Original Investigation
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports:
Ideas From Singapore
Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore
Policy Points:
In Singapore, long-term services and supports (LTSS) are financed
through a mix of public and private sources comprising tiered means-
tested public subsidies and government grants to care providers, chari-
table donations, voluntary long-term care insurance, and other private
Singapore’s high take-up rate of voluntary long-term care insurance
is explained by plans offering partial coverage, medical underwriting,
early automatic enrollment, direct debit of insurance premiums, and
defined cash benefits.
Singapore’s experience in long-term care financing is relevant to the
US debate, as it provides policy ideas that may be transferable to the
American context.
We recommend maximizing the population’s total contribution to vol-
untary long-term care insurance by striking the right balance between
coverage adequacy and take-up rate while targeting subsidies to low-
income individuals.
Context: Financing long-term services and supports (LTSS) for the elderly
is a pressing issue in the United States with reforms of long-term care in-
surance (LTCI) presently being explored. Singapore, with 65% of residents
aged 40 to 83 covered by basic LTCI, including 22% with supplementary
LTCI plans, has the highest voluntary LTCI rate in the world. This arti-
cle contributes to the discourse by presenting the case of LTSS financing in
The Milbank Quarterly, Vol. 95, No. 2, 2017 (pp. 358-407)
2017 Milbank Memorial Fund. Published by Wiley Periodicals Inc.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original work is properly cited.
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 359
Methods: We first reviewed Singapore’s LTSS policies through a comprehen-
sive search of academic papers, governmental reports, parliamentary debate
transcripts, print media, and official websites of LTSS providers. We then es-
timated the LTSS financing mix, conducted an in-depth analysis of the main
policies, and illustrated the financial protection they procure for the elderly
using realistic hypothetical scenarios.
Findings: The main principles governing Singapore’s LTSS policies are shared
responsibility for long-term care financing, targeted assistance for the poor,
centralized governance and administration, separation from other income and
housing policies, and limited intergenerational cross-subsidizing. We estimate
the financing mix to consist of out-of-pocket spending (40%), government
spending (42%), long-term care insurance (9%), and charitable donations (9%).
Assuming a monthly LTSS bill of US$1,545 to US$2,575, between 11% and
19% of LTSS expense is offset by LTCI for severely disabled individuals with
basic coverage. Overall, 63% of care recipients are eligible for public subsidies
that amount to 20% to 80% of their expenses.
Conclusions: The high take-up of voluntary LTCI in Singapore is explained by
the high prevalence of plans offering partial coverage, medical underwriting,
early automatic enrollment, direct debit of insurance premiums, and defined
cash benefits. We recommend setting the coverage of voluntary long-term care
insurance plans at levels that maximize the population’s total contribution by
striking the right balance between coverage adequacy and take-up rate while
targeting subsidies to low-income individuals.
Keywords: long-term services and support, long-term care financing, long-
term care insurance, aging.
inancing long-term services and supports (LTSS) for
older American adults is a pressing policy issue, whose specific
challenges are well known and described in detail elsewhere.
In summary, the demand for LTSS is projected to rise dramatically
with the aging of the baby boomers, but the availability of informal
care is expected to decrease owing to smaller family size and females’
greater participation in the labor force. The problem is that most Amer-
icans are financially ill prepared to pay for expensive formal long-term
care. Two-thirds of Americans aged 40 and over have not set aside any
funds for LTSS.
One of the key policy challenges is to encourage more
Americans to obtain financial protection through savings or insurance
ahead of time, instead of depending on Medicaid-funded LTSS after
spending down their assets in old age. Elderly Americans, who make up
360 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
just 10% of Medicaid beneficiaries, already account for roughly 20% of
total Medicaid spending (US$438 billion in FY2013).
It is expected
that the rising number of old-old Americans (85 years and older) will
drive the growth of Medicaid spending on LTSS at an annual rate of 6%
per year between 2012 and 2021.
In contrast, the market for private
long-term care insurance (LTCI) in the United States is languishing,
with the number of insurers selling appreciable numbers of LTCI poli-
cies having shrunk from 102 in 2002 to 11 today.
More than 4
decades after the launch of LTCI in the United States, only 8.1 million
Americans have coverage.
Besides France and the United States, Singapore is one of the few
countries that employ a combination of tax revenue and voluntary long-
term care insurance for long-term care financing.
Singapore stands
out because at 65% (among individuals aged 40 to 83),
it has the
highest voluntary LTCI rates in the world. In comparison, enrollment
rates for people aged 40 years and older are 5% and 15% for the United
States and France, respectively.
Even though the United States and Singapore differ i n size, culture,
and political system, the two countries do share key common character-
istics. While Singapore is often called a nanny state, its social policies
are founded on the principle of individual responsibility or self-reliance,
one of the United States’ core values. Both countries also favor regulated
market solutions and consumer choice. As such, Singapore’s experience
in long-term care financing is relevant to the US debate, as it provides
policy ideas that may be transferable to the American context.
The issue of how best to help elderly citizens pay for LTSS has preoccu-
pied Singaporean policymakers since the early 1980s, as Singapore is one
of the fastest-aging countries in the world.
By 2050, 38% of the pop-
ulation is expected to be over 60 years old, and there will be 2 working-
age adults to every retiree.
Against the backdrop of persistently low
rates of national fertility,
the steadily rising level of females’ partici-
pation in the labor force,
and increasing longevity—life expectancy at
age 65 is 18.9 and 22.1 years for males and females, respectively
Singapore’s demand for formal LTSS is expected to rise sharply.
Following the repeal of the Community Living Assistance Services
and Supports (CLASS) Act,
the US Senate Commission on Long-Term
Care was convened to identify alternative long-term care financing so-
lutions. It concluded that there are two potential options—generating
more private LTCI options or implementing social insurance—though
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 361
without coming to a consensus on the best way forward.
In early 2016,
the Bipartisan Policy Commission (BPC) put out a report advocating
lower-cost private LTCI products with time-limited benefits that peo-
ple can purchase using retirement savings, without penalty. The BPC
also recommended encouraging employers to provide LTCI through the
workplace on an opt-out basis.
In efforts to further inform the debate
on LTSS financing in the United States, we offer here a comprehensive
description of Singapore’s long-term care financing policies, discuss po-
tential adaptations to fit the US context, and propose new ideas that
leverage the strengths of both systems.
Overview of Long-Term Services and Supports in
Singapore is a city-state located in Southeast Asia. In an area slightly
smaller than that of New York City, Singapore has a population of
5.5 million people. The resident population (3.9 million) comprises
ethnic Chinese (74.3%), Malays (13.4%), Indians (9.1%), and others
Singapore’s economy is strong. In 2015, it ranked fourth in
gross domestic product (GDP) per capita internationally,
and its gov-
ernment finances are sound, with a long history of budget surpluses.
Singapore spends about 4.2% of its gross domestic product on health
Health care financing is characterized by a multipayer system
that relies on individual health savings accounts (Medisave), mandatory
health insurance (MediShield Life), and general revenues used to reduce
the price of health care, especially for low-income residents. Singaporeans
who cannot afford the out-of-pocket component of health care can apply
for further public assistance (Medifund). This financing system based
on the 3Ms (Medisave, MediShield Life, and Medifund) is described in
detail elsewhere.
Eighty percent of inpatient care is delivered by government-
owned hospitals, and 20% of primary care is provided through its
With the help of medical social workers, LTSS needs
usually are identified at the discharge planning stage of hospitalization
episodes. The range of LTSS available in Singapore is comparable to
that in the United States. These include home-based social and medical
care, community-based day activity centers for disabled elderly people
362 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
with and without dementia, center-based integrated care for nursing
home–eligible elderly still living in their community, chronic sick hos-
pitals, and nursing homes. Hiring foreign domestic workers (FDWs)
to care for elderly relatives is a popular alternative.
Women from
neighboring countries are employed by Singaporean households as
live-in domestic helpers. In 2011, 12% of all retiree households em-
ployed FDWs.
