Schoentgen, Aude; Wilkinson, Laura
Conference Paper
Ethical issues in digital technologies
23rd Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS): "Digital
societies and industrial transformations: Policies, markets, and technologies in a post-Covid
world", Online Conference / Gothenburg, Sweden, 21st-23rd June, 2021
Provided in Cooperation with:
International Telecommunications Society (ITS)
Suggested Citation: Schoentgen, Aude; Wilkinson, Laura (2021) : Ethical issues in digital technologies,
23rd Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS): "Digital societies
and industrial transformations: Policies, markets, and technologies in a post-Covid world", Online
Conference / Gothenburg, Sweden, 21st-23rd June, 2021, International Telecommunications Society
(ITS), Calgary
This Version is available at:
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Ethical issues in digital technologies
Aude Schoentgen, PhD; Laura Wilkinson
The paper explores how ethical frameworks and concerns arise within digital technologies and examines the
implementation of ethics by governments and private companies. It concludes by proposing a forward-looking
approach and identifying potential challenges to implement ethics within the design and use of digital
The omnipresence of digital technology in our daily life, its use and its impact on organisations and individuals,
raises ethical questions about its role in our society. These concerns include consent and privacy, security,
inclusion and fairness, protection from online harm, transparency and accountability. Notable examples include
the Cambridge Analytica scandal and concerns about racial discrimination in the design of facial recognition
algorithms. Taking into account ethical considerations is essential to ensure that digital technologies benefit as
many people as possible.
The maturity of the ethical approach depends largely on the type of technology. The ethics of blockchain and
cloud services seem globally at the stage of academic research, while the ethics of technologies such as
smartphones, robots and artificial intelligence are more subject to recommendations from States or to enterprise
self-regulation. Certain regulatory frameworks exist or are under development concerning platforms (e.g. Digital
Services Legislation, European Union) and their related subjects such as data privacy (e.g. GDPR) and online
harms (e.g. NetzDG in Germany).
This paper explores the levels of ethical considerations according to the categories of digital technologies,
examines the approaches adopted by the international community and details the different tools put in place by
private companies. It concludes by proposing a balanced prospective approach based on one hand, on the social
value of ethics from a business perspective and on the other hand, on the individual responsibility of users.
1 Ethical challenges in digital technologies
The use of technology can deliver significant benefit to citizens and wider society. Digital technologies provide
a direct contribution to the economy, in terms of employment and value-added, and delivering productivity
improvements where used in other sectors. Users benefit from digital technologies and supported services, and
social value from communication networks.
In some circumstances, however, technology can have harmful side effects or be used for harmful objectives.
Notable examples include the Cambridge Analytica scandal, when 50 million Facebook users’ personal data was
acquired by Cambridge Analytica without users’ consent and profiles then harvested, analysed and targeted
during political elections
; and concerns around facial recognition, owing to potential (racial) bias in algorithms
and targeted use of the technology which may be discriminatory to particular racial groups
. The use of
migration control technologies within immigration and deportation decisions has been heavily condemned,
following potential human rights infringements due to faulty algorithms or mandatory iris scanning to access
refugee services (which does not meet voluntary and informed consent)
It is important to identify that the design and application of technology in some business models may be anti-
ethical. For example, firms may gather and analyse data in order to tailor its services or products to users. Social
media and video sharing platforms (VSPs) have been criticised for creating political echo chambers or filter
bubbles, where the algorithms used for recommendation systems, to curate homepage content or to queue videos
are based on the user profile data, network and previous activity. These features were developed to keep users
engaged the platform, but this may inadvertently lead to a situation where users are only shown content that
supports a particular narrative (which is not considered socially optimal)
. Similarly, misinformation and fake
news create a societal harm whilst generating ad revenue. Technology is responsible for both exacerbating and
tackling misinformation; artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) content creation and content is
hosted by digital platforms, whilst also being used to audit and remove misinformation.
In some cases, firms may use data (intentionally or unintentionally) to discriminate against particular
individuals. In November 2019, Apple Card was investigated after complaints of gender discrimination after
offering male customers significantly higher credit limits than women with similar or equivalent credit histories.
This was linked to an algorithm used by Apple and Goldman Sachs to determine applicants’ credit worthiness
The leveraging of ICTs and the emergence of new applications has been accompanied by growing ethical
concerns and dilemmas. The pervasiveness of technology in everyday life its use, design and impact on
organisations and individuals leads to moral questions regarding its role within our society. There is increasing
recognition that incorporating ethics into ICTs either through regulation, by design, or other means will be
necessary to maximise the value delivered to all stakeholders.
