February 2020, open burning of plastics including
1 Derived by author. Percentages of plastics in MSW which are categorised as soft (mostly poly bags, lunch sheets, etc.) and hard
plastics (PVC, Nylon, etc.) vary widely between local authorities. Results of analyses for selected local authorities by JICA in 2015–
2016 show that MSW contains 2–13% soft plastics (average 6%) and 1–2% hard plastics (average 1.1%) (JICA, 2016).
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Chapter 1 Introduction
uncollected E-waste is on the increase. According
to the study conducted by authors, about 47.7%
(419.47 MT/D) of plastic waste is openly burnt in
individual premises (Refer Figure 5).
Previously, eorts in the eld of plastic management
in the country have taken the form of initiatives and
strategies starting in the early 1990s mainly
through-donor driven programmes. Preventative
strategies such as the 3Rs were implemented
through the “Pilisaru” project, with its ambitious
target, “Waste free Sri Lanka” (CEA, 2020), the
objectives of which were to promote resource
conservation and segregation at the domestic level,
as well as waste reduction and provision of facilities
for waste recycling following the 3R concept.
However, results fell short of the goal, mainly due to
its unholistic, non-inclusive nature, and while
stringent laws and regulations exist, improper
collection of segregated plastic wastes by the local
authorities has led to failure of the recycling industry,
exacerbated by non-availability of proper nal
treatment and disposal facilities. As a result,
households, industries as well as some local
authorities either burn plastic waste, causing serious
health issues, or dispose them haphazardly due to
inadequacy of facilities and infrastructure, which
raises the prospect of increased accumulation of
plastics in oceans. Moreover, some local authorities
are not operating the facilities given to them by CEA
eectively under National Post Consumer Plastic
Waste Management Project. The need to address all
the issues mentioned above requires an action plan
at the national level with tasks delegated to all
concerned stakeholders for ecient plastic waste
management system in the country.
In consideration of the need for comprehensive
plastic waste management in Sri Lanka, in August
2019 the Ministry of Environment requested IGES
Centre Collaborating with UNEP on Environmental
Technologies (CCET) to provide technical
assistance on developing a National Plastic Waste
Management Action Plan for Sri Lanka. This led to
the “National Plastic Waste Management Action
Plan 2021–2030”, developed by Ministry of
Environment with technical assistance by CCET and
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP),
and International Environmental Technology Centre
(IETC), with nancial support from the Ministry of
Environment Japan (MOEJ).
1.1 Objective of the
plastic waste management
action plan
The primary objective of the Action Plan is to assist
in achieving the National Waste Management
policy’s vision – enabling a “Healthy life and Cleaner
Environment for all”.
Secondary objectives of the Action Plan:
To make all citizens and institutions aware of
the need to understand their legal and
constitutional responsibility of engaging in
plastic waste management.
To achieve strong co-ordination and
teamwork between all stakeholders.
To facilitate achieving Sustainable
Development Goals 12, 14 and 15.
To sensitize citizens, institutions, waste
managers and service providers continuously
on the need to be accountable and
responsible for managing wastes individually
and collectively by preventing and minimizing
its generation moving beyond compliance.
To encourage users and generators to do
their utmost to align their thinking and actions
for waste reduction at source, reuse, and
responsible disposal of segregated plastic
waste to contribute to achieving Zero Landll.
To carry out plastics recycling eectively as a
protable venture or industry and not solely
as means to solve the waste disposal issue.
To improve standards and introduce
aordable technology for plastic waste
To sensitize the public, raise levels of
knowledge and skills, and promote and
support innovation, partnerships and alliances.
To develop a sustainable plastic waste
collection mechanism throughout the country.
To reduce risks to public health, environment,
and ecosystems and improve levels of
occupational health and safety of waste
To enhance eective partnerships to meet
international obligations in waste management
moving beyond compliance.
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Development Process of the Plastic
Waste Management Action Plan
The National Action Plan on Plastic Waste
Management (NAPPWM) for Sri Lanka was
developed through a brief study and a series of
consultative and technical meetings and workshops
inviting relevant stakeholders, led by Ministry of
Environment. The consultative meetings aimed to
address the actual plastic waste problem on the
ground, establish a consensus among all the
stakeholders on a plastic action plan and also create
a sense of ownership among all the stakeholders for
NAPPWM 2020–2030 for Sri Lanka. Figure 3 shows
the key steps taken in preparing NAPPWM.
A core team was formulated to collect data and
information on municipal waste management,
focused on plastic waste management in Sri Lanka
in August 2019. Next, stakeholder and PESTEL
analysis were performed (September 2019) to
identify the various stakeholders in plastic waste
management as well the causal factors (i.e., political,
economic, social, technological, environmental and
legal) behind improper plastic waste management in
Sri Lanka. A status report was developed in
September 2019 based on a literature review, data
and information collected though a eld study,
Figure 2: Meeting and workshops during the development of NAPPWM
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
questionnaires, meetings and interviews with
relevant stakeholders on plastics.
Following this, from September to November a
series of meetings, workshops, formal and informal
discussions and eld visits were conducted to
collect more data and information and discuss the
ndings in the status report. Based on several focus
group discussions with relevant stakeholders and a
regional workshop on plastic waste management in
Kandy, a rst draft of the NAPPWM was developed
in October 2019. A technical meeting was organized
by Ministry of Environment and CCET in November
2019 to discuss the draft content, with revisions
made based on the feedback received from the
technical committee. The draft NAPPWM was then
presented at the national workshop in Colombo in
February 2020, which was attended by over 50
participants representing relevant ministries and
institutions (Ministry of Environment, Ministry of
Health, Ministry of Foreign Relations, Marine
Environmental Protection Authority (MEPA), Central
Environmental Authority (CEA), Waste Management
Figure 3: Key steps in developing the National Plastic Waste Management Action Plan (NAPPWM)
in Sri Lanka
Formation of the core team and
collecting available data and
Aug. 2019
Preparation of status report on the
plastic waste management
Late Sep. 2019
Stakeholder analysis and
pestle analysis
Early Sep. 2019
Technical meeting to
discuss the draft NAPPWM
Nov. 2019
Series of meetings, workshops,
formal and informal discussions with
relevant stakeholders on plastic
waste management in Sri Lanka
Sep. – Nov. 2019
Development of draft NAPPWM
Oct. 2019
National workshop to present
the draft NAPPWM
Feb. 2020
Finalization and submission to MoE
Jul. 2020 Jun. 2021
Virtual technical meeting to
discuss the revised NAPPWM
Jun. 2020
Authority (Western Province), National Solid waste
Management Support Centre (NSWMSC), Kandy
Municipal Council, Consumer Aair Authority, Legal
Draftsmen’s oce, Industrial Technology Institute,
Customers Department, Import and Export Control
Department, etc.), private sectors and plastic users
(Unilever, Nestle Lanka PCL, Coca Cola, Maga
Engineering (Pvt) Ltd., Access Engineering PLC,
etc.), waste processors (Ceylon Waste management
(Pvt) Ltd, Eco Spindle), Trade, Commerce and
Sectoral chambers (Ceylon Chamber of Commerce/
Bio diversity, Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, Plastic
and Rubber Institute of Sri Lanka), academic
institutions, non-governmental organizations (Zero
Trash, HELP-O, SEVANATHA, BIDS, Public Interest
Law Foundation, etc.) and regional organizations
(e.g., SACEP) etc.,. Feedback from the workshop led
to a further revision of the draft NAPPWM, which
was presented at a technical meeting held virtually
in June 2020. Based on the feedback from the
technical committee members, the draft NPWMAP
was nalized and submitted to the Ministry of
Overview of Plastic Waste
Management in Sri Lanka
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
3.1 Plastic production
and consumption
In order to understand, study and develop actions to
manage plastic waste, understanding which types
of waste (in addition to Municipal Plastic Waste
(MPW)) are relevant to Sri Lanka are listed below:
Industrial waste
Waste Electrical & Electronic equipment
(WEEE) /E-waste
Health care and Clinical waste
Hazardous plastics waste contaminated with
Construction-related plastic waste
Plastic waste in marine environment
Plastics contaminated with radioactive waste
Food and agriculture-related plastic waste
Many kinds of plastic raw materials and products
have been imported to Sri Lanka since the 1950s,
and manufacturing of plastic products has been a
domestic industry over 45 years. However, the lack
of in-depth prole of the plastics industry is a
constraint for quantitatively analyzing its status, and
the most recent comprehensive survey was carried
out by JICA in 2000 in preparing the Master Plan of
Industrialization for the Ministry of Industries (JICA,
2000). While the Ministry of Industries could not
implement its recommendations fully, the report is
still useful and can still be validated as a tool for
According to the Export Development board
website, plastic processing has ourished as an
industry in Sri Lanka for over 45 years and over 400
companies are currently engaged in it. The total
domestic plastic processing capacity is nearly
140,000 MT per annum with an annual average
growth rate of around 10–12% (Sri Lanka Export
Development Board, 2019). Plastic exports can be
roughly divided into two types – primary forms of
plastic exports and nished products of exports.
USA has been the dominant buyer (40% of total
exports) of Sri Lankan plastic products (Sri Lanka
Export Development Board, 2019), and products
such as sacks and bags, apparel items and clothing
accessories, and cellulose are manufactured
through plastic processing and exported directly or
The plastic packaging sector ranks high overall in
the plastic manufacturing and import sector.
