Institute for Policy Research Working Paper
High Stakes Accountability in Urban Elementary Schools:
Challenging or Reproducing Inequality?
John B. Diamond
James P. Spillane
Northwestern University
Work on this paper was supported by the Distributed Leadership Project which is funded by research
grants from the National Science Foundation (REC-9873583) and the Spencer Foundation (200000039).
Northwestern University's School of Education and Social Policy and Institute for Policy Research also
supported work on this paper. All inquiries about this research project should be directed to the study’s
Principal Investigator, James Spillane at Northwestern University, 2115 North Campus Drive, Evanston, IL
60208-2615 or [email protected]. All opinions and conclusions expressed in this paper are
those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of any funding agency or institution.
In this paper, the authors use data from interviews and observations in four urban
elementary schools – two high and two low performing – to examine how schools
respond to high stakes accountability policies. The authors argue that school responses to
high stakes accountability depend on school context. In low-performing schools,
responses focus narrowly on complying with policy demands, focusing on improving the
performance of certain students, within benchmark grades, and in certain subject areas.
In contrast, higher performing schools emphasize enhancing the performance of all
students regardless of grade level and across all subject areas. Given the concentration of
poor students and students of color in the lowest performing schools, the authors
conclude that issues of educational equity need to be given careful consideration in the
implementation of high stakes accountability policies.
One of the most consistent findings in educational research is that family
background is linked to children's educational outcomes, attainment, and adult
occupational status (Blau and Duncan, 1967; Coleman et al., 1966; Jencks et al., 1972;
Orfield, 1993). While education is viewed by many as an important mechanism for social
mobility – tied to the “common school” belief that all children should have equal
educational access and opportunity (Cremin, 1951; Muller and Schiller, 2000) – many
scholars argue that schools reproduce social inequality. Over the past decade, policy
makers have mobilized an arsenal of policy instruments in an effort to ensure that all
children receive high quality education. One increasingly popular but controversial
strategy relies on external accountability mechanisms, including high stakes testing, to
transform instructional practices and make teachers and students more accountable for
their performance. Critics argue that these policies will exacerbate inequalities by leading
teachers to marginalize low-performing students (Clotfelter and Ladd, 1996; McDill,
Natriello, and Pallas, 1986) and causing teachers to teach these students only the material
covered on standardized tests. Others contend that such policies are misguided because
limited resources, unprepared teachers, and ineffective instructional practices rather than
incentives are the problem that needs to be addressed (Darling-Hammond, 1994).
Proponents argue that such assessments will reduce gatekeeping processes such as
tracking and low teacher expectations that disadvantage certain students. External
assessments, it is argued, provide objective information for school-based decision-
making and therefore work against more subjective judgements that contribute to
stratification (Muller and Schiller, 2000; Coleman, 1997). For example, supporters argue
that teachers’ assessments of students’ ability as well as decisions about course placement
and grouping arrangements inside classrooms could be based on more objective
information from standardized tests (Muller and Schiller, 2000).
Given the increasing emphasis on external assessment and accountability, and the
strong arguments on both sides of the issue, it is interesting that with a few notable
exceptions (Muller and Schiller, 2000; Roderick, Bryk, Jacob et al., 1999) research on
how these policies unfold in schools and the mechanisms through which they impact
student learning has been limited. Moreover, few studies have explored how the
implementation of these policies may be situated in certain school contexts and how this
may influence their impact on students.
The study that is reported in this paper examines the implementation of high-
stakes testing in high and low performing schools. We seek answers to two related
questions. First, is high stakes accountability policy perceived and implemented
differently in high and low-performing schools? Second, does the implementation of high
stakes testing in these schools suggest that it will reduce social stratification through the
mechanisms outlined by testing proponents?
High Stakes Accountability and Stratification
One aim of accountability policies is to insure that all students receive high
quality instruction and reach a certain level of competence in core subject areas (Muller
and Schiller, 2000). Some districts, like Chicago, have adopted a high stakes version of
these policies that link student performance on examinations to consequences for schools
and, in some instances, students themselves. Opponents of these policies argue that for
these approaches to be fair, instructional changes should precede consequences for
students (Heubert and Hauser, 1999) and that such policies create incentives for
marginalizing low performing students (Clotfelter and Ladd, 1996; McDill, Natriello, and
Pallas, 1986). Neutral observers caution that those implementing such policies must
insure the adequacy of educational resources for the tested students, attend to the
reliability and validity of the exams for their intended purposes, and avoid basing
decisions on one test (AERA 2000).
Proponents of these policies suggest that they can reduce inequality through
increasing student motivation, creating incentives for teachers to seek improvements in
student outcomes, providing more objective information about students’ performance for
school based decision-making, and increasing academic press in schools – particularly
those serving low-income and minority students (Coleman, 1997; Shouse, 1997; Muller
and Schiller, 2000).
Coleman (1997) advocates the development of output-driven schools, a key
component of which would be external assessment and accountability. He argues that
external assessments such as student performance tests would create new incentives for
school improvement, providing objective information for teachers to assess students and
make course placement decisions, thereby reducing the gatekeeping functions of schools
(Coleman, 1997; Muller and Schiller, 2000). Shouse (1997) argues that designing more
output-driven schools would also increase academic press and have particularly
beneficial consequences for students with lower socioeconomic status. Therefore,
proponents of these policies suggest that three key mechanisms – the creation of new
incentives, the provision of objective information for school decision making, and the
increase of academic press – will combine to reduce schools’ and teachers’ gatekeeping
practices and contribute to a reduction in stratification.
While arguments have been forwarded in support of and in opposition to these
policies, surprisingly little research closely examines how they play out in schools. The
data on outcomes that does exist presents a mixed picture. Data on the implementation of
high stakes testing in Chicago suggests that the percentage of students meeting minimum
competency requirements has increased since the introduction of the policy (Roderick et
al., 1999). However, the policy has differential impacts on students based on their family
background characteristics. For example, African American students were retained at a
much higher rate than their white and Latino/a counterparts because they tend to score
lower than whites and because of the higher proportion of Latino/a students who are in
bilingual programs and therefore exempt from the policy (Roderick et al., 1999). This
likely has a stratifying effect for African American students because grade retention may
be associated with negative long-term outcomes including reduction in self-esteem and
increased likelihood of high school drop-out (Roderick, 1994).
Muller and Schiller (2000) examine how state-level testing policy impacts high
school students’ graduation rates and mathematics course-taking. They show that these
policies equalized students’ academic attainment and reduced the impact of teachers’
gatekeeping through low-expectations, seeming to support the arguments of supporters of
these policies (Muller and Schiller, 2000: 210). However, they also find that when state
tests link students’ performance to consequences for schools it leads to stratification
based on SES, lending support to the arguments of opponents of testing policies.
Therefore, their findings do not strongly support the arguments of proponents of these
policies or their critics. They recommend more research using both qualitative and
quantitative methods to explore the mechanisms through which these policies influence
teachers’ practices and students’ outcomes. Research into the processes of accountability
policy implementation will help inform this discussion.