a. Types of ethical values
Transparency and definition of the underlying moral values and perspectives is an essential step to develop and
implement the ethical process. Ethical theories in moral philosophy include metaethics (nature of ethics and
Cadwalladr, C., and Graham-Harrison, E. (2019), ‘Revealed: 50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach’,
The Guardian, 17 March [online]. Available at:
The Liberty UK paper identifies potential discriminatory use of facial recognition technology at the Notting Hill Carnival, a festival celebrating West
Indies culture in the UK, and in the London Borough of Newham, one of the most ethnically diverse areas of the UK where the White British
population accounts for 16.7%. Couchman, H., and Bradley, G. (2019), ‘Liberty’s Briefing on Police Use of Live Facial Recognition Technology’,
Liberty [policy paper], November [online]. Available at:
EDRi (2020), The human rights impacts of migration control technologies, 12 February [online]. Available at:
VOX-Pol (2019), Chambers of Secrets? Cognitive echo chambers and the role of social media in facilitating them, 2 October [online]. Available at:
Center for Digital Ethics & Policy (2017), Why we should hold Facebook responsible for fake news, 22 March [online]. Available at:
Vigdor, N. (2019), ‘Apple Card Investigated After Gender Discrimination Complaints’, The New York Times, 10 November [online]. Available at:
moral reasoning), normative ethics (seeks to determine content of moral behaviour, including deontological,
consequentialist and virtue ethics) and applied ethics
. Applying ethics to digital technology relates to applied
ethics, as it uses normative ethics to assess concrete and real-life examples.
There are other approaches to ethics that can be applied to digital technologies. For example, ethics by design,
ethics of usage, or societal which focuses on promoting societal benefits from the use of technology. Each
approach and the timing of the evaluation (i.e. at point of design, point of usage, or at end point to assess overall
societal impact) may affect the ethical issues considered and the conclusions from the ethical evaluation. This is
also likely to be embedded in the design and application of the technology along with other underlying moral
views (for example, the societal or individual view of ‘good’). As a result, these values may be embedded within
the technology to promote or demote particular moral value and will manifest from using the technology
For example, HTTP cookies allow internet users to be tracked and for content to be personalised though this
demotes the value of online privacy. Therein lies a tension between the designer/technologist and the end-
user/society; the advantages (and costs) face by one party may be contrary to the others.
Moral dilemma is a prevailing challenge for ICTs. Technologists (and users) will decide between competing
ethical values. There is always a tension when dealing with ethics in digital technologies which is due to the
potential positive and negative impacts that can vary across stakeholders and vary depending on the contextual
use of specific technologies. Perhaps the most prevalent example is data privacy. Analysing users’ data may
improve overall end-user experience of a digital platform or data gathering may be used to track and monitor
individuals, for example by public health Covid-tracing apps, which ultimately will deliver a societal benefit.
However, this may be at a cost to the end-user (i.e. individual citizens) and concerns about abuse of private
. This leads to further questions regarding data ownership and access. Accuracy poses a further dilemma.
Automated decision making based on collected data can improve speed and reduce human bias; however,
inaccurate data (from input errors or incorrectly inferred data) may have an adverse impact on an individual or
impair the reliability of data-based decisions. However, in most cases, the use of data or AI can improve
b. Assessing ethical concerns
These examples highlight the trade-off between the interests and moral values of different stakeholders. Further
ethical concerns arising from ICTs are summarised in Figure 1. These ethical concerns place the human (and the
societal impact) at the centre of technology. However, to address this requires explicit human control of
technology and applying ethical values onto technologies
This classification is quite commonly accepted in ethical philosophy. This link is one of the sources:
European Parliamentary Research Service (2020), Artificial intelligence: From ethics to policy, study for the Panel for the Future of Science and
Technology, European Parliament.
ICO (2020), Blog: Data protection considerations and the NHS COVID-19 app, 18 September [online]. Available at:
Fjeld, J., Achten, N., Hilligoss, H., Nagy, A., and Srikumar, M. (2020), Principled Artificial Intelligence: Mapping Consensus in Ethical and Rights-
Based Approaches to Principles for AI, Berkman Klein Center Research Publication, No. 2020-1 [online]. Available at:
Figure 1. Framework for assessing ethical concerns in digital technologies
Key: very high ethical concern or relevance, high, moderate, limited, none.
There has been significant growth in the number of ethical frameworks for ICTs in recent years, particularly
relating to AI and data privacy
. Proponents of an ethical approach consider ethics to provide a framework in
which to assess the purpose, design and impact of technology upon society. However, some critics argue that the
ethical frameworks are a ‘soft’ option to formal regulation, providing structure and weight to self-regulatory
. A paper for the European Parliament identifies that ethics cannot be “reduced to codes of conduct,
guidelines or principles exclusively. Rather, ethics should also be understood as a continuous process”
requires ongoing reflection and refinement. The authors argue that the ethical process is to uncover ethical
issues and identify the governance mechanism required (i.e. ‘soft’ frameworks or ‘hard’ regulation) to address
emerging issues for digital ethics in a timely manner.
2 From academic research to regulation
Protecting individuals, both as citizens and as consumers, while promoting the national economy and businesses
are states’ main aims regarding ethics in digital technologies. What is meant by these issues nevertheless varies
These being the ethical values promoted by society in general and being held in a non-technological environment.
Wagner, B. (2018), ‘Ethics as an escape from regulation. From “ethics-washing” to ethics-shopping?’, In Bayamlioğlu, E., Baraliuc, I., Janssens, L.
