FAB-T 187
On May 21, 2019, USSTRATCOM requested early operational
use of FAB-T prior to the Air Force Space Command (AFSPC)
SAF/AQ (Milestone Decision Authority) approved an increase
to the total Low-Rate Initial Production quantity from 53 to 84
FAB-T CPT terminals on February 7, 2019.
will use FAB-T to provide strategic nuclear and non-nuclear
command and control with extremely high frequency,
wideband, protected, and survivable communications
terminals for beyond line-of-sight communications.
Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) will use the FAB-T
to perform satellite telemetry, tracking, and commanding
(TT&C) functions for the AEHF constellation, including
management of the satellites, communication networks, and
cryptologic keys.
USSTRATCOM and U.S Northern Command will use the
FAB-T to provide Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack
Assessment satellite communications of incoming missile
threats to military forces from xed and mobile sites.
Major Contractor
Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems – Marlborough,
Family of Advanced Beyond Line-of-Sight Terminals
Executive Summary
The Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Acquisition,
Technology and Logistics (SAF/AQ) increased the Low-Rate
Initial Production purchase to include all 84 planned terminals
in February 2019.
The U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) obtained
early operational use of FAB-T in June 2019, allowing use
of the FAB-T on operational networks for operations, during
test events, and USSTRATCOM exercises. USSTRATCOM
operators and testers are using Family of Advanced Beyond
Line-of-Sight Terminals (FAB-T) to test and identify
deciencies that the Program Management Oce (PMO) must
x before the terminals are usable at operational sites planned
for installation in FY20.
Testers discovered additional deciencies during Integrated
Developmental Testing and Evaluation (IDT&E) in June
through December 2019. Raytheon and the PMO are
developing software xes for the deciencies USSTRATCOM
requires to be xed to support operations.
The Air Force Test and Evaluation Test Center (AFOTEC)
began IOT&E in October 2019, evaluating the system in
benign and threat-representative environments.
FAB-T consists of ground and aircraft communication
terminals with two terminal types: Command Post Terminals
(CPTs) and Force Element Terminals (FETs). FAB-T is part of
the terminal and control segments of the Advanced Extremely
High Frequency (AEHF) satellite system and is designed to
operate with AEHF Low Data Rate and Extended Data Rate
The CPT will replace existing airborne (E-4B and E-6B),
ground-xed, and ground-transportable Milstar CPTs.
The CPT will include satellite and network control functions,
end-user telecommunication device interfaces, and the ability
to operate the terminal from a distant location using a remote
The FET is intended to be installed in airborne force elements
(B-52 and RC-135).
The President, the Secretary of Defense, Combatant
Commanders, and supporting Air Force component forces
188 FAB-T
Operational Trial Period and IOT&E to support FAB-T events.
AFSPC approved the USSTRATCOM request on June 3, 2019.
The Program Executive Ocer certied FAB-T ready for
dedicated IOT&E on August 23, 2019, and deferred evaluation
of ground transportable CPT suitability until FOT&E.
DOT&E approved the FAB-T CPT IOT&E test plan on
August 28, 2019. AFOTEC intends to conduct the IOT&E in
two phases.
- Phase one tests FAB-T in benign operational environments,
started in October 2019, and includes the IDT&E data.
Phase one uses FAB-T developmental software versions
elded for early operational use.
- Phase two is expected to use updated FAB-T software,
which will include deciency corrections required
by USSTRATCOM. Phase two is planned to start in
December 2019 and includes testing in benign, threat,
contested, and cyber environments.
USSTRATCOM and AFSPC commenced FAB-T early
operational use at ve sites during 4QFY19 and 1QFY20.
The Air Force Plans to start development of the FAB-T FET
in FY20. SAF/AQ designated FAB-T FET as a middle tier of
acquisition program using a Rapid Prototyping Strategy.
The FAB-T PMO has made progress resolving FAB-T
deciencies; however, new deciencies continue to be
discovered with new software builds. Most deciencies occur
when the terminals are logged onto operational networks
because the test networks and simulations do not emulate the
variety or number of legacy terminals with which FAB-T must
USSTRATCOM is supporting the use of FAB-T on operational
networks for testing during day-to-day operations and
during exercises. This allows for stressing the FAB-T at
exercise-level operational conditions that cannot be created
in the laboratory and allows early operator involvement
and feedback. This approach enables the identication
of deciencies that USSTRATCOM or AFSPC require be
corrected before transition from legacy terminals to the FAB-T
for NC3 or TT&C operations.
The Air Force’s threat emulators representing nuclear
scintillation eects and threat-representative downlink
jamming eects planned for IOT&E are behind schedule.
The uplink jammer will not be available until FOT&E in
The PMO is behind schedule delivering the FAB-T capability
due to delays in resolving software deciencies and the
continued identication of new software deciencies.
Extended Data Rate capability, Presidential and National Voice
Conferencing capability, the new FAB-T Airborne antenna,
representative airborne platforms (E-4B and E-6B) employing
the FAB-T, and the operationally representative CPT with a
ground transportable antenna will not be ready before the end
of FAB-T IOT&E. Operational evaluation of these capabilities
will be accomplished during FOT&E.
The PMO should:
1. Update the FAB-T Test and Evaluation Master Plan
(TEMP) to address the testing that will be delayed to an
FOT&E and for the correction of deciencies.
2. Begin the planning for the FAB-T FET and complete the
3. Include resources and funding in the FAB-T and FET
TEMP for the development and use of threat emulation for