(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 7, No. 10, 2016
Pentaho and Jaspersoft: A Comparative Study of
Business Intelligence Open Source Tools Processing
Big Data to Evaluate Performances
Victor M. Parra
School of Computing and Mathematics
Charles Sturt University
Melbourne, Australia
Ali Syed
School of Computing and Mathematics
Charles Sturt University
Melbourne, Australia
Azeem Mohammad
School of Computing and Mathematics
Charles Sturt University
Melbourne, Australia
Malka N. Halgamuge
School of Computing and Mathematics
Charles Sturt University
Melbourne, Australia
AbstractRegardless of the recent growth in the use of “Big
Data” and “Business Intelligence” (BI) tools, little research has
been undertaken about the implications involved. Analytical tools
affect the development and sustainability of a company, as
evaluating clientele needs to advance in the competitive market is
critical. With the advancement of the population, processing
large amounts of data has become too cumbersome for
companies. At some stage in a company’s lifecycle, all companies
need to create new and better data processing systems that
improve their decision-making processes. Companies use BI
Results to collect data that is drawn from interpretations
grouped from cues in the data set BI information system that
helps organisations with activities that give them the advantage
in a competitive market. However, many organizations establish
such systems, without conducting a preliminary analysis of the
needs and wants of a company, or without determining the
benefits and targets that they aim to achieve with the
implementation. They rarely measure the large costs associated
with the implementation blowout of such applications, which
results in these impulsive solutions that are unfinished or too
complex and unfeasible, in other words unsustainable even if
implemented. BI open source tools are specific tools that solve
this issue for organizations in need, with data storage and
management. This paper compares two of the best positioned BI
open source tools in the market: Pentaho and Jaspersoft,
processing big data through six different sized databases,
especially focussing on their Extract Transform and Load (ETL)
and Reporting processes by measuring their performances using
Computer Algebra Systems (CAS). The ETL experimental
analysis results clearly show that Jaspersoft BI has an increment
of CPU time in the process of data over Pentaho BI, which is
represented by an average of 42.28% in performance metrics
over the six databases. Meanwhile, Pentaho BI had a marked
increment of the CPU time in the process of data over Jaspersoft
evidenced by the reporting analysis outcomes with an average of
43.12% over six databases that prove the point of this study. This
study is a guiding reference for many researchers and those IT
professionals who support the conveniences of Big Data
processing, and the implementation of BI open source tool based
on their needs.
KeywordsBig Data; BI; Business Intelligence; CAS;
Computer Algebra System; ETL; Data Mining; OLAP
Business Intelligence software converts stored data of a
company’s clientele profile and turns it into information that
forms the pool of knowledge to create a competitive value and
advantage in the market it is in [1]. Additionally, Business
Intelligence is used to back up and improve the business with
reasonable data and use the analysis of this data, to
continuously improve an organisation’s competitiveness. Part
of this analysis is to provide timely reports, for management’s
to make the decision based on factual information, so their
decision-making is based on concrete evidence. Howard
Dresner, from Gartner Group [2], was the first to coin the term
Business Intelligence (BI), as a term to define a collection of
notions and procedures to support the decision-making, by
using information found upon facts.
BI system gives enough data to use and evaluate the needs
and desires of customers and in addition it allows to: [3]: i)
Design reports for departments or global areas in a company,
ii) Build a database for customers, iii) Create scenarios for
decision-making, iv) Share information between areas or
departments of a company, v) Sandbox studies of
multidimensional designs, vi) Extract, transform and process
data, vii) Give a new approach to decision-making and viii)
Improve the quality of customer service.
The benefits of systemizing BI include the amalgamation
of information from several sources. [4], creating user profiles
for information management, reducing the dependence on the
systems department, the reduction in the time of obtaining
information, improves the analysis, and also improves the
availability to access real-time information according to
specific current business criteria.
The recent publication of Gartner Magic Quadrant for
Business Intelligence Platforms 2015 [5] has highlighted the
changes being taken by the BI sector to rapidly deploy
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 7, No. 10, 2016
platforms that can be used by both business users and analysts
to extract information from collected data. Traditionally,
business intelligence has been understood as a set of
methodologies, applications and technologies used to
transform data into information and then information into a
personal profile of clients that is generated into structured data
to serve different areas of business enterprise [6].
Therefore, Big Data will aid to develop better procedures
that allow (BI) tools to be used to gather information, such as
[7]: i) Process and analyse volumes of information; ii)
Increase the universe of data to consider when decision-
making: and inherent historical data of the company, to
incorporate data from external sources ; iii) Provide an
immediate response to the continued provision of real-time
data of the devices and the possibilities of interconnections
between devices; iv) Working with structures of complex and
heterogeneous data: logs, emails, conversations, locations,
voice, etc.; v) and lastly, to Isolate from the physical
constraints of storage and process by making use of scalable
solutions and high availability at a competitive prices.
This paper presents an experimental analysis of the
comparison of two of the best positioned open source BI
systems in the market: Pentaho and Jaspersoft, processing Big
data and focussing on their Extract Transform and Load (ETL)
and reporting processes by measuring their performance using
Computer Algebra Systems. The aim of this paper is to
analyse and evaluate these tools and outline how they improve
the quality of data, and inadvertently helps us understand the
market conditions to make future predictions base on trends.
Section II describes the capabilities and components of
both Pentaho and Jaspersoft BI Open Sources. Section III
introduces the computer algebra systems SageMath and
Matlab. This is followed by the materials and methods
(Section IV) used in the analysis and experimentation,
especially the ETL and Reporting measurements and how they
were implemented. In Section V, the results of the study for
CPUtime as a function of the "size" from the input data for the
ETL and Reporting processes from both Pentaho and
Jaspersoft Business Intelligence Open Sources, applying two
different Computer Algebra Systems. Section VI contains the
discussion of the experimentation. Section VII, the conclusion
of the study.
A. Pentaho
Pentaho, created in 2004 is the current leader of Business
Solutions Intelligence Open Source. It offers its own solutions
across the spectrum of resources to develop and maintain the
operations of BI projects from the ETL with data integration
to the dashboards with Dashboard Designer [8]. Pentaho has
built its solution Business Intelligence integrating different
existing and recognized solvency projects. Data Integration
was previously known as Kettle; indeed, it retains its old name
as a colloquial name. Mondrian is another component of
Pentaho that retaining its own entity.
Pentaho has the following components:
a) ETL: Pentaho Data Integration (previously Kettle) is
one of the most widely used ETL solutions and better valued
in the market [9]. It has a long history, solidity, and robustness
that make it a highly recommended tool. It allows
transformations and works in a very simple and intuitive way,
as it is shown in Fig. 1. Likewise, the Data Integration projects
are very easy to maintain.
Fig. 1. Pentaho Data Integration Interface, the ETL solution allows
transformations and works in a very simple and intuitive way
b) Web Application-BI Server: The BI Pentaho Server is
a 100% Java2EE allows us to manage all BI resources [10]. It
has a BI user interface available where reports are stored,
OLAP views and dashboards as it is illustrated in Fig. 2. In
addition, it offers access to a management support that allows
managing and monitoring both application and usage.
Fig. 2. Pentaho Server User Interface to manage BI resources where all the
reports are founded, OLAP views, and dashboards. Also the access to a
management supports that allows managing and monitoring both application
and usage
c) Pentaho Reporting: Pentaho provides a
comprehensive reporting solution. Covering all aspects needed
in any reporting environment, as shown in Fig. 3. The Pentaho
reporting tool is the old form of JFreeReport [11]: i) It
provides a tool for reporting (Pentaho Reporting), ii) Provides
an execution engine, iii) Provides Metadata tool for
conducting reports Ad-hoc, and iv) Provides a user interface
that allows ad-hoc reports (WAQR).
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 7, No. 10, 2016
Fig. 3. Pentaho Reporting Interface with a comprehensive reporting
solution, covering all aspects needed in any reporting environment
d) OLAP Mondrian: Online Analytical Processing is the
technology that allows us to organize information in a
dimensional structure that will allow us to move information
by scrolling through its dimensions [12]. Mondrian is the
Pentaho OLAP engine. Although it can be integrated
independently on any other platform, and indeed it is the
component. Data Integration that is used independently.
Mondrian is a Hybrid OLAP engine that combines the
flexibility of ROLAP engines with a cache that provides
Viewer OLAP: Pentaho Analyser: OLAP Viewer that
comes with the Enterprise version [13]. Modern and
easier to use than JPivot as it is illustrated in Fig. 4.
AJAX provides an interface that allows great flexibility
when creating the OLAP views.