(eds.): Being Profiled: Cogitas Ergo Sum. 10 Years of ‘Profiling the European Citizen‘. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press 2018, S. 8488
European Parliamentary Research Service (2020).
Ethical concern Examples
Platforms &
Personal & IoT
Cloud services
Consent & Privacy
Inclusion, Fairness & Non-
Protection from or
minimisation of online harms
across countries. In China, the culture of common good makes private data a natural resource of the digital
economy and sharing personal data to contribute to the common good is accepted. On the contrary, European
countries have had a strongly embedded culture of individual and privacy rights
for centuries: protecting
citizens does not have the same meaning across countries and cultures. The USA navigates between
commitment to performance (through more personal data collected) and commitment to freedom (through less
personal data collected), which may explain the existing disparities between individual American states.
In this context of strong cultural differences, numerous guidelines and frameworks have been published in the
past few years by countries and by international organisations. The majority have a technological focus (data,
AI, platforms) and include a section that covers the related ethical issues.
The maturity of the ethics approach, at international and state level, largely depends on the type of technology.
Ethics in blockchain and in cloud services have started to be analysed in academic research.
Technologies like devices, robots and AI seem to attract a greater degree of consideration, being subject
to recommendations, guidelines, and self-regulation. It is important to note here that national and
international frameworks presented below promote ethics in the design, development and/or use of
digital technologies, but most of them do not provide for any monitoring or enforcement mechanism.
Only laws, regulations and court decisions would enable oversight and enforcement of public and
private stakeholders, whether it be a general rule (e.g. civil code), a digital specific rule (e.g. GDPR), or
a sector-specific law or regulation (e.g. health). Thus, at a third level, platforms and their related topics
of data privacy and online harms have started to reach regulatory or legal levels.
We are still at a nascent stage of ethical considerations in digital technology overall; and geographies are not at
the same level of consideration and implementation on the subject. The sections below offer a non-exhaustive
review of tools implemented by states and international organisations, to promote ethics in digital technologies.
Ethical issues identified for each technology are not necessarily unique to this technology. Therefore, overlaps
appear. For instance, privacy and data ownership are a concern for cloud services, robots, IoT, AI as well as
platforms. It is also important to note that because it uses algorithms and data while being used as a
background technology to make other technologies work or make them more efficient (e.g. in platforms, apps,
IoT) AI is the central subject of many recommendations, and guidelines described below.
a. Cloud services and blockchain: Academic research on ethics
Cloud services and Software as a Service (SaaS) enable a flexible usage of a service based on the following
elements: computing, network, and storage. This technology has been studied lately from an ethical perspective,
For food for thought on cultural and philosophical impact on tech, read: Koenig, G. (2019), La fin de l’individu, Voyage d’un philosophe au pays de
l’intelligence artificielle.
mostly by academia
, through the themes of privacy, data ownership, data control, security (related to
intellectual property for instance) and thus trust (of user to the cloud service supplier). Some conclusions drawn
cover the mutual informational obligations between hosting companies and service providers about consumer
privacy, service reliability, data mining and data ownership. Potential restrictions from governments would not
be necessary, but some specific companies (banks, law firms, hospitals) would have to follow more stringent
Furthermore, the word “blockchain” has very recently appeared next to the word “ethics” in academic papers.
Blockchain has first been known as being adopted in finance with cryptocurrencies. Coupled with IoT, the smart
contract feature of blockchain leads to more transparency in international trade of goods and supply chain
management (environmental sustainability, respect of human rights in the supply chain). But ethically
unfavourable applications of blockchain have been identified, like blockchain‐based cryptocurrencies enabling
illegal transactions (money laundering, black markets for drugs, illegal pornography, weapons), assassination
markets where blockchain enables anonymous bets or cryptojacking
. Because it creates decentralized
organisations, it raises the issue of who should be responsible. There is a void of research and debate on ethics
of blockchain and understanding its potential applications and its socio-technical challenges is the current key
b. Devices and robots: From recommendations to laws
In 2018, the French regulator ARCEP raised awareness among policymakers and industry players regarding
smartphones acting to limit freedom of choice for users and thus imposing limits to an open internet
. The
Digital Services Act package, an EU draft law published in December 2020, that looks to monitor what is
referred as “structuring platforms” and could ban for instance:
the binding pre-installation of applications on mobile phones and computers,
the automatically imposed applications stores, like Apple Store or Google Play.
Academia had paved the way in the ethics of building and using robots as from 2006-2008. In 2017, the
UNESCO’s “Report of COMEST
on robotics ethics”
, written on the usage of robots in the society (industry,
military and civilian, transportation, health and welfare, education, household, agriculture and environment),
raised the related ethical challenges, and made recommendations on robotics ethics. This included, for instance,
the retraining of the workforce, the importance of public debate and of environmental impact assessment, as
well as the need to extend the work to study IoT ethics. Autonomy, decision ability, learning, legal status of
Faragardi, H. R. (2017), ‘Ethical considerations in cloud computing systems’, Summit of digitization for a sustainable society, Sweden; de Bruin, B.,
and Floridi, L. (2017), ‘The ethics of cloud computing’, Science and Engineering Ethics.
