Edmonton Regional Palliative Care
Program: impact on patterns
of terminal cancer care
Eduardo Bruera, MD; Catherine M. Neumann, MSc;
Bruno Gagnon, MD; Carleen Brenneis, RN, MHSA;
Patricia Kneisler, ISP; Pat Selmser, RN, BScN; John Hanson, MSc
EGIONAL PALLIATIVE CARE PROGRAM was established in July 1995 to
measure the access of patients with terminal cancer to palliative care services, de-
crease the number of cancer-related deaths in acute care facilities and increase the
participation of family physicians in the care of terminally ill patients. In this retro-
spective study the authors compared the pattern of care and site of deaths before
establishment of the program (1992/93) and during its second year of operation
(1996/97). Significantly more cancer-related deaths occurred in acute care facilities
in 1992/93 than in 1996/97 (86% [1119/1304] v. 49% [633/1279]) (p 0.001).
The number of inpatient days decreased, from 24 566 in 1992/93 to 6960 in
1996/97. More cancer patients saw a palliative care consult team in 1996/97 than
in 1992/93 (82% v. 22%). The shift from deaths in acute care facilities to palliative
hospices suggests that the establishment of an integrated palliative care program
has increased access of patients with terminal cancer to palliative care.
n Edmonton and other Canadian cities the limited integration of community-
based physicians and nurses, continuing care facilities, acute care hospitals, can-
cer centres and palliative care specialists has become a major obstacle to pa-
tients seeking access to palliative care in the most suitable setting. Most cancer
patients die in acute care facilities after medium to long-term stays.
The resulting
increased cost and inappropriate care occurs because staff in these institutions are
not trained in the management of the physical and psychosocial complications of
terminal cancer.
One of the perceived reasons why patients die in acute care fa-
cilities in Edmonton is the limited involvement of family physicians in their care. In
the Edmonton region in 1992/93, only 25% of family physicians had hospital ad-
mitting privileges, whereas more than 80% of cancer-related deaths occurred in
these institutions after an average stay of about 1 month. Therefore, most of these
admissions took place under the care of a specialist.
The Edmonton Regional Palliative Care Program was established in July 1995
to increase the access of patients with terminal cancer to palliative care services, de-
crease the number of cancer-related deaths in acute care facilities, increase the par-
ticipation of family physicians in the care of terminally ill patients, and provide
these physicians with adequate support.
We compared the patterns of utilization of health care services and access to pal-
liative care by patients before the establishment of the program (1992/93) and dur-
ing its second year of operation (1996/97).
The Edmonton Regional Palliative Care Program
The program consists of previously existing and newly established or upgraded
elements (Fig. 1). Previously existing elements include a 14-bed tertiary palliative
care unit and a weekly tertiary multidisciplinary palliative care clinic in the local
cancer centre. These 2 components were maintained at the same level of funding.
Five new elements were added to the program. A palliative hospice (palliative
From the Edmonton Regional
Palliative Care Program,
Division of Palliative Care
Medicine, and Cross Cancer
Institute, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alta.
Dr. Bruera is currently with
the Department of Symptom
Control and Palliative Care,
University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, Tex.
This article has been peer reviewed.
CMAJ 1999;161:290-3
290 JAMC • 10 AOÛT 1999; 161 (3)
© 1999 Canadian Medical Association (text and abstract)
Edmonton Regional Palliative Care Program
CMAJ • AUG. 10, 1999; 161 (3) 291
continuing care unit) was set up in 3 continuing care hospi-
tals, providing a total of 56 beds. Four full-time salaried
teams, consisting of a consultant palliative care physician
and nurse, provide consultations for palliative care patients
at home, in the 3 hospices, in the region’s 3 community
hospitals and in the continuing care facilities. Funding to
the Regional Home Care Program was increased for the
delivery of 24-hour palliative care at home. Another team
(consultant palliative care physician and nurse) was added
to the existing team to serve patients in the region’s 2 ter-
tiary care hospitals. Finally, a registry of family physicians
willing to deliver palliative care to new patients was begun
and widely publicized among the city’s family physicians. In
addition, an increased fee for the delivery of palliative care
at home or in hospice was established for family physicians.