In addition to performing household chores, trained
FDWs can assist the elderly in their activities of daily living (ADLs—
showering/bathing, dressing, feeding, toileting, transferring from chair
to bed or vice versa, and walking or moving on a level surface) and simple
maintenance exercises.
The quality of LTSS in Singapore is monitored by the Ministry of
Health, which recently drew up official quality standards in consultation
with the public.
These guidelines focus on ensuring clients’ safety,
preserving clients’ dignity, and providing meaningful client-centered
care by a trained staff. Amenities, however, are not regulated. Most
nursing homes in Singapore have open wards with 6 or 8 beds in each
large, well-ventilated room. Although instances of poor care or elder
abuse by FDWs and private nursing home care staff have been reported,
the true prevalence of ill treatment is unknown.
Official figures for total annual LTSS spending in Singapore are not
publicly available. Our calculations (Figure 1) show that LTSS expen-
diture on people aged 65 and over in 2015 comprised out-of-pocket
(OOP) spending (40%), government spending (42%), charitable do-
nations (9%), and LTCI (9%). In the United States, it is estimated
that the total LTSS expenditure for 2011 came from Medicare (35%),
Medicaid (31%), OOP spending (20%), private LTCI (6%), and other
sources (6%).
Shared Responsibility for Long-Term Care
The policy most emblematic of the individual responsibility principle is
that of mandatory savings through the Central Provident Fund (CPF).
Like 401(k)/403(b) plans in the United States, these savings belong
to the individual account owners without social redistribution. The
CPF system follows a life-cycle model in which Singapore residents
(citizens and permanent residents) accumulate savings in their prime to
be depleted in retirement. At the end of 2015, 75% of residents aged 25
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 363
Figure 1. Estimated LTSS Financing Mix in Singapore, by Funding
subsidies to LTSS
care insurance
Authors’ calculations based on projected and reported figures for 2015.
The composition of LTSS spending in 2015 was estimated using the
projected LTSS needs of elderly people (aged 65 and over with at least
one activity of daily living limitation needing human assistance) gener-
ated by a Singapore-specific long-term care system dynamics model.
We included estimated expenditures for home- and community-based
care, nursing home care, and care by foreign domestic workers. Using
estimated proportions of the elderly who are eligible for different levels
of means-tested government subsidies and estimated fees for LTSS, we
calculated the total out-of-pocket spending and the share of LTSS spend-
ing composed of means-tested government subsidies. With the latter
as the base, we estimated the relative sizes of charitable donations and
of government subventions to support the operation of LTSS providers.
Last, we calculated the share of LTSS spending paid for by long-term
care insurance using an estimated number of elderly claimants.
364 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
to 55 years were active CPF members.
Depending on the members’ age,
12.5% to 37% of their total wages is mandatorily transferred into their
CPF accounts throughout their working lives. These savings are funneled
into 3 accounts: Ordinary, Special, and Medisave, on which their interest
is pegged to market interest rates, with guaranteed minimum rates of
2.5% for the Ordinary account and 4% for the Special and Medisave
Limited preretirement withdrawals are allowed, without
penalty, to purchase housing, finance education, and pay medical bills.
On average, 60% of total preretirement withdrawals is for housing
When individuals turn 55, their Ordinary and Special
accounts are combined to form Retirement accounts. Dedicated to health
care expenses, the Medisave accounts receive 8% to 10.5% of each
worker’s total wages. Funds in Medisave accounts can be used to pay for
inpatient care, for a small selection of ambulatory care services for chronic
diseases, and for health-related insurance within stipulated limits pegged
to public subsidy rates.
Singapore is a familialist society; that is, its social policies empha-
size the primary role of families in providing and financing long-term
The government sends a clear signal that individuals should
seek help first from their immediate families by enabling family mem-
bers to pay one another’s hospitalization bills and health insurance pre-
miums using Medisave balances. One’s immediate family is defined as
one’s spouse, children, parents, and grandparents. In order to qualify,
grandparents must be residents of Singapore.
Under extraordinary
circumstances, Medisave can also be used to fund the hospitalization
expenses of extended family members such as in-laws, siblings, uncles,
aunts, nieces, and nephews.
Similarly, familial support plays a key
role in the United States. Forty percent of American adults are fam-
ily caregivers,
with 90% of community-dwelling seniors who need
long-term care receiving informal care from their spouses or children.
The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Public Policy
Institute estimates that the economic value of informal care provided by
families in 2013 (worth US$470 billion) exceeds that of total state and
federal Medicaid spending on health care and LTSS combined.
Community organizations form the second pillar of social support
in Singapore. In the early 1990s, the term “many helping hands”
was coined to describe the prominent role they play in helping the
disadvantaged. Under this communitarian approach, the government
strongly encourages and supports the charitable activities of voluntary
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 365
welfare organizations (VWOs), racially organized self-help groups,
and religious groups.
Indeed, relative to government-operated
organizations, VWOs are believed to be better at providing services
and supports because their staff and volunteers are more dedicated to
and passionate about their work.
Targeted Assistance for the Poor
Just as the various Medicaid programs in the United States target aid to
those whose incomes are below thresholds based on the federal poverty
level, the Singapore welfare system is designed to target subsidies to the
truly indigent while discouraging dependency and moral hazard.
The welfare system provides assistance for long-term care financing pri-
marily through subsidies intended to lower out-of-pocket costs. Consis-
tent with the residual welfare model, the size of the subsidies is inversely
proportional to household i ncome. Monthly per capita household income
from work is used to determine both eligibility for aid and the amount
of that assistance. In households without income from work, an estimate
of the annual income that can be generated by renting out the household
residence is used instead. Separately, the Singapore government recog-
nizes that a cohort of residents born on or before December 31, 1949,
have not been able to accumulate sufficient CPF funds, owing to low
wages and a poorer economy in the country’s formative years.
tance for the 450,000 members of this “Pioneer Generation” in the form
of top-ups to their Medisave accounts, premium support for the manda-
tory health insurance MediShield Life, subsidies for outpatient care and
medications, and cash assistance for disabled Pioneers with long-term
care needs is provided through earmarked funds.
These are all time-
limited measures, as the cohort will gradually age out of the system.
Centralized Governance and Administration
Due to Singapore’s relatively small size—it does not have a capital
and is not divided into states—its governance is highly centralized.
Instead, the country is divided into 15 towns, which are managed by
local municipalities called town councils.
Unlike states in the United
States, town councils are not expected to help fund LTSS for their resi-
dents. Instead, all important allocative decisions and policies related to
LTSS financing are made by the Ministries of Finance (MOF), Health
(MOH), and Social and Family Development (MSF). The MOF allocates
366 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
government funds earmarked for LTSS, and the statutory boards report-
ing to MOH and MSF are responsible for determining eligibility and
disbursing subsidies.
Separation From Other Income and Housing
Singapore is a densely populated country with a well-developed,
wheelchair-accessible public transport system. As many as 80.4% of
resident households live in public housing—high-rise apartments built
by the Housing Development Board (HDB).The remainder live in pri-
vate apartments or landed property.
HDB apartments built since 1985
incorporate barrier-free designs. Older apartment buildings have been
retrofitted with features such as grab bars and antislip tiles in the bath-
rooms, ramps, and lifts that stop at every floor. HDB’s future plans are
to build “smart” homes equipped with remote sensing and alert systems
for the elderly.
Income and housing policies in Singapore are closely intertwined,
but not explicitly coordinated, with policies concerning long-term care
financing. Since large portions of CPF savings can be used to purchase
a home, 90.8% of Singapore resident households own their residential
Then as property prices rise over time, one’s share of residen-
tial property as part of one’s total household assets rises correspondingly.
At the end of 2000, residential property represented 51% of total assets
for Singaporean households, compared with 28% in the United States.
Thus, many lower-income households in retirement are “asset rich and
cash poor.”
To rectify this situation, the government i ntroduced measures to cap
the amount of CPF savings that can be used for property financing and
to increase the amount of CPF savings—the retirement sum—that must
be set aside at age 55.