In this paper, we argue that in order to understand the implications of these
policies it is important to examine how they are understood and implemented in
particular school contexts. In the current paper, we examine schools’ responses to high
stakes accountability policy, paying particular attention to the implications of these
responses for issues of educational equity both within and across institutions. More
specifically, we examine how teachers and administrators in high and low performing
schools respond to high-stakes accountability policy focusing on their responses to
incentive structures, their interpretation and use of test score data, and their subsequent
instructional priorities. We argue that these responses to high stakes accountability are
situated in a school’s status with regard to accountability policy – probation versus high
performance – and argue that school status is correlated with students’ race and social
class. We conclude that differences in responses to accountability policy in different
types of schools may increase rather than reduce educational stratification.
The paper is organized as follows. First, we outline the theoretical tools used to
frame our discussion. Following this, we discuss the methodological approach that
guided the research. We then examine differences in schools’ responses to high stakes
accountability in four elementary schools – two high performing schools
and two
probation schools. In the final section we discuss these cases, paying particular attention
to the implications of school-level responses to high stakes testing for issues of
stratification. We argue that the picture emerging from these cases suggests that the ways
in which these policies are implemented in particular school context may exacerbate
rather than reduce educational stratification.
Theoretical Tools
Research on the role of family background and educational stratification
demonstrates consistent links between socioeconomic status and students’ outcomes.
Some explanations for this pattern focus on direct effects of family background such as
class-based disparities in parents’ beliefs and involvement patterns (Lareau, 1989; Sewell
and Shah, 1968 (a), Sewell and Shah, 1968 (b); Sewell and Hauser, 1980), family
structure (i.e. number of parents in the home or the number of siblings in the family), and
access to extra-familial resources through parents’ social networks and institutional
affiliations (Coleman, 1988; Coleman and Hoffer, 1987; Wong, 1998; Carbonaro, 1998;
Hao and Bonstead-Bruns, 1998; Hofferth et al., 1998; McNeal, 1999; Wilson, 1987).
Other scholars focus on the interaction between these background characteristics and
school practices. In these accounts, schools impact students though micro-political
processes such as low teacher expectations (Roscigno, 1998; Brophy and Good, 1973;
Rist, 1970, 1977; Rosenthal and Jacobson, 1968), tracking (Oakes, 1995), and cultural
reproduction processes (Bourdieu, 1979; Bourdieu and Passeron, 1977).
A third approach – institutional stratification– highlights the implications of inter-
organizational processes for social stratification (Roscigno, 2000). Because race and
social class shape school attendance patterns and contribute to the creation of highly
segregated school contexts (Orfield, Bachmeier, James, and Eitle, 1997), family
background can contribute to stratification through the distinctly different characteristics
of the schools students attend (Roscigno, 2000). Differences in schools’ monetary
resources (Elliot, 1998; Greenwald, Hedges, and Laine, 1994; Hedges and Greenwald,
1996; Kozol, 1991), instructional quality (Smith, Lee, & Newman, 2001), presentation of
valued knowledge (Anyon, 1991) course offerings (Ayalon, 1994), and social
organization (Bowles and Gintis, 1976), all contribute to the maintenance of social
Roscigno’s institutional stratification perspective captures these inter-
organizational dynamics, emphasizing the “multi-level and inter-institutional nature of
racial educational disadvantage” (Roscigno, 2000:271). Roscigno writes:
Arguably, the most important of these inter-institutional linkages in relation to
race/class reproduction in education has to do with family background inequalities
and their consequences for achievement through the character and resources of
the schools one attends. What this means, more straightforwardly, is that family
background shapes residential options. Where one resides, in turn, has a large
impact on the school one attends and, consequently, achievement [emphasis in
original] (Roscigno, 2000:271).
He concludes that residential segregation leads to indirect effects of family background
through enrollment patterns in public versus private schools, the race and social class
composition of schools, monetary expenditures, and school climate (Roscigno, 2000).
Other work demonstrates that the concentration of low-income and African American
students in certain schools may have detrimental implications for student outcomes apart
from the individual characteristics of students (Bankston and Caldas, 1996). Taken
together, this work demonstrates that educational stratification based on race and social
class is at least partially maintained through race and class-linked institutional processes.
Building on this work, we argue that the implications of policies like high stakes
accountability are also shaped by institutional stratification processes. In contemporary
urban contexts there are several types of schools including private schools (both religious
and non-religious) which are often thought to be the highest quality, magnet schools
which are often considered the “elite” public schools, and neighborhood schools which
can be further divided into high and low quality categories. Social class and race are
important in patterning the schools that children attend, with the more highly valued
settings being most accessible to middle- and upper-class children. The different types of
public schools are likely to implement the policy differently. Therefore, if students are
concentrated in different types of schools based on race and social class, they will be
impacted by the policy in distinct ways.
Taking the Chicago Public Schools as an example, data
shows that schools on
academic probation have a higher percentage of African American and low-income
students, on average, than the typical Chicago Public School. African Americans make
up 52% of the district’s student population but 83% of students attending probation
schools. Likewise the district average of low-income students is 84% while the average
for probation schools has 92% low-income students. Perhaps most interesting, however,
is the fact that while white students make up 10% of the district student population, they
make up less than 1% of the students attending elementary schools on probation.
These figures are more striking when compared to data from Chicago magnet
schools which consistently rank among the district’s highest performing schools.
Elementary magnet schools contain 55% low-income students (compared to 92% for
probation schools) and 53% Black students (compared to 83% for probation schools).
White students make up 17% of elementary magnet school students (as compared to less
than 1% in probation schools).
These data demonstrate that structural processes related
to family background shape students’ access to schools of different quality. African
American and low-income students are more likely to be found in the lowest performing
schools while white and middle income students are more likely to be found in higher
performing magnet schools.
Table 1 presents the mean percentage of students by race
(black/white) and social class in the Chicago district as a whole as well as its magnet,
high performing, and probation elementary schools.
[insert table 1 here]
The multiple factors that contribute to this process are beyond the scope of this
paper, however, as we shall see, the observed patterns likely have important
consequences for students’ educational experiences.
In the discussion that follows, we
focus on school status in relation to high stakes accountability – probation versus high
performance – as an important factor that shapes schools’ responses to accountability
policy and students’ access to educational equity.
Research Methodology
This paper is based on data from the Distributed Leadership Project, a four-year
longitudinal study of elementary school leadership funded by the National Science
Foundation and the Spencer Foundation. The project began with a six-month pilot phase
during the Winter and Spring of 1999 involving seven Chicago elementary schools, four
interview only sites and three schools where we conducted interviews and extensive
fieldwork. The first full year of data collection (Phase 1) began in September 1999 and
focused on eight Chicago elementary schools, two of which were also part of the study’s
pilot phase. Year 01 data collection was completed in June 2000, and involved between
50 and 70 days of fieldwork in each of our eight sites. The four schools that are the focus
of this paper were selected because two were the highest performing in our sample and
the other two were probation schools and the lowest performing.
