Pressure Washer Agreement
Provided by the International Agri-Center® (IAC):
Temporary worker passes as needed. Passes may be picked up from the IAC main office in advance or at the Exhibitor Registration Center
(ERC) at Gate 6 between January 24, 2022 and February 10, 2022.
Temporary worker passes will allow access:
o Prior to World Ag Expo®, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.
o During World Ag Expo®, between the hours of 5:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
o After World Ag Expo®, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.
Show Badges for access during show hours are the sole responsibility of contractor and must be purchased at their expense.
Company (Contractor) agrees to:
Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and/or rules promulgated by any government or regulatory agency regarding the services you
performed including, but not necessarily limited to, workers compensation insurance requirements, business licenses, contractor’s licenses, etc.
International Agri-Center® takes no responsibility for determining your compliance with any such laws, rules, and regulations.
Comply with all state and federal work safety laws and regulations and have a written and implemented safety program in place.
Contract directly with the exhibitors for any services. International Agri-Center® and World Ag Expo® will have no liability or responsibility to the
exhibitor or service provider.
Contractors who provide a service and require access to an exhibitor’s booth or IAC show grounds must complete this form, comply with all
guidelines outlined below and must submit all forms and insurance certificates by January 15, 2022.
a) Temporary Worker Passes and Badges
i. No admittance to the show grounds will be permitted without a temporary worker pass. Passes may be picked up from the IAC main office
in advance or at the Exhibitor Registration Center (ERC) at Gate 6 between January 24, 2022 and February 10, 2022.
ii. Badges for access during show hours are the sole responsibility of the company to purchase at their expense.
b) Indemnification And Liability Waiver
i. Protect, indemnify and hold harmless the International Agri-Center®, and all its officers, directors, employees, staff and agents, from and
against any and all liability, loss, expense (including reasonable attorney’s fees) or claims for injury or damage, or any liability whatsoever
arising out of any contractor actions both related and unrelated to the performance of responsibilities as requested by the exhibitor.
ii. IAC does not provide any form of insurance to cover pressure washer activities at WAE and assumes no liability or responsibility for loss
or damage to pressure washer due to fire, theft, breakage, vandalism or any other reason. IAC recommends that contractor maintain its
own insurance to cover any such potential loss or damage.
c) Certificate of insurance
i. Contractor must provide IAC with proof of commercial general liability insurance coverage in the minimum amounts of $1,000,000 per
occurrence and $2,000,000 annual aggregate. Such insurance must designate IAC and its officers, directors, agents and employees as
additional insureds, and such designation must be shown on the proof of insurance provided to IAC. The proof of insurance must show
that the subject policy begins no later than two weeks prior to the opening of WAE and shall remain in place until at least one week
following the closing of WAE. The proof of insurance must also indicate that, should the policy be cancelled prior to its stated expiration
date, notice must be provided to IAC in accordance with the policy provisions, but in any case no less than fifteen (15) days prior to the
effective date of cancellation. Contractor must provide IAC with the required proof of insurance by January 15. Failure to provide such
proof of insurance by such deadline may result, at IAC’s sole and absolute discretion, in contractor losing the ability to conduct business
at WAE and will result in the imposition of the cancellation fee described herein. If contractor’s policy is cancelled or terminates prior to
WAE, contractor must provide IAC with satisfactory proof of new or continued insurance within fifteen (15) days of such cancellation or
termination, but in any event no later than January 15 prior to WAE. Failure to provide such proof of new or renewed insurance in a
timely manner may, at the sole and absolute discretion of IAC, result in the loss of contractor’s ability to work at WAE and in the
imposition of the cancellation fee described herein.
ii. Contractor shall maintain any required workerscompensation insurance for its employees at WAE.
d) Water Guidelines
i. Water must be controlled so as not to reach neighboring exhibits; Infringement on another exhibitor’s space is strictly prohibited
ii. All water must be obtained from City of Tulare hydrants: call (559) 684-4324 for a required permit
iii. International Agri-Center® water is NOT available for pressure washers
iv. If washing equipment after hours, security will be required. Security must be scheduled and a deposit paid prior to performing work.
Schedule security in the security office at Gate 6.
e) Grounds Accessibility
i. Prior to World Ag Expo®, you will be allowed access to the grounds to provide your services between the hours of 6:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m.
ii. During World Ag Expo®, you will be allowed access to the grounds to provide your services only between the hours of 5:00 a.m. – 9:00
a.m. and 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.
iii. Please be aware of where you park your vehicle/equipment. In the show grounds, please park your vehicle/equipment close to the
subject exhibit space without blocking any roads or other exhibit spaces.
f) Security
i. Security will be required in order for you to perform your services during the show between the hours of 7:00 p.m. 5:00 a.m. Security
costs will be billed to you at a rate determined by the security company. Security must be scheduled with the security office (Gate 6)
prior to the performance of your work or check World Ag Expo® website for current security company.
Pressure Washer Agreement
Company Name:
Contact Name:
City: State: Zip:
On-site Contact:
Contact: Phone:
Show Badge Purchases: (for entry into World Ag Expo® during show hours only)
Badges: x $30 =
# of Additional Badges Total Amount Due
Visa MC AMEX Check #: Payable to International Agri-Center®
Name on Card:
Billing Address: City: State: Zip:
Card #: Exp: CVV:
Authorized Signature: Date:
I , the authorized signer of this company, have read and understand this agreement
in its entirety. All terms have been accepted; therefore this document serves as a binding agreement.
Signature, Title Date
All applications must be approved by International Agri-Center®. Applicants will be contacted upon approval.
Questions? Contact: (800) 999-9186
Complete this form and return with payment to:
4500 S. Laspina St, Tulare, CA 93274 | Email:
Office Use Only: Received: Notes: