1. Review Academic Requirements report on LionPath: It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that
graduation requirements are complete. Therefore, prior to Applying for Graduation, ensure that Academic
Requirements on LionPath show as complete.
Steps: LionPath Academics Tab → Quick Links Menu → Academic Requirements
If you do not see that all requirements are complete or if you are uncertain, notify your adviser with questions
or details about your plan for any missing requirements. Some courses may need to be substituted based on
previous advising discussions in order for the Academic Requirements to show as complete.
2. Minors: If you have incomplete requirements on your Academic Requirements report for your minor(s)
please notify the contact person for the minor(s) (http://bulletins.psu.edu/undergrad/programs/minors/). If you
no longer plan to complete a minor or if you need to add a minor, please take action.
Steps: LionPath→ Academics Tab → scroll down to Academics → Open Academic Records → Click Update
Academics. Remove minors you don’t plan to complete or add minors you plan to complete.
3. Apply for Graduation: This is a required step to officially graduate. You can apply for graduation on
Lionpath between specified dates each semester. The activation dates can be found at
(Click Academic Calendars and the specific semester.)
Steps: LionPath → Academics Tab → Academics Menu → Academic Records → My Academics → Apply for
Graduation (under the Graduation section)
4. Transfer courses: If missing graduation requirements were taken through other colleges, arrange ASAP*
for an official transcript to be mailed to:
Penn State Undergraduate Admissions
201 Shields Building
University Park, PA 16802
* If you are taking or plan to take any graduation requirements as transfer courses in your final semester,
please note that there is no guarantee that your credits will be received and recorded by Penn State in time to
officially graduate in your final semester. You may need to be removed from the graduation list if transfer
credit is not received and recorded by the semester deadline set by the Registrar’s Office.
*If the school can fax or email your transcript to Penn State Admissions, this will ensure faster delivery. Fax:
814-863-7590. Email: admissions@psu.edu. Or, if the school has a system by which you can request that the
transcript be sent electronically, please send your transcript electronically to Penn State.
5. Commencement Ceremony: See commencement.psu.edu.
6. Cap and Gown: Order and purchase through the Penn State Bookstore. Plan ahead.
7. Diplomas: Make sure your permanent address on LionPath is correct. Diplomas will be mailed to that
address approximately 4 weeks after graduation.
“Walking” at Graduation: If you wish to participate in a commencement ceremony before you have degree
requirements complete, you must have fewer than 8 credits or 2 courses remaining and planned for completion the
following semester. Approval must be obtained by the CHHD Dean’s Office. Complete the Commencement Walk
Request online at