Fig. 4. Pentaho Analyser Interface to create OLAP views that provide a
comprehensive reporting solution. Covering all aspects needed in any
reporting environment
e) Dashboards: Pentaho provides the possibility of
making dashboards [13] through the web interface using the
dashboard designer as it is shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Pentaho Dashboards Interface that provides the possibility of making
dashboards through the web interface by using the dashboard designer
B. Jaspersoft
Jaspersoft is the company behind the famous and extended
Jaster Reports. Open Source reporting solution preferred by
most developers to embed in any Java application that requires
a reporting system. Jaspersoft has built its solution B.I. around
its reporting engine [14]. This has been done differently from
Pentaho. Jasper has integrated its projects that also solves
existing and consolidates projects nonetheless, has not
absorbed it. This strategy makes it "depend" on Talend
solution regarding ETL and Mondrian - Pentaho for the OLAP
engine. Jasper has access to the code Mondrian that can adapt
and continue its developments with Mondrian.
Jaspersoft has the following components:
a) ETL - JasperETL is actually Talend Studio. Talend,
unlike Kettle, it has not been absorbed by Jasper and remains
an independent company that offers its products independently
[15]. Working with Talend is also quite user-interface intuitive
and proprietary although the approach is completely different.
Talend is a code generator that is the result of an ETL exercise
and it is native Java or Perl code. It can also compile and
generate Java procedures or instructions. Talend is more
oriented to a type of programmer used with a higher level of
technical expertise than it requires by Kettle as it is illustrated
in Fig. 6. To sum up, the flexibility is much better with this
Fig. 6. Jaspersoft ETL Interface is actually Talend Studio, it is also quite
user-interface intuitive and a code generator
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(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 7, No. 10, 2016
b) Web ApplicationJasperServer: JasperServer is a
100% Java2EE that allows us to manage all BI resources [16].
The overall look of the web application is a bit minimalist
without sacrificing the power as shown in Fig. 7. However,
having all resources available on the top button bar makes it a
100% functional application and has all the necessary
resources for BI.
Fig. 7. Jaspersoft Server Interface is a 100% Java2EE to manage business
intelligence resources
c) Reports: As described, the report engine is the
solution of Jaspersoft as it is illustrated in Fig. 8. The
component provides features such as i) Report development
environment: Ireport as a system based on environment
NetBeans. What makes it challenging to machine resources?
In return it offers great flexibility, ii) System of metadata
(Domains) the web. These, along with ad-hoc reports, are the
strengths of this solution, iii) Web Interface for ad-hoc reports
really well resolved, iv) The runtime JasperReports widely
was known and used in many projects where a solvent
reporting engine is needed, and v) The reports can be exported
Predefined Ireport: IReport is a working
environment that allows a large number of features
[17]. Here something like that Talend is a working
environment with larger demands as a result of offering
a number of possibilities occurs.
Ad hoc: This is the real strength of Jasper solutions.
The editor of ad-hoc reports is the best structured and
best featured tool for analysing [17]. It offers: i)
Selection of different types of templates and formats,
ii) Selection of different data sources, iii) Validation
consultation on the fly, iv) Creation of reports by
dragging fields to the desired location: i) Tables, ii)
Graphics, iii) Crosstable (Pivot), and iv) Edition of all
aspects of the reports.
Fig. 8. Jaspersoft Reporting Interface that includes report development
environment, a system of metadata (Domains) web, web interface for ad-hoc
reports and runtime JasperReports
d) OLAP: The OLAP engine that uses JasperServer is
Mondrian and uses a Viewfinder-JasperAnalysis [18], which
is no longer JPivot but with a layer of makeup as shown in
Fig. 9. Already mentioned in Pentaho paragraph.
Fig. 9. The OLAP engine that uses JasperServer is Mondrian and uses a
Viewfinder-JasperAnalysis which is no longer JPivot but with a layer of
e) Dashboards: Dashboard Designer. Illustrated in
Predefined: They do not make much sense, given the
designer panels [19]. In any case, to be a Java platform
it can always include proper developments.
Ad-hoc: Dashboard Designer: It is back to a really easy
and simple use of the web editor.