Cryptojacking is a malicious form of cryptomining or cryptocurrency theft. It is the unauthorised use of someone else's computer to mine
ARCEP (no date), Nos sujets: L’ouverture des terminaux (smartphones, assistants vocaux…) [online]. Available at:
ARCEP (2018), ‘Les terminaux maillon faible de l’ouverture d’Internet’, ARCEP report, February [online]. Available at:
World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST)
COMEST (2017), Report of COMEST on Robotics Ethics, SHS/YES/COMEST-10/17/2 REV., Paris, 14 September [online]. Available at:
robots, security and data protection are ethical subjects related to robotics that have been under study in the past
few years. The European Parliament resolution of 12 February 2019 covers both AI and robotics. It underlines
that both should respect national, European and international laws. It also calls for the creation of a European
code of ethics and for the EC to build a framework in which users’ consent would be necessary for their
personal data to be used
c. Artificial Intelligence: Guidelines and recommendations
Following its 2018 “AI for Europe” report, the European Commission has released in April 2019 its “Ethics
Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence”, developed by a group of independent experts based the
feedback of 500 contributors. These Guidelines’ objective is to “promote Trustworthy AI”, which would be a
lawful, ethical, and robust AI: “These guidelines are addressed to all AI stakeholders designing, developing,
deploying, implementing, using or being affected by AI, including but not limited to companies, organisations,
researchers, public services, government agencies, institutions, civil society organisations, individuals, workers
and consumers. Stakeholders committed towards achieving Trustworthy AI can voluntarily opt to use these
Guidelines as a method to operationalise their commitment, in particular by using the practical assessment list of
Chapter III when developing, deploying or using AI systems. This assessment list can also complement and
hence be incorporated in existing assessment processes.”
Figure 2. Seven requirements of EU Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
Résolution du Parlement européen du 12 février 2019 sur une politique industrielle européenne globale sur l’intelligence artificielle et la robotique,
European Parliament, Strasbourg, 12 February [online]. Available at:
European Commission (2019), EU Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, policy paper from the High-Level Group on AI, 8 April
[online]. Available at:
In April 2021, the EU has published a proposal for new rules and action for “excellence and trust in Artificial
Intelligence”. The risk-based approach takes into account three levels of risks: AI systems with an unacceptable
risk will be banned, those with high risk will be subject to strict obligations and those with limited risk will be
subject to transparency obligations. Most of AI systems are anticipated to fall in the fourth category (minimal
risk) and will not be subject to regulation.
In May 2019, the OECD adopted the first international standards for a responsible AI, the “OECD Principles on
. These principles were validated by OECD countries, along with Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Malta,
Peru, Romania, and Ukraine. The OECD recommendations coming out from these principles are not legally
binding but may influence national legislation. In June 2019, G20 countries, in their Ministerial Statement on
Trade and Digital Economy, stated their support to the OECD Principles on AI.
More recently in June 2020, the Global Partnership on AI (GPAI), an international initiative was launched by
France and Canada, and supported by Australia, the European Union, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico,
New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Slovenia, the United Kingdom and the United States of
America. The GPAI will involve experts from civil society, industry, governments, and academia to discuss
responsible use of AI and data governance, as well as collaborate and fund each other’s ideas.
In the past few years, numerous guidelines and frameworks on AI have been published by various countries and
groups of countries. Europe and the US have been early adopters to the inclusion of ethics in digital
technologies. In 2016, the US National Science and Technology Council published “Preparing for the Future of
AI” which promoted ethics by design
. In Europe, the French Prime Minister assigned the mission “For a
meaningful AI” in March 2018 and the government is working toward greater explicability of algorithms
Germany covered ethics in its November 2018 AI strategy
and the UK Centre of Data Ethics and Innovation
created the AI Barometer
with the objective to maximise benefits and minimise risks of AI, as well as more
recently, the ICO (UK data regulator) has released its “Guidance on AI and data protection”
China has entered the debate on ethics later, despite its huge investments and technical advance in AI
. Its
“New generation AI development plan” identified, in 2017, the need to carry out ethics research and to
formulate ethical norms to promote AI development. Its “Governance principles for a new generation of AI”,
released in June 2019, provides action guidelines
OECD (no date), What are the OECD Principles on AI? [online]. Available at?
Ethics can help practitioners understand their responsibilities to all stakeholders, but ethical training needs to be augmented with the technical
capability to put good intentions into practice by taking technical precautions as a system is built and tested.
France Government (no date), Expliquer les algorithms publics [online]. Available at:
German Federal Ministries of Education, Economic Affairs, and Labour and Social Affairs
UK Government (2020), CDEI AI Barometer, independent report from the Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation, published 18 June, last updated:
23 June [online]. Available at:
ICO (no date), Guidance on AI and data protection [online]. Available at:
Sharma, Y. (2017), ‘Robots bring Asia into the AI research ethics debate’, University World News, 24 November [online]. Available at:
Zhang, L. (2019), China: AI Governance Principles Released’, Library of Congress, 9 September [online]. Available at:
The matter is gaining traction in other geographic areas, with, for instance, the “AI in Mexico” national strategy
(2018), the “AI Principles and Ethics”, in UAE (2019), the “Principles to promote FEAT AI in the financial
sector“ in Singapore (2019) and the “Social principles of human-Centric AI”
in Japan (2019).
d. Platforms, data privacy and online harm
Although they are not explicitly specific to ethics, some regulations have been or are being implemented
regarding data privacy and online harms related to platform use.