Analysis of raw material records from customs
agencies shows the main materials used in plastic
packaging, where LDPE and PS constitute around
21%. Along with other inputs, the packaging sector
represents around 25%-30% of the plastic industry
(Authors, 2019)
. As with other industrial sectors,
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a
major role in the plastic manufacturing and
supporting sectors, where a highly active informal
sector exists, which contributes to the supply chain
especially on the downstream side and involves
large numbers of people in collection, segregation
and cleaning.
All raw materials, additives and chemicals required
for the industry are imported. According to the latest
report by the National Audit Oce, imports under
the combined HS classication No. 39011000-
39140000 in the form of plastic raw materials have
gradually increased over the last ve years (2014 to
2018) (National Audit Oce, 2019). Analysis of the
net imports of the following main materials used in
production shows a slight drop of about 2.9 %. The
total average annual import of plastic raw materials
for 2016–2018 period was 289,218 MT.
2 Import data received from the customs from 2015 to 2019 were analyzed by Authors
Chapter 3 Overview of Plastic Waste Management in Sri Lanka
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
relevant to Sri Lanka are packaging (around 30%),
consumer products and building and construction
including water and electrical sectors.
No data on sectoral contributions to plastics exists,
which issue is to be addressed. As compared to the
global scenario given below, the prominent sectors
3.2 Material ow
Plastic products are being consumed at higher
rates due to numerous factors – rising populations,
literacy rates, income levels, global development in
technology, and changing lifestyles as well as
aspects of plastic itself, such as versatility, cost
advantage and formability. The data and information
on plastics in Sri Lanka was analyzed and tabulated
using the Material Flow Diagram (MFD) introduced
by UN-Habitat to represent the present national
plastic waste and recycling system, which includes
Figure 4: Global production data
Source: Adapted from UNEP single use plastic road map
Industiral machinery
Building and construction
Consumer and
institutional products
both formal and informal elements and operations
and shows current plastic ows in Sri Lanka. The
regression analysis model obtained from “WHAT A
WASTE 2.0” was used to estimate the total solid
waste generation in year 2020, utilizing data from
2009 as the baseline (Kaza et al., 2018). The model
assumes that the per capita waste generation rate
rises in step with economic improvement, i.e.,
increases in GDP per capita and population.
Equations 1 and 2 were derived from the model
used by World Bank report for the estimation and
projections of total solid waste generation (Kaza et
al., 2018).
Proxy waste generation per capita=1,647.41– 419.73 ln (GDP per capita) +29.43 ln (GDP per capita)
Projected Waste Generation Rate Target Year =
Proxy Waste Generation Rate (Target Year)
Proxy Waste Generation Rate (Base Year)
x Acrual Waste Generation Rate (Base Year) (Eq.2)
Chapter 3 Overview of Plastic Waste Management in Sri Lanka
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
GDP per capita values were obtained from PPP
constant 2017 international $/yr from World Bank’s
World Development Indicators for year 2009, and
estimated and projected GDP per capita data were
obtained from Trading Economics and CEIC data
(The World Bank, 2020; Trading Economics, 2020;
CEIC, 2019). Sri Lankan population data for year
2009 were extracted from World Bank data, while
estimated and projected population data were
collected from World Bank’s standard projections
from world population prospects 2019 (The World
Bank, 2020; UN, 2019).
Since the baseline total solid waste generation
amount is available for 2009
this was considered as
the base year for our estimations for 2020 (JICA,
2016). First, the proxy waste generation per capita
value in kg/year was obtained from Eq. 1 and used to
calculate the projected waste generation rate per
capita for the target year from Eq. 2. The population
data were then used to nally estimate the total
waste generation for the target year.
Since no reliable or consistent data related to the
plastic waste value chain and for developing an MFD
for plastic waste exists, several estimations were
made by referring to the literature and previous
census reports. Percentage composition of plastic
waste from total waste generation was obtained
from 2016 JICA survey data
conducted for 10 cities:
Kataragama, Thamankaduwa, Jana MC, Trincomalee
UC, Kurunegala, Nuwaraeliya MC, Moratuwa MC,
Kesbewa UC, Katunayaka Seeduwa MC, and Mt.
lavinia MC (JICA, 2016). The above study covers
both urban and rural areas of the country to
estimate national waste generation, and an
averaged value was calculated for national plastic
waste composition by considering each city’s
plastic waste composition.
The results show that the estimated total plastic
waste generated in year 2020 in Sri Lanka is about
938.42 MT/D, of which 300.30 MT/D is collected,
about 261.82 MT/D is openly dumped and the
approx. 38.48 MT/D remaining goes to mechanical
419.47 MT/D
Total plastic waste
Sanitary landll
Collected plastic waste
Waste generators
Types ofof plastic
Uncollected plastic waste
discard to
during the
Leakage to marine Leakage to waterways
261.82 MT/D
938.42 MT/D
300.30 MT/D
638.12 MT/D
8.45 MT/D 139.82 MT/D 70 MT/D
38.48 MT/D
Figure 5: Estimated plastic material ow in Sri Lanka in 2020 Source: Authors
Chapter 3 Overview of Plastic Waste Management in Sri Lanka
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
No. of registered collectors/recyclers
Collector and Exporter
Collector and Recycler
District boundary
Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geograhics,
and the GIS User Community
Nuwara Eliya
recycling. Total uncollected waste is estimated at
638.12 MT/D, of which about 8.45 MT/D is directly
discarded to water sources, 139.82 MT/D is self-
disposed at individual premises, about 419.47 MT/D
is openly burnt in individual premises and about 70
MT/D is illegally dumped into the surrounding
3.3 Recycling and
reprocessing (formal/
informal) in Sri Lanka
In Sri Lanka, recycling of plastics is mainly carried
out in-house by the production sector. A few large-
scale recyclers exist, for whom waste collection
mainly carried out by the informal sector. This sector
collects waste from homes, streets, commercial and
industrial establishments and from the nal disposal
sites and contributes to the wider waste
management system by providing the service to
municipalities, central government and residents.
Some 20 million people around the world depend on
informal recycling from municipal solid wastes for
their livelihoods, the main drivers of which are
poverty and unemployment. However, the working
conditions in this sector are often very unsafe and
unhygienic, and although waste pickers contribute
signicantly to waste collection and recycling, they
experience low social standing in all cultures instead
of being viewed as environmental champions and
waste reducing agents.
Of the available mechanical, chemical and biological
recycling methods – Sri Lanka mainly uses mechanical
technologies. According to information from WMA,
the recycling rate from MSW in Western Province,
the highest contributor to all waste in the country, is
currently 3% and the target for 2023 is 7%
(Mannapperuma, 2018).
3.3.1 Prole of the Recycling Industry
There is no complete database of collectors or
recyclers in Sri Lanka, and the only database is the
recyclers and E-waste handlers registered with the
Figure 6: CEA registered waste collectors and recyclers in September 2020
Source: CEA
Chapter 3 Overview of Plastic Waste Management in Sri Lanka
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Average collection per year (MT)
Central Environmental Authority. In reality, however,
more private sector and established recyclers exist
in Colombo than the registered. During the UNIDO
project on subcontracting and partnership
exchange, a comprehensive survey was carried out
on the capacity of in-house and independent
recyclers in order to promote sub-contracting, and
noted that many successful partnerships had
emerged during that period.
Figure 6 shows a very high number of recyclers and
collectors are registered in the Colombo and Matara
district compare to other regions of the country as
of September 2020. It does not show related gures
for in-house recycling carried out by plastic
manufacturers. In-house operators could support
the recycling of MSW, if suitably segregated and
graded material were supplied to them.
Post-consumer waste recycling worldwide evolved
as a solution to the solid waste problem, but the
majority of Sri Lankan small- and medium-scale
post-consumer recyclers failed to comply with the
Figure 7: Average PET collection per year (MT) by ECO Spindles
Source: ECO Spindles
levels of quality desired by the plastic industry, and
some of them have also experienced problems of
inadequate collection quantities and high costs.
Conversely, it is encouraging to note growth in PET
collection and recycling by the private sector,
supported by government sector. A few donor-
funded programmes supporting these inititives also
exist. Due to eective networking and the presence
of collection centers and KIOSKs, collection rates
are encouraging. In order to increase eciency of
collection and reduce transport costs, recyclers
need to be provided with bailing machines at
concessionary prices. According to a report by the
Coca-Cola Foundation, Sri Lanka (primarily through
its informal sector) is estimated to collect and
recycle around 25–30% of PET bottles (Coca Cola,
2018). Figure 7 shows the average collection of PET
bottles in Sri Lanka from ECO Spindles, one of the
leading polyester yarn and laments manufacturer in
Sri Lanka.
According to records, the main recyclable, imported
virgin materials are comprized of LDPE, LLDPE,
Chapter 3 Overview of Plastic Waste Management in Sri Lanka
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
HDPE, PP, PS (solid and EPS) and PET (Gunaratna,
2012). The packaging sector, which manly
consumes LDPE and PS, imports 24% of all major
plastic polymers, and other main users are the
consumer electrical and electronics, building and
construction, leisure and other industries, all of
which contribute to plastic waste generation, which
is the input to the local recycling industry. Figure 7
shows the average PET collection per year by ECO
Spindles where the collection trend is in increasing
order until 2018 however after 2018 there was a
drop in the collection due to ester Sunday terrorist
attack and also due to impact from COVID-19 and
further drop in the collection was observed in 2020
due to continuous inuence of COVID-19.
