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Risks from leverage: how did
a small corner of the
pensions industry threaten
financial stability? − speech
by Sarah Breeden
Given at ISDA & AIMA
07 November 2022
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On the afternoon of 28 September, I found myself in a rather unusual position: having to
explain to journalists why a part of the pensions industry, unheard of to most of their
readers, had posed such a large threat to financial stability that it warranted intervention in
the gilt market from the Bank of England.
Financial markets globally had been volatile for months. But in the days leading up to that
fateful Wednesday and following the announcement of the Government’s growth plan on
23 September, long-dated gilt yields in particular had moved with extraordinary and
unprecedented scale and speed.
Now volatility itself does not warrant Bank of England intervention. Indeed, it’s essential
that market prices are allowed to adjust to changes in their fundamental determinants
efficiently and without distortion.
However, some liability-driven investment (LDI) funds were creating an amplification
mechanism in the long-end of the gilt market through which price falls had the potential to
trigger forced selling and thereby become self-reinforcing. Such a self-reinforcing price
spiral would have resulted in even more severely disrupted gilt market functioning. And
that would in turn have led to an excessive and sudden tightening of financing conditions
for households and businesses.
In response to this threat, the Bank of England intervened on financial stability grounds.
But what led to that intervention?
The root cause is simple and indeed is one we have seen in other contexts too poorly
managed leverage.
So today I’ll set out how leverage outside the banking sector can create risks to financial
stability, starting with that small corner of the pensions market. And then I’ll set out what
needs to be done - by participants, by their regulators and by financial stability authorities -
if we are to ensure those risks to financial stability are reduced.
How did a small corner of the pensions industry threaten
financial stability?
Many UK DB pension schemes have been in deficit, meaning their liabilities their
commitments to pay out to pensioners in the future exceed the assets they hold. DB
pension schemes invest in long-term bonds to hedge the interest rate and inflation risk that
arises from these long-term liabilities. But that doesn’t help them to close their deficit. To
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do that, they invest in ‘growth assets’, such as equities, to get extra return to grow the
value of their assets. An LDI strategy delivers this, using leveraged gilt funds to allow
schemes both to maintain material hedges and to invest in growth assets. Of course that
leverage needs to be well managed.
The rise in yields in late September 130 basis points in the 30-year nominal yield in just
a few days caused a significant fall in the net asset value of these leveraged LDI funds,
meaning their leverage increased significantly. And that created a need urgently to delever
to prevent insolvency and to meet increasing margin calls.
The funds held liquidity buffers for this purpose. But as those liquidity buffers were
exhausted, the funds needed either to sell gilts into an illiquid market or to ask their DB
pension scheme investors to provide additional cash to rebalance the fund. Since
persistently higher interest rates would in fact boost the funding position of DB pension
, they generally had the incentive to provide funds. But their resources could
take time to mobilise.
The issue was particularly acute for one small corner of the LDI industry pooled funds. In
these funds, which make up around 10-15% of the LDI market, a pot of assets is managed
for a large number of pension fund clients who have limited liability in the face of losses.
The speed and scale of the moves in yields far outpaced the ability of the large number of
pooled funds’ smaller investors to provide new funds who were typically given a week, in
some cases two, to rebalance their positions. Limited liability also meant that these pooled
fund investors might choose not to provide support. And so pooled LDI funds became
forced sellers of gilts at a rate that would not have been absorbed in normal gilt trading
conditions, never mind in the conditions that prevailed during the stressed period.
Other LDI funds, with segregated mandates, were more easily able to raise funds from
their individual pension scheme clients. However, given their scale, at 85-90% of the
market, some of these funds were also contributing to selling pressure, making the task at
hand for pooled LDI funds even harder. And of course if the pooled funds had defaulted,
the large quantity of gilts held as collateral by those that had lent to the funds would
potentially be sold on the market too.
With the gilt market unable to absorb such forced sales, yields would have been pushed
even higher, making the scale of the selling need even larger still. This is the self-
reinforcing spiral that the Bank intervened to prevent.
