Cooperative Education
Student Handbook
Document Number NYIT-CoECS-CO-001, Version 1.1 February 2022
Last Revised: 02-09-2022
1 Contact Information .............................................................................................................................. 5
2 What is Co-op and Why You Should Consider it? ................................................................................. 5
2.1 Co-op Program at a Glance ........................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Benefits of a Co-op Program to Students ..................................................................................... 6
2.3 What kind of salary will you make? .............................................................................................. 6
3 Other Internships .................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Programs Eligible for Co-op .......................................................................................................... 6
3.2 Who Qualifies to Apply for the Co-op Option? ............................................................................. 6
4 Co-op Impact on Your Curriculum and Time to Graduation ................................................................. 7
4.1 Co-op Impact on Curriculum ......................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Co-op Impact on Your Time to Graduation ................................................................................... 7
5 Details of Co-op Option in Your Major .................................................................................................. 9
5.1 Timeline ......................................................................................................................................... 9
5.2 Securing Employment for the CEC .............................................................................................. 10
5.2.1 Securing Employment through NYIT Co-op Employer Partners ......................................... 10
5.2.2 Securing Employment through non-NYIT Co-op Employer Partners (Independently
secured by the student) ...................................................................................................................... 10
5.3 Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 11
5.3.1 Requirements while in the Co-op Experiential Cycle .......................................................... 11
5.4 Forms .......................................................................................................................................... 11
5.5 Procedures for Receiving/Accepting a Job Offer ........................................................................ 11
5.6 Important Information About the Co-op Experiential Cycle ....................................................... 12
5.6.1 Taking Courses .................................................................................................................... 12
5.6.2 Co-op Fees During the Experiential Cycle ........................................................................... 12
5.7 Expectation While Being Placed for a co-op Position ................................................................. 12
5.7.1 Negotiating Compensation ................................................................................................. 12
5.8 Expectations During Your Co-op Experiential Cycle .................................................................... 12
5.8.1 Enrolling in ETCS 301: CoECS co-op .................................................................................... 12
5.8.2 Professional Conduct .......................................................................................................... 12
5.8.3 Complying with the Deliverables and Requirements of the Course ETCS 301 ................... 12
5.8.4 Requesting Vacation ........................................................................................................... 12
6 International Students ........................................................................................................................ 13
7 Disclaimers .......................................................................................................................................... 13
8 Appendix A ETCS 300 Syllabus ......................................................................................................... 14
9 Appendix B ETCS 301 Syllabus ......................................................................................................... 17
10 Definition of Terms ......................................................................................................................... 20
In keeping with one of New York Institute of Technology’s missions: “Provide career-oriented
professional education, the Cooperative Education (co-op) program is a mechanism to enable our
students to prepare themselves for the job market while pursuing their undergraduate degrees.
In partnership with the network of industry and business companies, through the co-op program, our
students can prepare for the culture and professional conduct required to be productive in the work
environment, learn about and engage in successful job search practices, gain invaluable on the job
experience in their fields of study, and earn income while employed in their co-op positions.
We are excited to offer the co-op opportunity to our students. To make sure both our industry partners
and our students benefit from the co-op experience, this handbook is created to act as a reference for
students as they pursue their journey through the co-op program.
While this document is intended to be comprehensive, please seek guidance from the co-op coordinator
for specific needs and questions you might have.
Good luck!
Babak D. Beheshti, PhD
Dean, College of Engineering and
Computing Sciences
New York Institute of Technology
Pronouns: He, Him, His
Harry Schure Hall, Room 112, Long
Island Campus
1855 Broadway, Room 805B, New
York City Campus
1 Contact Information
For any questions regarding the NYIT CoECS co-op program, please contact:
CoECS Co-op Coordinator at the email address: coecs.co[email protected]
2 What is Co-op and Why You Should Consider it?
Co-op (or, cooperative education) is an experiential education program in which students alternate
periods of academic study in the classroom with one or more periods of full-time co-op employment in
positions directly related to their academic and/or career interests. The New York Institute of
Technology co-op program in the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences (CoECS) has one such
period we call it the “Co-op Experiential Cycle (CEC). This combination of university studies and full-
time employment provides an integrated learning experience that enhances both the academic
experience and career development.