Following are the basic processes in plastic waste
management that are commonly used at the local
authority level:
Segregation at source
Collection with or without segregation
Further segregation into dierent plastics
Intermediate buyers and storage
Washing, and sorting
Recycling to shredded material and/or
pelletized material
Value addition
If any of the above processes can be achieved
systematically, there is business potential for
producing high quality recycled products, and if this
industry is to be developed it should be rehabilitated
through the eort of Ministry of industries with other
relevant stakeholders.
Apart from a few examples of current good
practices that have been organized by LAs, mostly
with the involvement of private sector and NGOs,
the waste source segregation and cleaning and
sorting carried out is mainly unsatisfactory and
inconsistent. Storage facilities are limited, and are
also in a poor state in terms of environment and
health aspects. Several LAs, facing transport and
maintenance issues with their vehicle eets, also
add to the general level of improperly disposed
Main reasons cited for the above low levels of
achievement are as follows:
1. Other than for PET bottles where a
satisfactory supply chain is being established,
collection rates for other types of plastics are
quite low, due to non availability of sustainable
collection mechanism
2. Storage facilities are in poor condition (health
and safety risks)
3. Sorting is generally inecient except in a few
established institutions and companies
4. Recycling factories are ineciently operated
with low-end technologies resulting in
negative impacts to the environment and
health and safety risks
5. Inadequate quality control
6. Inecient usage of energy
7. Financially unviable operations, as reported
by recyclers
8. Absence of plastic technology development
centers with testing facilities
9. Low recyclability due to excess printing,
design, over packaging, labels, etc. in
3.3.2 Case studies on successful
plastic recycling
In the process of NAPPWM development, based on
operational modality, two cases were selected and
documented by CCET as successful examples of
plastic recycling in Sri Lanka (Karunarathna et al.,
2020): i ) Single municipal operation, and ii) Public
Private Partnership (PPP) operation. The cases were
then analyzed in aspects of ecacy, technical
feasibility, nancial sustainability, environmental
impact and sense of ownership in terms of their
collection, processing, nancing and supportive
activities. Table 1 presents a summary of the
Chapter 3 Overview of Plastic Waste Management in Sri Lanka
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Table 1: Overview of the case studies
Single municipal operation PPP-based operation
Kandy Municipal Council (KMC) is a
large-scale waste generation municipality
that introduced successful waste source
separation, collection services and a
recycling facility under dierent stages of
a master plan.
Balangoda Urban Council (BUC) contracts
a private company for the operation of a
PRC, which was installed and equipped
with public funding.
Single municipality: Kandy Municipal
Council (KMC)
Balangoda Urban Council (BUC) and
private company
Type of
technology used
Crushing, compacting and bailing for
plastic recyclables
Crushing, compacting and bailing for
plastic recyclables
Waste generation /
175 MTPD (estimated) / 140 MTPD 25 TPD (estimated) / 15-20 MTPD
500 kg/day 500 kg/day
Able to penetrate the plastic recycling
market with low-value plastic waste by
ensuring a stable price even for
low-value plastic throughout the
contract period, normally one year.
Inclusion of informal waste pickers into
the formal recycling activity.
Strict monitoring and inspection
contributed to the reduction of waste
burning and illegal dumping activities.
Segregation of biodegradable waste
together with the promotion of home
composting signicantly reduced the
waste generation.
Received Swarnapura (Golden City)
national award for establishment of
integrated waste management model
(Municipal Council category).
Able to enhance recycling activities at
local level through establishment of
recyclables collection centers and
Plastic Recycling Centre (PRC) as a
plastic processing facility.
Prot generation was possible after a
private company took over the
operation and management of PRC.
Received National Productivity Award in
2015 for innovative recycling model
(Local Authority category).
Received Green Job Award in 2010 for
the introduction of a school recycling
programme and the Green Silver Award
for Best Service Provider in 2012 for
implementation of an ecient
source-segregated waste collection
and recycling system.
Lesson learnt
Continuous public awareness by city
ocials is vital for changing public’s
behaviour on source segregation and
overall waste management.
Proper MSW collection service closely
monitored by city ocials is one of the
key strategies to reinforce waste
segregation at source.
Contracting with waste plastic buyers to
supply guaranteed amounts of plastics
of xed quality motivates the city to
raise the quality of waste collection and
Continuous awareness raising by
central and local governments is
important in changing public’s
behaviour on source segregation and
overall waste management.
Public-Private Partnership makes the
operation of the public-funded
recycling center more ecient through
demarcation of tasks between them.
However, low-value plastics tend not to
be collected.
Establishing a recyclables collection
center at a school with a facilitation
group motivates not only school
children but also their families to get
involved in source segregation through
dissemination of messages via the
lesson learnt
For a detailed report visit CCET website:ective-plastic-waste-management-sri-lanka
Chapter 3 Overview of Plastic Waste Management in Sri Lanka
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
3.3.3 Gender issues
According to the 2018 census and statistics report,
women participation in the plastic and rubber
industry is around 36%. In waste collection it is
around 50% in enterprises employing sta below 25
The general observation is that more women take
part in the informal sector in areas such as collection
and segregation. The USAID-funded Municipal
Waste Recycling Programme (MWRP), implemented
by the non-governmental organization
“SEVANATHA” and others focuses on improving
women participation in the Rathmalana station road
community, Auburn side community in Mount
Lavinia and in Badowita community, for example, and
one of the key outputs of the project is increased
women participation in community waste
management. As a result of community awareness
and mobilization eorts, the MWRP project team
identied 10 community-level recyclable material
collectors, of which nine were led by women who are
continuously engaged in collecting recyclable waste
materials within their communities and from
surrounding areas. However, it was observed that
often times, female waste collectors or recyclers are
already overburdened, time-poor and lacks safety
and childcare requirements, therefore these issues
must be considered while involving them into the
waste collection and recycling business by proving
them the option of a pathway to safe and secure
employment (Aidis and Khaled, 2019).
3.4 Overview of major issues
and gaps
To evaluate the challenges faced in PWM, a detailed
PESTEL analysis was performed, which revealed the
following major shortcomings:
Low collection rate of plastic waste
Low collection quality due to no or insucient
Improper waste management practices
causing increasing problems to waterways
and marine litter, land and air pollution
Deciencies in implementation of laws to curb
improper waste management
Inadequate recognition of need to develop
recycling industry as a business opportunity
Inadequate testing facilities for quality control
and R&D
Inadequate coordination between
Emerging health issues due to marine
pollution, microplastics
Burning of plastics containing E-waste
In adequate community participation
Deciencies in data and information
Inadequate attention to health issues
Insucient attention to existing initiatives and
reports and failure to implement the
3.5 Some of the current
initiatives to support
plastic waste management
SECTOR initiative to curb marine pollution
Nestle initiative to curb plastics in Tetra packs.
An alliance has been formed with other users
for collection of Tetra packs and support in
establishing a recycling plant
Current eorts by the Ministry of Environment,
Ministry of Industries and private sector to
operationalize EPR
Unilever’s appointment of “INSEE” (former eco
cycle) as a PRO to collect market returns
Ongoing development by Sri Lanka
Packaging Institute of a packaging agreement
among packagers of PET bottle collectors,
recyclers and packagers to manufacture
textile yarn by Eco Spindle
Recent innovative initiatives in upcycling to
make PPE from polyethylene waste bags
Initiative of Colombo City Tourist Hotels
Association (CCTHA) to reduce SUP
Initiatives by Coca-Cola in PET Collection,
Cargill and Keels to reuse plastic bags and
Chapter 3 Overview of Plastic Waste Management in Sri Lanka
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
curb poly bag pollution (Almost all super
markets have promoted reusable bags)
Supermarkets have taken initiatives to
educate customers/train their own sta/on
plastic mgt./Promote alternatives (paper) for
bakery product packaging/Introduction of
reusable bag and a point/discount system/
Introduction of compostable bag/collect PET
bottles and send them for recycling/Setting
targets for plastic reduction/Reverse wending
machine at one Super market in Colombo by
Implementation of the plastics ban through
political campaigns and meetings (Many other
individual initiatives by companies and other
institutions exist, details of which await
Upcycling project by “Dilmah” group (tea
production entity)
USAID, Municipal Waste Recycling
“Sevenatha”, community participation project
in Dehiwala-Mt Lavinia for promoting beach
Trans Textile project to minimize textile and
apparel sector waste, funded by the UK
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research
Council (EPSRC)’s Global Challenge Research
Fund (GCRF) with strong support from the
existing local contact point; project was
designed and led by the Centre for Industrial
Sustainability (CIS), University of Cambridge,
Asia foundation project, the conclusion of
which was to increase collection and
recycling of PET
USAID projects to curb marine pollution and
Municipal solid waste
Potential project to set up a material recovery
plant by GIZ
SACEP project to minimize river-based
Exemplary model provided by the Colombo
Overseas school sustainability group for
schools on the application of 3R for plastic
Programme implemented by the “Asia Pacic
Youth Ambassador for SCP, UNEP (2016)” to
train farmers on plastic waste
Plastic Free Rivers and Seas for South Asia
funded by World Banka and implemented by
PPP introduced by Ministry of Environment,
Central Environmental Authority, Register of
pesticides Crop Life Sri Lanka and Polycar
(Pvt) for the management of hazardous
3.6 Policies and
legal framework
3.6.1 Legal infrastructure for plastic waste
management in Sri Lanka
Due to the acute problems currently faced by plastic
waste disposal and management, many ministries
and public institutions are involved in the
management of plastic waste in Sri Lanka. While
there is visibility of the import (plastic materials and
goods) and nal disposal stages, many stages in
between are not properly controlled. Further, due to
the lack of coordination between the responsible
institutions, there are many drawbacks and gaps in
the management of plastic waste, which has also
been aected by occasional changes in ministries
and responsibilities. However, specic institutions
have been created by Acts enacted by Parliament
for specic objectives on the management of
chemicals in general, and their authorities and
responsibilities are dened along with powers for
eective management of chemicals which were
highlighted in the Chemical Prole of 2015. The
report also provides a table showing the related
ministries and institutions under each ministry for
management of chemicals along with life cycles,
where plastic is a raw material synthesized from
According to Mr. Barry Dyer, Chief Executive Ocer
of New Zealand Chemical Council and also a vice
president of Responsible Care Leadership Group
RCLG) of International Council of Chemical
Associations (ICCA), plastic is not a direct chemical
but a raw material synthesized from chemicals. ICCA
has many plastic raw material producers within their
Chapter 3 Overview of Plastic Waste Management in Sri Lanka
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
council and are concerned about global problem of
plastic waste. Therefore ICCA has created a
separate group under ICCA umbrella “Plastic Waste
Management Leadership Group” to work closely
with “Alliance to End Plastic Waste”. (note: Lanka
responsible care council, a Non prot company in
Sri Lanka is the country representative member of
the RCLG).