As an illustration, the Pension Protection Fund’s PPF 7800 index suggests that, between end-2021 and
end-September 2022 a period in which interest rates rose substantially the liabilities of UK DB schemes
fell by 36% (from £1,689bn to £1,076bn), whereas their assets fell by only 20% (from £1,818bn to £1,451bn),
leaving their net assets nearly three times higher.
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The Bank’s 13 day and £19.3 billion intervention was made on financial stability grounds. It
was the first example of us acting to deliver our financial stability objective through a
temporary, targeted intervention in the gilt market.
But let me emphasise: the asset purchases were a means to an end. They were designed
to create the right conditions in the right part of the gilt market for long enough so that the
LDI funds could build resilience so that their leverage would be well managed once the
asset purchases had ceased and should gilt market instability return.
What does this episode remind us about the risks from non-
bank leverage?
Leverage is an integral part of the economy. It allows households to borrow to buy houses
and smooth consumption. It allows companies to invest in projects or to smooth cashflows.
It allows banks to finance these activities.
In the non-bank financial system, leverage is used: to facilitate trading; to invest in
companies and infrastructure; and to arbitrage price discrepancies and so improve the
efficiency of financial markets.
Leverage is created in different ways. Its most obvious form is to borrow money to buy
assets ‘financial leverage’. But it arises also through synthetic leverage using derivative
instruments. This allows users to adjust risk profiles through a relatively small initial outlay,
with future gains or losses contingent on changes in underlying market prices. Those
future gains and losses create financial obligations a form of contingent ‘hidden leverage
if you like.
It’s clear that leverage is a key function provided by the financial system in support of a
thriving and productive economy. But it comes with inherent risks that need to be
A common factor across all the uses of leverage I have just described is that it can
increase the exposure of the leverage taker to underlying risk factors whether that be
house prices, earnings, interest rates, currencies or asset prices. It follows therefore that
leverage can amplify shocks to each of these risk factors. And in a stress, that can lead
both to sudden spikes in demand for liquidity either to support the financing of leveraged
positions or as de-leveraging leads to forced sales and a corresponding contraction in
liquidity supply, with potentially systemic consequences.
See Thirteen days in October: how central bank balance sheets can support monetary and financial
stability speech by Andrew Hauser
See The impact of leveraged investors on market liquidity and financial stability speech by Jon
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Leverage is of course not the only cause of systemic vulnerability in the non-bank system
as we have seen with liquidity mismatch driving run dynamics in money market funds
(MMFs) and open-ended funds (OEFs) during the dash for cash.
But it is important where
any form of leverage is core to a non-bank’s business and trading strategy. Indeed what
happened to LDI funds is just the latest example of poorly managed non-bank leverage
throwing a large rock into the pool of financial stability. From Long Term Capital
Management in 1998; to the 2007 run on the repo market; to hedge fund behaviour in the
2020 dash for cash; and the failure of Archegos in 2021.
These episodes highlight the need to take into account the potential amplifying effect of
poorly managed leverage, and to pay attention to non-banks’ behaviours which,
particularly when aggregated, could lead to the emergence of systemic risk.
I see systemic risk from leverage in the non-bank system arising through two different
channels of contagion:
to markets both those non-banks invest in and those they borrow from;
to counterparties who either provide cash, or take the other side of instruments
that are used to provide synthetic leverage.
To the extent that these markets and counterparties are important for the functioning of the
financial system and for the real economy, problems transmitted can have adverse
consequences for economic growth and financial stability.
The market channel
Let’s start with the market channel. Here excessive or poorly-managed leverage
increases the potential for forced asset sales in the face of shocks, with adverse
implications for market functioning and so the real economy.
Feedback loops and amplification mechanisms can arise in two ways through
unexpected liquidity strains (most obviously as a result of margin increases) or through
large, concentrated positions.
I’ll cover liquidity strains first.
Banks and CCPs typically require their counterparties to place collateral, in the form of
margin or haircuts, to protect against counterparty risk. And sharp changes in asset prices,
high volatility or correlated shocks affect the amount of counterparty risk to which they are
See Taking our second chance to make MMFs more resilient - speech by Andrew Bailey
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As market prices change and as risk rises, the bank or CCP can request more collateral.
