Green Acres Program
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection
Application for Sale of Real Estate
Thank you for your interest in selling your land to the Green Acres Program.
The Green Acres Program works with landowners to preserve environmentally
sensitive open space, water resources, and other natural and historic resources.
Protected lands become part of the statewide system of parks, forests, wildlife
management areas, and preserves.
When you sell your land to Green Acres, you leave a significant legacy—a legacy
that will help protect the quality of life enjoyed by your children, your community
and future generations.
NJDEP Green Acres Program
401 East State Street, 7th Floor
Mail Code 401-07B
P.O. Box 420
Trenton, NJ 08625-0420
Tel: (609) 984-0500; Fax: (609) 984-0608
Application for Sale of Real Estate
Return to:
For G.A. Use Only
NJDEP Green Acres Program
Mail Code
Date Received:
P.O. Box 4
01 E. State St.
Offer Number:
Trenton, NJ 08625
Contact: (609) 984-0500 Fax: (609) 984-0608 Denied:
Owner Information
Property Owner’s Name: Daytime Telephone:
Full name
Co-Owner’s Name Daytime Telephone:
Full name
Property Owner’s Mailing Address:
City, State & Zip Code
Email Address:
If applicable, check if the property is owned by a(n): Estate Partnership Corporation
Property Information
Municipality: County:
Please provide the following information, which is available from your most recent tax bill(s):
Block # Lot # Assessed Value Farmland Assessed? Annual Property Taxes Acres per Lot
$ Yes / No $
$ Yes / No $
$ Yes / No $
$ Yes / No $
(Use back of application if more space needed.)
Total Acres:
Property Address or Nearest Street:
Municipal Zoning District:
(available from municipal zoning officer)
Date you acquired title to the property:
Are there any structures located on the property?
(Use back of application if more space needed.)
Yes No
If yes, please describe & provide
photos of all outstanding structures
Current use of property:
Have any commercial activities ever taken place on this property? Yes No
If yes, please describe:
Are there any leases, rental agreements, easements or deed restrictions affecting the property? Yes No
If yes, please describe:
Are there any mortgages or liens on the property? Yes No
If yes, please describe:
Have you ever applied here or elsewhere to sell this property for preservation? Yes No
If yes, please describe:
Have you pursued, or are you pursuing, any subdivision or development approvals on the property? Yes No
If yes, please describe:
Dates of Prel. & Final Approvals: (Provide documentation of approvals)
Is the property currently listed for sale with a realtor? Yes No
If yes, please provide name and phone #:
Email Address:
What is your asking price for this property (required)?
While the asking price is a key element in the evaluation of this property, it is non-binding, and is not a commitment on the part of the
State of New Jersey to pay this amount should this
property be selected for acquisition.
Please tell us about your property, including any unique or special environmental features, known historical associations, and
any bodies of water on the property or bordering the property. (Use back of application if more space needed.)
Representative Information
Do you authorize a person to act as your representative in all matters pertaining to this application? Yes No
What is this person’s relationship to you (i.e., family member, realtor, attorney)?
Name of Representative:
Representative’s Street Address:
City, State, Zip Code: Telephone:
Email Address:
Signature of Representative:
Note: Any Agreement for sale / purchase shall be signed by the Owner.
Copies of the following documents are requested though not required for application:
Tax Map: Yes No Title Insurance Policy: Yes No
Deed of Property: Yes No Survey: Yes No
Structure Photos: Yes No
Owner Certification
I hereby certify that the information included in this application is true, that I am the legal owner of the property
described above, that I have marketable title to the property and that I have the legal right to sell the property. I
hereby authorize the staff of the Green Acres Program to conduct such site inspections on the property as are
necessary to this application.
Note: All persons having an ownership interest must sign as owners (Use back of application if more space needed). Pursuant to P. L.
2005, C.51; certain political contributions exceeding $300 may preclude the State from purchasing the landowner’s property. For more
information, please consult
or contact us.
Signature of Owner (Applicant) Date Signature of Owner (Co-Applicant) Date