Symptom assessment tools were developed, including
the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System,
the Mini
Mental State Questionnaire,
the CAGE questionnaire,
the Edmonton Functional Assessment Test
and the Ed-
monton Staging System for cancer pain.
These tools, as
well as a unified system for recording medical history and
medication, were used to ensure simple transfer of patients
among the various care settings. In addition, a common
protocol was used in all settings for the management of
various physical and psychosocial symptoms.
All physicians licensed in the region were notified by mail
about the program and the procedure for consultations, a
monthly update on the management of specific symptoms
was mailed with a reminder about the consultation proce-
dure, and a description of the program was presented during
medical rounds at the cancer centre and all family medicine
programs and was posted on the University of Alberta’s
family medicine home page (www.palliative.org).
Impact on cancer care and mortality patterns
A total of 1304 patients died of cancer in the Edmonton
region in 1992/93 and 1279 in 1996/97 (Table 1). The
number and location of cancer-related deaths in acute care
facilities (tertiary care hospitals, community hospitals and
Fig. 1: Model for the Edmonton Regional Palliative Care Program, established in July 1995.
Continuing care centre§ 53 63
Home 126
Other 6
*Data are from the Alberta Cancer Registry, except for palliative hospice data, which come from the Edmonton Regional Palliative Care Program Registry.
The Alberta Cancer Registry data are provisional because some deaths may have been registered in subsequent years.
†From χ
‡Includes acute care hospitals, the local cancer centre and the tertiary palliative care unit.
§Includes continuing care facilities, nursing homes and auxiliary hospita
Year; no. (and %) of cancer-related deaths
n = 1304
Acute care facility‡ 1119 (86)
Palliative hospice 0
n = 1281
Table 1: Distribution of cancer-related deaths by location in the Edmonton region from 1992/93 (before
establishment of the Edmonton Regional Palliative Care Program in 1995) to 1996/97 (the program’s second year
of operation)*
n = 1279
96 143
n = 1240
877 (71)
5 (0.2)
n = 1342
< 0.001
< 0.001
< 0.001
p value†
the cancer centre), palliative hospices, continuing facilities
(including regular continuing care facilities, auxiliary hospi-
tals and nursing homes) and at home are summarized in
Table 1. There was a significant shift in location from acute
care facilities to continuing care facilities and home over
that period. Post hoc comparisons showed that, between
1992/93 and 1994/95, there was a small decrease in the
number of deaths in acute care hospitals accompanied by an
increase in deaths at home (p < 0.001, χ
The number of deaths and lengths of stay in acute care
hospitals and the cancer centre decreased significantly be-
tween 1992/93 and 1996/97 (Table 2). They did not change
over time in the tertiary palliative care unit.
In 1992/93, 22% of cancer patients (290/1341) had con-
sulted a palliative care team, as compared with 84%
(1110/1326) in 1996/97 (p < 0.001). In 1996/97, 372 physicians
consulted the program for joint care of specific patients. Of
these, 287 (77%) were family physicians, representing 35% of
the 816 family physicians registered in the Edmonton region.
A subset of 268 consecutive patients with terminal can-
cer who were discharged from the cancer centre were asked
whether they wanted to remain under the care of their fam-
ily physician or wished to change, or whether they had no
designated family physician. Most (240 [89%]) wanted to
remain under the care of their family physician. The re-
maining 28 expressed a need for a new family physician; in
all cases, an alternative physician was identified within 24
hours from the list of 150 family physicians who were will-
ing to take charge of new patients.
We found a significant shift in deaths from hospital to
palliative hospice and home care settings since the intro-
duction of the Edmonton Regional Palliative Care Pro-
gram as well as a significant decrease in average length of
stay in both acute care facilities and the cancer centre. Al-
though we reported only patients’ last stay in these facilities
before death, it is unlikely that a decrease in this time (in
our experience, the longest stay) after the inception of the
program would be offset by an increase in the duration of
earlier stays. It is our impression that increased access to
palliative care and improved planning of care have resulted
in a decrease in total inpatient bed use. However, our pa-
tient data systems were not able to test this hypothesis, and
further studies are required to measure the overall utiliza-
tion of acute care beds.