Site Selection. We used a theoretical sampling strategy (Strauss 1987; Glaser &
Strauss, 1967) to select study schools based on two primary dimensions. First, the schools
vary in terms of student demographics, including seven schools that are predominantly
African American, three that are predominantly Hispanic, and three that are mixed.
Second, while we are chiefly interested in schools that had shown signs of improving
mathematics, science, or literacy instruction (in terms of either process or outcome
measures), we also wanted to study some schools that had managed little change in
student outcome gains. We focus our analysis in this discussion on two high performing
schools and two schools that are on academic probation. In table 2 we outline schools by
racial composition and percentage of low-income students.
[insert table 2 here]
Data Collection. Research methodologies include observations and structured and
semi-structured interviews. In the schools reported on in this paper, researchers observed
school leadership events, meetings, and classroom instruction in grades 2 and 5 and
conducted interviews with teachers and school leaders. During Phase 1 of the study,
researchers spent the equivalent of three to four days per week per school over a ten-
week period in the Fall of 1999 and a 12 week period in the Spring of 2000. Leadership
events observed in these schools to date included grade level meetings, faculty meetings,
school improvement planning meetings, professional development workshops, and
supervisions of teaching practice. In addition, we observed a number of other events
including homeroom conversations between teachers, lunchroom conversations, grade
level meetings and subject specific workshops and meetings.
We completed interviews with teachers at the second and fifth grade levels and
school leaders (including lead teachers). Interview protocols focused on school leaders’
agenda and goals, their responsibilities, and the key tasks they perform as part of
promoting instructional change in mathematics, science and literacy.
We also selected
specific instances of school leaders’ practices to observe and then conducted post-
observation interviews with these leaders about the observed practice.
Using the protocols, researchers wrote detailed fieldnotes following each
observation. A total of 181 sets of fieldnotes detailing anything from 30 minute meeting
observations to three hour professional development workshops were compiled thus far.
All interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed.
Data Analysis. Data collection and data analysis are closely integrated, allowing
us to examine patterns and working hypotheses as they emerged from data analysis and
refine data collection strategies (Miles & Huberman, 1984). Coding categories were
developed based on the distributed leadership theoretical framework and initial analyses
of our observation and interview data. A commercial computer based qualitative coding
program – NUDIST - was used to code all project data. NUDIST allowed us to code the
emerging ideas and concepts from the data into free nodes that can be compared and
related to each other, forming larger “parent” nodes that can be stored in an index system
that brings the different components of the project together. Coders worked together to
code transcripts initially in order to develop a shared understanding of what each code
meant. Once coders had developed a “taken as shared” understanding of these codes,
they worked independently. We also used our field notes (which document the actual
observed practice of leadership) and interviews to construct our case studies for this
High Stakes Accountability: The Case of the Chicago Public Schools
A popular public policy strategy in recent efforts to improve America’s schools
involves holding school’s accountable for student achievement. Arguing for a K-12
curriculum that is grounded in more intellectually rigorous content, reformers propose to
use a variety of policy levers to hold schools accountable for students’ mastery of this
content. These policy efforts involve at least two components: specific student
performance outcomes and rewards and sanctions for schools (Clotfelter & Ladd, 1996;
Elmore, Abelmann, & Fuhrman, 1996). We identify each of these components below
and use the Chicago Public School’s accountability policy, an often referred to example
of a successful accountability policy in both policy and academic circles, to illuminate
each component.
To begin with, student performance outcomes as measured by tests, rather than
inputs (e.g., number of certified staff), are the primary mechanism that state and local
government agencies use to hold school’s accountable. While the 1988 Chicago School
Reform Act (P.A. 85-1418) included the decentralization of decision making to the
school site level and the formation of Local School Councils (LSC), the Chicago School
Reform Amendatory Act of 1995 gave much authority to the chief executive officer,
appointed by the mayor, who was able to place poorly performing schools in remediation
or on probation based on their performance on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS).
Specifically, student performance on the ITBS at benchmark grades became the districts’
primary measure of school accountability and progress.
The second component of most accountability measures involve the creation of a
system of rewards and sanctions as well as intervention strategies designed to motivate
schools to improve student achievement. In Chicago Public Schools the key sanction is
the power of the Chief Executive Officer to place schools on probation because of low
performance as measured by standardized test scores. For example, in 1996 the CEO
placed twenty per cent of the elementary schools, 109 schools, on probation because
fewer than 15% of their students performed at or above national norms on the reading
and mathematics sections of the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) (Hess, 2000; Wong &
Anagnostopoulos, 1998).
Schools on probation are required to develop a supplemental
school improvement plan that outlines specific strategies the school will take to improve
student achievement and defines criteria that will be used to judge the school’s progress
toward improvement. For technical assistance, schools use their discretionary funds to
purchase the services of an external partner whom they can select from a district-
approved list. If the district decides that a school has not made adequate progress, the
CEO can have the school reconstituted, ordering new LSC elections and replacing the
principal and faculty.
Some efforts to transform accountability arrangements also include rewards or
sanctions for students. This is important because, as some scholars note, teaching is co-
produced by teachers and students (Cohen and Ball 1996). Hence, an accountability
system that targets teachers and school administrators exclusively may place them in an
impossible position as they depend on their students to improve school performance. In
1996 the school district also ended social promotion, informing the students that
beginning with the 1996-97 school year if they failed to achieve at a certain level on the
ITBS they would have to attend summer school. Further, if by the end of the summer
students still fail to achieve at the required level on the ITBS they are not promoted to the
next grade level. These developments are important because the incentive structure
mobilized by the school district targets students in addition to teachers and
General Impacts of High Stakes Testing
One of the core arguments of proponents of high stakes testing is that it provides
incentives for school improvement. In simple terms, when schools, teachers, and students
are made accountable for students’ outcomes, it is argued, they will seek to improve
them. Data from our schools indicate that school leaders do pay attention to high stakes
accountability. There were general patterns that cut across all of the schools in our
sample. Leaders at each school report paying some attention to the exams. Even in the
highest performing schools, schools where 50% or more of the students score at or above
national norms in core subject areas, school leaders report paying some attention to exam
results. In addition, leaders at both high and low-performing schools reported seeking
improvements in students’ outcomes. As the principal at one of the higher performing
schools reported:
When I look at the test results – and I happen to be one that believes that the test
results do tell you something about curriculum –Fifty percent are succeeding. I
look at it the other way, fifty percent of our children are not succeeding …
Hopefully our scores will go a notch up. You know, even one percent to show
that there is some effort and some results.
The push for improvement was consistent among school leaders across all of our schools.
None of the school leaders we interviewed was completely content with student
All of the schools also engage in some form of explicit test preparation activities.
There are differences, however, in the strategies used and the frequency of these
activities. At one school, which engages in the most extensive test preparation, students
are tested every Thursday. The stated goal at this school is to make the testing
environment comfortable for the students so that when they take the actual exam they
will not be overwhelmed or feel undue pressure. As the Assistant Principal at this school
We expose them to the testing situation at least once a week and we use the
bubble forms except for the little ones because their test is not like that. In other
words we try to simulate the testing even with the writing part of the test. I’ve
shown the teachers how to do booklets that simulate the real test. So we try to do
whatever we can so that our children are accustomed to taking tests so they’re test
smart kids and they’re not nervous.