A comprehensive stakeholder analysis was carried
out for all stakeholders in the management of plastic
waste, important factors” of which were selected
and analyzed. The factors considered in this
subjective analysis are:
Importance to sound Plastic Waste
Management (PWM)
Present level of eectiveness
Whether or not priority is given to PWM
Level of implementation of PWM programmes
Monitoring level
Level of Authority
3.6.2 Provisions in governing legislations of local
Local authorities are legally bound for carrying out
eecting proper solid waste management initiatives
in their respective authority areas, as can be clearly
understood from the provisions allotted to them.
The mandate and rules of the Western Province
Waste Management Authority provide sucient
laws to take action against local authorities in
Western Province for any violations. Although local
authorities have been granted powers related to
solid waste management in their respective areas, it
appears that they are not performing eectively due
to several reasons including lack of commitment.
3.7 Policies, guidelines and
multinational agreements
that support overcoming
challenges in plastic waste
management in Sri Lanka
Many policies and guidelines have been formulated
and issued by various institutions in Sri Lanka which
directly or indirectly provide guidance, provisions for
managing waste including plastic waste, some of
which are given below:
Environmental Policy, 2003 (Under revision)
National Waste Management Policy, 2019
National Climate Change Policy of Sri Lanka,
National Wetland Policy and Strategy, 2006
National Policy and Strategy for Cleaner
Production, 2005 National Policy on
Sustainable Consumption and Production for
Sri Lanka, 2019
Biodiversity Conservation in Sri Lanka, A
Framework for Action, 1999
National Drinking Water Policy 2009
Food related regulations (There are 35 food
National Health Policy 1996 (There are 28
additional policies in health sector)
Marine Pollution Prevention Act, 2008
Sustainable Development Act, 2017
Factories Ordinance, 1942
Refer Annex I for Legal Framework for Plastics and
Plastic Waste management in Sri Lanka
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Plastic Waste Management
Action Plan
4.1 Development of the
National Action Plan on
Plastic Waste Management
The Ministry of Environment developed, through
stakeholder consultations, the NAPPWM 2021–
2030 for Sri Lanka to address the challenges in
management of plastic waste in the country and
establish a nancially sustainable and environmentally
sound national plastic waste and resource
recycling management system. NAPPWM includes
a comprehensive list of goals and actions to be
achieved under short-term, mid-term and long-term
targets, and also includes the key organizations
responsible for their implementation.
4.2 Guiding principles
Following are the guiding principles considered
during the development of the Action Plan.
Sustainable Environmental Policy
The Sri Lankan President’s “Sustainable Environmental
Policy” under its policy statement “Vistas of
Prosperity” states “the linear economy in which
manufacturers produce goods using existing raw
materials and disposing of waste into the
environment will be replaced with the circular
economy, by which waste in one industry can be
used as raw material in another (Re-Use, Recycle,
Re-Purpose). This will create eco-industrial zones
and pave the way for a green economy”. The policy
direction of the Action Plan is derived from the
National Waste Management policy of Sri Lanka,
where the vision is managing waste sustainably for a
healthy life and a cleaner environment for all. The
policy has stated several objectives and the main
goal of the policy is “To provide coherent and
comprehensive directions for waste management in
the country covering all forms of wastes to meet the
acute short-term challenges in line with medium-
and long-term sustainable solutions up to 2030 with
entrusted accountability.”
Strategic directions are guided by the National
Policy which states:
“Existing internationally and nationally accepted
appropriate waste management concepts such as
3Rs principle and its extensions shall be practiced
with special emphasis on waste prevention/
avoidance approaches, that would require ‘RE-Think’
as the basic prerequisite for conducive and
accountable social transformation.”
Based on the above, the strategic framework is
based on the waste hierarchy, involving 3Rs
(Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) and for use of non-
recyclable residual plastics in waste to energy plants
and nal disposal to engineered landlls. Thus, the
3R approach will enable Sri Lanka to change its
course from a linear economy to a circular economy.
For each strategic direction, specic, measurable,
attainable, realistic, time-bound goals were determined
along with cross-cutting issues.
Chapter 4 Plastic Waste Management Action Plan
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Most preferred
Least preferred
Sustainable Consumption and Production Policy
Sri Lanka adopted the Sustainable Consumption
and Production Policy in 2019, which is a strength of
this Action Plan. It recommends applying the
Polluter Pays Principle, introducing the concept of
EPR for products, and following the 3R principal.
Circular Economy
The concept of Circular Economy (CE) was also
carefully considered during development of the
Action Plan. The monitoring framework for the
circular economy by the Commission of European
Parliament, the Council, the European Economic
and Social Committee of the Regions states,
“Circular economy is an economy where the value of
products, materials, and resources are maintained in
the economy as long as possible and the generation
of waste is minimized” (European Commission,
2015; Robaina et al., 2020). According to Perarce
and Tuener (1990), CE models maintain the added
value of products for as long as possible and
minimize waste, keeping resources within the
economy when products no longer serve their
functions, so that materials can be used again and
generate additional value. Therefore, it has been
highlighted by Maio et al. (2017) that circular
business models create more value from each unit
of natural resources compared to traditional linear
4.3 Goals and available
baseline data
Apart from the goals developed for waste
management hierarchy (reduction, repair/reuse,
recycle and nal disposal), goals were also
developed for the following cross-cutting issues,
with due consideration paid to the relevant SDG
goals. The following table gives details on the goals
and justication of available baseline data.
Inventory Data
Health & Safety
Community Participation
Figure 8: The waste hierarchy
Chapter 4 Plastic Waste Management Action Plan
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Principle Brief Explanation
Circular Economy against Linear
Actions will support circular economy thinking and development.
Preventative and Precautionary
Take preventive actions to avoid and arrest any processes that could
harm all living beings.
Participatory, consultative process
with all stake holders, ensuring
Communication, stakeholder consultation including public consultation
and participation, integrated into the planning and implementation
Product Stewardship
Those involved in production, importation, marketing and selling, usage
and disposal should ensure that they are managed throughout the life
cycle minimizing adverse eect to humans and other living beings.
The cost of pollution and /or damage to the environment should be
borne by the responsible parties.
Sustainability Maintain sustainability in terms of environment, economy and society
Cost-Benet principle
Be able to implement with the resources available or with external
Table 2: Guiding principles
Table 3: Criteria and Goals with baseline information
Criteria and Title Goal Baseline data Other
Goal 1
Inventory and monitoring
mechanism for all entries and exits
of plastics in the country by 2021
and make the inventory dataset
available by 2022
Inventory dataset not
Could contribute to all
other goals and overall
management of plastic
waste in Sri Lanka
Goal 2
Phase out identied
single use consumer plastic items
by 2021 and achieve 80%
reduction of production and
consumption of selected SUP by
Beech analysis of MEPA
gives extents and types of
SUPs which can be
eliminated in a phase-out
programme. This can act
as the baseline.
There is a budgetary
provision made for SUPs in
No list of manufacturers
No data on production
No denition
There is a budgetary
allocation for phasing
out SUPs with a
mandatory action for the
ministry to register
producers or importers.
Goal 3
Achieve 80% collection
of recyclable and non-recyclable
plastics and E-waste containing
plastics from households, and
ensure 100% treatment and safe
disposal of collected plastic waste
by 2025
2012 census and
statistics/survey provide
district-based quantities/
percentages of waste
disposal by burning,
disposal to waterways and
unauthorized lands
JICA Solid waste survey in
2016 and JICA studies in
Kurunegala and few other
studies provide information
on inappropriate disposal
Research ndings on
burning of plastics
Waste plastics in storm
water, canals, and rivers
is a well-known problem
and causes leakage to
the ocean.
