“Dry Tomb” Landfills—The Past,
Present, and Possibilities
The implications of modern sanitary landfill technology has led to what are known
as “dry tombs” and presents a few possible alternatives that have the potential to
achieve the same results.
he promulgation of EPAs
Subtitle D regulation (40 CFR
Parts 257 and 258—Solid Waste
Disposal Facility Criteria) has
significantly impacted sanitary landfill
design, construction, operation, and closure
over the past two decades. Developed under
the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA) of 1976, and in response to 1984
Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments to
RCRA, the rule sets minimum criteria for
modern solid waste landfill in seven basic
areas: location restrictions, facility design,
operations, environmental monitoring,
financial assurance, corrective action, and
closure and post-closure care. The facility
design provisions provide prescriptions for
the makeup, installation, and operation of
key landfill design features, including a com-
posite bottom liner and leachate collection
system to minimize leakage of leachate, and
a final cover system at the time of closure to
minimize infiltration of precipitation and
other liquids into the waste mass.
A relevant consequence of the Subtitle D
regulations was that restricting liquids from
infiltrating into the waste massinclud-
ing precipitation, stormwater runoff, and
leachatecreated conditions in which the
organic waste components decomposed,
compressed, and generated gas much more
slowly than compared to a “wet landfill.
Waste in a dry tomb landfill takes more time
to decompose (stabilize), thereby extending
the post-closure management and monitor-
ing period by several years, or even decades.
Questions and concerns relating to the
potential downsides of dry tomb landfills
have been raised by landfill owners, opera-
tors, regulators, and designers since Subtitle
D was promulgated. In response to these
concerns, and with appreciation for the
advances that have taken place in landfill
technology, EPA promulgated the Research,
Development, and Demonstration (RD&D)
rule in 2004 under Subtitle D. RD&D was
an interim measure that allowed for an
introduction of liquids and recirculation
of leachate on alternative bottom liners, as
well as other waste treatment approaches, to
facilitating waste degradation, accelerating gas
generation, minimizing leachate treatment
efforts, increasing the rate of waste settlement,
and reducing post-closure activities.
Weaver Boos
However, as of March 2014, EPA indicated
that there were only were 30 active RD&D
projects in 11 approved states, and one
project on tribal land. This statistic suggests
that dry tomb landfilling is still practiced
widely, despite the apparent disadvantages
and concerns raised by numerous parties.
Fortunately, EPA proposed in the November
13, 2015 Federal Register to allow directors of
states with EPA-approved RD&D programs
to increase the maximum term for RD&D
permits from 12, to 21 years at 40 CFR
258.4(e)(1), to provide more time to support
research into the performance of bioreactors,
alternative covers, and run-on systems.
Remembering the Past: Subtitle D
(Did the “D” Mean Dry Tomb?)
Under the original Subtitle D rule, state
regulatory agencies were required to adopt
the prescriptive facility design approach or
something no less restrictive, with some
flexibility to consider the influence of local
conditions such as climate and hydrogeol-
ogy. The vast majority of new landfills
and landfill expansions in the US adopted
regulations similar to Subtitle D, including a
composite bottom liner (or equivalent) and
a relatively impervious final cover system.
As described in Subparts C, D, and F
to 40 CFR Part 258, the prescriptive bot-
tom liner and final cover components and
features of a Subtitle D landfill include the
following (from bottom to top):
Composite bottom liner (dual components
in direct and uniform contact)
Lower compacted soil layer 24-in.
thickness with a hydraulic conductivity
(K) <1x10
cm/sec, or geosynthetic
clay liner (GCL) alternative
Upper (primary) Flexible Membrane
Liner (FML), 30-mil thickness, or
60-mil if HDPE
Leachate collection system (LCS)
Designed to maintain a maximum
30-cm depth of leachate over the liner
Waste mass cover material
Minimum 6 in. of earthen material
(daily cover) or alternative thickness to
control disease vectors, fires, odors,
blowing litter, and scavenging
No liquid waste, except for leachate and
gas condensate, which are allowed as
Final cover (under Closure and Post-
Closure Care) to minimize infiltration
and erosion
Minimum 6-in. “erosion” layer for
supporting plant growth
Minimum 18-in. “infiltration layer
with hydraulic conductivity less than
or equal to bottom liner system or
natural subsoils, or no greater than
K<1x10-5cm/sec, whichever is less
Begin closure activities within 30 days of
final receipt of waste; complete within
180 days following beginning of closure
Avoid the “Bathtub Effect”
One of the main reasons EPA included a rela-
tively impervious cover system is described
in the Federal Register dated October 9, 1991.