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Fig. 10. Jaspersoft Dashboards Designers Interface able to select predefined
or ad-hoc
A. Sagemath
SageMath is a computer algebra system (CAS) that is built
on mathematical packages and contrasted as NumPy, Sympy,
PARI / GP or Maxima. It accesses the combined power of the
same through a common language based on Python. The
interaction code combines cells with graphics, texts or
formulas enriched with LaTeX rendered. Additionally,
SageMath is divided into a core that performs calculations and
an interface that displays and interacts with the user. Even, a
command line-based text is also available using Python that
allows interactive control calculations [20]. The Python
programming language supports object-oriented expressions
and functional programming. Internally, SageMath is written
in Python and a modified version of Pyrex called Cython. It
allows parallel processing [21] using both multi-core
processors and symmetric multiprocessors. It also provides
interfaces to other non-free software as Mathematica, Magma,
and Maple (undistributed with SageMath) that allows users to
combine software and compare results and performances.
All the packages cover most features such as i) Libraries of
elementary and special functions, ii) 2D and 3D graphs of
both functions and data, iii) Data manipulation tools and
duties, iv) A toolkit for adding user interfaces to calculations
and apply, v) Tools for image processing using Python and
Pylab, vi) Tools to visualize and analyze graphs, vii) Filters
for importing and exporting data, images, video, sound, CAD,
and GIS, viii) Sage embedded in documents LaTeX6 [22].
B. Matlab
Matlab is a computer algebra system (CAS) that provides
an integrated environment that develops and offers
representative characteristics such as the implementation of
algorithms, data representation and functions. Also,
communication with programs in other languages and other
hardware devices [23], among others are advanced. The
Matlab package has two extra tools that extend those
functionalities: Simulink is a platform for multi-domain
simulation and GUIDE that is a graphic user interface - GUI.
Additionally, its potential could be expanded using Matlab
toolboxes; and Simulink blocks with block sets.
The language of Matlab is interpreted, and can run in both
interactive environments through a script file (*.m files). This
language allows vector and matrix operations to function,
lambda calculus, and object-oriented programming. An
additional tool called Matlab Builder has been launched that
contains an "Application Deployment" which allows using
Matlab functions, as library files, that provides the ability to
be used with environments such as .NET or Java. Matlab
Component Runtime (MCR) should be used on the same
machine where the main application is set for the Matlab
function properly [24]. One of the versatilities of this CAS is
that it is quite useful to carry out measurements and it
provides an interface to interact with other programming
languages. Thus, Matlab can call functions or subroutines
written in C or FORTRAN [25]. As the process is
accomplished by, creating a wrapper function that allows them
to be passed and returned by their data types Matlab.
Accurately measuring the processing times is not a trivial
task, and the results may vary significantly from one computer
to another. The number of factors that influence the execution
times has used an algorithm, operating system, processor
speed, the number of processors and instruction sets that
understands the amount of RAM, and cache, and speed of
each, math coprocessor, GPU Among each other. Even on the
same machine, the same algorithm sometimes takes much
longer to give results, due to factors such as using more time
than other applications, or if there is enough RAM when
running the program.
The objective is to compare only the ETL and Reporting
processes, trying to draw independent conclusions from one
machine to another. The same algorithm can be called with
different input data.
The goal of this study is to measure the run-time as a
function of the "size" of the input data. For this, two
techniques are used: - Measure run time of programs with
different input data sizes and - Count the number of operations
performed by the program.
A. ELT Measurement
With Sage was measured the run time and efficiency of
ETL processes in both BI tools mentioned previously as it is
illustrated in Fig. 11. For the CPU time, Sage uses the
concepts of CPU time and Wall time [12], which are the times
that the computer is dedicated solely to the program.
The following flow chart shows the ETL process
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Fig. 11. The ETL process measurement using the Sage computer algebra
system for all databases
The CPU time is dedicated to our calculations, and Wall
time clock time between the beginning and the end of the
calculations. Both measurements are susceptible to
unpredictable variations. The easiest way to get the run time
of a command is to put the word time to the command as it is
shown in Fig. 12.
Fig. 12. Sage code to measure CPU time of ETL processes in both BI tools
for small and higher data sizes
The time command is not flexible enough and needs the
CPUtime functions and Walltime. CPUtime is a kind of meter:
a meter progresses as the calculations are done, and moves
many seconds as the CPU dedicated to Sage. The Walltime is
a conventional clock (the clock UNIX). For the time spent on
the program, also the before and after times of the execution
were recorded and calculated and the differences are
illustrated in Fig. 13.
Fig. 13. Sage code using CPUtime functions and Walltime to measure the
ETL process in both tools
The following code saves the list of the CPU times used to
run the factorial function with data of different sizes as shown
in Fig. 14.