A lease buyback scheme (similar to reverse
mortgages) has been implemented to allow retirees to tap their housing
wealth while continuing to live in their properties.
The Housing
and Development Board also began building elder-friendly studio apart-
ments with 30-year leases and offering cash incentives to encourage older
people to “right-size” into smaller apartments, thereby unlocking home
equity in the process. While these measures help increase retirement
income, a portion of which may be used to pay for LTSS, none of them
addresses the issue of long-term care financing directly.
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 367
Limited Government-Administered
Intergenerational Cross-Subsidizing
Under the current political climate, new social insurance programs are
unlikely to be created in the United States. Similarly, the Singapore gov-
ernment has also resisted adopting a social insurance–based financing
system. Specifically, it rejects the form of direct intergenerational cross-
subsidization inherent in pay-as-you-go (PAYG) pension systems. It is
not opposed, however, to using general revenues to subsidize LTSS use by
low-income residents. Thus, some degree of government-administered
intergenerational transfer exists. Even so, public subsidy is one of sev-
eral sources of LTSS financing in Singapore. The Singapore system also
relies on LTSS financing through private i ncome and savings, private
long-term care insurance (ElderShield), charitable donations, and infor-
mal intergenerational transfers within families. To limit the amount of
intergenerational transfer it administers, the government seeks to fi-
nance public subsidies using income generated from endowment and
trust funds whenever possible. It achieves this by setting aside budget
surpluses to create or top up such funds regularly. Although capital
endowments come from the current generation, such arrangements are
not strictly PAYG, as these funds will also benefit, in the future, those
individuals whose taxes helped to seed these endowments today.
The purpose of these schemes (Table 1) is to ensure that government
financing for LTSS is sustainable. Forecasting future long-term care
expenditure is, however, extremely challenging, given the multitude of
variables—disability rate, duration of disability, availability of informal
care, and cost of LTSS—for which good estimates are lacking. Whether
the government and individuals have set aside sufficient funds remains
to be seen.
Long-Term Care Financing Policies
in Singapore
Long-Term Care Insurance
The United States has had a long-term care insurance market since
A prototype LTCI policy that served as a template for
policies that are common today was described by Meiners in 1983.
comparison, LTCI is a relatively new financial instrument in Singapore.
368 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
Table 1. Financing Schemes for Retirement, Health and Long-Term Care
in Singapore
Focus Program Description
Retirement CPF Ordinary
Mandatory savings for housing,
insurance, investment, and
Proportion of wages saved decreases
progressively with age, from 23%
( 35-year-olds) to 1%
(> 65-year-olds)
CPF Special
Mandatory savings for old age and
investment in retirement-related
financial products
Proportion of wages saved decreases
progressively with age, from 6%
( 35-year-olds) to 1%
(> 65-year-olds)
Health care
Mandatory savings to pay for
hospitalizations and approved
health-related insurance
Proportion of wages saved increases
progressively with age, from 8%
( 35-year-olds) to 10.5%
(> 65-year-olds)
MediShield Life
Basic Mandatory health insurance
administered by CPF board
Supplemental Voluntary private health insurance to
augment MediShield Life
Medifund A government safety-net program to
help indigent patients with their
medical bills
Long-term care ElderShield
Voluntary long-term care insurance
with automatic enrollment feature
Default coverage: $400/month ×
72 months
Voluntary additional long-term
care insurance to augment Basic
Optional coverage $500 to $5,000/
month × from 10 years to lifetime
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 369
Table 1. Continued
Focus Program Description
Medifund Silver A government safety-net program to
help indigent elderly patients with
their medical and long-term care
IDAPE A government financial assistance
program for indigent elderly
people who were not eligible for
PioneerDAS A government financial assistance
program for disabled elderly
Singaporeans born on or before
December 31, 1949 (the Pioneer
FDW Grant A government grant for low- and
middle-income families that need
to hire FDWs to help care for
disabled family members,
FDW Levy
All families that need to hire FDWs
to help care for disabled family
members pay the concessionary
FDW levy of $60/year instead of
the full FDW levy of $265/year
Abbreviations: CPF, Central Provident Fund; IDAPE, Interim Disability Assistance Pro-
gram for the Elderly; PioneerDAS, Pioneer Generation Disability Assistance Scheme;
FDW, Foreign Domestic Worker.
Information obtained from the websites of the Central Provident Fund Board
(www.cpf.gov.sg) and the Ministry of Health (www.moh.gov.sg).
Dollar amounts are given in Singapore dollars. The exchange rate (1 SGD = 0.7356 USD)
is as published on the New York Times website on September 13, 2016.
ElderShield was developed in 2001 and implemented in 2002 after
the government concluded that financial protection against catastrophic
spending on severe disability, which is a low-probability, high-cost event,
is best provided through insurance.
Currently, among Singapore res-
idents aged 40 to 83, 65% are covered by basic ElderShield plans, and
22% have supplemental coverage.
The basic level of ElderShield cov-
erage pays a fixed cash benefit of S$400 (US$294) per month for 6 years,
regardless of the actual level of disability beyond the minimum level
370 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
needed to qualify for a claim. Supplemental ElderShield plans are op-
tional add-ons that can be bought only by those already covered by the
basic ElderShield plan. These plans pay out higher monthly cash benefits,
ranging from S$500 (US$368) to S$5,000 (US$3,678) for longer peri-
ods, ranging from 6 years to life.
A 90-day waiting period between
claim submission and benefit payout applies to both types of LTCI plans.
Healthy Singapore citizens and permanent residents between the ages
of 40 and 65 without serious preexisting disability or serious chronic
medical conditions are eligible for basic ElderShield coverage. All resi-
dents with Medisave accounts are automatically enrolled into this default
plan when they turn 40. Health declaration forms that accompany the
enrollment notification packets help screen out individuals with severe
Exact figures for the prevalence of disability at different
ages are not available, but the official estimate places the disability
prevalence rate of the resident population at 3%.
New enrollees are randomly assigned to one of the 3 private, for-profit
insurers—NTUC Income, Great Eastern Life, or AVIVA—contracted to
the Singapore government to offer both basic and supplemental Elder-
Shield plans. This method of choosing vendors through competitive
bidding is similar to that used to implement the Federal Long-term
Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP).
These insurers in Singapore are
large, reputable companies that offer a wide range of insurance products
in addition to ElderShield.
Their contracts are subject to renewal
approximately every 5 years, at which time these insurers are required
to return excess premiums collected (relative to payout) to policyholders
in the form of premium rebates. While the set of terms and conditions
for basic ElderShield coverage is the same for all, these insurers have
considerable latitude in the design and marketing of their supplemental
plans, subject to regulation from the government.
As a result, en-
rollees can choose among different premium payment durations (fixed
or lifetime), different additional cash benefits (for dependents, for reha-
bilitation, and in the event of death), different claim criteria (2 instead
of 3 ADL limitations), and different payout periods (10 years, 12 years,
or lifetime).
New enrollees may opt out within 3 months of enrollment. When
ElderShield was launched in 2002, Medisave account holders aged 40
to 69 were automatically enrolled, and 33% of those enrolled in this
manner dropped out in the first year.
By 2006, the opt-out rate of
new enrollees had dropped to 14%.
Those who opt out may reenroll
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 371
later, subject to underwriting. Enrollees may also switch insurers at any
time. There are no penalties for new enrollees if they switch within the
initial 90-day opt-out period. Those who switch later will be subject to
underwriting by the new insurer, and the premiums paid to the original
insurer will be forfeited.
Finally, policyholders may obtain basic and
supplemental coverage from different insurers. That is, they are free to
purchase supplemental plans from any of the 3 insurers at any time
before they turn 65, irrespective of their basic ElderShield insurer as-
signment. Insurers may contact new policyholders by phone directly or
through third-party marketers to sell their supplemental plans. These
plans conduct their initial risk screening through a short questionnaire.
This screen flags those applicants whose risk profiles warrant medical
examination. Rejection rates for supplemental plans are not published.
As long as they do not already have serious ADL limitations, automati-
cally enrolled individuals will retain basic ElderShield coverage even if
they have preexisting medical conditions.
