2 Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12223-1251
Andrew M. Cuomo, Governor Greg Olsen, Acting Director
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Supersedes 90-PI-26
Expiration Date N/A
DATE: October 10, 2019
TO: Area Agency on Aging Directors
SUBJECT: Nutrition Program Standards
ACTION REQUESTED: To adhere to these Program Standards to ensure all local Area
Agencies on Aging (AAA) are compliant with the Older Americans Act Nutrition Program
requirements as described in the New York State regulations governing the Nutrition
Services and Programs.
These standards are effective as of date of issue.
If there are any questions concerning compliance with specific standards, contact the
Nutrition Unit at the New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA).
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Program Instruction (PI) is to transmit revised
standards for nutrition services.
Nutrition Program Standards were developed and distributed in March 1986 and revised
in May 1990. Since that time there has been several regulatory and programmatic
changes that have occurred. Many of these changes have been addressed through the
issuance of NYSOFA Program Instructions. These revised and updated standards
reflect current regulations based on the Older Americans Act, SNAP, USDA, NYS
Regulation 9 NYCRR §6654.10 and other NYSOFA requirements. Note that the
attached standards are a companion document to the controlling regulations (9 NYCRR
§6654.10). The standards are intended to provide supplemental guidance.
Title III-B
Title III-C-1
Title III-C-2
Title III-D
Title III-E
Title V
NY Connects
CONTACT PERSON: Nutrition Unit TELEPHONE: 518.473.5108
I. Program Management
A. General Policy
B. Monitoring
C. Contributions
D. Insurance
E. Congregate Site Agreements
F. Contracts with Service Providers
G. Staffing Requirements
H. Record Retention
II. Participant Eligibility and Assessments
A. Congregate Nutrition Services Eligibility
B. Home Delivered Nutrition Services Eligibility
C. Assessments
III. Meal Service and Delivery
A. Congregate Meals Program Service Delivery and Accessibility
B. Home Delivered Meals Service Delivery and Accessibility
C. Provision of Meals to Guests and Staff Under Sixty
D. Third-Party Reimbursement
E. Meal Service
IV. Menu and Nutrient Requirements
A. Menu Planning
B. Nutrient Content
C. Therapeutic/Religious/Cultural Diets
V. Food Service Operations
VI. Fire, Building and Health Code Compliance and Safety Procedures
A. Facility Compliance and Safety Procedures
B. Food Service Practices Compliance
VII. Nutrition Education
VIII. Nutrition Counseling
IX. USDA Programs
A. Reimbursement for Eligible Meals
B. Commodity Program
C. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
X. Senior FarmersMarket Nutrition Program (SFMNP)
1. The area agency must establish and operate congregate and home delivered
nutrition services programs that serve to:
a. reduce hunger and food insecurity;
b. promote socialization of older individuals; and
c. promote the health and well-being of older individuals by assisting
such individuals to gain access to nutrition and other disease
prevention and health promotion services to delay the onset of adverse
health conditions resulting from poor nutritional health or sedentary
2. The area agency must assess the level of need for congregate and home-
delivered nutrition services in the planning and service area.
A. General Policy
1. The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) shall ensure that the AAA and its nutrition
providers will comply with all applicable Federal, State, and Local laws, including
the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and
with Federal and State regulations, program standards, standard assurances and
Program Instructions of the New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) that
apply to such activities.
2. Nutrition service providers have written policies and procedures covering all
aspects of the program including:
a. An organizational chart
b. Personnel policies
c. Job descriptions specifying qualifications, including but not limited to,
experience and appropriate training
d. Orientation and training
e. Contributions
f. Food service management, sanitation and delivery
g. Program monitoring
h. Record keeping
i. Reporting
j. Participant eligibility
k. Targeting
l. Safety, including preventive and emergency procedures (fire, weather,
participant illness and injury)
m. Food and equipment security
n. Participant survey administration
o. Special/therapeutic diets
p. Provision of nutrition screening, education and counseling
q. Congregate meal food take home policy
r. Home delivered nutrition services
s. Assessments
t. Third party meals
u. SNAP contributions
v. Provision of meals to staff under 60 at guest rate
B. Monitoring
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. There is a written policy for the monitoring of all contracted and directly
provided nutrition services. Monitoring and technical assistance activities are
2. Monitoring of nutrition services is conducted in accordance with NYSOFA’s
monitoring requirements and include a review of nutrition program specific
C. Contributions
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that each nutrition service provider shall
implement contribution policies and procedures consistent with NYSOFA’s
Program Income Policy.