Data privacy. The 2018 European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) relates to data
protection. It gives no clear guarantees on any ethical groundwork but offers some explainability to consumers.
It has influenced other regulations, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (January 2020).
Online harm. Introduced in September 2017, the German law “NetzDG” requires social networks to remove
hateful content within 24 hours after reporting. In cases where the illegality is not obvious, the platform has a
week to react. Offenders are exposed to a fine of up to 50 million euros. A similar law was submitted in France
in March 2019, but a key requirement that platforms should remove hateful content within 24 hours was
eventually removed, in order to comply with freedom of expression. More recently, the French ministry
proposed in October 2020 a collaboration between internal security services (Pharos platform) and platforms to
make fight against cyber terrorism more efficient.
Platforms under watch of governments. Australia has an “e-safety commissioner”
which helps Australians
who are experiencing online abuse to make a complaint and can order social media firms (with legal force) to
take down certain content. In mid-2019, the American Ministry of Justice launched an anti-trust investigation
against big tech companies, which recently concluded on the unprecedented financial and influence power, and
anti-competitive practices of these platforms, and asked for strong measures against big tech companies, up to
their dismantling. In October 2020, France and Netherlands sent a joint document
to the European
Commission to ask for stricter rules to monitor ‘gatekeepers’. The EU, through the Digital Services Act, is
planning to ask big tech companies for more transparency in users’ data collected and to implement new
regulations on fake news and harmful content. Regarding data breaches, the most recent example at the time of
writing is the £18.4 million imposed by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office to Marriott International
Hotels for failing to keep customers’ data secure following a cyberattack that impacted 339 million guest
3 Companies’ internal governance and self-regulation
Government of Japan, Cabinet Office, Council of Science, Technology and Innovation.
Australian Government and eSafety Commissioner:
Government of the Netherlands (2020), Considerations of France, Belgium and the Netherland regarding intervention on platforms with a
gatekeeper position, 15 October [online]. Available at:
ICO (2020), ICO fines Marriott International Inc £18.4 million for failing to keep customers’ personal data secure, 30 October [online]. Available at:
More and more companies are tackling the issue of ethics in digital technologies internally. One of their
challenges in this area is to meet customers’ expectations on the product or service delivered while protecting
trust of customers, business partners and governments. For example, consumers may wish to be shown their
location on a map application as soon as it opens but may not wish to be tracked constantly. This is about
finding a trade-off between innovation, customer experience and ethics. A plethora of tools have been developed
both in tech and in non-tech companies, to share knowledge and implement ethics and responsibility in the
design, the building, the use and/or the management of their tech products and services. The types of
technologies that have been approached by companies with an ethical view are mostly platforms, data and AI,
with obvious strong overlaps between them.
Companies differ more on the level of detail of their guidelines, of their recommendations and implementation,
than on the type of ethics subjects they cover. In terms of the latter, they seem to define their ethical standards
from national and international frameworks and guidelines. As illustrated in Figure 3 below, most of the OECD
AI principles for instance are covered by companies’ internal frameworks.
a. Principles and guidelines
Companies have developed internal codes of conducts, providing recommendations and actions to take to their
employees. Google’s “AI principles”
(2018) and its “Responsible AI Practices”
look for sharing research
results, incorporating findings in their practices, and adapting over time. Microsoft AI Principles
(2018) have
paved the way for operationalizing responsible AI. ARM focuses on the ethics by design in their “Trust
Figure 3. Comparison of OECD AI principles with AI principles of selected companies
AI should benefit
people and the
planet by driving
inclusive growth,
development and
“human-centric AI”
“responsible &
value centric”
“human centric”
5/“human safety
must be the primary
consideration in the
design of any AI
Google blog (2018), Google AI Principles updates, six months in, 18 December [online]. Available at:
Google AI (no date), Responsible AI Practices [online]. Available at:
Microsoft (no date), Responsible AI [online]. Available at:
arm AI (2019), ‘Trust Manifesto’, 6 November [online]. Available at:
Telefonica (2018), ‘AI Principles of Telefonica’, October [online]. Available at:
IBM (2019), ‘Everyday Ethics for Artificial Intelligence’ [online]. Available at:
Telia Company (2019), ‘Guiding Principles on Trusted AI Ethics’, January [online]. Available at:
arm AI (2019).
AI systems should
be designed in a
way that respects
the rule of law,
human rights,
democratic values
and diversity, and
they should include
safeguards for
example, enabling
human intervention
where necessary
to ensure a fair and
just society.