Basically, comments provided to EPA prior to
finalization of the Subtitle D rules indicated
it was important to avoid the “bathtub effect,
wherein leachate could infiltrate through
the cover at a higher rate than it could be
removed. This requirement was interpreted
to require a flexible membrane liner (FML)
component in the final cover similar to the
FML component in the bottom liner.
In addition to the material
and performance requirements,
the composite bottom liner and
final cover were often physically
or mechanically connected at or
near the waste boundary so as to
essentially encapsulate or entomb
the waste. Encapsulation of the
waste mass had the positive effect
of virtually eliminating the poten-
tial for exposure of waste to the
environment, as well as the poten-
tial for leachate to leak through
the bottom liner system. It also
had the negative effect of reduc-
ing the amount of liquid, whether
in the form of precipitation and/
or stormwater runoff, that might
otherwise infiltrate into the waste
mass and either flow through the
waste to be collected as leachate,
or be absorbed by the waste itself.
Encapsulation restricted moisture
content changes in the waste
mass from external influences, creating a
“dry tomb.
Far from waste being technically dry
(zero moisture content), most sanitary land-
fill waste includes significant organic matter
and other moist materials, and may receive
direct precipitation during active filling
phases. Results of field testing of municipal
solid waste in non-arid regions generally
finds moisture contents in the approximate
range of 10 to 30% (wet weight basis), which
is below field capacity (F’c), and well below
saturation (S), which means that most waste
has the capacity to absorb additional liquid.
Therefore, the term dry tomb is relative and
merely suggests that the moisture content is
lower than it would otherwise be if the waste
were not encapsulated below and above, and
did not include daily soil cover layers that
tend to compartmentalize the waste.
The Present: Current Industry
Subtitle D allows for disposal of leachate and
gas condensate on the prescriptive bottom
liner (i.e., recirculation), and the RD&D
rule expands upon this by allowing leachate
recirculation on alternative bottom liners.
But, many solid waste facilities have chosen
not to practice recirculation, and some have
terminated recirculation for various practical
and/or economic reasons. Despite numerous
technical articles and papers addressing the
downsides of the dry tomb landfill, little has
changed since 1991; the standard Subtitle
D bottom liner and final cover system as
described above are still widely followed by
the states and the solid waste industry, with
some variations and adaptations.
Complicating the situation, as noted
above, is that conventional practice often
includes welding the final cover to the bot-
tom liner system, or alternatively, the cover
FML is extended laterally to beyond the
lateral limits of the bottom liner (such as in
perimeter anchor trenches). This techni-
cal detail prevents stormwater runoff from
backflowing into the landfill and keeps
landfill gas from escaping at the perimeter
or edges. It also precludes moisture content
changes over time to the following sources:
direct precipitation or runoff that might
leak through the final cover through
pinholes or small defects,
water that is consumed and/or produced
as part of methanogenesis/waste
degradation processes,
moisture removal from landfill gas
collection (gas condensate), and
leachate and gas condensate that is dis-
posed (recirculated) within the waste.
Under these conditions, the waste mass
will theoretically lose moisture over time,
and the waste will become drier than at
the time of placement unless the moisture
losses are replenished from infiltration, or
from recirculation of liquids back into the
waste mass. Given the importance of liquids
in maintaining conditions necessary for
anaerobic decomposition of organic matter
in the waste, and which directly impacts gas
generation, reducing the moisture content
over time has potential downsides:
the waste decomposition process slows
down and as such, the time needed to
achieve waste stabilization is lengthened
landfill gas production is slower which
may have ill effects on its utilization;
post-closure care periods may have to be
extended; and
landfill settlement is slower.
The rate of gas generation from a Subtitle
D covered dry tomb” landfill would be
expected to slow down over time compared
to generation at landfills not so encapsu-
lated. This would not only have ill effects on
gas utilization; it lengthens the time needed
to achieve biological or chemical waste
stabilization indefinitely, extending the post-
closure period for decades.
The latter point is suggested by conven-
tional Landfill Gas (LFG) generation mod-
els, including EPAs Landfill Gas Emissions
Model (LandGEM), which allow a waste
decay rate variable (k value) to be adjusted
to account for the effect of moisture on
LFG generation rates. Gas curves for a mod-
erately sized MSW landfill under standard
(k = 0.04) and RD&D Rule bioreactor
(k = 0.30) conditions are shown in Figure
1 and which clearly show the period of gas
Figure 1
generation for a dry tomb landfill extending
for decades beyond a wet landfill. Unfortu-
nately, LandGEM does not have a mecha-
nism to account for changing moisture
conditions over time using a varying rate
of waste decay (k value), and the effects of
changing waste moisture on LFG generation
at individual sites’ are poorly understood
and difficult to quantify.