In principle, all healthy 40-year-old residents without serious ADL
limitations have the same premiums when they are automatically en-
rolled in the default basic ElderShield plans. These premiums, which
were last adjusted in 2007, amount to S$175 (US$129) and S$218
(US$160) per year for males and females, respectively. Annual premi-
ums are payable until age 65. Residents who are not part of automatic
enrollment (ie, those without Medisave accounts) may apply for cover-
age on their own. Age- and risk-rated annual premiums for ElderShield
are determined at the time of enrollment. Premiums for supplemen-
tal plans range widely. For healthy 40-year-old males in 2016, annual
premiums ranged from S$217 (US$160) to S$3,134 (US$2,305). These
premium levels correspond to lifetime cash benefits of S$500 (US$368)
to S$5,000 (US$3,678) per month.
Medical underwriting applies to
supplemental plans. Those who enroll at older ages or have preexisting
medical conditions such as diabetes face higher premiums. Medisave
funds may be used to pay ElderShield premiums, with an annual with-
drawal limit of S$600 (US$441) per enrollee.
Enrollees with insuf-
ficient Medisave funds may tap the Medisave accounts of immediate
family members or pay out of pocket. Annual premiums in excess of
S$600 (US$441) must be paid out of pocket.
Since ElderShield is not tied to employment, coverage is maintained
regardless of the policyholders’ employment status, although coverage
can be lost if the premiums are not paid. Policyholders are granted a
372 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
75-day grace period from the premium due date, after which the policies
lapse. However, policyholders may apply for reinstatement of coverage
within 180 days after the end of the grace period. A nonforfeiture clause
in more comprehensive supplemental plans allows policyholders who
have paid a stipulated minimum number of premiums to claim prorated
benefits instead of losing coverage altogether if they are unable to con-
tinue paying premiums.
Data on the prevalence of lapsed ElderShield
plans are not available.
Similar to the United States, Singapore’s regulations allow for the
amendment of premium and benefit levels of active policies, although
the phenomenon of rapidly rising premium rates has not been observed.
In fact, premium rebates have been issued twice in the past 14 years.
derShield plans, both basic and supplemental, do not have cash-surrender
value. Unlike the United States, none of the LTCI policies offered in Sin-
gapore provides inflation protection.
Because people with serious preexisting ADL limitations and those
aged 70 and older in 2002 were ineligible for ElderShield at its launch,
the government created a parallel cash subsidy program, the Interim
Disability Assistance Programme for the Elderly (IDAPE), to ensure
that they also would have access to benefits. IDAPE benefits are subject
to the same disability requirements as ElderShield and are means tested.
Eligible individuals receive between S$100 and S$250 (US$74 and
US$184) per month for a maximum of 6 years.
ElderShield enrollees may claim benefits at any age after enrollment.
Benefits for basic ElderShield plans are payable when people are un-
able to perform 3 out of 6 basic activities of daily living (ADLs), as
determined by MOH-accredited physicians.
Simulations performed
using a Singapore-specific long-term care system dynamics model
jected that in 2015, 3% of people over 65 had 3 or more ADL limitations
requiring human assistance. Assessment for eligibility also takes into ac-
count the claimant’s cognitive status. Individuals with cognitive deficits
(eg, dementia) are graded as dependent even when they are physically
capable of ADLs.
There are no restrictions on how the cash benefits
are used. ElderShield claimants are not required to comply with any
stipulated care plans or seek care from “approved” providers.
One important difference between the two countries’ LTCI policies
is the types of benefits. Most American LTCI policies offer service
benefits, while ElderShield plans offer only defined cash benefits.
In the United States, only a few insurers offer the option of claiming
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 373
LTCI benefits in cash. When they do, the amount of cash that can be
disbursed is based on the value of the original service benefit that can
be claimed. Usually, only a fraction of the service benefit allowance can
be received in cash.
Another major difference is one of expectations. In the United States,
LTCI is expected to cover most, if not all, of LTSS expenses. In contrast,
basic ElderShield coverage is meant only to help defray the cost of paying
for formal long-term care. Singaporeans who can afford it have the option
of purchasing higher levels of coverage with benefits large enough to
cover most of their expected LTSS expenses, but a high level of coverage
is not the default. This reflects not only the government’s aims of making
the default option affordable and promoting a high uptake of LTCI but
also a concern of not nudging individuals into a plan that might be
deemed excessive by those who are able to rely on informal care or other
financial resources.
The ElderShield LTCI scheme as described is currently undergoing
a major review following the rollout of mandatory MediShield Life,
an enhanced version of the preexisting and nonmandatory catastrophic
health insurance MediShield.
Subsidies Through Public Funds
While public assistance for LTSS in the United States is administered
mostly through Medicaid programs, public funding streams for long-
term care financing in Singapore flow in 3 ways: grants to lower operating
costs of VWOs, reimbursements paid to service providers for the care of
subsidized patients (hereafter referred to as means-tested subsidies), and
other subsidies disbursed directly to LTSS recipients.
Grants to VWOs can fund up to 50% of their operating costs and
up to 100% of their capital costs.
In order to quickly ramp up the
provision of nursing home care, the government rolled out the Build-
Own-Lease program in 2012.
Under this scheme, the government
bears the full capital cost of setting up nursing homes. These facilities
are built and owned by the government but are leased out for operation
by VWOs or private companies.
By lowering the LTSS providers’
costs, the government is indirectly lowering the out-of-pocket costs to
care recipients.
Means-tested subsidies are another avenue of public funding for long-
term care. Even when services are provided by VWOs, recipients are
374 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
expected to pay service fees. Subsidized LTSS recipients pay a fraction
of the full-fee price of care, while the government reimburses LTSS
providers the remainder. In other words, the out-of-pocket expenditure
for someone receiving LTSS from a VWO is equal to the portion of the bill
that remains after the government grants and means-tested government
subsidy have been applied. Because the subsidies are calculated based
on a universal set of standard prices (also called “norm costs”) for LTSS,
subsidy sizes are uniform for recipients within each subsidy level. In
order to meet the demand for LTSS, the government is making such
subsidies increasingly “portable” so that private LTSS providers can be
reimbursed in the same manner for a subset of their clients.
Means testing is carried out at the household level. Specifically, it
is based on the monthly per capita household income (MPCHI), or
the income from work of all the care recipient’s immediate and dis-
tant relatives living at the same address. In principle, all those living in
households with an MPCHI of S$2,600 (US$1,913) or below are eligible
for some level of public subsidy. To put things in context, households
with an MPCHI of S$650 (US$478) or lower are eligible for urgent
public assistance.
Using this as the de facto poverty line—an official
one does not exist—public subsidies are available for households whose
MPCHI is up to 4 times the poverty line. Given that the median MPCHI
is S$2,500 (US$1,839),
roughly half of Singapore’s resident house-
holds are eligible for subsidized care. Families applying for additional
public assistance are subject to family-level means testing, in which case
the incomes of non-co-resident family members are also included.
Household-level means testing is in line with Singapore’s governing
principle of relying on families first, as retirees living with economically
successful relatives tend to receive smaller public subsidies than do re-
tirees who live on their own or with less well-off relatives. Since roughly
two-thirds of elderly Singaporeans co-reside with their children,
substantial number of retirees are affected by such means testing. Adult
children who live apart from their elderly parents are not completely free
of responsibilities. Singapore’s filial responsibility law, the Maintenance
of Parents Act,
allows parents to sue adult children for maintenance,
even though few do.
Public subsidy levels are inversely proportional to the MPCHI. Singa-
pore citizens receive higher rates of subsidies than permanent residents
do. The levels of subsidy for citizens range from 30% to 80% for
HCBS and from 20% to 75% for nursing homes. (Corresponding
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 375
subsidy levels for permanent residents are 15% to 55% and 10% to
50%, respectively.