(Variation margin to reflect the change in market prices; and higher initial margin to reflect
greater risk in a given position.) And meeting those collateral demands creates liquidity
risk for the leveraged institution that needs to be managed.
This more widespread collateralisation of derivatives has been an essential part of the
package of reforms to address fault-lines exposed in the Global Financial Crisis. Initial
margin requirements are vital to limit cascading counterparty credit risks, as I will cover
But more widespread collateralisation has increased the sensitivity of liquid-asset demand
to market volatility. And, if market participants are not prepared for such calls, their actions
to raise cash can squeeze liquidity in already stressed markets, further amplifying shocks.
So whilst greatly reducing counterparty credit risks, with important systemic benefits,
collateralisation may also increase systemic liquidity risks.
This dynamic was at play in the ‘dash for cash’ in March 2020, where hedge funds with
highly leveraged positions in US Treasury cash-futures basis trades, were one source of
the boost in demand for liquidity.
When markets turned against them, these investors
unwound their positions, selling US Treasuries at scale, contributing to a short but extreme
period of illiquidity in these usually safe and liquid markets. That added to dysfunction and
necessitated unprecedented central bank intervention.
The behaviour of financial intermediaries can also matter when a stress hits too - since
what can seem rational behaviour for an individual firm has the potential to cause negative
second-round effects when aggregated across the market as a whole. For example, low
initial margins and haircuts in normal times can result in significant margin increases when
a stress hits. If these occur market-wide, it can lead to a reduction in market activity,
damage market functioning, and potentially amplify market moves at a time of stress.
The second mechanism is via large, concentrated exposures, which can exacerbate the
impact of liquidity strains and so amplify the impact of deleveraging on markets in the
event of a shock. It can be seen in events in the gilt market I described earlier.
See The role of non-bank financial intermediaries in the ‘dash for cash’ in sterling markets’, Bank
of England Financial Stability Paper, number 47.
See ‘Seven Moments in Spring: Covid-19, financial markets and the Bank of England’s balance
sheet operations’ speech by Andrew Hauser
See Sizing hedge funds' Treasury market activities and holdings’,
See Hedge Funds and the Treasury Cash-Futures Disconnect’
See ‘Leverage and margin spirals in fixed income markets during the Covid-19 crisis
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The concentrated and correlated nature of pooled LDI funds’ exposures meant that their
forced selling behaviour represented a sudden and profound shift in supply-demand
Indeed the self-reinforcing spiral it led to meant that around £200 billion of pooled LDI
threatened the £1.4 trillion traded gilt market, which itself acts as the foundation of
the UK financial system, underlying around £2 trillion of lending to the real economy
through wider credit markets.
As such, it was a timely reminder that large concentrated exposures and correlated
behaviours can strain market functioning so much that financial stability can be threatened.
The counterparty channel
Now let’s turn to the counterparty channel where leverage increases the risk of an
entity’s default and so brings losses for their counterparties, threatening the resilience of
systemically important firms and so the real economy.
Margins are at the core of bank and CCP toolkits for managing these counterparty risks.
They are essential to stop cascading counterparty losses around the system broadly.
But margins will only be adequate if counterparty credit risks can themselves be
adequately assessed. And assessing the risk of a leveraged institution can be challenging
perhaps because its exposures are in the form of synthetic or “hidden” leverage or
because its exposures are more concentrated or correlated than the counterparty is able
to understand.
In the case of Archegos, for example, individual counterparties were not sighted on the
total size of the firms’ sizeable and concentrated swap positions, meaning they had
imperfect information on which to manage counterparty credit risk.
In fact, when margin was called as prices moved against Archegos in March 2021, the firm
was forced to liquidate its concentrated positions, further amplifying adverse price
movements, through the market channel I just described. The end result was that
Archegos could not meet all of its margin calls, and its default left its bank-affiliated prime
brokers sharing around $10 billion in counterparty credit losses.
The Pensions Regulator has noted that as of end-2021, c. 15% of the roughly £1.4tn in UK LDI assets
were in multi-investor pooled funds, which equates to roughly £200bn. Due to the volatility of gilt prices and
yields, these estimates will not reflect the current position, and the rise in gilt yields in 2022 will have reduced
the total amount of hedging.