Another school used a five-week assessment to structure instructional activities
for students and target specific problem areas. Finally at other schools these activities
were more sporadic, occurring increasingly often just prior to the testing period.
We also found that testing structured schools’ and teachers’ priorities with regard
to the content covered in classrooms and the attention paid to different subject areas.
With regard to instructional content teachers reported that testing was outmatched only
by other teachers and textbooks as an influence on the content they covered.
specific manifestation of this influence on content coverage was the lack of attention to
science instruction when compared to reading and mathematics. As a field, elementary
education is characterized by the differential valuation of mathematics, science, and
literacy instruction. Although most elementary teachers do not have a well-defined
subject matter specialization and do not work in situations where organizational
arrangements (e.g., departmental structures) directly support subject matter identities,
subject matter is an important context for teachers’ work (Stodolsky, 1988). A general
pattern at our schools was that science instruction was given lower priority than other
subject areas. Across our schools we found that when compared to mathematics and
language arts instruction, science had fewer formal and informal subject matter leaders,
less attention from school administrators, and fewer instructional specialists (Spillane,
Diamond, Walker et al. 2001). Further, our data suggest that accountability policy may
accentuate this undervaluing of science education. When asked how important testing
was on the content they covered in science, teachers ranked it below principals, other
teachers, standards, textbooks, and instructional specialists. Teachers in both high and
low-performing schools captured the situation:
So I go to my grade chairperson and she'll give me a list of the ten objectives in reading
and math that I must teach. Science and social studies are more flexible because the
students are not tested on the IOWA’s [Iowa Test of Basic Skills] in science and social
studies so that's more, you know, on the teacher's personal decision.
You know science isn’t one of your guides for whether a child is promoted or
graduates. So reading and math are what are stressed because those are what
everybody looks at. And to a certain degree, that’s what the teachers look at too. You
know I’ve got to get you on. I’ve got to get you out of this building. You’ve got to
get this in math, you’ve got to get this … in reading. So those two always come first.
We aren’t able to teach science as much as I would like to. Mainly because on the 3
grade level we aren’t tested on [science and social studies] we’re not tested on those
subjects we are tested on reading and math. … I just can’t fit it in. [There is] so much
math and so much reading that it’s hard to fit the science and social studies [in]. So
most of the time … I begin teaching science and social studies after the test.
Therefore, across all of our schools, and without regard to performance level, schools
paid attention to tests results and sought to improve students’ outcomes on them.
According to teachers’ reports, testing and accountability policy also influenced the
instructional content covered and the priority placed on different subject matter areas,
with science receiving less attention than reading and math. While general patterns
existed across the schools, school personnel at high and low performing schools
responded to these policies differently. The following section discusses some of these
differences, comparing responses to accountability policy at high and low performing
School Status and The Nature of Incentives
Proponents of high stakes accountability argue that it will create incentives for
instructional improvement. We argue that how schools respond to these incentives
depends at least in part on their status in relationship to accountability policy. In Chicago,
the incentives for probation schools are clear and direct, they are organized around the
threat of reconstitution. To avoid this schools must get off of probation and this becomes
the goal. In high performing schools, the incentives are structured around rewards more
than sanctions, with recognition for high performance likely being the primary motivator.
The following section discusses the ways in which school leaders (and schools as a whole
to a certain extent) at high and low performing schools orient themselves toward
accountability policy and the ways in which the incentive structures seem to shape these
Incentives in Probation Schools
The two probation schools – Waxton and Field – emphasize getting off of
probation. As Waxton School’s principal stated when asked about the schools goals, “the
obvious goal is to get off probation! Now that’s it in a nutshell.” This emphasis on getting
off of probation in these two schools had an important impact on their responses to
accountability policy. While probation status allows school leaders to demand teachers
attention, the need to respond to immediate pressures from external actors such as
probation managers led to several related responses which tended to be cosmetic and
superficial with regard to classroom instruction.
The principal at Waxton School used the accountability policy as a “stick” to get
teachers’ attention and motivate them. She was in her first year at the school and used
accountability policy as a way to legitimize her push for teachers to improve. She
reminded teachers that she would replace those who were not pulling their weight,
suggesting that this was a “requirement” she would have to reluctantly enforce. In one
staff meeting, for example, she told teachers about how she had been asked by the
probation manager (and the central office) to begin the process of identifying teachers
who might potentially be replaced. She explained to the teachers that, although she
“could no longer ignore” these requests by the probation manager, she would drag the
process along to give each one of them “a chance” to improve. This was a tone she
consistently sounded, seeking to motivate teachers. In this sense, accountability policy
(and the set of actors associated with it) serves as a threat, a way for school leaders to get
the attention of teachers and push them to change their practices.
The external partner at Field School believes that teachers at this school are open to
change. As she has observed at this school and at others “teachers in probation schools
are more likely to be open [to change]. They know the next step is possibly
reconstitution.” Therefore, at both of the probation schools there is a sense that
accountability policy can be use to motivate teachers to be responsive to the efforts of
school leaders.
Another motivation strategy used at Waxton school was the pep-rally strategy. Here,
leaders sought to encourage teacher effort by expressing their confidence in their abilities
and promising that with hard work they could get off of probation. Consider the first
meeting of Waxton’s staff with the school’s new probation manager:
There was clapping of hands as Beatrice stood up to speak. She began by saying "it
is possible to get off probation" (another loud applause) and "you are going to get off
probation." (another loud applause). Beatrice then gave a little talk about how she
thinks the staff and children at Waxton are capable and can achieve. "Sometimes",
she continued, “it's only a question of knowing what to focus on, getting children to
be ready for the tests and getting the right tools.”
There was an air of a revival meeting atmosphere in this meeting, the emphasis being
liberation from the bondage of probation. This revival meeting approach was evident
again at another meeting:
Beatrice quickly read off the next activities on her list (noting that they were
running out of time) "Follow up in the classrooms after discussing each
strategy," "test-taking – we will do breakdown of test skills, so you focus on the
right skills that are asked in the tests" "We did this at [Maxwell] School and
found it very helpful" (“yessess” from teachers and interjections of "that's what
we need!"). Beatrice's colleague emphasized that Waxton will "get off probation"
which was followed by applause.
In a certain sense this strategy dovetails well with the use of probation as a stick to
motivate teachers. Being placed on probation is likely depressing. It labels the school as a
failure and places it in jeopardy of being “reconstituted.” In addition to this if school
leaders work too hard to challenge teachers without some sense of emotional support, it is
likely that it will be difficult to make change. This pep rally/revival meeting approach
may be well suited for creating social support in the push for academic improvement.
At the probation schools, accountability policy, and particularly probation status,
enhanced school leaders’ ability to get teachers’ attention. This is a potentially powerful
tool in the effort to implement instructional change, a tool that proponents of high stakes
accountability point to in support of these policies.