The Future: Alternative
With the proposed time extension of the
RD&D rule from 12 to 21 years, and the
clear economic advantages of stabiliz-
ing the waste mass more quickly with the
introduction and management of liquids,
why are we still building so many dry tomb
landfills? Why are we not taking advantage
of the RD&D rule or Subtitle Ds allowance
for recirculation? Is it because we have not
yet reached the 30-year post closure care
endpoint to realize that the waste has not
stabilized, and that post closure care may
be extended?
The answers, in part, are that design-
ing, constructing and operating a dry tomb
landfill is relatively straightforward, widely
accepted as standard practice and carries
limited risk—it is the comfortable approach.
Designing a landfill to promote faster
stabilization of waste by allowing liquids
introduction, or applying alternative design
and operational approaches requires more
thought and effort, more documentation,
technical demonstrations, operational evalu-
ations, and some degree of experimentation.
However, the benefits of accelerated gas
generation/collection, additional recoverable
airspace, and more rapid waste stabilization
leading to a shorter post-closure period are
certainly desirable and achievable.
In the interest of moving landfill technol-
ogy one more step forward to replace the dry
tombs, below are just a few broad concepts
that can be adopted with minimal changes
to currently accepted landfill design and
operations practices.
Apply for RD&D Project
First and foremost, the waste disposal
industry should take advantage of the
existing RD&D Rule as it currently stands,
and consider the alternative design and
operational concepts that will facilitate waste
stabilization. The RD&D Rule is flexible and
already allows for a wide variety of options
including the introduction of leachate and
liquids on alternative bottom liners as well as
the introduction of other materials or special
waste processing, to enhance the degrada-
tion of organic matter contained in the
solid waste. The program requires technical
justification and monitoring and is currently
available for a period of up to 12 years.
It is therefore timely that EPA is propos-
ing to extend the duration of an RD&D
project from 12 to 21 years, which is a
positive step forward and will allow landfills
more time to develop and adopt operational
and design changes that might facilitate waste
stabilization. Whether through recirculation
of leachate, stormwater runoff/run-on man-
agement, or by other means, RD&D is open-
minded and has limited restrictions provided
that the methods are well engineered,
monitored, and the results are measured and
evaluated over time. More facilities should
take advantage of the RD&D rule to not
simply to reduce their post-closure period, or
enhance degradation, but to experiment with
technologies that might add to the body of
knowledge for other facilities to consider and
apply at their sites.
Let Some Leakage In
(Without Taking a Bath)
As noted, Subtitle D rules were written to
address concerns over the bathtub effect,
which led to the requirement for a relatively
impervious final cover. However, since
the leachate collection system (LCS) must
be designed and operated to maintain a
maximum 30-centimeter hydraulic head
over the liner under all conditionsinclud-
ing a fully open cell/no waste condition,
through each active filling phase, at the
time of final closure, and through the post-
closure periodthe probability of creating
a bathtub seems to be relatively low. If the
amount of leakage allowed to enter the
waste can be reasonably estimated from
available water balance models, and con-
trolled and monitored effectively, allowing
some leakage should pose limited risk, and
positive measurable benefits, even if it is
limited to the capacity to absorb the liquid
before reaching field capacity.
Table 1 provides a theoretical guide to
how much liquid can be added to sanitary
waste (assuming different initial moisture
contents) to achieve final moisture contents
of 30, 40, and 50%. Other factors may also
be considered in arriving at realistic values:
the impact of daily cover soils on infiltra-
tion, type, and characteristics of the waste,
Continued on S22
including hydraulic conductiv-
ity, density, and organic content.
There are numerous articles and
case studies that provide such
Under this category, incor-
porating final cover systems that
allow some amount of leak-
age, such as a soil-only cover,
or an evapotranspiration (ET)
cover, or even a hybrid cover that combines
separate areas of FML and soil components
should be considered, rather than the stan-
dard full-coverage geomembrane.
Limited Leachate Recirculation
Even with the flexibilities provided for in
Subtitle D and RD&D to allow recircula-
tion, the number of facilities that practice
recirculation successfully is rather limited;
some facilities have ceased doing so due
to operational challenges including odors,
seeps, stability, and settlement. But that was
then, this is now: with very recent chal-
lenges in managing leachate treatment and
the significant costs associated with leach-
ate disposal, there has been a renewed and
significant interest nationwide in leachate
evaporation and treatment technology to
reduce disposal costs.