D. Insurance
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. Each nutrition provider shall be covered by the following insurance where
applicable and feasible:
a. Facility insurance
b. Vehicle insurance
c. Workers’ compensation
d. Unemployment
e. Products liability
f. Personal liability, including volunteers
g. Bonding/Commercial Insurance Policy covering losses from employee
E. Congregate Site Agreement
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. There are written site agreements between the provider and all sites serving
meals. The site agreements must address as appropriate:
a. Agreement on utility/rent payment
b. Specific areas and square footage
c. Hours opened, days opened, days closed, and
seasonal variations
d. Responsibility for care and maintenance of the facility and equipment,
consistent with local/state health department regulations
e. Responsibility for fire inspections
f. Obtaining Health Department permits
g. Insurance coverage for items owned by the provider
h. Personnel liability insurance
i. Compliance with all federal, state and local laws
j. Security for site equipment and food
k. Responsibility for replacement of equipment
l. Certificates of Occupancy
F. Contracts with Service Providers
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. All contracts are written according to Federal, State and local standards and
reference the State Sanitary Code, NYSOFA Standard Assurances and these
Program Standards.
2. All contracts specifically delineate as appropriate:
a. Service locations
b. Type of services and units of service to be provided
c. Proposed service costs
d. Client eligibility and targeted populations to be served
e. The respective authorities and responsibilities of the AAA and the
contractor, e.g., maintenance of facility, cancellation clause, hiring staff
f. Reporting requirements
g. Program monitoring and assessments
h. Contribution policies and procedures
i. Insurance, licensing requirements
j. Staff qualifications and requirements
k. Meal service requirements
l. Other applicable policies and procedures
m. All applicable items listed in section E-1 (Site Agreements) above.
3. All contracts allow for the monitoring and assessment of the contractor by
AAA, Federal, State, and local officials.
G. Staffing Requirements
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. Preference is given to persons age sixty or over in the hiring for all staff
positions, when other qualifications are equal.
2. The area agency shall have a full-time staff person or equivalent who directs
all activities related to the nutrition program which may include the planning,
preparation and delivery of nutritious meals and supportive services. This
person is responsible for nutrition oversight and operations; supervision of
contractors providing food service and other nutrition services. This person
must have requisite knowledge and experience in nutrition and food service.
3. The services of a Registered Dietitian or Registered Dietitian Nutritionist,
hereafter referred to as Registered Dietitian, are utilized for an adequate
amount of time to perform nutrition related responsibilities as described in 9
NYCRR §6654.10. Job responsibilities may include but are not limited to
monitoring meal preparation sites, congregate sites, and home delivered meal
delivery, menu planning and certification, development of nutrition information
and education programs, providing nutrition counseling, diet prescription
reviews, participation in case management and participant team reviews,
providing technical assistance and training, and administrative activities. If an
area agency is unable to hire or contract with a Registered Dietitian, an area
agency, with the approval of NYSOFA, may hire or contract with a New York
State certified dietitian/nutritionist.
a. A minimum of 16 hours per week is required unless fewer hours are
authorized after consultation with, and approval of, NYSOFA.
b. Paid, volunteer, and in-kind consulting dietitians have a written
agreement which specifies hours of consultation and responsibilities.
c. A registered dietitian on the staff of, or working as a consultant for, a
nutrition services provider that is a subcontractor to the area agency
may fulfill the responsibilities of menu planning and certification,
development of nutrition information and education programs,
providing nutrition counseling, diet prescription reviews, and
participation in case management and participant team reviews. The
hours of the registered dietitian employed by the subcontractor will
count toward fulfillment of the minimum hours required.