Managing the Impressions of External Actors
Another set of incentives that existed in probation schools but not high
performing schools was the need to impress external observers. Probation schools must
have an external partner and a probation manager. These actors play a role in determining
whether or not a school gets off of probation. Some probation school efforts were
designed to convince external observers that their schools were doing all they could to
improve students outcomes. The pressure to do this was captured by the principal who
relayed a conversation she had had from an office of accountability representative.
When Dr. Austin came out yesterday, he’s … from the office of accountability.
He said, “You know there are schools that are in worse condition, physical
condition than your school. Those schools are open because they are at 40
percentile.” And he said, “We don’t care if they run naked through the hallways
but they’re not on probation. Whatever it is that you need to do then that’s what
you will have to do to get your school off of probation. So there’s still something
wrong that has to be fixed . . . So whatever it takes, you have to fix it.”
At Field school, some of these responses emphasized superficial changes
designed to impress district officials and probation managers. For example, since being
placed on probation, Field school has adopted several programs in a rather haphazard
way in an attempt to demonstrate improvement efforts. This approach has been
unsuccessful in the eyes of one of the schools external partners, a consultant from a local
university, who argued that the problems of the school result from a lack of coherence in
their improvement efforts. Likewise, the following field note expresses a similar sense of
the lack of coherence of the schools program.
After sitting through a number of … meetings, I’m still struggling to see
coherence to the schools struggle to get off probation. While the components
seem to be in place … the quality of those components seems to be lacking.
Schools adopting several disconnected programs have been characterized as “Christmas
tree” schools. This pattern surfaced at many unsuccessful elementary schools
(Consortium 1993). In contrast, more recent work suggests that increasing instructional
program coherence is an important mechanism for instructional improvement (Newman,
Smith, Allensworth, and Bryk 2001).
Another strategy was to impress external observers through emphasizing the
appearance of student and teacher engagement in instructional activity and student
discipline. For example, at a Field School staff meeting the assistant principal warned
teachers that the school’s probation manager would be visiting and advised teachers on
what actions to take.
I don’t know if you saw Ms. Fox, our probation manager, here in the building
today. … Make sure your university organizers are visible, there should be
student work, your classroom should be attractive, they are going to be looking at
the decorum of our students so make sure you continue with working on good
behavior, most important they are looking for students on task and that teachers
are effectively teaching their students…there is no telling when someone might be
in to visit your class.
This reflects one of Field School’s responses to external pressures. The emphasis here is
on classroom management, décor, and the displaying of students work. The principal
does discuss the importance of demonstrating being “on task” but focuses less on
instruction issues and more on classroom management and appearance. In other words,
this strategy is cosmetic, emphasizing the trappings of instructional improvement while
the actual instructional practices are not emphasized.
Responses to high stakes accountability in the probation schools naturally emphasized
getting off of probation. The strategies used by school leaders included using the school’s
probationary status to motivate teachers – both through the threat of negative
consequences for low-performing teachers and through the promise of getting to the
probation free “promised land” and efforts to manage the impressions of external
stakeholders through adopting multiple programs and increasing the appearance of
instructional emphasis and innovation.
Incentives in high performing schools
Incentives in the high performing schools are less clear than incentives at
probation schools. One strategy used by school leaders in these schools revolved around
praise for accomplishment. In Kelly School professional development meetings the
principal regularly praised teachers for working hard to produce high student outcomes.
Teachers were encouraged to applaud their own and other accomplishments and test
results were prominently posted inside the school and shared with parents who visited the
school. All of this reinforced pride in past accomplishments and encouraged continued
Given past success however, leaders were also forced to combat complacency on
the part of faculty. In the case of Baxter, the principal felt that teachers believed that the
school was performing better than it was. He used trend test-score data to challenge
teachers assumptions. He demonstrated that while the schools absolute outcomes were
excellent, when compared to other schools in their neighborhood their students were not
gaining as much year to year. As he explained:
The analysis made clear that out of the 12 schools [in the neighborhood], Baxter
was either at the bottom or really close to the bottom, in terms of the amount of
actual growth that students were making. Forget about where the growth started,
forget about the base. Forget about the end. Just, you know, how many months of
progress, on an average were sixth graders achieving.
School leaders used this data in school meetings to help create incentives for continued
instructional improvement. They took great pains to repackage standardized test data in
ways that captured teachers’ attention, transforming massive spreadsheets into relatively
easy to read charts that were color-coded by grade-level.
Likewise, at Kelly School, a monitoring system with a template that connects
teachers daily lesson plans to the material tested, district standards, and the level of
mastery of specific skills for each student was used to maintain a focus on constant
improvement. The assistant principal explained how this skill chart works.
It’s just an organizational tool. You look at this chart and you see that child
didn’t master that skill. That is something you can do in a small group. You can
assign your [teacher’s] aide to work with that particular child on that skill and
retest, cause we believe right away if the child didn’t master it … most kids only
miss it like a master is 80% maybe they got a 75 or a 72, so he just missed it by a
little bit, quickly review, go over it again and retest. The child masters it then
move him on.
At a professional development meeting the principal emphasized that teachers need to
insure that they are tracking the skill mastery of students.
“I noticed that the skill charts are not being filled out diligently enough. The
[university program] got us on the path to improvement through charting our
progress but we can’t get lax on this. We have completed 2 fifth week
assessments and if you have a lot of children not getting their skills you need to
re-teach. If a lot of your children are not getting the material it is not the children.
It is something to do with the way you taught it. You can’t teach the same way
every year. Its always the children. People make excuses. But that does not hold
up because we can take the same child in two different classes and they can do
well in one and have trouble in the other. But if you see students are having
trouble don’t go on. Its going to be evident that the students are not getting it so
think of another way to teach it.
Here school leaders help create a school-based incentive structure tied to the maintenance
of high performance. In this example, the teachers maintain primary responsibility for
student performance and excuses based on students’ limitations are discounted. In
another meeting (the following week) she again emphasizes the need to maintain focus
and work hard in order to keep test scores up.
[The principal] said that someone inquired about Kelly and asked if the school has
gifted students. She said that “our students are average … our instructional
program is what makes the difference… the only way we continue to improve is
through hard work. Just because we did well last year [on the ITBS] does not
mean anything. We have to continue to work hard and align our lesson plans.
In high performing schools leaders used praise for past performance and the need for
constant improvement to heighten teachers’ sense of accountability and motivate them.
In contrast to probation schools, the incentives in high performing schools were
based more on rewards than sanctions. In these schools, school leaders praised school
accomplishments in professional development meetings and proudly displayed students’
outcomes in the school and communicated these to parents. In addition, because the
accountability policy did not create sanctions for these schools, school leaders sought to
interject other forms of motivation through comparisons with other schools or through
building on the school’s past performance.
Therefore the nature of the incentives created by high stakes accountability are
different for high and low-performing schools. High performing schools are arguably in a
better position to focus on instructional improvement while probation schools must
respond directly to external pressures while they seek to enhance students’ outcomes.
