It is a powerful and disturbing image: loggers driving roads deep into the forest
to remove a few mahogany trees, with slash-and-burn settlers following closely
on their heels. However, it no longer captures the whole picture of logging in the
Brazilian Amazon. So, then, what is the role of logging in the impoverishment or
potential conservation of the Amazon rainforest? The answer to this question is
deceptively complex: To achieve a sustainable future in Amazon forestry, policy-
makers and stakeholders must understand the physical, economic and political
dimensions of competing land use options and economic interests. They must pro-
vide effective governance for multiple agendas that require individual oversight.
For simplicity’s sake, suppose that forest governance can be approached from
two angles: a preservation approach in which the land is tucked away, never to
be used again; and a “use-it-or-lose-it” approach in which a well-managed forest
by Eirivelthon Lima, Frank Merry, Daniel Nepstad, Gregory Amacher,
Cláudia Azevedo-Ramos, Paul Lefebvre, and Felipe Resque Jr.
This article was published in the January/February 2006 issue
of Environment. Volume 48, Number 1, pages 26–38.
© Heldref Publications, 2006.
estate becomes part of a sustainable eco-
nomic development scenario and com-
petes successfully with other land use
options. In fact, 28 percent of the Brazil-
ian Amazon is already listed as some form
of park, or as a protected or indigenous
But what of the forest without
protection, found mainly on private lands
or on as-yet undesignated government
lands? For many, selective logging of
these forests is a form of forest impover-
ishment that is only slightly less devastat-
ing than forest clear-cutting.
For others,
the selective harvest of timber is the best
way to make the long-term protection of
standing forests economically and politi-
cally viable.
Opponents base their argument on two
points: The long-term selective logging
of primary tropical forest is financially
impracticable, and selective logging is
the first step in a vicious cycle of degra-
dation that includes settlement and land
Advocates say that selective
logging, when done well (called “reduced
impact logging”), is renewable, economi-
cally viable, and may provide an impor-
tant stream of revenue for government and
private landowners that would encourage
the maintenance of forest cover.
proponents contend that if tropical forestry
is to compete successfully with other land
use options and essentially push back
against the encroaching line of deforesta-
tion, some conditions must be met: the
removal of subsidies to other land use
options; the breakdown of barriers to
entry, such as complex forest management
plans; the dissemination of information
on forestry to all potential market par-
ticipants; and the elimination of perverse
incentives for deforestation—in particular
the establishment of land titles through
clearing to demonstrate active use. Fur-
thermore, if forestry is deemed the least
cost approach to maintaining forest cover
outside parks and protected areas, then
subsidies to forest management activities
might also be appropriate.
There are vast forested areas in the Bra-
zilian Amazon located outside parks and
protected areas, and a multitude of land-
owners, including state and federal gov-
ernments, are controlling that forest. As a
result, policies to manage forest resources
must necessarily be comprehensive, flexi-
ble, and appropriate to varying conditions
and agents. The Brazilian government has
recently identified, and is now beginning
to implement, a strategy of timber conces-
sions that should help to corral some part
of the industry into a controlled region.
This should make it easier to monitor and
will hopefully reduce illegal logging. The
policy, however, mostly ignores the sticky
issue of forestry on private land, which,
although complex, could provide the
engine for sustainable economic develop-
ment among the disenfranchised settlers
of the Amazon frontiers. The settlers may
straggle onto the frontier individually,
but they eventually form communities,
control large areas of land, and become
an increasingly important component of
the timber industry.
A major economic corridor in the
Brazilian Amazon—the Trans-Amazon
Highway—illustrates how logging can
be transformed from a force driving for-
est impoverishment to one driving forest
conservation, and how this transition, in
turn, carries important potential benefits
for the semi-subsistence farmers who live
along this corridor. To fully describe this
transformation, it is necessary to place it
in light of the history and current context
of the timber industry of the Amazon, and
with the understanding that the complex-
ity inherent in the largest and most diverse
tropical forest in the world makes forest
governance a mighty task.
A Brief History of the
Amazon Timber Industry
Understanding logging along the Trans-
Amazon Highway depends upon the his-
torical context of the timber industry
in the Amazon, which can be roughly
divided into three periods (see Figure 1
on page 29).
The early production period
lasted from the 1950s to the early 1970s
and was followed by a transition or boom
period, which lasted from the mid 1970s
Timber will always be one of the Amazons most important exports. Will the industry
have a sustainable future for loggers as well as smallholders?
to the late 1980s. A third period, indus-
try consolidation and migration to new
frontiers, started in the early 1990s but is
now coming to an end. The current timber
industry is in such disarray from political
mismanagement that in October 2005 the
federal police temporarily suspended the
transport of all logs from the Amazon.
Early Days
(1950s to mid-1970s)
In the 1950s, the island region of
the Amazon delta in the state of Pará
was the center of the wood industry in
the Amazon. Through the 1960s, there
were three large plywood mills and six
large sawmills that controlled produc-
tion. With no connection to the large
domestic markets of southeastern Brazil
and the dependence on fluvial transport
to access raw materials and deliver prod-
ucts, these mills produced only for the
export market. Limited shipping capacity
and irregular delivery schedules hindered
sales to ports in northeastern Brazil,
which could be reached by ship along
the Atlantic coast. The primary source of
raw material was smallscale landowners
who sold logs along the banks of rivers.
The environmental impact of logging
was minimal, as timber extraction was
an integrated part of diverse smallscale
family farming systems on the Amazon
River floodplain. The two popular tree
species harvested were Virola (Virola
surinamensis) for plywood and Andiroba
(Carapa guianensis) for sawnwood (the
first stage of the log processing sequence
in which logs are cut into boards, but
not planed).
In the early and mid-1970s, a number
of smaller sawmills began to appear in
the island region and farther up along the
upper Amazon River. Into the mid-1970s,
the Amazon remained disconnected from
domestic markets but the export market
flourished. Estimated log consumption
was in the region of 2.5 million cubic
meters per year—all harvested by axe.