Chapter 4 Plastic Waste Management Action Plan
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Goal 4
Achieve 30% reduction
of plastics in packaging by 2030
No national data or user/
importer declaration
Company-wide initiatives
such as alliance to reduce
multilayer packaging waste
Useful environmental
performance reports
generated by National
Audit Oce
Goal 5
Reduction of marine
plastics pollution comprising
macro & micro plastics owing
into ocean through land-based
activities by 80% by 2030
Beach collections and
other current data are
available from MEPA
Recent survey by NARA on
micro-plastics in the ocean
“Surakimu Ganga” National
Program on Conservation
of Rivers in Sri Lanka
Goal 6
Reduction of plastic
waste from industrial and service
sectors other than packaging
waste in Goal 3 by 30% by 2025
Since last survey in 2002,
no exclusive survey on
plastic industry available
Limited data is available
from ministerial information
sources such as Green
Award scheme, National
Green Reporting System
Reports of the National
Audit Oce
Success stories of
reduction of PVC used in
water ttings through
switching standards
Goal 7
Introduce legal
requirements to operationalize
EPR and a pilot implementation
for selected products by 2022
Awaiting nal draft
Some EPR initiatives have
commenced, e.g.:
a) Nestle Tetra Pak alliance
b) Unilever INSEE
partnership for PRO
Goal 8
Promote repair & reuse
market for durable consumer
products containing plastics
through automobile and
construction sectors by 2025
No baseline in
construction sector
The report “Preliminary
inventory and Action Plan
for sound management of
polybrominated Diphenyl
Ethers (PBDEs) and
Hexabromo Biphenyl (HBB)
in Sri Lanka” provides
useful baseline data
Eco design trained
personnel available
National inventors’ annual
awards scheme is in
Currently, no end of life of
vehicle policy
Data available for vehicle
scrapping after accidents,
which could act as
benchmark for repairs
Goal 9
Increase plastic waste
recycling from 4% to 15% by
2025 ensuring quality, health and
safety requirements
Waste Management
Authority of Western
Province (WMA) baseline
Can contribute to SDG
goal 12 indicators:
12.5. By 2030, substantially
reduce waste generation
through prevention,
reduction, recycling and
12.5.1National recycling
rate, tonnes of material
Case study developed by
CCET on plastic waste
management in Sri Lanka
entitled Eective Plastic
Waste Management in Sri
Criteria and Title Goal Baseline data Other
Chapter 4 Plastic Waste Management Action Plan
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Criteria and Title Goal Baseline data Other
Goal 10
Increase PET bottle
collection and recycling rates
from 27% to 100% by 2025 to
ensure production of safe, high
quality, durable products
Current data available from
private sector stakeholders
According to a report by
the Coca-Cola Foundation,
Sri Lanka (primarily through
its informal sector) is
estimated to collect and
recycle around 25–30% of
PET bottles
Goal 11
Limit nal safe disposal
of plastic waste to non-
recyclable and/or non-reusable
residual plastics by 2025
Data obtainable from
dumpsite development
project and WMA data
MoE with the assistane of
CCET developed a
“Guidelines for Safe
Closure and Rehabilitation
of Municipal Solid Waste
Dumpsites in Sri Lanka
Cross-cutting issues
Goal 12
Enhance knowledge and
competency in plastic waste
management of relevant
stakeholder groups by 2030
No specic data available
Can contribute to multiple
SDG goals (i.e. SDG 3, SDG
6, SDG 8, SDG 9, SDG 11,
SDG, 12, SDG, 13 and SDG
14 )
Goal 13
Establish a nancing
mechanism to facilitate the need
for improvement in the plastic
waste management sector in
consultation with private sector
participation by 2025
No specic data available
Financing mechanisms
such as the e-friends
scheme operated under
MoIn could be a useful
Goal 14
National reward
schemes in place for PPP
initiatives by 2025
Tax incentives are currently
Health &
Goal 15
Ensure occupational
health and safety requirements
are met and risk management
mechanisms are in place for all
plastic waste handlers of all
genders by 2025
The National Occupational
safety and Health Policy,
Goal 16
All local authorities to
design and implement a scheme
to use voluntary community
participation in addressing value
chain stages to successfully
achieve 3R activities in plastic
waste management: MCs by
2022, UCs by 2025, rest of LAs
by 2030
No specic data available -
Chapter 4 Plastic Waste Management Action Plan
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Figure 9: Flow chart for goals under NAPPWM
Waste hierarchy
6 Goals
1 Goal
2 Goals
Final Disposal
1 Goal
Education/Training/ R&D
3 Goals
Iinventory Data
1 Goal
Community Participation
1 Goal
Health and Safety
1 Goal
Cross-cutting issues
5 Goals
National Plastic Waste Management Action Plan (NPWMAP)
Iinventory data
1 Goal
Chapter 4 Plastic Waste Management Action Plan
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Proposed actions and implementation plan under Inventory Data
Goal 1
Inventory and monitoring mechanism for all
entries and exits of plastics in the country
by 2021 and make the inventory dataset
available by 2022
- Committee appointed
- Inventory data available
- Monitoring system established
Key Activity
Leading Agency
1.1 Formation of a National Steering Committee comprising
key stakeholders including private sector representatives
and academia in the eld of plastics and plastic waste,
through a cabinet paper
1.2 Design a system to track and monitor plastic ows into
and within the country to regularize data collection and
plastic material ows
1.3 Study the HS codes presently used for plastic raw
materials and goods and establish national sub-headings
where needed
1.4 Establishment of national coordination mechanism to
coordinate ecient use of funds and eective monitoring
of activities and initiatives, including donor- and locally-
funded projects related to plastics and plastic waste
Proposed actions and implementation plan under Reduce/Prevention
Goal 2
Phase out identied single use consumer
plastic items by 2021 and achieve 80%
reduction of production and consumption of
selected SUP by 2025
- Number of SUP s removed or phased out
Key Activity
Leading Agency
2.1 Mandatory registration of importers, producers and
distributers of SUPs
2.2 Phase out of selected SUP products CEA
2.3 Prepare criteria and register alternative product
manufacturers and importers
2.4 Promote and facilitate alternate and durable products
through eco innovation and eco design to replace SUPs
2.5 Design and launch a demonstration project for quality and
productivity improvement for alternative and up-cycled
products and replicate the project(s)
4.4 Action plan for plastic waste management
in Sri Lanka (2021–2030)
Short term
Medium term
Long term
Table 4: Action plan for plastic waste management in Sri Lanka (2021–2030)
Chapter 4 Plastic Waste Management Action Plan
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Goal 3
Achieve 80% collection of recyclable and
non-recyclable plastics and E-waste
containing plastics from households, and
ensure 100% treatment and safe disposal
of collected plastic waste by 2025
- Percentages of collection and treatment
and disposal by LAs
Key Activity
Leading Agency
3.1 Establish and operationalize a monitoring cell at the
Central Environment Authority for management of plastics
3.2 Carry out a comprehensive audit on operations of
recycling machines and facilities supplied by government
institutes to government and private institutions
3.3 Promote and facilitate collection of plastic waste by
community-based organizations such as Samurdhi
recipients from areas where waste collection is not
practiced by LAs (Develop micro enterprises among
Samurdhi recipients for collection and preprocessing)
3.4 Establish plastic materials/alternatives platform to
facilitate buyers and sellers through information exchange
3.5 Include “Plastic waste management” within waste
management Acts and Regulations and By-laws of local
3.6 Prepare waste proles in selected LAs based on the
lessons learnt and methodology used in solid waste
studies carried out in LAs
3.7 Review and revise existing national regulations on
management of plastics and plastic waste
3.8 Introduce suitable technologies and testing methods to
facilitate identication, collection and separation of plastic
Goal 4
Achieve 30% reduction of plastics in
packaging by 2030
- Percentage reduction of plastics waste from
packaging and % use of PCR in non-critical
- Sri Lanka national pac kaging and labeling in
Key Activity
Leading Agency
4.1 Initiate development of national packaging and labeling
regulations and standards
4.2 All primary plastic packaging to be reusable, recyclable or
recoverable by 2027
4.3 Mandatory use of Post-consumer Recycled plastics (PCR)
in non-food grade packaging to minimum of 25% by 2030
4.4 Include plastics in the Green procurement list for public
institutions and implement the Green procurement policy
in all government departments with immediate eect
4.5 Study on means and ways of reducing plastic packaging
and implement such for imported goods and goods
manufactured locally
Chapter 4 Plastic Waste Management Action Plan
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Goal 5
Reduction of marine plastics pollution
comprizing macro & micro plastics owing
into ocean through land-based activities
by 80% by 2030
- Percentage reduction of plastics entering
oceans from land
- Micro plastic study completed
Key Activity
Leading Agency
5.1 Conduct a pilot plastic waste audit in selected LAs to
minimize plastics owing into ocean from land-based
5.2 Study the issues of micro-plastics in order to reduce
unintentional release of micro-plastics from products
associated with textiles, paints, cosmetics, personal and
home care products and other identied products
5.3 Initiate and conduct studies on human-health impacts of
5.4 Formulation and implementation of regulations based on
ndings of the studies in 5.2. and 5.3.