4. Each provider has a sufficient number of trained staff to meet nutrition service
5. Each kitchen and congregate site must have an individual designated as
responsible for its operation.
6. Each provider must conduct orientation for new staff and volunteers and
provide training at least quarterly. Agendas and attendance must be
documented. Required topics include:
a. Procedures for emergency situations (ex: safety training, fire safety,
medical issues, weather related)
b. Food safety and sanitation
H. Record Retention
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. Each nutrition service provider will keep the following records for one year
after the ending date of the program period:
a. Food temperature logs: congregate and HDM
b. Site, kitchen, and route monitoring reports
c. Health Department inspection reports
d. Nutrition education programs, surveys, and units of service
e. Nutrition counseling client files and units of service
f. Menus as served and nutrient analysis
g. Food cost and inventory records and production sheets
h. Participant surveys and evaluations
i. Physician diet orders
j. Participant, staff and volunteer meal service records e.g., sign-in sheets
2. Each nutrition service provider will keep the following records for six years
after the ending date of the program period:
a. Congregate participant registration
b. HDM eligibility assessments and reassessments
c. Contribution collection and deposit records
d. All income and expense records
e. Contract, budget, and payroll/timesheet documents
f. AAA monitoring reports of contracted nutrition providers and directly
provided nutrition services
A. Congregate Nutrition Services Eligibility
1. Any person age 60 or older and the spouse of such a person is eligible to
participate in congregate nutrition services.
2. Individuals with disabilities under the age of 60 who reside in housing facilities
occupied primarily by older individuals at which congregate nutrition services
are provided may also be served.
3. In accordance with procedures established by the area agency:
a. individuals with disabilities under the age of 60 who reside at home
with an eligible older individual may be offered congregate nutrition
services on the same basis as meals are provided to eligible
participants; and
b. individuals under the age of 60 who provide volunteer services to the
meal program during meal hours may be offered a meal on the same
basis as meals are provided to eligible participants.
B. Home Delivered Nutrition Services Eligibility
1. Any person age 60 or older is eligible to receive home delivered meals,
provided that such person:
a. is incapacitated due to accident, illness, or frailty;
b. lacks the support of family, friends, or neighbors; and
c. is unable to prepare meals due to a lack of or inadequacy of facilities,
an inability to shop, cook, or prepare meals safely, or a lack of
appropriate knowledge or skill.
2. The spouse of an eligible recipient, regardless of age or condition, may
receive home delivered meals if, according to criteria established by the area
agency, receipt of such meals is in the best interest of the eligible participant.
3. In accordance with procedures established by the area agency:
a. individuals with disabilities under the age of 60 who reside at home
with an eligible participant may receive home delivered meals if,
according to criteria established by the area agency, receipt of such
meals is in the best interest of the eligible participant; and
b. individuals under the age of 60 who provide volunteer services to the
meal program during meal hours may be offered a meal on the same
basis as meals are provided to eligible participants.
C. Assessments
1. The area agency shall ensure that each person referred for or requesting
home delivered meals is assessed to determine the need for such services as
a. a comprehensive client assessment, consistent with NYSOFA
guidelines, must be completed prior to initiating service;
i. in individual cases of emergent need for meals to be initiated
before an assessment is conducted (i.e. hospital discharge
referral), the assessment must be conducted within ten
business days of initiating service. If the assessment is not
completed prior to service, the following intake information must
be noted and on file: name, address, phone, emergency
contact, physician, major chronic conditions, birthdate, diet, and
description of emergent nature of need;
b. client assessments must be conducted by a person who has the same
qualifications as staff who perform assessments for other community-
based long-term care services;
c. reassessments are done at least every 12 months. Case managed
clients receive a documented contact every 2 months and non-case
managed clients must receive a documented contact every 6 months;
d. appropriate referrals, with the consent of the participant or their
representative, must be made when other needs are identified through
the assessment process (e.g. nutrition counseling, transportation,
personal care).
