Single Status Affidavit Ver D.docx
Affidavit of Single Status
I, __________________________________________________ , residing at
Name of Affiant
(street) (city) (state) (postal code)
personally appeared before the undersigned notary public, and under oath or affirmation make
the following statements:
I was born on _________________ at _________________________________________ ,
(date) (city and country)
I am a citizen of____________________________________________________________ .
My passport number is ,
I am currently single, have never been married,
(or was divorced/widowed on _______________ and have never been remarried since that date).
_______________________________ Date: _______________
Signature of Affiant
State of Georgia
County of _________________
Signed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on ____________________
by ________________________________________________________,
Printed name of individual making statement
who is
____ personally known
____ proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person
who appeared before me.
(signature of notary public)
Notary Public, State of Georgia Stamp/Seal
My commission expires: ___________