Early reports on timber production in
the Brazilian Amazon suggest this was
a period of poor market access, poor
quality of laborers, obsolete equipment,
insufficient knowledge of local tree spe-
cies, and scarce information on prices
and markets for products.
Transition Period
(Late 1970s to Early 1990s)
A period of dramatic transition in the
timber sector began in the late 1970s
to early 1980s. Several highways were
completed to link the Amazon to domes-
tic southeastern and northeastern Brazil-
ian markets. The states of Rondônia,
Mato Grosso, and Pará became connected
through the BR364, BR163, and BR010
highways. Large public investment pro-
grams for the construction of dams, hydro-
power plants, a railroad for the Carajás
mining program, and the settlement of
migrants from southern and northeastern
Brazil changed the interfluvial forests of
the Amazon, passively protected until that
time by their inaccessibility.
Figure 1. Logging the Amazon
SOURCE: Woods Hole Research Center, with data from Instituto
Brasiliera de Geografia e Estatistica, Instituto Socioambiental, Instituto
de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia, Universidade de Minas Gerais.
NOTE: The area along the Amazon River was first logged during the
1950s to 1970s. During the 1980s and 1990s, improved infrastructure
and government policies encouraged logging on the “old” frontier, which
mirrors the so-called “arc of deforestation.” As the stock declined on the
old frontiers, firms have migrated west along the roads into the new
frontiers. The map also shows the coverage of parks and protected areas
of all types in the Amazon, including newly created parks.
Pacifi c
Protected area
New forest reserve
Potential new reserve
Island region
Old frontier
New frontier
Deforestation during this time was
largely a response to government actions
that either directly promoted or enabled
land conversion from forests to other
uses. The number and size of sawmills
increased in response to the inexpensive
primary resource and newly accessible
markets, growing local demand, and the
availability of cheap labor. Mechanization
of harvesting, transport, and processing
also contributed to the growth of sawn-
wood output.
By the early 1980s, Paragominas (a
city in Pará) became the most important
mill center in the Amazon, producing
mostly for the domestic market. The state
of Mato Grosso also produced lumber
for the domestic market, with important
logging centers appearing in the towns of
Sinop and Alta Floresta. Meanwhile, the
island region continued to produce for the
export market. In all, the transition period
during the 1970s and mid-to-late 1980s
was a turning point in the timber industry
of the Brazilian Amazon.
Consolidation and Migration
(mid-1990s to 2000s)
After the transition period, another (less
dramatic) period of consolidation and
expansion ensued along old and new log-
ging frontiers.
Old frontiers can now be
found in eastern Pará (Paragominas and
Tailandia) and in northern Mato Grosso
(Sinop). In these areas, virgin forests have
become increasingly scarce, and the log-
ging industry became more diverse and
efficient. The more inefficient logging
firms exited the market, and those that
remained became vertically integrated in
an effort to capture value added in down-
stream processing.
Access to the old frontiers is gener-
ally good given the high density of paved
roads. In contrast, new frontiers are char-
acterized by a rapid inflow of mills and
producers from the old frontier, poor
government regulation, and high transport
costs. The notable new logging frontier is
in western Pará along the northern sec-
tion of the Santarém-Cuiaba Highway,
the BR163.
The Industry Today
The current volume of wood produced
in the Legal Amazon is between 20 and
30 million cubic meters, of which more
than 50 percent is sold in the domestic
Brazilian market.
Prior to 2003, legal
timber harvest was possible through the
preparation of a forest management plan
submitted to the government agency and
approved with a temporary land title. All
that was required by IBAMA, the Brazil-
ian government environmental agency,
was proof that a firm or individual had
initiated a land legalization process with
Brazilian land titling institutions such as
the Institute of Colonization and Agrar-
ian Reform (INCRA).
Generally, land
titling procedures took years, and they
did not always result in legalization. By
the time the land titling institution had
made its decision, the harvest was already
complete and the loggers had moved on to
the next native forest stocks.
In 2003, the Brazilian government abrupt-
ly decided that management plans could no
longer be approved on lands where prop-
erty rights were not well established. That
year, nearly all forest management plans
were rejected.
The government, however,
did not have an alternative readily available
for the nearly 2,500 logging companies
based in the Amazon, and an unintended
side effect of the policy has been that
more companies now simply operate ille-
gally in such areas. Conflicts, protests, and
widespread unregistered logging are now
the norm.
To solve the problem of legalizing
timber harvest and controlling the timber
industry, the Brazilian government has
proposed implementing forest concessions
on public lands.
While this approach has
some merit, and indeed has been debated
extensively in the Brazilian public arena,
large concessions controlled by a few
companies may not be the best economic
option in the regions where smallholders
and other private landowners, including a
large number of migrant settlers, are the
predominant land users.
The Case of the
Trans-Amazon Highway
For two weeks in August 2003, the
Trans-Amazon Highway was impassable:
Angry loggers had blocked the road,
Sawmill technology in the Amazon (such as the bandsaw shown here) has not changed
much since the 1950s. Efficiency is between 30 and 40 percent yield from log to boards.
stopping traffic to protest a government-
imposed timber shortage. A similar dis-
play occurred outside the town of San-
tarém, Pará, in January 2005 and recently
on the BR163 Highway in western Pará.
Tragically, access to timber was also one
of the underlying reasons for the murder
of Sister Dorothy Stang in the munici-
pality of Anapú.
Timber scarcity is a
startling concept for the Amazon. How is
it that a resource so apparently abundant
can be the root cause of violent conflicts
and protests?
The answer lies partially
in the sudden requirement by the Bra-
zilian government that loggers provide
proper legal documentation for land rights
in areas where logs are extracted. But
who owns the forests and logs along this
frontier highway?
