Patient Name: _________________________
I consent for photographs and/or video images to be taken of me by AesthetiSpa, Inc. or a
representative. I understand the images will be a part of my medical record and may be used for
purposes of medical teaching or training or for marketing purposes (website, print, digital or
social media).
By consenting to photographs and/or video images I understand I will not be compensated from
any party. Although photographs and/or video images will be used without identifying
information such as name, I understand it is possible someone may recognize me.
I further acknowledge that my participation is voluntary and agree that use of any photographs
and/or video images confers no rights of ownership or royalties whatsoever.
I authorize the use of photographs and/or video images: (please initial indicating YES or NO
________ YES ________ NO For educational purposes (medical teaching
or training),
________ YES ________ NO For marketing and advertising purposes
(website, print, digital, or social media),
________ YES ________ NO At my request, my photographs and/or video
images will only be used as part of my medical record.
I hereby release AesthetiSpa, Inc., its employees, and any third parties involved in the creation of
or publication of educational or marketing materials, from liability for any claims by me or any
third party in connection with my participation.
By signing this form, I confirm understanding of this consent. If I wish to withdraw my consent
in the future, I may do so via written request submitted to AesthetiSpa, Inc. or by completion of a
new form.
Patient Signature: ______________________ Date: ________________