A Timeline for Planet Formation
For decades, geologists
and astronomers have studied the
contents of our solar system. They
have compared surface features
on planets and moons across the
solar system, the orbits of
asteroids and comets, and the
chemical composition and ages for
recovered meteorites. From all this
effort, and with constant checking
of data against mathematical
models, scientists have created a
timeline for the formation of our
solar system.
Our solar system began as
a collapsing cloud of gas and dust
over 4.6 billion years ago. Over the
next 600 million years, called by
geologists the Hadean Era, the
sun and the planets were formed,
and Earth’s oceans were probably
created by cometary impacts.
Comets are very rich in water ice.
The fossil record on Earth
shows that the first bacterial life
forms emerged about 600 million
years after the formation of the
solar system. Geologists call this
the Archaen Era – The era of
ancient life.
Era Time
Nebula Era
0.0 Collapse of cloud to form
flattened disk
Asteroid Era 3 million Formation of large
asteroids up to 200 km
across ends
Gas Giant Era 10 million Rapid formation of
Jupiter and Saturn ends
Solar Birth Era 50 million Sun’s nuclear reactions
start to produce energy
in core
51 million Formation of numerous
small planet-sized
bodies ends
T-Tauri Era 80 million Solar winds sweep
through inner solar
system and strip off
primordial atmospheres
Ice Giant Era 90 million Formation of Uranus and
Rocky Planet
100 million Formation of rocky
planets by mergers of
50-100 smaller bodies
Late Heavy
600 million Migration of Jupiter
disrupts asteroid belt
sending large asteroids
to impact planetary
surfaces in the inner
solar system.
Ocean Era 600 million LHB transports comets
rich in water to Earth to
form oceans
Life Era 800 million First traces of life found
in fossils on Earth
Problem 1 – If the Pre-Solar Nebula Era occurred 4.6 billion years ago, how
long ago did the Rocky Planet Era end?
Problem 2 – How many years from the current time did the Late Heavy
Bombardment Era end in the inner solar system?
Problem 3 – About how many years ago do the oldest fossils date from on
Problem 4 – How many years were there between the Planetessimal Era and
the end of the Rocky Planet Era?
Problem 5 – If 80 objects the size of the Moon collided to form Earth during the
time period in Problem 4, about how many years elapsed between these impact
Space Math http://spacemath.gsfc.nasa.gov
Answer Key
Problem 1 – If the Pre-Solar Nebula Era occurred 4.6 billion years ago, how long ago did the
Rocky Planet Era end?
Answer: On the Timeline ‘0.0’ represents a time 4.6 billion years ago, so the Rocky Planet Era
ended 100 million years after this or 4.5 billion years ago.
Problem 2 – How many years from the current time did the Late Heavy Bombardment Era end
in the inner solar system?
Answer: LHB ended 600 million years after Time ‘0.0’ or 4.6 billion – 600 million = 4.0 billion
years ago.
Problem 3 – About how many years ago do the oldest fossils date from on Earth?
Answer: 4.6 billion – 800 million = 3.8 billion years ago.
Problem 4 – How many years were there between the Planetessimal Era and the end of the
Rocky Planet Era?
Answer: On the timeline the difference is 100 million – 51 million = 49 million years.
Problem 5 – If 80 objects the size of the Moon collided to form Earth during the time period in
Problem 4, about how many years elapsed between these impact events?
Answer: The time interval is 49 million years so the average time between impacts would
have been 49 million years/80 impacts = 612,000 years.
Space Math http://spacemath.gsfc.nasa.gov