) Thus, recipients with an MPCHI of S$1,801
(US$1,325) to S$2,600 (US$1,913) bear 70% to 85% of the full-fee
prices of care, whereas those with an MPCHI below S$701 (US$516)
bear 20% to 45%. Based on data from the General Household Survey
of 2015
and the Families and Households Report for 2010-2014,
we estimated that 63% of community-dwelling Singaporeans aged 65
years and over are eligible for subsidized LTSS and that 26% of them
qualify for the highest level of subsidy. Medifund Silver, a safety-net
program of last resort, is available for those who cannot afford the post-
subsidy expenses.
In addition, the Seniors’ Mobility and Enabling
Fund (SMF) provides subsidies for assistive devices, home health care
consumables such as feeding tubes and diapers, and transportation to
day service centers.
The third way that public funds are used to finance LTSS is by making
grants directly to care recipients. Specifically, the government hands out
cash (S$120 per month, US$88) to households that choose to hire FDWs.
This FDW grant offsets approximately one-tenth of the monthly FDW
expense. It is means tested, and the care recipient has to have at least 3
ADL limitations as determined by standardized medical assessment.
In addition, the government also uses tax expenditure to lower the
cost of hiring FDWs. The tax for employing an FDW (termed the
“monthly FDW levy”) is less than a third of the usual rate (S$60 instead
of S$265 per month, US$44 instead of US$195).
Most recently,
the government launched the Pioneer Generation Disability Assistance
Scheme (PioneerDAS), which provides an additional S$100 (US$74) per
month to senior citizens with 3 or more ADL limitations to help defray
LTSS costs.
Charitable Donations
In the United States, the majority of long-term care providers are for-
The opposite is true in Singapore, where most social welfare
services, including LTSS, are provided by VWOs.
At last count, there
were a total of 2,217 registered VWOs.
Ninety-one of those reg-
istered under the Social and Welfare sector are identified as providers
of elder care services (homemaking, home personal care, meal delivery,
center-based day care), and 30 of those registered under the Health
sector are listed as providers of institutional care (nursing homes and
376 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
chronic sick hospitals), home medical services, and day rehabilitation.
Approximately two-thirds of the 12,000 nursing-home beds in Singa-
pore are managed by VWOs.
Many of these VWOs are religion
based, but others were started by secular communities or through pri-
vate philanthropy.
Some VWOs are large and operate throughout the island, whereas
others are small and serve specific communities near their facilities.
There is a competitive market for home and community-based services
(HCBS), as recipients may select from a number of providers located near
their homes and switch providers at will. Nursing home beds, however,
are in short supply. Most beds in VWO-operated nursing homes are
subsidized and are almost fully occupied. Recipients who are not eligible
for public subsidies or who are unable to wait for bed openings tend to
use private nursing homes. Although nursing homes and other LTSS
providers are regularly audited by the MOH, detailed objective quality
ratings such as those presented on Medicare’s Nursing Home Compare
are not publicly available. The government helps maintain
service quality by equipping VWOs with “best practice” operational
and encouraging their adherence to those models through
licensing requirements, training, and performance-based funding.
VWOs are expected to raise funds to augment their income from
government grants and service fees. Those VWOs that are better at
attracting donations have larger operating budgets and can, at their
own discretion, use their income to further lower the price of LTSS for
some or all of the senior citizens under their care. We estimate that
9% of total LTSS spending in 2015 came from charitable donations (see
Figure 1).
Singapore’s LTSS Financing Policies
at Work
We now illustrate the mechanisms by which these financing policies
help offset LTSS out-of-pocket expenditure for 6 simplified hypothet-
ical recipients (Table 2). These cases were generated using 2 levels of
disability (mild: 1 to 2 ADL limitations; and severe: 3 or more ADL
limitations) and 3 levels of informal care availability (full time: a healthy
retired spouse; limited: a working child; and none: recipient lives alone).
For example, a person suffering from weakness on one entire side of the
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 377
Table 2. Estimated Monthly LTSS Expense (Full, Unsubsidized Fee) by Level of Disability and Availability of Informal Care
Quantity of LTSS Recommended per Month
(Unit Fee)
Hypothetical Long-Term
Care Recipients,
Home Oc-
Delivery Transport
Senior Day Care
(Regular Full Day:
Estimated Average
Monthly LTSS
in SGD
Level of Disability and
Level of Informal Care
Intensive Full
Day: S$70/day)
(1 SGD = 0.7356
I 1-2 ADL limitations,
helped by healthy retired
n/a n/a 4 4 16 12 n/a n/a $1,378
II 1-2 ADL limitations,
helped by full-time
working child
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 20 Regular: 20 days/
III 1-2 ADL limitations, no
informal care available
n/a 1 n/a n/a n/a 36 20 Regular: 20 days/
IV 3+ ADL limitations,
helped by healthy retired
1 2 4 4 36 56 n/a n/a $2,468
V3+ ADL limitations,
helped by full-time
working child
1 2 n/a n/a n/a n/a 20 Intensive: 20 days/
VI 3+ ADL limitations,
informal care available
: low -
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $2,100 - $3,500
: low - high n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $3,500 - $8,300
378 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
Table 2. Continued
The estimates were generated from multiple sources. For home care, we relied on an anonymous survey of home care providers. Representatives of both
VWOs and private providers were surveyed. The s urvey was approved b y the IRB of the National University of Singapore. We mailed the questionnaire to 8
providers that the Agency of Integrated Care identified as able to offer a comprehensive range of home care services. The questionnaire contained vignettes
describing two 75-year-old female care recipients with chronic right-sided weakness, one with 2 ADL limitations, and the other with 5 ADL limitations.
For each disability level, 3 possible informal care availability levels were described: high (helped by 77-year-old healthy, retired husband), moderate (helped
by 50-year-old unmarried daughter who works full time), and low (recipient lives alone). We assumed that severely disabled recipients who live alone would
require nursing home care and omitted that vignette from the survey. We asked respondents to indicate the types and quantity of home care services that
they would recommend in each of the 5 remaining vignettes. Respondents were specifically asked to assume that an FDW would not be hired and to
make their best recommendations without regard to the recipients’ financial status. Respondents were also asked to provide the unsubsidized full fees their
organizations would charge for the recommended services. Based on the responses, we were able to work out the recommended types, quantities, and average
unsubsidized fees of home care services for each vignette. Fees for day care and nursing home care were obtained through direct inquiry made to providers of
the respective services.
Typically, only the first 18 home-based therapy sessions are subsidized. Care recipients may appeal for more subsidized home-based sessions, pay full-fee for
home therapy, or transfer to subsidized center-based therapy.
Home Personal Care services include bathing, maintenance exercises, light housekeeping, meal preparation, grocery shopping, medical escort, and
Regular senior day care refers to community-based supervision and support. Sociorecreational activities, maintenance therapy, and meals are provided.
Intensive senior day care refers to community-based care for bed- or wheelchair-bound nursing home–eligible individuals with high care needs.
To obtain the monthly totals, units of weekly services are multiplied by 4 and the corresponding unit fees. Similarly, units of daily services are mult iplied
by 20 and the corresponding unit fees.
All average and total fees are expressed in Singapore dollars. The exchange rate stated is as published on the New York Times website on September 13, 2016.
Expenditures are estimated based on the assumption that senior day care is not used when informal care availability is high.
People with severe cognitive impairment are eligible for ElderShield benefits and other subsidies directed at people with 3+ ADL limitations whether or
not they are actually physically impaired.
VWO-operated nursing homes serve primarily subsidy-eligible recipients. Shared accommodations consist of 2-,3-,4-,6-,8-,12-, or 24-bed non-air-
conditioned open wards.
Estimated expenditures include room and board, and recurring charges for consumables (eg, diapers and milk feeds), ambulance transport to medical
appointments, on-site medical care, and goods and services tax.
Estimated expenditures are for private nursing homes that are not part of the portable subsidy scheme. Shared accommodations consist of 1-,2-,3-,4-,5-, or
8-bed open wards. Rooms are generally air-conditioned except for the 8-bed open wards.
