The School District of Osceola County, Florida
Student Services
1200 Vermont Avenue St. Cloud Florida 34769
Phone: 407-870-4897 Fax: 407-870-4629
Proof of Address 2023-2024
A resident parent or guardian enrolling a student in an Osceola County School shall produce one document from
each of the following categories:
Category 1 Mortgage document, current properly executed* rental or lease agreement, property tax records
Category 2 a. Current utility bill including, electric, cable or water
b. Income tax records
c. Proof of receipt of government benefits
A Parent or Guardian without a lease or living with another person must complete a Verification of
Address and provide the following:
Enrolling Parents must have:
Driver’s License and/or state ID showing the correct current address (required within 30
days) or
Government Benefits showing the correct current address or
Auto Registration showing the correct current address
Homeowner or Lessee must provide one item from each of the categories:
Category 1 Mortgage document, properly executed* rental or lease agreement, property tax records
Category 2 a. Current utility bill including, electric, cable or water
b. Income tax records
c. Proof of receipt of government benefits (ACCESS, SSI or Income Tax)
If the homeowner cannot come to the school,
download the Verification of Address and have the homeowner complete, sign and notarize the
bottom portion or
provide a notarized letter signed by the homeowner and listing the residents of the house
This paperwork must be provided with a copy of the homeowner’s driver’s license or government issued ID, and
the items from Categories 1 and 2
With appropriate documents from the parent and the homeowner as listed above, A Verification of Address form
can be completed at the school.
School Administration has the right to request specific documents which may not be listed above (for example,
State ID or Driver’s License with the current and correct address.)
Documentation to prove Address can be requested at any time during the school year by school officials
For more information, please call Student Services at 407-870-4897
A Properly Executed Rental Agreement or Lease will include the name, signature and contact information of
both the lease and the leaser, contain all pages and be current at the time of registration.