At its core, co-op is an experiential education program
enabling you to explore potential career paths
while alternating semesters of academic study with a period of full-time, paid employment. New York
Tech has partnered with a number of co-op employers in the New York Metropolitan area. As an
undergraduate, you can gain 6 months of hands-on, professional experience related to your major or
career interests, during which time you do not pay tuition, and earn a salary. The skills, contacts, and
real-world know-how you gain on co-opcombined with what you learn in the classroomcreate a
unique and holistic educational experience. Enrolling in the co-op program is optional, but you must
apply for placement in the co-op program.
2.1 Co-op Program at a Glance
The high-level characteristics of the co-op program at the CoECS are:
Enrolling in the co-op program is optional. You are not required to be a co-op student
There are eligibility requirements for enrollment in the co-op program and not all degree
programs qualify for the co-op program
The co-op program is an “option” within your degree program and it will be reflected on your
Full-time (35 hours or more per week) for 24 weeks in your junior (3
) or senior (4
) year
You get paid during your employment in the co-op experiential cycle
Your co-op experiential cycle is directly related to your field of study
The co-op experiential cycle takes one single term (Summer plus Fall Semester, or Spring
Semester plus Summer)
During your co-op experiential cycle, you pay no tuition to New York Tech
Experiential education is a teaching philosophy that informs many methodologies in which educators
purposefully engage with learners in direct experience and focused reflection in order to increase
knowledge, develop skills, clarify values, and develop people's capacity to contribute to their
The co-op experiential cycle is part of your academic program and a degree requirement (it is s
requirement only for those students who have formally enrolled in the co-op option in their
degree programs)
2.2 Benefits of a Co-op Program to Students
Co-op gives you the opportunity to:
Help define your career path after graduation
Apply the theory you are learning in your course work to real, professional situations and to
enrich academic courses
Develop additional technical skills and enhance vital work/professional skills
Network with team members and professionals in the company to help accelerate your future
job search
Stand out to recruiters in your full-time employment search after graduation with an experience
that can elevate your starting salary, compared to other entry-level candidates
2.3 What kind of salary will you make?
The exact salary depends on the employer you work for, but as a general rule, co-op salaries are in a
competative range, varying within the range based on the student’s qualifications. (At a minimum,
positions should offer an NYS minimum wage requirement of $15/hr.)
3 Other Internships
If you are not eligible for or determine co-op is not right for you, you can still do an internship in any
semester (including summer). You can also do an internship in a semester where you are not doing co-
op. For more details, please contact the office of Career Success and Experiential Education.
3.1 Programs Eligible for Co-op
Starting Fall 2022, the following undergraduate programs will offer the co-op option to their qualified
students. Additional undergraduate programs will be added to the co-op program as we build capacity
to support them.
BS Computer Science
BS Electrical and Computer Engineering
BS Mechanical Engineering
BS Information Technology
3.2 Who Qualifies to Apply for the Co-op Option?
Students must have completed their first two years of their four-year program (approximately
equivalent to completion of 60 credits towards the total credits for the program) to apply for
the co-op option. (Exceptions can be made for non-traditional aged students like Veterans on a
case by case basis)
if a student enrolls in the option but does not get selected by an employer, the student will follow the
process to withdraw from the co-op option.
Students must possess a minimum 2.75 GPA overall. If in doubt, please check with the co-op
All students are required to complete the course ETCS-300 prior to starting the program.
F-1 International Students are eligible to participate if they meet all requirements to obtain
authorization for Curricular Practical Training (CPT). Students should contact the International
Education office (Email at [email protected]) for more information about CPT. Other international
students should make sure they can participate in the co-op program based on their
immigration status.