There was a significant discrepancy in the number of can-
cer-related deaths reported by the Alberta Cancer Registry
and the Capital Health Authority for both 1992/93 and
1996/97. According to the latter, the total number of deaths
in acute care hospitals was 955 in 1992/93 and 498 in 1996/97
(Table 2), as compared with 1119 and 633, respectively, re-
ported by the Alberta Cancer Registry (Table 1). This dis-
crepancy is probably due in large part to different definitions
of cause of death. However, data from both sources confirm a
large and significant shift in the number of deaths from acute
care facilities to palliative hospices and home.
The main uncertainty regarding this program was the
level of interest on the part of family physicians and their
willingness to cooperate with the program’s consultants.
We found that 287 (35%) of the family physicians in the
Edmonton region consulted the program regarding their
own patients during 1996/97, and more than 550 have con-
sulted the program since July 1995. Family physician in-
volvement in palliative care is likely higher than reported
here because some physicians may be delivering care to
their patients without consulting the program. These find-
ings suggest that palliative care programs in which primary
care is delivered by palliative care specialists may not be
necessary as long as adequate reimbursement, education,
consultant support and access to beds are available to fam-
ily physicians.
The main disadvantage of programs in which primary
care is delivered by full-time palliative care specialists is
that they do not promote education on palliative care deliv-
ery among family physicians, thereby fostering dependency
and reducing the likelihood that family physicians will ap-
ply this knowledge earlier in the course of illness or to pa-
tients with diseases other than cancer. In addition, these
programs make it necessary for patients and their families
to establish a new relationship with a different treating
physician, and they may delay and decrease the rate of re-
ferrals by primary practitioners or specialists who want to
remain the treating physician.
On the other hand, the main limitation of a palliative
care program in which primary care is delivered by fami-
ly physicians is the limited exposure of family physicians
to palliative care patients: during 1996/97, 1279 cancer-
related deaths occurred in the Edmonton region, where
there are 816 registered family physicians. However, our
program deals with this potential problem by providing
physician–nurse consult teams to assist family physicians
throughout the patient’s illness.
For the current analysis, we were unable to compare
data on symptom control in 1996/97 and 1992/93 because
most of the deaths in 1992/93 occurred in acute care facili-
Bruera et al
292 JAMC • 10 AOÛT 1999; 161 (3)
No. of patient-days
Cancer centre†
No. (and %) of deaths 130
Mean length of stay
(and SD), d
Total number of patient-days
Variable 1992/93
1 958
Acute care hospitals*
22 608
No. (and %) of deaths 825
Mean length of stay
(and SD), d
6 085
Table 2: Number of cancer-related deaths and length of last hospital
stay before death in 1992/93 and 1996/97
< 0.005
p value
< 0.001
< 0.001
Note: SD = standard deviation, NA = not applicable.
*Source: Evaluation, Information and Research, Capital Health Authority, Edmonton.
†Source: Health Records, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton.
ties, where physical and psychosocial distress are not rou-
tinely measured. However, there is strong evidence that the
delivery of palliative care to patients in hospital by oncolo-
gists and specialists is frequently inappropriate.
shift of patients from acute care facilities to palliative hos-
pices and home under the program most likely improved
comfort for patients and their families.
Further studies should assess symptom control as well as
patient and family satisfaction. Future research should also
address cost of care. Because inpatient services are the most
expensive mode of care for terminally ill patients,
it is
likely that programs such as ours will result in cost savings.
Competing interests: None declared.
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Reprint requests to: Dr. Eduardo Bruera, Director, Palliative Care
Program, Grey Nuns Community Hospital and Health Centre,
1100 Youville Dr. W, Edmonton AB T6L 5X8
Edmonton Regional Palliative Care Program
CMAJ • AUG. 10, 1999; 161 (3) 293