Built by General Emílio Garrastazu
Médici (president of Brazil from 1969–
1974), the main part of the Trans-Amazon
Highway stretches approximately 1,000
kilometers from the town of Marabá to
Itaituba on the banks of the Tapajós
The highway is largely unpaved
and virtually impassable for four months
of the year during the rainy season. Home-
steaders are usually allocated demarcated
lots of 100 hectares apiece (approxi-
mately 250 acres) and then often battle
the elements and wealthy land speculators
to continue occupying the land.
migration to the region is relentless, as
a constant stream of formal and infor-
mal land control followed early coloniza-
tion projects in the late 1970s.
the federal land settlement agency, has
formally settled approximately 30,000
families and an unknown number of
informal squatters.
While it is commonly accepted that
smallholders control vast areas of land
along the Trans-Amazon Highway, the
exact quantity of land is debatable. This
question is taken up under the auspices
of the Green Highways Project, an inter-
national multi-institutional project, led by
the Brazilian nongovernmental organiza-
tion Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da
Amazônia (IPAM, Amazon Institute of
Environmental Research) with the sup-
port of the Massachusetts-based Woods
Hole Research Center (WHRC) (see Fig-
ure 2 on this page).
An area 100 kilo-
meters (km) on either side of the Trans-
Amazon Highway from the municipality
of Itupiranga to Placas was mapped using
satellite imagery and secondary data from
Brazilian government sources. Land dis-
tribution was mapped and deforestation
measured using 30-meter spatial resolu-
tion satellite images and secondary data
from INCRA and the Brazilian Institute of
Geography and Statistics (IBGE).
es were classified into forest and non-
forest classes by supervised classification
and visual interpretation.
The objective
was to identify where smallholders are
located and where they will be located in
the future.
Of the total 15.7 million hectares locat-
ed within this buffer, 7.9 million are
under the control of or are promised to
smallholders. Of the total area within the
100-km study area, the land distribution
is: 1.1 percent in demarcated settlements,
5.4 percent in current settlements, 11.4
percent as squatters (posseiros), 13.2 per-
cent in old colonization projects, and 19.5
percent destined for future settlements
by INCRA. Four percent of the land is in
conservation areas, 7.6 percent in infor-
mal medium and large-scale land hold-
ings, 15.4 percent in indigenous reserves,
Figure 2. The Trans-Amazon Highway
NOTE: Built in the 1970s, the highway stretches more than 3,000 km
through the Amazon forest. It is mostly dirt and virtually impassable for
much of the wet season (January to June). The study area, a 100-km zone
between the towns of Marabá and Itaituba, is shown in the shaded region.
The area in green is the “Legal Amazon” of Brazil.
SOURCE: Woods Hole Research Center.
Pacifi c
and a final 21.2 percent is unclaimed gov-
ernment land.
The number of smallhold-
ers currently residing in the 100-km zone
was estimated by summing the area with
active settlements, which includes current
settlements, colonization, and squatters,
and then dividing by an 82.6- hectare
average lot size from survey results (see
below), giving a total area of approxi-
mately 4.7 million hectares held by 57,000
smallholder families (see Figures 3 and 4
on this page and page 33).
Given the observed distribution of
smallholders from the spatial analysis, the
next logical question for the Green High-
ways Project was whether these agents
could potentially supply the timber indus-
try with wood. Demand for timber in the
area is strong; the demand for logs on
the Trans-Amazon Highway more than
doubled over 12 years, increasing from
roughly 340,000 cubic meters in 1990 to
approximately 840,000 cubic meters in
2002. To determine whether smallholders
can provide this quantity it is important to
first estimate the growing stock potential
of the forest held by smallholders, assum-
ing that smallholders will in fact sell wood
(this assumption will be revisited below).
Using conservative (high) deforestation
assumptions (for example, a range of 60
percent deforested for old colonization
areas to 15 percent deforested for INCRA
land allocated to future settlement) and a
conservative stand volume of ten cubic
meters per hectare, forest stock in active
settlement areas is estimated to be 25.8
million cubic meters.
Using a harvest
cycle of 30 years, this would give a sus-
tained harvest volume of approximately
860,000 cubic meters, which matches cur-
rent demand. At an estimated stumpage
price of 10 Reais (R$10) per cubic meter
of standing trees (approximately US$3.33
per cubic meter), this volume would gen-
erate R$8.6 million per year.
To put this
in perspective, if the smallholder forests
within current settlements were used to
their full potential right now, and the
benefits distributed evenly to every fam-
ily (recall there are an estimated 57,000),
each smallholder household could receive
R$150 per year—a large sum given the
discussion below.
Assuming that smallholders will even-
tually settle in areas set aside by INCRA,
there will be an estimated forest stock of
52.6 million cubic meters, which could
render a sustainable harvest of approxi-
mately 1.7 million cubic meters per year,
more than double the current regional
demand. Thus, there appears to be suf-
ficient potential forest stock to meet the
demand, and a tremendous opportunity
for a redistribution of wealth to the poor,
should smallholders have an unham-
pered market to sell wood
(see Table 1 on
page 34).
However, one needs to ask if these
estimates based upon government census
data are consistent with data on the
ground. To answer this question we make
use of data generated from a recent com-
prehensive socioeconomic survey of
smallholders along the Trans-Amazon
Highway. Between June and December
2003, a total of nearly 3,000 families were
Figure 3. Land distribution map
NOTE: The spatial distribution of colonization and other formal settlements
is based on information collected from the Brazilian government and analy-
sis of satellite imagery. The main government land use agencies present in
the region are INCRA
(land settlement), IBAMA
(environmental control)
(indigenous areas).
Brazil’s Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária manages
colonization and agrarian reform.
The Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais
Renováveis focuses on the environment and renewable natural resources.
The Fundação Nacional do Indio protects the rights of indigenous
SOURCE: Woods Hole Research Center and Instituto de Pesquisa
Ambiental da Amazônia, with data from INCRA, IBAMA, and Instituto
Brasiliera de Geografia e Estatistica.
interviewed, of which 2,441 lived within
the 100-km zone shown in Figure 1.
