, J. S. Levy
, J. W. Head
, and J. L. Dickson
of Astronomy and Planetary Science, Northern Arizona University,,
Dept. of Geology,
Colgate University,
Dept. of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences, Brown University,
Division of
Geological and Planetary Sciences, Caltech.
Introduction: The McMurdo Dry Valleys (MDV) of
Antarctica have been considered a valuable martian
analog since the Viking era of Mars exploration [1]. Over
the past two decades, our understanding of martian
environmental and geologic evolution has significantly
improved thanks to the plethora of orbital and landed
missions. New observations have raised many new
enigmatic questions about how cold and dry geological
systems evolve, which has revitalized the MDV as an
important terrestrial analog for Mars, from its earliest
recorded geologic history [2] to the present [3].
Global martian climate models struggle to produce
consistently warm and wet conditions at the martian
surface early in its history, even with the aid of additional
greenhouse gases to offset the distance between Mars and
the faint young Sun [4]. Together with studies suggesting
that snowmelt can satisfy the known distribution of
valley networks in parts of the southern highlands [e.g.,
5], these lines of evidence suggest that early Mars may
have been dominated by relatively cold and dry
conditions as opposed to more clement conditions.
The hyper-arid and hypo-thermal conditions that
dominate the MDV today are some of the most
comparable terrestrial conditions to those on modern
(cold and dry) Mars [3,6,7] (Fig. 1). Shallow buried ice,
glacial processes, and anhydrous oxidative weathering
processes are pervasive across both landscapes. More
recent work, however, has helped to appreciate the role
of locally optimized conditions in driving many surface
processes that generate habitable conditions, even in the
extremely arid, cold, and radiative environment of the
MDV [2]. For example, localized salt concentrations are
able to facilitate deliquescence [8], melting of snowpacks
and glaciers are facilitated by topographically controlled
insolation [9] and, at least in the MDV, microbial
ecosystems are able to suspend biological activity
indefinitely until conditions are optimal [10]. These cold
and dry conditions operate at one end of a hydrological
continuum [11] in the MDV--the other end of which is
the “cold and wet” endmember--where glacial melt,
snow-fed streams, and ice-covered lakes persist, despite
only ~2 months of melting [3,12]. The hydrological and
habitability gradients operating in the MDV make them
the ideal environment for exploring Mars-like surface
processes that have shaped both planets under both
ancient and modern climate conditions [2,3].
In this work, we highlight the recent developments in
comparative planetology between the martian surface
and the MDV. This work has helped to decipher many
enigmatic climatological and geological features
observed on Mars. We also highlight where additional
work in the MDV is necessary to address outstanding
questions in martian science.
Cold and Icy Early Mars?: The apparent
disagreement between observed fluvial and lacustrine
landforms and the inability for global climate models to
produce mean annual temperatures greater than 0º C
suggest that the martian surface was possibly never
clement from a terrestrial perspective. Instead of a long-
lived and continuously active hydrological system on
early Mars, is it possible that hydrological activity was
more episodic through punctuated climatic excursions on
an otherwise cold and icy early Mars? The fluvial and
lacustrine systems of the MDV are one possible analog
where localized climatic optima drive local hydrological
systems that can cease once conditions are unfavorable
[2,12]. The MDV provide compelling evidence for
comparable landforms found in ancient martian
landscapes. It is therefore possible that hydrological
Fig. 1. Cold desert hydrological landforms on Earth and
Mars. (a) Streams in the MDV. A portion of Quickbird
image 101001000AF37000. North is up. (b) Gullies in
Wright Valley, Antarctica. Gully fans are ~150 m across.
(c) Water track in Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Water track
is ~2-3 m wide and flows downstream towards image
bottom. (d) Amazonian valley with flat-topped terminal
fan. Portion of HiRISE image PSP_005950_1401.
North is up. (e) Gullies on Mars. Portion of HiRISE
image ESP_021584_1440. North is up. (f) Recurring
slope lineae (RSL) on Mars. Portion of HiRISE image
PSP_005787_1475. North is up.
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systems present in the MDV, where mean annual
temperatures are less than -20º C, can be analogous to
those hypothesized to have formed on early Mars.