Goal 6
Reduction of plastic waste from industrial
and service sectors other than packaging
waste in Goal 3 by 30% by 2025
- Achieve the reduction target in industry and
services other than packaaging waste
- E-waste action plan targets achieved
Key Activity
Leading Agency
6.1 Government to invite industrial sectors and service
sectors to pledge plastic waste reduction targets
6.2 Phase out utensils made of non-recyclable plastics such
as cups, plates, spoons and forks with alternative products
6.3 Phasing out or restricting the importation, production and
use of all plastic raw materials (including additives) and
products or composites that are potentially hazardous
6.4 Establish a review and monitoring system and legalize a
mechanism for usage, recovery and safe disposal of
plastic waste from construction sector
6.5 Review and implement existing quality standards for all
imported plastic products and components, and study a
suitable plastic certication scheme
6.6 Strengthen the initiative on establishing exclusive agro/
plastic waste collection centers
Goal 7
Introduce legal requirements to operationalize
EPR and a pilot implementation for selected
products by 2022
- EPR implementation initiated and
in progress
Key Activity
Leading Agency
7.1 Formulation of regulations on EPR to achieve the goals of
3R and to facilitate R&D and innovation for reduction and
replacement of plastic packaging
7.2 Design and implement pilot projects for selected
consumer plastic products with private sector
7.3 Government to solicit proposals from private sector to
invest in EPR schemes
Chapter 4 Plastic Waste Management Action Plan
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Proposed actions and implementation plan under Reuse/Repair of plastic products
Goal 8
Promote repair & reuse market for durable
consumer products containing plastics
through automobile and construction
sectors by 2025
- End of life policy for motor vehicles in place
and service sector pilot project launched
Key Activity
Leading Agency
8.1 Initiate a discussion with the relevant sectors to promote
repair of components instead of replacement with brand
new ones
8.2 Prepare an End of Life (ELV) policy for vehicles in Sri Lanka MoT
8.3 Establish NVQ level course on plastic product repair and
Proposed actions and implementation plan under Recycling of plastic waste
Goal 9
Increase plastic waste recycling from 4%
to 15% by 2025 ensuring quality, health
and safety requirements
- Plastic waste recycling target achieved
Key Activity
Leading Agency
9.1 Establishment of a multi-stakeholder action committee
led by private sector to improve plastic waste value chain
9.2 Facilitate recyclers to increase the recycling of plastics
through improving the collection mechanism and
maintaining environmental quality, health and safety
9.3 Design a simple mandatory certication scheme for
9.4 Conduct a census of plastic waste collectors, collecting
centers, sorters, cleaners, recyclers at LA level including
in- house recyclers
Department of
Census and
9.5 Study and implement mandatory resin code marking with
revised rules/standards
Goal 10
Increase PET bottle collection and recycling
rates from 27% to 100% by 2025 to ensure
production of safe, high quality, durable
- 100% achievement of PET collection and
recycling rate to produce approved
Key Activity
Leading Agency
10.1 Establish a collection mechanism for PET products to
achieve 80% PET collection target
Chambers of
Commerce and
Private sectors
10.2 Establish a monitoring mechanism to track PET
collection by 2022
10.3 Introduce product safety certication for recycled PET
products (with due consideration to potential micro
plastic generating products)
Chapter 4 Plastic Waste Management Action Plan
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Proposed actions and implementation plan under Final Disposal
Goal 11
Limit nal safe disposal of plastic waste
to non-recyclable and/or non-reusable
residual plastics by 2025
- P ercentage of residual plastic waste going
to waste to energy plants
- Percentage of residual plastic waste going
to sanitary landlls
Key Activity
Leading Agency
11.1 Establish a mechanism to direct all residual plastics to
sanitary landlls or WtE plants available in the country
State Ministry of
Waste Disposal
11.2 Prepare a list and quantication of non-recyclable and
composite products and synthetic products used in Sri
Lanka and identify safe disposal mechanism
Cross-cutting issues
Proposed actions and implementation plan under Education/Training/R&D
Goal 12
Enhance knowledge and competency in
plastic waste management of relevant
stakeholder groups by 2030
- Number trained on plastics and plastic
waste management in dierent stakeholder
Key Activity
Leading Agency
12.1 Support relaunching of the Young Entrepreneurs Sri
Lanka (YESL) program to include plastic eld when
establishing school companies
12.2 Develop NVQ Level course on plastic recycling industry V TA
12.3 Set minimum standards for trainers and educators for
12.4 Conduct Training of Trainers (TOTs) at provincial/district
level for trainers for ocials and academics of
Ministries in
charge of
vocational training
and higher
education or VTA
12.5 Enhance Training of PHIs, community health ocers and
Environmental police on management of plastics,
including health care waste.
12.6 Enhance knowledge and practices for plastics and
plastic waste management in educational institutions
12.7 Upgrade existing R&D centers & training centers and
expand innovation platforms including setting up a
model recycling center for management of plastics
12.8 Study to facilitate and consider incentives on potential
application of eco-friendly alternatives and upcycled
products including bio-plastics, resin-infused paper and
natural ber-based packaging materials
12.9 Conduct awareness programmes with all main
stakeholders on Cleaner Production applied to
manufacturing of plastics and management of plastic
Chapter 4 Plastic Waste Management Action Plan
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Goal 13
Establish a nancing mechanism to facilitate
the need for improvement in the plastic waste
management sector in consultation with
private sector participation by 2025
- Financial mechanism in place
Key Activity
Leading Agency
13.1 Introduce activities such as tax concessions on eco-
friendly products to support industry for all plant/
machinery/equipment/process changes, new molds,
etc., as well as introduce higher taxes on harmful
products, to reduce plastic waste from industry
13.2 Establish Green credit line to promote eco-friendly
product manufacturers
Goal 14
National reward schemes in place for
PPP initiatives by 2025
- National nancial and non-nancial reward
schemes for PPP initiatives designed and
Key Activity
Leading Agency
14.1 Ministry to form a team comprizing relevant
stakeholders, to prepare reward schemes, including
products and processes eligible for tax or other nancial
14.2 Revision of existing rewarding schemes to focus more on
plastics and plastic waste management
Proposed actions and implementation plan under Health & Safety
Goal 15
Ensure occupational health and safety
requirements are met and risk management
mechanisms are in place for all plastic waste
handlers of all genders by 2025
- Achieve targets of SDG 3
Key Activity
Leading Agency
15.1 Improvement of working conditions and implementation
of mandatory health and safety requirements with
special emphasis on SMEs and plastic waste handlers
15.2 Prepare guidelines for risk reduction and a plan for
disaster management in plastics industry value chain
Proposed actions and implementation plan under Community Participation
Goal 16
All local authorities to design and implement a
scheme to use voluntary community
participation in addressing value chain stages
to successfully achieve 3R activities in plastic
waste management: MCs by 2022, UCs by
2025, rest of LAs by 2030
- Design of community participation scheme
to achieve 3R targets completed by LAs
- Numbers of community members
participating in each LA
Key Activity
Leading Agency
16.1 Increase community participation and networking to
address issue of plastics waste in each DS division
16.2 Strengthen media participation in plastic waste
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Preparation, Implementation,
Monitoring and Evaluation
5.1 Introduction
Preparation, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation are essential functions to ensure that
actions outlined in the NAPPWM are implemented
Preparation and drafting
of the Action Plan
Form a core team and conduct a bassline
study to understand the challenges and gaps
Based on consultation meetings and
workshops with relevant stakeholders, draft
the Action Plan with relevant goals, targets
with the appropriate time frame in line with
existing policies and regulations
Identify relevant organizations and
institutions for implementation of these goals
within the allocated time frame
Implementation and
monitoring of the Action Plan
Formalize the Action Plan though appropriate
administrative processes
Disseminate the Action Plan using various
outreach opportunities
Mobilize resources (nancial, technical,
human and political) and deepen
collaboration with relevant partners towards
implementation of the Action Plan
Conduct regular monitoring to check the
progress and record such for future
evaluation and review
as planned against stated objectives and desired
results. Thus, the NAPPWM in Sri Lanka will be
planned, implemented, monitored, evaluated and
revised via the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) cycle
as explained below:
Evaluation and review
of the Action Plan
Based on the monitoring results, analyze the
progress in implementation of the Action Plan
in line with the targets and time period
Review the progress with relevant stakeholders
and submit results to an independent
evaluation committee
Identify and examine areas of success and
failure and determine the contributory factors
Updating the Action Plan based
on the evaluation
Expand and replicate successful cases
Revise the Action Plan to address failures and
emerging challenges so that goals in the
Action Plan can be achieved within the given
time period
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Chapter 5 Preparation, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
Figure 10: PDCA for NPWMAP in Sri Lanka
The national Action Plan was prepared with strong
desire towards its implementation. Considering the
extent of plastic pollution on land, in waterways, in
the ocean and air by burning and other routes, it is
time that actions are taken and initiated to curb the
adverse eects of plastic pollution in Sri Lanka.