In the survey, smallholders were asked
about their forest production, and socio-
economic data were collected. The results
add to the discussion above, showing
that 26 percent had sold wood, and those
sales had occurred largely within the last
5 years. There had been only one sale per
lot. Ninety-six percent of the smallholders
sold standing trees, and the average num-
ber of trees sold was 20 per smallholder,
which corresponds to a harvest rate of
approximately 1 tree per 5 hectares and,
assuming an average volume of 5 cubic
meters of log per tree, an average sale
volume of 100 cubic meters. The average
total sale value was R$173, which cor-
responds to R$8.65 per tree or R$1.73 per
cubic meter.
Comparing these observations with
the results from the geo-spatial analysis
above, based on timber produced through
legal deforestation and harvest of legal
forest reserves (the area of smallholder
land prohibited from clearing for crops),
smallholders are selling approximately
1 cubic meter per hectare, and only 26
percent of them actually sell wood. At this
harvest volume, it would take the harvest
from 10,000 families per year—about 18
percent of the estimated total smallholder
families—to sustain current demand from
the area industry at current prices. This
amounts to a harvest volume that is only
4 percent of current estimates for Amazon
timber production from other studies. At
a harvest intensity of 10 cubic meters
per hectare, this participation requirement
would be drastically reduced to only 1,000
families per year (which represents 1.8
percent of all families). This level of par-
ticipation could be easily achieved without
undue change in the smallholder system
by subcontracting the timber industry to
do much of the technical work associ-
ated with logging. The production of logs
is dramatically low on smallholder lots
because smallholders have limited knowl-
edge of the forest potential and limited
access to the financial resources required
to manage the forests. This barrier can
be overcome with a partnership between
smallholders and the timber industry. For
the successful implementation of such a
partnership, however, it will be important
for smallholders to understand the logging
process and have adequate access to pro-
duction information so that they can main-
tain a check on their industrial partners.
Holding Back the Tide
of Smallholder Forestry
From the perspective of community
foresters, the current ideal is that individ-
uals within the communities must work
collectively and must control the entire
chain of production through to sales of
the final product. Formal interaction with
the timber industry is anathema. Also,
there is still the idea that forest manage-
ment must happen in large, undisturbed,
contiguous tracts of forests. This closely
held and restrictive view has undermined
the potential of community forestry in the
Amazon. The reality is that there are more
than 500,000 settlement families in the
Brazilian Amazon who work individually
or in community associations and who
specialize (though perhaps not yet effi-
ciently) in the supply of standing timber
by working closely with logging compa-
nies (see Figure 5 on page 35).
However, most of the community-
based forestry operations have two key
Figure 4. Land-use change
NOTE: Land use change within a 100-kilometer buffer of the Trans-Amazon
Highway, showing large areas of available forest. The land cover map was
produced from nine co-registered Landsat TM/ETM+ images (228-63, 227-
63, 224-63, 226-63, 225-63, 225-62, 226-62, 227-62, 224-62). The ima-
ges were classified into water, cloud, cloud/shades, forest and non-forest.
SOURCE: Woods Hole Research Center and Instituto de Pesquisa
Ambiental da Amazônia.
problems. First, when dealing with small-
holders on an individual basis, the log-
gers hold all the cards. They have more
information about the species and value
of timber, and they exploit the immedi-
ate financial needs of cash-poor small-
holders. Second, logging on smallholder
lots is legal only under two premises:
smallholders have deforestation licenses
that allow the clearing of 3 hectares per
year and the sale of 60 cubic meters per
year (up to 20 percent of the land area
owned), or they may have the option to
develop a forest management plan that
must be approved by IBAMA. Of the
sales registered in the surveys, 26 percent
came from deforestation permits, and a
startling 79 percent came from the “legal
reserve” on each plot.
Because no for-
mal forest management plans have been
developed for these smallholder systems,
this would imply that nearly 80 percent of
log sales from smallholders are currently
illegal by government rules; in addi-
tion, few smallholders get legal defores-
tation permits. Why are there no formal
plans? A forest management plan requires
that the landowner hold legal title, and
although 95 percent of smallholders sur-
veyed claimed to be the landowner, we
found only 26 percent held formal title;
a statistic supported by previous research
in the region.
This lack of coordination
between agencies and resource users is a
major barrier to overcoming illegal log-
ging within smallholder systems and to
the integration of smallholders into the
formal timber market.
Small-Farm Family Forestry
in the Amazon
Coordination between ministries is not
an impossible task, however. For exam-
ple, IBAMA, INCRA, and the Ministry
of Public Works of the town of Santarém
(in Pará) operating with limited resourc-
es but in partnership with loggers and
smallholders, found a creative solution
to this problem in the form of an equi-
table partnership between industry and
smallholders. In this case, the community
associations subcontract the loggers to
plan and implement harvesting, while the
government ministries have the responsi-
bility of expediting title and management
approval. The land is owned individually,
and management plans are done for each
private 100-hectare lot, but the nego-
tiations are between the logger and the
community association. The community
can demand higher prices by selling as a
group, and the logger is assured of a long-
term supply of timber. As a result, legal
forest operations are taking place and
smallholders are capturing a fair share of
the benefits from the timber harvest on
their land (see the box on page 37).
However, changes in government per-
sonnel and extreme inefficiency (the proj-
ect industry coordinator has had man-
agement plans under review at IBAMA
for more than a year) has made even
this promising partnership tenuous. These
types of projects are in danger of failing
because government oversight is ineffi-
cient, inadequate, corrupt, and contradic-
Table 1. Timber potential from smallholder lots on the Trans-Amazon Highway
Total area
(hectares (ha))
Total forest
area (ha)
Timber stock
timber flow
Future settlement
3,055,000 19.5 85 2,596,000 25,965,000 865,000
Colonization projects 2,063,000 13.2 40 825,000 8,252,000 275,000
Informal settlement 1,792,000 11.4 60 1,075,000 10,750,000 358,000
INCRA settlements 852,000 5.4 80 682,000 6,815,000 227,000
Demarcated settlements 169,000 1.1 50 85,000 847,000 28,000
Total smallholders
7,931,000 50.6 5,263,000 52,629,000 1,753,000
NOTE: INCRA is Brazil’s National Institute of Colonization and Agrarian Reform. The entire buffer area is 15,643,000 ha.