A. Congregate Meals Program Service Delivery and Accessibility
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. The nutrition program provides maximum accessibility to older persons in
greatest social or economic need with particular attention to low income
minority individuals.
2. Congregate sites are located in as close proximity to the majority of eligible
older individuals’ residences as feasible.
3. All sites must be in an area that is easily accessible to the target population
and in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act.
4. Congregate nutrition program provides at least one hot or other appropriate
meal per day, five or more days a week. Exceptions may only be made in a
rural area where such frequency is not feasible, and a lesser frequency is
approved by NYSOFA.
5. All sites are open at least one hour before and after the meal is served to
permit all participants to eat a leisurely meal, enjoy social contact, and take
advantage of other services at the site.
6. The program provides nutrition education, nutrition counseling, and other
nutrition services, as appropriate, based on the needs of meal participants.
7. To the maximum extent possible there is space available for supportive
services (which protects the privacy of individual participants), educational
services, and/or recreational services and activities.
8. Meals are provided in congregate settings, including adult day care facilities
and multigenerational meal sites and may include restaurant- based sites.
9. All sites must be open to the public so that eligible participants may gain
access. There must not be a requirement to be a member, pay an entrance
fee, be a resident, or participate in another program or service in order to gain
access to the congregate meal.
10. Participants are registered in accordance with NYSOFA’s reporting
11. Participants are monitored for the possible need for home delivered meals
instead of congregate meals and referrals are made as necessary.
12. Each nutrition services provider (direct or contracted) shall alert the area
agency to conditions or circumstances which may endanger the participant,
other participants, workers, volunteers, meal site or household.
B. Home Delivered Meals Program Service Delivery and Accessibility
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. The home delivered meals program provides maximum accessibility to older
persons in greatest social or economic need with particular attention to low
income minority individuals.
2. The home delivered meals program provides at least one home delivered
meal per day, five or more days a week. Exceptions may only be made in a
rural area where such frequency is not feasible, and a lesser frequency is
approved by NYSOFA.
a. Such meals may be hot, cold, frozen, dried, canned, or fresh foods
and, as appropriate, supplemental foods.
3. The home delivered meals program provides nutrition education, nutrition
counseling, and other nutrition services, as appropriate, based on the needs
of meal participants.
4. To the extent possible, the home delivered meals program makes available
medical information approved by health care professionals, such as
informational brochures and information on how to get vaccines, including
vaccines for influenza, pneumonia, and shingles, in the individuals
5. Each nutrition services provider (direct or contracted) shall alert the area
agency to conditions or circumstances which may endanger the participant,
other participants, workers, volunteers, meal site or household.
C. Provision of Meals to Guests and Staff Under Sixty
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. Procedures are in place that ensure that eligible participants are given priority
for meals over all guests and staff under sixty.
2. Meal charges for guests and staff under sixty are based on actual food and
disposables cost or caterers' charge per meal.
3. There is a written policy concerning the provision of meals to staff under sixty
at the guest rate.
D. Third-Party Reimbursement
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. The area agency shall seek appropriate reimbursement from third-party
payers (public and private) when such participants’ nutrition services are or
may be covered by another funding source.
a. There are written agreements concerning the reimbursement of meal
cost pertaining to community-based residential care facilities,
community-based service providers, and other public or private third-
party payers.
2. Nutrition services providers under contract with an area agency to provide
nutrition services seek appropriate reimbursement from third-party payers
(public and private) to pay for congregate and home delivered nutrition
services provided to covered participants when such participants’ nutrition
services are or may be covered by another funding source. This would
include community-based residential care facilities, community-based service
providers, and other public or private third-party payers.
a. Nutrition services providers have written agreements concerning
reimbursement of meal cost (based on actual costs per meal),
participation of covered individuals, and other policies, procedures, and
conditions in accordance with NYSOFA’s standards.