Please note that not all qualified applicants will be enrolled in the co-op option for their
programs. We are limited to the number of co-op positions committed by our industry partners,
therefore enrollees will be selected on a first come first served basis as well their academic
Please note that all co-op students must interview and subsequently be offered a position by
one of participating co-op employers. If no employer offers a student a position, that student
will have no co-op employment opportunity.
4 Co-op Impact on Your Curriculum and Time to Graduation
4.1 Co-op Impact on Curriculum
Once you are formally enrolled in the co-op option for your major, you are required to take the course
ETCS-300 in the semester prior to starting the co-op experiential cycle. The syllabus for this course is in
the Appendices section of this document.
4.2 Co-op Impact on Your Time to Graduation
Generally speaking, participating in the co-op program will add one more semester to your time to
graduation. The diagrams below depict the impact of the co-op program on your overall time to
No Co-op Option
(4 Years)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
In case a student is unable to secure an employment opportunity through one of the co-op participating
employers, the student will have the option of requesting to be de-enrolled from the co-op track within
their degree program and return to the non co-op track.
Year 4
Co-op CEC Option 1
(4 ½ Years)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
ETCS 300
Taking ETCS
Year 5
Co-op CEC Option 2
(4 ½ Years)
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
ETCS 300
ETCS 301
Year 4
Year 5
Taking Courses
co-op Experiential Cycle
5 Details of Co-op Option in Your Major
5.1 Timeline
In the early fall semester of your junior (3
) year, you apply for enrollment in the co-op option in
your eligible undergraduate program. In the same semester, you will be informed of your
acceptance into the co-op program
You may be put into CEC Option 1 or CEC Option 2, based on employer co-op position
availabilities for your major
If you are in CEC Option 1:
o You will register for the course ETCS-300 during the spring semester of your junior (3
year and will take the course in the fall semester of your senior (4
o While taking the course ETCS-300, you will work with your co-op coordinator and apply
for co-op positions
o If placed in a co-op CEC position, you will be notified within this semester as well.
o Upon notification of placement in a CEC position, you will register for the course ETCS-
301 CoECS co-op.
o You will take the course ETCS 301, as well as pursue your full-time employment in your
CEC during the spring semester of your senior (4
) year as well as the summer term III
following this semester (2 consecutive terms)
o In the fall semester of your 5
year, you will return to campus to complete your final
semester’s courses
o Upon successful completion of all your degree program requirements, you graduate in
January following the fall semester of your 5
If you are in CEC Option 2:
o You will register for the course ETCS-300 during the fall semester of your junior (3
year and will take the course in the spring semester of your junior (3
o While taking the course ETCS-300, you will work with your co-op coordinator and apply
for co-op positions
o If placed in a co-op CEC position, you will be notified within this semester as well.
o Upon notification of placement in a CEC position, you will register for the course ETCS-
301 CoECS co-op.
o You will take the course ETCS 301 during the summer term III of your junior (3
) year as
well as the fall semester of your senior (4
) year (2 consecutive terms)
o In the spring semester of your 4
year and fall semester, you will return to campus to
continue your final two semesters courses
o Upon successful completion of all your degree program requirements, you graduate in
January following the fall semester of your 5
5.2 Securing Employment for the CEC
5.2.1 Securing Employment through NYIT Co-op Employer Partners
The overall process to secure employment in a co-op employer partner company is as follows:
1. The employer defines the number of co-op positions
o Job descriptions
o Supervisors
o Salary ranges
o Hiring managers
2. Co-op Positions are Posted
o Career Success Office
o Co-op Coordinator’s Office
3. Student Application Submission
o Resumes and Cover Letters are submitted and Reviewed
o Short List of Candidates for Interview are finalized
4. Interviews Conducted
o Candidates are Scheduled for Interviews and co-op employees are identified
5. Hiring Process
o NYIT and Employer Work Together to Hire co-op Student Employees
6. Co-op Cycle
o 24 weeks of full-time employment for co-op Students
7. Release and Final Assessment of Co-op Student Employees
5.2.2 Securing Employment through non-NYIT Co-op Employer Partners (Independently
secured by the student)
Students also could find a co-op position that was advertised outside of New York Tech. Students must
get approval from their co-op coordinator. The following are the guidelines that the co-op coordinator
will assess to approve such positions:
The employer site must have the proper infrastructure to ensure a safe, properly guided
learning experience.
The position must provide an on-site work location, which means that the work site may not
be in someone’s home, nor can the position be an on-the-road position. (Remote work
situations will be considered independently of this requirement)
The position must provide daily supervision.
The company or agency must be registered with the appropriate Department of Labor.
The site must also have a published/working telephone number and if requested,
promotional literature.
The following types of positions will not be approved: jobs based on commission,
entrepreneurial positions.
This process will be discussed in more detail in section titled “Procedures for Receiving/Accepting a Job Offer”
A student may not be permitted to work for a relative.
The position must provide meaningful work experience related to the student’s major
and/or career objectives.
The overall process to secure employment in a non-co-op employer partner company is as follows:
1. Student Approval Submission
o Student submits all required documentation regarding an offer from a non-NYIT partner
to the co-op coordinator for approval
o If the co-op coordinator approves, the process continues
2. Hiring Process
o NYIT and Employer Work Together to Hire co-op Student Employees
3. Co-op Cycle
o 24 weeks of full-time employment for co-op Students
4. Release and Final Assessment of Co-op Student Employees
5.3 Requirements
5.3.1 Requirements while in the Co-op Experiential Cycle
Submit all deliverables in the course ETCS-301
Adhere to the professional code of conduct as outlined in the course ETCS-300
Adhere to all terms of the agreement in the form CO-003
5.4 Forms
Each student who wishes to participate in the Co-op program is responsible for submitting a number of
forms and documents to our Co-op portal. These forms and documents include:
Application for enrollment in the co-op program (Form CO-001)
Application for co-op experiential cycle placement (Form CO-002)
o Updated resume, reviewed by the co-op coordinator
For International Students - All of the above forms plus “Form CO-F100”, CPT Application form
CEC Placement Acceptance/Agreement Form (Form CO-003)
5.5 Procedures for Receiving/Accepting a Job Offer
1. Co-op employer will extend a job offer via email. The offer letter must include:
Start/finish date
2. Student must submit a copy of the offer letter for approval to the co-op coordinator
Once the co-op coordinator has approved the offer letter, the student will sign and email a copy
of the letter to the employer and the co-op coordinator. Student will also submit the form CO-
3. The student will notify other co-op employers where they have applied and have interviewed that
they have accepted another offer.
4. Student will cancel all courses registrations for in the upcoming semester, and register for the
course ETCS-301 (CoECS Co-op).
5. Contact the Co-op Director to schedule an appointment to review co-op responsibilities and
6. The following forms must be submitted prior to the meeting:
Submit form CO-001
Submit resume
Graduation Advisement Checklist (signed by the department chair)
F-1 Curricular Practical Training Application (International students only)
5.6 Important Information About the Co-op Experiential Cycle
5.6.1 Taking Courses
You are not allowed to take any courses at New York Tech or elsewhere towards your major’s degree
requirements during your CEC. The only course you must be enrolled in during this period is ETCS-301.
5.6.2 Co-op Fees During the Experiential Cycle
There are no tuition or fees that are charged to you by New York Tech during your co-op experiential
5.7 Expectation While Being Placed for a co-op Position
Waiting for the announcement of co-op positions for your major
Applying for co-op positions
Interviewing for co-op positions
5.7.1 Negotiating Compensation
When New York Tech’s Industry/business partners set up co-op positions, the hourly rates and
compensation ranges for each co-op position were set at that time. Please do not attempt to negotiate
your pay rate or compensation outside of these ranges. Employers generally provide a pay rate range
where students could negotiate within that range based on their skills and experiences.
5.8 Expectations During Your Co-op Experiential Cycle
5.8.1 Enrolling in ETCS 301: CoECS co-op
5.8.2 Professional Conduct
While employed as a co-op employee, you are ambassadors for New York Tech. Your professional
conduct will not only be a benchmark for the standards by which New York Tech students are measured,
but also will have a positive or negative impact on the co-op partner company to decide on continuing
to offer co-op positions to New York Tech students.
5.8.3 Complying with the Deliverables and Requirements of the Course ETCS 301
5.8.4 Requesting Vacation
During their CEC, students are not entitled to any vacation time. Studens should not request vacation
days from their co-op employer. However, if students have a commitment that they are aware of and
will require a few days off during the work term, it is the student’s responsibility to discuss this during
the interview process. If this is not discussed during the interview, the employer has no obligation to
consent to time off once the work term starts.
6 International Students
A co-op experience in your field is extremely important if you wish to find after-graduation employment
in the U.S. Please meet with your co-op advisor first.
Please see co-op Information for International Undergraduate Students. Your co-op coordinator will
have additional information for you.
7 Disclaimers
1. Some companies who hire New York Tech students in their designated co-op positions may require
background checks and other tests for their employees. It is the company’s right to require these
background checks, and New York Tech is not responsible if a student applicant is not offered a
position because of the results.
2. Each co-op student will be selected and interviewed by the prospective co-op employers. There is
always a possibility that a student may not be selected for a position in any company as a result of
either their resume review or the ensuing interview.
8 Appendix A ETCS 300 Syllabus
ETCS 300: Foundations for Success in CoECS Co-op
(0 credits 2 contact hours)
Course description from the catalog:
This course is for the students who wish to participate in the CoECS co-op program. Students
need to pass the course before proceeding to join the CoECS co-op program. This course
helps students to develop the skills and acquire the tools to gain a co-op position and to
develop strategies for success in the workplace throughout the co-op program.
Required texts (including ISBN numbers)
Learning outcomes and instruments of assessment
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Define the fundamental elements of the CoECS co-op program
Explain the company hiring process.
Demonstrate preparedness for job applications: writing a resume, and
preparing for a job interview.
Demonstrate understanding of the workplace culture and policies.
Develop time management skills, teamwork, and networking skills.
Conduct research on the desired field, local and industry leaders in that field.
Perform an assessment (career one-stop, others)
Participate in a big Interview assignment.
Methods of assessment will include:
The course will assess the students with:
Mid-term report
Final report/essay. (They should make a presentation where they clearly articulate
what they did, learned, and contributed to the company/field. This is an area all of our
students are challenged by.)
Also, an essential component of experiential education is ongoing reflection. Requiring guided
reflection pieces initiated by faculty prompts can shape the learning as it happens. This will
include the employer evaluation of the students midway through the experience and then at
the end.
Grading formula
This course will use a Pass/Fail grading system.
Midterm report:
Final report:
Policy for make-up exams and missed or late assignments
Please refer to the NYIT Catalog (https://catalog.nyit.edu/) for makeup policy.
Attendance policy
Please refer to the NYIT Catalog (https://catalog.nyit.edu/) for attendance policy.
Withdrawal policy
Please refer to the NYIT Catalog (https://catalog.nyit.edu/) for withdrawal policy.
Academic integrity and plagiarism policies
Please refer to the NYIT Catalog (https://catalog.nyit.edu/) for this policy.
Library Resources
All students can access the NYIT virtual library from both on and off campus at
www.nyit.edu/library. The same login you use to access NYIT e-mail and NYIT
Connect will also give you access to the library’s resources from off campus.
On the left side of the library’s home page, you will find the “Library Catalog” and
the “Find Journals” sections. In the middle of the home page you will find “Research
Guides;” select “Video Tutorials” to find information on using the library’s resources
and doing research.
Should you have any questions, please look under “Library Services” to submit a
web-based “Ask- A-Librarian” form.