The situation surrounding COVID-19 as of the
nalization of this Action Plan has shown that
consumption of plastics of lower recyclability yet of
essential nature given the circumstances is higher,
which further underscores the need to adopt a more
preventive approach in accordance with the
principles of sustainable consumption leading to the
circular economy. Similarly, it was observed that
most of the plastic waste nally ends to the ocean
polluting the marine environment. Plastic debris in
the marine environment is composed of variety of
polymers and copolymers which comes from
several dierent sources, hence, it is important to
group into major classes ( i.e. biodegradable plastics,
oxo-degradable plastics and bioplastics etc.) (UNEP,
Almost all production and importing of plastic takes
place in the private sector, whereas and usage and
disposal mainly occurs by the general public and
other users. Therefore, in order to be successful,
their participation and corporation has to be
obtained and if necessary, legalized. The EU-
strategy for plastics in a circular economy has listed
measures for national authorities and industry to
take to implement the strategy, which started with a
call on stakeholders to come forward with voluntary
pledges (European Commission, 2015). There is no
doubt that industry as a whole will support the
government on similar approaches as suggested in
the Action Plan however the Ministry of Environment
has a key role to play in the implementation of this
Action Plan and therefore careful planning for
implementation of all the strategic goals is essential.
and monitoring
of the
Action Plan
Preparation and
drafting of the
Action Plan
Evaluation and
review of the
Action Plan
Updating the
Action Plan
based on the
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Chapter 5 Preparation, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
5.2 Important requisites for
The following are important pre-requisites for
implementation of the Action Plan:
1. Realization of the importance of the plastic
industry for the nation. During the keynote
address delivered at the “No plastic bag day
on July 7, 2020 organized by the ministry in
support of CCET, it was also emphasized that,
despite the inevitable growth of the plastic
industry, production and consumption needs
to be more responsible.
2. Establish a strong structure through
understanding the key roles of all
3. Understanding and networking with existing
players for plastic waste management.
During this assignment several synergistic
projects were identied which will facilitate the
ministry to execute this Action Plan. The following
are useful initiatives for networking which the
ministry may have already started.
The World Bank Plastic free Rivers and Seas
for South Asia
Partley for the Oceans and the South Asia
Cooperative Environment Programme (SACEP)
as a partnership aims to assist the South Asian
region to curb marine plastic pollution and
ramp up eco-innovation to reinvent plastic use
and production (The World Bank, 2020).
USAID Community-Led Plastic Waste
Management Program in Dehiwala
Executed by “Sevanatha”, this programme
focuses on reducing plastic waste, especially
single use waste, and strengthening the
municipal solid waste management (SWM)
system through innovative river waste traps,
public awareness campaigns and technical
assistance to the recycling sector. The project
also facilitates public-private partnerships to
foster collaboration between the SWM service
providers and the primary users (USAID, 2020).
USAID’s Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO) is
USAID’s agship programme to address the
plastic pollution in oceans. The programme
operates globally in tackling plastics waste
mostly focusing on rapidly urbanizing areas
that contribute signicantly to the plastics that
ow into the ocean each year, one of the focal
counties of this programme being Sri Lanka
(USAID, 2020).
Asia Foundation, Sri Lanka, Plastics project
The Asia Foundation with support from the
Coca Cola Foundation, Coca Cola Beverages
Sri Lanka Ltd., Environment Foundation Limited
(EFL), and Eco Spindles (Pvt) Ltd., has been
working together with local government
authorities for development of viable recycling
options (The Asia Foundation, 2020).
IUCN Sri Lanka, IUCN, USAI D and Ceylon
Chamber of Commerce collaboration for
preparing a road map for implementing EPR
(The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce, 2019).
According to the Ministy of Environment, the
EPR for E-waste in Sri Lanka is expected to be
completed by end of 2021.
GIZ is developing a public-private partnership
project to set up a material recovery plant
aiming to reduce plastic waste and improve
segregated collection. They are also planning a
marine plastic reduction project (GIZ, 2020).
PHINLA project
SEVANATHA is currently implementing a Solid
waste management project in Wattala, Ja-Ela
and Chawakachcheri urban areas in partnership
with World Vision Lanka, which also forms part
of a regional project involving Philippines,
Indonesia and Sri Lanka, known as the PHINLA
Project (LDM, 2020).
EU SWITCH Asia Project for Prevention of
Marine Litter in the Lakshadweep Sea
The project seeks to promote source-to-sea
solutions to reduce marine littering in tourism
clusters along the Lakshaweep shorelines of
the Maldives, Sri Lanka and India. The project,
yet to start, involves the National Cleaner
Production Centre, Sri Lanka and The Energy
and Resource Institute (TERI) India as partners
(Switch asia, 2020).
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Chapter 5 Preparation, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
5.3 The main players for
The Ministry of Environment and its main
departments, namely the Central Environmental
Authority and Marine Environment Protection
Ministry Key departments Role
Ministry of Environment Central Environmental Authority Regulator of all Plastic waste
management-related work
Facilitator, Coordinator,
Enforcer of related laws
Ministry of Urban
Urban Development Authority
Marine Environment Protection
Ministry of Public
home aairs,
Provincial councils &
Local government
All local authorities
Western Province Waste
Management authority (under the
Western Provincial council)
Is responsible for and has
authority over all types of users
and consumers
Implementing partner of the
Action Plan
Ministry of Industries Industrial Development board Partner, facilitator, regulator of the
Plastic manufacturing and waste
Ministry of Health Department of Health services Environmental health &
Food safety regulator
Ministry of Education Industrial Technology Institute
Inventors commission
Research Institutes
All state universities
Department of education
Knowledge Base for Technology
Integration, awareness and
Training and R&D
Ministry of Finance Sri Lanka customs
Department of Census & Statistics
Sustainable development council
Material inow & outow control point
Data management
Ministry of Justice,
Human rights &
Law reforms
Legal Draftsmen’s Department Laws and Regulations
Auditor General National Audit oce Watchdog
Table 5: Main governmental stakeholders
Authority are responsible in areas of the environment
and therefore have authority and responsibility for
implementing this National Action Plan.
The following table summarizes other main
governmental players in the implementation process.
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
1. Aidis, R., Khaled, D., (2019). Women’s Economic
Empowerment and Equality (WE3) Gender
Analysis of Waste Management and Recycling
Sector, USAID. Women’s Economic
Empowerment and Equality Technical Assistance
Task Order under the Advancing the Agenda of
Gender Equality (Advantage) indenite delivery,
indenite quantity (IDIQ) contact.
2. CEA, (2021). Waste Collectors and Recyclers in
Sri Lanka. <
(Accessed April, 2021).
3. CEIC, (2019). Sri Lanka GDP per Capita. <https://
gdp-per-capita> (Accessed July 2020).
4. Central Environmental Authority (CEA), (2020).
National Solid Waste Management Programme in
Sri Lanka. <
default/les/6_CEA.pdf> (Accessed February,
5. Coca Cola, (2018). We collect and Recycle PET
Bottles in Sri Lanka for a ‘World Without Waste’.
Packaging & Recycling. <https://www.coca-
sri-lanka-for-a-world-without-waste> (Accessed
January 2020).
6. Department of Census & Statistics., (2012).
Census of Population and Housing 2012. Ministry
of Policy Planning and Economic Aairs.
7. Dharmasiri, L.M., (2019). Waste Management in
Sri Lanka: Challenges and Opportunities. Sri
Lanka Journl a of Advanced Social Studies Vol 9.
8. European Commission, (2015). A European
Strategy for Plastics in A Circular Economy.
(Accessed June, 2020).
9. European Commission, (2015). Communication
from the commission to the European Parliament,
The Council, The European Economic and Social
Committee and the Committee of the Regions,
Closing the loop-An EU action plan for the
Circular Economy. <
DC0614&from=ES> (Accessed June, 2020).
10. Geyer, R., Jambeck, J.R., Law, K.L. (2017).
Production, use, and fate of all plastics ever
made. Science Advances, 3:e1700782.
11. GIZ, (2020). Waste Management and circular
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National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
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National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
1. Summary
1.1 Constitutional provisions
1.2 Provision in governing legislations of
Local Authorities
1.3 Provision under provincial statues
1.4 Provisions under acts and regulations
1.1 Constitutional Provisions
Article 27 (14) of the Constitution
“The State shall protect, preserve and
improve the environment for the benet of
the community”.
Article 28 (F)
“It is the duty of every person to protect the
nature and the natural resources of Sri Lanka”.
These provisions are implemented through
the institutional structure created under the
legislations enacted by the parliament.