E. Meal Service
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. Efforts are made to conserve the nutritive value, flavor and appearance of
foods at all stages of food preparation, delivery and service with attention
made to limit hot holding time before they are consumed. Potentially
hazardous foods (as defined in New York State Sanitary Code Subpart 14-
1.31) are held, delivered and served at temperatures 45 degrees Fahrenheit
or below, or 140 degrees Fahrenheit or above.
2. Foods are portioned for service as indicated on approved menus.
3. Each nutrition services provider in accordance with applicable laws and
regulations accommodates the needs of individuals with disabilities or limited
mobility and has available for use upon request appropriate food containers,
utensils, and other assistive devices.
4. When feasible and appropriate, arrangements are made for the availability of
meals to participants in weather-related emergencies.
5. There are written procedures concerning;
a. the provision of food and/or meals in weather related or other
emergencies or disasters;
b. the cancellation of meals;
c. notification of service delays or closings;
d. restrictions concerning the drop-off of home delivered meal(s);
e. the allowance of or prohibition against participants taking part or all
their meal home for later consumption regarding food safety issues
and participant responsibility; and
f. the provision of appropriate food containers and utensils for individuals
with disabilities.
6. Clients receiving home delivered meals are instructed on the requirements of
receiving a meal and the use and safe handling of the meal.
A. Menu Planning
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. Participants’ comments on meals are solicited at a minimum of annually.
2. Participants’ comments on meals are considered when planning menus.
3. Menus are planned based on a minimum of a four-week cycle.
4. Menus are planned based on recommendations of the current Dietary
Guidelines for Americans.
5. Menu items are evaluated to ensure their suitability to program operations.
6. Menus are prominently displayed at each site and food preparation area.
B. Nutrient Content
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. Menus are certified by a registered dietitian; with signature and date and
provide the following:
a. A minimum of 33 1/3 percent of the dietary reference intakes (DRIs) if 1
meal is provided per day
b. A minimum of 66 2/3 percent of the dietary reference intakes (DRIs) if 2
meals are provided per day
c. 100 percent of the dietary reference intakes (DRIs) if 3 meals are
provided per day
2. A nutrient analysis or meal pattern documentation is available for all meals
provided. If nutrient analysis software is not used, documentation that the
daily meal pattern (provided in Appendix A) was followed, is to be available
for all meals provided. Documentation can be a completed form as provided
in Appendix B, or a locally developed form which includes all the elements of
Appendix B.
3. Any deviation from the planned menu is noted and approved prior to service
by a registered dietitian, project director or other designated person (s).
4. Vitamin and mineral supplements are not purchased with program funds.
5. Nutrition supplements (canned formulas, powdered mixes, food bars, etc.)
may be made available to participants based on documented, assessed need
as determined by a registered dietitian. Such products cannot replace
conventional meals unless a physical disability or medical condition warrants
their sole use.
C. Therapeutic/Religious/Cultural Diets
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. The nutrition services provider provides meals where feasible and appropriate
to meet the dietary needs and preferences arising from the health
requirements, religious requirements, or cultural meal preferences of eligible
a. In determining whether special menus are feasible and appropriate,
the nutrition services provider must consider:
i. whether there are sufficient people needing the special menus
to make their preparation practical; and
ii. whether the foods and skills necessary to provide the special
menus are available.
b. Participants and their physicians are aware of the type of menu
modifications that are available.
c. Participants receive a therapeutic diet only if prescribed by a physician.
These prescriptions are kept on file and are updated annually.
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. All facilities used for meal preparation and/or service delivery meet all
applicable Federal and State requirements, including the State Sanitary Code
Part 14-1 requirements, and all local health, sanitation, building, fire and
safety regulations.
2. Food costs using NYSOFA administered funding are accurately determined
and calculated on a quarterly basis.