Fig. 14. Sage code to save lists of the CPU times used to run the factorial
function with data of different sizes
B. Reporting Measurements
With Matlab the measured run time and efficiency of
Reporting processes in both BI tools mentioned previously is
shown in the flow chart in Fig. 15.
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Fig. 15. The Reporting measurement process using the Matlab computer
algebra system for all databases
For doing this activity, a C function was used that
implemented a High-Resolution Performance Counter for
measurement the Reporting processes on both BI tools as it is
illustrated in Fig. 16.
Fig. 16. Code to measure the reporting process
In this case, Query Performance Counter acts as a clock ()
and Query Performance Frequency as CLOCKS_PER_SEC.
That is the first function that gives the counter value and the
second frequency (in cycles per second, hertz). It is clear that
an LARGE_INTEGER is a way to represent a 64-bit integer
by a union.
C. Databases Analysis
Six different Excel databases with different sizes have
been used to perform the analysis. Those databases were
acquired from UCI Machine Learning Repository [26] and
their main features are described in Table 1:
Number of
Number of
DB 1
0.009 Mb
DB 2
0.017 Mb
DB 3
0.134 Mb
DB 4
1.321 Mb
DB 5
35.278 Mb
DB 6
D. Computer system
In order to perform the experiment and examination, the
Business Intelligence Tools, Computer Algebra Systems and
Databases are set on and customised in a PC with the
following features: i) Operating system: x64-based PC, ii)
Operating system version: 10.0.10240 N/D iii) Compilation
10240, iv) Number of processors: 1, v) Processor: Intel (R)
Core (TM) i5-3317U vi) Processor speed: 1.7 GHz, vii)
Instructions: CISC, viii) RAM: 12 Gb, ix) RAM speed: 1600
MHz, x) Cache: SSD express 24 Gb, xi) Math coprocessor:
80387, xii) GPU: HD 400 on board.
V. R
In this study, results for CPUtime as a function of the
"size" was obtained from the data input for the ETL and
Reporting processes from both Pentaho and Jaspersoft
Business Intelligence Open Sources, applying two different
Computer Algebra Systems.
The measurements of the computational times might
fluctuate considerably based on many factors such as the used
algorithm, operating system, processor speed, number of
processors and instruction set that understand the amount of
RAM, and cache, of each speed, along with math coprocessor,
GPU among others. Even on the same machine, the same
algorithm sometimes takes much longer to give the result of
others, due to factors that it is more time-consuming than
other applications that are running or if it has enough RAM
when running the program.
Tables 2 and 3 shows the results of the CPU time (in
minutes) of the ETL and Reporting processes and they present
the times it took per tool in processing the different sized
databases. Additionally, the increment of processing data can
be considered as a difference between those BI tools in
process. As a result of the first examination (Table 2), it is
clear that the computational times for Pentaho ETL process
measured by Sage were: 8 min; 12.01 min; 21 min; 32.01 min;
39.06 min and 48.01 min. Conversely, the computational
times for Jaspersoft, were 9.54 min; 19.32 min; 31.88 min;
44.73 min; 55 min and 67.69 min, processing 0.009 Mb from
DB1; 0.017 Mb from DB2; 0.134 Mb from DB3; 1.321 Mb
from DB4; 35.278 Mb from DB5 and 144.195 Mb from DB6,
respectively for both tools.
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The results of the CPU time of the ETL process is shown
in Table 2 and it presents the times that it took per tool in
different databases.
Tool Process
Time (Minutes)
Increment in the Process of Data
On the other hand, as a result of the second examination
(Table 3), we can detect and see that the result of the Pentaho
Reporting process measured by Matlab was: 3.75 min; 5.35
min; 8.47 min; 12.03 min; 17.07 min and 22.60 min.
Conversely, the reporting process for Jaspersoft were 3 min;
4.02 min; 6.05 min; 8.13 min; 11.16 min and 14.15 min,
processing 0.009 Mb from DB1; 0.017 Mb from DB2; 0.134
Mb from DB3; 1.321 Mb from DB4; 35.278 Mb from DB5
and 144.195 Mb from DB6, respectively for both tools. The
results of the CPU time of the Reporting process are shown in
Table 3 and it presents the time it took per tool in different
Tool Process
Time (Minutes)
3.75 5.35 8.47 12.03 17.07 22.60
3 4.02 6.05 8.13 11.16 14.15
Increment in the Process of Data
40% 48% 53%
The Graphical comparison results of the CPU times for the
ETL and Reporting processes performed by the BI tools,
accessing six different sized databases which is illustrated
below. In Fig. 17, we observe that Jaspersoft has significantly
increased the results of the CPU time of the ETL process
represented by 19.22%, 60.85% 51.79%, 39.75%, 40.77 and
40.99% processing DB1, DB2, DB3, DB4, DB5 and DB6,
respectively. This means that in the ETL process, Pentaho had
a better performance than Jaspersoft.