Accountability Policy and “Objective” information
Proponents of accountability policy also argue that test results provide objective
information upon which to orient school decision making. The argument is that schools
with clear, objective information about student performance will be able to make better
informed decisions about instructional improvement (Coleman 1997). Once again our
data demonstrate distinct patterns in the interpretation and use of results in high
performing versus probation schools. We argue that the ways in which test results are
interpreted depends, at least in part, on the school context.
Interpretation and Use of Data at High Performing Schools
At both high performing schools, the full range of test score data was used to
inform strategies of instructional improvement. At both schools, leaders use the outcomes
for the entire school in addition to the item analysis to track overall school trends. For
example, Baxter school’s principal and a collection of school leaders
are involved in
data interpretation including longitudinal trend analysis and the analysis of movement
between quartiles. During an initial meeting with the principal, he shared a longitudinal
data analysis for both mathematics and reading which highlighted the movement of
students between quartiles for the entire school and for specific grade levels. In addition,
he reported on the development of a particular grade level, the class of 2003, in terms of
their performance in mathematics and reading.
At both Kelly and Baxter school leaders use the item analysis to identify specific
student needs within subject areas. For example, the Kelly principal explained how the
item analysis allowed school leaders to identify overall student needs:
We try to look at [test scores] in August if we have them back and we design our
program a lot looking at those skills that are measured on the ITBS [Iowa Test of
Basic Skills] and what the item analysis
indicate our weaknesses and our
strengths and so forth.
Kelly’s principal explained how the school uses test scores to track student performance.
When asked about how this information informed the instructional program in
mathematics the principal explained.
With the math I found that concepts, our children tend to do well in computation,
pencil and paper, figuring out the problem, 2 + 2, whatever they do well but when
it comes down to the concept and which __ looking hopefully they’re using – they
needed to use higher order thinking skills they tend to not do as well and we’re
working – we started last year we started focusing in on higher order thinking
skills because _____ moving more and more in that direction. The math problems
they have to explain how they got the answers not just get the answer. So what
we’ve been doing we have been working with this year a new initiative not all
teachers are doing this but next year every teacher will be doing this. The math
journal in which children they must explain – they must explain how it is that they
arrived at the answer that they got and as I said the total math is not – it’s pretty
good cause we’re at 61% but the math problem solving we tend to not do as well
and especially in the area of math concepts. So we’re working on that.
The principal’s interpretation is enhanced through her interactions with others in the
school who inform her interpretations and seek to implement instructional responses. The
school’s assistant principal, counselor, and technology coordinator all play active roles in
data interpretation. The Technology coordinator identified similar interpretation of the
test score data.
The biggest deficit in mathematics grade-wise, and we found it to be pretty much
the same in every grade, was the word problems. Them interpreting word
problems. Their computation skills are great. Just about in every grade. The
computation scores were good, average or above average. Data interpretation was
another area that we felt needed some work.
Baxter made similar use of the test score data. As the principal at this school explained:
One thing that helped us a lot in terms of being able to disaggregate our math data
is we were able to disaggregate it into three sections called problem solving and
data interpretation, concepts and estimation, and computation.
Therefore, both of the high performing schools used test results to identify macro-trends
across the school and focus attention on areas of specific needs. In both schools, the
“item analysis” was a tool that helped them identify where they should focus their
Interpretation and Use of Data in Probation Schools
At the probation schools the interpretation and use of the data was more general.
School leaders discussed the need to improve reading and mathematics but did not speak
in specific terms as they did in the high performing schools. There was limited discussion
of sub-dimensions of subject matter areas, rather the discussion revolved around reaching
the probation threshold in the two primary subject areas. In addition, the data was used at
these schools in pretty much the form in which it came from the district. There was less
re-packaging of the information and limited analysis of specific tends (with the exception
of the identification of specific students who were close to “passing” the exam).
The high performing schools use the test score data in ways that seem consistent
with the arguments of testing proponents. The test results are used to define students’
specific instructional needs and provide a basis for school level instructional decision
making. In contrast, the probation schools tend to focus more on the overall test results
and have a less systematic strategy for turning test results into useful information for
instructional change. This suggests that even the interpretation of “objective” data is
situated. Within higher performing schools, there is a more substantive interpretation of
the data. It suggests that the resources for data interpretation are greater in higher
performing schools. Therefore these schools are more likely to benefit from the
information in ways that lead to instructional improvement.
Accountability Policy and Academic Press
Academic press measures the normative emphasis on academic success and
reaching certain standards of achievement among both teachers and students (Lee, Smith,
Perry, and Smylie 1999). We argue that instructional focus is likely to increase in these
schools with high-stakes accountability. Schools will focus on academics more when the
incentives structure shifts, with rewards and sanctions being tied to students performance.
However, academic press as typically measured is content neutral. It suggests that high
standards exist but tells us little about how these standards are operationalized inside
schools. Therefore, what academic press means for different schools may vary.
Moreover, when schools are positioned differently within the accountability system their
“press” might manifest in different ways. We found that the probation schools increased
instruction focus, but in ways that were designed to respond to the policy demands of the
external environment – getting off of probation. Their efforts targeted certain students,
certain grade levels, and certain academic subjects. In contrast, the high performing
schools focused equally on mathematics and language arts instruction, emphasized
improvement for all grade levels, and worked to enhance the learning opportunities of all
students. The following section discusses these patterns.
Targeted Instructional Focus in Probation Schools
One of the critical issues that was continually raised at the probation schools was
getting off of probation. One way that the instructional focus manifested at these schools
is in an effort to increase the number of students at or above cutoff points at benchmark
grades. In these approaches, school leaders target certain students or certain grade levels
for extra assistance in an attempt to reach minimum acceptable performance levels. For
example, at Waxton school teachers and administrators focus on the benchmark grades in
order to reduce their retention rates. At Waxton, 50% of the eight professional
development meetings we observed over the year were largely or entirely focused on
some aspect of testing including topics such as skills tested in language arts; skills tested
in mathematics; constructing multiple test items; and preparing students for the ITBS.
Professional development and other efforts to improve testing, however, tended to be
targeted to particular grades (those that took the test) and subject areas. The external
partner focused its energy on teachers in the benchmark testing grades and provided
exam preparation books only for teachers at those grade levels.
At Field school, one approach was to identify those students who were close to
reaching national norms, and providing them with additional help. The school established
an after-school tutoring program for these students. This tutoring process and the student
selection process was discussed at a staff meeting by the assistant principal.
The after school program will start on Tuesday. All of you got the applications
for your children and they need to be returned on Monday … we have one class
for every grade level. The list of students may have seemed erratic. Ms.
Lawrence chose those students according to their ITBS scores. She chose those
students who she felt had the most potential to improve.
Later, a school administrator explained that the school targets those students who are
closest to the threshold in its effort to get off of probation.
The targeted assistance program is … for students who are … very close to
having the skills necessary to pass the test. … students in this program attend
three times per week from 2:30 (dismissal) until 4:30pm. Other students are
allowed to come but the students who are closest to passing the exam are targeted.