3. Procedures are in place to forecast the number of meals to be prepared
and/or served daily, e.g., reservation system.
4. Standardized recipes are used for food production.
5. Food items on production and on-site menus are clearly identified and portion
sizes are indicated as needed.
6. Portion control is maintained during food preparation and service to be
consistent with Registered Dietitian certified menu requirements.
A. Facility Compliance and Safety Procedures
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. NYSOFA approval has been granted for the operation of any contracted or
directly operated nutrition site, satellite site, central kitchen or facility which
prepares, packages or serves meals using NYSOFA administered funding.
Operation permits are kept on file at the agency for NYSOFA to review.
2. NYSOFA has been notified of any commercial caterer, restaurant, hospital,
nursing home, school or “Meals on Wheels” which provides meals under an
agreement with a NYSOFA administered program.
3. NYSOFA approval is received prior to any changes in the status of the
operation of meal sites, kitchens or caterers and restaurant-based sites and
such changes are accurately reflected in the NYSOFA meal site roster.
4. All sites and food preparation facilities (contracted and directly operated) are
inspected annually by the local Department of Health. Inspection reports and
follow-up documentation on compliance issues are kept on file with the area
5. All facilities are in compliance with the NY State Sanitary Code and display
operation permits.
6. All facilities have written confirmation or permit posted that they comply with
Fire Department or Buildings Department regulations.
a. Exits are clearly identified, well-lit and free of obstacles/clutter.
b. Fire extinguishers are strategically placed and inspected annually.
c. Evacuation plans are posted.
7. Fire drills are conducted annually at all congregate sites and documented.
B. Food Service Practices Compliance
The Area Agency on Aging should ensure that:
1. Food service practices comply with all applicable federal, New York State
Sanitary Code Part 14 and local health and sanitation regulations.
2. Time and temperatures of potentially hazardous foods (as defined in New
York State Sanitary Code Subpart 14-1.31) shall be taken and recorded as
a. Final cooking temperatures.
b. Bulk food temperatures must be taken prior to delivery, at delivery and
at serving time.
c. HDM end route temperatures must be taken monthly for each route.
3. Outbreaks of suspected food-borne illnesses are reported to the local Health
Department, NYSOFA and the Area Agency on Aging immediately.
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. Nutrition education and information is approved by the registered dietitian.
2. Nutrition education and information is provided by or under the direction of a
registered dietitian.
a. Nutrition information is provided to congregate and home delivered
meal participants at least monthly.
b. Nutrition education presentations are provided at each congregate site
at a minimum of six times annually. Each presentation can fill the
requirement of the provision of nutrition information at that congregate
site for the month.
3. An annual nutrition education and information plan/schedule is developed
and implemented.
a. Participants’ needs, comments and requests are considered when
planning programs.
4. Evaluative methods are in place to determine the effectiveness of nutrition
education and information activities.
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. A screening/intake process adequately identifies participants who require a
referral for nutrition counseling.
2. A registered dietitian evaluates the participants’ nutritional needs and
develops an appropriate care plan.
3. Nutrition counseling and follow-up activities are documented.
4. Evaluative methods are in place to determine the outcome of nutrition
counseling intervention.
A. Reimbursement for Eligible Meals
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. Nutrition service providers receive Nutrition Services Incentive Program
(NSIP) reimbursement and/or commodity assistance for meals served as
established in the Older Americans Act.
2. Reimbursement may be claimed for meals which:
a. Provide at least 33 1/3 percent of the dietary reference intakes (DRIs);
b. Are served to eligible participants: persons 60 years of age or older,
their spouses, individuals with disabilities and volunteers as defined in
the participant eligibility section of this document. Reimbursement may
not be claimed for meals served to guests, which include staff under 60
years of age; and
c. Are served by an agency which is under the jurisdiction, control,
management, and audit authority of the Area Agency on Aging.
