The following serves as a legally binding agreement between!Korrol Beats
(“Licensor”) and You (“Licensee”). This agreement grants the Licensee!certain
non-exclusive rights to the song being licensed.
1. Payment: The Licensee agrees to pay the Licensor a non-refundable fee of
$22-32 (Depending on sale or package) for the non-exclusive use of the
Instrumental that is being licensed in this Agreement, for the purpose of creating
a new composition.
2.Term: This non-exclusive license agreement shall expire one (1) year from the
execution of this agreement.
3. Master Recording: Licensor hereby grants Licensee the non-exclusive right to
record and synchronize vocals and/or instruments to the Instrumental to create
one (1) new composition.! This license does not authorize use of the Instrumental
in additional compositions. The Licensee must obtain an additional license from
Licensor for any additional composition using the Instrumental. The Licensee
shall not edit the Instrumental in any way including but not limited to by changing
the arrangement, removing or altering melodies, instruments, drum and rhythm
programming, or sounds that are contained within the Instrumental.
4. Profitable Distribution: Licensee may distribute one (1) version of the Master
Recording for profitable use. Licensee is may distribute no more than 2,500 -
3,000 (dependent on the specific license) copies of the Master Recording.
5. Ownership Rights: Licensor retains all rights in and to the Instrumental
including all rights in and to the underlying composition. Licensor may continue to
sell or license the Instrumental non-exclusively and/or exclusively. Licensee shall
not sell or license the rights to the Instrumental whether in whole or part to any
other party. In the event Licensor sells exclusive rights to the Instrumental, you
shall retain your non-exclusive rights subject to the terms and limitations of this
6. Credit: Licensee must give production credit to Licensor on all copies of and
advertisements for recordings containing Instrumental. The credit shall be
substantially in the form: “Prod. KORROL”
7. Sample Clearances: Licensee is hereby notified that the Instrumental may
contain samples. The Licensee shall be responsible for clearing all samples.
Licensor shall not be liable for the use of any sampled material by Licensee in
any new composition.
8. The Licensor must provide the Licensee with the following:
- Untagged mp3 or wav beat file (available for download immediately after
By clicking the!“Buy” button, you (the Licensee) declare that you have read,
understood, and agreed to the above terms of agreement. You further agree that
any breach of this contract shall result in the revocation the non-exclusive license
and termination of this agreement. !Violation of the terms of this agreement may
constitute a violation of copyright law.