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 379
body (hemiparesis) who needs only supervision or minimal assistance
with activities of daily living is considered mildly disabled and ineli-
gible for ElderShield, IDAPE, and PioneerDAS benefits. But a person
who is incontinent, is wheelchair dependent, and requires maximum
assistance for bathing and dressing is considered severely disabled and
is therefore eligible for insurance payouts and other benefits.
To estimate the magnitude of LTSS expenses for the recipients in these
hypothetical scenarios, we gathered the expert opinions of medical social
workers, rehabilitation therapists, and care managers currently working
for LTSS providers. Based on written descriptions of the hypothetical
scenarios and without making any assumptions about the recipients’
income, the experts were asked to list the types and quantities of LTSS
that they would recommend. They were also asked to provide, whenever
possible, the full f ee unit price (unsubsidized price) of each recommended
service. Because the sets of available services and the corresponding
eligibility criteria varied among HCBS providers, this exercise yielded a
range of LTSS arrangements for each scenario. We integrated the different
recommendations and created 6 plausible hypothetical care packages.
The average monthly LTSS expense for each package was estimated
using both expert-supplied and publicly available price lists.
types and quantities of LTSS recommended and the estimated monthly
full-fee expense are shown in Table 2. In the case of nursing home care
expense, the estimated monthly fee includes room and board, as it does
in the United States. LTSS fees are slightly lower in Singapore, where, for
example, the unsubsidized daily rate for senior day care ranges from S$55
to S$80 (US$40 to US$60), compared with the median rate of US$68
in the United States. As expected, LTSS expense is the lowest for people
with 1 to 2 ADL limitations who have ready access to informal care. The
expense then rises with increased disability and decreased availability of
informal care.
Based on these figures, we estimated the out-of-pocket LTSS expense
for 70-year-old females with 3 or more ADL limitations who are cur-
rently receiving services. In this analysis, we estimated the outcomes
for 3 types of ElderShield enrollees: those with basic, Medisave Supple-
mented, or Medisave and OOP Supplemented coverage. Those who do
nothing after being automatically enrolled will have basic coverage by
default. Those individuals who choose to direct the maximum allow-
able Medisave withdrawal amount (S$600 or US$441) to ElderShield
have Medisave Supplemented coverage. We assumed that they always
380 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
allocate S$600 (US$441) of Medisave funds to buy as much coverage as
is possible f or their age at enrollment. A third group of people, com-
prising those who increase their premium level beyond the Medisave
withdrawal limit by topping it up with a proportion of their disposable
income at time of enrollment, have Medisave and OOP Supplemented
coverage. We assumed that the value of such cash top-ups is equivalent to
1% of the annual average per capita household income in 2007, which
amounts to S$256 (US$188).
In this simulation, we also assumed
that everyone enrolled in 2007, when supplementary plans first became
Based on the assumptions laid out in Table 3, we then calculated the
cash benefits that can be claimed by each type of ElderShield enrollee.
Table 4 demonstrates the offsetting effects of subsidies and different
levels of ElderShield coverage on monthly OOP expenses as expressed in
Singapore dollars and as percentages of the full fees. As expected, higher
levels of ElderShield coverage correspond to lower OOP expenses for
recipients who are ineligible for subsidies. Subsidies alone reduce OOP
expense by up to 80% for eligible recipients without ElderShield cover-
age. In combination, the reduction in OOP expense can be substantial.
To illustrate, consider the recipients in scenario IV (see Table 4). The
OOP expense of people with basic coverage receiving a 30% subsidy is
nearly halved after both subsidies and ElderShield benefits are applied.
For the poorest people with basic coverage, the combination of an 80%
subsidy and ElderShield benefits brings OOP expenses down to just 3%
of the full fee.
Our calculations confirm that Singapore’s LTSS financing system is
designed primarily with the bottom half of the income distribution—
and especially the poor—in mind. The means-tested, tiered subsidy
system allows the majority of elderly Singaporeans to be eligible for
subsidies, and the low-cost basic ElderShield plan provides further fi-
nancial protection for eligible claimants. Elderly Singaporeans in the
upper half of the income distribution, however, bear the burden of LTSS
expenditure almost entirely on their own, through a combination of
ElderShield benefits, personal assets, and family support.
Even though the government’s official policy stance is one of self-
reliance and familial responsibility, public spending already constitutes
a substantial portion (42%) of total LTSS expenditure (see Figure 1).
With family size shrinking due to a persistently low fertility rate, the
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 381
Table 3. Assumptions About Premiums and Benefits Used in Estimating
the Out-of-Pocket Expenses of 70-year-old Females
Medisave and
Premium/year $1,156.39
$5,796.95 $12,000 $17,120
Monthly cash
$400 $523 $653
Payout period 72 months Lifetime payout Lifetime payout
We assumed that all these females enrolled in ElderShield (basic or supplemented) plans
at age 61 in 2007.
All premiums and benefits are expressed in Singapore dollars. The exchange rate (1 SGD
= 0.7356 USD) is as published on the New York Times website on September 13, 2016.
Calculations are based on NTUC Income premium tables; benefit levels are proportional
to premiums paid and are prorated when the exact premium amounts do not appear on the
premium table. All plans are assumed to be fully prefunded.
OOP stands for the out-of-pocket portion of premiums of supplemented ElderShield
We modeled 61-year-old females who paid $1,156.39/year under an accelerated 5-year
We modeled enrollees who met the maximum Medisave withdrawal limit for ElderShield
premiums. For this group, the annual premium is $600. According to the premium table,
these enrollees should make 20 annual premium payments.
We modeled enrollees who, in addition to meeting the Medisave withdrawal limit, further
topped up their premiums with OOP. OOP is assumed to be equal to 1% of the annual
average per capita household income in 2007 (OOP = $256). Thus for this group, the
annual premium is $856. According to the premium table, these enrollees should make
20 annual premium payments.
This is the total amount of insurance premium to be paid throughout the pay-in period.
number of people who can realistically rely on family members for
informal care and financial support will decline. Financing strategies
facilitated by the pooling and sharing of Medisave funds within families
will become less effective. As a result, the government is under pressure
to adopt alternative policies to cope with the upcoming rise in demand
for public assistance. The government’s principle of individual and fa-
milial responsibility has already shifted to that of shared responsibility
within society at large, as evidenced by the new MediShield Life insur-
ance scheme, which is a mandatory version of the previous MediShield
insurance scheme.
382 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
Table 4. Estimated Average Monthly Out-of-Pocket Expenses for 70-year-old Females With 3+ ADL Limitations, After
Applying Subsidies and ElderShield Benefits, in 2016
Estimated Out-of-Pocket Expenses for Home- and
Community-Based Care by Government Subsidy Levels, Based on
Per Capita Household Income (% of Fees Subsidized)
Level of Informal
Care Available
Size of
(0%) (30%) (50%) (60%) (75%) (80%)
IV) Help from healthy retired spouse
Uninsured $0 $2,468 $1,728 $1,234 $987 $617 $494
100% 70% 50% 40% 25% 20%
ElderShield Basic $400 $2,068 $1,328 $834 $587 $217 $94
84% 54% 34% 24% 9% 4%
Medisave Supplemented $523 $1,945 $1,205 $711 $464 $94 $0
79% 49% 29% 19% 4% 0%
Medisave and OOP
$653 $1,815 $1,075 $581 $334 $0 $0
74% 44% 24% 14% 0% 0%
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 383
Table 4. Continued
Estimated Out-of-Pocket Expenses for Home- and
Community-Based Care by Government Subsidy Levels, Based on
Per Capita Household Income (% of Fees Subsidized)
Level of Informal
Care Available
Size of
(0%) (30%) (50%) (60%) (75%) (80%)
V) Help from full-time working child
Uninsured $0 $2,641 $1,849 $1,321 $1,056 $660 $528
100% 70% 50% 40% 25% 20%
ElderShield Basic $400 $2,241 $1,449 $921 $656 $260 $128
85% 55% 35% 25% 10% 5%
Medisave Supplemented $523 $2,118 $1,326 $798 $533 $137 $5
80% 50% 30% 20% 5% 0.2%
Medisave and OOP
$653 $1,988 $1,196 $668 $403 $7 $0
75% 45% 25% 15% 0.3% 0%
384 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
Table 4. Continued
Estimated Out-of-Pocket Expenses for Nursing Home Care by
Government Subsidy Levels, Based on Per Capita Household
Income (% of Fees Subsidized)
Level of Informal
Care Available
Size of
(0%) (30%) (50%) (60%) (75%) (80%)
VIa) No informal care, VWO nursing homes
Uninsured $0 $2,100 $1,680 $1,260 $1,050 $840 $525
100% 80% 60% 50% 40% 25%
ElderShield Basic $400 $1,700 $1,280 $860 $650 $440 $125
81% 61% 41% 31% 21% 6%
Medisave Supplemented $523 $1,577 $1,157 $737 $527 $317 $2
75% 55% 35% 25% 15% 0%
Medisave and OOP
$653 $1,447 $1,027 $607 $397 $187 $0
69% 49% 29% 19% 9% 0%
VIb) No informal care, private nursing homes
Uninsured $0 $3,500 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
ElderShield Basic $400 $3,100 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 385
Table 4. Continued
Estimated Out-of-Pocket Expenses for Nursing Home Care by
Government Subsidy Levels, Based on Per Capita Household
Income (% of Fees Subsidized)
Level of Informal
Care Available
Size of
(0%) (30%) (50%) (60%) (75%) (80%)
Medisave Supplemented $523 $2,977 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Medisave and OOP
$653 $2,847 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
All dollar values are expressed in Singapore dollars. The exchange rate (1 SGD = 0.7356 USD) is as published on the New York Times website on September
13, 2016.