Schedule of the course
Tentative Topics
Week 1
Intro to the Co-op Program
Week 2
Student/Company Match
Week 3
Application/Resume/Interview Process
Week 4
Mentor/Mentee Relationship
Week 5
Internship/Co-op Programs
Week 6
Sexual Harassment & Discrimination Training
Week 7
Week 8
Attitudes, Self-Concept, Values & Ethics
Week 9
Time & Career Mgt
Week 10
Self Esteem/Positive Thinking
Week 11
Organizational Change & Culture
Week 12
Dealing With Conflict
Week 13
Networking & Negotiating
Week 14
Team Dynamics & Leadership
Week 15
Career Success and Experiential Education has developed employee citizenship training for students
that helps them develop civic skills in the workplace. This content will be used. Also, student will have to
know Code of Ethics for Engineers https://www.nspe.org/resources/ethics/code-ethics
9 Appendix B ETCS 301 Syllabus
ETCS 301: CoECS Co-op
(0 credits)
Course description from the catalog:
This course is for the students who are actively enrolled in the CoECS co-op program. This course
will be taken during the period that students are employed at their co-op positions. While
working full-time with a co-op employer, students receive support and guidance from co-op
coordinators, mentors, and peers, to share and reflect on their work term experiences. A
culminating project is required to bring together industry and academic knowledge and
showcase the work and skill development throughout the Co-op work experience.
Prerequisites: ETCS 300 and permission from CoECS co-op director
Required texts (including ISBN numbers)
Mike True’s InternQube.
Learning outcomes and instruments of assessment
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Integrate theory and practice.
Demonstrate understanding of the individual contribution and team effort
at work and its function in the economy.
Develop work habits and attitudes necessary for job success.
Develop communication, interpersonal, and other critical skills in the workplace.
Identify work/professional values, and company’s competitors and partners.
Demonstrate industry knowledge.
Develop academic and career plan based on this co-op experience.
Identify technical and professional skills needed to move forward in desired career
Methods of assessment will include:
The course will assess the students with:
Mid-term report
Final report.
Assignments to ensure ongoing reflection either discussion groups, weekly journals, etc.
An evaluation element. It could include updated documents like resume and LinkedIn
profile that incorporate skills and learning from the co-op experience.
Grading formula
This course will use Pass/Fail
grading system.
Midterm report: 40%
Final report: 60%
Policy for make-up exams and missed or late assignments
Please refer to the NYIT Catalog (https://catalog.nyit.edu/) for makeup policy.
Attendance policy
Please refer to the NYIT Catalog (https://catalog.nyit.edu/) for attendance policy.
Withdrawal policy
Please refer to the NYIT Catalog (https://catalog.nyit.edu/) for withdrawal policy.
Academic integrity and plagiarism policies
Please refer to the NYIT Catalog (https://catalog.nyit.edu/) for this policy.
Library Resources
All students can access the NYIT virtual library from both on and off campus
at www.nyit.edu/library. The same login you use to access NYIT e-mail and
NYIT Connect will also give you access to the library’s resources from off
On the left side of the library’s home page, you will find the “Library Catalog”
and the “Find Journals” sections. In the middle of the home page you will find
“Research Guides;” select “Video Tutorials” to find information on using the
library’s resources and doing research.
Should you have any questions, please look under “Library Services” to
submit a web-based “Ask- A-Librarian” form.
Schedule of the course:
Varies with different co-op employers
10 Definition of Terms
Co-op Coordinator - A member of the Co-op Program team who advises students enrolled in the
co-op program
Co-op Experiential Cycle (CEC) - A 24-week period within which a co-op student is fully employed
as part of requirements of their co-op program
Co-op Program - The Cooperative Education Program at the College of Engineering and
Computing Sciences (CoECS) of New York Institute of Technology
Co-op Employer - An organization interested in hiring an undergraduate CoECS student enrolled in
the co-op program
Co-op Student - A student who has formally enrolled in the co-op track within their degree
NYIT Co-op Employer Partners Employers that have formally entered into an agreement with
NYIT to offer co-op positions to CoECS co-op students
Resume - A one-page snapshot of an applicant’s education, skills, and work