The UK corporate bond and fixed rate mortgage markets are around £2 trillion, and gilt pricing also
underlies a broader set of markets beyond these.
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Just as with LTCM in the late-1990s, the Archegos case highlights how financial strains on
leveraged non-bank investors can transmit directly to the large banks at the core of the
financial system. And it highlights again that if leveraged investors use several
counterparties, overall leverage is hidden from each of them.
Banks and CCPs may therefore need to have access to more information on the risk
positions and balance sheets of their leveraged counterparties if they to understand fully
concentrated and hidden exposures.
A second lesson for banks’ and CCPs’ counterparty credit risk management from recent
extraordinary events is that the past is not always a good guide for the future. And so they
need to be creative in identifying stress scenarios that best illustrate their counterparties’
credit risk and so the conditions under which margin calls might not be met.
As I will
explain, that could relate to wrong way, risk, market dynamics, the behaviour of other
market players, even operational details.
I think further progress on both these fronts is needed if we are to be confident the
counterparty channel is fully managed.
Are these risks unique to non-banks?
I think it’s helpful at this stage to ask whether these issues are unique, or if we’ve tackled
them before in other contexts.
And with that in mind, I’ll draw a very brief comparison to a market which has already been
widely studied and embedded in the macroprudential toolkit: the mortgage market.
Banks manage their exposures to mortgagors, through affordability testing, leverage limits
and collateral. And that’s important from a financial stability perspective, given the
feedback and amplification mechanisms that have been seen during stresses in the past.
For example, stress test scenarios cover house prices falling and borrowers defaulting,
and so can capture the potential for amplified price moves and a self-reinforcing price
dynamic, as a result of forced sales by bank lenders into a falling housing market.
Perhaps correlated falls in asset prices and leverage can create amplifying price dynamics
in non-bank financial institutions as well as with households.
The Bank’s recent CCP Supervisory Stress Test used reverse stress testing to look well beyond
historical precedent.
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In addition, in our financial stability analysis of the mortgage market, we recognise that
reductions in spending by highly indebted mortgage borrowers as they keep up with debt
repayments can create negative spillover effects to the rest of the economy.
And perhaps in the same way, too, might forced asset sales into stressed financial
markets have negative spillovers for all other users of that market. In the case of the core
government bond market that could be significant.
What is being done to address risks from non-bank leverage,
and where is there further progress to be made?
Having set out how leverage in non-bank financial institutions might create risks to
financial stability, I’ll turn now to what needs to be done if we are to ensure those risks are
Let me be clear. The onus for building resilience in the non-bank system sits first and
foremost with the firms themselves.
If firms use leverage, they must be able to manage the liquidity consequences of their risk
exposures. As part of this, they need to learn from the decades of experience that show
how leverage and liquidity risk creates rollover risks; volatility; operational challenges in
accessing liquidity; and exposures to amplification mechanisms from the wider system.
Firm stress testing and resilience must be set with reference to the system and to market
dynamics and not just a firm’s own atomistic actions. Indeed this is where associations
such as yourselves, ISDA and AIMA, can be hugely supportive in sharing best practices
and industry standards.
LDI funds have demonstrated the art of the possible here, by building resilience at speed
when severe stress demonstrated the clear need for it.
Regulators worked with LDI funds during the Bank’s operations to ensure greater
resilience for future stresses. And in aggregate, intelligence suggests that LDI funds raised
over £40 billion in funds and made over £30 billion of gilt sales during our operations, both
of which have contributed to significantly lower leverage.
As a result, LDI funds report that their liquidity buffers can withstand very much larger
increases in yields than before, well in excess of the previously unprecedented move in gilt
yields. And so the risk of LDI fund behaviour triggering ‘fire sale’ dynamics in the gilt
market and self-reinforcing falls in gilt prices is for now at least significantly reduced. It
is important that it stays that way.
Others need to act too.
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Banks have an important role to play in reducing risks both to themselves and to the wider
system from non-bank leverage.