The Assistant Principal later explained this further stating that the school will use this
program to:
Work with selected students, taking a look at the IOWA scores and just really
focusing in on students that are at a median that we can work with and see if we
can get some growth spurts on them.
The school external partner, who attributed this focus to the external pressure being
applied by the school district, also discussed this strategy.
They [the school] leave behind [lowest performing students] and focus on [the
higher performing]. So many principals are under this pressure. It’s the name of
the game. When Vallas [the district CEO] comes and they have their region
meetings, they are told they have to get off probation. Even if your school shows
growth and doesn’t get off probation, they realize they will be looked at as not
doing the job.
Thus the lowest performing students in this school received limited assistance in
improving their scores. Instead, the instructional focus is on the students who were close
to making the cut-off for probation requirements. In this case the external accountability
mechanisms lead to a selective increase in instructional focus with limited implications
for the lowest performing students. In addition to this selective focus, the program
emphasizes content coverage (pacing) but not the teaching strategies that should be used.
Responses to testing in the probation schools were also structured by subject
matter. As we noted above all of the schools focused more on mathematics and reading
instruction than science instruction. However, in the probation schools, the instructional
focus emphasized one subject area – reading. For example, Waxton’s administration was
putting much of their efforts into language arts as opposed to other subject areas. The
Waxton principal explained the school emphasis on language arts instruction:
Being very honest, language arts specifically reading is one area that could impact
probation and since the school had been on probation for so long we felt a need to
address that curriculum area. And the mathematics scores were slightly higher than
the reading so that gave us the second reason.
While instructional emphasis is one of the outcomes predicted by proponents of testing
policy, the selective emphasis on certain students, grade levels, and subject matter areas
may limit the impact of the policy for all of the students in the school. Moreover, the
selective targeting of students seems to run counter to the intended impact of the policy.
Students who face challenges may in fact be marginalized by the responses of school
leaders in low performing schools.
Testing and Instructional Focus in High Performing Schools
In both high performing schools the exams are used to identify high and low-
performing groups of students. However, in contrast to the probation schools, the high
performing schools adopted interventions for all students, not just a sub-category. At
Baxter school, test score data was used by school leaders and teachers to diagnose the
effectiveness of certain teaching approaches. For example, when 5
grade teachers at
Baxter met to discus the prior years test results, they were pleased that the overall
percentage of students at or above national norms had increased. However, upon closer
examination, they discovered that the increases were among students moving from the
second to the third quartile. In discussing this, they determined that as a group it was
likely that they had been focusing instruction on students in the middle range, potentially
not addressing the needs of the lowest and highest performing students. As Baxter’s
principal explained, while the school advocates heterogeneous grouping the teachers had
identified a potential pitfall.
If you’re go and you look at the data that’s out there about how student grouping
effects achievement and you recognize that heterogeneous grouping with a
competent teacher is gonna be your best shot at being able to give everybody an
opportunity to succeed. What’s the biggest challenge you then have as a teacher?
Well the challenge is how do you deal with that? How do you manage that
enormous diversity of talent that’s in front of you? … How do you do that?
That is to say you know the moment that you allow yourself as a teacher to either
shoot at the middle you’re gonna be, and under-serve the youngsters who are
really more ready. Or even worse, that you out of mostly good intentions to drive
most of your teaching efforts by those youngsters who require the most
remediation and are most needy of your time and who you’re feeling most guilty
because you’re not serving.
Given their review of the test score data at the fifth grade level and similar analyses at
other grade levels, the school developed an approach that sought to address the needs of
all of the students while maintaining heterogeneous grouping.
Well, our assumption is that in order to be able to [address the needs of all
students] you need to teach high, if I can use that sort of piece of jargon, you need
to teach high and re-teach to the middle and lower. … the strategy at the school is
to continue to do the whole group instruction high. Teaching you know the mass
majority of that whole group instruction is to teach high and then to make
remedial provisions within the classroom as well as out of the classroom for
additional tutorial and other kind of remedial work to get to those youngsters who
are not getting it the first time. That’s the strategy.
At Baxter the analysis of movement within quartiles, and teachers’ and school leaders’
interpretation of that data, highlighted an instructional practice that needed to be revised.
Test results therefore informed teaching strategies in ways that targeted the instructional
focus toward all students rather than a sub-category.
The instructional focus of the high performing schools also extended beyond the
benchmark grades to include all grade levels. At Baxter, school leaders tracked test score
trends for all students and focused attention to all grade levels. For example, spearheaded
by the principal, Baxter’s leadership committee undertook careful study of school
standardized test data in math. They wanted to know how and whether high math scores
in grade 3 were being sustained or not through grade 5. Through longitudinal analysis,
the team determined that somewhere in grade 6, students’ scores started to slump.
Suspending school convention, the leadership committee convened a joint task force of
two groups that traditionally had little interaction: the third and fourth grade teachers and
the fifth and sixth grade teachers. This joint committee met for the good part of a year
and as a result of their work tried to build greater alignment in math topic coverage across
grade levels. Therefore test data provides an important resource for planning at this
school with the instructional focus extending to all grade levels rather than a subset.
Kelly school used the monitoring system discussed above to target instruction to all
students and all grade levels in ways similar to Baxter School.
Testing resulted in very different patterns of instructional focus at the two sets of
schools. In the probation schools, the instructional focus became targeted at certain grade
levels, certain students, and certain subject areas. Low-performing students and students
at non-benchmark grades were unlikely to be impacted by these strategies. In contrast,
the high performing schools targeted instruction at all grade levels and all students.
Though not reported in the data here, they also maintained a balance between
mathematics and literacy instruction.
Discussion and Conclusion
Having examined schools’ responses to high stakes accountability policy in high
performing schools and probation schools we argue that these contexts impact how the
policy is enacted. Proponents of these policies argue that they will create new incentives
for teachers, provide objective information for school decision making, increase
academic press, and that the combination of these mechanisms will reduce gatekeeping
practices. Our data suggest that, across each dimension, leaders at probation schools and
high performing schools structured their responses differently.
In probation schools, responses to high stakes accountability emphasize getting
off of probation, partially through managing the impressions of external stakeholders.
These efforts to convince outsiders that the school was making change efforts perverted
the intention of the policy in certain circumstances, prompting an emphasis on the
trappings of instructional innovation rather than substantive change. In addition, leaders
at these schools used test results to look at overall school and grade level outcomes but do
not connect these results explicitly to instructional decisions as supporters of these
policies suggest they would. Finally, with regard to increased instructional focus
(academic press), while school leaders were able to demand teachers attention through a
combination of threat and encouragement, they focused this attention in a process best
described as “selective press” which targeted specific grade-levels, students, and subject
matter areas all emphasizing reaching the goal of each school – getting off of probation.
In contrast, the incentive structure at high performing schools pushed school
leaders to reward and encourage teachers for their accomplishments while creatively
pushing for continued improvement. These schools use test data to track macro processes
of student performance and set the schools’ instructional agenda. This instructional
agenda, unlike at the probation schools, focused on all students, all grade levels, and
balanced attention to both of the core subject areas. Therefore, some of the key
mechanisms through which high stakes accountability are supposed to impact students’
educational opportunities are constructed very differently depending on the school’s
status in relation to the accountability system. This is very important considering that
students race and class often play a role in the type of school they attend.