“fair AI”
“right respecting”
“fair & equal”
2/“every effort
should be made to
discriminatory bias
in designing and
developing AI
decision systems”
6/“we will support
efforts to retrain
people from all
backgrounds to
develop the skills
needed for an AI
There should be
transparency and
disclosure around
AI systems to
ensure that people
understand AI-
based outcomes and
can challenge them
“transparent and
explainable AI”
“user data rights”
“transparent &
3/“AI should be
capable of
explaining itself as
much as possible”
4/“users of AI
systems have a right
to know who is
responsible for the
consequences of AI
decision making”
AI systems must
function in a robust,
secure and safe way
throughout their life
cycles and potential
risks should be
continually assessed
and managed.
“privacy & security
by design”
“user data rights”
“safe & secure”
1/“we believe all AI
systems should
employ state-of-the-
art security”
5/“human safety
must be the primary
consideration in the
design of any AI
“reliability &
“privacy &
Organisations and
deploying or
operating AI
systems should be
held accountable for
their proper
functioning in line
with the above
Not specified
Not specified
In a document aimed at AI designers and developers
, IBM focuses on five areas of ethics: accountability,
value alignment, explicability, fairness, and user data rights, through the idea that “ethical decision-making is
not just another form of technical problem solving” and proposes internal recommendations.
Telecommunication operators have also followed the trend, such as Telefonica (Spain) and its “AI Principles”
(2018) and Telia (Sweden) (2019) and its “Guiding principles on trusted AI ethics”
. Most of these companies
regularly review and develop their principles; continuous review is part of Telia’s guidelines for instance
(Figure 4).
IBM (2019).
Telefonica (2018).
Telia Company (2019).
Figure 4. Telia company guiding principles on trusted AI ethics
An example of how platforms tackle harmful content issues is TikTok
. The Chinese video sharing platform,
created by Douyin for non-Chinese markets and launched in 2016, has published Community Guidelines
violence, hate speech, harassment among others, and its Trust & Safety teams moderate and remove content that
is not compliant to these guidelines. TikTok also works on increasing transparency about the reasons why
content has been removed in order to inform users “how their actions could be hurtful to others”. TikTok
recently joined other platform by signing the EU Code of Practice on Disinformation.
b. Toolkits
Open-source toolkits aimed to developers and data scientists to test fairness of their systems and mitigate bias,
have been created by companies (e.g. IBM’s AI Fairness 360
, Microsoft’s Fairlearn
) as well as by academia
(e.g. Stanford Policy Lab’s Fair ML
). The ODI (Open Data Institute) network has created a Data Ethics
(Figure 5). Its objective is to help identify and manage ethical issues for anyone collecting, sharing, or
using data. Among non-tech companies, the case of Rolls-Royce, developing an open-source framework on
ethical AI for industry is notable. The objective is twofold: ensuring that decisions taken to use AI in the
TikTok (2020), Countering hate on TikTok. 21 October [online]. Available at:
TikTok (no date), Community Guidelines [online]. Available at:
IBM Research (no date), AI Fairness 360 [online]. Available at:
Microsoft (2020), Fairlearn: A toolkit for assessing and improving fairness in AI, May [online]. Available at:
Corbett-Davies, S., and Goel, S. (no date), ‘Defining and Designing Fair Algorithms’, Fair ML: An ICML tutorial, Stanford Policy Lab [online].
Available at:
The ODI (2019), ‘Data Ethics Canvas’, May [online]. Available at:
company are ethical and checking that the outcomes of algorithms can be trusted and are not biased. The system
has been peer-reviewed by tech- and non tech-company experts and is one of the first cases of practical
application of AI ethics in industry. Regarding online harms, YouTube has for instance has launched a fact-
checking tool that relies on an open network of third-party publishers.
Figure 5. ODI Data Ethics Canvas
c. Training and awareness
Training programs, designed for managers and developers for instance, are set up to raise internal awareness
about ethical issues related to technologies. Telefonica has a 6 module-course on AI and Ethics available in
three languages (Spanish, English, and Portuguese).
d. Governance
Ethics committees have been implemented in some companies. Google’s ethics committee
Technology External Advisory Council (ATEAC) closed in 2019
in a publicised failure. Microsoft has
created its internal committee “AETHER AI, Ethics, and Effects in Engineering and Research” and an Office
of Responsible AI. Other companies appoint a person in charge of developing and ensuring ethics in the
YouTube (2020), Expanding fact checks on YouTube to the United States, 28 April [online]. Available at:
Lee, D. (2019), ‘Google announces AI ethics panel’, BBC News, 26 March [online]. Available at:
Johnson, B., and Lichfield, G. (2020), ‘Hey Google, sorry you lost your ethics council, so we made one for you’, MIT Technology Review, 6 April
[online]. Available at:
Data sources
Limitations in
data sources
Sharing data
with others
Ethical and
Your reason for
using data
your purpose
Engaging with
Rights around
data sources
Openness and
Positive effects
on people
effects on
Reviews and
Your actions
development and use of digital technologies, like at CNP Insurances
. Telefonica has a different approach to
the question with a self-responsibility approach with a three step-escalation, shown below
Figure 6. Telefonica escalation process on AI ethical issues
e. Employees’ initiatives
There have been some cases of employees protesting against their employer for ethical reasons. In 2018,
thousands of Google employees have signed a letter to their CEO protesting company’s work in a Pentagon
program (“Project Maven”
) that would have weaponized the use of AI. This issue has raised based on the
tension between the increasing demand for AI technology for military purposes and the ethos of some of
Google’s employees,” don’t be evil” being the company’s motto.