The area not occupied by smallholders is comprised of unclaimed government land (21.2 percent), indigenous land (15.4
percent), medium and large informal settlement (7.6 percent), and conservation units (4.2 percent).
SOURCE: Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia (the Amazon Institute of Environmental Research).
There may be a partial solution to
be found in timber concessions, but even
with successful concessions, the large-
scale problems of illegal logging will not
disappear. Indeed, the problems of illegal
logging will never be solved if IBAMA
cannot control the industry or support
it effectively, but there is no indication
so far that IBAMA can do it alone. It is
reasonable to assume, however, that the
economic benefits of timber production
on their private landholdings will stimu-
late smallholders to manage their forests
and help control illegal activities.
What Does the Future Hold?
What do the results of the Green High-
ways Project have to say about the issue of
loggers and forest policies? As mentioned
above, the main thrust of the new forest
policy centers around timber concessions
on public lands with some allowances
given to communities. This is an effective
program for a portion of the industry, but
there are two problems with the idea. First,
the evidence presented above indicates
that this approach is inadequate for some
major economic corridors where there are
many smallholders, such as in the case
of the region surrounding the Trans-
Amazon Highway; of the 80 percent of
land available for harvest (for example,
excluding conservation units and indig-
enous areas), the Green Highways Project
shows that 64 percent is under the con-
trol of, or is promised to, smallholders.
Second, it also shows that forestry is
highly underutilized in these smallholder
systems. This and the fact that there are
more than 500,000 families settled in the
Amazon region mean these results imply
a very large economic loss to Brazilian
society from not capturing a potential
timber supply that would almost do away
with the need for timber concessions on
public lands.
Further, by excluding smallholders
from access to the timber industry through
current management plan requirements,
smallholders are denied what could
amount to a substantial and vital source
of economic development. In some settle-
ments, research has shown that the value
of a single harvest can equal more than
15 years of agricultural production.
finally, even if only some portion of the
demand for logs is met by concessions
harvesting on public government lands,
it may have a negative socioeconomic
impact on the potential for small farm
forestry by depressing overall prices.
To promote sustainable forestry, the
evidence indicates that the government
has to realistically deal with land titling,
facilitate institutional coordination,
and commit to stopping illegal logging
through better enforcement. Invariably,
the causes of policy failure and poor
governance are related to corruption and
political auction of important positions in
government institutions. An intricate net
of political obligation, to the detriment
of technical decisions, is commonplace,
and even those individuals fiercely com-
mitted to their tasks (and there are many)
struggle to make quality strategies a real-
ity. A lack of efficiency in government
agencies, whether through poor coordina-
tion or delays, increases transaction costs
and makes formal forest management dif-
ficult. Also, by neglecting secure property
rights, or making these difficult and costly
to obtain, the government inadvertently
creates incentives for smallholders and
loggers to engage in illegal logging.
Figure 5. Patterns of smallholder settlement
NOTE: This image of the Trans-Amazon highway in western Pará shows the
typical herringbone pattern of smallholder settlement. The highway meets
BR163 (Santarém-Cuiabá highway) on the far left of the image. The feeder
roads are 5 km apart and can stretch more than 50 km into the forest. The
typical smallholder lot is 400 by 2,500 meters, so that two can fit between
the feeder roads.
SOURCE: Woods Hole Research Center.
Forest management projects on small-
holder settlement lots in the Brazilian
Amazon will, if widely adopted, help
move the region toward equitable for-
est-based economic development and a
peaceful resolution to the problems now
facing migrant families. This is not the
only solution for the Amazon, but it
is a step forward and one well within
the reach of the current administration.
Without change, however, we can expect
further illegal degradation of the forest
and a continuing struggle for economic
development and social justice on the
Amazon frontier.
Eirivelthon Lima is an associate researcher at the Insti-
tuto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia (IPAM, the
Amazon Institute of Environmental Research), head-
quartered in Belém, Pará, Brazil, and doctoral student
in Forest Economics at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University (Virginia Tech). Frank Merry is an
associate researcher at IPAM, research fellow in envi-
ronmental studies at Dartmouth College, and visiting
assistant scientist at the Woods Hole Research Center
(WHRC). Daniel Nepstad is a senior researcher at IPAM
and senior scientist at WHRC. Gregory Amacher is an
associate professor of forest economics at Virginia Tech
and associate researcher at IPAM. Cláudia Azevedo-
Ramos is a senior reseacher at IPAM. Paul Lefebvre is
a senior research associate at WHRC. Felipe Resque Jr.
is a GIS technician at IPAM. We gratefully acknowl-
edge funding from (in alphabetical order) the European
Union; the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation; the
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; NASA Large
Scale Biosphere and Atmosphere Project; the National
Science Foundation; and the United States Agency for
International Development–Brazil program.
1. This approach has been plied very successfully
by large conservation organizations, in particular Con-
servation International, which solicits funds to buy up
biodiversity “hot-spots. For an analysis of the effects
of parks and protected areas on fires in the Amazon, see
D. Nepstad et al., “Inhibition of Amazon Deforestation
and Fire by Parks and Indigenous Reserves,” Conserva-
tion Biology, In press, expected publication February
2. I. Bowles, R. E. Rice, R. A. Mittermeier, and G.
A. B. da Fonseca, “Logging On in the Rain Forests,” Sci-
ence, 4 September 1998, 1453–58; R. Rice, C. Sugal, and
I. Bowles, Sustainable Forest Management: A Review of
the Current Conventional Wisdom. (Washington, DC:
Conservation International, 1998); R. Rice, R. Gullison,
and J. Reid, “Can Sustainable Management Save Tropi-
cal Forests?” Scientific American, April 1997, 34–39.