Proponents of high stakes accountability suggest that these policies will reduce
schools’ gatekeeping processes and increase academic press. The data from these schools
suggests that the extent to which this is the case may depend on the status of the schools
in relationship to the high stakes accountability policy. The data from Field and Waxton
demonstrate that their response to accountability policy is situated in their probation
status which structures school-level responses to high stakes accountability in important
ways. Because probation status adds pressure to school leaders and teachers, it can lead to
practices that increase rather than reduce gatekeeping processes. For example, Field
School’s practice of focusing tutoring programs to serve only the students who are close
to national norms may have detrimental impacts on the lowest performing students, those
who the policy is designed to help. These students may be marginalized from
interventions that could increase their educational outcomes. Moreover, the targeted
responses of these schools, focusing on benchmark grades and subject areas with the
greatest chance of passing the probation threshold seems equally problematic. Focusing
on the benchmark grades for intervention suggests that the increase of academic press
may only impact a sub-set of students. Likewise, if the subject matter areas are
selectively focused upon this may ultimately limit students access to knowledge. The
responses of Waxton and Field schools do not seem to represent an increase in academic
press as much as a calculated, strategic effort to respond to the policy demands of the
external environment which may ultimately marginalize the lowest performing students.
Unlike the probation schools, the responses of school leaders at high performing
schools seem to more closely match the outcomes predicted by testing supporters. They
contribute to the development of clearer instructional foci and seem to reduce
gatekeeping processes within these schools by focusing on improving the learning
opportunities for all students across all grade levels.
The responses of these schools suggest that the implementation of accountability
policy may work against increased educational equality. If higher performing schools
construct the policies in ways that increase their academic press and reduce gatekeeping
while lower performing schools have the opposite effect, focusing primarily on
responding to external threats, then the policies could exacerbate rather than challenge
educational stratification. The situated nature of policy implementation should be an
important consideration for school reformers. Policy implementation is very much a local
process and understanding the variation in context even within districts appears to be
critical. Moreover, the fact that the likelihood of attending schools of different quality is
associated with social class, race, and residential segregation suggests that broader
structural factors impact school level processes in ways that should be attended to by
policy makers.
This paper is not meant to argue against high-stakes accountability. In reality,
these policies have led to increases in students test results across the Chicago district and
show promise for increasing schools’ focus on instruction, even if this happens in
imperfect ways. However, this paper is meant to sound a cautionary note with regard to
the reduction of race and class stratification. The findings reported here suggest that the
highest performing schools, those with higher percentages of middle-income and white
students, may benefit more from accountability policy than the probation schools that are
most in need of improvement. While this is clearly not the intent of the policy, attention
should be given to the potential implications of this process.
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Table 1.
Mean Percentage of Students in CPS Probation, Magnet and High Performing Schools
by Race and Social Class
District Probation Magnet High Performing
% African
52% 83% 53% 27%
% White 10% .12% 17% 34%
% Low Income 84% 92% 55% 56%
Table 2.
School Demographics
School Name Racial Composition % Low-income
(High Performing)
40% White
6% Black
26% Hispanic
26% Asian
100% African American 99%
(High Performing)
100% African American 85%
100% African American 97%
High Stakes Accountability in Urban Elementary Schools:
Challenging or Reproducing Inequality?
Appendix A
Mean Percentage of Students in Chicago High Performing
Elementary Schools by Race
African American
Chicago Public Schools Student Population by Percent
Percent Low-
Percent Non-Low-
Percentage of Low-Income Students in Chicago
Probation Elementary Schools
Percent Non-Low-
Percent Low-
Percentage of Low-Income Students
in Chicago Elementary Magnet Schools
Percent Low-
Percent Non-Low-
We define high performing schools as schools where 50% or more of the students perform at or above
national norms on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills. The Chicago Public Schools define probation schools as
those in which fewer than 15% of students perform at or above national norms on the ITBS. Appendix A
summarizes the data on student race and social class characteristics in the Chicago Public Schools as a
whole, elementary magnet schools, and probation elementary schools. While we focus on the data from
these four schools, our data base consists of the 13 schools that are part of the Distributed Leadership
The data reported here is taken from the Chicago Public Schools Office of Accountability public use data
base. This information can be accessed through this site at http://acct.multi1.cps.k12.il.us/
Appendix A contains a series of charts showing these patterns.
We do not suggest that family background is an absolute determinant of the type of schools children
attend. A substantial number of the students in magnet schools for example are African American and more
than half are low-income. However, the data demonstrates a pattern of students being sorted into different
types of schools in ways that correlate with race and class.
For those interest in school choice and parents decision making around school attendance please refer to
Fuller, Elmore and Orfield (1996) and Gewirtz, Ball, and Bowe (1997).
Our interview questions were designed to get at five core issues about the practice of leadership:
a. Getting the leaders to identify the key goals or macro functions they work on (e.g. building a school
vision, promoting teacher professional development, improving test scores, etc.)
b. Getting them to describe what day-to-day tasks they perform to attain these goals, i.e. the micro tasks
(e.g. observing classrooms, forming breakfast clubs, facilitating grade level meetings, etc.)
c. Getting them to describe how they enact the micro tasks; that is their practice as leaders.
d. Whether and how macro goals/functions and micro tasks are co-enacted; i.e. the extent to which their
functions are executed with the help from others in the school.
e. What tools and material resources (including designed artifacts, memos, protocols, organizational
structures) the interviewees identified as important in the execution of macro and micro tasks.
Observation protocols focused on:
1. The nature and substance of the task: what the leader(s) did and the goals of the activities including
the subject matter focus of the activity, if any.
2. How the task was enacted: including the artifacts/materials used and how they were used to enable
3. The timing and location of the task: the physical setting and context of the enactment, and the time
of the year, week, or day on which the task was enacted.
The patterns of involvement: including what the leaders/facilitators did during the enactment, whether
leadership was shared or not, and role of participants.
This percentage of students at or above national norms has increased incrementally since that time.
The categories of influence included other teachers, principals, assistant principals, the local school
council, parents, testing, standards, textbooks, and instructional specialists (i.e. mathematics teachers).
For example, in the case of a literacy committee report which drew extensively on test results, the
Russian Bilingual teacher, a reading teacher, the librarian, the reading specialist, the drama teacher, and a
local school council representative were all involved in the interpretation of test results and the
development of the report.
The item analysis is a document that shows classroom and student level test scores by the items correct
and incorrect.
Percentage of Low-Income Students in Chicago
Elementary Schools Scoring 50% or higher on
ITBS Reading
% low-Income
% non-low-income
The principal had a similar response for language arts. We limit the discussion to mathematics in order to
save space.
While they may not gain as much in terms of absolute test score results, this likely occurs because of the
fact that gains are more difficult at the top end because of ceiling effects.