While leachate evaporation technology
is still developing, why not reconsider recir-
culation as an option or complimentary
approach, even if on a limited basis? At the
very least, limited recirculation will reduce
the amount of leachate needing treatment,
should enhance gas generation and waste
stabilization, and create airspace. The
practice of spraying leachate directly on the
working face still works, and allowing run-
on to the waste (allowed under RD&D) and
similar simple, straightforward concepts
will not necessarily require significant
design or operational changes.
Delay Final Closure Capping
Even if a landfill is equipped with an FML
composite bottom liner, an FML final cover
does not practice recirculation, and is thus
relegated to the future as a dry tomb, the
simple process of delaying of the final
capping for several years may still pro-
vide significant benefits. Considering that
landfill settlement continues to occur many
years beyond the time filling is completed
(and is a surrogate measure of gas genera-
tion), allowing a more significant period
of time between the end of filling and final
capping than allowed for in Subtitle D, such
as three to five years or more, seems very
reasonable. This assumes that landfill gasses
and odors can be suitably managed, which
allows time for precipitation to enter the
waste and for a landfill to settle, enhancing
degradation and minimizing airspace loss
from early capping.
To this end, the Pennsylvania Depart-
ment of Environmental Protection
(PADEP) had the forethought to adopt a
rule in 2014 that allows facilities to overfill
waste above permitted grades, allowing
waste settlement to occur for up to five
years before final cover placement. Known
as the Settlement Accommodation Plan
(SAP), the state places various restric-
tions on overfilling slope angle, depth of
allowable waste overfill, and requires both a
technical evaluation of settlement coupled
with annual measurements to validate that
the overfill is performing well.
At the end of the five-year period, waste
that is still above permitted final grades
must be removed at the owners cost. The
SAP was born from the concerns of landfill
operators losing valuable airspace from
post-capping settlement, which cannot be
recovered, accommodates the understanding
that landfills settle over time, and also pro-
motes a form of wet landfilling by allowing
time for precipitation and runoff to enter
the waste, thereby accelerating waste decom-
position, gas generation, and settlement.
It seems well worth the cost and effort for
landfills in Pennsylvania to adopt a site-
specific SAP. Why not other states, too?
The waste industry, in general, knows more
about how waste responds to liquids addi-
tion from a variety of experiences, both
good and bad, over the past two decades;
but challenges and unknowns remain. We
also recognize the difficulties with manag-
ing leachate recirculation/bioreactor land-
fills, understand more fully the rates that
landfill gas is generated, how gas can be
collected most efficiently, and how
landfills settle over time, both with
and without recirculation.
Armed with this knowledge and
the desire to control operational
costs, reduce post-closure monitor-
ing, and still protect the environ-
ment, surely there are ways to
advance landfilling beyond the dry
tomb technology that was born in
the 1980s to a nationwide improvement in
landfill designs and operations for the next
generations. The only real question that
remains is: are we willing to try?
Environmental Protection Agency, Federal
Register, 40 CFR Parts 257 and 258,
Solid Waste Disposal Facility Criteria;
Final Rule, published Oct. 9, 1991.
Environmental Protection Agency, Federal
Register, Research, Development and
Demonstration (RD&D), Amendment
to 40 CFR Part 258, published
March 22, 2004.
Environmental Protection Agency, Federal
Register, Revision to Research, Develop-
ment and Demonstration (RD&D)
for Solid Waste Landfills, Amendment
to 40 CFR Part 258, published
November 13, 2015.
Gardner, R. B., “What Ever Happened
to the RD&D Rule? A Look at Where
Landfills Have Come From and Where
They Are Heading, Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protec-
tion (PADEP, Settlement Accommoda-
tion Plan, Standard Operating Proce-
dure, October 2014.
Landfill Bioreactor Design & Operation,
Reinhart and Townsend, 1998.
The Bioreactive Landfill, Pacey, Augenstein,
Morck, Reinhart, and Yazdani, MSW
Management, September/October 1999.
“The Bioreactor Landfill—The Next Gen-
eration Landfill Management, A White
Paper, Waste Management, Inc.
Robert H. Isenberg, P.E., CPG, is a Senior Vice
President, and Darrin D. Dillah, Ph.D., P.E.,
BCEE, a Vice President, both of SCS Engineers,
located in Reston, VA.
For related articles:
Initial Waste Moisture Content
(% wet)*----
15 20 25 30
Moisture Content Goal (% wet)
Max. Liquids Addition in Gallons/Ton
52 34 17 0
100 80 60 40
167 144 120 96
**Assume wet waste density = 1,200 pcy
**Approximate Field Capacity, F’c
Table 1
Continued from S19