That starts with information. As seen with Archegos, imperfect information on overall
positions leads to inadequate risk management. So a first step is for lenders to require
greater transparency of hidden leverage taken by their counterparties. Prime brokers
should have access to data on a fund’s overall leverage, not just the portion to which they
have contributed, just as banks ask household borrowers about their student loan
repayments and credit card debts when issuing a mortgage.
Banks, like their non-bank clients, need also to improve their stress testing to include
better understanding of market dynamics and structural shifts that might change
correlations and norms.
Banks need to develop a laser like focus on wrong-way risk, where the value of collateral
held as security falls in the very situation where the counterparty defaults. And to consider
if attempts to realise collateral might further add to negative price dynamics.
Stress testing is also needed across sectors to understand how correlations in risk
exposure can lead to correlated behaviours in stress. And stress tests need to account for
institutional structures, governance and processes for liquidity management, to capture
examples like the LDI event above, where DB schemes had assets available but were
simply unable to get them to where they needed to be quickly enough.
Bank supervisors can play a role in limiting the risks from leverage in the non-bank system
to the core financial system through strengthening of risk management practices of dealer
banks and prime brokers. My supervisory colleagues are indeed taking steps to ensure
Let me turn finally to the steps financial stability authorities are taking.
And where, unfortunately for the policy community, the challenges we face are complex,
reflecting the large number and variety of institutions involved, and as the system of
market-based finance is global, meaning effective reform needs to be co-ordinated across
The FPC has put vulnerabilities in the non-bank financial system at the core of its work in
recent years.
The Bank and the FCA have sent Dear CEO letters to firms following the default of Archegos and
conducted a supervisory review of global equity finance businesses. This requires relevant firms to carry out
a systematic review of the business strategy and organisation and financial risk management controls and
governance. And the Bank put out a consultation on supervisory expectations for contingent leverage
within banks’ ICAAP assessments and new requirements of its reporting.
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That has included work on the specific issues of leverage and liquidity of LDI strategies,
which was assessed with a stress simulation in 2018, and which led to further close work
with the Pensions Regulator and the Financial Conduct Authority
to enhance
understanding of financial stability risks, enhance monitoring and inform further work.
The vulnerabilities in market-based finance that the FPC had articulated were exposed in
dramatic fashion in the ‘dash for cash’ in the early stages of the Covid pandemic.
gave additional momentum to this work. And there has been some progress in recent
years, on the regulation and monitoring of the non-bank sector
, particularly relating to
liquidity mismatches in MMFs and OEFs.
The international community has made less progress in addressing the risks from non-
bank leverage.
The international nature of leveraged investors requires a firm response by the global
regulatory community to assess those risks and develop policy solutions. And the UK’s
recent experience is a timely reminder of the risks here. So in the final minutes I will zone
in on the actions relevant to this issue.
Let’s start with transparency, where it is vital that regulatory authorities have sight of
leverage building up in the system, and what that means for resilience.
That requires better regulatory disclosures for non-banks and investment in monitoring
The Bank has access to transaction-level data from regulatory datasets
which we use to
monitor the build-up of systemic risks stemming from leverage in the non-bank system. We
also run surveys that provide information on exposures to hedge funds.
But these provide only a partial view of portfolio leverage: either because they do not
provide a link between borrowing and investment activities; or because we only see part of
TPR regulates pension schemes; the FCA regulates LDI managers.
See Building Financial Market Resilience: From diagnosis to prescription speech by Jon Hall
This progress has been led by the FSB, with the involvement of international standard setting bodies. The
FSB has set out its analysis of non-bank risks and a programme of work last year and is due to report on
next steps soon. Through the work of the Financial Policy Committee and the Bank more widely (including
Governors’ participation in the FSB), as well as the FCA, the UK has been actively engaging with this
For example, see the FSB’s publication of a framework on MMF resilience in 2021, and subsequent UK
Discussion paper. On OEFs, we strongly support global policy actions to increase resilience, and look
forward to the upcoming FSB proposals to address vulnerabilities arising from liquidity mismatch.
Specifically, the European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR), Sterling Money Market Daily data
(SMMD) collection, and MiFID II.
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the portfolio due to non-banks’ multi-jurisdictional presence; or because the data are
simply not sufficient to assess the risk of leverage.