Following Institutions specically, are entrusted
with the protection of environment in the
1.2 Local Authorities
Municipal Councils ordinance No 16,of
1947,Chapter 252,sections 129,130,131
Special reference to procedure Act No. 15 of
1979-Public Nuisances: Section 98
Urban Council Ordinance No. 61 of 1947:
Section 118, 119, and 120 specify waste
Provincial Councils Act No. 42 of 1987:
Amended by Act No. 56 of 1988. It contains
provisions for waste management by LAs
Pradeshiya Sabha Act No. 15 of 1987:
Sections 93 and 94
1.3 Provisions under provincial statues
North western province environmental
statute No 12, 1996
Western province waste management
authority No 1, 2007
1.4 Provisions under acts and regulations
1.4.1 National Environmental Act No. 47 of 1980 as
amended by Act No. 56 of 1988 and
(amendment) Act No. 53 of 2000
It is important to refer gazette 1533/16, 2008
Prescribed activities when an environmental
license is issued
1.4.2 Marine Pollution Prevention Act No. 35 (2008):
Section 21, Section 26, and Section 27
10 Marine Environment Protection Sea
Dumping Regulation 2103 (2012): This
regulation requires wast
Waste water discharge standards and sea
dumping permits (Laws of Sri Lanka)
1.4.3 Nuisance Ordinance No. 62 of 1939 and No.
57 of 1946: Sections 1–12 (This is a legal
instrument often used by public to complain
against violations including disposal of plastic
or other waste, problems of operations of
production factories
1.4.4 Key Regulations relevant to Management to
Plastics Food Act No-26/1980
Amendment: Melamine in milk
Extra ordinary Gazette 1534/18 of 2008No
person shall, discharge, deposit or emit
waste into the environment or carry on any
prescribed activity determined by an Order
made under Section 23A of the National
Environmental Act, No. 47 of 1980 in
circumstances which cause or are likely to
cause pollution, or noise pollution
Food contact packing materials and Articles
Extraordinary gazette 1660/30 of 2010
covering food grade packing materials and
Annex I
Legal Framework for Plastics and
Plastic Waste management in Sri Lanka
Since plastic waste is associated with General solid waste it is important to consider the
constitutional provisions and the Local authority ordinances also along with other regulations
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
1.4.5 Key Regulations gazette
The following Key gazette Notications under
National Environmental Act No 47 of 1980
section 23W provide regulatory prohibitions on
plastic manufacturing and disposal. No 2034/33
The maufacture of polythene or any
polythene product of twenty (20) microns or
below in thickness for in country use ; or
The sale, oer for sale, oer free of charge,
exhibition or use of polythene or any
polythene product which is twenty (20)
microns or below in thickness within the
National Regulations on Plastic manufacturing No 2034/34
The manufacture of food wrappers from
polythene as a raw material for in country
use; and
The sale, oer for sale, oer free of charge,
exhibition or use of food wrappers
manufactured from polythene as a raw
material within the country. No 2034/35
Manufacture of any bag of high density
polyethylene as a raw material for in country
use; and
Sale, oer for sale, oer free of charge,
exhibition or use of any bag manufactured
from high density polyethylene as a raw
material within the country. No 2034/36
These Regulations may be cited as the
National Environmental (Prohibition of open
burning of refuse and other combustible
matters inclusive of plastics) Regulations
No. 1 of 2017.
No person shall burn openly or cause to,
allow or permit the open burning of refuse or
other combustible matters inclusive of
Any person who fails to comply with the
regulations above shall be liable to an
oence and punishable under Section 31 of
the National Environmental Act, No. 47 of
1980. No 2034/37
Prohibit the use of all forms of polyethylene,
polypropylene, polyethylene products or
polypropylene products as decoration in
political, social, religious, national, cultural or
any other event or occasion. No 2034/38
The manufacture of food containers, plates,
cups and spoons from expanded polystyrene
for in country use ; and
The sale, oer for sale, oer free of charge,
exhibition or use of food containers, plates,
cups and spoons manufactured from
expanded polystyrene within the country. No 2211/51
Minister of Environment, do by this Order, with eect
from March 31st, 2021, prohibit the use of-
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) material for packing
agrochemicals used for any process, trade
or industry; and
Any plastic item specied herein for any
process, trade or industry: -
( i ) Sachets having less than or equal to a
net volume of 20ml/net weight of 20g
(except for packing food and
(ii) Inatable toys (except balloons, balls,
water oating/pool toys and water
sports gear).
(iii) Cotton buds with plastic stems (except
plastic cotton buds used for medical/
clinical treatment).
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Annex II
Stakeholders involved in the development process of the National Action Plan on
Plastic Waste Management 2021-2030
Name Designation Organization
Mr. W. T. B. Dissanayake Additional Secretary (EP&P) Ministry of Environment (MoE)
Ms. Dhammika Wijayasinghe Former Director EPC&CM, Ministry of Environment
Mr. S M Werahera Director EPC&CM, Ministry of Environment
Ms. Sujeewa Fernando Assistance Director EPC&CM, Ministry of Environment
Ms. Jeewanthi Ranasinghe Assistance Director EPC&CM, Ministry of Environment
Ms. B. Ruchira. L. Perera Environment Management Ocer EPC&CM, Ministry of Environment
Ms. Saranga. Jayasundara Programme Assistant EPC&CM, Ministry of Environment
Ms. K. Pathirage Development Ocer EPC&CM, Ministry of Environment
Ms. D Wickremesinghe DO Legal Division Ministry of Environment
Ms. J S N Gunewardena Ministry of Environment
Mr. U Indraratne DDG (Waste Management) Central Environmental Authority
Mr. N S Gamage Director (Investigation) Central Environmental Authority
Ms. Sarojinie Jayasekara Director (SWM) Central Environmental Authority
Ms. Hasanthi Urugodawatte
Director General/Ocean Aairs,
Environment and Climate Change
Ministry of Foreign Aairs
Mr. A J M Gunasekare DGM Marine Environment Protection Authority
Mr. P.L.A.M.C. Wijewarnasuriya
Marine Environment Ocer –
Special Unit Head Oce
Marine Environment Protection Authority
Mr. Nalin Mannapperuma Executive Director Waste Management Authority (WP)
Mr. Roshan Salinda Program ocer
Ceylon Chamber Of Commerce/Bio diversity
Society of Sri Lanka
Mr. Chandrarathna Vithanage Senior Asst. Sec. General Ceylon Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Kaushal Rajapakse President Plastic & Rubber Institute of Sri Lanka
Mr. D. P. Indika Deputy Director NSWMSC
Mr. N. D. Dissanayake Engineer Kandy MC
Ms. Deepthi Tissera Director /Legal and Enforcement Consumer Aairs Authority
Ms. V Thalaysingham Legal Ocer Legal Draftsmen’s oce
Ms. D M H S Dissanayake, Senior Research Engineer Industrial Technology Institute
Mr. C Rathnayake Deputy Supt of Customs Department of Customs
Mr. M. K. U. S. Fernando Assistant Controller Department of Imports & Exports Control
Dr. Inoka Suraweera Consultant Community Physician
Environmental & Occupational Health
Directorate, Ministry of Health
Ms. C.Priyankari Alexander Programme Ocer
SACEP South Asia Co-operative
Environment Programme (SACEP)
Ms. Shashi Sooriarachchi Head of Regulatory Aairs Nestle Lanka PLC
National Action Plan on Plastic Waste Management 2021–2030
Mr. Lakshan Madusanghe Director Coca-Cola
Ms. Sangeethi Kodippili Superintendent of Audit National Audit oce
Mr. Hemantha Withanage Executive Director Centre for Environment Justice
Mr. I C Dekumpitiya Environmental Manager Maga Engineering (Pvt) Ltd
Ms. Anushka Kumarasinghe
Country Safety, Health &
Environment Manager
Mr. P. N. Wickramarachchi Consultant Civil & Env. Eng Access Engineering PLC
Mr. Tharuka Dissanayake Manager Ceylon Waste management (Pvt) Ltd
Mr. Priyankara Dissanayake Head of Sourcing Eco Spindle
Mr. Ukwatte COO Eco Spindle
Mr. K. A. Jayaratne President Sevanatha
Ms. S Gunewardena Director Public Interest Law Foundation
Mr. Chathura Welivitiya Chairman HELP-O
Mr. Hasanka Padukka Co-founder Zero Trash
Mr. D. P. Hettiarachchi Consultant
Freelancer (Former Additional Secretary,
Ministry of Provincial & Local Government)
Ms. Thamara Mallawarachchi
Sec. General & Focal Point in
Sri Lanka
National Chapter of City Net in Sri Lanka
Ms. Abirami Ratnakumara Environment Consultant Free Lance
Ms. Chiranthi Wijesinghe Analyst Carbon Consultancy company
Mr. H.M U Chularatne Executive Director Sewanatha
Mr. Indhra K Rajapaksa President Plastic and Rubber Institute of Sri Lanka
Mr. Janaka Wijesekare Head / Environmental Management Cleantech
Mr. Priyantha Hapuarachchi President Sri Lanka Recyclers association
Mr. A S Illiyas Director MD Plastechs
Mr. Rohana Sirimanna Director RS Consultant
Mr. Janaka Rathnakumara COO/GM Wijeya Newspapers
Mr. Anuradha Jayasinghe President SLIP
Ms. Eng. Ms. Shahina Mysan D/Director, Eng. (SWM), Colombo Municipal Council
Mr. Anura Wijetunga President
Polymer Manufacturers & Recyclers
Association of Sri Lanka
Mr. S W B Wijekoon Consultant 0812497205, 0777852090
Mr. Kazunobu Onogawa Director CCET-IGES
Dr. D G J Premekumara Deputy Director CCET-IGES
Dr. Rajeev Kumar Singh Researcher CCET-IGES
Mr. Kirthi Rasaputra Director BIDS
Mr. Nihal Cooray Consultant BIDS
Mr. Sena Peiris Consultant BIDS
IGES Centre Collaborating with UNEP on
Environmental Technologies (CCET)
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240-0115, Japan
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International Environmental Technology Centre 2-110
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Tel: +81 6 6915 4581 |
Ministry of Environment
Sobadam Piyasa, 416/C/1, Robert Gunawardana Mawatha,
Battaramulla, Sri Lanka