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Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program
Minimize Your Property Taxes
As a farmland owner in Ontario, you may be eligible to apply for a property tax reduction through the Farm
Property Class Tax Rate Program.
As an eligible applicant under the program:
Your farm residence and one acre of surrounding land will be taxed at your municipality's residential
tax rate
The remainder of the farm assessment on the property will be taxed at 25% of the residential tax rate
Farm properties that do not qualify under the program will be taxed at the residential rate.
This guide is provided for reference purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the related
Assessment Act. Information is subject to change without notice.
Are you eligible?
How to apply
Keep us informed
Annual gross farm income exemptions
Confirm your assessment
Property transfers
For more information
Are you eligible?
To be eligible to apply, you must be able to answer "yes" to the following questions:
Do you own farmland?
Your property is assessed as farmland by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC).
Is the property being used for a farming business that generates an annual gross income
of at least $7,000?
Your property is actively being farmed by yourself or by a tenant farmer or both and all farming income and
expenses have been filed with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). For information on exemptions, see Annual
gross farm income exemptions.
Does the farming business have a valid Farm Business Registration number?
The farming business must have either a valid Farm Business Registration (FBR) number issued under the
Farm Registration and Farm Organizations Funding Act, 1993 (FBR number is 6-7 digits) or a religious
exemption from the Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal (AFRAAT). This requirement does not
apply if you have an annual gross farm income exemption.
How do I get a Farm Business Registration number?
You can apply for a FBR number through Agricorp. In order to qualify, your gross farming income filed with
CRA in the previous income tax year must be at least $7,000.
Are the farmland owners Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada or a
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If the property is owned by an individual or a group of individuals, each person must be either a Canadian
citizen or permanent resident of Canada.
If the property is owned by a corporation, more than 50 per cent of the voting shares must be legally owned
by individuals who are either Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada. In other words, it is not
sufficient if the voting shares are legally owned by another corporation and then that corporation’s voting
shares are owned by individuals who are Canadian citizens or permanent residents in Canada. Requirements
for other ownership types can be found in the Assessment Act O.Reg.282/98 8.(2)3.
How to apply
Please fill out the sections on the application which apply to you, and return it to the Ministry of Agriculture,
Food and Rural Affairs by the due date specified on the form. For ministry contact information, see For More
Section A: Non-eligible section
Complete Section A if you do not qualify for the program and do not wish to receive future mailings regarding
the program. If you do not apply for the program, your property will be taxed at the residential rate. If you
wish to apply for the program, leave Section A blank.
Section B: Citizenship and Contact Information
Question 1: Answer if you own the property as an individual or co-own the property as a group of
Question 2 and 3: Answer if the property is owned by a corporation.
Complete contact information
Section C: Property Information and FBR Number
Make sure each roll number, description and acreage listed is correct.
For each roll number, indicate whether the piece of land is farmed by you or by a tenant or both.
If the property is farmed by a tenant who gives you part of the crop as rent (sharecropping), check
both the "Farmed by self" and "Farmed by tenant" boxes.
Please provide a Farm Business Registration number (6-7 digits), as issued under the Farm
Registration and Farm Organizations Funding Act, 1993, for each individual or company farming the
property. FBR numbers are issued by Agricorp.
Section D: Tenant Information
If you have a tenant farmer or sharecropper, please ask them to fill out and sign Section D.
If you have more than one tenant or sharecropper, photocopy Section D for each and have them
complete and sign it.
Section E: Farm Business Registration Number (FBRN) Exemptions
If the gross income from your farming business, or that of your tenant, was less than $7,000 in the
previous income tax year, you must indicate whether one of the available program income exemptions
applies and contact the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs to receive the additional forms
required to support your claim.
Attach the additional ministry income exemption form and requested income tax documents to your
application and provide it to the ministry by the due date.
For details on exemptions, see Annual gross farm income exemptions.
The ministry will review the information you submit. If necessary, you may be asked to submit a new
application or additional documentation.
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If you, your tenant, or your corporation have been granted an exemption by the Agriculture, Food and
Rural Affairs Appeal Tribunal (AFRAAT) from obtaining a Farm Business Registration number or from
paying the registration fee based on religious convictions or beliefs, attach a copy of the exemption
letter obtained from AFRAAT.
If the exemption is for your tenant, please ask them to fill out and sign the declaration in section D.
Section F: Property Owner Eligibility Declaration
Carefully read the eligibility declaration and acknowledgements.
Sign and date the form.
If you are signing on behalf of an individual or a company, indicate your title or position. “Owner” is
not an acceptable title.
Keep us informed
You are responsible for letting the ministry know about any changes that affect your eligibility. These include:
Changes to your contact information
Changes in your rental arrangements (i.e. a new tenant farmer)
Changes in the structure of the farming business (i.e. a new partnership or incorporation)
Changes that affect your FBR number (i.e. a decrease in gross farming income to less than $7,000 per
year) or an exemption status.