Given the global nature of non-bank business models, it is essential that transparency and
data availability are enhanced through international efforts, and that authorities have the
right metrics to assess the risks of leverage.
It is encouraging to see progress being
made, for example by the SEC.
Beyond improving transparency, regulators will need to consider how best to ensure
leverage is well managed. These could, for example, include broad market-wide measures
such as market regulations to ensure excessive leverage is better controlled by market
pricing and margins.
Some international work is underway. The BCBS-CPMI-IOSCO margin group has
published its final report on margin practices.
The report recommends policy work in six
including increasing the transparency and predictability of margin calls,
evaluating their responsiveness to stress, and enhancing liquidity preparedness by
clearing members and non-banks. As part of the ‘next steps’, there is already work
underway evaluating the responsiveness of cleared and uncleared margin models.
Finally, there are important questions about the role of central bank balance sheets.
In a number of recent events, central banks have had to intervene in size, using public
money, to remove the threats to financial stability. Providing backstop liquidity insurance
when tail risks to financial stability crystallise is a core part of central banks’ job. And the
FPC has discussed the importance of examining whether central banks should have
facilities to provide liquidity to a wider set of financial market participants in stress.
But central banks cannot be a substitute for the primary obligation of market participants to
manage their own risk, or for internationally co-ordinated reforms that enhance the resilience
of the non-bank financial sector.
For that reason, such facilities must be carefully targeted on the financial stability
vulnerability at hand, and designed in ways that incentivise the right private sector
To assess the risk of leverage we need balance sheet metrics (e.g. notional) as well as risk and liquidity
measures. (see NBFI leverage deep dive, November 2018 FSR)
The Bank highlighted the need for developing consistent leverage metrics in its public response to
IOSCO report on leverage.
See SEC Proposes to Enhance Private Fund Reporting
See Review of margining practices
The 6 areas for policy work are: increasing transparency in centrally cleared markets; enhancing liquidity
preparedness of market participants; identifying data gaps in regulatory reporting; streamlining variation
margin processes in centrally and non-centrally cleared markets; evaluating the responsiveness of both
centrally cleared and non-centrally cleared initial margin models to stress.
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behaviours, incuding reducing incentives for excessive risk taking in the future.
colleagues in our Markets area have been considering these issues,
including with
colleagues internationally
and a number of these principles were implemented in our LDI
Events of recent weeks, months and years have once again reminded us of the systemic
risks posed by poorly-managed leverage in the non-bank financial system.
All too often excessive risk taking alongside improper liquidity risk management has
threatened conditions in the real economy - an issue that feels especially pertinent in the
current environment of high volatility and tightening financial conditions.
Lessons must be learned from these episodes, most importantly by non-banks
themselves, but also by: their counterparties; market infrastructure; their regulators; bank
supervisors; central banks; and the global regulatory community as we continue our global
efforts to ensure the resilience of the system of market-based finance.
Transparency is an important first step. That enables the necessary next step of ensuring
non-banks’ positions and interlinkages with the rest of the financial system can be
comprehensively stress tested and understood in a system-wide manner.
Non-banks themselves can use that understanding to increase their resilience and liquidity
preparedness. Dealer banks and prime brokers equipped with better data on clients’
overall leverage and positions can strengthen their risk management. Given the need for a
macroprudential perspective, our journey to better resilience of market-based finance must
not end there.
I’d like to thank Renée Horrell for assistance in drafting these remarks. I would also like to
thank Naoto Takemoto, Gerardo Martinez, Pelagia Neocleous, David Baumslag, Pierre
Ortlieb, Konstantin Wiemer, Edd Denbee, Daniel Wright, Will Rawstorne, Niki Anderson,
Andrew Hauser, Lee Foulger, James Talbot, Sasha Mills, Jon Relleen, Andrew Bailey, Jon
Cunliffe and Carolyn Wilkins for their helpful input and comments. The views expressed
here are not necessarily those of the Financial Policy Committee.
See Financial Policy Summary and Record October 2020
See From Lender of Last Resort to Market Maker of Last Resort via the dash for cash
See Market Dysfunction and Central Bank Tools