Fig. 17. CPU Time of the ETL process with the times it took per tool in
processing data in the different databases
In Fig. 18, it is evident that Pentaho had a considerable rise
in the outcomes of the Reporting process denoted by 25%,
32.99%, 40%, 48%, 53% and 59.75% processing DB1, DB2,
DB3, DB4, DB5 and DB6, correspondingly. In this case,
Jaspersoft had a better performance than Pentaho in the
Reporting process.
Fig. 18. CPU Time of the Reporting process with the times took per tool in
the process data in different databases
The outcomes also showed that both results of CPU time
of the ETL and Reporting process are directly related to the
sizes of the databases. What is more, is that the study could
identify that Pentaho had a superior performance for ETL
process and Jaspersoft an improved performance for
Reporting process.
The ETL experimental analysis results clearly shows that
Jaspersoft BI had an increment of CPU time in the process of
data over Pentaho BI, represented in an average of 42.28% of
performance metrics over six databases. Pentaho provided its
data integration and ETL capabilities as shown in [9], having a
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better performance. Evidently, for this part of the
experimentation, our study has demonstrated that Pentaho had
higher performance ETL capabilities with the aim of covering
the whole data integration requirements, simultaneously by
big data as well. That high performance is provided by its
parallel processing engine and these features are shown in
Pentaho BI had a marked increment of the CPU time in the
process of data over Jaspersoft evidenced by the Reporting
analysis outcomes with an average 43.12% over six databases.
Clearly, in this part of the examination, the analysis has
confirmed that Jaspersoft has had a higher performance
Reporting capability with the objective of generating reports.
This particular feature is aligned with other studies, which
argue that Jaspersoft extends the range of its BI requirements
including reporting based on its operational production,
interactive end-user query, data integration and analysis as
shown in [11]. On top of this, investigating various security
features [27-29] could be an interesting avenue to explore in
the future to protect BigData.
This study has tested two of the best positioned open
source Business Intelligence (BI) systems in the market:
Pentaho and Jaspersoft. Both BI systems present notable
features on their components. Pentaho on one side along with
ETL component with great usability, maintainability and
flexibility in making the transformations: Web Application
with Java j2EE application 100% extensible, adaptable and
configurable; the configuration management is integrated in
most environments, that communicate with other applications
via web services; it integrates all the information resources
into a single operating platform; Reports with an intuitive tool
that allows clients to create reports easily; OLAP Mondrian
with a consolidated engine widely used in environments of
JAVA; Dashboard Designer makes dashboards Ad-hoc,
dashboards based on SQL queries or Metadata and a great
freedom by offering a wide range of components and options.
Jaspersoft on the other side has JasperETL (Talend) with
Java / Perl native, Web Application with a Java j2EE
application 100% extensible, adaptable and customizable; the
management settings are very well resolved, it allows almost
all through the same Web application; It integrates all
information resources into a single operating platform; the
editor Ad-hoc reports and Box Editor Ad-hoc command are
best resolved; Reports are fast; Ad hoc and have a nice
interface, with good flexibility and power, simple, intuitive
and easy to use.
The experimental analysis has focussed on their ETL and
Reporting processes by measuring their performance s using
the two Computer Algebra Systems, Sage and Matlab. During
the ETL analysis results, clearly showed that it could observe
Jaspersoft BI and has an increment of CPU time in the process
of data over Pentaho BI, represented in an average of 42.28%
of performance metrics over six databases. Meanwhile,
Pentaho BI had a marked increment CPU time in the process
of data over Jaspersoft evidenced by the Reporting analysis
outcomes with an average 43.12% over the databases. This
study is a useful reference for many researchers and those who
are supporting decisions of Big Data processing and the
implementation of BI open source tool based on their process
expectations. The future work of the author would involve
new studies and implementations of BI with Data warehousing
to create a technological tool to support the decision-making
at the enterprise level by taking this paper as a base.
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