Note: Without a valid FBR number or an appropriate exemption, your property is not eligible under
the program
Any other circumstances that affect your participation in the program
You are responsible for making sure that any farm business on your property has a valid FBR number or an
appropriate exemption. FBR numbers must be renewed by Agricorp annually.
Failing to let the ministry know about these changes, may result in program ineligibility.
I have already been approved. Why are you sending me another application form?
Each year the ministry asks a number of randomly selected property owners to fill out a new application form.
Doing this helps verify information and maintain the integrity and accuracy of the ministry’s database.
Application forms are also sent to those who have reported a change to their farming operation, or if MPAC
informs the ministry of a change in property ownership.
If you bought or sold farmland, see Property Transfers.
Annual gross farm income exemptions
If you or your tenant cannot obtain a FBR number because the annual gross income of the farming business
was less than $7,000 in the previous income tax year, you may still be eligible for the program if one of the
following exemptions applies:
Start-up Exemption
If you or your tenant are starting a farm operation and have not yet met the requirement of an annual gross
farming income of $7,000, you may apply for an exemption. You must clearly demonstrate that the property is
being farmed and how the farming business will have an annual gross income of at least $7,000 in future
years. The length of the start-up period must be realistic for the commodity produced. The start-up exemption
form is available online.
Not a Normal Production Year Exemption
You may apply for an exemption if your usual annual gross farm income is more than $7,000, however the
previous year was not a normal production year. You will need to demonstrate why the gross income for the
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farm business was less than $7,000 and how the farm business will achieve an annual gross farm income of at
least $7,000. Please contact the ministry to receive the appropriate forms needed to support your claim.
Age/Illness/Death Exemption
If you cut back on the size or scale of your farming business because of age, illness or the death of a spouse
or common-law partner, you may be eligible to apply for an exemption. To be eligible for this exemption, you
must meet all three of the following criteria:
1. You must own the property and carry on the farming business yourself.
2. You or your spouse must have operated the farming business for at least 10 years and have been
approved under this program during this time.
3. The farming business must have reported an annual gross farm income greater than zero to Canada
Revenue Agency (CRA) in the previous income tax year.
For required documentation and details on how to apply for these exemptions, please contact the ministry at
1-877-424-1300 or [email protected]
Confirm your assessment
The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) is responsible for accurately assessing and classifying
more than five million properties in Ontario in compliance with the Assessment Act and regulations set by the
Government of Ontario. Every four years, property owners receive a Property Assessment Notice when MPAC
completes a province-wide Assessment Update. In 2016, MPAC updated the assessed value of every property
in Ontario based on a January 1, 2016 legislated valuation date.
Under the phase-in provisions in the Assessment Act, an increase in assessed value is introduced gradually
over the 2017-2020 property tax years. A decrease in assessed value is introduced immediately.
Property Assessment Notices for farms were delivered in the fall of 2016. Please review your Notice carefully
to ensure your property is being accurately classified in the Farm Property Tax Class. To access a detailed
report of your property or to learn more about how MPAC assesses farms, visit www.aboutmyproperty.ca
Property Transfers
If you bought farmland, the Farm Property Class application will be sent to you and must be returned within
the required deadline. The standard application is for the upcoming tax year. Please contact the ministry
before Dec 31 of the tax year to apply for the Farm Property Class tax rate if you purchased farmland that is
currently in the Residential Property Class but meets the eligibility requirements for the program.
To ensure that your property continues to be valued as farmland and classified in the Farm Property Class:
The lands must be actively farmed by the property owner or a tenant farmer- only actively farmed
lands qualify.
The property owner or tenant farmer must maintain a valid FBR number.
Important: MPAC will classify properties that do not meet the above criteria as residential for the following
tax year. You will receive a Property Assessment Change Notice in the fall showing the change from the Farm
Property Class to the Residential Class. The property will be liable for taxes at the residential tax rate.
For more information
Farm Business Registration
Toll Free: 1-866-327-3678
Fax: 519-826-4118
[email protected] | www.agricorp.com <http://www.agricorp.com/en-ca/Pages/Default.aspx>
Property Assessment
MPAC (Municipal Property Assessment Corporation)
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Toll Free: 1-866-296-6722
www.mpac.ca <http://mpac.ca/>
Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Farm Property Class Tax Rate Program
1 Stone Road W, 4th Floor
Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Y2
Toll Free: 1-877-424-1300 | TTY: 1-855-696-2811
Tel: 519-826-4047
Fax: 519-826-3170
[email protected] | www.ontario.ca/farmtax
For more information:
Toll Free:1-877 424-1300