3. D. Pearce, F. E. Putz, and J. Vanclay, “Sustain-
able Forestry in the Tropics: Panacea or Folly?” Forest
Ecology and Management 172, no. 2 (2003): 229–247;
M. Verissimo, A. Cochrane, and C. Sousa Jr., “National
Forests in the Amazon,” Science, 30 August 2002, 1478;
F. E. Putz, K. H. Redford, J. G. Robinson, R. Fimbel,
and G. Blate, Biodiversity Conservation in the Context
of Tropical Forest Management (Washington, DC: Bio-
diversity Studies, The World Bank, 2000), http://world-
4. G. Asner, et al., “Selective Logging in the Ama-
zon,” Science, 21 October 2005: 480–481. The Asner
study claimed that the selective logging of the Amazon
is far more widespread than previously thought. The
authors suggest that the source of logs in the Amazon is
not slash-and-burn deforestation—those logs are simply
burned—but conventional poor-quality selective logging
and that this is the first step in the economic and ecologi-
cal degradation of the forest. According to the data, this
Forest management models that can con-
tribute to the social, environmental, and
economic development of smallholders
and traditional populations have been
the subject of many recent initiatives in
the Amazon. The “Forest Families” pro-
gram [in Santarém] works with a spe-
cific relationship that appears to be very
common but little studied: smallholders
and the timber industry. It is interesting
to note some of the fundamental char-
acteristics around which the program
is built: the relationship between the
smallholder and the industry already
exists; its foundation is market-based; its
actors are well-defined; and [it] is based
on uncommonly strong legal and ethical
rigor. The last characteristic alone makes
one pay attention.
One can question whether this is
community forest management or not.
A pertinent doubt, but, in the end, there
exists a forest and its resources and a
people organized, or organizing, in com-
munities. In fact, the smallholders are
not directly managing their forests: they
delegate this activity to a subcontractor
and his team. And when they delegate
they relinquish some personal control of
the forest. However, they exercise their
rights to the forest in a free manner, in
a negotiation process that strengthens
the local organization, generates collec-
tive responsibility, creates a commonly
used infrastructure, provides income
and, most importantly, gives value to
the standing forest. All of which are the
principles that underlie community for-
est management.
It is possible to imagine a scenario
in which they should manage their own
forests in accordance with their capac-
ity, limitation, abilities, and interests.
Perhaps this will happen one day. But
for right now, the reality is different. No
better and no worse, this is just different
than many other community forest man-
agement initiatives where the local resi-
dents play the role of managers. The fact
is that they, the owners, are who should
say whether this is how it should be.
And they seem to be making this [deci-
sion] in an informed way, understand-
ing their limitations, and identifying
opportunities. It is interesting to observe
a community and its people (in this case
Santo Antonio) started barely two years
ago by families of different origin, who
until this point never knew each other,
but who already have solid development
plans and a growing autonomy in the
formulation of local projects, rather than
just hope of better days.
I believe that one of the principal
contributions that this program can lend
to the discussion of local forest manage-
ment is to define criteria and indicators
of a healthy and egalitarian relationship
between smallholders and the timber
industry. To get there, some challenges
that deserve more attention are:
Improving local knowledge of
good forest management practices.
Identifying the impact of timber
harvest on the supply of hunting and
non-timber forest products.
Analyzing the socioeconomic
impact of the timber income on the
smallholder systems.
SOURCE: André da Silva Dias, Executive Man-
ager, Fundação Floresta Tropical, December 2003.
This box was translated from the Portuguese by
Frank Merry and first published in a report by Insti-
tuto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia (IPAM)
for the International Institute for Environment and
Development (IIED) as part of the IIED Power
Tools Initiative: Sharpening Policy Tools for Mar-
ginalized Managers of Natural Resources. F. Merry,
E. Lima, G. Amacher, O. Almeida, A. Alves, and
M. Guimares, Overcoming Marginalization in the
Brazilian Amazon Through Community Associa-
tion: Case Studies of Forests and Fisheries, (Edin-
burgh, UK, 2004). It is reprinted with permission.
is more widely practiced and perhaps more damaging
than previously thought.
5. Forest management and reduced impact logging
(FM-RIL) guidelines are available from many sources:
the Suriname Agricultural Training Center (CELOS);
the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO);
the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United
Nations (FAO); the Institute of Humans and the Envi-
ronment of the Amazon (IMAZON); and the Fundação
Floresta Tropical (FFT, Tropical Forest Foundation). In
addition, field models in Brazil demonstrate the improve-
ments of FM-RIL practices over conventional selective
logging. See the FFT website at
and click “Research.” There have been several studies
on the economic benefits of reduced impact logging and
comparisons with conventional” selective logging. For
a few examples see: S. Armstrong and C. J. Inglis, “RIL
For Real: Introducing Reduced Impact Logging Tech-
niques into a Commercial Forestry Operation in Guy-
ana,” International Forestry Review 2, (2000): 264–72;
F. Boltz, D. R. Carter, T. P. Holmes, and R. Perreira Jr.,
“Financial Returns Under Uncertainty for Conventional
and Reduced-Impact Logging in Permanent Production
Forests of the Brazilian Amazon,” Ecological Economics
39 (2001): 387–98; P. Barreto, P. Amaral, E. Vidal, and
C. Uhl, “Costs and Benefits of Forest Management for
Timber Production in Eastern Amazonia,” Forest Ecol-
ogy and Management 108, no. 1 (1998): 9–26; and T. P.
Holmes et al., Financial Costs and Benefits of Reduced
Impact Logging Relative to Conventional Logging in
the Eastern Amazon (Washington, DC: Tropical Forest
Foundation, 1999).