Fixed defined cash benefits for 70-year-old females are shown in this column.
Government subsidy levels are shown in the row below. The government defines "norm costs" for each type of LTSS presented in Table 2. The subsidies
are applied to these "norm costs" and not to any additional markups. We assumed that the full, unsubsidized LTSS fees calculated in Table 2 consist only
of "norm cost" values. Dollar values in the rest of the table represents the out-of-pocket payments that care recipients face after ElderShield benefits and
government subsidies have been applied. The percentage value below each dollar value shows the out-of-pocket payment expressed as a percentage of the
full, unsubsidized fee. We assumed that the recipients are Singapore citizens and applied the corresponding subsidy levels.
The lower estimates of nursing home expenditure depicted in Table 2 were used in these calculations.
386 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
While the LTCI take-up rate is high in Singapore, the level of cash
benefit is low for most enrollees. When the ElderShield scheme was first
introduced in 2002, policymakers deemed that the premiums associ-
ated with the monthly benefit of S$400 (US$294) would not be overly
burdensome for most people. Even though supplementary plans were
introduced in 2007, two-thirds of current ElderShield policyholders re-
main insured at the default basic level. The current default monthly
benefit of S$400 is low relative to the LTSS expenses we estimated in
Table 2 and even relative to the cost of hiring an FDW, which exceeds
S$1,000 (US$736) per month. However, it is important to keep in mind
that the system was not designed to fully cover LTSS expenses in efforts
to limit dependency and moral hazard but instead to promote shared
financial responsibility. Another concern is that the 6-year payout pe-
riod might be too short. A recent study of Singaporeans with acquired
disability found that one-third of those with 3 or more ADL limitations
were still alive 6 years later.
While one-third of ElderShield enrollees
have supplementary coverage, details of their benefit levels and payout
duration have not been published, and the adequacy of their insurance
plans cannot be empirically assessed. One way to raise the cash benefits
is by extending the pay-in period. In some countries that rely on social
long-term care insurance, such as Germany and the Netherlands, peo-
ple are enrolled as soon as they enter the workforce.
Faced with
growing fiscal pressure, policymakers in Japan are considering a policy
revision that would require contributions to their social LTCI program
to start at age 20 instead of 40.
The Singapore government chose to
start automatic enrollment for ElderShield at age 40 in an effort to min-
imize opt-outs, as younger adults are thought to be more prone to future
discounting. However, clear evidence for or against this assumption is
Therefore, lowering the automatic enrollment age remains a
potential strategy to raise prefunding levels in Singapore.
Although it offers flexibility, ElderShield’s cash benefit has drawbacks.
In countries like the United States, where service benefits are the norm,
LTCI plans are designed to pay up to a set dollar limit per day for services.
Accordingly, insurers take on most of the risk of price and quality
inflation. In Singapore, ElderShield’s cash benefit means that insurers
do not have to take on that risk. This lack of inflation protection greatly
affects the enrollees, as most of them are expected to claim benefits 20
or more years in the future. We conducted simulations (available upon
request) showing that at its current level, the basic ElderShield benefit
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 387
will offset 6% to 9% of estimated unsubsidized monthly LTSS expense
in 2037, down from 11% to 16% today. Even though the government
reviews ElderShield policies regularly and has raised basic ElderShield
coverage from S$300 (US$221) to S$400 (US$294) per month and
extended the payout period from 5 to 6 years,
inflation remains
a problem that has not been fully addressed.
Even with automatic enrollment, not every Singaporean aged 40 and
over is covered under ElderShield. We estimate that up to 27% of 40-
year-olds are uninsured each year because of preexisting disabilities,
nonmembership in CPF, and opt-out at enrollment age. Informal work-
ers who do not have Medisave accounts and those with too little saved
up, such as women who drop out of the labor market early, run the risk
of lapsing even if they were initially enrolled. Others choose to opt out
after being automatically enrolled. If the government wants the LTSS
expenses of the most vulnerable people to be partly financed through
LTCI, it will have to consider providing them with premium support,
as it now does for those covered by the MediShield Life program. Public
education is also needed to heighten people’s awareness of their potential
LTSS financing needs and to help inform their choice of benefit levels.
These all are known challenges that the ongoing review of ElderShield
will attempt to address. The appointed committee is expected to an-
nounce its conclusions and recommendations by the end of 2017.
Singapore’s relatively recent LTSS financing system certainly is still a
work in progress, but the way it combines tiered, means-tested public
subsidies to LTCI and other private resources is a valuable idea that other
countries might consider.
LTSS Financing Ideas From Singapore
The long-running discourse about how to finance long-term care for el-
derly Americans has continued after the repeal of the CLASS Act.
The CLASS insurance program was ultimately not implemented because
there was uncertainty regarding the program’s long-term financial sus-
tainability owing to its vulnerability to adverse selection.
The concern
was that the resulting upward pressure on premium levels, which were al-
ready considered too high, would create an insurance death spiral.
Independent of CLASS’s shortcomings, the LTCI markets face
several well-documented challenges. Large intertemporal risks lead
388 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
to high transaction costs, which in turn give rise to expensive
insurance plans.
Asymmetric information results in a dverse
In addition, consumer irrationality in the forms of
myopia, underestimation of one’s risk of needing LTSS, narrow fram-
ing, and bounded rationality further contribute to the low uptake of
In regard to bounded rationality, many Americans are
unaware that LTCI exists, that they are eligible for coverage, or that
their existing health care insurance plans do not cover LTSS.
plexity in the myriad of LTCI plans on offer also deter some American
consumers from getting coverage, as they are overwhelmed and con-
fused by the marketing information.
While ElderShield shares some
design features with CLASS, such as early enrollment and the offer of
cash benefits, its implementation is very different.
First, the Singapore government sets clear expectations about the
role of ElderShield. In the United States, buyers of LTCI see being
insured as a way to protect their assets, financial independence, and
living standards.
Consequently, LTCI benefits must be sufficiently
large in order to match higher LTSS costs in the future. Indeed, the
average annual premium of LTCI plans in the individual market has been
rising and was US$2,283 in 2010.
This mind-set is not mainstream
in Singapore, however. The policy goal for ElderShield has never been
to be the primary payer for LTSS expenses.
Rather, it is designed
to augment individuals’ own resources, both social and financial, as
well as public subsidies in defraying LTSS expenses.