3. NSIP funds shall be used to:
a. Purchase
i. United States agricultural commodities and other foods
produced in the United States for nutrition services programs; or
ii. Meals furnished under contractual arrangements with food
service management companies, caterers, restaurants, or
institutions, provided that each such meal contains United
States-produced commodities or foods at least equal in value to
the per-meal cash payment which the nutrition providers have
b. Increase the total number of meals served.
c. Improve the quality of the meals served.
4. To receive NSIP reimbursement, the number of eligible meals must be
reported to NYSOFA as required.
B. Commodity Program
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. A signed agreement is on file between the area agency and the State Office
of General Services (OGS) concerning commodity allocations and usage.
2. The estimated dollar value of USDA cash and/or commodities is reflected in
the service providers' budget.
3. Effective arrangements exist for the pick-up, transportation, storage and
distribution of commodities.
4. Appropriate inventory and food cost records are maintained.
5. Commodities are used in an appropriate and cost-effective manner.
6. OGS and NYSOFA are notified when any commodities are lost due to theft,
damage, spoilage, infestation or contamination.
7. The transfer of commodities between eligible agencies is done in accordance
with USDA and OGS guidelines.
C. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that:
1. Efforts are made to assist participants in accessing SNAP benefits.
2. If applicable, there is a written policy concerning the certification of nutrition
services providers to accept SNAP benefits as voluntary contributions for
3. To the extent possible, assistance will be given to certifying agencies and
other organizations that help eligible older individuals access benefits.
The Area Agency on Aging shall ensure that nutrition service providers
participating in the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program comply with
NYSOFA and NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets requirements.
Attachment A
The amount per meal estimates provision of 1/3 of the DRIs.
Servingsper USDA
Caloric Value (2,000 calories/day) based on a 71+ year old male, less than 30 minutes physical activity per
day. The caloric requirement for women 71+, less than 30 minutes physical activity/day, is 1,600 calories/day,
per USDA
Note: Use of the meal pattern does not necessarily ensure that meals meet 33 1/3% of the DRIs and the
Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Meals are likely to require specific types of fruits and vegetables, whole
grains, and high fiber foods in order to ensure the key nutrients are met per USDA
Food Group
Meal Pattern
1 Meal per Day
2 Meals per Day
3 Meals per Day
2 oz. or equivalent
4 oz. or equivalent
6 oz. or equivalent
Fruit /Vegetables
3 servings
6 servings
9 servings
Whole Grains
2 servings, 1 ounce each.
One of the 1 ounce
servings must be whole
4 servings, 1 ounce
each. Two of the 1
ounce servings must
be whole grain
6 servings, 1 ounce
each. Three of the 1
ounce servings must be
whole grain
Use of fat free or low-
fat dairy encouraged
1 serving
2 servings
3 servings
1-2 tsp optional
2-4 tsp optional
4-6 tsp optional
Use of low sodium
foods and non-
processed foods
500-800 mg per meal
using label information
1000-1600 mg per day
using label information
1500-2400 mg per day
using label information
Minimum 600
calories per day not to
exceed 750 calories
Minimum 1200
calories per day not to
exceed 1500 calories
Minimum 1800
calories per day not to
exceed 2150 calories
Attachment B
Menu Cycle: _________________________ Menu Day: ___________________________
(One form is needed for each day of the menu cycle.)
I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, each meal meets 1/3 DRIs and the most recent version of the
Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
RD/RDN Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Registration Number: ___________________________ Nutrition Program: ____________________________
Food Group
Food Based Menu Approval Form Per Day
1 Meal
Food Components
2 Meals
Food Components
3 Meals
Food Components
2 oz. or equivalent per meal
Fruit /Vegetables
3 servings per meal
Grains/Whole Grains
2 servings per meal, 1 ounce
One of the 1 ounce servings
must be whole grain.
1 serving per meal.
Use of fat free or low-fat dairy
1-2 tsp per meal
500-800 mg per meal using
label information.
Use of low sodium foods and
non-processed foods
Minimum 600 calories per
meal not to exceed 750
calories per meal.