Locally Optimized Conditions at Present: Local
influences of topography, geologic resurfacing,
proximity to open water, and the distribution of snow and
glaciers play a major role in controlling local
environmental conditions in polar deserts that lack
vegetation or other modulating influences [13]. For
example, direct insolation on glacial surfaces can result
in local melting, cascading off of the sides of the glaciers,
and runoff in ephemeral stream channels along the valley
walls into the melted margins of perennially frozen lakes
[14]. At finer scales, where topographic obstacles result
in snow drift formation and subsequent melt
enhancement, saturated groundwater flow can occur atop
the permafrost ice table [15]. Finally, local
concentrations of salts in soils can deliquesce when
relative humidity increases [8,16], resulting in
hydrological linkages in the absence of well-developed
stream channels. In tandem, these hydrological systems
that form in seemingly unsuitable geographic and
environmental regimes demonstrate how it is possible for
local extrema can dominate over global norms.
Biological Consequences of Cold Polar
Conditions: Biologically simple yet metabolically
complex ecosystems are present in the MDV and are
dominated by microbial communities, mosses, algae, and
microinvertebrates. These ecosystems are fueled by
ephemeral glacial and snow melt, ions leached from
rocks and soils through chemical weathering, and
abundant sunlight during the warmer austral summer.
Challenges to the growth and development of these
ecosystems include long stretches of dark, subfreezing,
and dry conditions centered around the austral winter
(e.g., Fig. 2). The fact that biological communities were
able to form, live, and adapt to the harsh Antarctic
environment provides wishful thinking for life on both
ancient and modern Mars as well as a useful guide for
looking at the metabolic adaptations of such extreme
communities [17].
Implications and Conclusions: The MDV are a
unique geological, hydrological, and ecological
environment on their own. It is one of the few locations
on Earth where a plethora of important variables can be
isolated, minimized, or even removed when considering
the growth and development of ecosystems. For these
reasons, in addition to the cold temperatures and limited
availability of liquid water, the MDV are a valuable
planetary analog environment. Specifically, the MDV
demonstrate how and why locally optimized
environmental conditions can dominate important
geological and ecological processes in Antarctica and
suggests that similar optimized conditions may play
important roles in the evolution of Mars.
References: [1] Gibson, E. K. et al. (1983), JGR 88,
A912-A928. [2] Head, J. W., & Marchant, D. R. (2014),
Ant. Sci. 26, 774-800. [3] Marchant, D. R., & Head, J. W.
(2007), Icarus 192, 187-222. [4] Wordsworth, R. D.
(2016), Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 44, 381-408. [5]
Scanlon, K. E. et al. (2013), GRL 40, 4182-4187. [6]
Doran, P. T. et al. (2002), JGR 107,
doi:10.1029/2001JD002045. [7] Heldmann, J. L. et al.
(2013), PSS 85, 53-58. [8] Levy, J. S. et al. (2012), GRL
39, doi:10.1029/2012GL050898. [9] Dickson, J. L., &
Head, J. W. (2009), Icarus 204, 63-86. [10] McKnight,
D. M. et al. (1999), BioSci. 49, 985-995. [11] Levy, J. S.
(2015), Geomorph. 240, 70-82. [12] Wlostowski, A. N.
et al. (2016), Hydr. Proc. 30, 2958-2975. [13] Lyons, W.
et al. (2000), Fresh. Bio. 43, 355-367. [14] Dickson, J. L.
et al. (2017), GSL Spec. Pub. 467, doi:10.1144/SP467.4.
[15] Levy, J. S. et al. (2011), GSA Bull. 123, 2295-2311.
[16] Gough, R. V. et al. (2017), EPSL 476, 189-198. [17]
Doran, P. T. et al. (2010),
Fig. 2. An active (a) and inactive dry (b) stream channel
with orange and black mats within the channel thalweg
and along the margins, respectively. Inactive mats
brighten and become flaky when desiccated. Both (a)
and (b) are ~2 m wide. (c) A piece of dry black microbial
mat showing the texture of desiccated mat materials.
Image is ~5 cm wide.
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