6. Thanks to Johan Zweede of the Instituto Florestal
Tropical in Belém, Brazil, and Benno Pokorny of the
University of Freiburg, Germany, for valuable comments
on the history and context of the timber industry.
7. For an excellent review, see I. Sholtz, Overexploi-
tation or Sustainable Management: Action Patterns of
the Tropical Timber Industry: The Case of Pará, Brazil,
1960–1997 (London: Frank Cass Publishers, 2001).
8. By definition the term “frontier,” when applied to
forests, implies the point at which new logging occurs.
It is, however, common in the literature of logging in the
Amazon to differentiate frontiers by age. This is done
partially out of custom, but also because logging on all
“frontiers” is relatively new; even old frontiers are less
than 30 years old.
9. The “Legal Amazon” is a geo-political defini-
tion of the Amazon region in Brazil and comprises the
states of Amapá, Amazonas, Acre, Maranhão, Mato
Grosso, Pará, Rondônia, and Tocantins. The volume
of sawnwood destined for export is different across
frontiers. More than 60 percent of logs from new fron-
tiers are destined for the export market, whereas on the
intermediate and old frontiers, that level dips to 50 and
15 percent, respectively, according to F. Merry et al.,
“Industrial Development on Logging Frontiers in the
Brazilian Amazon,” International Journal of Sustain-
able Development, in review. For a recent discussion of
production volumes, see G. Asner et al., note 4 above.
10. The Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e
dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (http://www.ibama is the Brazilian government’s environmental
agency responsible for the forest sector and all issues
of environmental control in the country. The federal
land-titling agency is the Institute of Colonization and
Agrarian Reform (INCRA). For more information, see Each state also has a local
11. The forest management process includes a formal
management plan that essentially states that the company
intends to harvest in a given area (with accompanying
maps and documentation) and subsequently an annual
operating plan that delivers the details of each year’s
harvest operation. The term “forest management plan”
includes both of these components of logging.
12. For more information on forest concessions, see
A. Veríssimo, M. A. Cochrane, and C. Sousa Jr., National
Forests in the Amazon,” Science, 30 August 2002,
13. The forest concessions issue has long been debat-
ed in the scientific literature. Both sides of the argument
for Brazil can be explored in F. D. Merry et al., “A
Risky Forest Policy in the Amazon?” Science, 21 March
2003, 1843 and in F. D. Merry et al., “Some Doubts
About Concessions in Brazil,” Tropical Forestry Update
13, no. 3 (2003): 7–9 (see
contents/download/tfu/TFU.2003.03.English.pdf). See
also F. D. Merry and G. S. Amacher, “Forest Taxes, Tim-
ber Concessions, and Policy Choices in the Amazon,”
Journal of Sustainable Forestry 20, no. 2 (2005): 15–44;
and Veríssimo, Cochrane, and Sousa, note 12 above. For
earlier discussion on concessions see J. A. Gray, Forestry
Revenue Systems in Developing Countries, FAO Forestry
Paper 43 (Rome, 1983); R. Repetto and M. Gillis, eds.,
Public Policies and the Misuse of Forest Resources,
(Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1988); J.
R. Vincent, “The Tropical Timber Trade and Sustainable
Development,” Science, 19 June, 1992, 1651–1655; and
J. A. Gray, “Underpricing and Overexploitation of Tropi-
cal Forests: Forest Pricing in the Management, Conser-
vation and Preservation of Tropical Forests,” Journal
of Sustainable Forestry 4, no. 1/2 (1997): 75–97. The
Ministry of Environment has created a new law on public
forest management (Law 4776/05), which was approved
by Brazil’s Chamber of Representatives in July, is still
awaiting the vote of the Senate. This law would create
the national forest service, the forest development fund,
and would regulate timber harvest on public lands. Three
kinds of harvest are sought for production forests: direct
government management of conservation units (such as
national forests); local community use (such as extrac-
tive reserves); and forest concessions.
14. Dorothy Stang, a 73-year-old nun from Dayton,
Ohio, a practitioner of liberation theology, and an ardent
supporter of local settlers, was assassinated in broad
daylight in February 2005 in a remote farm commu-
nity near her home of 25 years in Anapú on the Trans-
Amazon Highway. Her battle for equal rights for the
poor, including legal land and resource ownership,
brought her in direct conflict with loggers and ranch-
ers. Her death triggered an avalanche of government
response. Two thousand soldiers were sent to the region
to crack down on illegal loggers and land speculators,
and five million hectares of forest (an area the size of
Costa Rica) were designated as parks and reserves in
what may be the world’s single greatest act of tropical
rainforest conservation.
15. The estimate of forest stock for the Amazon is
approximately 60 billion cubic meters. There are varying
estimates of the flow from the forest: The IBGE, which
is the government institute of geography and statistics
(, estimates log demand in the north of
Brazil to be about 17 million cubic meters; IBAMA, the
environmental regulation agency of Brazil, estimates it
to be around 25 million; and IMAZON, a local nongov-
ernmental research organization, estimates it at about 24
million—down from 28 million in 1999.
16. The entire Trans-Amazon Highway runs approxi-
mately 3,300 kilometers, connecting the state of Tocan-
tins to the state of Acre near the Peruvian border. Con-
tinuing westward from Itaituba to the town of Humaitá
(a stretch which lies to the west of the Tapajós River) is
virtually uninhabited, but may be the future frontier on
which this story is replayed some years hence.