f. Cross-companies initiatives, PPPs, and support to research
The “Partnership on AI” brings together major technology companies
, start-ups, academics and specialists in
policy and ethics, in a non-profit consortium “on a mission to shape best practices, research, and public dialogue
about AI’s benefits for people and society to come up with ethical standards for researchers in AI. The ITI
(Information Technology Industry Council), a trade association representing the ICT industry, has published its
AI Policy Principles
which promote, among other things, the use of PPP to “democratize access” and
“prioritize diversity and inclusion”. Private companies contribute to independent AI Ethics research. For
example, Facebook collaborates with the University of Hong Kong to support research on AI ethics in Asia
Telecom Paris (2020), Une IA éthique au service du secteur de l’assurance, 24 July [online]. Available at:
Telefonica (2020), ‘Telefόnica’s Approach to the Responsible Use of AI’ [online]. Available at:
Shane, S., and Wakabayashi, D. (2018) ‘’The Busines of War’: Google Employees Protest Work for the Pentagon’, The New York Times, 4 April
[online]. Available at:
Partnership on AI (no date), Meet the Partners [online]. Available at;:
ITI (no date), ‘AI Policy Principles Executive Summary’ [online]. Available at:
Level 1
Product Managers
Training in
responsible AI
through a course
Simple self
assessment of
Products & Services
by online
Level 2
Expert support
Doubts answerd by
designated experts
in the different
Level 3
Responsible Business
Controversial issues
resolved in
Business Office
If any doubts arise,
they ask the experts
at level 2
Critical cases are
moved up to level 3
. Regarding fact checking and misinformation, Whatsapp has partnered with World Health
Organization to create the Whatsapp Coronavirus Information Hub to advise people on checked sources on the
g. Ethics-washing
These approaches, particularly when taken by billion-dollar tech companies, can sound hypocritical. Their
attempts to appear as concerned by the ethical issue may be an attempt to push back from any new regulation by
showing customers and regulators that their products or services are trustworthy. This is called ethics-washing
and it usually comes from a lack of willingness to tackle ethical issues or from public relations concerns where
the overriding objective is to monitor the reputational risk of the company. There is also the misconception that
the management of ethical issues could conflict with innovation and competitiveness. However, it seems that
tech consumers and users are becoming more and more sensitive to these issues and businesses would have
interests in acting authentically in that matter to remain competitive.
Furthermore, if platforms have signed the EU Code of Practice on Disinformation in late 2018, some studies
argue that the Code should be strengthened, particularly on implementation and monitoring
4 Proposed approach for and challenges to ethics in digital technologies
In this concluding section, we propose a two-fold approach to tackle public concern around ethics and to address
the social impact of these technologies use by private enterprise and states. We then highlight the key challenges
that policy makers and private companies face when addressing ethical concerns relating to digital technologies.
a. Proposed approach
We set out a two-fold approach to tackle public concern around ethics and to address the social impact of these
technologies use by private enterprise and states. This approach, set out below and illustrated in Figure 7
depends on supply, which includes private companies as well as public services and Government putting digital
tools available to citizens (e.g., Covid tracing apps), and demand, which includes all types of users (for instance,
consumers of digital services, citizens using public e-services, businesses using digital services from other
businesses, governments using services from private companies).
Facebook Research (no date), Facebook announced award recipient of the Ethics in AI Research Initiative for the Asia Pacific [ONLINE]. Available
Rochefort, M. (2020), ‘Covid-19 : WhatsApp annonce un partenariat inédit pour lutter contre les fake news’, SiecleDigital, 19 March [online].
Available at:
Figure 7. Two-fold approach of recommendations
Digital technologies must service individual people and society; this is the central principle of our two-fold
approach. Nevertheless, the majority of digital technologies are designed and used for commercial benefits
rather than for social good. Transitioning to a scenario which places ethics at the centre of the development and
use of digital technologies relies on feedback effects, as explained below.
1. Supply of digital technologies (and/or services underpinned by these technologies) is done by private
companies to consumers and by Governments and public organisations to citizens. Incorporating ethics
through frameworks, governance and self-regulation will benefit consumers and deliver broader
societal benefits. It is, however, essential that companies are rewarded for this behaviour (i.e. their
private benefit must exceed the cost from integrating ethics).
2. The most effective way for private companies (or public actors) to communicate this to consumers
(citizens) is by increased transparency and accountability. Making ethics visible will build trust. This
will also require for ethics to be ‘measurable’ and allows for comparison between suppliers.
3. Users of digital services and (underpinning) technologies also face ethical dilemmas from self-
responsibility and choice making. Driving awareness of ethics through education and data literacy is
key in empowering users. Users consumption and interaction with specific digital technologies/services
will likely be influenced by the ethics of the private companies and public organisations.