The Singapore
system does not provide full financial protection against LTSS expenses
but instead uses LTCI to reduce the financial burden, whereas public
subsidies provide additional help to low-income individuals. Thus, the
government chose a relatively low monthly benefit as the default for
basic ElderShield coverage. As a result, basic LTSS coverage can be
bought from private insurers at correspondingly affordable premium
rates (US$129 to US$160 per year). The provision of basic coverage
has the added benefits of raising awareness and highlighting coverage
shortfalls to potential buyers of supplemental LTCI.
Second, enrollment in ElderShield is subject to medical underwrit-
ing. One of the design features leading to high premium estimates in
the CLASS program is the lack of medical underwriting.
In contrast,
affordability of ElderShield premiums for basic coverage is enhanced by
excluding people with serious preexisting ADL limitations from the risk
pool. Individuals with certain chronic medical conditions can enroll in
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 389
ElderShield if they accept higher premium loads. Such medical under-
writing is pragmatic, since insurance is meant to provide support when
low-probability, high-impact events occur. It is more expensive and less
efficient to insure people whose probability of needing LTSS is known
to be high. This practice is not at odds with the policy principles articu-
lated by the US Senate Committee on Long-Term Care. Its report states
that “an effective, publicly-funded safety net is essential for those with
limited lifetime resources, including those whose physical, intellectual,
or cognitive disability originate early in life.”
By creating a separate
long-term care financing program for people with disabilities, based on
government subsidies, charitable donations, and savings (both private
and CPF balances), Singapore is able to keep ElderShield premiums
Third, to contain adverse selection, the enrollment age is set at 40
years. This is comparable to the average enrollment age in France (40
to 44 years
) and is lower than that in the United States, where 24.7%
of new LTCI enrollees applied between the ages of 45 and 54, and
54% applied between the ages of 55 and 64.
Early enrollment has the
additional benefit of increased time for prefunding, as well as prefunding
during people’s most productive years. Since ElderShield premiums have
been stable since its launch and are payable for only 25 years from
age 40, enrollees have not had to face the uncertainty of rate hikes or
the burden of premium payments in their retirement years. Further,
unlike CLASS, which has a 5-year waiting period, ElderShield enrollees
may make claims at any time after enrollment. Together, these attributes
help make ElderShield coverage a palatable default option.
Fourth, the automatic enrollment feature of ElderShield circumvents
issues related to consumer irrationality. By not requiring much or any
action on the enrollees’ part, the government no longer has to rely on
individuals to overcome their tendencies to procrastinate and to avoid
contemplating unpleasant future events. In the behavioral economics
literature, such use of the default option is referred to as a “nudge.”
While automatic enrollment is likely the main driver of the high rate
of ElderShield coverage in Singapore, it is not sufficient by itself. By
making premium payment automatic and relatively painless for Singa-
poreans through the use of CPF funds, the government also effectively
decreases the salience of this expense, thereby reducing the likelihood
of opt-out among those actively exercising their ability to choose. Note
that salience reduction is another application of behavioral economics
390 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
principles that aim at influencing behaviors.
Even though the United
States does not have the equivalent of a CPF system, allowing Ameri-
cans to tap their 401(k)/403(b) accounts, individual retirement accounts
(IRA), or Section 125 accounts to pay their LTCI premiums may enable
automatic enrollment and lessen the impact on their levels of disposable
income, thereby encouraging more people to buy LTCI. The downside
of such an approach would be a reduction in retirement savings. This
concern may be mitigated by requiring the maintenance of minimum
retirement account balances and setting withdrawal limits. An alterna-
tive path to automatic enrollment in the United States may be through
the development of employer-sponsored LTCI programs by modeling
incentives and regulations on those that are currently in place for retire-
ment savings programs. These ideas are consistent with recommenda-
tions from both the BPC and the SCAN Foundation.
The Singapore
case demonstrates such recommendations are actionable and may have
desirable outcomes in terms of LTCI uptake.
Fifth, ElderShield payout in the form of defined cash benefits ad-
dresses the issue of consumer bounded rationality because it reduces the
complexity of LTCI plans for consumers, a problem that has plagued
LTCI markets in the United States for years. In the United States, how-
ever, insurers tend to offer service benefits, as claim rates are perceived
to be higher with cash benefits.
Another issue is that the cash ben-
efit may not be spent on LTSS but on other goods instead. However,
the practice of offering LTCI benefits in cash i s not new; a number
of European countries have managed cash benefit systems for years.
This model gained traction in the United States after the first Cash and
Counseling demonstration projects were conducted in 1998.
such participant-directed programs that disburse Medicaid long-term
care benefits as cash to older people are available in all 50 states and
the District of Columbia.
In Singapore, ElderShield payouts may be
disbursed to the beneficiaries, to their caregivers (if the beneficiaries are
medically certified to lack mental capacity), or to LTSS providers directly.
Strict eligibility criteria and the requirement of evaluation by accredited
independent assessors minimize the possibility o f fraud. When payouts
are disbursed to caregivers, they are committed, in writing, to use the
cash only for the care and benefit of the beneficiaries.
Since public
financial assistance for LTSS is limited and is provided only after appli-
cants demonstrate that they have exhausted all other possible sources of
funding, ElderShield benefits are less likely to be misused.
Financing Long-Term Services and Supports: Ideas From Singapore 391
Last, a possible reason cited for the small LTCI market in the United
States is crowd-out by substitutes such as readily available informal
and alternative LTSS funding sources such as home equity
or Medicaid.
Some level of crowd-out could exist in Singapore,
although the phenomenon has not been well studied. However, instead
of crowding out LTCI, Singapore’s tiered public subsidy structure may
be complementary to the development and maintenance of an LTCI
market. Those with a low MPCHI see the benefit of retaining inex-
pensive basic ElderShield coverage because the cash payout does defray
a meaningful portion of their postsubsidy OOP expense. People with
a moderate MPCHI are better able to afford supplemental plans and
may be motivated to buy more coverage, since they face proportion-
ally higher postsubsidy OOP expenses. Finally, LTCI is one source of
financial protection for those who are ineligible for public subsidies.
Accordingly, LTCI can appeal to individuals along the entire income
Debates about optimal long-term care financing policy through in-
surance contain an inherent tension between the breadth and depth of
coverage. The former is indicated by LTCI take-up rates; the latter is
measured by the degree of financial protection LTCI provides. If one
wants to limit budgetary pressure posed by public LTSS financing, the
problem becomes one of maximizing private contributions to LTCI by
those who can afford it so that public funds can be directed at those
who cannot. By this formulation, the total private contribution to be
maximized is the product of the take-up rate and the depth of coverage,
as the latter is proportional to LTCI premiums. The Singapore LTCI
system can be described as one in which high take-up is achieved at the
expense of depth of coverage. A moderate increase in basic coverage is
unlikely to negatively affect take-up rates and is likely one of the goals
of the policy reform currently under way. The United States likely lies,
however, on the other side of this trade-off, as lowering insurance cover-
age would likely increase take-up rates and total private contributions
to LTCI.
US policymakers face the challenge of integrating elements of pri-
vate LTCI and social insurance programs to meet the nation’s long-term
care financing needs. The Singapore case illustrates how LTSS can be
financed through a mix of public and private sources comprising tiered,
means-tested public subsidies and government grants to LTSS providers
that lower LTSS prices, charitable donations, voluntary LTCI, and other
392 W.C.K. Graham and M. Bilger
private resources from the care recipient and his or her family. While
the optimal mix of private and public options will ultimately depend on
the national and political context of the United States, it is worth not-
ing that hybrid financing systems like Singapore’s can be implemented
incrementally. This is especially relevant to the United States, given its
current polarized political context that makes finding a compromise on
any far-reaching reform extremely unlikely.
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Funding/Support: None.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Both authors have completed and submitted the
ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest. No disclosures
were reported.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the editor, Walter Edgar
Theseira, Phua Khai Hong, and one anonymous reviewer for their valuable
comments and suggestions.
Address correspondence to: Marcel Bilger, Health Services & Systems Research Pro-
gram, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore, 8 College Rd, Level 4, Singapore
169857 (email: [email protected]).