17. For an excellent discussion on property rights,
violence and settlement on the Trans-Amazon Highway
see L. J. Alston, G. D. Libecap, and B. Mueller, Titles,
Conflict, and Land Use: The Development of Prop-
erty Rights and Land Reform on the Brazilian Amazon
Frontier (Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press,
1999); and L. G. Alston, G. D. Libecap, and B. Mueller,
“Land Reform Policies, the Sources of Violent Conflict
in the Brazilian Amazon,” Journal of Environmental
Economics and Management 39, no. 2 (2000): 162–
18. For more discussion of smallholder settlement
in new and old settlements and the roles of community
associations in economic development in migrant settle-
ments see F. Merry and D. J. Macqueen, Collective Mar-
ket Engagement (Edinburgh, International Institute for
Directional felling, as shown here as part of a reduced impact logging program in the
Tapajós National Forest, near Santarém, can reduce damage and help in the search for
Environment and Development, 2004), http://www.iied
19. Other institutions working on the Trans-Amazon
Highway within the Green Highways Project are the
Fundação Viver, Produzir e Preservar (FVPP) and the
Instituto Floresta Tropical (IFT).
20. The principal source of government statistics
for Brazil is the Brazilian Institute of Geography and
Statistics (Instituto Brasiliero de Geografia e Estatistica,
IBGE). Their website can be accessed at http://www.ibge
21. A supervised classification is a procedure for
identifying spectrally similar areas on an image by pin-
pointing training sites of known targets and then extrapo-
lating those spectral signatures to other areas of unknown
targets. The signatures are quantitative measures of the
spectral properties at one or several wavelength intervals.
These measures include class maximum, minimum, mean
and covariance matrix values. Training areas, usually
small and discrete compared to the full image, are identi-
fied through visual interpretation and used to “train” the
classification algorithm to recognize land cover classes
based on their spectral signatures, as found in the image.
The training areas for any one land cover class need to
fully represent the variability of that class within the
22. The total area for squatters was 19 percent of the
buffer zone, of which local extension agents estimated
60 percent to be smallholders. The remaining 40 percent
were said to be medium- and large-size holdings.
23. The evidence also indicated that only one percent
of the buffer area is currently deforested, so these esti-
mates could be considered very conservative for defores-
24. The price of R$10 is based on a conservative
estimate of a formal logging contract between smallhold-
ers and the industry near the town of Santarém and the
example of a forest concession (3-year cutting contract)
in the Tapajós national forest—an ITTO project run by
IBAMA—where the average stumpage fee for three price
categories in 2003 was R$11.73. The exchange rate for the
period of the survey was approximately R$3 per US$1,
but is now at R$2.2 per US$1. For further commentary
on the timber markets of Brazil, see A. Veríssimo and R.
Smeraldi, Acertando O Alvo: Consumo da Madeira no
Mercado Interno Brasileiro a Promocao da Certificacao
Florestal (Finding the Target: Consumption of Wood
in the Brazilian Domestic Market and the Promotion of
Forest Certification) and M. Lentini, A. Verissimo, and L.
Sobral, Fatos Florestais da Amazônia (Forest Facts of the
Amazon) (Belém, Brazil: Imazon, 2003); E. Lima, and F.
Merry, “Views of Brazilian Producers—Increasing and
Sustaining Exports,” in D. Macqueen, ed., Growing Tim-
ber Exports: The Brazilian Tropical Timber Industry and
International Markets (London: IIED, 2003), 82–102.
25. For an economic model of smallholder decision-
making, production, and labor allocation, see F. D. Merry
and G. S. Amacher, Emerging Smallholder Forest Man-
agement Contracts in the Brazilian Amazon: Labor Sup-
ply and Productivity Effects,” Environment and Develop-
ment Economics. Invited to revise and resubmit, expected
publication 2006.
26. The preliminary results of the survey were pre-
sented in seminars to the smallholders in June 2004. Fur-
ther details of this survey are available from the authors.
27. In comparison, the estimated price for logs at the
mill gate in 2002 on the Trans-Amazon was R$58 per
cubic meter, and an unadjusted five-year average price
for logs from 1998 to 2002 was R$39 per cubic meter,
but this is before accounting for harvest costs—which for
intermediate frontiers such as the Trans-Amazon can run
between 30 and 40 Reais per cubic meter and transporta-
tion costs; transport distances can run as far as 80 or 90
kilometers from log deck to mill.
28. The legal reserve (Reserva Legal) of a smallholder
lot, or for that matter any private land holding in the
Brazilian Amazon, is 80 percent of the total land area.
This “reserve area can only be used for forestry with
approved forest management plans or the collection of
non-timber forest products.
29. Alston, Libecap, and Mueller, note 17 above. Only
11 percent of land owners hold formal title. In our survey,
individuals were asked whether they held “definitive
title,” not formal records.
30. This example is well documented. See D. Nepstad
et al., “Managing the Amazon Timber Industry,” Conser-
vation Biology 18, no. 2 (2004): 575–577; D. Nepstad
et al., “Governing the Amazon Timber Industry,” in D.
Zarin, J. R. R. Alavalapati, F. E. Putz, and M. Schmink,
eds., Working Forests in the American Tropics: Conser-
vation through Sustainable Management? (New York:
Columbia University Press, 2004), 388–414.
31. Another example is the project Safra Legal (Legal
Harvest) on the Trans-Amazon Highway. The objective
of this project was to make use of the legal deforestation
options available to smallholders. The idea of this project
came from the forest management projects near Santarém
and presented a wonderful alternative to smallholders
who would have simply burned the trees where they
planned to conduct agricultural activities. The project,
however, has recently become embroiled in scandal as a
conduit of illegal logging, see L. Coutinho, “More Petista
Mud in the Ibama,VEJA, 15 June 2005, 70. The prob-
lems behind the Safra Legal program were also described
in L. Rohter, “Loggers, Scorning the Law, Ravage the
Amazon Jungle,” The New York Times, 16 October 2005.
These articles illustrate the far-reaching negative effects
of corrupt government on the sustainable management of
natural resources.
32. F. Merry et al., “Collective Action Without Collec-
tive Ownership: the Role of Formal Logging Contracts in
Community Associations on the Brazilian Amazon Fron-
tier,” International Forestry Review, in review. Drafts
available from the authors.