- private companies
- Governments & public
Benefits* > costs
- users
Key issue
regarding ethics
Digital products/services market
Regional/national guidelines & strategies
International cooperation
* Private companies: commercial benefits.
Governments & public services: social benefits
Social value of
Self responsibility
Choice making
4. User trust in ethical companies will increase engagement and consumption of digital
technologies/services. This will reward the companies and organisations most invested in the ethics
approach and that effectively communicate this (via transparency and accountability).
5. The regulatory environment and international cooperation on ethics in digital technologies underpin this
approach. These can affect the drivers to implement ethics for private companies and users. For
example, subjecting private companies to GDPR regulation will increase the social value delivered
from better handling of personal data.
b. Challenges to implementing ethics
To conclude, we highlight four key considerations to this or any alternate ethics approach.
Coping with rapid evolution of digital technology. Ensuring that ethical frameworks and tools are adaptable
and remain relevant to evolving technologies is a central on-going challenge. A flexible and forward-looking
approach should be central in the development of governance tools from formalised legislation and regulation
to self-regulatory initiatives, such as oversight by industry bodies and self-certification. Nonetheless,
development of technology will outpace these governance tools, pose new ethical dilemmas, and will require
continuous review of governance tools’ efficacy and effectiveness.
Different cultural perspectives. Social norms and ethical values vary across countries and cultures. Given the
very nature of the Internet and digital technologies, implementing ethics necessitates international cooperation
on standards and governance whilst also allowing for diverse cultural perspectives.
This inherent tension,
which is exacerbated by mistrust and practical coordination challenges, can only be overcome through cross-
cultural cooperation and exchange of best practices. ÓhÉigeartaigh et al (2020) argue that the potential barriers
to cross-cultural cooperation tend to arise from cultural mistrust, rather than fundamental disagreements.
Managing different cultural values is a dilemma for multinational tech companies that provide services and
products in different geographies. Multinationals can either adopt a fragmented approach, whereby the ethical
principles and decisions are different across geographies, or they may choose to adopt the highest standard. For
example, Microsoft have adopted the latter approach with regards to personal data and the EU’s GDPR law,
including lobbying for similar legislation in the USA.
States and enterprises are both judge and party. Ethics frameworks and governance tools (for examples,
principles, initiatives and legislation) for digital technologies are developed often by the actors to whom they
apply. As highlighted by the initiatives above, ethics has been a growing preoccupation for several large-scale
private companies. Although this may reflect a growing sense of corporate social responsibility, with companies
ÓhÉigeartaigh, S., and Whittlestone, J., and Liu, Y., Zeng, Y., and Liu, Z. (2020), ‘Overcoming Barriers to Cross-cultural Cooperation
in AI Ethics and Governance’, Philosophy & Technology, 33, pp571-591, May [online]. Available at:
signalling that they are trustworthy and responsible to consumers and states, critics have raised two potential
issues with this approach.
Industry support for ethics frameworks and self-regulatory initiatives may be seen as an attempt to
avoid more formal regulation or stringent requirements.
Potential ethics washing, where companies exaggerate their interest in ethics and social impact in order
to extract greater public trust (and profit). Ethics washing is a marketing strategy, with companies
failing to implement these policies internally efficiently and effectively.
Any possible solutions to these concerns need to ensure real oversight and accountability, for both private and
public actors. Top-down approaches may include ethics boards or introduction of ethics audits,
whereas a
bottom-up approach would be to investigate and communicate the commercial, social and environmental
benefits of enterprises implementing ethics. There is a research gap in the latter, but it is likely to substantially
accelerate progress towards more ethical digital technologies.
Engaging individuals in ethics. A key challenge will be to educate and empower individuals in their use of
digital technologies. This is an essential step in aligning incentives for states and private companies to
implement ethics. In most instances, the cost of ethics is borne by private companies and will benefit from
ethical consumers choice of services and products. Engaged citizens and consumers will also ensure effective
public accountability and scrutiny of State and private actors.
c. Call for research
There is a gap of research and debate on ethics and its societal implications in digital technologies.
One track relates to expanding research on if and how the ethics debate applies on technologies like blockchain
and cloud services, as well as on the existing overlaps with other technologies in that matter (privacy, data).
Blockchain’s potential applications and their socio-technical challenges are another path for ethics research.
Business research could assess the economic benefit for a virtuous organisation of a deployment or usage of an
“ethical” technology. Better understanding and the valuation of these impacts could foster companies to tackle
the ethics issue or at least being sensitive and aware on that matter.
Finally, another axis identified for research is the impact of education and empowerment of individuals in their
use of digital technologies. Engaged citizens and consumers, or at the very least well-informed individuals, will
ensure effective public accountability and contribute to scrutiny of State and private actors. Individuals are the
main technology users and are not enough considered in the discussions.
Wagner (2018).
MAIEI (2020), Why We Need to Audit Government AI, 14 September [online]. Available at:
Arborus (2020), Lancement du ler label international pour une IA Inclusive, 7 September [online]. Available at: